Science topic

Nursing Theory - Science topic

Nursing Theory is a concepts, definitions, and propositions applied to the study of various phenomena which pertain to nursing and nursing research.
Questions related to Nursing Theory
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
12 answers
What are the future issues in nursing theories, concepts and principles and how can we apply that to the current pandemic situation
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The main problem, today and perhaps for some time, is that Nursing is still a Pre-PARADIGMATIC Discipline or Area of knowledge, in the sense that Thomas Kuhn ("The structure of scientific revolutions") gives to a PARADIGM in Science: Thus, we find in Nursing with various "MODELS" -not a few opposed to each other- but without any that has become a Paradigm for it, at the THEORETICAL and EPISTEMOLOGICAL level.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
13 answers
A "nursing theory" is a description or explanation of an area of professional nursing. This description or explanation is proposed in a systematic way in order to provide the broadest and most practical information for use in nursing practice and research. They are useful. OK, but it appears that many of them are not practical in a real environment like a hospital or a clinic.
What is your opinion about the obstacles that prevent nursing theories to be practicable? 
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it is perfect questıon,many times I ask this questı can be differnt some country.
İn turkey Health System mıght be obstacle because of.Nursıng shortage,high turnover,hierarchy.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
3 answers
and perhaps coping as well. I want to understand stress using a Nursing theory
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Stress Rating Scale (SSRS).
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
10 answers
I am using a figure of a middle range nursing theory, do I need permission to use?
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You can use the theoritical model availble in books and online sources and modify
according to your study concept , but dont fail to give credit to the author.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
5 answers
In our field of nursing there is only selected few theories used for our studies repeatedly. It is mandatory to choose any nursing theory for our UG , PG , Ph.D ! There is evaluation for that - mostly they will try to fit in few components and they describe in operationally. Ph.D candidates will try from other discipline too.
Almost 18 or above theories only using from other countries philosophers.
Any of from science discipline developed new theories ? .
Please share your theory to us.
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There are many nursing theories at multiple levels of abstraction (grand theories, middle-range, and situation-specific) and excellent textbooks by A. Meleis and J. Morse (the latter with more qualitative focus).
See the website to connect with nursing theorists. I am presenting at Nursing Theory conference next week at Case Western, OH, US.
I am a PhD student and believe that a strong conceptual, theoretical, and philosophical foundation is critical for a successful dissertation!
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
12 answers
What do frontline nurses think about nursing theories? Are there studies done exploring this?
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LaBossiere's remarks are well taken. Theories by their very nature are reductive, and nursing practice is very broad. That's the reason that nurses are the most versatile practitioners across the health professions and beyond. When I left clinical practice and took a variety of jobs in academic, government, and research sectors, the first question I was always asked was "Are you a nurse?" And the answer they always wanted was "Yes."
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
9 answers
I need help identifying what theories are considered borrowed nursing theoies?
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I do not think that there are any theory borrowed .. Each theory, while comparing with others or deriving from others, if it has its originality of thought, method and application, is, in my opinion, to be considered theory.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
7 answers
need help please. I was asked to describe a nursing theory that influence my nursing practice. i chose Dorothea Orem's theory of self care. My professor asked me this question--In what patient care situation might this theory not be applicable? I honesty think that the theory can be applied to all nursing situations, but I guess not? 
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I think the important point could be that the choosen nursing theory should influence you daily nursing practice. A grand theory like Orem‘s theory of self-care is very abstract and broad in scope so it helps us to reflect nursing practice and tells us what nursing is about and what does it mean to be nurse. But this kind of theory isn’t designed for empirical testing and limited in directing, explaining and predicting nursing in specific situations.
Maybe your professor wanted you to think about the different levels of theory and their different use in daily practice:
  • Grand theory
  • Middle-Range theory
  • Situation-specific theory
Middle-range theories offer an effective bridge between grand theories and nursing practice. They are narrower in scope and so they can describe, explain or predict a nursing phenomenon. Another hallmark of mid-range theory is that they are designed for empirical testing.
Situations-specific theories have the most limited scope of abstraction and are developed for use within a specific nursing situation. The provide frameworks for specific nursing interventions to guide daily practice and predict specific outcomes. They are also developed for empirical testing but their use is limited to a specific setting or group of patients.
So when we look again at the main topic „self-care“ you can choose different theories about self-care to adress the different levels of abstraction and the different uses in nursing practice. All three theories influence the nursing discipline but in a very different way:
  • Grand theory (Orem‘s self-care theory)
  • Middle-Range theory (Riegel‘s middle-range theory of self-care of chronic illness)
  • Situation-specific theory (Riegel‘s situation-specific theory of heart failure self-care)
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
4 answers
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you so much.
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Dear Joseph,
Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate your help in resolving the problem.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
8 answers
Chronic diseases need nursing practice for a long time. On the other hands, there are many theories of nursing for a better client care.Which of nursing theories is more useful for nursing of chronic diseases as a long time necessity?
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I think there are many that you could use. Some which come to mind are Roy's adaptation Model, Dorothy Orems self-care and self-efficacy theory. I like SE model because it talks about living with an chronic illness and incorporates SE and spirituality. Here is an article on how spirituality and SE go hand-in had with sickle-cells disease.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
6 answers
Relatives of chronic patients have many difficulties. I think it is better their problems  should be considered as like as their patient. Most of nursing theories notice the patients more than their relatives. But you know their relatives needs more nursing care.How can we help relatives of chronic patients based on nursing theories like Orem's?
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I believe the focus is on a wellness model.  With over 20 years experience in case management, I have seen family as pivotal in decision making/care path decisions.  We need to implement a disease management/wellness model that focuses on "Self Help" .  No one knows chronically ill patients better than family & the patient.  Family /Patients need to lead care with key decisions in prevention/wellness to accentuate areas of life where patient is doing well in addition to where they need more help.  This will be the true key to preventing readmissions & holistic health management.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
7 answers
Quality of life is a ubiquitous concept in social science and health literature.The phrase “quality of life” appeared in response to rapid technological health care innovations prolonging quantity of life.
Nurses have made important contributions to our understanding of this concept. What is the best nursing theory for quality of life promotion?
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I am grateful to Caroline Ellis Hill and Carol Pound for introducing this author to me... not just for nursing but for healthcare generally I think Todres' approach to humanisation is well worth a read
here's an easy-read version 
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
25 answers
 A theory is a supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to explain a given phenomena. Nursing theory should provide the principles that underpin practice and help to generate further nursing knowledge and new ideas. However, a lack of agreement in thenursing theories confuses nurses about a correct practice.How can nursing theories help to promotion of nursing practice?
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Happy New Year To All,
Very important question. Thank you for posting it in this forum. Responses are very informative and insightful. I would like to add that nursing theory can promote nursing practice by providing the lens through which we can understand the phenomenon being studied and provide evidence-based rationales for interventions being employed.  
My experience in teaching both undergraduates and graduates students didactically and clinically has been that they can explain protocols for patients' clinical presentations using the medical model theory with ease. However, if the patients do not present with classic signs and symptoms, the nursing students appear to have a more challenging time explaining the 'why' for the interventions chosen. I believe nursing theory (ies)  answers the 'why' and  'how' of such interventions. 
With this said, I don't agree there is a lack of agreement in nursing theories, rather, there are several theories from which to choose from. This is important because one theory is not a proper fit for all studies; for various reasons: geographical, culturally, and technology to name a few. I have used  Roy's Theory of Adaptation (RAM), principles of Humanism and Veritvity to explain the lived experience of Dominican women living with Late Stage Breast Cancer. However, to  to address cancer worry of Urban Dominican, I chose the  Conceptual Model of Nursing and Population Health which centered on Upstream Factors, Population Factors, and Health Care Systems Factors, Nursing Activities, and Population Health Outcomes to address informatics strategies, by Fawcett & Ellenbecker.
The key to promoting evidence-based nursing practice is to expose nursing students  to various nursing theories and their applications throughout the curriculum. This would help them gain a greater understanding and transfer this knowledge to facilitated understanding of the data collected (whether clinical assessments and/or other types of research) and in turn create evidence-based interventions that will promote patients' well being. I found de Chesnay & Anderson book entitled : "Caring for the Vulnerable..." to be very helpful engaging and helping  students understand why and how nursing theories help promote evidence-based nursing practice.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
7 answers
I need to comprehensive information about this nursing theory.
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yes, there are many articles in the following link
hope this help
good luck
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
4 answers
Besides Nursing Science Quarterly.
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Thank you
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
24 answers
Carpenito's Bifocal Model proves to be a useful tool for clinical practice, as well as for clearly outlining the nurse's two main areas of competence, namely the role as an autonomous professional (nursing diagnoses approach) and the role as part of a team cooperating with other professionals (collaborative problems approach). What do you think?
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Hello everyone, I published our experience in the NICU of Perugia Hospital about the newborn with surgical problems on Connect (Neonatal Surgical Intensive Care: "Bifocal Clinical Nursing Model" approach. Connect, 2011, 8 (3), 91 - 94.). The approach used was the Carpenito's Bifocal Model and Gordon's Functional Health Patterns.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Theory
3 answers
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Hi Wendy, If you wish to discuss your nursing theory please contact me, my e-mail is and if you provide your phone number I will call you. Have a great day, Dr. Van Sell