Science topics: Optometry and Vision Science
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Optometry and Vision Science - Science topic
Interest in optometry and vision science related research
Questions related to Optometry and Vision Science
Me and my research team are Optometry students. We are conducting a study on the effect of caffeine on the near triad. But we struggle to find previous research on the effect of caffeine on the vergence system especially convergence. Is there anyone that will be able to assist? Thank you!
I am initiating a discussion on measurement of spectral transmissibility of ophthalmic lenses. I intend to investigate how these properties change over time with a view to understanding how much vision/protection ophthalmic lenses allow wearers over time and use.
I've just read research which was done in Pakistan where the researcher had achieved very good result (97%) by full time patching in patients between 13 and 35 years old. Let me know your experience or share any research in this regard.
The compound we have been using has been showing strong anti-inflammatory activities in dermal fibroblast cell, we believe that it might have shown the similar role in cornial epithelial cell. HCEC cell line can be used to formulate a dry eye model, but the question is what is the best way of induction?
Thanks in advance.
Cones are thought to be linked our explicit, decontextualised take of reality delivering our detailed impression of real settings in central/macular vision. Rods are then associated with peripheral vision and its specialisms of implicit spatial awareness and sensitivity of motion. However, although there are about 100 million rods across the retina they are considered to be 'saturated' in daylight conditions and responsive for night vision only. I would suggest that rods are actually optimised in daylight conditions and that we are missing the passive transmission of a specialised data potential. Could this be decoherence at work? A 'dark' data potential essential to the formation of perceptual structure?
Retinal Receptor Functions
I would be interested in how much it depends on the eye-tracker or researchers' experience how many participants fall out of the sample because there are difficulties with the measurement (e.g. pupil cannot be pinpointed). I have read about numbers between 5% and 20% - there seem to be many differences. What are your experiences?
A 6 year old girl is complaining of visual blurring for 3 days. She says that her vision is foggy all the time.
Anamnesis is negative for any possibly related disease. Seated at 3 meter distance and for near she doesn't recognize any symbol. How could you proceed with the examination and why?
The article Association of Glaucoma-Susceptible Genes to Regional Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness and Visual Field Defects Article in Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 58(5):2510 · May 2017 DOI: 10.1167/iovs.16-20797 · License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 by Robert Rich is not the full text as described
We are running a visual discrimination study in the peripheral vision of patients with partial cortical blindness that uses moving and static visual stimuli (real motion) in different orientations (vertical, horizontal). We are adjusting the stimulus contrast so that the stimulus is not "seen" in the blind visual field -- however the question arises whether we should probe the contrast with the moving stimulus, the static stimulus or both?? Take the average of vertical and horizontal stimuli, if different? Should we have separate contrasts for moving vs. static stimuli? Thanks in advance!
The arcuate fasciculus develops a leftward asymmetry on the human brain of a healthy subject. Are there any studies about this on congenital deaf subjects?
Difference in results of color vision Ishihara test done in congenital color blindness monocularly and binocularly?
In our lab we are looking for using head mounted eye trackers in infants between 5 months and 2 years of age. I think you are using those models from pupil labs and we are interesting in this particular models as well. My question is, since these are 3D mounted, how did you design the model?
can one import LightTools design in zemax OpticalStudio directly?
I was wondering what was the typical scalp topography of a vertical saccade on MEG signal? Is that similar to blink?
See attached to this question a blink topography. Could the second topography be a vertical saccade?
A comparative study with various post operative inflammatory parameters has shown
We do not have the right lens to optimize the minimal auto focus distance of the phone and still have aberration free image.
Current the phone typically has 80 mm as a minimum distance to auto focus?
We need to bring it down to 15 mm to 20 mm, to use as Low Vision device.
We use the commonly available macro lens, which has reduced the minimum auto focus distance to 20mm. But we are getting image aberration along the edge of the image.
This optic scheme (attached) is supposed to be free from spherical aberrations in output point B. A is input.
I simulated the case, but aberrations was found, is it right ? or I missed something ?
Blue lines is spherical mirrors, Middle blue circle is curvature center both same for lenses.
I want to transfer a cornea from a donor to a receiver.So I would like to know which temperature is the best condition to keep a cornea in the box.Is there any factors that affect the cornea.
Hi, I'm searching information about the existence of optometric test in order to measure peripheral AV or any other features about peripheral vision (except measurement of visual field).
Thank you:)
We need a young and updated researcher in the field of eye research. We need his/her clinical knowledge to complete our discussion section in a manuscript pertinent to eye and ophthalmology. Please contact me for further information.
someone has the material to recommend about it? thank you all
Is anyone aware of any reliable and precise methods for estimates of choroidal thickness using SS-OCT given that both currently used manual (point measurements) as well as automatic algorithms(built in) have their own inherent errors in measurements?
we are looking to design an ideal non-accommodative fixation target to be used at distance in order to stabilise the fixation as best as possible for 20 minutes. Anyone with some insights on the same? Much appreciated!!
LHON is said to be a optic nerve disease. Can a component of photoreceptor loss or dysfunction also be there causing central mfERG depression?
What is the relation between Q asphericity and Spherical aberration in micrometer ?
what is the relation between myopia and AA. ?
and what is the relation between Hypermetropia and AA.?
I have been reading NIST information about spectral reflectance and uncertainty with a spectrophotometer with an integrating sphere
Also, I have found it with an application to colorimetry
The issue here is that in order to calculate the total uncertainty I don't only need repetition of the test (with accounts to TYPE A uncertainty) but also the other sources of uncertainty such as signal to noise ration, signal uncertainty and so on. The problem is that I do not know how to get this values.
According to some texts I have reviewed, the computation of uncertainty is just like Ms. Nadal described in that link I present. But gathering those variables for the total uncertainty budget is what I have problems with.
Also the instrument gives me the 100% line, 0% line and the relative spectral reflectance of my sample. I am following the guidelines of ASTM E903.
Windows OS compatibility would be hugely appreciated
I am planning to see the number of neutrophils and macrophages in cornea after chemical burn. Would it better to flat mount the cornea or just making the section for doing immunohistochemistry? I would really appreciate your suggestions.
Stereo images meant to be seen by binocular human vision are generally taken by two cameras placed parallel to the XY-plane separated by a baseline of +/-65mm.
Given that the vertical disparity can be used to estimate depth just as horizontal disparity, could the images taken by two coaxial cameras (one on top of the other, separated also by 65mm) be used to simulate standard (horizontal) binocular vision? The following article seems to say no but I wanted other opinions... Maybe a reasonable model of the horizontal stereo could be learned from the vertical with ground truth of both types of images?
I am looking for a simple visual or cognitive task or illusion in which prior knowledge would make the task significantly easier. The task should be relatively short and simple and the effect of prior knowledge should be surprising and memorable. The task should be initially fairly difficult. For example, the classic Dalmatian dog image is initially difficult to understand (, but when you have seen it once, it is always easy to see the dog. I would like to have similar effect with an image or a task that is less well known among psychology students.
I actually wanted to assess the level of information/knowledge school teachers have about child eye health in government schools in urban slums where teachers were provided with training on vision screening and common eye problems. Any related tool will help me developing my own according to the local context.
Some time patients claim improvement in fellow eye after intra-vitreal anti-VEGF injection
I was wondering if there are any models that describe how information from memory is used to give rise to a visual experience during visual imagery. I know of Kosslyn's model, but this is pretty old and I was wondering if there are any newer ideas out there.
How can I calculate the percentage of luminous transmittance of colored filter, by using V(lambda) values for daylight D65 from spectral transmission data?
May I assume that knowing ambient illumination levels in log trolands, retinal illumination will be reduced by the same fraction of luminous transmittance of that filter?
Any help will be appreciated!
Can someone recommend a lab that can test Dk and MTF for a modified Silicone Hydrogel contact lens? Thanks!
I observe some trend in the reporting of outcomes in refractive error studies which I don’t think is right and I therefore seek other expert opinions on this matter. Several studies report a single mean spherical equivalent (SE) refractive error value in study populations comprising of both myopes and hyperopes. Mathematically, I know that the sum of +1.00 D and -1.00 D= 0. Hence, reporting a single mean SE for both myopes and hyperopes seems weird to me. I think that mean SE should be reported separately for myopes and hyperopes. Please, advise!!!
I read about patching the amblyopic eye or penalizing the stronger eye for the treatment of amblyopia .
Is there other options?
Can amblyopia be treated in adults?
I am looking for a protocol to specifically degenerate photoreceptors in a quadrant of the rat eye. I have a light source, and I am planning to target it at the eye of an anesthetized rat. The intensity will be 200 lux, but is there a way to target a specific quadrant of the retina?
It is widely mentioned that physiological cup starts enlarging in glaucoma due to raised IOP. What are the physiological cups? According to Wolf’s Anatomy the physiological cups are produced due to varying degree of atrophy of the Bergmeister’s papilla - a tuft of hyaloid vessels providing nutrition to the lens in the fetal life. In histology of normal disc (Wolf’s anatomy & other sources) this remnant fibrous tissue is identified as central connective tissue meniscus (CCTM) lying superficially on the surface of the nerve fibers layer. Some discs have none of CCTM meaning having no cup and some discs may have CCTM as large as covering 90% of the surface or having 0.9 physiological cup.
It is also mentioned that the nerve fibers are present only in the rim area (exposed area) whereas the central cupped area is empty and devoid of nerve fibers. It appears a fallacy, as there is no such histology supporting this doughnut shaped arrangement in any normal or diseased disc.
Returning to our main question: if the physiological cups are remnant fibrous structure then few puzzling questions arise: First, why should a fibrous structure enlarge in response to high or normal IOP to begin with ? Second, why should a fibrous plate enlarge concentrically in diameter due to raised IOP, defying the laws of physics, and not instead deepen and thus reducing its diameter? I have not seen any physiological cup enlarging concentrically say from 0.3 all the way to 100% cupped in glaucoma and there is no documentation of such a gradual concentric enlargement either. It is mentioned the occurrence of notching in the superior and inferior pole of the physiological cup in the early stages of glaucoma which is breaking of the physiological cup and certainly not its concentric enlargement.
Third, the histology of end-stage glaucomatous disc (ESGD) reveals an empty crater: it appears neither 100% cupped physiological cup nor 100 % cupped lamina cribrosa.
ESGD appears to be a crater in an area which once the housed the disc. It is totally devoid of nerve fibers, physiological cup, lamina cribrosa and even the vasculature except few large vessels hanging on its rim. Where did all these structures go? What structure of the disc has really become 100 % cupped or is it a fallacy?
New achievements in topical route - eye drops for age-related macular degeneration
We will be investigating the effect of fusional demand on stereoacuity, specifically, static and dynamic in primary position and adduction.
So far, only laser photocoagulation therapy is in use and possibly some non-surgical techniques are still in development.
My question is: How is a patient's retinopathy progress monitored when he is undergoing treatment? (When to know if "enough" treatment has been applied? How is clinically significant change measured?)
I am currently working on the effect of salinty in taurine production for brakishwater fish. But, I am also interested on the taurine synthesis pathways in fish. Are you familiar with taurine receptor genes? Or any other enzymes aside from CDO amd CSD that aids in taurine production?
How can anatomic retinotopic organization of the retinal nerve fibers and its influence on functional glaucoma defects be better explained?
The main part of the information that we get is absorbed using our eyes, what happens with our memory when performance of our eyes is reduced? Is there any research performed to check the influence of the deteriorating vision on memory performances? Thank you in advance!
Thank you for all of you who joined the discussion. I need to clarify the question in a better way.
I should use the word "detect" in the question anyway. I am afraid I misunderstood the definition of the microsaccade, I thought it is a special part of the saccade (marco one) from the fixation.
For example, in my own analysis I found this is hard to achieve, the data of (average)velocity was m=97 (SD=50), but the maximum velocity was about 227, which was smaller than six times the SD (which would be 300).
Can anyone help me about this?
The irregular cornea has irregular topographic changes, that makes the variations values of K readings are random and effect the K flat and K steep values. The question here is how to create a protocol of evaluating the K reading per x-y location upon the corneal surface..
Anyone doing a dynamic assessment with young children with visual impairment?
Please I need some help with possible differential diagnoses and/or management plan. Fundus photo of an active 47year old male African, Right eye. VA=CF, exotropia approx. 30o. Lens, cornea, vitreous are all normal. Good pupillary reaction with mild RAPD, IOP 14mmHg. History of decreased vision since childhood. No history of trauma, diabetes, HIV, or hypertension. The left eye is normal.
Thermal camera provides only surface temperature of an object, even though the objects are transperent. For example, looking to a hot object through a glass using thermal camera will give the the temperature of the glass surface. Is any modification in the thermal camera optical system possible to eliminate this trasperent barrier?
It will be useful for examination of retina in the eye taking advantage of its transperent media.
In humans, it is well known that vision changes with age in humans or that vision varies across individuals within populations. But what about inter-individual variation in vision characteristics and age-related change with age in vertebrate wildlife?
The optical angle (Tau) changes as a function of the distance to an object (Tau = invtan(ObjectSize / distance). It is argued that when regulating distance it is a common strategy to null the change in Tau (Tau dot).
I am trying to find evidence for this theory in cyclical backwards and forwards human-avatar locomotion. However, when analyzing Tau dot there is a problem, as due to the 'tangential' relationship between Tau and the distance to an object, the rate of change for a deviation of 1 meter is more when the object is close compared to far away. Moreover, a deviation of 1 meter closer to the object results in a bigger rate of change than a deviation of 1 meter away from the object. This results into a bias for using Tau dot to quantify success in distance keeping. How can I normalize tau dot so that it is not sensitive to the distance the object is perceived from?
(I've tried tau / tau dot, but that doesn't seem to work..)
Thanks for any suggestions!
I have been using a procedure for mouse eye fixation in paraformaldehyde. We remove the mouse eye after sacrafice. We immediately put it in 4% pfa for 30 minutes. After that we punch a hole in the eye, we do not remove the cornea or lens. After fixing for 4 hours, we put it in 10% sucrose for an hour, 20% sucrose for an hour, then 30% sucrose overnight. We then put the fixed eye into a cryomold filled with OCT mixture without sucrose. We freeze the tissue on dry ice. Sometimes the retina is perfectly sectioned, other times, it is extremely detached and has cells missing or shrunken. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks
I've got this image after enhancement and when I segment it I've got problem because it didn't segment in a good way and some weak nerve will disappear and this images content cells that effect on my work.
Do you have any idea? I just need the nerve to appear after the segmentation.
A resident of Ophthalmology complains from both eyes floater, left eye floater is visible every time and right eye only when looks to white board for more than 3 years, flashing is observable in left eye only once or twice a week. He has just known about this problem when he studied about and states that his left eye had this problem since childhood. Please give your idea about the risk of RRD and that he will be an ophthalmologist in the future he is worrying about his profession.
We are using the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Color Vision Test for studying the quality of human colour vision and found that there are differences between left and right eye. In some people only small but in others huge. I was trying to find some articles about this but I was short of luck. Can you suggest me some?
The context is in a project examining how TV viewers multi-task and have their attention divided between tasks, then re-visit the TV screen for certain events while they have been visually attending to another task.
Does anyone has a good protocol for assessing visual acuity in mice with the optomotor system?
Since vitrectomy is already done is there a role for re-vitrectomy?
I want to see a well-delineated ciliary muscle by imaging in live primates, just like how muscles look in a musculoskeletal MRI. Any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks.
If so then to what extent can this ‘model’ of visual perception be used to direct the development of vision science?
Is this proposition meaningful to a cross-disciplinary section of the research community?
Vision-Space is a new form of illusionary space that's based on perceptual structure and not the fundamentals of optics (or central perspective). It models both the data-strcutures and the dynamic of information exchange taking place within phenomenal field (experiential vision). As such we believe that it starts to model visual awareness. At present the programming architecture for Vision-Space is 'illustrative' in nature. It transforms optical record to accord with our understanding of perceptual structure. Vision it appears, is almost entirely non-photographically rendered. While this software can at present generate Vision-Space moving image media, to move the project forwards we need to create an 'academic' programming architecture advancing a 'generative' programming architecture. This architecture must take account of aspects of neural processing. Such an architecture could obviate the the requirement for optical projection as the basis for image generation and produce stimuli for experimentation to probe perceptual structure in detail.
Does someone have a detailed protocol for Proteoglycan extraction from ocular tissue such as cornea or sclera? or have any experience with PG extraction? List of supplies and chemicals are also needed. thank you
Corneal Asphericity and Zernike coefficients
As one of the co-authors of this study I would like to clarify the high prevalence of myopia in our group.The main reason most probably is non-cycloplegic refraction which was done in most of the children. Cycloplegic ref. was done only in some suspected cases depending upon clinicians decision. The criteria was -0.50DS which can be easily obtained in small children as they often tend to accommodate a little bit. This could raise a defining criteria of myopia in preschool children while considering non-cycloplegic refraction.
As a physicist I would postulate that the recruitment increases with intensity, but would like to know the neuroscience position on the matter, both theoretical and experimental. Please suggest some references.
Therapy at this moment: Mycophenolate mofetile is already going with dosage 1000 mg x2/day with Prednisolon 30 mg/day, contact lens is protecting the eye (trichiasis) and Doxicyclin 100 mg x2. The problem is corneal deep neovascularisation which is getting worse. What else can be done? The patient has alredy lost his left eye.
Does anyone have experience with Ellex yag laser vitreolysis?
I need to understand how Sirius works in order to be confident with the results that I am obtaining in my experiments.
When recording an EEG with your eyes closed, does eye flinching generate an artifact similar to an eyeblink?
In fact, I want to find some information about differences which can exist between interaction visuo-motor information in simple reaction time and choice reaction.
I have a young male, 35 years old, who presents with blurred vision for a month, more symptoms are at near. In one eye, the right one. Visual acuity is 0.7. Isocoria, no RAPD, normal color vision. On retinoscopy no refractive error. VEP normal. Goldman perimetry on both eyes I1 isopter are narrowed, more on right eye. NMR normal. Normal eye anterior segment. Both PNO has c/d 0,5, one right eye superior fibers are thinner on OCT.