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Orchidaceae - Science topic

A plant family of the order Orchidales, subclass Liliidae, class Liliopsida (monocotyledons). All orchids have the same bilaterally symmetrical flower structure, with three sepals, but the flowers vary greatly in color and shape.
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Publications related to Orchidaceae (10,000)
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Background Dendrobium nobile Lindl belongs to the genus Dendrobium of the orchid family and is a valuable herbal medicine. Drought stress severely affects the growth of D. nobile Lindl; however, the specific regulatory mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. Results In the present study, we conducted a combined transcriptome and metabolome analys...
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En el macizo montañoso Guamuhaya se evaluó el estado de amenaza de la flora, representada por cuatro divisiones, 73 familias, 145 géneros, 225 táxones y 116 endemismos. En total están amenazadas el 25.7% de las especies representadas por 70.4% A, 44.8% CR, 30.4% EN, 9.6% VU, 18.4% NT. Las divisiones con mayor cantidad de táxones amenazados fueron M...
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Dendrobium farmeri Paxton. Paxton's Mag. Bot. 15 (179): 241. 1848. Dendrobium densiflorum var. farmeri (Paxton) Regel, Gartenflora 23: 67. 1874.Callista farmer (Paxton) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 654. 1891.
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The Coelogyne s.l. is one of the emblematic genera of the Asian orchids, with high horticultural and medicinal values. However, the phylogenetic relationships of the genus inferred from previous studies based on a limited number of DNA markers remain ambiguous. In this study, we newly sequenced and assembled the complete plastomes of seven Coelogyn...
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The Orchidaceae family comprises a highly diverse group of flowering plants. The genus Cattleya is restricted to the Neotropics, with approximately 80 % of the species present in Brazil occurring in epiphytic, rupicolous, and terrestrial habitats. During surveys that aimed to investigate root fungal endophytes of two native orchids, C. locatellii a...
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Anoectochilus brevilabris and similar species have been much confused. Three former synonyms, A. griffithii, A. tridentatus and A. chapaensis, are here reinstated. Anoectochilus dulongensis and A. annamensis are treated as new synonyms of A. brevilabris and A. baotingensis respectively. The duplicate of the lectotypes of A. chapaensis belongs to A....
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Orchids are one of the largest families of flowering plants, and one of the taxons is Goodyerinae or jewel orchids. The diversity of jewel orchids on Lombok Island is very little known so it needs to be studied and described. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify and describe species, habitat and distribution of jewel orchids (Goodyerinae...
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Orchids are part of the Orchidaceae family, which holds high ecological and economic value, particularly Dendrobium, which is highly sought after in the market. This study aims to induce shoots of Dendrobium taurinum orchids in vitro using the addition of Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) and Benzyl Amino Purin (BAP). In this research, experiments were...
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Habenaria granitica, a new species from Colombia and Venezuela is described, illustrated, and compared with morphologically similar or previously misidentified taxa. All known records are from the Amazon and Orinoco regions, indicating that the species is restricted to these areas, where it invariably grows associated with granite outcrops, amid ar...
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Phalaenopsis is a well-known Orchidaceae genus with significant ornamental value. There are eight Phalaenopsis species already reported in Manipur (India), with inclusion of Phalaenopsis wilsonii Rolfe as a new addition for the state, the species richness rises to nine. The species was found blooming during an orchid survey at Mao, Senapati Distric...
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Se aportan y comentan dos nuevos híbridos del género Anacamptis para la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. Se describe como nuevo uno de ellos, originado por el cruce entre Anacamptis champagneuxii y Anacamptis pyramidalis, y se recombina el híbrido entre Anacamptis fragrans y Anacamptis morio a nivel notoespecífico. Two new hybrids of the genus Anacampti...
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Societal Impact Statement Understanding plant reproductive strategies is vital for conserving endangered species. This study reveals a novel self‐pollination mechanism in the diminutive orchid Stigmatodactylus sikokianus, facilitated by the movement of a finger‐like appendage beneath the stigma. While this less‐than‐1‐mm‐long structure inspired the...
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This study aimed to determine the dynamics of dormancy using triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) and asymbiotic germination in Laelia speciosa (Kunth) Schltr. seeds stored for three years and one year at different temperatures. This is the first report of a circannual rhythm in L. speciosa seeds under controlled storage conditions. Two experiments...
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Detailed knowledge of reproductive traits and success is essential for the effective conservation of rare and endangered species. It has been reported that Cephalanthera longifolia and C. rubra (Orchidaceae) were abundantly fruiting in some regions several decades ago, but recent studies have shown a low natural fruit set rate for both species. The...
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During studies of European orchids in anthropogenic habitats (such as roadsides, cemeteries, and tree plantations), we unexpectedly encountered previously unrecorded occurrences of Ophrys tetraloniae in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. By utilising taxonomically verified data from both published literature and online resources, we present an...
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Encyclia Hook. is a tropical orchid known for its delightful fragrance and distinctive flower shapes, which have been widely used as superior parents for inter and intrageneric breeding. In this study, karyotype analysis shows that the number of chromosomes in diploid plants of Encyclia is 40, with all species exhibiting mesial and central filament...
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Bulbophyllum halmaherae Mustaqim, Yudistira, Jacop & Schuit. (Orchidaceae), a distinctive new species of sect. Polymeres, is described and illustrated. A detailed description, morphological comparisons, habitat information , a preliminary conservation assessment and a brief discussion are provided.
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Paphiopedilum fairrieanum (Lindl.) Stein is a terrestrial orchid found in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed it as a Critically Endangered (CR) species in 2015. This study reports the vegetation composition of Paphiopedilum fairrieanum habitat, and the impact of canopy coverage on this orchid...
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Aim of study: The primary objective of this study was to investigate the seed germination and antioxidant propertiesof Serapias vomeracea (Burm.f.) Briq. Specifically, the aims of the research were to explore the influence of the Tulasnellaceae spp, fungal isolate SVL-30 (MK250656), on germination and seedling development, compare antioxidant activ...
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Dactylorhiza hatagirea, commonly known as Salam Panja, is a high-altitude medicinal herb in the Himalayan region. The species is cultivated primarily for economic purposes for its highly medicinal tubers; these are used in preparation of Salep. Its overexploitation for medicinal use and habitat destruction has led to its endangered status. Presentl...
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Background Phaius Lour. (Collabieae, Orchidaceae) is a small genus consisting of about 45 species, with highly ornamental and medicinal values. However, the phylogenetic relationship of Phaius among Calanthe s. l. has been highly debated based on morphological and molecular data. The complete chloroplast (cp) genome has been widely used as a useful...
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Interactions with mycorrhizal fungi are increasingly recognized as crucial ecological factors influencing orchids’ distribution and local abundance. While some orchid species interact with multiple fungal partners, others show selectivity in their mycorrhizal associations. Additionally, orchids that share the same habitat often form relationships w...
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Danxiaorchis yangii is a fully mycoheterotrophic orchid that lacks both leaves and roots, belonging to the genus Danxiaorchis in the subtribe Calypsoinae. In this study, we assembled and annotated its mitochondrial genome (397,867 bp, GC content: 42.70%), identifying 55 genes, including 37 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 16 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs, and con...
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Background: The patterns of inbreeding coefficients (FIS) and fine spatial genetic structure (FSGS) were evaluated regarding the mating system and inbreeding depression of food-deceptive orchids, Dactylorhiza majalis, Dactylorhiza incarnata var. incarnata, and Dactylorhiza fuchsii, from NE Poland. Methods: We used 455 individuals, representing nine...
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Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) Sw. is a valuable ornamental plant in the genus Cymbidium, family Orchidaceae, with high economic and ecological significance. However, the lack of population genetic information and molecular markers has hindered the development of the sales market and genetic breeding of C. ensifolium despite the abundance of commercial...
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Résumé Lors d’un voyage dans la province de Málaga (Andalousie, Espagne) pour la recherche et l’étude des orchidées spontanées présentes dans cette région, nous avons eu l’occasion d’examiner certains taxons du genre Ophrys. En outre, la nomenclature d’Ophrys tenthredinifera subsp. guimaraesii et de son hybride avec Ophrys bombyliflora est étudiée....
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Dienia is a small, pantropical genus of epidendroid Malaxideae orchids. The floral lip is upwardly directed and does not serve as a landing platform for pollinators. This role has been assumed by sepals and/or gynostemium or whole inflorescence. Information about the pollination and floral morphology of this genus is scarce. Field observations have...
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Background Orchids are well-known for their rich diversity of species as well as wide range habitats. Their floral structures are so unique in angiosperms that many of orchids are economically and culturally important in human society. Orchids pollination strategy and evolutionary trajectory are also fantastic human for centuries. Previously, Orchi...
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Orchidaceae serves as a “flagship” group in global biodiversity conservation efforts, drawing substantial interest from researchers in China, but research on the variation of orchid species diversity along elevational gradients in mid-subtropical mountain forests in China remains limited. In this study, we conducted an investigation of orchids acro...
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Encyclia tuluaensis is a newly discovered orchid species, endemic to the tropical dry forests of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, a region characterized by high biodiversity and significant conservation relevance, primarily due to extensive habitat loss. This species was identified through comprehensive morphological analysis of cultivated specimens at t...
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The growth and development of Cypripedium macranthos Sw. are affected by environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, soil type, and its crown density. In this study, its morphological attributes, physiological traits, and interactions with environmental factors were analysed. The results indicate that the growth of C. macranthos was limit...
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Background: MicroRNA159 (miR159) is a conserved miRNA found in various plant species. By regulating GAMYB-like transcription factors, miR159 is involved in diverse biological processes. Cymbidium goeringii, a significant traditional Chinese orchid, has unique flower shape and elegant fragrance. However, its development has been several limited beca...
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a sobrevivência e o desenvolvimento de Cattleya nobilior, oriunda de cultivo in vitro, arranjada por pontos cardeais nos forófitos Acrocomia aculeata e Butia capitata, em uma área de mata ciliar no domínio Cerrado em Porto Nacional, TO. Para sobrevivência foi avaliado o número de indivíduos vivos ao final do...
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Saprophytic plants, a unique group of organisms that obtain nutrients by decomposing organic matter, have been a vital part of traditional medicine for centuries. Despite their importance, the medicinal properties of these plants remain understudied. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the medicinal uses of saprophytic plants, h...
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Although the seeds of various Orchidaceae members can be readily germinated on sterile nutrient media, numerous species exhibit complete asymbiotic germination failure. Also, while seed morphology in orchids has been previously linked to dispersal, associations with germinability have not been widely explored. We compiled seed morphometric and germ...
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The southeastern Yunnan is one of the most typical areas in China with karst landforms. The rich variety of vegetation types and plant diversity means that threatened status are also synchronized. Over the past 20 years, the comprehensive conservation team for plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP) has conducted in-depth field surve...
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Natural drugs are one of the most important needs in daily life and their history is as old as human civilization. Orchids are nature's most beautiful and widely dispersed flowering plant groupings. Cymbidium aloifolium (L) SW family (Orchidaceae) is an epiphytic herbaceous orchid. The orchidaceae family is one of the oldest and largest flowering p...
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Flower morphology often changes over altitude, although the patterns themselves can be variable, with flowers being either smaller or larger. Floral trait variation is often considered in the context of pollinator-mediated selection. However, other explanations, including underlying genetics and plasticity, resource availability and floral enemies...
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RESUMO: Vanilla palmarum (Salzm. ex Lindl.) Lindl. é uma espécie da família Orchidaceae com ampla ocorrência na América do Sul, sendo encontrada em várias regiões do Brasil. O presente trabalho amplia os registros de V. palmarum dentro do bioma Cerrado, registrando sua ocorrência nos municípios de Fazenda Nova, Firminópolis e São Luís de Montes Bel...
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Background: Epidendrum guttatum A.Rich. & Galeotti, based on specimens collected by Galeotti in Mexico in 1840, was predated by E. gut-tatum L. and replaced by Encyclia guttata Schltr. and subsequently by superfluous Epidendrum maculosum Ames, F.T.Hubb. & C.Schweinf. Questions: The study aimed to show that the concept of Prosthechea guttata of rece...
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Objective: The objective of this study is to describe the current status of the Orchidaceae family with respect to its conservation in the Canton Lago Agrio. Determine the richness and abundance of orchids in the Canton Lago Agrio. 2. Determine the ethnobotanical importance of the orchids of the Canton Lago Agrio. 3. To establish conservation strat...
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This is the first part of a series presenting previously unpublished data of importance for the knowledge of native vascular plants in the Pannonian Region. This paper deals with the families Lycopodiaceae, Brassicaceae, Crassulaceae, Rosaceae and Orchidaceae. We document the occurrence of Lycopodiella inundata from a ski slope on the outskirts of...
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We present an updated list of Orchidaceae species and their distribution data in the mesoregions of the state of Pará, Brazil, based on a systematic review of the literature and analysis of herbarium voucher specimens (and their labels) to confirm the occurrences of the species in the state. Our list has 434 species belonging to 98 genera; 209 spec...
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Citrus leprosis (CL) severely threatens citrus production, particularly in Brazil, where it has inflicted significant economic losses. This disease is caused by a viral complex transmitted by mites of the genus Brevipalpus, known as flat mites or false spider mites. CL symptoms include chlorotic or necrotic lesions on leaves, stems, and fruits, oft...
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Costa Rica is a country with an area of only 51,000 km2. It has been botanically explored since the mid XIX century, with higher intensity since the early XX century. Several floristic projects at the national level have sequentially augmented the national plant inventory. The last such large-scale effort, the Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, publi...
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Caladenia haemantha D.L.Jones has been resurrected as a species by D.L.Jones in 2021. In the current study, the arguments and material used to justify the change are critically evaluated and found to be unsupported. Caladenia haemantha is reinstated as a taxonomic synonym of C. formosa G.W.Carr. An updated description and nomenclature are given for...
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Disperis monophylla Blatt. ex C.E.C. Fisch. has been rediscovered after 96 years from the type location, and detailed description, key to the species, photographs and taxonomic notes are provided for the better understanding of the species.
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Aerides rosea (Orchidaceae) boasts high ornamental value due to its pleasant aroma, foxtail spike, and elegant floral morphology. Inducing A. rosea to become tetraploid enhances horticultural traits and facilitates fertile intergeneric hybrids through crosses with other market-available tetraploid species. The experimental design involved the appli...
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Bulbophyllum bonjolianum Yudistira, Candra & Mustaqim, a member of section Macrocaulia, is described here based on a specimen collected from the mountains of West Sumatra. It is similar to B. tristriatum Carr. and B. pyridion J.J.Verm. but differs in the morphology of the dorsal sepal, petal and labellum. A key to B. bonjolianum and morphologically...
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Plant vendors generate a commercial species pool, the subset of species in a regional flora that is purchasable. The availability of plant species from commercial vendors can influence the composition and outcomes of conservation, landscaping, and restoration plantings. Although previous research suggests that most plant species are unavailable, th...
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A few taxonomic and nomenclatural aspects of the genus Oberonia Lindl. relating to the Flora of Singapore are resolved. First, no subgeneric names are recognised in the genus Oberonia. Oberonia subg./sect. Apothemnophyllum Schltr. and Oberonia subg./sect. Menophyllum are synonyms of Oberonia s.s. The autonymous subgenus is a non-mandatory rank, hen...
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The biodiversity crisis necessitates innovative conservation strategies. Italy's rich biodiversity presents a unique opportunity for such approaches. This study uses scenario analysis and predictive models to identify new protected areas (PAs), focusing on orchids as biodiversity indicators. By leveraging LifeWatch as a comprehensive database, we i...
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Epidendrum purpureocaulis is a recently described species, belonging to the group Epidendrum nocturnum, and was previously known only from French Guiana. Epidendrum ancipitinocturnum was described from the Brazilian State of Amazonas, and was later recognized as conspecific with E. purpureocaulis by several orchidologists, a position with which we...
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In this publication, generalized information on the geographical distribution and ecological affiliation of Epipactis tallosii A. Molnár & Robatsch. (Orchidaceae) in Ukraine, and the state of its populations is analysed. In 2016, the species was first observed in Transcarpathia, in the vicinity of the village Nove Selo. Later, in 2020-2021 we found...
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The findings of two vascular plant species new to the Magadan Region and the north of the Russian Far East (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng., Cypripedium calceolus L.), new localities of Triglochin maritima L., and a new locality of a rare liverwort species (Bucegia romanica Radian) in the Chersky National Park are reported. The Omulevsky clust...
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Porpax chapramariensis (Orchidaceae), is described as a new species from Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary of West Bengal, India. The species have a close affinity with Porpax fibuliformis and Porpax seidenfadenii, but differs on certain characteristics like pseudobulb morphology, glabrous shiny leaves, sepal-petal orientation, pubescent flowers, and s...
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Seed morphometric analysis of Orchidaceae is carried out from the past years in world. As seed diversity in Orchidaceae is very minute with many ornamentations variation. Present work discuses about 106 SEM photographs of diversified orchids in North Karnataka with its parameters.
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Plant regulators are studied because they can alter commercially significant aspects of plant growth. Gibberellic acid (GA3) exemplifies this, as it plays a crucial role in the growth and flowering processes of various vegetables. Thus, the present study sought to verify the effects caused by the exogenous application of different doses of the plan...
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Global warming is one of the biggest threats to global biodiversity causing not only changes in the patterns of precipitation and temperature but also disturbing ecological interactions. The aim of our study was to forecast the effect of climate change on the distribution of food‐deceptive orchid species whose pollination strategy relies on a stric...
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β-glucosidases (BGLUs) are abundant enzymes in plants that play pivotal roles in cell wall modification, hormone signal transduction, secondary metabolism, defense against herbivores, and volatile compound release. Bletilla striata, a perennial herb revered for its therapeutic properties, lacks a comprehensive analysis of its BGLU gene family despi...
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Orchid mycorrhizal fungi (OMF) associations in the Orchidaceae are thought to have been a major driver of diversification in the family. In the terrestrial orchid tribe Diurideae, it has long been hypothesised that OMF symbiont associations may reflect evolutionary relationships among orchid hosts. Given that recent phylogenomic efforts have been u...
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Introduction Gastrodiae Rhizoma (referred to Tianma in Chinese), the dried tuber of Gastrodia elata Bl. (Orchidaceae), is utilized as a medicine-food homology product. Sulfur fumigation is commonly employed in the processing of Gastrodiae Rhizoma (GR). Polysaccharides are a crucial active substance produced in GR, yet the impacts of sulfur fumigati...
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Alkaloids are nitrogenous compounds within heterocyclic rings grouped into pyrrolidine, piperidine, pyrrolizidine, indolizidine, and not-tropane alkaloids. Nevertheless, the origin and biological properties of polyhydroxy alkaloids remain limited. Therefore, this paper aims to review polyhydroxy alkaloid’ major source and pharmacological properties...
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Thrombosis is the occlusion of a blood vessel and is responsible for the highest number of deaths worldwide. Its treatment comprises the use of anticoagulants, antiplatelets, and thrombolytics. Although many antithrombotic drugs are currently available, none is completely effective and safe. Plants are a valuable source of compounds with antithromb...
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This study describes a new natural hybrid of Catasetum, C. × vilhenense, from the State of Rondônia (Brazil) found in ombrophilous forests near the Roosevelt River. The hybrid shows intermediate morphological features between its parental species, C. ariquemense and C. multifidum, with specific differences in floral morphology and inflorescence str...