Science topic
Nursing Theory - Science topic
Nursing Theory is a concepts, definitions, and propositions applied to the study of various phenomena which pertain to nursing and nursing research.
Questions related to Nursing Theory
What are the future issues in nursing theories, concepts and principles and how can we apply that to the current pandemic situation
A "nursing theory" is a description or explanation of an area of professional nursing. This description or explanation is proposed in a systematic way in order to provide the broadest and most practical information for use in nursing practice and research. They are useful. OK, but it appears that many of them are not practical in a real environment like a hospital or a clinic.
What is your opinion about the obstacles that prevent nursing theories to be practicable?
and perhaps coping as well. I want to understand stress using a Nursing theory
I am using a figure of a middle range nursing theory, do I need permission to use?
In our field of nursing there is only selected few theories used for our studies repeatedly. It is mandatory to choose any nursing theory for our UG , PG , Ph.D ! There is evaluation for that - mostly they will try to fit in few components and they describe in operationally. Ph.D candidates will try from other discipline too.
Almost 18 or above theories only using from other countries philosophers.
Any of from science discipline developed new theories ? .
Please share your theory to us.
What do frontline nurses think about nursing theories? Are there studies done exploring this?
I need help identifying what theories are considered borrowed nursing theoies?
need help please. I was asked to describe a nursing theory that influence my nursing practice. i chose Dorothea Orem's theory of self care. My professor asked me this question--In what patient care situation might this theory not be applicable? I honesty think that the theory can be applied to all nursing situations, but I guess not?
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you so much.
Chronic diseases need nursing practice for a long time. On the other hands, there are many theories of nursing for a better client care.Which of nursing theories is more useful for nursing of chronic diseases as a long time necessity?
Relatives of chronic patients have many difficulties. I think it is better their problems should be considered as like as their patient. Most of nursing theories notice the patients more than their relatives. But you know their relatives needs more nursing care.How can we help relatives of chronic patients based on nursing theories like Orem's?
Quality of life is a ubiquitous concept in social science and health literature.The phrase “quality of life” appeared in response to rapid technological health care innovations prolonging quantity of life.
Nurses have made important contributions to our understanding of this concept. What is the best nursing theory for quality of life promotion?
A theory is a supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to explain a given phenomena. Nursing theory should provide the principles that underpin practice and help to generate further nursing knowledge and new ideas. However, a lack of agreement in thenursing theories confuses nurses about a correct practice.How can nursing theories help to promotion of nursing practice?
I need to comprehensive information about this nursing theory.
Besides Nursing Science Quarterly.
Carpenito's Bifocal Model proves to be a useful tool for clinical practice, as well as for clearly outlining the nurse's two main areas of competence, namely the role as an autonomous professional (nursing diagnoses approach) and the role as part of a team cooperating with other professionals (collaborative problems approach). What do you think?