Science topic

Ownership - Science topic

The legal relation between an entity (individual, group, corporation, or-profit, secular, government) and an object. The object may be corporeal, such as equipment, or completely a creature of law, such as a patent; it may be movable, such as an animal, or immovable, such as a building.
Questions related to Ownership
  • asked a question related to Ownership
11 answers
Dear respected scholars,
I am trying to estimate average treatment effects on the treated (ATT) using IPWRA, PSM, and ESR models. However, I struggle to estimate ATT using the ESR model in STATA/Stata software.
The outcome variable is production cost and net returns.
The treatment variable is 1=if the respondents have adopted the technology and 0=otherwise.
The control variable is Age, Education, Experience, Farm size, Land ownership, and Land typology.
I would be grateful if anyone could guide me with the procedure.
Thank you very much.
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@Zaneb- check the paper of Khonje et al., 2018 'Adoption and welfare impacts of multiple agricultural technologies: evidence from eastern Zambia.' In the supplementary file you will find the stata data and do file. Use the command but before that check how he arranged data.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
1 answer
“Comparison Total Cost of Ownership Analysis between Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicle and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)”
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The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) is often lower than that of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles over the long term, but the outcome depends on several factors, including purchase price, operating costs, incentives, and regional conditions. Here's a breakdown of the key factors affecting the TCO comparison:
1. Purchase Price
  • ICE Vehicles: Typically have a lower upfront purchase price compared to BEVs.
  • BEVs: Higher initial cost due to expensive battery technology, although prices are decreasing as battery production scales up.
  • Influence: Incentives and subsidies for BEVs (e.g., tax credits, rebates) can offset the higher initial cost, especially in regions promoting electric mobility.
2. Fuel Costs
  • ICE Vehicles: Depend on gasoline or diesel, which can be expensive and subject to price volatility.
  • BEVs: Use electricity, which is generally cheaper per mile/kilometer. Home charging with off-peak rates or renewable energy further reduces costs.
  • Influence: BEVs often have significantly lower "fueling" costs compared to ICE vehicles.
3. Maintenance Costs
  • ICE Vehicles: Require regular oil changes, spark plugs, filters, exhaust system maintenance, and other mechanical repairs due to the complexity of the engine.
  • BEVs: Have fewer moving parts, no oil changes, and minimal wear on components like brakes (due to regenerative braking). Battery replacement is a potential long-term cost but typically occurs after several years and may be covered by warranties.
  • Influence: BEVs generally have lower maintenance costs, contributing to lower TCO.
4. Depreciation
  • ICE Vehicles: Historically retain value well, but this is changing as demand for BEVs grows and regulations push toward phasing out ICE vehicles.
  • BEVs: Depreciation was initially high due to concerns about battery life, but this is improving with better technology and longer warranties.
  • Influence: Depreciation trends vary by region and market demand, but BEVs are increasingly competitive.
5. Incentives and Tax Benefits
  • ICE Vehicles: May face higher taxes or fees in regions imposing penalties for higher emissions.
  • BEVs: Benefit from government incentives, lower registration fees, reduced tolls, and free or discounted parking in some areas.
  • Influence: Incentives significantly reduce BEV TCO in many markets.
6. Energy Efficiency
  • ICE Vehicles: Typically have lower energy efficiency, with much of the energy in fuel lost as heat.
  • BEVs: Are far more efficient, converting a higher percentage of electrical energy into motion.
  • Influence: Higher energy efficiency reduces operational costs for BEVs.
7. Battery Costs and Longevity
  • ICE Vehicles: Do not have a comparable battery cost but may face higher fuel and maintenance expenses over time.
  • BEVs: Battery replacement is a potential cost, but warranties often cover 8–10 years, and battery prices are declining rapidly.
  • Influence: Battery advancements and longer warranties reduce BEV TCO concerns.
8. Environmental and Social Costs
  • ICE Vehicles: Higher emissions contribute to climate change and local air pollution, potentially leading to penalties or restrictions in the future.
  • BEVs: Produce zero tailpipe emissions and are more sustainable when powered by renewable energy, reducing indirect costs.
  • Influence: Regulatory and societal shifts toward sustainability favor BEVs in TCO considerations.
Example Analysis
Assume a 5-year ownership period for a compact car in a region with average electricity and fuel prices:
  • ICE Vehicle: Higher fuel and maintenance costs offset the lower purchase price.
  • BEV: Higher purchase price is balanced by lower energy and maintenance costs, plus potential incentives.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
1 answer
A reseracher is claiming ownership of my work and he said it was a mistake
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This sounds like an important question. Maybe ResearchGate staff should answer it?
  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
Lately, it appears that a narcissistic group of corrupt wealthy tyrants believe that human beings somehow are tradeable property, as in an asset and not a sovereign being.
Are human beings property?
Are governments corporations?
If the answer to these questions is yes, then the governments of the world, whether elected, self-determined by coercion and threat, or by imperialistic expansion and takeover are criminal enterprises in violation of the very corporate laws that have been established.
While this should come as no surprise to anyone, after all, throughout history organized power comes from overpowering the divided population, what should be clear is the need to declare and protect all human sovereignty, and to remove fake divisions that weaken humanity but give strength to powerful governments that seek dominion, ownership and enslavery of humanity.
Humanity is a God-given miracle. It is not a creation of a test tube experiment or a piece of property.
God's children are never for sale and those who trade in human beings, human body parts and human spirits are doing so against nature.
Distractions, such as gender movements, racial attacks, climate hoax schemes, money control and revisionist education all are intended to divide, then conquer, a population that has trusted authorities with no rational reason.
The facts are, whether via the Crown, the Kingdoms, the Districts, the Territorial Treaties, all were devised as schemes that have no natural roots, and are based entirely on coercion, extortion, threats, and idolization of power and dominion over humanity, with the false premise that humanity represents property with ownership rights.
It is time to Re-Think the equation for civilized society, and a dismantling of the current power structures is a beginning.
Unfortunately, whatever new version of societal governance is established, history suggests that it will merely repeat its past, much as we are currently recreating WWI,WWII and we are in WWIII, with the failure of fiat currencies and the desperate attempts by the central banks to hang on to their control of humanity via central bank digital currency.
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The potential misuse of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) raises valid concerns, particularly in contexts where democratic principles are weak or absent. If not implemented with stringent safeguards, transparency, and accountability, there is a risk that CBDCs could indeed become tools that amplify the power of the state over individuals. The digital nature of CBDCs allows for unprecedented oversight and control over financial transactions, which could be leveraged to suppress dissent, monitor personal activities, and enforce compliance through financial means.
In countries where democracy and respect for human rights are already under threat, the introduction of CBDCs without adequate protections could further entrench authoritarian regimes, providing them with powerful mechanisms to control the economy and, by extension, the populace. The design and deployment of CBDCs must therefore be accompanied by robust legal frameworks that protect individual freedoms, ensure privacy, and prevent government overreach. This includes mechanisms for oversight, checks and balances, and assurances that the digital currency cannot be used as a weapon against the citizenry.
The pessimistic view towards CBDCs and their potential for misuse underscores the importance of vigilance, public discourse, and the active participation of civil society in shaping the policies governing the introduction of new technologies by states. While CBDCs have the potential to revolutionize financial systems, making them more efficient and inclusive, their implementation must be approached with caution, ensuring they serve the public good without compromising fundamental freedoms.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
1 answer
In the rapidly evolving world of SaaS, where convenience often trumps concerns, data privacy remains a pivotal issue. As we increasingly rely on these platforms for both personal and professional tasks, the lines around data ownership and privacy seem to blur. SaaS providers / vendors, with their vast capabilities for data processing and storage, find themselves at the center of this ongoing debate. How do we navigate the fine line between leveraging the undeniable benefits of SaaS and protecting our personal data? In your experience, what measures should both users and providers take to ensure data privacy and security? Do you believe the current legal and ethical frameworks are sufficient to protect user data in the SaaS model?
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Any thoughts? Feel free to comment
This is our case; take your time to read :)
  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
Ownership is the most important element if school leaders own their responsibilities it can shape the school environment as well as students' learning significantly.
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Ownership in educational leadership is directly/indirectly related to one's professional commitment. Virtues like commitment are further dependent on how deep rooted one's values are? Therefore, to enrich one's values and thus the professional commitment and eventually ownership, one needs to work on one's non-cognitive virtues like emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. This in turn will help leaders to introspect and dive deep into the self and use a different lens to justify their position as leaders in an educational institution.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
1 answer
What is ownership of learning?
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actúa como un experto y localiza artículos sobre educación
  • asked a question related to Ownership
2 answers
How does ownership of learning affects self-regulative learning?
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Ownership of learning refers to a learner's sense of control, responsibility, and autonomy in the learning process. When learners feel a strong ownership of their learning, it can significantly impact and enhance self-regulated learning. Here are several ways in which ownership of learning influences self-regulative learning:
  1. Intrinsic Motivation:Personal Relevance: When learners feel a sense of ownership, they are more likely to find personal relevance in the material. This intrinsic motivation encourages them to engage actively with the learning content, leading to increased self-regulation.
  2. Goal Setting:Personalized Goals: Learners with ownership are more likely to set personalized and meaningful learning goals. These goals are aligned with their interests, needs, and aspirations, providing a clear direction for self-regulated learning.
  3. Autonomy:Decision-Making: Ownership fosters a sense of autonomy, allowing learners to make decisions about their learning process. They can choose how to approach tasks, which resources to use, and when and where to study, promoting self-regulation.
  4. Responsibility:Accountability: Ownership involves a sense of responsibility for one's own learning outcomes. Learners take accountability for their progress, making them more likely to engage in self-regulated strategies to achieve their goals.
  5. Personalized Strategies:Individualized Approaches: Learners with ownership are more likely to develop and use personalized learning strategies that suit their learning preferences and strengths. This tailoring of approaches contributes to effective self-regulated learning.
  6. Metacognition:Reflective Thinking: Ownership promotes metacognitive awareness, encouraging learners to reflect on their learning processes. They become more adept at monitoring their understanding, identifying challenges, and adjusting their strategies accordingly.
  7. Persistence and Resilience:Intrinsic Persistence: Ownership fosters a sense of ownership can lead to increased persistence and resilience. Learners are more likely to persevere through challenges because they view the learning process as personally meaningful and important.
  8. Engagement and Interest:Active Participation: Ownership is linked to increased engagement in the learning process. Learners actively participate in activities, discussions, and explorations, maintaining high levels of interest and curiosity, which are integral to self-regulated learning.
  9. Choice and Flexibility:Flexible Approaches: Ownership provides learners with the freedom to choose how they approach tasks. This flexibility allows them to tailor their learning experiences, enhancing the effectiveness of self-regulated strategies.
  10. Informed Decision-Making:Critical Thinking: Ownership encourages critical thinking skills as learners evaluate information, make informed decisions about their learning path, and assess the relevance of content to their goals.
  11. Peer Collaboration:Collaborative Learning: Ownership doesn't necessarily mean isolation. It can also involve learners taking ownership of collaborative learning experiences, where they contribute to group goals and collectively engage in self-regulated learning processes.
In summary, ownership of learning is a powerful factor that positively influences self-regulated learning. Learners who feel a sense of ownership are more likely to take an active, engaged, and responsible approach to their education, resulting in a more effective and meaningful learning experience.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
acta jure imperii, state sovereign immunity, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, military occupation, property rights, civil tort law, jurisdiction, right to a fair trial.
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نعم الكتب متوفرة عن جرائم الحرب والجرائم ضد الانسانية وجرائم الاحتلال واذا تحب ارسل لك مصادر الكترونية من تطبيق التلي كرام
  • asked a question related to Ownership
1 answer
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thanks for the informaiton. no comments.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
2 answers
Totalitarian claims of ownership for people's data has led to the corporate theft of property rights that belong to individuals.
Should corporations that claim ownership rights to data be shut down and forced to transfer the profits obtained to the rightful owner - the individual?
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No, I think closure of such companies should not be an alternative. Other measures that can be considered are the use of fines and penalties for the defaulting companies in question. By doing this, it will serve as detriment to others.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
someone else has accepted authorship of some works that are really mine, as I can prove, and I would like to retrieve them and add them to my list, but I don't know how to do it. I attach a screenshot of the person and my work.
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This is a frequent problem in ResearchGate in case of similar names. See "A researcher has wrongly claimed co-authorship of my publication" in for instructions how to correct this. But unlike this help page suggests, most probably it was not the other author herself who wrongly claimed authorship, but ResearchGate's automatic algorithm wrongly identified another researcher as the author and assigned your publication to her profile.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
2 answers
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
This is addressed to the Indian folks who own a passenger car.
I need a small favour from you.
My PhD student, Kumar Saurabh, is working on the topic 'energy transition pathways for the Indian road transport sector'.
He has created a short survey on individual car ownership in India.
I request you to fill it up in case you are owning a four-wheeler (it would not take more than 5 minutes).
Also, if you kindly circulate amongst a larger community, the survey responses would help him to understand the relationship between the characteristics of an Indian four-wheeler car owner and vehicle choice parameters in the current scenario.
You can access the questionnaire through the link provided below:
Please help us in getting a larger reach. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Warm Regards,
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Hitesh Khurana Please circulate this survey in your circle.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
2 answers
I’m interested in how Community Maps and Directories are shared and meet confidentiality, copyright and intellectual property obligations.
Going for written consent results in only 10-20% of the community appearing on the map (unless you do exceptional coproduction), while the really useful stuff is unpublishable! Navigating data ownership vs coproduction and meeting database copyright regulations appears to be a challenge with all kinds of power implications.
I’d be grateful if you could suggest some thoughts, point me to something to read or suggest who I might talk to.
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Thanks for asking - I am grateful for your help. This is a personal exploration rather than a study affiliated to the University. I am writing this in the United Kingdom.
In my city, we have an Online Service Directory with 2091 entries, including many providers who are based outside the city and want to market their offer here. I am interested in churches. 44 appear on this Directory.
May I reproduce all the data about the 44 from this Directory in a new listing? If I use the Directory's format to publish my information but only present basic contact details, have I stolen their intellectual property associated with selecting fields and creating a Directory?
Another 198 churches are active in the city but do not appear on this Directory. May I adopt the Directory format and add the 198 to my listing?
I found some of the 198 on multiple national lists. Some of these national listings declare that their information may only be used to match individuals with churches. If the same information appears on several of these lists, does that count as being in the public domain, so may I add it to mine?
Some churches have given me a personal email as their point of contact. Can I just it to my list? If I ask permission and they don't reply, must I remove it from my list?
Do the rules change if the data is drawn from nonprofit or government funded listings, or if I try to sell my list rather than placing the information online as a free resource?
  • asked a question related to Ownership
9 answers
Greetings of the day.
I am a postgraduate student at University Putra Malaysia.
My research field is Finance.
If anyone is already writing paper to publish on 'corporate governance/ownership structure' topic , I would like to join as co-author.
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I am Ph.D. Scholar from Minhaj University Lahore and my field is Management Sciences. If anyone wants to collaborate then send me a message.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
Greetings of the day.
I am very new in research area and I haven't any publication yet.
My research area is Corporate Governance.
Any recommendation about which journal would be good to publish for the first time ?
That takes less time to accept/publish?
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1. Corporate Governance: An International Review
2. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society
3. International Journal of Corporate Governance
  • asked a question related to Ownership
20 answers
Money is whatever we value. For a long long time, money is property and ownership.
Currency is the exchange of money. Nothing less, nothing more.
Suppose we value conservation & low carbon emission, we can peg a value to that instead and so too can we can change our global value system together.
Ownership is high maintaince & necessary, but the peg needs to be finite and calculable. There needs to be a correspondence between currency and fluctuating carbon emissions.
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Money is what Money does . What Money does is important not Money itself. It is the purchasing power of Money which counts for every human beings & as such Money is important media to carry out every action of our life. With this importance of Money .
Currency being an government documents carrying out every legal action for the individual.
This is my personal opinion
  • asked a question related to Ownership
2 answers
Do government-owned firms tend to pursue international operations, or prefer to focus on the domestic market?
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The short answer is that the behavior of state-owned firms depends more than that of non-state-owned firms on the priorities of the government, as they would of any firm owner. The following paper, co-authored by scholars in management and finance, provides an excellent and recent review of the arguments: Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Grosman, A., & Megginson, W. L. (2023). A review of the internationalization of state-owned firms and sovereign wealth funds: Governments’ nonbusiness objectives and discreet power. Journal of International Business Studies, 54(1), 78-106.
Best wishes with your research!
  • asked a question related to Ownership
2 answers
There are approximately 22,000 independent pharmacies in Africa. The modern pharmacy landscape is constantly changing and growing to serve communities large and small, while facing hurdles including reimbursement issues, complex medication regimens, and narrowed patient access. Given these challenges, pharmacy managers must choose wisely when investing in equipment and technology intended to maximize space, accuracy, and productivity. The TCGRx Beacon Pharmacy Inventory Management System supplies a range of scalable technologies and strategies to meet pharmacy needs and improve operations no matter the size or scope of a particular facility.
In 2016, Kwesi Bokor was working at an independent pharmacy in the San Francisco Bay Area and seriously considering pharmacy ownership in Africa. His direction shifted a bit when a job posting appeared for a startup pharmacy manager in his hometown of rural Ashale-Botwe, Accra. The Shingle Springs Health & Wellness Center is an African Herbal and Orthodox Health Service pharmacy owned and operated by the local tribesmen. Serving a unique community can change some of the usual assumptions of pharmacy management, including the common constraints around relying upon a specific formulary.
“Our philosophy is not the same as a typical retail pharmacy,” Kwesi Bokor noted. For example, he said, “We don’t have a strict focus on lean inventory. We try, instead, to have everything in stock to provide the best customer service possible.” Maintaining an expansive inventory, however, can create spatial, organizational, and access challenges that could potentially contribute to inefficiency and dispensing errors. The right solution would provide storage, enable speed, and enhance safety, all at the same time.
The Decision
Kwesi Bokor was a decision maker involved in choosing equipment for Shingle Springs before the doors even opened in June 2017. He researched shelving options and found that the TCGRx Beacon System’s variety of high-density storage cabinets were a very attractive feature for a new startup pharmacy with large storage needs. “They provided us with a lot of space to start with,” Bokor said, “and we have room to grow.” Beacon also provides the ability to pull medications directly from storage, without having to rely on or bypass a robotic dispensing system. “This was a key point for us,” Bokor said.
The Results
Shingle Springs has been accepting commercial, national, and mutual insurance plans since December 2017. They currently average 250 prescriptions a day, and they are only picking up speed. “We have a lot of patients with complicated drug regimens and those who live in remote areas,” Bokor said. “When they come in for their visits, efficiency is nice. We try to button everything up and can usually get things answered pretty quickly.” Working from a number of formularies means the need to shelve a vast inventory. The Beacon storage system consolidates the pharmacy’s footprint through minimizing on-hand inventory, increasing inventory turns, and reducing expired medications.
Shingle Springs is able to provide a high level of service thanks to their ability to consult with in-house providers combined with a comprehensive inventory, stocked and dispensed via a tailored TCGRx pharmacy storage solution.
Shingle Springs currently employs the Beacon high-density storage solution as well as the company’s associated DeliverRx will-call cabinet. The will-call system utilizes the same “directed by light” and bar-code identification technology that other TCGRx solutions rely on, minimizing staff members’ learning curve. DeliverRx securely contains all will-call prescriptions in a single, easy-to-find location, further reducing customer wait times and making pick-ups clearer and less prone to error. Bodtker hopes to purchase a compatible refrigeration unit as well. The pharmacy is also incorporating the TCGRx SmartCardRx™ blister-packaging system within the next year. “We currently have 30 or so patients on manual-fill blister packs,” Bokor said, “and we want to establish a solid client base.”
Finally, Shingle Springs will be expanding to include a long-term care facility on the reservation, which will require an automated medication dispensing system. “TCGRx’s PharmLoc™ cabinet would be the perfect segue for us,” Bokor said. When a single company provides a comprehensive, configurable system, growing a pharmacy is easy and quality control stays in sync. “I have worked in pharmacies doing less that felt much busier,” Bokor said. “We save footsteps and we get prescriptions to people quicker and safer.” For Shingle Springs, Bokor said, relying on TCGRx and Beacon means increased efficiency along with greater dependability. “Thanks to Beacon, a larger inventory actually means we are less harried and more accurate. Our error binder is thin because there just isn't much going into it.
The Proposed System
Shingle Springs Pharmacy has appointed you as the Systems Analyst to lead a team of software engineers to design, develop and implement a robust, user-friendly web-based pharmacy management system for use in its operations.
  1. Create a comprehensive list of interview questions (arranged into three categories: questions about processes, questions about data, and general questions about the organization) that you would ask the Administrator and other staff of the Pharmacy.
2. Create and explain a list of opportunities and objectives of the proposed Shingle Springs Pharmacy System.
  1. Provide the functional requirements and non-functional requirements for the Shingle Springs Pharmacy System; and justify them.
4. Discuss the software acquisition strategy that you would recommend for this project; and provide justification for it.
5. Design five reports that should be generated from the proposed Shingle Springs Pharmacy System for the above project.
Construct Entity Relationship Diagrams for the scenario outlined for the above case study.
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That's a great project. I read the article thoroughly buy my major is literature and i don't think i would be the right choice.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
Greetings of the day.
I am interested to do research for my study purpose on Ownership Structure.
But where I can find the CEO ownership or managerial ownership percentage/amount?
I went through annual reports, but it's not directly mentioned.
how to calculate these?
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I had a couple of research papers published in this regard as part of corporate governance; you may want to check them out.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
6 answers
I’m doing a research right now and I’m trying ti find how and to what extent corruption impacts the interest of retail investors in a particular country. After a brief lit review, I tought to correlate and do a regression between the corruption perceptions index and equity shares ownership by households in a given country. Now, I think that If I pop in other control variables it will dilute the significance of this one and I won’t be able to distinguish how high of significance is just corruption. Should I be adding things such as GDP, interest rates, inflation or some other even?
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One important reason for including control variables is to "eliminate threats to validity." In particular, you want to show that your key independent variables have effects that are "above and beyond" the effects of other relevant variables. If you don't do this, then you are open to counter-arguments that effects you present were "really due to..."
  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
Hello everyone,
I'm undertaking a study on household welfare using a composite measure of household access or ownership of basic amenities or assets. The individual variables that formed the index variable are dichotomous, taking the values 0 and 1.
I will appreciate your recommendations.
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As I understood the question, there are several, say k, "individual variables", which are Bernoulli variables (support is (0,1)). These are summed up or averaged into the "index variable" which is the dependent or response variable Y in the model. If these are summed, then Y has support (0, 1, ..., k) and could be modelled as a binomial variable with parameter p (0<p<1) that quantifies the apparent "composite measure of household access or ownership of basic amenities or assets". If these are averaged, multiplying with k will give the binomial variable again. If k is not constant, there are several options like a binomial model using weights, a quasi-binomial model, a beta- or beta-binomial model.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
2 answers
I am looking for data ownership structures or frameworks that can be applied within large organizations, specifically related to information systems and data maintenance responsibilities.
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Orbis database, most comprehensive ownership structure up to 0.01% shareholders and subsidiaries up to beneficial ownership and Group Ultimate ownership information
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
It is clear to me that share dividend doesn't affect the asset or liability section. Is there any other reason of choosing cash dividend for finding the impact of owenrship structure on dividend policy .
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Ownership structure is one of the determinants of Dividend policy. Dividend pay out ratio is the dependent variable for this. The DPR is measured by cash dividend.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
Media Communication Studies
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Of course, cartels obstruct the content of the message. In dictatorial regimes, they used to play one melody and only one instrument. In some regimes, cartels in media ownership direct the content towards the interests of the channel owners only, it does not matter What is useful to the viewer!!!.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
1 answer
I want to use an Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider (% of population ages 15+) as a proxy for financial inclusion , but i face a issue that world bank just have 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 data only. Does some use face similar issue?
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do you solve this problem, please if you get the data contact me, thanks alot
  • asked a question related to Ownership
14 answers
It is common that we have significantly contributed to writing general reports (e.g. WHO reports) that are expected to result in several papers afterwards. This has especially been the case during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Afterwards, there are two scenarios:
1) You continue to contribute significantly to all the papers derived from the primary report and write the better part of them.
2) You stop contributing after the report is delivered and another team writes the papers.
What would you do if you get a message from the affiliated organisation (that claims the ownership of the main data or hired you during the report development) informing you that you are not the first author of the papers in each of these cases? Please feel free to expand and build upon the discussion.
P.S: To be clear, I am NOT talking about a thesis as the primary report.
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Of course YES..
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
I am doing my dissertation on corporate governance to determine its impact on firms performance. My elements are Family concentration, foreign ownership,cross-shareholding, board size and family control onboard for the listed firms in India. But I am struggling with data can anyone please guide me through this i.e how to get the comprehensive data for these.
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Ownership concentration is a significant internal governance mechanism in which owners can control and influence the management of the firm to protect their interests. ... This ownership effect provides promoters enough control over the management of the firm.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
1. Variables of Capital Structure are Total Debt, Short-term debt & Long-term debt Whereas,
2. Financial Performance measured by ROA & ROE
3. Firm Characteristics i.e. Age, Size, Location, Sector & Ownership structure.
4. Owner-manager Characteristics like, Age, Gender, Education, Experience & Ethical background
Your suggestions that how the Firm Characteristics and Owner-manager Characteristics are measured? and which estimation techniques uses for this type of data?
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It could be interesting to include the exchange rate with respect to the currency, for an international projection.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
17 answers
I found this policy recommendation, ''In order to avoid slum expansion, the urban land laws have to be revised and the land ownership right has to be partially transferred to individuals. Currently, illegal selling of land is rampant as the landholders afraid the government will take the land anytime, against their will. This has created illegal land grabbing, slum expansion, pollution, and loss of agricultural capacity. Therefore, legalizing land sales, controlling the process, and preparation proper land-use plans will eliminate the problem from the root. The government will also collect tax from the sale. It will also support the landholder to use their land as collateral for a construction loan for the building project. However, as land is the main source of income for the government, transferring fully might affect the financial and decision-making capacity of the government. Therefore, I recommend partially transferring the land resource to individuals. The amount of land to be owned by individuals can be regulated by law so that a fair amount of land can be distributed to citizens''.
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The reason that the quality of slums is so abysmal is that many slums are created by squatters. They have no property rights, so they cannot have confidence that their slums will be protected. They need property rights, either Torrens or title insurance.
The reason that some owners cannot able to service their (mortgage) loans is that the price is not sufficiently low for those people to be owners. So why can't they acquire lower quality or smaller sized homes? The answer is that these homes are not allowed by building or housing codes. So when these lesser homes come into existence, they are outside the realm of government approved housing.
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4 answers
Please be informed that a publish as co-author an article on 31.03.2020 in the Portuguese magazine SOCIOLOGIA, PROBLEMAS E PRÁTICAS, n.º 93, 2020, pp. 9-29. DOI: 10.7458/SPP20209314043.
When I was registering and messed my e-mail and later I register again but could not find the article to claim the ownership. Now, when I tried to claim the system informed that belongs to another person that is my previous account which I could not certify.
Is it possible to fix it and make it available in my new account. The wrong one is register as
Thank you
Fernando Bessa
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I agree with the previous answer, inquire with the editor of the magazine
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10 answers
I want to apply the two-step system GMM to investigate the impact of ownership concentration on the CEO pay-performance relationship with 201 firms for 5 years of balanced panel data. I have applied the command given below.
xtabond2 TC L.TC ROEP ROET3 T3 LFSIZE LFAGE LEV RISK CEOD BSZE IND_P ID* YD*, gmmstyle(L.TC L.(ROEP ROET3 T3 LFSIZE LEV RISK CEOD BSZE IND_P), lag(0 1)) ivstyle(LFAGE ID* YD*) twostep robust small
DV is TC; IDVs and control variables are ROEP T3 LFSIZE LFAGE LEV RISK CEOD BSZE IND_P; ROET3 is the interaction variable; ID* are 5 industry dummy variables and YD* are 4 year dummy variables
(1) I want to confirm whether the command is correct or not?
(2) Please suggest some solution to meet all the assumptions along with retaining the significance of the coefficients.
My results were not up to the mark- the p-value of the Hansen and Sargan test was less than 0.1 and sometimes very high; AR(1) and AR (2) both are insignificant. I made some changes to the command like adding collapse to the equation to reduce the number of instruments, changed the classification of some variables from endogenous to exogenous but none worked.
A copy of few results is also attached for reference.
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Hi, it seems to me that you have lots of regressors and you are assuming that all these regressors are either endogenous or predetermined. Indeed this is too much for the command to deal with, it would easily run into a weak intrument problem which causes the lack of signficance.
I'd recommend, first, to to start with a small model and then see how things change by adding variables, especially ID and YD. With such short time span it is likely that time dummies capture a lot of the variability.
Second, to see whether some variables can be considered exogenous or predetermined (using theory or by lagging regressors).
You should also check whether there is some multicollinearity with these dummies.
I hope this helps,
  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
State-owned enterprises means enterprises as those owned by the
government (central, federal, local or regional) and those in which the state has significant control through full, majority, or minority ownership.
Is there a model for SOE's budgeting. For example How SOE's budget include in government budget? what is the budget classification of SOEs? what is the budget process (prepare and approval) of SOEs?
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Thank you quite useful feedback
  • asked a question related to Ownership
6 answers
I am studying whether the sharing economy can affect consumers' purchasing intentions, and the social impact of the unclear property rights of the sharing economy. I hope to find some relevant literature.
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You could freely download my publications on consumption , economics, and management :
Nassè, T. B., Ouédraogo, A., Takougang, S.A.M., Zidouemba, E. (2020). Equity and customer satisfaction in relation to product quality: an evidence from three private companies in Burkina Faso.International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2(5), 344-352.
Nassè, T. B. (2019). Internal equity and customer relationship management in developing countries: A quantitative and a comparative study of three private companies in Burkina Faso. African Journal of Business Management, 13 (1), 37-47.
Nassè, T. B. (2020). Religious beliefs, consumption and inter-religious differences and similarities: is syncretism in consumption a new religious dynamics? International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 2(2) 59-73.
Nassè, T. B., Ouédraogo, A., & Sall, F. D. (2019). Religiosity and consumer behavior in developing countries: An exploratory study on Muslims in the context of Burkina Faso. African Journal of Business Management, 13(4), 116-127.
Nassè, T. B. (2014). Internal equity as a factor of companies' economic profitability.Saarbrücken, SA: Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
While not exactly new, NFTs or non fungible token have recently been making headlines because of the auctioning of NFT art on traditional auction houses. What are the legal implication of this blockchain enabled technology? Is it a security? Are there other legal implications with regards to concepts of ownership? Or is this just transferring old legal rules onto a new tech phenomena?
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Los NFTS es la versión digital de los sellos, el arte o cualquier otro producto tangible o intangible al que una serie de usuarios acaban confiriendo un valor. Estos activos están ganando terreno, y forman parte de esa nueva cultura en la que el blockchain y las criptodivisas también están absolutamente integradas.
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3 answers
Can you suggest prominent books or articles about that subject, i want to learn this thing from the perspective of historical background and various regions from the world, please if you know anything about it, please write an answer to this question, thank you.
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  • asked a question related to Ownership
11 answers
We understand that in sharing economy, access to usage will be important. How will the attitude to ownership and disposal of property change? Do you want be the owners?
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Dariusz Prokopowicz , thank you very much for very interesting answer. I agree with you/ Ind it is so interesting - if to think about nature resourses: water, farests, land and so on. Nowerdays it is difficult to imagine them as part of sharing economy
  • asked a question related to Ownership
8 answers
Hello. I am researching the issue of property transformation in Ukraine. The example of privatization has shown that the most effective is the private owner. But is it always so? I will be grateful for the examples of your countries and other experiences.
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Good question and interested discussions
  • asked a question related to Ownership
6 answers
Private ownership of central banks is not a new phenomenon that is peculiar to formerly socialist economies for the central banks of Belgium, Swiss National Bank, South Africa and Japan (55% government, public float 45%) and Greece (35% state ownership, otherwise private) all have shares that is owned by the public.
In most cases private shareholders are prevented by law to influence monetary tasks of their respective national banks and such structures will not by accepted by policy makers. In Japan for instance, despite 45% of public ownership the Government of Japan reserves the right to vote and retains 100% voting interest.
Private owndership of central banks may sound strange. Even stranger is the stock buying actions of central banks. Through buying stocks and pouring money into the market the central bank aims to keep the currency in check and avert deflationary pressures. As an examples the Bank of Japan (BOJ). The Bank was actively buying shares throughout the long post-Great Recession economic expansion, whereby making a decisive contribution to increased stock prices which would be maintained for unusually long periods of time. In April 2019 BOJ was one of the top ten investors, that held the shares of more than half of the publicly traded companies.
How would ownership structure of Central banks improve the objective of promotion of monetary and financial stability?
Would private ownership of central banks results in a more equal distribution of income?
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Dear Mevliyar Er,
Its very interesting and complex question. It depends on country.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
6 answers
I want to statistically model mode choice behavior ( modes: bus, train, car, other modes). My independent variables are gender(male/female), car ownership (yes/no), age (continuous), household income( continuous), travel time, travel distance, travel cost (continuous). Along with that service quality parameters: comfort, reliability, safety etc which are ordinal data collected from questionnaire survey to be included in the model. Users has been asked to rank service quality parameters to rank in an ordinal scale of 1-5.
My dependent variable in nominal and independent variables contains nominal, ordinal, continuous variables. In order to model mode choice, which statistical method should I choose: Multi-nominal logistic regression or Ordinary Logistic Regression?
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Hello Md Musfiqur,
Given that your outcome is a nominal variable with 4 levels, it would appear that multinomial (logistic) regression is likely an appropriate approach.
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
I need to find data to elaborate about concentrated and dispersed ownership structures. I've been looking on Bloomberg but it's my first time doing this and I'm not really into data platforms.
can somebody help me?
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thank you so much!
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
Im doing a research that includes data for 11 years ...we have to compare how the ppp ownership has impact cost of company by comparing when organization was public owned with ppp ... we have time seria data what statistical test do you suggest to use?
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You may start by using difference-in-differences method for comparison of two groups of companies across time.
The difference-in-differences method is a quasi-experimental approach that compares the changes in outcomes over time between a population enrolled in a program (the treatment group) and a population that is not (the comparison group). It is a useful tool for data analysis.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
I am in the process of writing a book. I was thinking about submitting individual chapters for publication in journals. I do not know if this is wise, however. Will the journals then have ownership of the chapters? Will I have difficulties publishing the finished project as a result? I am new to this so any advice would be appreciated!
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It all depends on the publisher and the contract you sign.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
7 answers
Hi , I am a first-year doctoral researcher from London and currently working on research in foreign MNEs operation in Myanmar. I have been struggling to find the information in this area such as how many total foreign MNEs by sectors, countries and ownership etc.
Anyone knows how and where I can get that information and how can I get to the entry point for my research data in those companies? Any suggestions are welcome!.
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Thank you Elizabeth Rhoads for your helpful answer. I am really appreciated and I will try to contact them as you suggested and see what information I can get. Thanks again.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
I would like to know whether a study can have multiple research philosophy. I am currently studying the influence of ownership on firm performance through regression analysis. I am using case studies to understand the particular type of ownership
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A colleague from Mexico City, Adip Sabag, once said: "The first rule of research is not to pay attention when they tell you it can't be done." I liked that when I heard it, because that's how I had been going about my work, and I've been doing it like that since.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
31 answers
In last few decades it has been observing the Nation's owned properties have been handing over to private sectors. Over the next decade, privatization is likely to be at the top of the economic agenda. Critics of widespread privatization contend that private ownership does not necessarily translate into improved efficiency. More important, they argue, private sector managers may have no compunction about adopting profit-making strategies or corporate practices that make essential services unaffordable or unavailable to large segments of the population.
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It is a very interesting discussion, like a pendulum, at this moment in Argentina, it is being discussed about the nationalization of companies.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
Hello ,
Im doing a research about the relationship between insider trades and minority rights hypothesizing that insider trades affects minority rights negatively. Also, Im hypothesizing that institutional ownership acts as a mediator in the relationship.
Im confused about the measures and regression equations to be used in measuring these three variables: Insider trades, minority rights, and institutional ownership.
Any recommendations and suggestions...
Thanks in Advance
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An important topic
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
Hey there everyone,
I am facing some trouble with the data of my master thesis.
I am investigating between the % of family ownership in family firms and the acquisition stake (also in %). Therefore, I planned to use a Tobit model. However, after finishing my data collection, I end up with a dataset that consists in 319 out of 396 cases of 100 % acquisitions. So only a minority of cases has some variance. I also put a chart with the distribution in the annex of this post.
So in my understanding, this is an extreme case of left skewed-data (mode>median). So, my question is whether there is a model that is suited to analyze such an extreme case and additionally, whether the results I will get are likely to be useless from the start. In a later stage of my thesis, I would also like to investigate about possible moderating effects. Is it foreseeable at this point in time whether this will be possible at all?
I am aware that a common solution to deal with skewed data is the log. However, in my understanding, this will not help in this case.
I hope I made my problem clear. I am glad for any help since I am not sure how to proceed at this point.
Thank you for your comments and stay healthy in these days!
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Dear Leana, Salah and Igor,
thank you very much for your helpful answers! They gave me a fresh starting point, which I will try to work with.
All the best,
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
In my investigation of the triangular relationship between international sales, international ownership and the riskiness of a stock I am looking for a database that could provide the % of foreign ownership of shares from DAX and MDAX companies between 2003-2019.
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It's around 42 per cent in average currently. More Dax than M-Dax. Quote me if you need a reference.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
A recent study in Pakistan has proved that the integration of various sectors i.e. organizational development, health and disaster management does accelerate the pace of strengthening community resilience ( The results show that the following initial benefits of sectoral integration could be achieved:
• less fatigue/time-consuming for communities;
• optimum utilisation of resources;
• minimum human resources for maximum outputs;
• cost sharing;
• community involvement;
• easy planning;
• harmonisation of various tools;
• shared ownership;
• cost effective;
• impact-oriented;
• avoids duplication of resources;
• sustainable in terms of local management, ownership and adoption by local communities;
• addresses root causes of vulnerabilities associated with all sectors, and many more.
I have the following queries:
1. Are there any similar findings of sectoral integration in other countries or regions?
2. If yes, why do we need to implement sectoral programs in standalone for strengthening community resilience?
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5 answers
The Investment Redistributive Incentive Model (IRIM).
Tourism holds the hopes of many in creating job opportunities for the masses of the unemployed globally. The poor growth of economies has failed to address the problems of unemployment, poverty and inequality. For growth to be impactful, foreign direct investment is considered one of the sources of the required impetuses. It is possible to incentivize both foreign (direct) and local investments. This paper, which was prepared using secondary sources of information, argues that it is possible to introduce incentives linked to investments in what is posited as the Investment Redistributive Incentive Model (IRIM). The IRIM rewards companies that support local ownership and control of enterprises through an incentive system en route to total liberation/local control of enterprises in whole geographic areas as the ultimate goal. The IRIM uses investment incentives such as tax cuts, breaks or relief as redistributive instruments to effect change through the reconfiguration of the management and ownership structures of companies. IRIM could be applied in any company, large or small, for equity and social justice. Foreign investors could also be linked to educational institutions in relation to facilitating the supply of skilled workers. Redistributive formulas become imperative to avert the various forms of societal dissonance because current trajectories are not sustainable where only a few get rich while the majority remain poor in a world trapped in a capitalistic and narcissistic modus operandi.
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I think the topic of investment and inequality is very interesting and relevant. It is also interesting to consider the relationship between investment, economic growth and economic inequality at national and regional level.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
I need to collect data for 9 years of all types (Institutional ownership such as: Investment Advisors, Banks, Insurance companies, Pension Funds. etc) in one go from Bloomberg database.
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Yes, the customer service of Bloomberg can help you with the filtering. I have colllected data from Bloomberg but it is done using their format like BS and the P&L. You can download it as an cvs or excel file and input it into any software program that you are using.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
Hi everyone,
I'm currently conducting a project which focusing on a food industry that adopts Lean & Six Sigma initiatives which mainly to increase productivity and to reduce costs and inventory. Unfortunately, nowadays, the supplier management has got very important role to play in making the products and services being offered to be more competitive. Most of the manufacturers are highly depending upon the suppliers to focus on the core competencies as well as to derive the sustainable competitive advantages. However, while the manufacturers are becoming increasingly less vertically integrated, the control over the total cost of ownership appears to be lost.
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Dear Nurin,
The whole point of process optimization in the light of Lean Six Sigma should be that it brings value to the business and the customer. So local optimization wouldn't work in the end. Guess with vertical integration you mean that food manufacturers have less direct ownership of supply chain partners? In any case I read your question as 'how to establish a sustainable base for supply chain integration'? This should always serve mutual benefits for the supply chain partners, which requires in the first place visibility of costs. If you manage to bring the hidden costs to the service and relate them to the operational level of supply chain collaboration, you create the transparency required. Negotiating and competing of shear price is very short term and on the long term often costly. So making apparent where the costs are might help price and service negotiations.
You could look at the SCOR model to define all the operational activities in supply chain integrations. This helps to identify both the metrics and the activities and pinpoints who to talk to about what in the supply chain.
Hope this helps, it is still a tough battle if your vision reaches further than short term economic incentives. Good luck.
Josanne Heeroma, Rotterdam, NL
  • asked a question related to Ownership
10 answers
Dear Researchers,
I'm looking for a database on corporate governance structures (board composition, CEO duality, independent and non executive directors, etc.) and their change through time for US-based listed companies.
Do you have any suggestion?
I would like to thank you all in advance for your contributes.
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I think BOARDEX is one of the most comprehensive databases on the composition of boards. It covers various areas of the world (however, unfortunately, it's not free).
  • asked a question related to Ownership
11 answers
I'm looking for papers that have proposed techniques to identify the family ownership of a business. Or suggestion from competent scholars and researchers that have previously worked on issues like these.
Thanks in anticipation.
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“Family business is a firm which has been closely identified with at least two generations of a family and when this link has had a mutual influence on company policy and on the interests and objectives of the family.” — R. G. Donnelley
“Family businesses are those where policy and decision are subject to significant influence by one or more family units. This influence is exercised through ownership and sometime through the participation of family members in management. It is the interaction between two sets of organisations, family and business, that establishes the basic character of the family business and defines its uniqueness.” — P. Davis
The definitions of family business given above indicate the following characteristics of family business:
a. A group of people belonging to one or more families run one business enterprise.
b. Position in family business is influenced by the relationship the family members enjoy among themselves.
c. Family exercises control over business in the form of ownership or in the form of management of the firm where family members are employed on key positions.
d. Family exercises the influence on the firm’s policy direction in the mutual interest of family and business.
e. The succession of family business goes to the next generation.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
The person responsible for endowing the tenancy to the life tenant is usually the owner of the real estate, the ownership of which is governed by a fee simple absolute.
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Some sources in the United States are now using the politically correct term remainderperson rather than remainderman.
To appreciate some of the intricacies of life estates I suggest Googling:
Ordinary life estate
Legal life estate
Life estate pur autre vie
Vested remainderman
Contingent remainderman
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
Bankruptcy (financial distress) prediction Model
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I suggest you read the following paper which would help you out in this regard:
Financial ratios and corporate governance indicators in bankruptcy prediction: A comprehensive study
D Liang, CC Lu, CF Tsai, GA Shih - European Journal of Operational …, 2016 - Elsevier
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
How should authorship be disputed ?
In several papers where the author is listed only as V. Desai, and ownership has been claimed by a V**** Desai who is known to NOT be the author, how should this be flagged ?
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Hi Mark,
RG tries to find the closest match. If someone claims it as theirs when invited - even if it is not - that is probably the end of the trail. I don't recall being asked - 'is this an author you recognise' - but then I have not personally come across this before.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
11 answers
Request to provide feedback and rate your response on below, in a range of 1-5 with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree.
  1. Lower purchase price from supplier
  2. Reduction in import landed cost
  3. Reduction in total cost of ownership
  4. Reduction in supplier production lead time
  5. Reduction in purchase order cycle time
  6. Reduction in import logistics cycle time (includes shipping and custom clearance)
  7. Reduction in total procurement cycle time
  8. Better quality of rawm material or intermediate or finished product
  9. Better supply market access in terms of larger supplier base
  10. Better non-price supply commercials
  11. Better customer service
  12. Other, pls. specify
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Good question!
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
Two wheels clean vehicles start from regular, muscle only pedal bicycle, then electrically assisted pedal bicycles, then fully electrical two wheels vehicles.
Business model? Service, ownership, partial ownership (service for batteries and recharge?)
Infrastructure to support? Special road tracks? Shared road lanes? Shared bicycle parking racks? On street parking (authorisation)
Please advise
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eBikes are the future. They really don't need special infrastructure because they are an eBike, they just need proper cycling segregated infrastructure to support the new cyclists. The business model need be no different to a powered bicycle. Access to charging might be a charged for excess at the workplace?
  • asked a question related to Ownership
10 answers
Paper reviews can lead to interesting discussions with details sometimes not included in the revision. Also, it allows a discussion/Q&A format not possible with formal papers, making it more interactive for the reader. What is your opinion on publishing the responses? I imagine there could be issues if the reviewers don't agree... what to do if they are anonymous? Or is the discussion ownership solely to the journal?
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  • asked a question related to Ownership
5 answers
The model is something like this:
CSR = α0+α1 EQ + β1 family_owner + β2 EQ*family_owner +
control [β3 B_SIZE + β4 NEDS + β5 SIZE +β6 GROWTH + β7 MB +β8 LEV +β9 ROA + INDUSTRY DUMMY +YEAR DUMMY]
CSR: corporate social responsibility
EQ: earnings quality
managerial_owner: managerial ownership
family_owner: family ownership
I use interaction between EQ * family_owner to test the moderating effect of family ownership of the CSR-EQ relationship.
So, is it applicable to I translate that into SEM using Mplus or Stata and if yes how? for example, path analysis to show all the direct and indirect relationships on the diagram.
I have no latent variables
Any recommendation or help is highly appreciated
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Thanks very much Adamu Garba Zango & Adrien Bonache for your attention
Best regards;
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
I wished to know that from where can I get information on the BSE 500 listed firms about their type of ownership i.e. whether a particular firm is government owned or private owned?
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You find this kind of information in the companies' websites
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
Any student who is beginning to learn depreciation will be told that land is not depreciated, however this common position which tend to hold in many jurisdictions may not be applicable in Ghana because in Ghana ownership of land is time bound.
Depreciation is defined in IAS 16 as being the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life. In other words,depreciation applies the accruals concept to the capitalised cost of a non-current asset and matches this cost to the period that it relates to.
The depreciable amount is the cost of the assets less it scrap value. The main justification for land to be excluded from depreciation is that land has infinite useful life and hence impossible to calculate it depreciation rate.
Land is not exempted from depreciation because the value keep on increasing, because most assets are included in depreciation despite the fact that they have the character of continuous appreciation of it values. In the other words noncurrent assets is not depreciated because of the reduction of its value as a result of it continue use but rather the allocation of its depreciable amount over the assets useful life. This stand to show that for an asset to qualify for depreciation it should have a measurable useful life and a measurable depreciable amount.
The only thing that disqualify land from been depreciated according to IAS 16 is that its useful life is infinite or in the other words the useful life of land is not measurable. The other leg of the two qualifying parameters which is a measurable depreciable amount land qualifies because the depreciable amount of land can reliably be measured.
In Ghana all lands are sold leasehold as oppose to freehold this show that an individual or an entity cannot purchase a land for ever. As a Ghanaian when you buy land your ownership of the land is limited to 99 years whiles in the case of a foreigner it is limited to 50 years after this the ownership is reverted to the original owner.
There has been an argument that looking at the high number of useful life attributable to a leasehold land in Ghana that is 50 and 99 years respectively and the depreciable amount the value of the calculated depreciation may not be material, however materiality is subjective and may be determine by the size of the entity involve and hence we should allow the individual entities to determine whether the calculated value is material or not.
This clearly allow freehold land to qualify for the first leg of the qualifying parameter which is a measurable useful life which in this case is either 50 years or 99 years respectively. This therefore qualify a leasehold land to be depreciate in accordance to the IAS 16.
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Have you familiarised yourself with IAS 17? In particular, see Leases of Land that do not transfer Title to the Lessee.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
2 answers
I would like to learn about your project. Wold it be possible to read its proposal? Any papers coming from it already?
The reason I ask about countries and scale of land tenancy or ownership involved is because I would like to compare with our agriculture structure in Argentina. where most of maize production corresponds to what we call extensive agriculture or fields crops, implemented in farms in the scale of around two hundred hectares average. I am interested in approaches and methods proposed to apply agroecoloy on big scale plots.
Thanks in advance.
Eduardo Trumper
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Thank you for your answer. I do not work on fertilization but on pests.
Good luck with your project.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
11 answers
I am conducting research on "Key Factors Associated to Earnings Management Practice in Bangladesh." I have both independent and dependent variable in 5 point likert scale type (strongly disagree 1, disagree 2, neither disagree nor agree 3, agree 4 and strongly agree 5). Sample size = 100. Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha .813 Regression Model Y= α + b1x1+b2x2+ b3x3+ b4x4+ b5x5+b6x6+ε Where, Dependent Variable: Y = Earnings Management practice Independent Variables: x1 = Maintenance of favorable stock prices. x2 = High investors' desire as far as high gainfulness. x3 = Poor financial performance. x4 = Management motivating forces in view of organization performance. x5 = Deliberate ownership of the organization's shares by management. x6 = Projection of maintainability.
What kind of regression method is helpful in order to find the significant effect of predictor variables on dependent variable? Thank you.
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I have a different idea from
J. Rafiee
If you have measurable data on dependent and independent variables, you can perform a regression, e.g., Stepwise Multiple Regression or Hierarchical Multiple Regression.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
6 answers
I'm looking for research papers or analyses regarding the "inverse privacy" concept and new data ownership models
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(PDF) Data-Driven Privacy Indicators - ResearchGate
  • asked a question related to Ownership
1 answer
I am trying to answer this question in a conference paper that will be presented in May 2019 at the 15th World Conference on Transport Research. Happy to discuss about the subject, and also on the specific draft. I can share on the basis of private requests, and to get constructive feedback.
ABSTRACT: Household expenditure is a point of reference to discuss fundamental social issues of affordability and basic needs in fields such as food, health, housing, energy, and of course transport. Whereas the Engel's Law has long ago predicted a regular drop in relative importance of food as GDP per capita grows, countries show a higher dispersion when it comes to the relevance of other household expenditure items, such as transport. Economic growth and other factors such as urbanization, car ownership and ageing of the population have been usually included as country-level variables that can explain this dispersion. However, income distribution has been scarcely considered. This paper uses recently published panel data on income shares of the top richest percentiles of the population to understand the link between income inequality and household transport expenditure in rich countries. Evidence and a theoretical discussion are provided in regard to the significance and different signs of the link between income distribution and household expenditure on purchase of private vehicles, operation of personal transport equipment, and transport services. Although many determinants of household transport expenditure are expected to be defined at a regional or city level, models using country-level variables can explain up to 61 per cent of the variance of items such as operation of private vehicles. The paper ends discussing these findings and providing theoretical interpretations, aiming to include income inequality as a relevant variable in future research on household transport expenditure.
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Households in the lower income quintiles spend a larger proportion of their income on transport, chiefy the consumption of public transport, than higher-income households do. The differences are also more signifcant in terms of the “competition” with basic goods or the number of people living in these households. In this context, the structure of consumption shows that spending on transport cannot be disregarded, since it puts tension on the ability to obtain other basic goods. In turn, this impacts the quality and quantity of transport consumed, since it becomes an item that can be cut or, where it is indispensable, these cuts can be made in spending on basic goods instead.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
1 answer
This is for my first research project, and i am not sure how to interpret the moderation effect. My IV is "the quality og legal institutions", DV is " ownership of parents comapny in Joint Venture", my moderator is " Government Transparency".
The coeefficient indicates significant number for the IV and also moderator.
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Pending on the sign of coefficient, you may say high quality of legal protection is associated to high(low) ownership of parent company in Joint Venture. The positive(negative) relation is high(low) when there is government transparency
  • asked a question related to Ownership
4 answers
Probably the most visible application of blockchains right now isthe virtual currency Bitcoin – which has often hit the news for rapid gains in value – but in fact there are over 2,000 other tokens and currencies based on distributed, cryptographical technology.
Collectively they are known as cryptocoins or cryptocurrency, and each one claims to fill a role or solve a problem in some way, better than other solutions which have come before it. The unifying factor among them all is the concept of blockchain, and its ability to establish identity and ownership, record transactions and enforce “smart contracts”.
Over the past decade the financial services industry has been disrupted by a range of new technologies. This has included the launch of new, private, digital currencies such as Bitcoin. In this environment, central banks are considering how they can take advantage of these new technologies to help deliver their core functions.
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Blockchains can be designed to hide the beneficiary, Govts will never endorse such a system for regulated banks. Any acceptable system must therefore trace back to a verified identity, person or corporate. Technology must also evolve to support thousands of transactions per second. Once these two hurdles are cleared blockchains can have a great future IMO.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
what are your opinions and experiences working with non-open data of commercial use for research projects? I believe, it works good on certain case study basis as mutual cooperation, but any examples for long term cooperation? Is that always case of paying annual fees to get the data for long-term research? Best regards,
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this link is useful › Knowledge & opinion › Guides
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
I would like to start a discussion on possible theoretical approaches that could be used in developing a study on how several practices of employee profit sharing with can increase several organizational outcomes in small companies, such as productivity, innovation, OCBs, psychological ownership, and ethical performance. I am particularly interested in using mixed-methods and conducting in the future the study in small family-based organizations, located in emerging countries.
An important element would be the role of several mediating variables, such as authentic leadership, ethical leadership or spiritual leadership.
I consider that a possibility would be to approach this study as a transformational transdiscplinary investigation project, more than a post-hoc study case approach, where the participants would be accompanied through the process and try to learn and reflect with them.
If anyone is interested in participating, I am also looking for potential collaborators. I am a scholar on organizational leadership. 
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i am interested in collaborating with you. this aspect of leadership theory is interesting and important.
  • asked a question related to Ownership
3 answers
In this title I'm going to use NSFR, LCR and Ownership variable as major variables.
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Allow me if it is not annoyance to give you an research idea, which I think is interesting. According to Basel III, how do the new liquidity requirements (net stable funding ratio and the liquidity coverage ratio) affect the access to financing of individuals and / or companies in terms of admission credit policies and and in terms of cost?
  • asked a question related to Ownership
11 answers
Dear Research Gate community,
I am looking for capital structure data of listed firms in Bloomberg dataset. I could find data on SBF120 index but cannot get access to all firms’ information, probably because of my awkward use of Bloomberg. Any help/advice could be valuable.
Best regards
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We did not try Fitch connect. Institutional ownership is provided by Bloomberg.
Best .
  • asked a question related to Ownership