Science topic
Nursing Leadership - Science topic
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Questions related to Nursing Leadership
I am currently working on my research " The relationship between nurse leadership style and Staff Nurses' Performance " and I need a questionnaire to assess performance of nurses.
My colleagues and I are developing research network for nursing leadership and emotional intelligence. In order to carry out international and comparative researches, we are looking for the partners from different countries.
If you are interested to join the network, please let me know.
If you know someone who would be interested to join the network, please share this invitation.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
I am designing my dissertation research. I am exploring nursing leadership education. I am planning on using a qualitative questionnaire, but am having trouble finding an instrument, and the one's that I have fond I have not been able to obtain permission from the authors. I am reaching out to see if anyone has a questionnaire instrument that I could use for my qualitative descriptive study. Thanks for any help.
Is this role fit for purpose?
thoughts on accountability and delegation of duties.
One thing you don't learn in nursing school is project management. Or do you? Although nurses may not receive formal training on business topics, there are many skills you do learn that can help you conceive and manage projects in the workplace. In fact, the nursing process provides an ideal background for using project management techniques. The nursing process incorporates a systematic method of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
I am preparing a review of the subject and need information.
I am working on my DNP and am trying to identify a tool that will allow me to measure nurse leader communication competence. As part of a project to increase engagement, I will provide managers with a recognition toolkit to aid them in providing meaningful performance feedback and recognition. I would like to do a pre/post survey to determine if they are more confident in their communication with staff.
Most nursing concepts are relatively abstract. As a result the multiple dimensions and characteristics included in their meaning must be specified carefully and with precision. Therefore, how to reach "mature" concepts for operationalization in nursing research?
How should you define the role of leadership and manager for nursers in their daily work with clients or patients. What are the maine tasks to guarantee " good care".I am now prepering a course obout leadership and management in nursing for nursing students without experiences.
I am conducting a dissertation entitled "Deployment Program for Nursing Graduates Preparing for Global Workplace".