Science topic
Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice - Science topic
Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice are nursing, as an evidence based area of practice, has been developing since the time of Florence Nightingale to the present day, where many nurses now work as researchers based in universities as well as in the health care setting.
Questions related to Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice
A 95 year old woman diagnosed with dementia, presumably close to the last stage was crying out loud "pains, pains, pains" and so on. She would not talk to anyone in any clear language. She could not eat, neither did she want to drink to lubricate her presumably dried throat. She was then placed on drip to prevent dehydration.
She set a fixed gaze at a particular nurse, who eventually tried to communicate with her in a non-verbal language. She was then softly caressed on her cheeks, hair and arms. She kissed the nurse's hands twice and asked the nurse not to go away, all in a very clear voice, took her drinking water and drank enough.
In aged care, some elderly prefare to be cared for in their own homes, while some find themselves in residential homes. It is mostly proposed and or encouraged that elders be taken care of in their homes and their privacy and space be respected.
Different countries, states and regions practise different methods. We should however, bear in mind that there are some factors that enhance the successful implementation of an organisation´s plan and these factors eventually help to evaluate the level of quality of care that service users receive. Some organisation´s tradition favours helping elderly maintain their independent living.
Mouth and dental Care in Palliative Care: The quality and comfort of life of the patient is positively enhanced when the patient gets regular mouth and dental care.
It is easier for patients who still can talk or communicate to be able to decide what dental flavour or the method their mouth and teeth are cleaned?
Reports have shown that some of these mouth products taste very unpleasant to the mouth and tongue.
Patients who can no longer talk or communicate in a way that it is easily understood could face the risk of being treated in way they would not have accepted if they could talk or resist being cared for the way they do not want.
I am seeing so many different titles for nurses in primary care practices who are doing care coordination - which is also defined in a number of different ways. I would love to get some feedback around what people think may be the differences.
Do any of the accrediting nursing organizations have codes of ethics, similar to those for physicians, that all of the nurses that they have accredited must follow? Thanks.
Many times students critic their clinical marks because I don't have written standard for assessing their quality of activity. I built a special guideline for assessment their activities, but still I seeking for best standard for assessment.
my project considers collection and analysis of administrative quality and patient safety data from particular hospital to identify trends in quality and safety and to identify evidence of missed nursing care and its association with nurse staffing and skill mix.
please any one has suggestions on the data that should be collected for this purpose from the hospital and the way of analysing it.
There is a wealth of research and information in relation to waste medication in primary care but appears to be limited when related to secondary care (hospitals). I am interested in how health professionals view medication waste and the impact this has upon health services. Additionally I wish to look at the root causes of medication waste within secondary care.
I am a nurse,srinagarind university hospilal,khon kaen U,Thailand.I would like share with health and Wellness group.
I want to produce guidance for the children's community nursing team I work in around managing problematic gastrostomy sites.
Our team uses historic practice using different steroid and antibiotic cream to treat over granulation, infection and inflammation.
Any suggestions on a suitable dressing that can be cut and used around a tube or button to help manage exudate and/or treat a granuloma?
The responsibility of the nurse education towards theoretical education and clinical training. Is it the nurse education's responsibility to see that the student is also clinical competent in her work? and to what extent?
- am trying to conduct a primary research on the impact of social interaction/isolation on the increase rise in the development and advancement of dementia but I need supporting articles and suggestions on the best research methods and approach to utilize.
I am looking for a instrument for data collection.
The two surveys that will be compared are: An All Employee survey and the Nursing Work Index- Practice Environment Scale. Influences on nurse retention and intention to leave will be examined.
Does anyone have any information regarding a tool to measure attitudes and beliefs of clinical nurses regarding a specific clinical intervention?
I am a nursing doctoral student (DNP program). My project is about injuries among nurses and I need a tool to measure my interventions. Could you help?
Constant change in health environment impact nursing practice and education and creates gap. Change demands Graduate education to adapt and innovate to bridge the gap to maintain the balance between education and industry and promote quality health care.
In ICU patients that are 65 years of age and older, what is the effect of patient teaching about Pennsylvania Order for Life Sustaining Treatment forms upon admission, in comparison to no teaching about POLST forms, on patient knowledge of end of life care?
Among Africans, Asians, Europeans,
I am working on my DNP and am trying to identify a tool that will allow me to measure nurse leader communication competence. As part of a project to increase engagement, I will provide managers with a recognition toolkit to aid them in providing meaningful performance feedback and recognition. I would like to do a pre/post survey to determine if they are more confident in their communication with staff.
"Gesundheit und Pflege" is a study program in Germany in which pre-service teachers are trained to teach in Vocational Schools the Health and Health Care Science. One of the aims of my study is to find out whether evidence-based practice was implemented to the "Health and Health Care" teacher program in Germany. Can you recommend me any paper which explores and explains the program overall and its aims. German papers are also welcome. Thank you!
I mean not just ECG signal and its parameter, but also some added information about the person, e.g.: age, other diagnoses, hereditary diseases, gender? These information could serve for the datamining statistics. Does anyone know such kind of databases? The well known physionet database contains just the ECG signal and not the information about the patients.
What evidence based research is there concerning the care of EVD's and nursing?
The plan is to look at the degree of association or relationship between graduate nurses' work experiences and the rate of retention and the implication for nursing education.
How do we know/measure if nursing residencies really work to close the gap between education and practice?
Failure to rescue is shorthand for failure to rescue (i.e., prevent a clinically important deterioration, such as death or permanent disability) from a complication of an underlying illness (e.g., cardiac arrest in a patient with acute myocardial infarction) or a complication of medical care. Failure to rescue rates used for both research purposes and as quality indicators are typically derived from hospital administrative databases. However, it is not clear how identify it, so what are the best indicators to measure it?
....writing a research paper for school....appreciate any input as well as articles to print as proof of my research.....
Long-term care facilities (LTCFs) may be defined as institutions, such as nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities that provide healthcare to people who are unable to manage independently in the community. Working In long term facility, were most of the patient are chronic and needs to attend their activities of daily living 24/7. The majority of residents in LTC require custodial care, which consists of assistance or give bathing, dressing, feeding, and mobility. Other residents may require a higher level of care called skilled nursing care, which includes treatments to management disease such as tube feedings, ostomy care, and rehabilitation services. This wide variation of resident needs serves as the basis for the multiple levels of nurses working in LTC. What is the staffing ratio to provide quality care in long term facilities?
In the public health, the focus is more and more on the empowerment of the patient. What is the influence of the identity of a nurse in the youth care on the empowerment of a patient?
What different identities are there? How do I find out what the identity of a nurse is?
What strategies have institutions used to successfully implement a research program from "the ground up"?
I am interested in the effect of computer based teaching program among staff nurses regarding evidence based practice.
The HTA unit of the Quebec city university hospital is currently working on a hospital-base HTA review aiming to evaluate the efficacy and safety of anticipated surgical tray opening in OR facility.
In your operating room facility, are surgical trays opened before patient entry? If so, could you tell me more about your experience with this procedure?
Would you be interested to fill a short survey about this practice?
Little is known about the consultation nurse's role and the cares in HIV patients. There are big differences between high and low income countries. I´m trying to copile information about it. I haven't been able to find any guideline for the nurse in the most important databases. Should nurse iniciate and monitor ART? Or just monitor?
Hi all,
I'm working my way through the evidence base on decision making theory in clinical reasoning. There's obviously a myriad of models. Is anyone familiar with where current thinking lies? I'm particularly interested in making decisions using medical imaging.
Any thoughts or recommend articles would be appreciated.
Considered as a logical next step from healthy house, have hospitals been catalysts in the development of modern medicine? Or have they, as many architectural and medical historians had assumed, simply been passive reflections of medical innovation? (Adams, 2008)
Colour is believed to be a fundamental element of environmental design, especially in healthcare spaces as it is linked to psychological, physiological, and social reactions of human beings, as well as aesthetic and technical aspects of human-made environments. Choosing a color palette for a specific setting may depend on several factors including geographical location, characteristics of potential users (dominant culture, age, etc.), type of activities that may be performed in this particular environment in specific wards/hospitals in hospitals according to each function (paediatric wards/ cancer hospitals etc) , the nature and character of the light sources, and the size and shape of the space (Ruth et al., 2004).
About Forensic Nurses around the world
Instruction designs integrating simulation and problem-based learning to improve nursing student critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and psychomotor skills.
Ad-hoc testing is a random testing of an application without proper test plan. It's carried out at the end of the project when all the test cases are executed. The method is testing done without any specific procedure. This type of testing will be done when there is insufficient time.
The tool should help to assess nursing skills, not only the nursing student's ability to perform a task, but also the quality of nursing care.
The use of clinical simulation in nursing education is increasing rapidly. There are a variety of methods, uses, and forms, but the major objective is to provide a safe, nonthreatening environment for students to learn clinical skills, critical thinking and decision making, and collaboration
I am a PhD student. I plan on doing my dissertation on spirituality. Specifically, how do nurses define spirituality? I would appreciate any suggestions for updated peer review articles as well as the best way to do a literature review. Thanks!
Independent study is primarily self-directed with the student supported by a tripartite team of academic and clinical staff. The student negotiates a learning contract which identifies what it is they intend to learn about and the evidence they will provide that demonstrates this learning has taken place. The module is thus flexible in enabling students to pursue areas of individual interest, facilitating the development of advanced practice by allowing students the opportunity to engage with issues at the cutting edge of practice.
Working on a 2 month pilot study with immediate recognition to show strengthening and empowerment of job satisfaction of the professional nurse. Hoping to publish this in the future.
Nursing educators have to incorporate evidence based practice into their courses/ curriculums and use these strategies to support their teaching methods.
I'm a nursing science student at the PMU in Salzburg/Austria. At the moment I'm writing at my bachelor thesis.
I currently work in an Electrophysiology Lab where we routinely Foley patients requiring left sided heart procedures that necissitate the use of heparin. I am constructing a paper and developing best practice guidelines and looking for research, with minimal results. Any ideas on such historical research are appreciated.
Some clients have claimed that they enjoy quality care in their place of habitual residence, while some claimed they felt better in the nursing home.
There are various factors affecting their acclaimed satisfaction.
On the one hand, those that enjoy being care for in their own homes felt more secured and empowered to take charge of whatever decision that is made regarding their welfare. Those in this group are seen to be clients that still have good contact with their loved ones, who at one time or the other assist in caring for them.
On the other hand, those that felt the nursing home was the a better choice for them may be those that do not have close family members or neighbours around to care for them.
I am trying to write an essay on the autolytic debridement of slough using such dressings
Assisting in a research study at place of employment.
I would like to do research related to techniques to help higher education students (especially nursing students) successfully manage test anxiety. I have seen too many students either fail nursing courses or fail NCLEX who have this issue. Often these students are very capable clinically, they simply have test taking issues.
Nurses in developing world work under unsatisfactory conditions that threaten their physical, mental and social wellbeing. With the gross shortage of nurses and the invitation of retired nurses to continue working, there is a need to understand the response of the nurses and indications for further studies especially in Africa and developing world.
Intermittent pneumatic compression devices role in DVT prophylaxis is an area that needs to be discovered still more deeply. The design of these machines, pressure exerted on legs and the optimal time to be used still need to be researched.
All are an important confounding factors that need to be addressed by randomized control trials before concluding : Did it work, or not?
I am looking for recent data on the prevalence of wheelchair use in the general population, this is a difficult one to quantify I know as wheelchair use may be transient or permanent. In addition I am seeking data on prevalence of pressure ulcers in this group. What I have found is mainly related to specific populations such as persons with spinal injuries but not wheelchair users in general.
A concept map is a graphic or pictorial arrangement of key concepts related to a patient’s care. By developing a concept map, students can visualize how signs and symptoms, problems, interventions, medications, and other aspects of a patient’s care relate to one another.
The quantitative analysis is basically descriptive in nature of a database which has been built from patient records having a specific illness.
I am looking for existing guidelines on the management of bariatric patients in a hospital setting (not in terms of weight loss surgery, but everyday management of the larger patient). We are looking at formalising a guidelines and hope to learn from other services - while there are some available through online searches, it would be great to review a wider range.
Several theories within the nursing discipline refer to the emotional dimension of careging and research is growing in this field. Do you think that practice follows research in this area? Are we adequately trained to use emotion management as a therapeutic instrument?
My team and I are looking at alarm fatigue and alarm safety within our organization. We are able to find a lot of literature about the problem, but none specific to pediatrics.
Aspects of research (evidence) and practice knowledge are needed to achieve a high level of competence and it is not desirable to draw a strict line between the two types of knowledge.
From long years of experience in nursing education I have always felt that formative evaluation ends up as some sort of judgement about the student's performance. Hence students must be exposed adequately to the clinical environment and the educator should have opportunities to teach, observe and provide feedback. There are instances when we are required to provide formative evaluations every 2 clinical days. Is this good practice? Will this benefit students?
I am searching for samples of questionnaires as I would like to find out from the patients related factors in order to improve our nursing intervention to minimize the prevalence rate of fluid overload to improve patients quality of life. Could someone guide me through this?
I want to to examine nurses' perceptions about the value and applicability of the Braden Scale as an evidence-based practice assessment tool for determining nursing interventions.
I am developing a study on affectivity in childcare hospitalized unaccompanied. This study aims to explore and understand the determinants and specificities of affection in caring for hospitalized children unaccompanied. Currently, this aspect is of ulmost importance given the socio-economic context that Portuguese has deteriorated, and that has led to an increase of hospitalized children unaccompanied by people affectively significant. It is crucial to explore the human-affective relationship in nursing practice in pediatric settings.
I am undertaking such a review currently
would like to have an example on using the concept maping method in teaching pediatric nursing for the BS program.
Dear colleagues, can anyone help me with any information on factors influencing nursing students in clinical setting.
Thank you. Jane Kennly
Is the nursing process a good implementation to provide holistic care?
I am looking for the connections between EI and empathy.
Characteristics of the Nursing leadership influence growth and development of the nursing profession.
Misconceptions of traumatic brain injuries are common for both patients and families dealing with these conditions. Values about pain and antidepressant medications may create potential conflict between the health care provider who orders these, the nurse who attempts to administer these medications, and the family who does not value pain and antidepressant medications for alleviating the pain and sense of loss caused by a traumatic brain injury. How can healthcare providers better anticipate the education and collaborative needs of patients and families concerning mild traumatic brain injuries and care plans? And, how does a practitioner best open the dialogue of mental health and misconceptions of mental health?
Patient and family communication is fundamental to nursing practice, but are there specific interventions or training, evaluated in telling family members the patient is dying, or likely to die very soon?
Have you heard of situations where there are self (or relative-managed) homes that would cater for people who need care? In other words, there seems to be very few alternatives to nursing homes. There is also the case that there are people who may need to receive more than home care and may wish to share homes with others, but not within an institutional setting.