Science topics: NeuropsychologyParapsychology
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Parapsychology - Science topic
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Questions related to Parapsychology
If each individual has alternate selves throughout alternate timelines then does each individual(all alternate selves) become one in the afterlife? My inclination is yes, each individual has alternate selves throughout alternate timelines thus, each individual(all alternate selves) become one in the afterlife.
My latest attempts:
1)(More general)
Preprint A New Type of Humanities
2)(More specific)
Preprint AI Afterlife Preview
If physics adjusted for the law of identity, could we exactly quantify the afterlife? How?
Maybe so:
1)On Physics:
Presentation Critical Rationalist Physics
2)Deductive reasoning:
Pasricha, Satwant K. “Relevance of para-psychology in psychiatric practice.” Indian journal of psychiatry vol. 53,1 (2011): 4-8. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.75544
In my own words, possibly reading minds, possible afterlife and probability.
Parapsychology very intimately opposes determinism because the least supported claims by parapsychologists are deterministic(supposedly seeing the future). Plus, the critical rationalist version of parapsychology (which I adhere to) deduces a spiritual realm must exist because the human capacity to reason requires at least the fundamental choice to focus on life.
maybe in the afterlife I've failed at... Uniqueness may be the arche...
Everyone is special:
Good conscience leads to heaven. Bad conscience leads to hell.
The simulation theory is NOT parsimonious because at least partial free will is self-evident. Reason would not exist without the fundamental choice to focus on life. Even animals probably make decisions thus, have souls.
Modern physics because afterlife prediction is new. More specifically, exact and concrete quantum mechanics.
The afterlife is so unpredictable, empiricism is more accurate than rationalism.
1)After revealing the signs, He cautioned: “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. … “… Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 24:42, 44).
Showing ABSTRACT moral absolutes probably don’t exist, women evolved to try to fix men’s flaws. Very few women cite Prince Charming as the sexiest man. God maybe designed women to desire the men they could fix or, all females would wait until the second coming to reproduce. Many women are sexually attracted to serial killers.
MAYBE eternal individual consciousness:
1)No one can predict the future completely accurately.
2)So, all beings probably have a unique enough form.
3)Plus, the most fundamental essence of reality is unknown.
4)Thus, upon death, each being probably doesn't return.
Longwinded Speculation 1:
Long winded Speculation 2:
TRYING to BEGIN a concise chart:
No because a human without a soul is only material(lacking free will, not having the fundamental choice to reason) thus cannot enjoy whatever the soul was exchanged for. To elaborate, without one’s soul, one is cells of the human body and cannot enjoy anything through lacking senses and missing identity.
I may be the world's leading expert on parapsychology:
Maybe I deserve an honorary PhD in parapsychology. I would then teach afterlife studies @ UC Davis.
I think the leading parapsychologist is me.
I don’t think eternal damnation is universal.
Who agrees deduction practically begins theology and epistemology? How? Why?
My answer: I agree deduction practically begins theology and epistemology because so many answers are unknown, thus deducing is a useful method. Stimulus:
Respectfully, diversely, equitably and inclusively, who agrees the lack of moral absolutes(morality is objective but relative) decreases the likelihood of reincarnation? How?
Discussion Stimuli:
Will the increased study of the afterlife through increased clarity decrease the subjectivity? Why? How? My answer: As of now, studies of the afterlife are still in the philosophical stage because not enough has been studied yet. But eventually, such studies will become more scientific, thus decreasing the subjectivity. And finally, the studies will reach the engineering stage thus allowing for an objective way to preview the afterlife.
I'm looking for any studies into UK University students' encounters / sightings of/with ghosts. There's a great study on Auditory Hallucinations by Posey and Losch (1984) where they surveyed 375 college students in the US and detailed their experiences but I'm struggling to find any British comps.
There is a famous quotation of Thomas Szasz, a psychiatrist:
" If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. If the dead talk to you, you are a spiritualist; If you talk to the dead,you are a schizophrenic."
My research is looking to see if there is a correlation between functional status of a patient using Katz and Lawton assessments of ADL and IADL with emotional and/or spiritual distress of patient and/or caregiver.
I am looking for research regarding paranormal/anomalous experiences in individuals with and without a diagnosis of psychosis, as well as any research regarding a misdiagnosis of psychosis for individuals who have paranormal/anomalous experiences.
From a historic perspective, the existence of 'magical thinking' (in adults, at least), which can include the belief that one can project their conscousness outside of their body or be able to communicate telepathically/sense another's thoughts or feelings (or other psychic phenomena), has been taken to be a symptom of psychosis, however, with the sheer number of occurrences of out-of-body experiences and other phenomena around the world that happen spontaneously to, people without psychosis in the main, it is highly unlikely that 'magical thinking' is always a symptom of psychosis (if there are active hallucinations or delusions (not including the 'magical thinking' concept) then it might well be psychosis). I am hoping to research this, not to prove the existence of psi, rather to put forward the argument that people who are currently considered psychotic due to unusual 'magical thinking' may not actually be psychotic, in the hope that these individuals will get taken seriously and not pathologicalised as 'being crazy' or having/may have psychosis. Often such experiences (psi phenomena and/or spiritual awakenings) can be scary for individuals who have them, and this is compounded by being thought of as mentally ill.
thanks in advance
Also what is meant by biophotons? I'm researching the connection between parapsychology and this research on light energy. Also read that physicist, David Bohm, viewed all matter as "condensed" or "frozen light. I cannot find a reference that says he said that.
The more I explore the diverse theories and model/approaches for psychology, as well as cultural anthropology and even parapsychology, the more apparent links I discover