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Organizational Management - Science topic
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Questions related to Organizational Management
Calculation methods and organizational management objects and social groups (for example, pilots and flight crews in civil aviation)?
Does your organization currently leverage the principles of Leader-Member Exchange?
I am looking for a medium-sized organization using LMX theory to conduct a doctoral study on the Experiences of Demographically Diverse Mid-Level Managers in Leader-Member Exchanges. I need 10-15 volunteers for an hour interview conducted via Zoom. If interested, please contact me at or (302) 824-9257.
Ethics is a neglected point in organizational management and organizational culture
Morality or the correct intellectual and behavioral foundation of a person's interaction with himself, society and organization is an underlying point that can lead to the benefits of a broad attitude.
Based on the existential angles and inner knots with the nature and the absolute existence of human beings, we look at it based on the education, teachings, perceptions and instincts of society.
Man will be a society of organization and an indisputable and undeniable link without Taro Poodi black and gray morality.
The person will manage the organization and the organizational culture with a healthy ethic and a correct representation of the growth and movement of human beings towards a healthy society.
What is your opinion in these cases?
Management ethics
Organization ethics
Organizational Culture
Ethics of management
I am a researcher doing research in Organizational Management. I would like to participate in an international conference on The Effectiveness of Risk Management Techniques in MSME Sector.
Most Organizations manage pretty well the latter but have hard time to cope with the first. Breakthrough invention collapses paradigm, and challenges established wisdom that made the Entity successful. We cannot return in the past and fix what lead to the present culture. We can wait for the slow but more and more brutal death by obsolescence or irrelevancy. We can set up skunk works so should the path to be scouted leads to a dead end it doesn't compromise the entire Organization and portfolio management mitigates the risk. We can embrace the world and pray charismatic decision makers don't let their hubris doom all of us. But in fine, better lucky than smart. Open minded expertise, hard work and courageous decision making process help and make our chances.
Are new, innovative concepts of organization management proposed in recent years in scientific publications implemented by the management and managers in enterprises?
Do you know examples of companies, corporations, financial institutions or other business entities, which in recent years have implemented and developed new, innovative concepts of managing organizations, developed and described in scientific publications in recent years?
What kind of entities are the business entities that the business sector represents? What new concept, new style, management system has been implemented and why?
What positive effects on the functioning of specific business entities have been achieved through the application of a specific new style, model or concept of organization management?
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
In the era of information globalization, the technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 and the growing importance of implementation to business models of the principles of sustainable development, modern market management systems for operating business entities are being improved.
The current technological revolution described as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following technologies of computerized, advanced information processing:
Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.
In the context of the development of contemporary national knowledge-based economies and the development of information services made available via the Internet, the importance of innovative startups is growing, in which new categories of economic goods are created based on the application of innovative technological solutions.
In the second half of the twentieth century, various new conceptual elements developed (Benchmarking, Outsourcing, Reengineering, SMART, Just in Time, Poka Yoke, Kanban, Kaizen, Brain-storming, ...) and new business management systems (Business Continuity Management, Lean Management, Knowledge Management, Time Management, Risk Management, Total Quality Management, Virtual Organization Management ...), thanks to which the production processes, logistics, marketing, personnel management were improved, new participative management styles were developed, etc.
Therefore, please answer the following question:
What modern concepts of business management are adequate for currently developing innovative technology companies?
Please reply
Best wishes
I am a student of business administration, with the interest in doing research on organizational management in small informal companies in my region, many of these small companies are family, I want to investigate other publications about this topic, to have better knowledge .
thanks for your help
I am speaking, my English is still not good, I offer apologies, if I can not make myself understood.
What is the best instrument to measure knowledge use at individual and/or organizational level?
The question reflects my thoughts, aimed at identifying new content that can and should be included in educational programs, especially technical universities, in connection with the challenges of modern times. I have practical experience related to presenting to students of all levels of education at the Faculty of Organization and Management at the technical university of issues, which is a peculiar environment of the "classic" teaching content of future engineers. In relation to issues falling within such concepts as innovativeness, Industry 4.0, BIG DATA or SMART CITY, I appreciate the importance of education in such issues as identification and assessment of needs (in terms of "Needs Engineering") or assessment of the effects of universal availability of new technology and products (in terms of "Technology Assessment"). The means and ways to include such issues in education, not just engineers, remain to be considered.
Can the perceptions and values of employees and managers affect a firm’s effort to green its supply chain?
I have studied various methodologies aimed at auditing and assessing records management systems in organizations, but not those aimed at diagnosing organizations that do not have a records management system implemented.
Is there any diagnostic tool that can be applied in this type of organization?
Nowadays, every fundamental concept used in organizational and management activities has several empirical definitions, more or less different. Documentation for the answer:
I am currently researching the presence of cognitive bias in decision making and financial regulation. My research analyses the failure of prominent financial institutions using a behavioural finance/economics/psychology perspective. My research indicates a number of cognitive illusions and group-related biases, which I argue undermined banks prudential stability throughout 2007-2009
After reading the works of Schein (Organisational Culture and Leadership) I understand that leaders are a key element in both the creation and shaping of an organisations culture. Indeed, as I understand, at the outset, a leader or founder (or both) of a group will have beliefs, values and assumptions. In order to solve the groups problem of internal integration and external adaptation, the leader will impose his beliefs upon the group. If the leaders beliefs values and assumptions are proven successful, this leads to a shared learning experience within the group. At this juncture, the beliefs assumptions and values of leaders steadily attain the status of truth, over time becoming what Schein classifies as non-negotiable assumptions.
Further, I understand leaders can reinforce their beliefs through a variety of reinforcing mechanisms, all of which communicate to the group the right way to think, feel and behave.
At present, the literature recognises that overconfidence/ overoptimism is a problematic feature of an organisations "risk Culture". As such. my question comes down to this:
Is it possible for the cognitive biases suffered by managers to be transmited to the rest of the group or reinforced, so to speak? Because after all, the optimism bias, biases our beliefs, but they remain beliefs in any event, however flawed, and so should therefore be capable of being imposed upon the group.
Whilst this might appear as fallacious reasoning, I would welcome any comments or guides that might perhaps steer me in the right direction/tell me where i'm going wrong.
i am looking for a research gap in stress related topics. i am interested in what characteristics (such as optimism) positively influence stress management but i am finding it hard to see a gap in what type of characteristic has little research based around it. Does anyone know of any ideas which i could consider?
There is evidence in the literature that managers involved in implementing large-scale organisational change tend both to employ management consultants to help implement the change and to use project management methods to support the process. I am keen to identify any academic literature that sheds light on how far the prevalence of project management methods in implementing organisational change (and the choice of particular project management methods that are used) is influenced by encouragement of these methods by the management consultants whom those managers appoint.
Tell me the research methodology that i need to follow to calculate the effect numerically
In order to be innovative, organizations need employees who are psychologically connected to their work. Is nursing staff in public hospitals are engaged in their work?
I am searching for a survey based literature that assess the clinical nurses engagement in work and its role to their innovative work behavior. Moreover, what can be possible mediators and moderators in (Work engagement-Innovative work behavior) relationship?
Employee voice is positively related to job satisfaction
I need at least 5 of the top, best, most comprehensive research papers on workplace relationships.
Performance of an organization in the critical situation of the economy is the most important subject for all countries in which the approach of "Cooperation" and it's terms of working may help the organizations to resist in recession and depression.
In most of the world, training in any surgical branch of medicine is quite like a chain of command in military.
Some of this rough handling of the surgeons against each other is tolerated during education.
Agressive behaviour due to the stress of surgery on the senior surgeon is also tolerated to some extent in many clinics.
However, there are and there should be limits.
I would like to have the opinions of the surgeons of the different countries.
on other side is there any relationship between the knowledge sharing behaviour dimension and strategic thinking ?
I am seeking relevant literature and testing methodology for a concept.
a. Does one see their selves – more or less as a leader able to regulate work emotions?
i. Test the executives degree of perceptions about their utilization of the construct interpersonal emotion regulation;
ii. Quantifiably identify a profit variable to examine relationship to emotion regulation construct; and,
iii. Examination determining relationship between executive’s perceptions and organizational profits exits.
I will be interested in any empirical research papers on this or authors that you can direct me to? If anyone has carried out any work in this field I am open to suggestions and relevant information.
Product-centric and geographic-centric organizational structures are the most common forms of organizational structure. Yet, several companies have made the shift towards a customer-centric structure. It is however dificult to determine to what extent a company has such an orientation. Which sources should be consulted to that end?
I am working on measuring organizational support perceived by University Staff. would somebody tell me about such scale?
i want to justify my findings that employees are more concern about their career opportunities than the favorable image of the firm.
In order to manage rising external complexity organization should develop its internal complexity in order to achieve match of varieties. I am interested in studying how the internal complexity is constructed within organization and how this variety match is achieved on practice. If somebody has ideas on suitable empirical setting and methodology for research, or any literature recommendations, please share.
How Organizational innovation mediate the relationship between the performance of project portfolio and different dimensions of organizational flexibility?
Can anyone suggest good scale for organizational performance ?
I intend to write a research proposal as part of an application to a PhD in Management & Organization. I just wanted to gather more insights of contemporary topics in the area that worth researching in graduate business schools. Would you share some insights and resources? Thanks
What strategies can one employ to increase access to organizations where the gatekeepers have got a low perceived value of research and are generally reluctant to let academic researchers access their organizations?
As most are familiar with the concept of micro and small enterprises, which works with many challenges like, lesser hierarchy, limited employees, issue relating to finance where the affordability of higher pay is an issue. In this situation how to motivate an employee with higher qualification ( say Post Graduation and above) and experience with more than eight years. You can give your suggestions by considering the above said challenges.
I have searched Scholar, Google, and various databases; naturally I came across several nonverbal annotation manuals, yet none focus specifically on natural leader-follower interaction occurring in real-life organizational settings (e.g. supervisor-led staff meetings, day-to-day work floor interactions).
I am asking the ResearchGate community in the hope that someone could point me in the right direction!
Thank you.
Organizational support theory, assumes employees form belief regarding their organizational values, their contributions and organizations cares about their well-being.
o Can this theory be measured?
o Specifically can employee’s perception of self-worth relationship to a leader’s style of leadership be measured?
o If so what are the appropriate validated measuring instruments?
o What literatures are there related to this topic?
o Are there any literatures or research studying a competency model approach related to employees self-worth relationship to leadership styles?
It has been observed in a number of relationships that management of 'ego' is a very difficult issue. Often people stick to their stand, sometimes unreasonably, even when they know that they themselves are in wrong or at fault, This often happens in boss-subordinate, social, familial and other inter-personal relations.
In India, several deaths are reported in road rage cases, where in case of even very minor accidents, out of ego the situations have reached to severe attacks on the weaker side and even killing the other side. And, the killer repents the loss of emotional intelligence in that moment while in jail, the whole life.
How can the malaise of excessive ego be controlled or minimized? Are there any research on this issue?
Does anyone have evidence on health about Long working hours (12 h day)
Thank you very much
Ingrid Rosian-Schikuta
examples of successful organizations in developing and developed countries
It has been observed that managers have a general aversion to reading research-based management books, which if read, could have made them understand more comprehensively the causality of the malaise in their department or organization. They many times make mistakes in understanding the dynamics of the complex problems they face in their organization. For example, this often happens in managing group conflict and employee relations issues. Whose duty is it, you think, to make them read the management research-based books and use that knowledge in correctly understanding the problems? How can this be ensured that they make use of the existing research for which so much money is being spent globally?
Can it be true under most circumstances?
Dear all, Is it recommended to use a best practice guide that is made on other organizations, as a means to devise a conceptual framework on which to guide data analysis in an organizational level case study research? Thanks.
Over-qualified candidates are more likely to contribute more to the given jobs. Over-qualified candidates are also more likely to quit your organisation as they find better opportunities elsewhere giving significant rise to employee turnover. Can you kindly share your opinions and your country-specific experiences in this issue?
At our university we currently built up a new research strategy. Therefor we are considering some measures to motivate colleagues, to build up adjuvant organizational structures as well as a productive atmosphere.
Which are the most effective measures in your experience? Do you know about successful examples?
1. comparative contingency theory with other theories.
2. is the contingency theory adequate for management accounting research.
3.can the management accounting practice improve the performance.
4. models related with this subject.
developments that have occur due to the reforms/changes from Traditional Administration to the New Public Management
Hi, I would appreciate if you could reccomend a sotware for organizational network analysis. I am thinking of UCINET, but I would like to consider alternatives, too. Softwares which offer training would be a better option. This software will be used to examine the organizational network in migration management in a province.
I am working on leadership issues in developing psychological contract. kindly suggest some measure to imporve psychological contract.
can we improve the project risk identification quality with the help of flexible organizational strategies.
I am keen to identify recent literature that examines ways in which downsizing and organisational restructuring can contribute positively to strategic organisational change. I am particularly interested in examinations of how it can change the behaviours and competencies of a workforce by changing its membership. I am also keen to find recent literature that examines the risks and uncertainties associated with such efforts, including ways in which downsizing and restructuring may itself disrupt efforts to bring about organisational change.
What kind of indicators are used to measure the impact of the transfer and knowledge management in organizations?
Universities from organisational culture perspective. Academic culture. I am looking for good international practices and would be grateful for hints.
I am particularly interested in identifying recent literature that sheds light on this question.
Looking for recent example of Meta-Analaysis within the broad field of Management and Organisational research. I am specifically looking for example where the process of variable selection and exclusion is clearly explained and how heterogeneity in original data is factored into the analysis.
How to measure effect of lean management/lean practices on organizational performance? model, methods, etc.
How can we develop a list of micro foundations for organizational capabilities? is such a list different for different capabilities?
I am currently pursuing a dissertation on this topic, and the main aspects of downsizing that I am investigating are the effects of employee downsizing programs on the attitudes, job satisfaction and commitment of the surviving workforce.
a. How can we create an educational institute a learning organization?
b. What support is needed for becoming a learning organization?
c. Testing of management role in educational organization?
d. Setting organizational goals in educational institutes?
e. Assessment of student satisfaction level?
f. Recommendations for a knowledge based organization?
'Negligence' is a kind of tort used in law. 'Negligence' is of two types in law 'Advertent and inadvertent' means intentional and non intentional. There are five theories of Negligence; Austin's theory, Hollande's Theory, Subjective theory, Objective theory and Reconciliation theory.
it has been proved that High performance work practices can affect organisational performance through different mechanisms I intend to study this relation in different context by suggesting mediation role of justice at individual level.. I have concerns about using quantitative approach as the level i am studying usually embrace lower educated employees so they might misunderstand some research terms. Also it is not known yet which dimension of justice is more influential in the research population.
Pinder and Harlos (2001) defined silence as the absence of voice as it
has its own form of communication, involving a range of cognitions,
emotions or intentions such as objection or endorsement.
Silence is most of the time employee's own decision to not to speak due to several reasons. whereas in case of silenced the employee voice is suppressed and he is compelled to not to speak.
I am thinking of a paper which measures the attitude of employees on a change management initiative implemented in a public organization 6 years ago. So it would be appreciate it if someone can point me to a survey instrument which can I adapt/adopt it for my paper
After applying a short scale to measure the transformational leadership of rectors (principals), we found that this variable was not a significant determinant of the perceived impact of cooperation with firms. One possible explanation for this result, in addition to that of the distributed leadership in universities, could be the existence of ‘social desirability’ or leniency biases (Podsakoff et al., 2003: 881-882) in responses (by heads of departments or deans). Therefore, we are going to use some objective measures.
If you had to assess the characteristics of university managers that can be more influential on the impact of university-industry partnerships using objective measures, which ones would you use?
I have difficulties on finding research articles that tells about the relationship or impact of managerial/management expertise on org. performance. I hope someone can help me on this.
Thanks in advance and God Bless..
I am looking for a measure dealing with lock-in or the last stage of the path dependency as defined by Schreyögg. Has anyone of you come across such a measure, or has seen a good proxy?
Thank you so much.
Does anyone know a good paper/research on the "role of government R&D organizations" and/or "strategic management of government R&D organizations"? I am specifically looking at functions of government R&D organizations.
Conventional mobility continues to reign, hardly little research has been undertaken to pinpoint the inner influences and perceptions of how organizational management actions come together to create opportunities for change over into real green mobility (i.e., electric).
I would like to know the advantage and disadvantage of the Rule of thumb method given by F.W taylor?
Servant leadership—the concept that effective leaders and managers need to serve their people—not to be served by them.
Organizations are searching for excellence but only some of them have been able to achieve it.
Is it possible to use them interchangeably?