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Parental Care - Science topic
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Questions related to Parental Care
In what ways does family background influence students academic performance or achievements?
Considering family structure, family’s socioeconomic status, parents attitude and expectation, home environment, parental care and so on....
Hi all,
I am currently looking into the prevalence and effects of arthropods as predators of vertebrate brood. To do so, I'm building a database consisting of observations of arthropods predating vertebrate young that are dependent on parental care, in terrestrial systems (think for example of nestlings in birds or young mammals).
So if you, during your field work or in your free time, have observed such a predation event (or know anyone who has), please share it with me with as much detail as possible!
Thanks in advance for your help
I would like to ask a recommendation of a statistical test to answer a question related to an unusual data structure.
I am testing if birds change nest parental care behavior depending on offspring health status. I video recorded nests in the field, and calculated the proportion of time that parents of each nest spent on different behaviors types (eg. Brooding, Feeding or Absent). In this situation, if a parental spends more time on “Brooding”, the proportion of time on “Absent” will decline. In other word, the frequency of each behavior is not independent (and the sum will be always 1).
Furthermore, my data have several structures. Nest can have 1,2 or 3 nestlings. Parental care could be influenced by nestling age. Offspring could be not infected in a first record but become infected in the next one. Video records have different lengths (it depends of battery duration of each record, but is usually from 50-70 min).

Hey all! I am studying parental care in Insects and I would lie to check the impact to treating care as a single trait VS investigating each type of care separately. I am trying to find relevant papers on Google Scholar, but it;s hard to break down the question in key words, so I wonder if any of you know of any relevant papers. Many thanks in advance!
A variety of theories and models of the evolution of parental care in animals usually consider the origin of various modes of parental care from an ancestral state of no care. Some models of transitions between the reproductive strategies suggest the probability of a reverse process associated with generalization of life history and the evolutionary loss of parental care (see e.g. Mank et al., 2005; Klug, Bonsall, 2010). In which groups of animals have such evolutionary transformations been purposefully investigated and shown? The fishes are most interesting for me.
I am interested in measuring emotional support, parental care, parental control, parental support, parental bonding, parental involvement, parental types ( eg overprotective, autonomous and laissez-faire). Please suggest existing studies on these topics or how to measure these concepts or similar concepts.
I'm looking for papers or another scientific productions that describe parental care in fish that lay eggs in leaves (or similar) and carry these leaves with them until eggs hatch.
I have a student would like to use the parental acceptance-rejection questionnaire (parq) but it seems its a charged scale
Is there anything similar that is available with just consent or permission?
The student is doing there final year dissertation so its for research use
Thank you
Peter Beaman BSc FHEA MBPsS
The methods?
The way to access?
I have found a positive relationship between parental care and mental health. Can i carry put a t test to determine if theres a difference of mental health between the high and low parental scores
I would like to do some research on this topic. Do you have any instruments or research on this topic?
I have found Buri's PAQ, the PDSQ etc but can't seem to find one that directly relates to Baumrind as well as Mccoby & Marin's extra Style of uninvolved/neglecting. Thank you in advance for any help
Parental care is common in the living world, and its magnitude increases with more developed species.

I am currently designing a parenting assessment tool for use across partnerships in different settings. There seem to be a wealth of different parenting assessment tools, does anyone have access to evidence based tools which are validated by research?
Thank you.
I would like to assess sensitivity among parents of children and teenagers
Particularly of young children between the ages of 5-10.
'Low average IQ' as identified on the WISC-IV.
Any studies with you can advise?
I want to establish a causation in my research,emotional abuse and emotional neglect by working mothers on psycho social adjustment, one way is to apply such scale on children to identify the affected children,what should I do with the parents to assess them?
i.e. GPS tracking of children, apps that turn the child's phone off unless the child contacts parent, etc.
Families in which a child is born with a disability or disability manifested itself and diagnosed after some time (as in the case of Rett Syndrome, autism, early psychosis) - experience the shock, grief and mourning of the idealized image of a child. They experience also anger, aggression, burdens and depression.
They are seeking sources of the birth of a child with a disability, and blame those responsible for this, in their opinions. Sometimes the spouses are blaming each other. They go through phases of adaptation to the child's disability in the family until the approval phase. The entire adaptation process takes sometimes many years with no guarantee, that family will cope with all phases sucessfully.
Another situation, filled with families' dilemmas and burdens are present while diagnosed various disabilities, acquired disabilities or mental disorders manifested, through adolescence or every other adulthood phases.
What in your opinions determines the consistency and stability of parental or spouses' relationships and what determines the breakdown of the families having member with disability in your country ? I'm completely aware of cultural differences in this issue and thread.
Please, share your knowledge, experiences, opinions or visualisations.
A measurement tool that will evaluate their parent's discipline strategy and how it contributed to their academic success.