Science topic

Optical Fibers - Science topic

Thin strands of transparent material, usually glass, that are used for transmitting light waves over long distances.
Questions related to Optical Fibers
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
Procedure for modifying optical fiber with Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)?
I am trying to modify optical fiber with gold nanoparticles for particle plasmon resonance applications.
I am using 2% 3-Mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane.(MPTMS) as silanization.
I tried different time of fiber immersion in MPTMS (13h) and gold nanoparticle solution(2h). But no gold particles(AuNPs) stick to the optical fiber.
Can anyone give me some suggestions how to do this?
You can also suggest some other easy ways to modify fiber with AuNPs.
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Au elementinin iletkenliği yüksek olduğu için, bileşenlerinin de iletkenliği yüksek. Bu yüzden AuNP bileşeninin merkezine iletimi sağlayacak şekilde ince bir silikon tabaka yapılmalı.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
1 answer
I want to simulate the transmission of a Gaussian beam in an optical fiber, and I have used a beam module to complete the modeling of the three-dimensional structure of the optical fiber. When adding port boundary conditions, I only use the system's default mode input. If I want to define a Gaussian beam that deviates from the center of the fiber, I can change the incident setting. Thank you very much for your help.
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You may contact for one to one sessions.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
6 answers
I'm having a bubbling error while splicing 100/350 um optical fiber (core/cladding) on ​​the Fujikura FSM100P+. I have tried some ways such as changing Prefuse power and Prefuse time but to no avail. Is there any way to handle this error? I put specific images in the file below.
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Malzemenin özelliği değişmiş olur.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
10 answers
I was searching for a bragg Grating simulation example in comsol, but I did not find any. The only one that I found was incomplete. Does anyone have a Bragg Grating simulation example in comsol? It can be the file or even a tutorial of the simulation.
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How could we obtain transmittance and reflectance plots for FBG using wavelength domain study in comsol.Can anyone help with this.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
Tansverse resonance condition for the single layer(FIg.3) waveguide has bee deduced, as shown in Fig.2, which contains the phase shifts cause by reflection and optical path difference. Only light that can fulfill the equation of Fig2 can propagate through the waveguide.Is it possible to get a similar equation for a double-layer waveguide?
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Yeah sure
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
1 answer
I have to work with a preform analyzer model 2650 - Photon Kinetics, but I have no preforms yet to start the calibration and the tests. Is it possible use other kind of sample with a well known refractive index profile (like a large optical fiber for example)? Since the minimum diameter of a sample (preform) for this kind of instrument is 5mm.
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Ön kalıp analizörü kullanmak istiyorsak silikon katmanı hem koruyucu hem de silikon katmanın özellikleri değişmeyecek şekilde kaplama yapılmalı. Kırıcılık indisi, ortamın yoğunluğu vb.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
6 answers
Using COMSOL I want to observe the self-image phenomena in singlemode-multimode-singlemode (SMS) fiber. But there is some problem that could be due to boundary condition. How to use boundary condition for this case?
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No, I can't solve the problem.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
Why are other elements such as calcium, oxygen, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon and molybdenum visible in the EDX spectrum of tapered optical fiber (SMF‐28) covered with palladium and copper by sputtering method? Do all these foreign elements like silicon belong to the optical fiber itself?
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Dear Prof. Korea,
Thank you so much for your nice response. Your detailed response helps me a lot. That was great.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
I understand that ED-XRF or WD-XRF only allows for high energy photon emission. I am wondering if it is possible to obtain emission in the visible region by attaching an external optical fiber to a spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics)? However, I am skeptical about this since the chambers used for XRF are typically sealed. Do you have any other suggestions?
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Thanks for your response Gerhard Martens . I got a nice paper . Just to summarize-
(a) I need to have a clinical x-ray source and need to focus this on the sample kept inside an integrated sphere.
(b) a spectrometer will be connected with an optical fibre to get the desired spectra.
It is better to cover the set up under Pb chamber.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
6 answers
Dear community members,
I need to study the fluorescence of certain analytes in an aqueous solution. Currently, I am investigating fluorescence in a physiological solution. To conduct this study, I am using an Avantes spectrophotometer.
My goal is to obtain calibration curves for specific analytes in water at different concentrations.
The experimental setup consists of a peristaltic pump drawing the aqueous solution from a beaker containing the analyte. The solution flows through a plastic tubing. A small section of the plastic tubing consists of a circular plastic cuvette housed inside a light-shielded box. Inside this box, there are two LEDs and the entrance of the optical fiber that captures the light from the LEDs and the fluorescence of the solution excited by the LED light. Once crossed the box containing the LEDs, the liquid through the plastic tube returns to the beaker where the solution is recirculated for the experiment.
As mentioned, there is an optical fiber that captures the light from the LEDs and the fluorescence of the analytes dissolved in the water. The captured light travels through the fiber and goes into the box where the conversion of the light signal to an electrical signal takes place, along with all subsequent electronic processing. The spectrophotometer is connected via Ethernet to a Raspberry Pi, and I see the software interface on the screen to manage the spectrophotometer parameters. We have two LEDs: LED 1 emits light at 445 nm, and LED 2 emits light at 340 nm. One analyte absorbs at 445 nm and emits fluorescence between 500 and 600 nm, with a peak at 523 nm. Another analyte absorbs at 340 nm and emits fluorescence between 400 nm and 600 nm with a peak at 461 nm.
Now that I have explained the operation, let me describe the optical problem I am encountering.
In short, I observe a problem of "drift" in the light intensity detected by the light-to-electric signal converter. Let me explain it better. The LEDs (unless proven otherwise) always absorb the same amount of current (the voltage across the resistor is always the same over time, and they operate in the linear region), so they always emit the same light intensity. I observe that depending on how I bend the optical fiber and how it is touched and moved, the optical fiber affects the detected light signal, accentuating or attenuating a constant increase in detected light. If the optical fiber remains bent with very pronounced curves, I observe the drift phenomenon, i.e., a weak but constant linear increase over time in the light intensity of the LEDs or the fluorescence of the analytes, as shown in the plot attached. Let me explain it better. If the fluorescence peak of an analyte at 523 nm is, for example, 250 counts at a certain concentration, if no additional concentration of the analyte is added, and the circulating solution is always the same, then the fluorescence of the analyte at that constant concentration should remain constant. Instead, I observe a linear, weak but persistent increase in the fluorescence of the analytes at all emission wavelengths. So, if at time t, I observe fluorescence at 523 nm equal to 250 counts, after, for example, t + Dt, now the entire spectrum has grown, and, for example, the peak is at 1000 counts. Obviously, this "drift" in light intensity is not due to the LEDs because I believe their light intensity remains constant over time since the current they receive remains the same. At most, the LED intensity should decrease over time. It is not due to the auto-fluorescence of the analyte from ambient light because this phenomenon is observed even when the room is completely dark. There are no chemical reactions or degradation of the analytes (I would observe a decrease in fluorescence, not an increase because the degradation products of these substances do not absorb at 445 or 340 nm). Also, this positive drift phenomenon is observed even with plain water or air. It is not due to problems with the light-to-electric signal conversion electronics or due to bugs present in the source code.
I attribute it to the optical fiber, which, if it is straight, this problem is attenuated, but if it is very bent, this effect of increasing the detected light manifests. Attached, you will also find photo and plot files showing the abnormal trend over time of the fluorescence of the analytes or the light captured by the LEDs. I do not believe this anomalous trend depends on the light source.
I'm using a FT600EMT - 0.39 NA, Ø600 µm Core Multimode Optical Fiber
In your opinion, what could this uncommon phenomenon in the optical fiber be due to? And how could it be resolved?
I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you for your patience and the time you've taken to read my question.
Best regards,
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the fakt, that the electronic board does not overheat does not mean that there is no temperature dependence with respect to the LEDs.
The temperature dependence may be due to 2 effects
a) change of intensity and intensity distribution as Nikolay Pavlov meant,
b) change of light coupling into the fiber port due to temperature dependent relative mechanical movement of fiber and fiber inputport due to thermal expansion...
So in consequence: fixing the fibers and waiting for thermal equilibrium.
I admit, that waiting for that equilibrium is a boring job. Once before I were participating in an x-ray experiment, the X-ray source of which achieved a stable intensity output at about 1,5 hours after swithing on...
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
optical fiber
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Optical fiber is composed of three elements – the core, the cladding and the coating. These elements carry data by way of infrared light, thus propagating signal through the fiber.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
optical fiber
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You can use Comsol Multiphysics to design optical fiber by simulation of the profiles parameters and get the interactions of propagated light through this profile.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
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Dear Miami, losses of a photonic (crystal) fiber are generally much higher than for a common optical fiber (based on total internal reflection). In the telecom range, the losses of optical fibers are around 0.2 dB per km. Even in the visible range and for specialty fibers, the losses are typically below 10 dB per km. However, photonic/crystal fibers with solid core (e.g. endlessly single mode fibers) have 5-10 dB in the telecom range and dozens of dB in the visible. Hollow-core fibers might have even hundreds of dB per km. However, the technology of photonic fibers is developing rapidly, and we will probably observe the convergence of their parameters to the specs of common optical fibers. Best, Miroslav
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
6 answers
refractive index for core and cladding
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Right, Alliance Tony-Mayeko. Good point -- the confinement of light is based on total internal reflection (TIR). To understand this, a one-dimensional, three-layer structure is the easiest learning exercise. All you need is a sandwich of three layers with indices n1, n2, n1 where n2 > n1. The layers with n1 are infinite in thickness and layer with n2 has thickness d. Now, figure out the angle of TIR for a wave with wavelength lambda and relate that to the modal index that characterizes the propagation speed in the layered structure. By pointing out this connection, Alliance Tony-Mayeko has linked two understandable physical phenomena (TIR and modal confinement) that probably answer Miami Mohammed's question best of all.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
1 answer
normal refraction or total internal refraction
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fiber optik cihaz kendi içerisinde toplam dahili kırılmayı ,cihaz dışında ise normal kırılmayı gerçekleştirir. Cihaz dışında yalnız normal kırılmayı da gerçekleştirebilir.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
photonic crystal fiber
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Traditional optical fibers consist of a solid core and cladding, whereas photonic crystal fibers (PCF) are crafted with a microstructure featuring air holes, providing precise control over light guidance and characteristics. In standard optical fibers, light travels through a solid core surrounded by a cladding layer of lower refractive index, ensuring guided propagation. On the other hand, PCFs exhibit a periodic arrangement of air holes along the fiber's length, generating a photonic bandgap effect that guides light. Alternatively, if the core is solid and surrounded by air holes, light can propagate through a modified total internal reflection phenomenon.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
6 answers
Hi all, I am using a CFBG with the following parameters:
Center wavelength = 1035nm
D = 0.372 ps/nm
3dB reflection bandwidth = 18nm
For SMFs, D is given in the units of ps/, GDD is simply: GDD = GVD x fibre length, where GVD is D*lamda^2/2*pi*c.
However, CFBG's D value is given in ps/nm, and the vendor does not mention the length of CFBG. I am wondering how I can convert CFBG's D value given in ps/nm into GDD in the units of ps^2 to calculate the net laser cavity dispersion.
Thanks in Advance!
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Hi Vincent Lecoeuche , Thank you for your feedback and clarification.
So the GDD of CFBG, D(ps^2)= - D(ps/nm) * lambda^2/(2pi.c) is the same equation as for the second-order dispersion of optical fibre (Beta_2). Except that in the calculation of Beta_2, D should be in units of ps/(nm. km).
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
10 answers
I require assistance regarding this issue:
How does a change in length of an optical tapered fiber impact the interference between different modes? If an optical fiber sensor relies on mode interference, how does the sensor's performance change with variations in the tapered fiber's length? Are there any relevant formulas to address this concern?
keywords: taper, optical fiber, propagating modes, optical fiber sensors
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  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
When we receive the output of the sensor through the photodiode on the oscilloscope, it is in volts per pascal (sound pressure applied to the sensor), but to remove noises, etc., we need to convert this characteristic of the sensor into phase sensitivity.
How to convert mV/Pa to rad/Pa in the sensitivity of optical fiber sensors?
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Here's a more detailed explanation of the process:
  1. Determine the frequency response of the sensor: Use an appropriate signal generator to generate a sinusoidal input signal at different frequencies. Connect the output of the signal generator to the sensor and measure the output voltage using an oscilloscope. Record the voltage response (in mV) as a function of frequency.
  2. Plot the voltage response versus frequency: Plot the recorded voltage response as a function of frequency. This will give you the frequency response curve of the sensor, which represents the amplitude response.
  3. Calculate the phase response: To obtain the phase response, you need to measure the phase shift between the input and output signals at different frequencies. This can be done by connecting both the input and output signals to the oscilloscope and using the "Cursor" function or equivalent feature on the oscilloscope to measure the phase difference. Measure the phase shift at several frequencies and record the values.
  4. Convert mV/Pa to volts/Pa: Since your sensitivity is given in mV/Pa, divide the sensitivity value by 1000 to convert it to volts/Pa.
  5. Calculate the phase sensitivity: Multiply the sensitivity in volts/Pa by the phase response (in radians) to obtain the phase sensitivity in radians per Pascal (rad/Pa). This represents the change in phase per unit pressure applied to the sensor.
In your case, if you have measured a sensitivity of 600 mV/Pa at a frequency of 10 kHz, follow these steps:
  1. Obtain the frequency response curve of the sensor by measuring the output voltage (in mV) as a function of frequency. You can use the signal generator and oscilloscope for this.
  2. Determine the phase shift between the input and output signals at 10 kHz. Measure the phase difference using the oscilloscope's cursor function or a similar method.
  3. Convert the sensitivity from mV/Pa to volts/Pa by dividing it by 1000. In your case, it becomes 0.6 volts/Pa.
  4. Multiply the sensitivity in volts/Pa by the phase shift (in radians) at 10 kHz to obtain the phase sensitivity in radians per Pascal (rad/Pa).
Remember to perform these steps for multiple frequencies to fully characterize the sensor's phase response and sensitivity.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
1 answer
I manage to saw in both articles where they mention the materials' nonlinear response towards light are difficult to control with simple fabrication process. Unless we are using MBE technique.
Is there any reference article which discuss this in depth and it will be great if you can recommend articles that provide a SA fabrication method which is repeatable.
I tried fabricate quite a number of SA (especially graphene and MoS2) but its not repeatable as mentioned in the artcles. Its more like I have to trial and error until 1 SA can suddenly being used in my laser setup.
Thanks in advance.
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Here are some info I have found. Below are the statements in the articles.
As an important part of modern optics and photonics, nonlinear optics is of great significance for photonic applications such as optical harmonic generation [1,2], ultrafast light switching [3], optical imaging [4] and optical data storage applications [5,6]. Yet, the inherent nonlinear response of materials is usually weak and difficult to control. The existing nonlinear optical crystals improve the nonlinear conversion efficiency by increasing the length of the interaction. Researchers have also taken a series of methods to improve the nonlinear properties of materials, but the designs are often more complex and less effective. It is urgent to look for materials with high stability and huge nonlinear optical (NLO) response.
Another example: if the optical properties of nonlinear oxides are repeatable, this high level of accuracy would be unnecessary. It is shown that MBE affords unique advantages, particularly in the crucial areas of stoichiometry control and deposition uniformity, while offering significant challenges in areas such as growth rate and, in limited cases, interfacial chemistry control.
The observation that with increasing particle size SA becomes more pronounced is consistent with earlier measurements on Ag and Au nanoclusters and NPs. (22, 34, 62) This effect is understood in terms of size dependence of the electronic structure of the particles. For very small particles the discrete nature of their electronic states hinders plasmonic excitations, reducing considerably their linear absorption and, thus, corresponding to very high saturation irradiance for the particle’s first excited state.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
7 answers
How do I convert ytterbium ion absorption of 280 dB/m at 920nm into db/m at 977nm?
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Concerning your problem at hand, the only possibility is imho that you measure the transmittance of your fiber at the wavelength you are interested in and determine the absorption coefficient from the measured transmittance.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
10 answers
By converting AC to DC then to light signals,then is it possible to transmit the light signals through optic fibre cables?  
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The Tesla principle can be used. In stead of wireless power transmission, that power which is converted in to electromagnetic field, can be oriented in to the Modulator (transform in to electric field in the modulator), than transmitted through the optical cable to the destination and demodulated and transformed in to adequate used power.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
1 answer
I attempted to measure the intensity of the light. But I also planned to measure refractive index. We used a laser transmitter and receiver. I use Autonics FD62010, stripped it half (only on 1 side) with a cutter manually and then do electrospinning on the stripped area. We attempt to create concentration gas sensor.
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Dear friend Tristofani Agasta
To measure the refractive index of an optical fiber added with electrospun PVA-rGO, you can use a technique called the prism coupling method. Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Prepare the setup: You will need a laser source, a prism (preferably made of glass with a high refractive index), a collimator, an optical fiber with the PVA-rGO coating, and a detector. Connect the collimator to the laser source and align the prism with the collimator.
  2. Place the fiber: Place the fiber with the PVA-rGO coating on the prism at a specific angle. The angle will depend on the refractive index of the coating and the prism.
  3. Measure the output: Measure the output angle and intensity of the light that passes through the prism and the fiber. You can use the detector to measure the intensity of the light.
  4. Calculate the refractive index: Use the output angle and intensity of the light to calculate the refractive index of the PVA-rGO coating on the fiber using Snell's law.
Note: In the prism coupling method, the refractive index of the coating on the fiber is determined by measuring the angle at which light is coupled from the prism into the fiber. The intensity of the coupled light depends on the refractive index of the coating and the prism. By measuring the output angle and intensity, you can calculate the refractive index of the coating.
This method is commonly used to measure the refractive index of thin films or coatings on optical fibers. However, it may not be suitable for measuring the refractive index of a coating in a gas sensor application, as the presence of gas may affect the measurement. In such cases, you may need to use a different method or modify the prism coupling method to account for the presence of gas.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
1 answer
We working on translucent concrete. Could anyone help us giving the vendor/supplier details for using in translucent concrete? Thanks in advance.
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Sorry I can't help you but I don't have that information. I work with traditional materials.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
7 answers
I wanted to know if a lensed fiber can guide a light of wavelength (1550 nm) longer than the working wavelength of the fiber (780 nm).
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each type of fiber has its own transmission window characteristics according to the material composition of the fibre;
See for example Fig. 6 of:
Even at the spectral sections, which are not labelled as window, you are able guide light, but you will experience a lot of losses here.
Attaching a lense will not change the fiber attenuation but you will be able to increase the light intensity at the input port of the fiber.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
I want to optimize the different parameters to limit the dispersion in the optical fiber, which objective function to use according to these parameters, and the initial dispersion in order to estimate the error, thank you in advance
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Thank you very much for your good answer
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
Almost all optical fiber manufacturers produce optical fiber bobbins length of maximum 50 to 100kms. If longer length bobbins are produced then it will be easy for both user and producer as it reduces cost.
suggest If any technical papers available on this
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At 1550nm you get the lowest practically achievable attenuation of 0.18dB/km. 4 years ago 0.14dB/km was reported. Considering all additional leaks due to installation, real world attenuation after 100km is 20-30dB.
You get residual birefringence here and there.
Dispersion is flattened but not totally flat.
After long fiber runs it's necessary to insert amplifier, dispersion compensation or other kinds of signal conditioning (incl. reception and retransmission).
Fibers longer than 100km are just not practical.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
I asked about nonlinear phase shift φNL in optical fiber. How can estimation φNL? and how the power effected on it?
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Hi, this is a straight-forward calculation. The nonlinear phase shift is given as,
ΔφNL(t) = ϒ* Leff* P(t)
Where, ϒ is the fiber nonlinear coefficient,
Leff= (1- e-α*L)/α, is the effective nonlinear length of the fiber, and
P(t) is the optical power.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
8 answers
I am currently working on optical fiber. It would be great if I get some suggestion on books or tutorials to study in details of optical fiber starting from the basic theories.
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"Optical Fiber Communications" By: JOHN M. SENIOR
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
How can we draw a graph of transmission in terms of wavelength in optical fiber sensors? Is there a mathematical formula in this field?
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According to my studies in these few days and review of articles, I came to this conclusion. Can we calculate the transmission in the structure of fiber sensors using the following two formulas?
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
5 answers
I am trying to modify optical fiber with gold nanoparticles for particle plasmon resonance applications.
I am using 2% 3-Mercaptopropyl)dimethoxysilane (MPDMS)/Toluene as silanization.
I tried different time of fiber immersion in MPDMS (2 to 20h) and gold nanoparticle solution(2-16h). But no gold particles(AuNPs) stick to the optical fiber.
Can anyone give me some suggestions how to do this?
You can also suggest some other easy ways to modify fiber with AuNPs.
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Gold salts can be solubilized in water, fiber should be immersed in the solution and very low dose of sodium borohydride solution can be dropped to this solution under stirring. AuNP is expected to get deposited on the fiber. The adhesion of the AuNP can be checked and method may need modification (pretreatment of fiber) in the case of less adhesion.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
13 answers
I want to proceed the experiment using optical fiber. However, there is a problem. In one of the processes, the temperature reaches almost 600 degrees(Celsius). I know that the glass transition temperature of the soda lime glass is around 600 degrees.
In addition, the commercial glass optical fiber is consisting of 3 parts, core(pure silica) cladding(doped silica),and buffer layer(polyimide). The company says that this fiber can endure even at 400 degrees because of the polyimide, which is heat-resisting polymer. But, I think that it can endure up to 600 degrees if there is no polymer. Is it true? I will use the fiber as just a substrate, so I don't need any other layer except the core.
After I etch the polymer, what is the limit temperature for the glass optical fiber? 
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the commercial glass optical fiber is comsist of core and cladding, core is doped with GeO2, cladding is pure solica. the pure silica can be used under 1600C but the dopant can't. If you want to monitor the temperature base on the optical fiber, I suggest you use FBG sensor. After writing FBG on the commercial optical fiber and then you can regenerate the FBG, then the FBG sensor can be used under 1000C. There is another option is to use the PCF which is made from pure silica.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
We are trying to visualize stress rods in polarization maintaining (PM) optical fiber and so far we have used UV light source (310 nm) to visualize stress rods in PM fiber. The resulting image is not having much appreciable contrast difference. Is there any other way of doing this ?
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@Mickey Ken : Thanks for your answer. I want to view it when the fiber ( after coating is stripped ) is inside a capillary tube ( silica glass ). We are using UV camera and UV LED to view it. But the contrast is not very good at the moment.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
7 answers
I've made good optogenetic fiber implants for lasers in the past using lower numerical aperture (NA) silica core fiber from Thorlabs.  Recently, we've been working with LEDs which require a higher NA fiber in the 0.6 - 0.7 range. The highest NA fiber that Thorlabs carries is 0.5. Prizmatics has the right silica core fiber with high NA, but they only have core diameters of 200um & 250um.
Does anyone know a good vendor for this kind of fiber ( bare fiber, silica core, ~0.65NA)?
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I'm going to buck the trend here and suggest you do not use such high NA fibres, regardless of your light source. The problem is that any increase in NA makes the light coming out the end scatter more, decreasing your effective stimulation distance. With a higher NA fibre you need ridiculously high light output to maintain your effective stimulation depth.
For example, in a typical experiment with a 200um fibre and requiring an irradiance of 1mW/mm^2 to activate ChR2, if you wanted to have effective stimulation for 1 mm from the end of your fibre, you would need approximately 4.6 mW from a 0.22 NA fibre. But if you used a 0.65 NA fibre, you would need 27.4 mW. I ran these calculations based on the Aravanis model, and using my online optogenetics power calculator at:
My experience, using both Plexon and Prizmatix LED's, is that increasing the NA of your fibre only gives a small increase in light power. For example, I recently tested 0.22 NA and 0.50 NA fibres with a Plexbright blue LED and achieved 7.4 and 11.0 mW, respectively. In this case, increasing the NA produced a 50 % increase in light output, but due to the massive increase in light divergence gave an approximate 30 % DECREASE in effective stimulation distance in the mouse brain.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
Hello everyone,
I am looking for an optical fiber where the cladding is removed at one end (about 1cm long). I have read some papers that explain how to do it, usually with HF, but I would like to know if there are providers that offer this type of product. So far, I know Thorlabs doesn't offer it.
Thanks in advance!
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You can check the following website. It is a french company
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
1 answer
We are exploring the fabrication of an optical coupler ( fused biconic taper type ), where 1 fiber is having 80 microns cladding diameter with a LP11 cutoff around 850 nm. The other fiber is a standard 125 microns cladding diameter SMF ( LP11 cutoff around 1250 nm). It is understood that the first fiber will be lossy at 1550 nm. My question is if we want to taper both of these fibers to say 10:1, what would be the problem with 1 of them having a much lower cutoff wavelength ?
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If the parameters of the original fiber are somewhat different, a null coupler may result, where light launched into one fiber will emerge only from the corresponding end, and coupling occurs only e.g. under the influence of a sound wave propagating in the taper region. That way, one obtain an unusual kind of acousto-optic modulator.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
Hello, i hope you are doing well, i want to know how the etching of the cladding of an optical fiber is done in a controlled way, does anyone have a method or know somewhere i can do that ?
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Thank you very much for your answer, i have much clear idea on how to do it now !
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
5 answers
I am using Quick View mode of the Ocean View software for Ocean FX spectrometer.
When I check the Dark Spectrum (taken when the fiber inlet is closed and the Spectrometer is covered with Black cloth and the Background Spectrum is when the Optical fiber is placed when no source is there, only ambient light is ON.
I would also like to know why there is a dip around 550 nm?
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Hmmm …. That’s interesting. Its hard to see with such a small difference, but it looks to me like the extra counts are uniform across the whole spectrum. The whole sensor is counting higher. You could subtract to be sure. If so, that suggests to me that the extra counts aren‘t from light. Oh, it could be light leaking into the box from somewhere other than the entrance, but, frankly, that almost never happens. You could double check by doing it again with the room lights off. If it doesn’t change, it’s not light.
The only thing I can think of that would cause this is temperature. Could it be that when you cover it you are preventing the room circulation from reaching the sensor, and perhaps also trapping heat? The sensor does produce a small but non negligible amount of heat, and, even though the visible spectrometers don’t have fans, they do rely on conduction through the case and room convection to shed that heat.
The dark rate is a combination of read noise (what you get at zero integration time) and dark noise (the part that is proportional to integration time). It is impossible for me to tell how much of the ~ 3700 counts is dark noise, but I assume most of it. Dark noise is a strong function of temperature and it would only take a very small temperature increase to raise the dark noise 5 or 10 counts out of 3700.
By the way, you can be confident that the black cloth isn’t necessary. Spectrometer housings don’t leak light. If it doesn’t enter through the fiber connector it doesn’t enter. (Unless someone has taken it apart and put it back together poorly). Again, you can verify by comparing the counts with the room lights on and with them off.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
I would like to calculate the Mode Field Diameter of a step index fiber at different taper ratios. I understand that at a particular wavelength, the MFD will be decreasing as the fiber is tapered. It may increase if it's tapered more. I am looking to reproduce the figures ( attached ) given in US Patent 9946014. Is there any formula I may use ? Or it involves some complex calculations?
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Using COMSOL or MATLAB or other simulation softwares it is easy to calculate the MFD. You need consider the change of wave-guiding difference as the tapering diameter decreasing: initially silica/(silica+Ge) and then air/silica. I believe you cannot use a simple formula to get the accurate result
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
10 answers
Most of the authors presented their work on Mach-Zehnder modulator in fiber optic communication. When I saw Mach-Zehnder Modulator on internet for buying it is showing it with fiber optic cable both sides of Mach-Zehnder Modulator(input and oupt side). My question is that can we use Mach-zehnder modulator for intensity modulation in wireless optical communication? Please help.
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  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
I want to calculate the propagation constant difference for LP01 and LP02 modes for a tapered SMF-28 (in both core and cladding).
Is there a simple formula that I can use? My goal is to see if the taper profile is adiabatic or not.
I am using this paper for my study : T. A. Birks and Y. W. Li, "The shape of fiber tapers," in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 432-438, April 1992, doi: 10.1109/50.134196.
equation in attached figure
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Well, one way would be to consider the transcendental modal equations for the LP modes and compute the propagation constants for LP01 and LP02 for different values of the core radius. Infact, as long as the fiber is an FMF, you could find the propagation constants of all the LP modes allowed by the structure. Then you could use the equation given above to check if the criteria is met or not.
The criterion will be slightly modified for structures with more than two modes. For eaxmple, if your structure has LP02 mode as well, then you must check the above criteria more for coupling between LP01 and LP11 modes rather than LP02 mode.
The modified criteron will contain the computation of the minimum of (\beta_a - \beta_b) for different pairs of \beta.
Let me also add that this critereon of only considering the Eigenvalues is not very efficient. The adiabaticity theorem is often extended the photonics context to consider both the eigenvalue (propagation constant) and the eigen function (the modal profile) for a better adiabaticity criteria. You could find many paper to this regard. Some of my PhD work also might be useful.
Thank you
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
5 answers
In my experiment I have a double cladding fiber spliced on to a reel of SMF-28. The double cladding fiber has total cladding diameter about 2 times more than that of the SMF-28. The source is a SLD, and there is a polarization scrambler after the source which feeds onto one end of the reel of SMF-28. The output power from the 1 km long reel is X mW. But when I splice a half meter length of the specialty fiber to the reel output and measure the power it is 0.9Y mW, where Y is the power output after the polarization scrambler (Y = 3.9X). I am not sure why the power reading suddenly increased.
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Problem solved : The reel was getting pinched and deflected at the bare fiber adapter to the detector causing a huge drop in power.
Vincent Lecoeuche Thanks for your thoughts as well.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
My set up is as follows : Elliptically polarized light at input -> Faraday Rotator -> Linear Polarizer (LP) -> Photodiode
The LP is set such that the power output is minimum. I use a lock -in-amplifier to measure the power change due to the Faraday effect. I have a more or less accurate measurement of the magnetic field and the length of the fiber. The experimental Faraday rotation (Rotation Theta= Verdet constant*MagneticField*Length of fiber) , is more than the theoretical prediction, so I was wondering if I am observing the effect of elliptical polarization at the input to the system.
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Yes, you can say both polarizations get rotated. Taking each component separately, they both would get rotated by the same amount, and superposition applies, so together they do the sum of what each of the pieces would do.
However, if it helps, that is not the only way to think of it. We like to think in terms of linear polarization. We like to think of arbitrary polarization as a superposition of two orthogonal linear polarizations. It’s easy to make the diagrams. It also makes sense for linear polarizers and linear retarders. However, that is not the only choice. You can just as easily express an arbitrary polarization as the superposition of left and right circular polarizations. In the basis of right and left circular polarization a Faraday rotator is in fact a phase retarder. if the two components have equal amplitude the result is linear polarization. The relative phase determines the orientation of the linear polarization, so retarding the phase rotates the linear polarization. If the two components have different amplitude, you get an ellipse where the major and minor axes are the sum and difference of the amplitudes. Again, if you retard the phase, the whole ellipse just rotates.
As to why your experiment is producing answers that don’t quite seem right, I think this measurement has several things that can confuse the result. Although I don’t see why you wouldn’t put a polarizer on the entrance, I doubt the entering ellipticity is really the problem. That should just reduce your modulation amplitude making the signal a little weaker, but it shouldn’t impact the phase. A much more likely culprit is linear birefringence in the fiber. Fibers can have significant residual birefringence from the manufacturing, but also bending through the fiber acts as a retardation. For example, sequential coils of fiber called fiber paddles are sold as polarization manipulators.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
As we know, when we get a type of fiber from a company, we can get a few dispersion parameter D at corresponding wavelengths( lambda).so we can also get the dispersion slope dD/d_lambda.
Then how can we get the value of 4th disperison beta_4 with the value of D and dispersion slope dD/d_lambda?
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i am also comfuse about the beta valume, how can we calculate the beta2, beta 3...
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
14 answers
Many of the research papers I looked through have the laser or light source at one end of the fiber optic cable and a detector at the other end. But I wanted to know if there was any research on how we could transmit light through the cladding so that it propagates both ways to the two ends of the fiber optic cable?
One idea that I had was to polish off the cladding at the middle of the fiber cable so that the core is exposed. Then point the light source at the middle exposed core so that the rays pass to both ends. But I wanted to know if there was any other way to do this without altering the fiber?
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Apply a grating coupler on the clad layer of the fiber. Regards, Shigeo.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
9 answers
I need to simulate a setup like in the attached image. The source of light is the end of an optical fiber. In order to avoid simulating the fiber, I though about using a lens with the same NA as the optical fiber.
Any ideas/suggestions are welcome!
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If you are unsure of the exact fibre type, and not too concerned about accuracy, a reasonable assumption is that the fibre is single mode, and emits an ideal Gaussian beam.
I would expect one or more of the simulation packages you mention to support free space propagation of Gaussian beams, but there is a lot you can do with pencil, paper and a pocket calculator.
For SMF 28e+ fibre, the nominal mode field diameter is 9.2 µm at 1310 nm and 10.4 µm at 1550 nm.
So at 1550 nm, the radiant exitance at the fibre exit facet falls to 1/e2 of the peak value at a radius, w0 = 5.2 µm.
At distances much greater than the Rayleigh range (0.055 mm), the angle at which the radiant intensity falls to 1/e2 of the peak is θ0 = λ/(π w0) = 0.095 radian. Note that the numerical aperture of 0.14 specified in the Corning data sheet is measured at 1% intensity, corresponding to a wider divergence and a lower intensity.
At a distance of 14 mm from the fibre tip, the 1/e2 radius of the irradiance is 1.33 mm, so most of the light from the fibre will pass through a 3.5 mm aperture.
(The half-angle subtended by a 3.5 mm circular aperture at a distance of 14 mm corresponds to a numerical aperture of 0.125 - which is why I mentioned that value).
More generally, for a Gaussian beam of radius w, the fraction of the total power transmitted through a circular aperture of radius R is [1 - exp(-2 R2/ w2)].
Peak irradiance is 2 P0 / (π w2) where P0 is the total power.
Specifically, if your technician holds the fibre 14 mm from his eye, 97% of the 500 mW power will fall inside a 3.5 mm circle aligned with the centre of the beam, so 497 mW. Peak irradiance of 18 W/cm2 is significantly higher than the 4 W/cm2 threshold for thermal corneal damage.
Note that at 1550 nm, most of the power will be absorbed in the cornea, and will not reach the retina of a human eye.
At 1310 nm, transmission is higher, but there is significant absorption in the lens of the eye.
At 850 nm, 980 nm or 1060 nm, transmission to the retina will be much higher.
The effective focal length of the human eye is approximately 17 mm, so light from a fibre only 14 mm from the subject will not be focused onto the retina. The retinal damage threshold will be reached much sooner with the fibre at a greater distance from the eye, such that the radiation converges to a smaller retinal spot. Is this one of the factors you intend to address in your model?
If you have not seen it already, this paper may be of interest:
D. Sliney et. al, "Adjustment of guidelines for exposure of the eye to optical radiation from ocular instruments: statement from a task group of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)", Applied Optics, vol. 44, np 11, 2005.
Also: has some useful links.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
I'm curious if anyone can share their measurement of the coupling loss as a function of the gap between two SMF FC/APC fibers at various wavelengths. If not, it would be great if you can refer me to a datasheet or a paper where this type of measurement was done.
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you may ahve a look at equation 1a and 1b for a description of the gap and wavelength dependence of the coupling loss/ transmission in a butt joint SM-fiber connection:
But, sorry, no experimental data yet...
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
Is there any company that sell Yb-doped fiber with core diameter larger than 90 micrometer?
if anyone know please tell me about it.
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(200-micron core Yb-doped fiber for high pulse energy applications)
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
8 answers
I'm calculating the mode overlap between my Spot Size Converter (SSC) and an optical fiber (SMF-28, NA = 0.14) in Lumerical FDTD using the Mode Expansion Monitor and Linear DFT Monitor. At the same time, I'm comparing the result with the Mode Overlap Integral of SSC (fig is attached).
The difference value is too much (~20% of difference) and I would like to know if by using the Mode Expansion Monitor the mode overlap calculation is similar to the model attached. The model attached is found in many papers and to use it I simply export the E fields calculated by Lumerical (the SSC and optical fiber E field) and import them in matlab to calculate the Mode Overlap between the fields.
Does anyone know the difference and which would be more accurate?
Thank you.
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Taynara Oliveira - regarding the Lumerical article, as far as I can tell, they are calculating a 2-D overlap integral over the waveguide cross-section.
I believe there are some errors in the web page, for example using S rather than dS in the first overlap integral. Their approach using both E and H fields looks similar to an integral over contributions to the Poynting vector which I had not seen before. Google found references to its use with waveguides which are birefringent or chiral, and these may give you more background.
Lumerical reference A. W. Snyder and J. D. Love, "Optical Waveguide Theory". London: Kluwer Academic Publishers (1983).
Snyder and Love describe both vector treatments and scalar wave approximations for waveguide propagation. Chapter 20 begins with the vector results, but mostly deals in the weakly guiding limit, where it is sufficient to consider only the electric field components. They consider various Gaussian approximations (as suggested by David A. Ackerman) in some detail.
As I pointed out in my first response, and as David also states, with radial symmetry, it is possible to reduce the 2D overlap to 1-dimensional integrals, but it is essential to include the appropriate radial weighting.
Not including a radial weighting factor is a likely reason for your 20% discrepancy.
Attatched is a comparison of 1D and 2D overlap integrals for a Gaussian mode field, and a "top hat" illumination field.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
6 answers
I built a optical fiber probe (one emission surrounded by six for collection, no filters) and I wish to capture Raman spectra.
The lasers I have available to me are at 976nm but they do have a lot of power (>4W), however, I don't seem to be able to measure any Raman signal.
What might I be doing wrong?
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For detection there are many factors: the geometry for retrieving the signal, the sensitivity of the detector, the resolution of the spectrometer, and how well you can filter out the Raman signal from the high level scattered laser signal. All this aspects need optimization, and any one of them may be giving you problems,
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
The aim is to characterize a DAS instrument connected to a fiber optic cable.
what are the properties that I should look into ? white noise ? Dynamic range? SNR ?
I did some choc tests and I'm thinking on how should I calculate the SNR. Should I calculate a SNR for different frequency band ?
Thank you in advance,
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At any way statistically standard deviation can be used to refer for the root mean square value, of signal, then separate information signal from noisy signal by the means of signal processing to calculate SNR.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
If I reduce the dimensions of an optical fiber through a tapering process, I expect high losses of confinement. I am wondering:
1) If I recoat the fiber (after the tapering process) with a low-index external coating (lower refractive index with respect to the cladding refractive index), will I expect high internal reflections?
2) Otherwise, due to the extinction coefficient of the coating, could I consider the power losses absorbed by it?
What is the right behavior of external fiber coating?
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many factors determine the amount of loss you are going to encounter.
coating refractive index is a very important parameter for guiding the wave in the core, but this index may lead to a weakly guided wave or guided wave.
losses depend on waveguide structure and class of materials used
I would recommend the following textbook to expand your knowledge
Optical Fiber Communications 4th by Gerd Keiser
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
I tried methylene chloride and chloroform for several days, but they didn't work.
The information of optical ferrule and optical fiber:
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You can try a scalpel to scrape the epoxy off the sides of the ferrule. This is effective, but you can accidentally break the fiber off during the scraping process. Improperly cleaved / scribed fibers can result in fiber break / crack defects.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
We are measuring vegetation (grassland canopy) reflectance with a handheld spectrometer, using the sun as the light source. When taking white reference measurement Is it important that the distance from the optical fiber to the white reference standard is the same as the distance from the optical fiber to the sample (grassland canopy)?
Eg. Our optical fiber has a 30 degrees field of view (FOV), which would mean a ground footprint of about 0.25 square meters when holding the optical fiber at about 1m above the grassland canopy. We can use a small diameter ( 50 mm) white reference standard held close to the optical fiber end (to cover the whole FOV) or we could get a large diameter white reference standard (wide enough to cover the 0.25 square meters FOV) that we hold at grassland canopy level- 1m below the optical fiber.
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The total spectrum/wavelengths has the same intensity dependence with the distance of your fiber tip. So, in a real aplication, it is quite difficult to analyze the total intensity reflectance values, but you can analyze spectrum changes (intra-).
Try to use a wavelenght, that you are prety sure is not related with a characteristic of your plant analyzed, as reference, allowing you to check the intensity fluctuations (due to sun-light variation intensity or experimental changes, etc..) Now, use other spectral region related with the plant characteristic, divided by the intensity of the wavelength reference. Therefore, the spectral analysis is not more sentitive to sun-light fluctuations.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
1 answer
How would the spectrometer signal change if the target molecule was well dispersed in a solution and placed on the fiber optic SPR cable VS the target molecule concentrated at a specific region on the fiber optic cable?
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The effect can be very strong. If the concentration change is e.g. aggregation, then not only shielding effect blocks light from reaching molecules inside an aggregate, but also spectra might be changed by interactions between the molecules in the aggregate. In some cases, addition of 0.1% of a solvent which prevents aggregation transforms a clear (for eyes) solution into a deeply colored one, even when no precipitation was seen in the original suspension.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
I am using a Blue-Wave spectrometer with an optic fiber that has a field of view (FOV) of 30 degrees to measure the reflectance of the crop canopy.
If I hold the fiber optic cable approximately at 1.25 m above the canopy for reflectance measurements, I have a ground footprint of 0.27 m in diameter.
What happens with the footprint diameter if I attach to the optic fiber a fore optic: a collimating lens (LENSQ-COL, StellarNet) that has FOV 3 degrees, an 5 mm diameter?
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What field of view you will get depends on the core size of your fiber. 3 degrees is a capability of the lens, not an indication of what you will get. What they are saying is that the lens will focus well onto the focal plane at field angles of up to 3 degrees off axis, but you won't actually have anything to catch the light 3 degrees off axis at the focal plane. The full-angle field of view you will actually get is 2*arctan(fiber core diameter/(2*focal length))
The flip side which is probably equally important to you is that the reduced field of view comes with a larger collection area (and so sensitivity to signal). The aperture diameter is increased from the core size in the case of the bare fiber to 2*tan(arcsin(fiber NA))*focal length
This all assumes a multi-mode fiber which is almost certainly your case.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
Does intensity of light used in OFC, effect the data rate and bandwidth provided by the OFC? If yes, should we need increase the intensities of light that is currently being used? Also by increasing intensity of light, the power and energy density carried by the light increases and does that heat up surface of the OFC (core and cladding) and should we consider such factors in improving the technology or while working with OFCs? 
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Data rates are mostly affected by the noise level on the detector side. The ultimate limit is shot noise, which scales with the square root of the number of photons detected. Doubling the intensity should therefore enable about 40% higher data rates at best. If you are working near 1.5 microns, there is virtually no absorption in the core of the fiber, at least as far as heating is concerned. However, the cladding is typically coated with an absorptive material. If you are launching light into the fiber and you do not exactly match your mode, you will see a lot of absorption in this coating, and the fiber will start to burn. This will limit the power that you can launch into the fiber. I recall that I managed to launch more than a watt into a single-mode fiber, but this is probably far beyond practical levels as you would immediately destroy your receiver with such elevated power levels.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
2 answers
I am carrying out research on MCF - MDM based optical transmission line performance analysis
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There could be multiple ways. However, if the transverse and the longitudinal extent of the device is large, then its will be a computationally intensive problem while using FEM. This is especially the case for low contrast devices. However, here is a possibility which could be extended.
You could use COMSOL to compute the modes of the composite structure. Then by exciting a certain core and propagating the field, you are essentially propagating a superposition of those modes each acquiring a different phase during propagation. The propagated field could be analyzed to compute the coupling coefficients.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
4 answers
The rays concentrated by convex lens is passed through 1m optical fiber. But only the ray enter into optical axis reaches fiber end, other rays are not? Can anyone suggest where i went wrong?
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It looks as if you designed it in sequential mode. That means ray interaction with surfaces is only checked in the exact order you define the surfaces. If you want to simulate interactions where the order is not known beforehand you must design it in non-sequential mode. Then a model of a multimode waveguide will work, but not a singlemode waveguide, which is poorly described by rays.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
10 answers
In our current era there is a big confusion about the usage of G.652 and G.655 optical fiber cable.
Theoretically G.655 is much better than G.652 but the operator feel that G.652 is giving almost same performance while the cost is quite less.
Anyone having direct experience please share your feedback, also I will soon be making a survey on it, so if anyone is interested in the survey then he can let me know.
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Hi Abdul Aziz Khan: - Can you explain in more detail how my answer differs from the established view of DWDM performance? In particular:
  • Where did Google lead you to an "old side of the story" which contradicts this?
  • Have you any links with supporting technical details beyond a simple statement that G.655.D is superior?
A useful resource is the Handbook of Optical Fiber, Cables and Systems, published by the International Telecommunications Union in 2009. By now, this is a little dated and does not cover recent developments in QAM modulation formats and coherent systems. Having said this, the basic information remains valid.
In particular, you may find the following sections may of interest
  • Chapter 7, Optical System Design
  • Section 2.7 Penalty due to fibre non linearities
  • Section 2.7.2 p 180, SRS
  • Section 2.7.4 p 181, XPM
  • Section 2.7.5 p 182, FWM
  • Section 2.7.6 p 184, Maximum power threshold due to non-linear effects
My previous answer reflects my understanding of the state of the art around 2011. At that time I had been involved in developing commercial WDM transmission systems for 18 years. My responsibilities included analysis of non-linear propagation impairments and establishing robust and efficient link budgeting techniques. Since then I have not followed developments in detail, but I am not aware of any technical developments or changes to our understanding of the underlying physics which would change my conclusions.
Consider that Google is a search engine and advertising platform. The links it returns reflect accessibility and some measure of popularity. Judging technical merit is a more difficult task for an automated system.
Out of interest, I did search Google for differences between G652 and G655 fibres, and near the top of the hits found several blog sites of questionable reliability. Is this where you found your opinions?
Note that,,,, and, typically display very similar graphics, and most include a table indicating that G652 fibre is unsuitable for long haul DWDM or data rates. This suggests to me that they may be more closely linked than is apparent, rather than expressing independent opinions.
The graph common to several, showing positive and negative dispersion fibres is highly incongruous to anyone familiar with single mode fibre design. Although there was a short period in the mid-1990s where negative dispersion fibres were investigated for their insensitivity to modulation instability, these fibres had positive dispersion slope, not negative as shown in the graph.
Sylvie Liu on is more specific. She states "G655 is an enhanced single mode fiber with the characteristic of elimination of FWM and low dispersion value". It absolutely does NOT eliminate FWM. This is not a matter of opinion or debate. Low dispersion is well known to greatly increase the magnitude of four wave mixing,
I note that the post is dated 9 May 2018, but states that G.655 has A, B and C subcategories. She does not mention the G.655.D and G.655.E versions from the 2006 release of the standard, or that the A and B subcategories were dropped. Such lack of attention to detail does not inspire confidence, and she reveals little understanding of non-linear Kerr effect crosstalk in WDM systems.
A more focused Google search found a more recent publication. I have not downloaded the full paper, but the abstract indicates a much more realistic understanding of DWDM propagation. It reports a mixed line rate comparison of G.652, G.652D, G.653, G.654, G.655 and LEAF fibres, with G.652 showing best performance.
Bajpai, R., Sengar, S., Iyer, S. et al. Performance investigation of MLR optical WDM network based on ITU-T conforming fibers in the presence of SRS, XPM and FWM. Int. j. inf. tecnol. 11, 213–227 (2019).
The benefits of high chromatic dispersion in suppressing WDM non-linearity was understood from the earliest demonstrations of FWM in optical fibres.
K.O.Hill et. al, "CW three-wave mixing in single mode optical fibers", J. Appl Phys 49, p 5098, 1979.
The impact of low dispersion on FWM was explored in more detail in the paper by N. Shibata, R. Braun & R. Waarts, "Phase-mismatch dependence of efficiency of wave generation through four-wave mixing in a single-mode optical fiber" IEEE JQE vol 23, #7, pp1205-1210, (1987),
As modulation rates increased from 2.5 to 10 Gb/s, cross phase modulation became the dominant WDM penalty for many systems. There is a rather more complex relationship between fibre dispersion, channel spacing, and dispersion compensation strategy for XPM impairments, discussed by Rongqing Hui, K.R. Demarest, & C.T. Allen, "Cross-phase modulation in multispan WDM optical fiber systems", JLT, 17, #6, pp 1018-1026, 1999.
In spite of their poorer DWDM performance, there can be valid reasons to deploy near-zero dispersion-shifted fibres to reduce the need and expense of dispersion compensation modules. Typically, this will be where cost of terminal equipment is more important than maximising capacity and the potential for future enhancements. However, stating that G652 fibre is unsuitable for 10 Gbit/s DWDM is demonstrably untrue.
The introduction of electronic dispersion compensation eliminated much of any potential cost benefit for reduced dispersion fibre in high capacity long-haul transmission, avoiding the need for fibre dispersion compensation modules. For example: Doug McGhan, Charles Laperle, Alexander Savchenko, Chuandong Li, Gary Mak, and Maurice O’Sullivan, "5120-km RZ-DPSK Transmission Over G.652 Fiber at 10 Gb/s Without Optical Dispersion Compensation", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, January 15, 2006
Coherent detection and digital signal processing at the receiver gave further improvements in performance, even on legacy fibre with relatively poor polarisation mode dispersion.
C.Laperle, "WDM performance and PMD tolerance of a coherent 40-Gbit/s dual-polarization QPSK transceiver" JLT Feb 2008.
Note that the papers above used G652 fibre. This is not only because G652 fibre is very widely deployed, but also because it delivers significantly better WDM performance for this type of system.
Here is more recent work using ULA fibre with an even higher chromatic dispersion than G652 to improve the WDM performance
I have no plans at present to publish a more detailed justification. As I hope I have shown, there is a huge volume of work published in peer-reviewed journals supporting much of what I stated. Have you identified an audience who are unable to access such information, or do they simply need to know what questions to ask?
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
16 answers
What is the reason of the received optical signal to be slimmed down in multi-mode fiber?
I have 4 km multi-mode fiber
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Dear Egalon,
Thank you for your reply
I have attached a picture of transmitting and receiving optical signal in MMF optical fiber.
There is no spectral shift
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
7 answers
Dear colleagues,
We have observed large fluctuations in laser power in our setup and traced them down to fluctuations in laser beam polarisation. Attached is a schematic of the relevant part of our setup. We have experienced large fluctuations in laser intensity at the sample (after the microscope objective). Attached is a plot of laser power measured at the sample plane. We have checked the laser itself and its output power is stable. We have checked also the laser power at the exit of the optical fibre collimator (before the polarising beamsplitter) at different time points (when the power after the objective was around its maximum and when its was around its minimum) and it remains stable as well. From that we concluded that it is the plane of the polarisation that is changing in time. We have then checked the laser alone and this time placed a polariser between the laser and the power-meter. The power is still stable, showing that the polarisation of the laser output is stable in time. So there's nothing wrong with the laser itself.
Do you have any idea what could be the source of those fluctuations? I know that reflection of laser beam back to the cavity can destabilise the laser, but can this make the plane of polariation rotate? And can it happen on such a slow timescale? Thanks for your answers.
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Good question
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
10 answers
Hello dear researchers.
I want to solve a cylindrical waveguide, lick an ordinary standard optical fiber. I am familiar enough with the 2D-axis-symmetric model, but as I knew from the equations and output results (if I'm right) 2D-axis-symmetric models just solve the symmetric model in relation to the r=0 axis, and a simple revolve node, in the dataset, revolves the whole answer around the r=0 axis, and if the coordinate is not defined earlier, you may achieve only a revolved data where the data is multiplied by 2*pi.
Now, if I define a new coordinate system, particularly I mean it for electromagnetic waves, is it possible to introduce the 2D-axis-symmetric model to solve such vector-based problems properly???
Thank you in advance.
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I think that
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
7 answers
Hi. I am new to chromatic dispersion related work and have read how it affects the shape of optical pulses. I want to ask how does it work for analog continous wave laser signal? why all books only mention laser pulses and pulse broadening of digital signals. what about using analog CW laser and modulating analog IF signals on it. How will CD affect it through pulse broadening . . . secondly, books mention that CD is a linear process. Is it because the pulse broadening factor equation has only L (not L square?) because the GVD equation contains lambda square (square of wavelength or frequency). how is it a linear process then? thanks a lot
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May be
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
Please recommend the optimal optical component and its parameters.
Thanks a lot
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to couple a image to a fiber is focusing the image on the surface of the fiber end by convergent lens is placed after the image and before the fiber
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
3 answers
Hi everybody!
I am working on my diploma thesis regarding eye endoscope. I would like to know more about the speckles in the multimode fiber. I would like to reduce speckles in MM fiber using vibration. I do not know why the vibration reduce the speckles and what happens with modes that are in the optical fiber.
Thank you for your answer!
Barbora Spurná
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Jörn Bonse provides a very clear explanation of speckle motion in MM fiber resulting from fiber flexion. The next question is how to move the fiber to reduce the speckles adequately to meet you needs. Presumably, your aim is to create a smooth illumination field for your endoscope. So, how to vibrate the fiber, in terms of direction of motion, amplitude, frequency, etc? Some of these questions can be answered through experiment -- you will be time averaging (integrating) the moving speckle field over the frame time or exposure of your camera. Therefore, the vibration period must be less than 1/10 of the exposure and preferably much shorter to enable speckle patterns to average out. The amplitude of the vibration only needs to be enough to 'shake' the speckle pattern by a few characteristic speckle dimensions or so. Once you have a mechanism to vibrate the fiber, you can ensure that the amplitude of vibration is large enough. Finally, you need to create a diverse set of speckle patterns during an exposure time. Some schemes use two vibrators in orthogonal directions at different frequencies (that are not low integer multiples). It is probably best to build up your system with vibration frequency set first, then experiment to ensure that the speckle pattern averages out enough for your purposes. Add complexity if it is needed. Finally, there are other ways to smooth speckle patterns that use spinning diffusers in the light path. However, in your endoscope, your idea of vibration seems practical. Here is an interesting reference:
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
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I would like to make an Fabry-Perot cavity without welding or adhesvie.
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The simplest way is to use a fiber fusion splicer. By playing with the parameters of splicing such as charging time, strength as well as the distance between the two fibers, you can get the structure as you want.
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Hi everybody!
I am working on my diploma thesis regarding eye endoscope. I would like to know more about the origin of speckles in the multimode fiber. I suppose that the speckles depend on fiber modes but I do not know why should high-order modes move with higher speed than low-order modes. And how does this fact influence the speckles.
Thank you for your answer!
Barbora Spurná
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speckle patters arise whenever lights from a variety of directions hit a scree, When the number of different directions is large (≈>50) the one sees the "normal" speckle pattern (BTW each fo the black spec is actually a phase singularly, or optical vortex). A multimode fibre typical supports >1000 fibre modes so their addition/interference is what creates the speckle.
within a ray optical picture, the rays associated with different fibre modes zig-zag down the fibre at different angles from each other 8every mode having ≈ its own zig zag). the higher order modes zig zag more tightly. remember that the wavevector has x, y, and z components (kx^2+ky^2 +kz^2 = k0^2). if the ray has non zero kx and ky then kz must be reduced below k0. the more tight the zig zag the more kz is reduced. phase velocity in z-direction is omega/kz, smaller kz gives larger Vphase.
  • asked a question related to Optical Fibers
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I'm looking for a company that provides square core optical fiber at a relatively low cost. Core size I need is ideally 1000 um x 1000 um (or as close as possible). So far optoskand has it but its $475 per meter so anything less expensive than that would be decent. It doesn't need to be connectorized either just the fiber.
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BER analyzer parameters meaning.
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The reliability of data transmission characterizes the probability of getting a distortion for the transmitted data bit. This indicator is often referred to as the Bit Error Rate (BER). The BER value for communication channels without additional means of error protection is 10-4 — 10-6, in optical fiber — 10-9. A ber value of 10-4 indicates that on average, one bit is distorted out of 10,000 bits. The q-factor of the receiving system Q is determined from the expression: