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Publications related to Online Journalism (8,469)
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The objective of this study was to examine associations between children’s exposure to food marketing and their liking, purchase and consumption of unhealthy foods in Thailand. A face-to-face cross-sectional survey was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 4,117 Thai children aged 6–18 years. Ordinal logistic regression models were a...
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Renowned Indian writer R.K. Narayan’s poignant stories of small-town India have made a lasting impression on the Indian literary world. Narayan, who is most known for his books that are set in the made-up southern Indian town of Malgudi, has won numerous accolades and awards, including the Padma Bhushan, the Padma Vibhushan, and the AC Benson Medal...
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For several years, as China's urbanization efforts have continued to advance, construction waste treatment has been a priority issue. Many treatment modes focused on sustainability have been researched, while the current method of construction waste treatment in China remains stuck in the linear economic mode. The circular economy mode is developin...
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Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the field of nanomedicine by exploring novel nanomaterials for developing therapies of high efficacy. AI works on larger datasets, finding sought-after nano-properties for different therapeutic aims and eventually enhancing nanomaterials' safety and effectiveness. AI leverages patient clinical...
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Anlam bireyin kendi varoluşuna ait sorulara verdiği cevaplarla varlığınıkonumlandırmasını ifade etmektedir. Varlığı, varoluşu anlama ve hayata anlamverme faaliyeti, insana özgü bir nitelik olarak görülmektedir İnsanın anlam arayışıinsanlık tarihi kadar kadim bir arayıştır. Yeni dünya düzeninde bireyin neredengelip nereye gittiğinin önemi kalmamakta...
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This study investigates the implementation of Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA) in Malaysian secondary schools, focusing on the alignment between teacher practices and national curriculum policies. Through qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis, data were collected from four teachers...
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The purpose of this inaugural editorial is to introduce to the attention of the global surgical community a new open access and peer-reviewed journal titled Bariatric Surgery Cases and Reviews (BSCR). The term “bariatrics” was coined in 1961 by Dr. Raymond E. Dietz, from the Greek root “bar-” (“weight”), suffix “-iatr” (“treatment”), and suffix “-i...
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Global revenues in 2013 from online retail sales have crossed the $1Trillion barrier, getting an extra push from the expected jump in Internet user numbers. The primary objective of this research is to generally examine and analyze the scope and future of online retailing in UAE. In order to get more accurate results, the main objective of this res...
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This paper aims to explore the challenges faced by new entrepreneurs in the business field, both internal and external, as well as to identify potential solutions to overcome these challenges. Secondary sources, such as online journal articles and publications, were reviewed to gather data for this study. The research findings indicate that develop...
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Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease that remains a global health challenge, including in Indonesia. In the digital era, online journalism plays a crucial role as an educational tool to enhance public knowledge about TB prevention and treatment. This study aims to explore the strategies employed by online media in disseminating information abo...
Research Proposal
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The Review of Contemporary Scientific and Academic Studies (ISSN: 2583-1380) is an international multidisciplinary open-access, peer-reviewed and scholarly refereed e-journal. It publishes academic and scientific research/review papers/articles in various academic disciplines.
Research Proposal
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Journal for Research Scholars and Professionals of English Language Teaching ( is an international open-access and double-blind peer reviewed e-journal. JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104) calls for submissions of original and unpublished papers/articles/book-reviews in the concerned disciplines/areas.
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Latar belakang: Evaluasi database diperlukan untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan sebagai dasar perbaikan layanan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi ketergunaan e-journal Springer dan Cambridge Core di Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya serta rekomendasi perbaikan layanan e-journal. Evaluasi dinilai berdasarkan variabel us...
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The purpose of this study was to conduct microbiological studies of poultry meat imported into Mongolia and establish the serotypes and plasmids of Salmonella and determine the virulence of the gene encoding antibiotic resistance and its transmigratory properties. The PCR molecular biological method was used and according to the results, Salmonella...
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Contemporary economies are focused on issues anchored by place/ territory, through public policies and market strategies. Municipal policies have a greater advantage in the cultural sector than other levels of governance (provinces/states, country) since cities have tools and instruments to shape the cultural economy to a local character and meet t...
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Model-driven structural system identification techniques are effective for comprehensive damage assessment but relying on a single model for structural identification (St-Id) can lead to unreliable results due to the ill-posed nature of the inverse calibration problem. To address this issue, this work explores the potential of multi-class digita...
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The growth of technology increases the growth of information, due to the vast amount of information; it is difficult to get the all required information from one resource. To fulfill the user needs, the libraries may either depend on the other library or obtain the resources through resource sharing i.e., the concept of consortia. The paper discuss...
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Wet Paint 2 – Visual Culture in a changing Britain: A Roundtable Debate. (2024). Visual Culture in Britain, 1–17. Towards the end of 2014 the previous editor of Visual Culture in Britain invited a variety of authors to contribute a page or two to a roundtable discussion on a variety of political and cu...
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Destructive leadership can be defined as the systematic effort by leaders at the highest levels of an organization to implement strategy by any means necessary. Such actions, in the worst case, sabotage or damage the organization's interests, goals, and resources. In this article, we consider the economic and psychological effects of pathetic and d...
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This study investigates the perception and preferences of library services and information sources among patrons at engineering colleges, specifically focusing on the Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT), Noida. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the research employs a survey method, collecting data from a sample of 382 respondents, in...
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This is a call for paper for the journal l'espace politique, an online journal of political geography and geopolitics, on the political evolutions of the notion of energy transition. Abstracts expected on the 20th of december 2024, papers selected expected for end of march 2025. In the space of just a few decades, the term “energy transition” has...
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Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penulisan artikel ilmiah pada guru Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Ekonomi di Kota Surabaya melalui program pelatihan dan lokakarya. Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi adanya kewajiban guru untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah sebagai bagian dari pengembangan profesionalisme mereka, sesuai dengan...
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General Hospital staff often need to recognise and respond to patients whose mental health is getting worse. This problem is serious because a worsening mental state can lead to harmful behaviours, such as self-harm or violence, and can result in poor healthcare experiences for patients. Our paper aimed to find ways to help hospital staff better id...
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Farmers markets and public health organisations aim to improve access to fresh produce for low-income consumers. While recent efforts to expand the use of food assistance benefits at farmers markets support this goal, persistent barriers related to transportation, convenience, price, exclusivity, and administrative burden still limit low-income par...
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Foods' increasing demand, agricultural intensification, and affordable fertilizer drive low-grade phosphate rock (LGPR) use in farming. Incubation and release-batch experiments were conducted to investigate the phosphorus (P) availability as the LGPR was added to a coarse-textured alkaline soil. Incubation of the treated soil for 12 weeks was appli...
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Dengue hemorrhagic fever is caused by the dengue virus transmitted through the bites of Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. In 2023, Indonesia reported 57,884 cases of dengue fever with 422 deaths. The high prevalence of dengue fever is linked to students’ knowledge, where better knowledge results in more effective prevention efforts. Thi...
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This article examines the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into legal education and its potential to enhance the training of future legal professionals in an increasingly technological environment. The study critiques traditional legal education methods, arguing that they fall short of equipping students with the practical and technologi...
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This study explores the role of the COVID-19 pandemic in travel-related perspectives and experiences among Canadian older adults. Utilising data from a longitudinal qualitative study conducted between 2020 and 2023, this study garnered depth and nuance by exploring participants' experiences over time. The findings revealed three themes: diverse and...
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This article explores the work of three fiction authors examining how they allow protagonists to bring originality to their use of stable mythological content to form new ways of organizing social relations. Across the three, the protagonist is led toward a pivotal moment, confronted by symbolic objects and figures that pose a real danger, from whi...
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Organizations are faced with an urgent challenge: outdated performance management systems. These systems push managers to prioritize short-term wins that seem beneficial but weaken the organization's long-term success. Meaningless measures are set to follow these short-term goals. Parmenter has studied and observed performance management for over 4...
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ABSTRACT: The continuity of a same view about Albania as an international media subject through time was related to the media construction process and its role in shaping the country’s perceptions and images. This article delves into media archives to conduct a systematic analysis of Time magazine's representations of Albania as a subject. The prev...
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This study evaluates the content of the Lucknow University library website, focusing on its effectiveness in providing users with information, resources, and services. The research utilises a content analysis method, examining the library’s webpage based on a 76-point checklist across six categories. The findings revealed that the library website p...
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This study discusses the utilization of the Library Digital Information System Service (SINDITAKA) by final semester students at Medan Area University. This study focuses on the use of digital information systems to facilitate library catalog searches and improve the quality of information services. The method used is qualitative research with a de...
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This is an English translation of a famous poem by Sa'adi Shirazi, the 13th century world-renowned Persian poet published in Ezra: An Online Journal of Translation.
Conference Paper
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The present paper is an attempt to explore the transformation of libraries, information resources, services, and products in this electronic era due to the wide impact of Internet, electronic, communication and information technology. The study also includes a survey among the students of master of agricultural sciences (M.Sc. Agriculture) to know...
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A museum of literature is a point at which literary activism can interact with museum activism. Amazwi South African Museum of Literature is the custodian of Sindiwe Magona’s literary archive, and her activist positionality is illustrated through reference to her correspondence and manuscript materials. These unpublished materials also offer insigh...
Conference Paper
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This study investigates the usage and impact of e-resources among faculty and postgraduate (PG) students at the University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot. With the increasing digitization of academic materials, understanding how e-resources are utilized and their influence on research and academic activities is crucial. 92.68 % (152) responden...
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Целта на студията е да се анализират общотеоретичните проблеми на възникването, развитието и състоянието на психотерапията. Разгледани са възгледите за същността на психотерапията в хронологичен ред, започвайки от Древността, през Античността, Средновековието, Новото време и Модерното време. Обсъжда се развитието на концепциите за психотерапевтична...
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The Beaux-Arts system, once an important international architectural design method, represents a significant and challenging area of research when considering its localization in China. Shang Kuo, a Chinese architect influenced by the Beaux-Arts concept, demonstrates the heritage and development of the Beaux-Arts system through his landscape buildi...
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On the auspicious day of shukla paksha ekadashi of the holy month of shravana in the 2076th year of the Vikram Samvat calendar, which was also July 29th of the year 2020 in the Gregorian calendar, Bharat witnessed the release of a new National Education Policy approved by the Union Cabinet Minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank. In this policy, man...
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This article takes stock of research on political participation and civic engagement in Albania, a country generally perceived as lacking a civil society and a democratic political culture. Rather, Albanian political culture since the 1990s has been characterized by political conflict and dysfunctional parliamentary life. On top of this comes wides...
Cover Page
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Dr. Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul has been an invited reviewer for the Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies based in Cyprus (Scopus Q2).
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Over the past 20 years, significant developments have occurred in Jordan to create more inclusive school settings. This is in part due to new national policies such as 2017 Public Law no. 20, Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and partly a result of international organizations' support and funding. The collective efforts are dismantling historica...
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This article examines the rising bifurcation in global undersea cable networks amid growing U.S.-China tensions, building on the "weaponized interdepen-dence" (WI) framework. While WI sheds light on how states leverage network centrality for strategic benefits, it falls short of capturing the proactive reshaping of network topologies for national s...
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Developing effective environmental performance (EP) is a significant challenge for every organization. The present paper examines the effect of green competence building (GCB), green empow-erment (GE) and green passion (GP) on EP. Besides, the paper also examines the mediating effect of GE and GP on GCB and EP. The study is quantitative, where rese...
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The Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 promotes healthy, inclusive, and sustainable communities through equitable, lifelong, and high-quality education. The UN's SDG 4a.1 evaluates schools' electricity, internet connectivity for education, computers, disabled facilities, clean drinking water, gender-segregated sanitation, and basic handwashing fac...
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In their recent article in Dermatology Online Journal, Cheema et al. (2024) reported a delayed hypersensitivity from a jellyfish envenomation that co-occurred with a SARS-CoV-2 viral infection [1]. We commend the authors for shedding light on this interesting topic, namely the immunological response and associated dermatological symptoms observed i...
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Although the Ethiopian government is engaged in a process of modernization and making major financial reforms, there remains lack of solid financial tool that could assist market participants in analyzing the agricultural commodity market positions. Similarly, agricultural policy lacks instruments to shield neither farmers against potential losses...
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Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya asumsi bahwa anak mempunyai kedekatan dengan orang tua yang berlawanan jenis dan masih rendahnya aspek perkembangan sosial emosional anak seperti kemandirian, kepercayaan diri, dan belum mampu mengungkapkan emosi dengan tepat. Kelekatan aman dan gender merupakan salah satu yang mempengaruhi sosial emo...
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This research work investigated the relationship between undergraduate search skills and usage of electronic information resources (EIRs) in Ambrose Ali University (AAU), Edo State, Nigeria. The population of the study was 1,798 final year undergraduate students of AAU for the 2023/2024 academic session, with a sample of 113 from three Faculties...
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As I approach the completion of my Ph.D., the Cambridge Educational Research e-Journal (CERJ) is also celebrating the launch of Volume 11. Based out of the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, CERJ stands out as one of the most author-friendly journals I have encountered, offering fast responses, genuine care for authors' work, and invalu...
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The objective of this study is to determine the main factors influencing academic researchers' and students' increasing preference for e-journals over e-books. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating theoretical induction with content analysis of pertinent literature to get insights into resource use patterns and user behaviour. The...
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ABSRACT: This study investigates how Bharathidasan University postgraduate students, M.phil and P.hD scholars use electronic resources and how they seek knowledge. Given the growing abundance of digital resources, it is essential to optimize academic support by comprehending how students access, use, and face difficulties with e-resources. Data wer...
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This study explored digital information resource collaboration among librarians in tertiary institutions in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to identify the types of digital resources available, assess the usefulness of collaboration, evaluate its impact on librarian performance, and identify challenges encountered in the...
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In this final editorial the team behind the development and ongoing oversight of PARtake introduce a a collection of their most memorable works from the first nine issues. The editorial ends with reflections from the editors on the work and process of publishing an open source online journal.
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Constitutional Court Decision Number 70/PUU-XXII/2024 is the result of a judicial review of Law Number 10/2016 on the Second Amendment to Law Number 1/2015 regulating the minimum age limit for regional head candidates. The regulation is discriminatory because it limits the political participation of younger individuals. This article seeks to critic...
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This article argues that the role played by the print media in India’s anticolonial struggle was a pivotal point of departure in the episteme of postcolonial histories—one that provided an impetus and guiding light to similar struggles worldwide, a position often ignored by Eurocentric academia studying media historiographies. It is based on extens...
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Religious tolerance is a global priority amidst diverse beliefs and interests. This research explores potential issues in student religious tolerance for educational stakeholders. The study uses a qualitative bibliometric approach with descriptive data analysis. Findings indicate an increasing but modest trend in religious tolerance research over t...
Conference Paper
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This study explores the preferences for digital resources among library users at the (PIM). Over the past five years, from 2018 to 2023, the library at the PIM has experienced a significant decline in physical visits and book borrowings. Moreover, there has been an increasing trend of students requesting electronic resources during this period. Thi...
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This paper investigates whether personality traits, specifically neuroticism and extraversion, influence the relationship between the enjoyment of physical activity and the formation of physical activity habits. The study analyzed data from 724 participants and found that physical activity enjoyment positively relates to habit formation. Neuroticis...
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TRANSFORMATIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya is a peer-reviewed scientific open access journal, with e-ISSN 2549-5941 and p-ISSN 2549-5971 It has been published by the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tidar. The research article submitted to this online jo...
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The Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) is a key tactic to resurrect teacher education, according to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, a historic overhaul of India’s educational system. This review paper examines the transformative impact of NEP 2020 on teacher education through the lens of ITEP implementation. By integrating a mu...
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Climate change induces high and erratic rainfall which triggers landslides and floods. With the increasing population and food needs, households in mountainous, densely populated areas turn fragile ecosystems into farms. This exacerbates landslide and flood risks requiring Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) measures. Tree planting and diversion channels...
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Gig workers have freedoms that most full-timers only dream of setting their hours, working from home, being their bosses". The phrase "gig economy" refers to the increasing trend of people working independently for multiple clients, frequently on a short-term basis. The burgeoning gig economy has ushered in a transformative era of employment, offer...
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Background: Clinicians are often hesitant to use trauma-focused therapy for patients with personality disorders (PDs) because of concerns that the pathology may worsen. Objective: Exploring trajectories of change and individual exacerbations in psychological distress and suicidal thoughts in patients with a PD without comorbid posttraumatic stress...