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Non-Market valuation - Science topic
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Questions related to Non-Market valuation
I developed a travel cost model comparing data which was collected before and after an ecological restoration. The aim is to determine if the restoration affected the recreational value of the natural area.
I used a pooled model, like in contingent travel cost model. The results are that dummy variable (expressing whether visitor is pre or post restoration) is significant and negative, whereas its interaction with cost is not significant.
I understand that being pre or post is influencing number of visits but it is not influencing the demand curve. Is this true?
Therefore, do these results mean that ecological restoration is not significantly affecting the value of a visit?
(I attach the results of the model)

An analysis of households' preferences for improved solid waste management options. Eight choice sets were offered to each respondents.
Hello, While going through a couple of literature I found that the consumer surplus estimate in a TCM study, at times becomes very sensitive. What could be those factors causing the sensitivity and how to tackle the issue? Can anybody help?
I am interested in post-acquisition performance indicator which could assist in evaluating an M&A deal of IT firm which develops software and applications. The company is private and not listed however I have financial information. Specifically for IT industry probably there are some measures to assess the target as a synergy potential and it might motivate sporting goods companies to acquire them?
I have estimated mixed logit models for non-market valuation and got the marginal WTP values, but I want to do a Poe test between different samples, How to do it?
I am talking about some thing other than defining scenarios.
Research and teaching undergraduates in economics the myth of endless growth?