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Ocean Modeling - Science topic
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Questions related to Ocean Modeling
The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS).I just came into contact with this.I want to learn how to use it.But no resources.I would like to get help and guidance.Thanks!
please explain with the big five model. what does this organisational performance means?
does it mean how the organisation will do or the employee job satisfaction?
How can we couple the RegCM regional climate model with another model (GCM or RCM or other)?
And how can we couple an Ocean model with RegCM?
Context: I am simulating temperature stratification in a subtropical reservoir with Delft3D. The heat flux at thewater surface is being calculated with the Ocean model. To calculate the heat flux due to forced convection of sensible heat, the Stanton number is necessary. From different studies, I know that values of 0.00145 to 0.0016 are usual. Now my question is: there is any PHYSICAL upper limit for the Stanton number? would you say a value of 0.0031 is too high?
Thanks in advance.
Numerical models have been used to explore potential long range predictivity
of coupled models using observed data. The early experiments have been frustrated
by rapid ocean model drift away from the observed state. Do your higher resolution models have the same behavior
I' m using Argo floats to investigate Agulhas eddies vertical structure and need to calculate temperature anomaly from these data. My temporal coverage is from 2008 to 2013. Which climatology is the most suitable in this case? I've using anual means but the Argo profiles seem a lot more warmer than I would expect. I am using MatLab to do the calculations but help from python users is welcomed as well.
Dear all,
I have monthly nutrients data from WOA (in a separate NetCDF file) extracted for a specific region. I would like to convert these data directly into a bin file (one of the separate files) to utilize them in an ocean model?
Any help?
Thank you in advance.
- As most ocean model ouptuts including Tracer diagnositc terms, is it possible to derived the Mixed Layer tracer buget terms with them?
I am working on a seascape genetics project, and I am new to ocean models and particle tracking. I have seen OCEANPARCELs, but I did not see in the tutorials how to get a general or regional ocean model (which I know are available) to release particles from while recording the proportion that make it to every other location to create a connectivity matrix. I basically need to release particles for 16 locations and track the particles to establish connectivity via currents between each pair of populations.
Am trying to simulate wave conditions over the Gulf of Guinea using SWAN Model which I intend to force with COSMO Model data
We are trying to make a “back of envelope calculation” to predict changes in the structure of the picoplankton community for the future. Does anyone have a good recommendation for a model study predicting changes in the supply of nitrate into the euphotic zone (mainly diffusion) for the future?
Hi, I am attempting to use POM ocean model. Some clarification is needed regarding the time varying surface flux forcing. In what units are wtsurf, wssurf and swrad are to be input into the model? Can any one give the information? Thanks in advance.
There are amounts of papers on bias-corrected precipitation and temperature for hydrological or other impact studies. However, few studies work on wind speed or vector bias correction, which, I think, is also useful and significant for ocean modelling. I am new to bias correction, I would like to ask whether the commonly used bias-correction techniques (e.g., scaling factor, quantile mapping) are applicable to wind speed or wind vectors? If not the case, what's the underlying reasons? Thanks very much for any comments.
Hi, everyone!
Now I have a set of heave/pitch/roll and buoy azimuth data of a floating buoy. But I don't know how to compute the wave slope of x/y axis.
According to Longuest-Higgins(1963), I calculate the direction of wave propagation theta by the pitching, rolling angle and buoy azimuth, then I use these equations: elevation(t)*cos(theta(t)) and elevation(t)*sin(theta(t)) to do Fourier transform and finally multiply k(w)^2 to obtain C22 and C33,, which k is wavenumber and w is circular frequency of wave. But the results indicate the method is incorrect.
Hope to get advice.
Many thanks~
I want achieve anomaly position of itcz.
I got tired. please help me. it is my method and I know that is unusable
1- get the (apr1980_1.jpg) from grads(use the ECMWF data)
2-I draw itcz line in photo shop(same apr1980_11)
3- Finally achieved this(apr1980_2.jpg)
4-In MATLAB it(apr1980_2.jpg) was Digital
Water temperature has small variations near the bottom if it is deep, so it could be considered in good balance with the seabed (although in some areas there is a strong seismic activity). This is not true for a shellow shelf water and I presume there must be some heat exchange due to seasonal variations, but I am not sure if it is significant. Does anybody have some references to read about?
Dear colleagues!
I think that the cyclones often generate a storms in the Black Sea/
Main direction of waves and storms is from the West to East
Cyclonic circulation/
In your results "Mean wave energy Flux 1979-2009" direction of energy flux is from east to west. May be It is error?
In attach typical storm and vectors os waves.
This is annual wind field for 1996 and it seems good (Van Vledder, G.Ph., and Adem Akpinar, 2015). But it is no correlation with mean wave energy direction (in attach).
May be anybody have pictures for mean wind field 1979-2010 ?
I have been wondering what would be the best strategy to assimilate moored ADCP and current meter data. In my particular case, I have several moorings (approx. 30) scattered through a regional domain. M2 and K1 internal tides are important in a portion of the domain.
Usually, the uv data is lowpass filtered before assimilation (lets say 48h cut freq.). However, this eliminates any improvement the assimilation can have on the representation of high frequency processes. My experience with HF Radars showed that assimilating data with 2h resolution can reduce phase errors for both internal and barotropic tides.
I wonder if someone else have been assimilating high frequency currents in regional ocean models.
I am using ROMS with strong constraint 4DVar.
Dear all, good afternoon!!
I'm running two numerical experiments (HYCOM model) and compare them to a reference (WOA climatology).
My first experiment (control one) gives a bias when compared to the reference: (expt1 - ref). I want to evaluate how the difference brought by the effect introduced in the second experiment (wave-modified surface stress: expt2 - expt1) improve or worsen the model results.
It seems hard to gather everything in a single map since the bias can be positive or negative and the effect brought can over compensate the original bias (move the SST toward the reference more than the original bias and give a new bias of opposite sign).
All I could figure out is to get rid of the sign and use error instead of bias, where error = abs(bias). I have then the error variation: abs(exp2-ref) - abs(expt1-ref). I can divide it by the original error to get the relative variation and know for instance if the original error is over compensated but it gives noisy maps for the whole domain.
I guess I could focus on specific areas like the Benguela resurgence and the Brazil-Malvinas convergence area. Is there any classic approach to show and evaluate this variation in a nice way?
Have a good day,
Hello, I need in-situ data include sea surface salinity at near of Arvandrud (Shatt ell Arab) river Mouth in Persian gulf. I am grateful if anyone can help me to find this type of data such as Ropme 2006 databases. Thank you
I'd like to get sea level rise data for NE Pacific Ocean. If you know any information related to this, please let me know.
Anyone knows an open software for wave simulation?
If the restitution is high enough, can we simulate the Langmuir circulation forced by radiation stress?
I am having some problems with the space varying temperature file in FLOW module.
I have prepared a space varying temperature file for my project (part of which is shown below):
FileVersion = 1.03
Filetype = meteo_on_equidistant_grid
n_cols = 3
n_rows = 4
grid_unit = degree
x_llcenter = -9
dx = 1.5
y_llcenter = 57
dy = -1.5
NODATA_value = 999.999
n_quantity = 1
quantity1 = air_temperature
unit1 = Celsius
TIME = 0.0 hours since 2013-09-01 00:00:00 +00:00
10.255 12.162 13.800
12.161 12.614 12.984
12.931 12.974 11.971
12.995 13.184 12.951
and I am including these files in the mdf file as specified in the FLOW manual:
Commnt =
Wnsvwp = #Y#
Wndint = #Y#
Commnt =
Commnt =
Filwu = #ERA_Interim_092013_072014.amu#
Filwv = #ERA_Interim_092013_072014.amv#
Filwp = #ERA_Interim_092013_072014.amp#
Filwt = #ERA_Interim_092013_072014.amt#
Commnt =
However, the model doesn't run and I got the following error:
*** MESSAGE Air temperature specified on a separate equidistant grid
*** ERROR Air temperature is not used in heat model (ktemp) = 0
Can anybody please help me with this or point to some possible errors I may be making?
The drag coefficient increase with wind speed up to a limited value (~35m/s),the roughness reduces to virtually zero by ~80m/s wind speed. (Leo Holthuijsen's JGR paper 2012). An idealized condition, if hurricane wind speed bigger than 70m/s (category 5), the drag coefficient is very low (towards zero), how is the ocean waves? how does wind energy/momentum go to the ocean currents?
Vertical land movements need to be removed from the tide gauge records in order to convert the time series of relative sealevel change to absolute sea levels. At global scale, the vertical crustal uplift due to the isostatic readjustment of the Earth’s crust and mantle
May I know from which all web sites I can download the data of Ocean Heat Content ?. I would like to have daily data of Global/ Indian region ocean heat content with maximum spatial resolution. May be some oceanographers can help me in this regard. Thanks.
I'm working on modelling the propagation and dissipation of waves in both the marginal ice zone and also in the ice pack. My understanding is that in the ice pack we may get both scattering (from changes in ice thickness as described in papers by Squire for example) and dissipation which may occur due to the viscosity in the water (this I know how to deal with) and also the creep effect in the ice. I've found the 1973 paper by Wadhams about this but I imagine that there may be more recent updates on the ice properties ... and that these properties may be different for steady or oscillating loads. I just started to read a few papers by Timco, but I am a bit lost.
So, basically I was going to use Wadhams' theory, with some updates on the mechanical properties of sea ice. Any advice is welcome.
I've been studding sea currents near the north coast of Cuba using a hight resolution domain with ROMS. I would like to know the best configuration of boundary conditions for this kind of simulations.
Has anyone used PCTides, a 2-D barotropic ocean model that can assimilate tidal constituent data. If yes, please share details and links to download.
-Praveenkhanna U
CO2 fluxes are in molecule/cm2/s. I don't know how to convert it into ppmv. I would be most grateful if anyone can give me some suggestions.
Hi All,
I am looking for some detailed maps of the surface/bottom current around Ireland. So far I have found just some fragmentary piece of information with very general patterns.
Have you any advice or suggestion about any repository or key publication on that?
Thank you!
How can I get the details about the maximum wind speed radius (R Max) for storm surge modelling. I have download the cyclone tracks and I have generate the cyclone wind generation to storm surge model for that I need the R.max value inputs for Young and Sobey model.
Is it just a matter of a simple differentiation?
I want to make comparisions between LIDAR measurements and sea surface slope that was computed with returns from WaMoS radar data.
I wanted to couple WRF V3.4.1 and ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) to study some properties of air-sea interaction. Where can i find valuable information about setting and other setup information in web?
I have a very low configured computer resource (A small server with 12 gb ram). Is it possible to run the models in there for 5 days data?
Thanks in advance
I read something about C-grid characteristics in a numerical ocean modeling book. But, it is not clear and understandable for me about Coriolis: "The C grid is eminently suited to calculate the pressure gradients and divergence, without any averaging, but the Coriolis terms are compromised, because of the averaging required, since u and v are not collocated." Could anyone tell me more about it?
Best regards
My aim is to simulate the so-called intermediate wind waves, which is the dominant factor for surface roughness detected by SAR images.
Im trying to do a particle tracking simulation on mangrove propagules in an enclosed bay. Currently im working on Telemac for the hydrodynamic simulation as and also looking into other open source software thats not too programming for a beginner like me.
Most probably, my input data are the specific characteristic of the propagule (length, weight, floating period from laboratory exp), current data, tides, boundries and bethy.
I try to use optimal interpolation and kalman filter method of data assimilation for water wave data with fortran and matlab. but before using these methods in wave modeling, I want to test my fortran and matlab codes with simple examples. so I tried to estimate a supposed simple quadratic equation with methods mentioned above but the results are Disappointing. could u plz give me a numerical example that helps me to learn these methods?
I have some articles from the region I'm working on, and want to produce boundary condition for my simulation. Does anybody know how to do Harmonic analysis for existing data (tide gauge heights) and measured main tidal constituents in coastal area? Any response would be appreciated.
Dear Sirs,
Recently, I have developed two new techniques: one is used to gauge both the intensity of tropical cyclones and the intensity of tropical cyclones; the other is used to identify significant signals of El Nino or La Nina. With these two tools,I have solved some important problems : one is the definition of "El nino years", "La Nina Years", Ocean Stabilization Index.....etc. Furthermore, a new theory called "Ocean Stabilization Machine" theory on global climate change has been proposed. And I gave the presentation in an important Peak BBS of Chinese Academy of Engineering in Hangzhou on October 25, which received very important attentions. Here, I am looking for some collaborators in other fields related to global climate change.
Thank you very much for your attention!
In the work about the numerical simulation of Lituya Bay mega-tsunami ( two different parameterizations for the friction terms are used:
1) A stardard Manning law for friction with the seafloor (water/seafloor and granular fluid/seafloor).
2) For the friction between the two layers of fluid and the fluidized granular material a friction law taking into account the thickness of both layers (h_1 and h_2) is used with a friction coefficient m_f whose value needs to be justified.
I would like to find a reference for these kind of friction terms between fluid layers, and an estimation of the value for m_f.
Performing a dimensional analysis m_f ~g n2 (where g is gravity and n Manning coefficient for an usual Manning law) which can give a hint.
Your comments are welcomed
Data Lituya GJI
I am trying to understand the energetics of coastal circulations on the west coast of India. what are the type of analysis and modelling study required?. what are the reliable temperature/salinity sources can be used as boundary conditions?.
I would like to have information on the temperature variations in the Pacific Ocean floor as you move north-south or west-east.
I'm trying to reconstruct the productivity changes in the southeastern Arabian Sea, during the last glacial period. The foraminiferal proxies suggest an increased glacial productivity in this region. I want to understand the physical forcing, responsible for high surface primary productivity in this region during the last glacial period.
Im wondering how to consider when to use a structured grid or an unstructured grid when conducting a coastal current simulation or probably even and other simulation as well. Im aware that some study suggest structured grid have higher accuracy but im wondering does the result would be affected if structured/unstructured grid is used on shallow coastal(<20 meter depth) in an enclosed bay especially.
Is it suitable to conduct a mangrove propagule dispersal simulation using MIKE 21 advection/simulation module?
Can anyone suggest what other module in this software is also suitable for this simulation with tidal and salinity as its input field data?
Are along-tracks or maps being used? And what groups are doing it? I know some people assimilate SLA maps in iROMS and OPA-var. What about Mom-var?
I am using 2 Dimensional model for simulating the currents. I would like to know whether 2 D model can simulate the Ekman transport ?
I am using the MPI version of WW3 to model the 2-way interaction between two nested domains.
There is a line in the ww3_multi.inp file in which the user defines two flags "for masking computations in two-way nesting" except at output times and including printout times. I have been running the system with both flags set to T, and I have obtained reasonable results for both domains, although the nested domain appears masked when the 2D field of the parent domain is plotted. I have recently run a test with one flag set to F, and the computational time required has increased significantly.
Of course, this has led me to wonder what exactly do these flags do, and which computations are masked when they are set to T. If both flags are set to T, is it really a two-way nesting scheme, or is it something else? As far as I can see, there is no information on this in the user's manual.
Could someone please elaborate a bit on this? I have two very similar model configurations with a large computation time difference, and the only apparent discrepancy beween both is the definition of these flags.
I have assimilated altimeter SLA into POM model. Deterioration was observed in temperature for the depth up to 250m from surface in Equatorial Indian Ocean. In other parts of the Indian Ocean, improvement over temperature was less in the mixed layer. What could be the possible reason for this?
I am running ROMS with is4dvar data assimilation. Between the several datasets we assimilate, there are 3 HF radar antennas that provide radial velocities. The area covered by the radial velocities is just a very small portion of the model domain. These data are assimilated after filtering out the high frequency variability and adding the tides using TPXO. I am conducting a series of tests myself, and it would be very helpful to learn from your experience. In particular, I would like to hear about what impacts should be expected from assimilating HF radar radial velocities without filtering out the high frequency, using a variational assimilation method.
We are working with the Priceton Ocean Model (POM). We have reasonably well simulated the sea level using POM. Since we are new to the assimilation field, can anyone suggest the best method to be adopted for SLA assimilation for mesoscale studies?
I am working with a regional model system with IS4DVAR data assimilation. At the present moment, we are assimilating along-track SLA from the Jason-1, Jason-2 and envisat satellites. But, since the model domain is not very large, I get one satellite track every 2-3 days. This leads to a very limited impact of the SLA assimilation on the resulting analysis. We are thinking of testing the assimilation of the AVISO gridded product instead of the along-track data.
Can you tell me what your experiences are and/or direct me to references comparing the 2 assimilations for a case where the along-track data presents such a scarce coverage?