Science topic
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Science topic
Treatments may be performed on the craniomaxillofacial complex including the mouth, jaws, neck, face, skull.
Questions related to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
I am looking for the template of the "International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery" in Latex or word, anyone can help me with that ?
Maxillofacial tumours, trauma, mandibulectomy, surgery for odontogenic tumours
These Questionnaires are extensively used in both clinical and research settings. Berlin questionnaire has more questions and assists the patient snoring. But one disadvantage is that it only categorise patients to high or low risk. While STOP-bang questionnaire is shorter but it categorise patients to high , medium and low risk.
We are conducting a cross sectional study to find the prevalence of possible obstructive sleep apnea among dental patients based on sleep apnea questionnaire and oral findings (airway, tongue size...).
My question is: Which one of these questionnaires is recommended for such study?
Could fall down be the most common etiology of mandibular fractures especially in countries with rapid architectural urbanization? are there published articles or researches which support or have this result?
A research assistant told me that the mandibular anterior region is a safe region for implant placement despite the presence of mandibular incisive canal because of the nerve atrophies after the extraction of teeth in this region. But what if we put a single implant between some other anterior teeth or if we take a graft from anterior bone in the presence of the teeth?
Just Imagine... A Short Tribute to Nelson Mandela, the guest editorial by C Peter Owen (Int J Prosthodont 2010;23(6):491) is an unique one and something that's rare in the pages of a specialty journal. This impassioned piece is written on the eve of the 92nd birthday of Nelson Mandela and is adeptly connected to prosthodontics and how the industry driven hype can mire our ultimate goal as caring professionals. Check my blog post for details.
American academy of dental research (AADR) has come with a few suggestions on the treatment modalities of TMDs. It's concise and practical which can be considered in intriguing cases of TMDs. Check my blog post for details.
After OKC enucleation, the inferior alveolar nerve will be freely situated in the cavity. Carnoys solution application may damage it while fixing the cyst remnant. How can we avoid such complication ?
A 74 year old gentleman with severe anterior deepbite and generalised attrition, with severely attrited mandibular anterior teeth insisting on full mouth rehabilitation. Bite (vertical dimension) to be raised minimum by 5mm-6mm. Please give your opinions / suggestions/ experiences of such cases with possible prognostic outcomes. Thanks & regards
Literature revealed that this is a rare tumor of jaw. Prognosis are not very well described. Looking forward for any clinician/surgeon/researcher to share their experience in managing this tumor in an adult patient.
The partial impacted or fully impacted third molar significantly increase the incidence of mandibular angle fractures and decrease the incidence of condylar fractures. Due to the potentially challenges to the surgeons also more serious complications associated with condylar fracture, should the clinicians carefully consider the decision of mandibular third molar extraction?
How about the opinion that said, "the early removal of 3M is suggested to prevent the risks inherent in maintaining these impacted teeth as well as to limit future surgical risk and difficulties"?
How can we calculate the benefits and risks?
Intracapsular mandibular condylar fracture displaced more than 5 mm and more than 30 angulation.Is it always necessary to open TMJ capsule? Please give your idea. The patient may visit early, or it may be delayed case.Thank you.
In this case two ducts come out of the anterior border of Parotid gland, unite with each other to form a single duct. This duct resumbles english letter Y, So we named it as Y shaped parotid duct. A sound Anatomical knowledge of this duct is important to decrease post operative complications after parotid surgeries, as leakage of secretion from parotid duct may lead to delayed wound healing.
There are various surgical methods for management of KOTs. Each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages . However, there is no method with zero recurrence rate.
What surgical treatment has the lowest recurrence rate following the management of keratocystic odontogenic tumor?
I am working with exosomes purified from whole saliva samples. I would like to know the best RNA kit to isolate both mRNA and miRNA from exosomes for microarray profiling.
I appreciate any response.
I am looking for the mouse/rat model of septic peritonitis. Can someone suggest working method or give publication link. Thanks
What would be the best way to classify craniomaxillofacial war injuries?
Could infection which leads to final plates removal decision regard as hardware failure?
what is the update information regarding Craniomaxillofacial training using simulations?
I am a faculty and a part time research scholar. My research is based on application of CBCT in Cleft lip and palate patients.Review of literature including guidelines given by American association of Orthodontics, American Association of Oral and maxillofacial radiology, Sedentext CT justify it's use in such subjects. I want expert's opinion on ethical issues in such clinical situations.
1.Root planning/Curettage/Flap surgey
2.Root conditioning/Local irrigation?
3. RCT
4. Crown
5. Extraction of hopeless tooth
I was wondering if I could get some information and references (upto date) regarding bone transport distraction after partial maxillectomy of posterior palatal region ?
Immunohistochemistry has been widely used in malignant lesions, to recognize antigens and, consequently, to identify and classify specific cells within a cell population whose morphology is heterogenous or apparently homogenous.Can this technique be applied to differentiate KCOT form ameloblastoma? if so what is specificity and sensitivity of the tests?
Is there any significant difference between them regarding primary stability, alveolar bone loss, and/or the success rate?
Parotid salivary fistula is a relatively common complication after parotidectomy. Salivary fistula or sialocele occurs if the resected edge of the remaining salivary gland leaks saliva and drains through the wound or collects beneath the flap (sialocele)
1. Factor replacement 2. Consultation with a Hematologist
3. Measures to control bleeding & promote clot formation.
The general consensus in the field of head and neck oncology states that appropriate initial management of these tumors is surgical extirpation with adjuvant treatment. There is controversy in the field regarding the appropriateness of elective lymph node dissection.For maxillary alveolus and hard palate tumors, it has traditionally been believed that the risk of nodal metastases is not high enough to warrant elective lymph node dissection.In the majority of cases, in the absence of clinical evidence of cervical nodal metastases,neck dissection is generally not recommended, independent of the size or depth.
Dear all, deficient ridges are among the most challenging situations in the dental clinic; it is considered as a critical size defect. Therefore, it is of great value to find out a successful and predictable line of treatment to such a problem.
After radical neck dissection, I saw a few patients developing saliva collection under the flap, So, how could the case be managed?
During treatment of KCOT using either enucleation with or without ajuvant therapy or marsupialization with or without residual cystectomy, some authors advocate that excision of the overlying mucosa is necessary to eliminate epithelial and micro cysts with subsequent reducing recurrence?
Presurgically, as kcot is a benign tumor , we have to manage it drastically.are there reliable diagnostic features ( clinical, radiogrophic ) particularly in dentate patients?
The lower third molar surgery is the most common surgery performed by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. There are various method to do bone guttering or tooth sectioning to facilitate tooth delivery. The piezoelectric surgical technique is a promising method when compared to rotary burs. Unfortunately, there was a sold evidence to support the superiority of this promising technique over the rotary instruments.Thus , We have this evidence based on papers ( a systematic review and meta analysis) to resolve the issue concerning this matter. I am asking here to allow an expert Doctors and my colleagues to discuss this very interesting topic .
1. CLAP- Cleft Lip And Palate
2. Any specific age in days/months/years
As we know, the reconstruction plate and artificial condyle which we use in hemimandibulectomy are rigid comparing to the natural bone, where a fracture of condylar neck prevents this more serious injury.
dental field, maybe associated with Laurell.
I do not know if it comes froma paper or a textbook.
The extra or intracapsular parotid dissection.
Distraction Osteogenesis for TMJ Ankylosis with facial asymmetry followed by ankylosis release or vice versa.
Is there any risk of iatrogenic C1-C2 subluxation in case of transverse facial cleft patient intubations and operations? What if there is no vertebral anomaly visible on CT.
I would grateful if you can help me. It is very difficult to get any publication about that subject.
say in acute spurs at the level of middle turbinates .
Conventionally it is the thesis/dissertation. More effective steps have to be suggested. Otherwise research contributions will not become relevant. Researchers may make comments
As for computational fluid dynamics analysis, can we analyze the voice predication?
If anyone knows, please recommend me some software and also on how to operate them.
An 11- year- old boy presented to the dental clinic with his father, complaining of poor esthetics and delaying of eruption of teeth. Examination revealed a suspicion of amelogenesis imperfecta ( clinically & radiographically). Teeth present: 11, 21, 31, 16, 26, 36, 46, all primary molars and canines and partially erupted 12,22, 42. Patient has also angle, class III. Outline the treatment plan for such a case.
Patient may be unconscious, sedated or fully conscious.
We are working on introducing the procedure in our hospital, your experiences will help us start successfully. Thank you all
Secondary alveolar bone grafting in cleft lip and palate patients is usually done following expansion using fixed orthodontic appliances such as quadhelix or a hyrax type appliance. Does the surgeon need to remove the appliance to do the graft?
Anatomical considerations which could influence risk of Voluma injections for malar augmentation.
Usually for patient with OHA, I take a blood glucose level of 13mmmol/L as the limit. Is there any guidelines I can refer to?
A 19 years old male patient feels muscle function loss on the right side accompanied by parasthesia to the right of the mandibula, which occurs for approximately 20 seconds. It relapses many times a day. In addition there is alveolar bone loss without tooth mobility and bleeding.

Class II molar, overjet 15mm, openbite of 3mm, deficient chin, vertical growth pattern.
Prolotherapy is the use of material that promote fibroplastic activity.
Diabetes and Dental Implants.
Is there evidence in the literature that correlates the success or failure of dental implants with readings for Glycosylated Hemoglobin(HbA1c)? In other words , is there evidence that states that at the time of dental implant surgery the HbA1c should not exceed certain figures .
Moreover is their any study that correlates the success or failure during the healing phase with the HbA1c reading at time of second stage surgery?
Atraumatic extraction was done of right first maxillary molar with buccal infiltration and greater palatine nerve block (lignocaine 2%with adrenaline 1:80,000). The patient complains of blurred vision and pain in the lacrimal gland area of their right side. Pupil reflexes are normal, as is the healing of the socket.
1. Why are Malignant Odontogenic Tumors uncommon in the pediatric age group?
2. If you have reported any case/ come across with any literature, please provide the reference.
I need the appearance in X rays and CT in jaw bones or other bones, also I need references.
If yes, is it coincidental or a correlation? Gardner's syndrome is known to be associated with intestinal polyposis, supernumerary tooth, impacted tooth, odontomas, osteomas.
Since, the syndrome is associated with supernumerary tooth/impacted tooth, can the odontogenic keratocyst occur in these cases?
If intra-bony lesions of considerable size, the buccal plate of bone could be easily penetrated with needle to get sample. I think that the accuracy of fine needle same as incisional biopsy but less traumatic and with fewer post operative complications than incisional biopsy.
Radiological features of TMJ ankylosis reveals the prominent coronoid process and antegonial notch, but don't know the mechanism, could anyone help?
Osteoradionecrosis was once considered a dreaded complication following Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Malignancies, is rarely seen now a days, thanks to the new techniques of radiotherapy and the prophylaxis taken before therapy. Is this complication still be considered among the complications of Radiotherapy?
Second stage surgery was done after six months for loading.
Implant was immediately placed after extraction.
There was no cortical fracture nor dehiscence when implant was loaded.
Early versus Delayed reconstruction, where experts for micro-vuscular surgery are not available.
Just information pertaining to the most recent research topics in or around TMJ.
1.DNA changes-a great deal of research is being done to learn what dna alterations bring obout the cancerous changes in the cells of oral cavity & oropharynx.
2.New chemotherapy techniques
3.New radiotherapy techniques
4.Gene therapy
5.Vaccines for HPV viruses
6.Advances in fluorescence in imaging techniques to detect oralcancer.
7.A new research has investigated the potency of indian wild plants against microbials found in the mouth of oral cancer patients viz asparagus,desert date,false daisy,curry tree,caster oil plant,fenugreek
The surgical approach to cystic lesions of the jaws is either marsupialization or enucleation. The treatment of choice is dependent on the size and localization of the lesion, the bone integrity of the cystic wall and its proximity to vital structures.
The technique of marsupialization, or Partsch’s technique, consists of removing a window from the lesion and suturing the surrounding mucoperiosteum to the margins of the cyst wall. The ensuing cavity is filled with gauze, which is removed after seven to ten days. If necessary, the gauze is changed during this period. This procedure aims to reduce the size of the cyst: opening the cyst eliminates its osmotic pressure and bone apposition gradually occurs at the site previously occupied by the epithelial covering of the cyst. These procedures can be used as a single treatment for a cyst or as preliminary treatment for subsequent enucleation. This procedure aims to reduce the size of the cyst: opening the cyst eliminates its osmotic pressure and bone apposition gradually occurs at the site previously occupied by the epithelial covering of the cyst. These procedures can be used as a single treatment for a cyst or as preliminary treatment for subsequent enucleation.
Anatomic landmarks that should be respected in the craniofacial skeleton, navigation, transfer of pre-op insertion of implants to the surgical field.
Swelling appears and disappears on and off for past 3-4 months. Swelling usually develops in the morning and subsides in 4-8 hrs on the same day. His TC,DC and ESR : WNL
What can it be?
I've got a 2.5 year old male patient, presented with lt parotid swelling, CT scan revealed 1.3 cm intragladular stone. The swelling is 6 times recurrent. Any suggestions for optimal treatment?
From my expeience in lower wisdom tooth removal surgeries there is no clear cut criteria to define the difficulty of removal depending on radiographs. may be the presence of distal radiolocency is the only promising feature seen on radiograph that encourages and shift even very difficult impaction accounted by available criteria from difficult to simple.
I'd like to know the experience of the researchers about the use, efficacy, safety and side effects of this therapy for large CGCG.
As per my understanding, trials should be conducted specifically on single and precise indication For example; can we do trial on bone defects at multiple locations in body ?
While maxillofacial prosthesis is not a substitute for plastic surgery, in certain cases it may be an alternative. Some of the advantages are: less or no additional surgery,decreased hospital stay,less invasive than plastic surgery,more aesthetically pleasing than plastic surgery
Or are you using a combination of the two procedures?