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Nutrients - Science topic

A nutrient is a chemical that an organism needs to live and grow or a substance used in an organism's metabolism which must be taken in from its environment. They are used to build and repair tissues, regulate body processes and are converted to and used as energy.
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Publications related to Nutrients (10,000)
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Introduction Ghee-residue is a by-product that is moist brownish sediment obtained after straining of molten ghee during its manufacturing (Janghu et al., 2014). It is nutrient-dense and contains 36-65 % fat, 18-42 % protein, 8-30 % moisture, 0.5-15 % lactose and 2-5 % ash (Ramesh et al., 2018). Ghee residue is high in milk nutrients and can act as...
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Background: Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising approach in modern agriculture, offering enhanced nutrient delivery through nano-fertilizers, nano
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Agricultural plastic mulching films have been an environmental concern for decades. The effects of the interactions between the anthropogenic plastisphere and other soil biospheres, particularly that of earthworms, on the fate of plastics remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the decomposition of buried nonbiodegradable low-density polyet...
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As a unique structured lipid, medium‐ and long‐chain triacylglycerol (MLCT) is characterized by the combination of medium‐ and long‐chain fatty acids in a single triacylglycerol molecule. In recent years, MLCT, as a nutritional lipid, has gradually emerged as a research hot topic in the fields of food science and nutrition. This paper innovatively...
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This protocol is intended for the oral or intragastric administration of the pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin followed by a mixed-meal nutrient stimulus for the assessment of gastrointestinal function after toxicant exposure in mice. The toxicant, vehicle, dose, or dose volume can be adjusted as needed.
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In solid tumours, cancer cells modify their metabolic processes to endure environments with nutrient and oxygen scarcity due to inadequate blood flow. A thorough understanding of this adaptive mechanism, which requires reliable microscopic techniques, is crucial for developing effective cancer treatments. In the present study, we used multi-wavelen...
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Introdução: O transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) tem sintomas que, durante muito tempo, foram pouco compreendidos, em parte devido à falta de estudos aprofundados e por se tratar de um transtorno que não apresenta sinais físicos visíveis. No entanto, pesquisas recentes têm indicado que a alimentação pode impactar diretamente a...
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A total of 58 Leuciscus vorax samples were collected from the Main Outfall Drain, inside the borders of the central Iraqi province of Al-Qadisiyah, throughout the extended period from the beginning of January to the end of December 2022. Several traditional fishing methods were adopted. The results indicated that the males ratio were 44.83% (26 ind...
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El presente estudio evaluó el estado fisicoquímico de la Laguna de Nuxco, Guerrero, México, y su relación con actividades antropogénicas circundantes (agropecuarias y urbanización). Se colectaron cinco muestras mensualmente durante un año, a una profundidad de 15-30 cm. Se determinaron 5 parámetros in situ y 7 en laboratorio. La laguna es catalogad...
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Microbial communities experience environmental fluctuations across timescales from rapid changes in moisture, temperature, or light levels to long-term seasonal or climactic variations. Understanding how microbial populations respond to these changes is critical for predicting the impact of perturbations, interventions, and climate change on commun...
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The marine and coastal ecosystems of the Gulf of Arauco (GA) undergo intense biological resource extraction and diverse anthropogenic activities, which supply subtances of varied nature, persistence, and toxicity to the water column, affecting the environmental conditions of the coastal system. To determine the existence of spatio-temporal differen...
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Contrary to the assumption that epiphytic lichens, which obtain water and nutrients from the atmosphere, do not exhibit host species preference, this notion is challenged by the limited number of studies that cover a wide geographical range and diverse phorophyte species (hereafter referred to as “host species”). To investigate this assumption, we...
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Lateral roots (LRs), are an important component of plant roots, playing a crucial role in anchoring the plant in the soil and facilitating the uptake of water and nutrients. As post‐embryonic organs, LRs originate from the pericycle cells of the primary root, and their formation is characterized by precise regulation of cell division and complex in...
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Latosol soil is one of the predominant soil types in the Bogor region, but it is characterized by low nutrient content. One approach to improving soil conditions is the use of biochar as a soil amendment. Biochar, being rich in carbon, has the potential to enhance soil quality. This study aimed to examine the characteristics of soil after the appli...
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With a focus on plant tolerance to environmental challenges, nanotechnology has emerged as a potent instrument for assisting crops and boosting agricultural production in the face of a growing worldwide population. Nanoparticles (NPs) and plant systems may interact molecularly to change stress response, growth, and development. NPs may feed nutrien...
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A fertirrigação com vinhaça no sistema localizado representa uma abordagem inovadora e sustentável para a fertilização das culturas agrícolas. Este artigo científico apresenta uma análise detalhada dessa prática, destacando seus princípios, benefícios e desafios. A vinhaça é um subproduto gerado na produção de etanol a partir da cana-de-açúcar, é u...
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A covid-19 surgiu inicialmente no ano de 2019, na cidade de Taiwan na China. Um vírus causador de infecções respiratórias. O vírus se disseminou rapidamente nos países, sendo caracterizado oficialmente pela OMS como uma pandemia. A pandemia causou grandes impactos na saúde, na economia, educação, política e culturais. O objetivo deste estudo é expl...
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Over the past decade, insect farming has garnered significant scientific and commercial attention due to its potential as a sustainable and efficient alternative nutrient source for both animal feed [...]
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La anemia ferropénica es una de las anemias más comunes en el mundo, suele estar asociada con deficiencias nutricionales y pérdida crónica de hierro. Sin embargo, en esta investigación se examina cómo las infecciones parasitarias intestinales, como las causadas por helmintos, pueden contribuir a la disminución de los niveles de hierro y al desarrol...
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Background: The condition of Chronic Energy Deficiency and anemia often occurs in women of reproductive age and can lead to health problems. Objective: This research aims to examine the relationship between household income and the adequacy of energy, protein, and iron levels in women of reproductive age in Babakan Village. Methods: The research em...
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In order to maintain optimal health and wellness, it is imperative that the body receives the nutrients it requires from a balanced diet. This article discusses the elements of a balanced diet, how important it is to keep one's physical and mental health, doable ways to incorporate it into day-to-day activities and offers guidance on creating good...
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La vainilla (Vanilla planifolia) es una especia tropical de alto valor que depende de condiciones específicas de suelo y clima para su cultivo exitoso. Este documento analiza los requerimientos edafoclimáticos esenciales para su desarrollo, como temperatura, humedad relativa, precipitación, textura del suelo, pH y nutrientes esenciales. Se destacan...
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Hydrochar (HC) has received increasing attention due to its potential impact on soil amendment. The process parameters of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) have a significant impact on the characterization of HC, and HC as a soil amendment has effects on soil properties. Therefore, this work summarizes the effects of feedstock type, temperature, res...
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Restoration of the longleaf pine forest ecosystem is critical for biodiversity. However, the mixed hardwood forests can grow naturally in the same area. There are limited studies comparing soil organic matter and nutrient contents for restoring longleaf pine forests from the mixed hardwood forest areas in the southeastern USA. In this study, a comp...
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A investigação da limnologia possibilita a proposição de estratégias de manejo e conservação de ambientes aquáticos e gestão dos usos da água. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as condições limnológicas e a variabilidade espaço-temporal da qualidade da água da Lagoa de Pituaçu (2016-2018), Salvador, Bahia. Foram realizas as análises físico...
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Los humedales artificiales (HA) constituyen una solución viable para el tratamiento de aguas residuales desde una perspectiva económica, social y ambiental. La presente investigación evaluó la eficiencia de remoción del fósforo (PT), nitrógeno (NT) y demanda química de oxígeno (DQO) en aguas residuales domésticas utilizando las macrófitas acuáticas...
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The importance of this work is that the formulation of a natural fertilizer that better stimulates the biosynthesis of soybean nutrients will be popularized for soybean cultivation.
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Plant growth and development are inextricably connected with rhizosphere organisms. Plants have to balance between strong defenses against pathogens while modulating their immune responses to recruit beneficial organisms such as bacteria and fungi. In recent years, there has been increasing evidence that regulatory peptides are essential in establi...
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Nutrients are substances used by an organism to survive,grow and reproduce. ‘Social’ used in relation tocompanionship and society. In this opinion piece, wepropose and propound a novel concept, Socionutrition,and discuss the science of socionutrients, socionutrienttriggers and modifiers, as well as socionutrient abuse. Wediscuss these parameters in...
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La alimentación complementaria es una etapa crucial para cubrir las necesidades nutricionales del lactante a partir de los 6 meses de vida. Este artículo revisa la evidencia reciente sobre las mejores prácticas para su introducción, con el objetivo de identificar recomendaciones actualizadas que favorezcan una nutrición adecuada en la primera infan...
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Sugarcane needs a hot and humid climate and can be grown on a variety of soils that can retain moisture. Owing to its long life cycle it heavily depletes soil nutrients during its growth period. Sugarcane, being a heavy feeder requires nearly 208 kg N, 53 kg P2O5, and 280 kg K2O from the soil to produce 100 t ha-1 sugarcane. Sugarcane, being a C4 p...
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This study investigated the effects of chlorine-based fertilizers under varying nitrogen solution concentrations in a soilless culture system. The experiment included four nitrogen solution concentration levels, with nitrogen concentrations of 6 mmol/L (C1), 12 mmol/L (C2), 18 mmol/L (C3), and 24 mmol/L (C4). Each nutrient concentration level was f...
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Early Pliocene sedimentary deposits are exposed at the surface along the James and York Rivers, across southeastern Virginia. The Zanclean age (5.33–3.60 Ma) Sunken Meadow Member of the Yorktown Formation records a relatively large-scale marine transgression in the Salisbury Embayment. A total of 15 samples were collected from an outcrop near Sprin...
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Chemical fertilizer is a mixture of various chemicals prepared to supply the necessary nutrients for the growth and development of crops and plants. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers negatively affects soil, wildlife, and human health. The overuse of chemical fertilizers also violates the fundamental right of citizens to live in a clean and hea...
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Chlorophyll act as a primary pigment and most abundantly found in leaves. Carotenoids also plays an essential role in the protection of chlorophyll from photooxidative reaction. The photosynthetic process would be impossible without chlorophyll. However, environmental stress could influence the chlorophyll concentration. Significant variations were...
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A bstract: Afield experiment was carried out during kharif, 2012 at University of Agricultural Sciences,GKVK, Bengaluru to study the impact of levels and time of application of nitrogen on nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiencyof riceunder aerobic condition. The experiment consistsof five levels of nitrogen viz., as factor A i.e. Nitrogen at 1...
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Rice husk ash (RHA) contains appreciable amounts of exchangeable cations and plant nutrients which can be used as liming material for acid soil reclamation. Hence, the present study was carried out to assess the potential of rice husk ash for soil acidity reclamation and its effect on related soil properties. RHA was collected from a modern rice mi...
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Snack products are high-caloric and unhealthy products in terms of the nutrients they include. For this purpose, the aim of this study was to create healthy, gluten-free snacks. To achieve this, a variety of seaweed formulations have been used to create gluten-free and healthful snacks. Snacks produced from algae in the study will be a good alterna...
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We did a simple experiment on mysterious questions of consciousness and afterlife participants were divided into three groups: 1. Identical Triplets (Group I): Individuals 'a,' 'b,' and 'c.' 2. Second Set of Identical Triplets (Group II): Individuals 'd,' 'e,' and 'f.' 3. Non-identical Triplets (Group III): Individuals 'g,' 'h,' and 'i.' Uniform co...
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O uxi (Endopleura uchi) é uma fruta típica da Amazônia, de ocorrência principalmente nos Estados brasileiros do Pará e Amazonas, onde é consumida de diversas formas: sorvetes, picolés, doces e, principalmente, de forma in natura. Essa fruta é considerada uma boa fonte de nutrientes e uma alternativa econômica para a população local. O presente estu...
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Lack of a vital nutrient known as EndoCannabinoid deficiency is reflected in research as correlated with Autism. This article reviews the research reflecting this correlation, further supporting the supplementation of Cannabinoids as a viable intervention for treating Autism symptoms.
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Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS) are characterized by wind-triggered upwelling of deep waters along the coast. They are hotspots of biological productivity and diversity and therefore have a high economic, ecological and social importance. In the past, different methods using surface data have been used to estimate upwelling. Recently, the...
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O estudo explora a relação entre alimentação e o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) em crianças e adolescentes. Evidências apontam que dietas ricas em alimentos ultraprocessados, açúcares e aditivos químicos estão associadas ao agravamento de sintomas como hiperatividade, desatenção e impulsividade. Em contraste, padrões alime...
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Once the steady and ongoing mortality of individuals in a plant population has started, the widely accepted ‘self-thinning rule’ holds; this maintains that the set of progressive average sizes of the plants and their residual stocking densities bear a constant relationship to each other. This work aimed to quantify the self-thinning processes of mo...
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2708 E n v iro n m e n t & E c o lo g y 35 (4) : 2 7 0 8-2 7 1 2 , O c to b e r-D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 7 W e b site : e n v iro n m e n ta n d e c o lo g y .c o m IS S N 0 9 7 0-0 4 2 0 R e c e iv e d 12 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 6 ; A c c e p te d 13 J a n u a ry 2 0 1 7 ; P u b lish e d o n lin e 25 J a n u a ry 2017
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Reemplazar el medio agotado por uno fresco para mantener las células en condiciones óptimas. Esto es necesario para eliminar desechos metabólicos, renovar nutrientes y mantener el pH adecuado del cultivo.
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O objetivo do estudo foi de discutir as intervenções de enfermagem em vítimas de acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico no setor de emergência. O Acidente vascular encefalico sendo uma das principais causas de morte no mundo, mostra a importancia dos cuidados da enfermagem no atendimento onde minutos são preciosos e a dinamica e a rapidez em equipe...
Conference Paper
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Farm animal production is a crucial component of global food security, providing essential nutrients for human consumption. However, the increasing demand for animal products has raised concerns about the sustainability and environmental impact of farm animal production systems. This study aimed to investigate the effects of sustainable farm animal...
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To address the problems of planting density and low soil nutrient content in maize cultivation and production in western Inner Mongolia. This study aims to elucidate the regulatory mechanism by which soil fertility augmentation affects maize yield formation under a variety of planting densities. In this study, nine soil fertility conditions were es...
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The article describes the possibilities of applying the agroecological approach as the basis of Precision Agriculture. The results of the implementation of the agroecological approach through engineering projects in selected modular units /agroecological brigades/ are presented. Multifactorial experiments with the nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus...
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La Huasteca Potosina es una de las regiones que cuenta con mayor diversidad natural y cultural en el estado de San Luis Potosí. Los pobladores de esta región cuentan con diversos cultivos agrícolas, siendo los más destacados la caña de azúcar, el café, el maíz y los cítricos, como la naranja y el limón. En algunos cultivos de esta región aún se con...
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Wrack (debris comprised of vegetative, seagrass, or algal matter) is commonly deposited onshore at or above the high-water line during coastal storm and high-water events. Its arrival to the beach-dune system fulfills many biotic and abiotic roles serving as a nutrient source, seedbank, microclimate modifier, and surface roughness element. Many of...
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Applications of the various hydroponic techniques and systems in hightech agronomy and the future of hydroponics in global agriculture. Hydroponics is an advancing method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent. And the technology has evolved greatly with the aim of enhancing agricultural productivity,...
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A cadeia produtiva agroindustrial de alimentos, especialmente quando voltada para o aproveitamento de subprodutos como os talos de salsa, apresenta um grande potencial para contribuir com a sustentabilidade e a inovação no setor alimentício. Essa abordagem não apenas reduz o desperdício, mas também agrega valor aos produtos finais, promovendo a seg...
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In desert ecosystems, litter decomposition is the primary source of soil nutrients and is strongly affected by extreme climate events, which may influence desert plant survival and species diversity. To date, the effects of snowfall changes on litter decomposition in desert species remain poorly understood. Here, a snowfall manipulation experiment...
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La investigación se desarrolló en el Centro Experimental “Sacha Wiwa” de la Parroquia Guasaganda, Cantón La Maná, Provincia de Cotopaxi, el proyecto tuvo una duración de doce meses, el objetivo principal fue evaluar el efecto de la omisión de macronutrientes primarios en la producción de seis clones de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), con la utilización...