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Optical Sensing - Science topic
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Questions related to Optical Sensing
Dear colleagues,
I received this question from a reviewer:
Among different metal ions and anions, why Question: the chemosensor exhibit high selectivity towards Cr3+ only?
The chemosensor I used to detect Cr3+ ion is a Schiff-base, and to the best of my knowledge, the related papers do not explain clearly the reason why a molecule is a selective sensor towards a specific ion.
So, my response the following:
"The sensing mechanism and selectivity towards Cr3+ can be supported by computational calculations, which estimate the sensing capability of molecules mainly basing on intermolecular interactions and compatibility between ion size and the geometry of chelating site. Hence, the selectivity observed for Cr3+ ion can be explained by its interactional and geometrical affinity to the chelating site."
Despite our response, we received a second revision in which reviewer is asking the same question!
Anyone can help me please!
Waiting for your responses.
With Thanks
Predictive models that use ordinary least squares (OLS) for parameter estimation must show residuals with normal distribution and constant variance (homoscedastic).
However, in most scientific articles (in engineering-related areas, at least) I don't see a concern with meeting these assumptions. In your opinion, why does this happen? In the end, the results do not change that much when we make the necessary transformations so that these assumptions are met?
If you have had any experience with this topic, please feel free to share.
Dear Colleagues,
I'm studying the optical limiting effect in organic material due to reverse saturation absorption. As we know, in reverse saturation absorption, the transmission coefficient decreases as the intensity increases, or the absorption coefficient increases as the intensity increases, resulting in power loss. So, when we increase the laser power to a threshold P0, there are two competing processes: the increase in input power and the power loss due to reverse saturation absorption. If these two processes are in equilibrium, the optical limit curve is horizontal (as in the attached pictures.) However, if the amount of lost power is greater than the increase in input power, the curve must go down at P0. Why in the paper on optical limiting don’t we see such cases?
Thank you and hoping for your insightful response.
Generally, FFT is used to obtain the spectrum in the frequency domain. What are the informations we can get from the FFT analysis of a spectrum?
In field sensors of fruit maturity are a logical precision fruiticulture step ... but there if the sensor is attached to the fruit there is a cost and sampling issue? On the operational side, if LED based, does change in ambient temperature effecting LED emission wavelength cause issues?
I am working on a project on optical detection of heavy metals in water. In the related published I could find some researchers have used nanoparticles of noble metals doped with some ligands instead of using the nanoparticle itself. What is the function of this ligand?
I am using optical frequency comb for Absolute distance measurements. and interested in Factors that affect the accuracy of these measurements.
I need to prepare a closed gas cell (with input and output for gas) which will sit on a waveguide (without damaging it) for gas sensing measurement. IR light will focus from an optical fibre on one end of waveguide and has to be collected at the other end by an optical fibre and the waveguide has to be closed from top for gas flow.
If any one has some insights or any relevant reference please share........
For some years, optical E-field sensors (plus remote units) are commercially available; main advantage: the field is much less disturbed than by electrically conductive sensors.
We would like to measure UWB near-fields with field strengths from 50 mV/m to 500 V/m, frequency range from 100 kHz to at least 3 GHz, in the time-domain (the electric output signal of the remote unit should represent the temporal course of the field strength). Since we are interested in the geometry of the field we would prefer monaxial sensors.
If you have any experience with such systems, could you please recommend certain manufacturers or models (or advice against certain types)? Many thanks in advance!
I'm trying to build a datalogger in our lab that will record PAR in canopy and sub canopies of cove forests, and came across a paper by Melbourne & Daniel (2004) "A low-cost sensor for measuring spatiotemporal variation of light intensity on the streambed. Seems promising... but has anyone tried it outside of stream systems and under canopies?
Does anyone know the reason for poor sensitivity and commercial unavailability of Resonant Fiber Optic Gyro (RFOG)?
Just need the data from 850 nm to 1200 nm. Many thanks.
What is the best way to cleave/cut/break sapphire fibres?
Looking for some wireless sensors (mechanical) that are used to detect quality changes in food.
Being transparent or creating an illusion? I may propose a device to transfer the images from one location to display at another location using the optical fibers. Furthermore, invisibility may be re-defined over different IR-visible and UV spectral ranges. What optical materials, nanostructures or hybrid mechanisms can be used to enhance the invisibility process?
I have been working on metal-ion sensor based on conjugated polymer systems. It was observed that the fluorescence quenched using Cd and Fe, but the anomaly is the efficiency of conducting polymers to quench collectively (single metal can quench the entire polymer fluorescence as it is expected). Can anybody can help me regarding the Stern-Volmer plot for these kind of systems? How will it vary when considered for polymer based chemosensors from small molecule based sensors?
What is the future of fiber optic chemical sensors? Is it an attractive field? what's your opinion?