Science topic

Nursing Leadership - Science topic

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Questions related to Nursing Leadership
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
5 answers
I am currently working on my research " The relationship between nurse leadership style and Staff Nurses' Performance " and I need a questionnaire to assess performance of nurses.
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Hallo, nein leider habe ich so einen Bogen nicht.
LG Nina
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
133 answers
My colleagues and I are developing research network for nursing leadership and emotional intelligence. In order to carry out international and comparative researches, we are looking for the partners from different countries.
If you are interested to join the network, please let me know.
If you know someone who would be interested to join the network, please share this invitation.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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I'm interested. Currently, I'm a PhD student at the Centre for Rural Health. This initiative would be beneficial. Kindly contact me
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
14 answers
I am designing my dissertation research. I am exploring nursing leadership education. I am planning on using a qualitative questionnaire, but am having trouble finding an instrument, and the one's that I have fond I have not been able to obtain permission from the authors. I am reaching out to see if anyone has a questionnaire instrument that I could use for my qualitative descriptive study. Thanks for any help.
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First,what is your research objective?You should have a main question then with that you can do probing.There is no exact research instrument for qualitative because if you prepared a set of questions to follow for your participants then it might become bias.Of course what is your philosophical underpinning?Read Creswell or Polit book on this study,that is my piece of advise.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
3 answers
Is this role fit for purpose?
thoughts on accountability and delegation of duties.
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I have experience of working with assistant practitioners (AP) in Endoscopy and clinical research settings. At my new Trust I have met assistant practitioners in working with the surgical team doing all the pre-op checks. So I think accountability and delegation depends on and in area of practice.
They were all competent and in clinical research: AP were given own projects (assessed and deemed appropriate), later on 2 went on to Med School, one to  train as a Physio and another as a nurse. In endoscopy APs could undertake pre-assessment, discharge, perform cannulation and venipuncture etc. They had done level 4 NVQs, trained and assessed in these roles.
So role might have to fit the purpose you require, you need a clear job description and requirements, get the right candidates, inform or educate all other staff in clinical area what the role is about for acceptance, knowledge and understanding of role. This will make it easier for delegation of roles, knowing the boundaries and expectations from all involved. They will need clear training pathway and with this you are ensuring they are adequately trained to work in role and you can facilitate supervision, appraisal and other methods of evaluation focused on this. Additionally, you will need opportunities mapped out about how role can be further developed and adequate remuneration to make it attractive. With regards to accountability, they are not covered by NMC code of professional conduct, but the professional who has delegated is. Therefore as long as they are working within the scope of role they should be covered. This is speculation as I don't know if it applies to APs...., but maybe in case of misconduct they could be judged against someone in similar role or as per Trust or department guidelines. Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
6 answers
One thing you don't learn in nursing school is project management. Or do you? Although nurses may not receive formal training on business topics, there are many skills you do learn that can help you conceive and manage projects in the workplace. In fact, the nursing process provides an ideal background for using project management techniques. The nursing process incorporates a systematic method of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
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It is essential for nurses especially in managerial positions to learn project management because nurses do project management e.g. when an infectious patient is admitted like with typhoid, As nurse manager immediately you have an objective to prevent cross infection from time of admission to time of discharge. Here we have input that is patient with typhoid and output patient recover without contaminating other patients, staff and visitors. Resources are used for isolation like human resource, skills knowledge, equipment. To get these resources there is cost involve so how much is the patient/ government going to pay for this service. Therefore in your unit budget how much will be used to care for this patient with typhoid and how long will it take to treat the patient. The process used to take care of this patient has all the elements of project management: Time, quality, scope and cost. We implement project management but we do not interpret it as project management. I think for one to understand PM it is better to study it as PM not as Nursing PM.
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
22 answers
I am preparing a review of the subject and need information.
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I think, in England, the role of the nurse midwife in the community in conjunction with community  nursing  was/is one of the first primary care including family nursing programs and practice which, in my view, preceded any contemporary primary  Ontario, Canada had an active family/primary care nursing program at McMaster University in the 1970s. The role is resurrecting again. with a focus on multidisciplinary health care team approaches.   
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
7 answers
I am working on my DNP and am trying to identify a tool that will allow me to measure nurse leader communication competence. As part of a project to increase engagement, I will provide managers with a recognition toolkit to aid them in providing meaningful performance feedback and recognition. I would like to do a pre/post survey to determine if they are more confident in their communication with staff.
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I know of the communication assessment tool for therapeutic communication (2009) which has domains.
they include: domain 1-professional practice
domain 2-critical thinking and analysis
domain 3-provision and coordination of care
domain 4-collaborative and therapeutic practice
each domains is rated on scale 0-2 with their descriptions, at the end of the assessment the score is totalled and compared with the performance level.
I hope this gives a helping clue while you research more on it.
best regards....
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
5 answers
Most nursing concepts are relatively abstract. As a result the multiple dimensions and characteristics included in their meaning must be specified carefully and with precision. Therefore, how to reach "mature" concepts for operationalization in nursing research?
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Thank you Dr. Griffiths for your vision. Definitely I agree with you regarding "not to consider or claim nursing specific concepts" for conducting research in nursing. I was also talking about concepts in psychosocial fields (as most of the concepts used in nursing research are mainly borrowed from other disciplines), however, even major concepts are still debatable in its definition such as Health, coping, stress. Consequently, the operational definition will not be highly valid! 
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
4 answers
How should you define the role of leadership and manager for nursers in their daily work with clients or patients. What are the maine tasks to guarantee " good care".I am now prepering a course obout leadership and management in nursing for nursing students without experiences.
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I think it will be some kind of mission to be a leader. Some  kind of greatness how the leader has developed. When the nurse enter the patient rum, he / she will at the some time be a leader in relation to the patienten. Without greatness the nurse my miss the needs of the patient and order to her /she things the patient don't need. What are you thinking about this? 
  • asked a question related to Nursing Leadership
3 answers
I am conducting a dissertation entitled "Deployment Program for Nursing Graduates Preparing for Global Workplace".
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Yes. The common format for training needs stem from the defintion of training. There is an important difference between what we define training to be and what we expect from trained people. Usually training is " Organized activity aimed at imparting information and/or instructions to improve the recipient's performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge or skill." It is in practice understood and measured by becoming proficient in course material and content and responding to questions in a question paper. There are no productivity or delivery expectations implied in knowledge.
Competence is on the other hand 'building the 'ability to do' in people. It has delviery capability and expectations that are measurable in practice. These delivery expectations are articulated by descriptions and measured by the KPI achievement. These are measured to articulate the extent of quality he brings into the deliverables aand the productivity expectaions. These are outcome measures. The other aspect is the measures of the attributes or the qualities that the person demonstrates when doing the work. These are knowledge, Skill and process ability, and competence measured by the qbility to deliver what is expected.
Hence theassessment framework or questions could be: Outcomes assessment: (1)Quality of deliverables the person is able to deliver (2) (a)How productivity is demonstrated ( can be comparatively stated as ratio of the actual/standard or max. expected. (b) How does he compare with the others doing similar work- global and local
Other process measures could be: (1)Extent of Knowledge he/she has (2) How well does he know the process steps he has to execute in order to realize correct results (3) How well has he internalized the skills- measured by the involvement in doing the work
These are common measures for all education