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Oral History - Science topic
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Questions related to Oral History
As a result of the loss of historical documents due to political events, the solution is to return to oral history in order to reach historical facts, An example of this the history of the contemporary Kirkuk city.
Most of the cases during ethnographic research, some oral history are come out from communities, but is there any way to validate them?
Can anyone advise on any resources that would assist with differentiating between Oral Histories/Witness Testimonies and Free Association Narrative Interviews?
Best wishes,
Dear all,
I am currently working on an oral corpus containing witnesses from ex-deported women. I would be interested in exploring the corpus looking for verbal and para-verbal features related to trauma experience and recalling. What kinds of patterns should I look at? Could you advise me on some relevant literature on this matter?
Thank you in advance!
I will be using oral history as part of my research.
All the languages in this world have their own oral history, but the criteria defined by the intellectuals and the supporting policies of the government acted as the death cause for many of the oral languages which had have a bright history.
narratives, oral histories, videography adds to and enhances quantitative data analysis for efforts like this.
Is there any theory on what is a pro-worker perspective on doing research is social sciences, (or on doing research “from below”)? There are of course, workers’ narratives and oral labour history, but have not come across anything substantial in terms of theory or methodology. Any suggestions, please?
János Besenyő is a Hungarian military historian and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He would like to interview Hungarian veterans who have served in the Spanish Foreign Legion. Any material is welcome, including info on deceased Hungarian veterans and archival materials or Spanish publications.
I find it time consuming to do transcriptions on my oral history interviews. Is there a software that will expedite the process.
Question inspired by Diamond Jenness' book of Inuit string figures collected during the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913. Inuit string figures depict animals in different states (e.g. birth, hunting), historical events, human relations, and other subjects. Should this practice be studied as a form of literacy?
I am not sure how to approach discourse analysis in my work? Can someone give me an advice? I plan to employ oral history, content analysis, survey and discourse analysis in my study of Malaysian war journalists.
Does the space where someone lives affect the way he/she understands and narrates his/her life?
I am a cultural anthropologist and work with traditional knowledge from oral sources. I'd like to know about the experience of research and methods in the application of oral sources / qualitative research in climatic change adaptation and mitigation, possibly in the so called 'developed countries' (i.e. Europe, North America, Australia etc.)
I'm a cultural anthropologist, I work on traditional knowledges and intangible cultural heritages. My main sources of data are audio and video recording that I analyse with a qualitative analysis software (I use Transana, but i can change if needed). I need to integrate the data from the qualitative analysis (video, audio, text and categories) in a GIS. I know that I can 'cut' clip video or audio clip and insert in the GIS like photos and text. But I need to keep clip in the context of registration for different motivation: 1. for interpretative purpose 2. Because the analysis will be a continuous progress. 3. the database of video recording is big and growing (more than 100 hours).
I'd like to use software for the analysis, coding the content, integrate the coding with the georefererentiation (i.e. recording place, cited place in the account, area of influence of the knowledge ecc.) and connect with a GIS for a visual representation. I try to explain: I.e. I have 50hours of interviews on traditional land use and ethnobotanic knowledge. Some of the information will be used for traditional land right, other for sustainable management, other for food security and food sovereignty ecc. One of the query could be: let me see all the sentences about the ethnobotanical knowledge (that will have some sub categories, food, medicinal, symbolic ecc. ) on a specific plant species, and which area is connected with the single account. Or may be all the accounts about a traditional use of a specific area.
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