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Lettera ai giovani psichiatri / “Piccole risposte”: Lezioni per la mano sinistra Vincenzo Di Nicola ODYSSEO: Navigatori della conoscenza January 11, 2025 Link: Questa lettera per giovani psichiatri ripercorre le mie prime esperienze cliniche come giovane tirocinante in psic...
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The study/research presents the results of a thesis that is justified by the search for understanding how the subjectivation of the teacher takes place and what processes of cyberformation and modes of subjectivation emerge in contemporary university teaching even in the face of the appeals of cyberculture, contemporary culture mediated by networke...
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La poesía de Rubén Astudillo y Astudillo, uno de los autores claves en la poesía ecuatoriana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, puede leerse desde los postulados del existencialismo, sobre todo en diálogo con el pensamiento de Schopenhauer, Heidegger, Kierkegaard y Nietzsche, en primera instancia y atendiendo sus primeros poemarios (desde fines de l...
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Das Zeitalter, in welches du dich mit Leidwesen geworfen fühlst, preist dich selig dieses Glückes wegen; es ruft dir zu, dass dir jetzt noch an Erfahrungen zu Theil werde, was Menschen späterer Zeit vielleicht entbehren müssen. Missachte es nicht, noch religiös gewesen zu sein; ergründe es völlig, wie du noch einen ächten Zugang zur Kunst gehabt ha...
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From the beginning of history till now, people have been interested in the study of philosophy. Therefore, there is common acknowledgement of the difficulty in summarizing or presenting one sufficient definition to the term. Yet, in simple clarification, philosophy can be defined as the study of general and essential questions about everything in t...
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Ensayaremos un philosophema KφP. El camino de la experiencia estética es un camino impropio y kinestésico, lleno de potencialidades, indeterminado, con acontecimientos sucesivos y engañosos. Nietzsche se dio cuenta de ello en Sobre la música y la palabra. De una manifiesta metafísica del arte se trata de transitar, por medio de nuestra frenética in...
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El presente trabajo versa sobre las posibilidades de agencia animal (en términos de cultura, lenguaje, ética y política) en la novela Su nombre era muerte del escritor mexicano Rafael Bernal, a través del concepto de devenir animal de la filosofía contemporánea. Como punto de partida, se toma la apertura de mundo acontecida en esta novela —el apren...
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This article provides a critical analysis of Justin Remhof’s attempt to defend the view that Nietzsche is best understood as a metaphysician.
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Existentialism is a philosophy that focuses on the existence of people. It started with the writings of 19th-century philosophers Soren Kierkegaard, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Friedrich Nietzsche, but its most famous literary expression came from the works of French writers who came to prominence in the 1940s. Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and Simo...
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In the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdown, the concept of the right to city has received a renewed interest. In India, often invisible, ignored and forgotten (mostly) informal migrant labourers became unashamedly visible when, after three months of stringent lockdown, millions of migrants attempted to return to their homes. The horrors of...
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This paper examines the ethical dichotomy between the "virtue of utility" and the "utility of virtue," exploring how identitarian constructs and historical narratives perpetuate the dominance of instrumentalist ethics. By prioritizing self-interest, these constructs transform ethical ideals into functionalist tools, subordinating virtue to utility....
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O artigo trata de mostrar que há uma “estrutura do ouvido” tacitamente anunciada por alguns textos de Derrida, produzida pelo seu próprio gesto de cortar notas, orações e frases de seus textos ao longo dos anos. Especificamente, examina-se a relação entre Otobiographies (Derrida, 1984), “Prénom de Benjamin” (Derrida, 1994a) e “Geschlecht IV” (Derri...
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What can poetry bring to the philosophy of language? Little, if we believe John L. Austin’s exclusion of poetry and other so-called parasitic utterances from his consideration in How to Do Things with Words . And he is not the only one to operate such an exclusion as most contemporary (analytic) philosophers of language seem to leave poetic utteran...
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This book traces an intellectual and cultural lineage from Spinoza through Nietzsche and Einstein to the works of Lacan and Kubrick, expanding into the surreal landscapes of David Lynch's films, all while exploring the profound intersections with modern technology and sexual psychology. By weaving together Lacanian psychoanalysis with the narrative...
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This book is about two diametrically opposed approaches to truth--introspection and extrospection. Introspection was the mature approach of the famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. While this approach led to profound insights into his personal psychology, it prevented him from reaching his goal of revaluing all societal values, and it proved so...
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Este ensayo está concentrado en el estudio de Pensamientos de un viejo, libro publicado en 1916 por Fernando González, y sus apuntes inéditos titulados El Payaso interior. Intentaremos demostrar que esas obras testimonian una conversación con Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer y Baruch de Spinoza. Examinaremos el uso de parábolas y aforismos....
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The performative dimension of language anticipated by Nietzsche and theorised by Austin reveals that our uses of language have effects in the world and that mastering a language is a way of controlling these effects to a certain extent. In Wittgenstein’s words: ‘To understand a language means to have mastered a technique’ (PI 199). Mastering a lang...
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Alicja Helman’s book on audiovisual adaptations of Thomas Mann’s prose holds a special place in her scholarly output. According to the reviewer, it is her magnum opus. This is supported primarily by the rank and scope of the issues taken up by the author, as well as the store of erudition that serves the indefatigable scholar to illume and in turn,...
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O presente artigo procura discutir o problema do egoísmo em Nietzsche – cujo cerne remete à sua defesa do primado egoísta próprio aos comportamentos morais considerados altruístas – à luz de estudos recentes em neurociência que apontam para uma plasticidade expansiva dos limites do eu, para além do próprio corpo, como sendo uma das características...
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There is a bifurcation between philosophy and science: a derogative word, impractical and dead discipline; and a laudatory term for objectivity, and utmost necessity of the modern world respectively. Many articles highlight higher paying jobs and enrollment in STEM fields indicating it has a solely existing discipline for a long; however, philosoph...
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This commentary article explores the role of humour within anarchist thought and practice, emphasising its function as a tool for challenging authority and established norms. Drawing on historical and philosophical sources, it investigates how humour has been used to expose the absurdity of authority and foster a sense of invulnerability against op...
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This is a work of hard physical philosophy, where Quantum Perspectivism is shown to function as both an interpretation of quantum mechanics and a physical model for understanding Nietzsche's perspectivism. This framework combines quantum logic, the principle of complementarity, and contextuality to examine how perspectives construct reality. In thi...
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Este trabalho propõe uma discussão sobre a crítica de Nietzsche às instituições criminais. O tema é abordado a partir de uma passagem colhida do livro “Aurora” sobre uma conjectura na qual um criminoso denunciaria a si mesmo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é compreender se a subversão do conceito tradicional de justiça criminal, realizada p...
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Nadia Maftouni tells you her stories of philosophy: The Will to Power as Art Heidegger’s reading of Nietzsche on art
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This commentary article explores the role of humour within anarchist thought and practice, emphasising its function as a tool for challenging authority and established norms. Drawing on historical and philosophical sources, it investigates how humour has been used to expose the absurdity of authority and foster a sense of invulnerability against op...
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Purpose. In today’s global society, traditional values, including patriotism and heroism, have been called into question. However, the new challenges of hybrid warfare require new manifestations of heroism, and thus a new philosophical understanding of it. The main purpose of this article is to provide a philosophical and anthropological understand...
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Purpose. The authors aim to investigate the evolution of the paradigm shift of the concept of evil in Western philosophical and psychological thought. Theoretical basis is determined by the latest methodological approaches in studying the relationship between philosophical, psychological, and theological approaches to understanding the essence of e...
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Sloterdijk's 1999 lecture, known as the Elmau Speech, posited that all existing humanisms, including Heidegger's Fundamental Ontology, were rendered obsolete by the emergence of the so-called new media, and that education faced a similar fate. Taking a step further, the Elmau Speech establishes a connection between post-humanism in the sense of pos...
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O presente ensaio tem por objetivo apresentar e analisar os principais aspectos do pensamento nietzschiano que fazem de Friedrich Nietzsche um “filósofo da afirmação”. Aos olhos do senso comum, o filósofo prussiano é comumente associado – de forma negativa - à destruição dos valores metafísicos, ao relativismo cultural, à iconoclastia e ao niilismo...
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In both human cognition and artificial intelligence, the pursuit of truth often takes a back seat to the pursuit of utility. Whether through inherited cultural narratives, scientific paradigms, or statistical models, both humans and AI prioritize pattern recognition and functional coherence over abstract correctness. Humans rely on written traditio...
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German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s later thought is significant because of his attention to the meaning of “truth” (alētheia) and its connection to Protagoras’s thesis of anthrōpon metron (“of all things man is the measure…”), which Heidegger elevates to the “highest principle” of philosophy. Philosopher Werner Marx concurs with Heidegger that o...
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Para la filosofía, Averroes constituye el vocativo de una clausura, pero también aquel de una cesura que escande la tradición de pensamiento occidental; especie de signatura que señala el sistema de exclusión que recorre su propia producción discursiva. En su interpretación del pensador árabe, Rodrigo Karmy acomete la tarea de pensar un paréntesis:...
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Nietzsche considera que, al estar los fundamentos filosófico-epistémicos de los estudios históricos erigidos sobre componentes suprasensibles, estos proyectan un marco del quehacer historiográfico que incentiva una forma de hacer historia que perjudica la vida. Esto sucede, por un lado, porque promueve narrativas con funciones moralizadoras las cua...
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Jusqu’à „la Destruction de la Raison” de Georg Lukács, aucune attaque si généralement destructrice n’apparaît contre Nietzsche. Stein l’attaque „par la droite”, si l’on peut dire, Lukács „par la gauche”. Mais les deux matières d’argumentation montrèrent des concordances frappantes. Nous ne sommes donc pas même loin de l’hypothèse d’un effet immédia...
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Truth used to be a monolithic monad which was single and absolute. Postmodern truth is contrarily multiple and ambiguous. It is no longer the divine Form held by Plato, nor does it solely depend on the verifiability as suggested by Ayer. It is also viewed as a cultural phenomenon and constructed by power which according to Foucault is productive ra...
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Resentment is a noxious emotion that can exist in sublimated form as a result of being subjected to inferiorization, stigmazation, or violence. In its active form, resentment can be a forceful response to acts that have created unjustified and meaningless suffering. We consider sociomoral conceptualizations of resentment by Adam Smith, Hume, and Lé...
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Man lives within a social context he finds himself involved in. He is doomed to choose in spite of the fact that he has had no choice in his coming to the world. Man’s being in the world subjects him to a series of social, political, ideological, and theological challenges that, at the end, induce a major transformation in his essence. This existen...
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This paper is about the relationship in Nietzsche’s thought between nature and what might be called normative self-regulation: the ways in which we hold ourselves to commitments and standards, whether with respect to belief, experience, or action. I present two broad options for how to think about this relationship. One is naturalizing norms: showi...
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Este trabajo aborda la interpretación de la filosofía nietzscheana realizada por el jurista Edgar Bodenheimer para verificar si ella puede ayudar en la comprensión del pensamiento de Nietzsche en relación con el derecho. Se busca recoger las impresiones fundamentales de la obra de Bodenheimer sobre Nietzsche para examinar posibles errores cometidos...
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In China, the traditional moral is absolute holism which caused the traditional personality a blind altuism and be short of healthy individualism. And more seriously, servility in the personality of Chinese people is a severe weakness rooted in the traditional morals of China which was criticised by Chinese scholars fierecely, and this major defect...
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La cicuta ha ganado su fama por ser la verduga del legendario Sócrates, cuya muerte fue un símbolo de la importancia y, al mismo tiempo, de la peligrosidad de la filosofía en una polis. Hoy, en un mundo gobernado por una lógica utilitarista y productivista, la cicuta se ha vuelto más sutil y menos teatral, aunque no menos mortífera. En los Estados...
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Para Deleuze, la ética es un saber experimental: se trata de componer relaciones, probar si una nueva conexión aumenta la potencia del cuerpo o la depotencia. Este artículo persigue un objetivo central: mostrar los elementos necesarios para la construcción de una ética inmanente y relacional que no esté fundada en el modelo del juicio moral, sino c...
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Lecturer ; University of Blida 2. As Henry Miller famously said, "We could fight stupidity, but they assassinated our inner selves, and against stupidity, we were powerless." Today, many so-called journalists (the Quić journalist) 2 are incapable of producing media content that is grounded in cultural, philosophical, scientific, religious, or polit...
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Una conversación con Christian Niemeyer acerca de su nuevo libro: Nietzsche, New School.
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This article discusses how problem-based learning combines with what I from Nietzsche call “becoming who you are”. It argues against thinking of problem-based learning merely as a method that integrates theory and practice. Using Foucault’s genealogy and Arendt’s notion of storytelling as theoretical anchor points, I suggest that problem-based lear...
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Um traço marcante do amplo ciclo das modernidades (que começa pelo menos no século XIX, senão na época das grandes navegações, e segue, em várias texturas de época, até hoje) é a intenção ou o impulso de se desviar de olhares convencionais sobre o real e alcançar perspectivas diferenciadas de pensamento, arte, linguagem e experiência individual e c...
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Le Désarroi, roman demeuré inédit du vivant de Remy de Gourmont, exprime une révolte propre à la fin du XIXe, teintée d’idéalisme, d’anarchie, d’individualisme nietzschéen et d’ésotérisme. Écrit entre 1894 et 1899, peu de temps après l’affaire soulevée par le « Joujou patriotisme », Le Désarroi est un roman écrit en réaction à plusieurs éléments. D...
Conference Paper
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Die Junge Slavistik im Dialog ist eine Konferenzreihe, die 2021 zum 16. Mal an der Universität Kiel stattgefunden hat und sich vorwiegend an Studierende und Promovierende der Slavistik und benachbarter Fächer richtet. Eine Auswahl der Beiträge wird jedes Jahr in einem Sammelband veröffentlicht – mit diesem Band das erste Mal im Open Access. Der vor...
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How can we recover from Christian-capitalist-rationalist metaphysics if it is understood as an expression of the suffering from fear? German novelist and concentration camp survivor Ernst Wiechert provides an answer. His philosophy of art proposes a healing recovery that alleviates suffering through a free heart and brave love, while eschewing “pri...
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Nietzsche es una figura destacada en la filosofía contemporánea, a la que también recurre el filósofo latinoamericano Enrique Dussel para examinar cómo opera la voluntad en la construcción política. Ambos filósofos coinciden en la existencia de una relación fundamental entre el poder y la voluntad. Esta potentia-voluntad actúa mediante la introducc...
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Nietzsche’s portrait of Jesus as a lovesick knower of the heart in BGE 269 aligns the problems of Christian love with some of Nietzsche’s critical remarks about erotic love in the Free Spirit works. In this paper, I will examine the nuances of Nietzsche’s criticisms of erotic and of Christian love and demonstrate that in their failures, they also c...
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González Gómez, Alberto Elías. La mística y la potencia diferencial de la autonomía. Una aproximación desde Gustav Landauer y la filosofía de la diferencia. La lucha comunitaria por la autonomía se caracteriza por el esfuerzo de potencializar la propia diferencia a modo de resistencia ante las narrativas homogeneizadoras y totalizantes del capitali...
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Politics and society today are characterized by anger and rancour. This paper reflects on this issue by linking: first, Norbert Elias’s sociological account of the complex dynamics of processes of civilization and decivilization, his thoughts on the interrelationship between technological and social organization and human habitus; second, the work...
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Öt éve jelent meg Francis Fukuyama hiressé vált tanulmánya a 'történelem végé'-ről. Fél évtized elméleti irásokat nem szokott történelmi távlatba helyezni. Az elmult öt évet azonban nemcsak egyszerűen történelmi, de 'világtörténelmi' korszaknak kell tekintenünk. Az természetesen, hogy mitől 'világtörténeti' egy korszak, bonyolult módszertani előfel...
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El siguiente artículo tiene como finalidad analizar, desde la lógica perspectivista de Nietzsche, el concepto clásico de verdad en tanto adecuación intelectual con las cosas conocidas. Analizar este concepto desde Nietzsche, nos permite comprender la cuota de voluntad que proviene del hombre mismo y que acaba, a su vez, en él. A su vez, que las cos...
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Au travers de la question de la relation des universités avec les formations possibles de la société civile, nous arrivons à une situation initialement nietzschéenne. On revit le pathos, mais aussi la tension du jeune philosophe, qui posa la même question à propos de "l'avenir de nos institutions d'éducation", au début des années soixante-dix du si...
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Mattin's Social Dissonance addresses the split between the social reality of economic exchange determined by the commodity form, on the one hand, and the phantasm or myth of the self as an agent of its own experience and as an immediate given, on the other hand. It is thus concerned with what Mattin calls ‘alienation from above’ and ‘alienation fro...
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Discover why defining art and beauty has perplexed philosophers for centuries, as I explore the origins and evolution of aesthetics and the philosophy of art. From the 18th-century clash between rationalists and sensual theorists to Kant's distinction between aesthetics and ethics, thinkers have tried to determine whether beauty is a matter of logi...
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No presente artigo, procuraremos demonstrar como a dimensão estética aparece no pensamento maduro de Nietzsche, não mais no âmbito da obra de arte, mas da arte de criar a si mesmo. Analisaremos o problema da criação de si como obra de arte contemplando o cultivo de si, a autodisciplina em face aos impulsos, a dietética e o dar estilo ao caráter com...
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Many people consider Nietzsche to be a philosopher who is fundamentally anti-theoretical. According to Bernard Williams, Nietzsche is so far from being a theorist that his writing "is booby-trapped not only against recovering theory from it but, in many cases, against any systematic exegesis that assimilates it to theory." Many people would specifi...
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In the absence of clear guideposts, humanity has always sought ways to navigate the uncertain terrain of existence. Dead reckoning, a method of navigation where progress is charted without external landmarks, serves as a powerful metaphor for philosophy’s enduring quest to understand life, truth, and meaning. Across history, philosophers have provi...
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Ao estudar as obras de Nietzsche detendo o olhar ao problema do niilismo, percebe-se que ele pode assumir algumas formas. Encontramos um niilismo com potencial destruidor que poderá servir a dois princípios: destruidor e criador ou destruidor e suicida, o primeiro pode ser encontrado tal como na arte, e o segundo, nos ideias ascéticos da religião,...
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En este texto examino la afirmación de Nietzsche de que el imperativo categórico de Kant huele a crueldad. Esta frase, que aparece de forma incidental en La genealogía de la moral, está vinculada a varios textos de la última obra de Nietzsche que reflexionan sobre la conexión entre la moral religiosa y la negación de la voluntad de vida, y entre el...
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Este artículo aborda las ideas morales que Nietzsche desarrolla en la primera y segunda parte de su libro “Así habló Zaratustra”. Se explora principalmente el concepto de la crítica a la moral convencional, también el concepto de la superación del ser humano, los cuales representan un llamado a romper con los valores tradicionales y crear nuestro p...
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In this note, the authors juxtapose Sri Aurobindo's magnum opus, The Life Divine, with the light of universal quantum computation in the brain, artificial general intelligence and Nietzsche's Ubermensch.
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This article addresses a conceptual and artistic issue that is vital for Norwid’s entire work, namely the relationship between time and movement. This question has preoccupied philosophers and poets since antiquity, giving birth, for instance, to the ingenious concept of time-space developed by Alfred Einstein, and leading further to string theory,...
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This article explores the dualistic interplay of Apollonian and Dionysian archetypes within the music and legacy of Pink Floyd, focusing on Syd Barrett and Roger Waters as central figures. Barrett, embodying the Apollonian ideal of visionary beauty and structured creativity, contrasts with Waters, whose Dionysian introspection and chaotic emotional...
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Friedrich Nietzsche resorted several times to the image of a child playing with sand or pebbles. His purpose in doing so was to evoke a cyclical process of construction and destruction devoid of both responsibility and finality. This essay examines, on the one hand, the relation of the child’s image to its two main hypotexts (Heraclitus DK 22 B 52...
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This study aims to contribute to the ongoing Pauline discourse by presenting Alain Badiou’s infusion of his own thinking of event theory into Pauline thinking of Jesus’ Resurrection and explores a constellation of Alain Badiou’s conceptualization and contemporization of Paul. Badiou’s reading of Paul constitutes a constellation of Paul’s position a...
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El presente estudio crítico demuestra cómo hacer filosofía en una cultura atrapada en la era digital, la tecnocracia, la infodoxa y la inteligencia artificial (IA), a través de la técnica investigativa de Friedrich Nietzsche. Respecto a la metodología, se realiza un examen de archivo documental que le da valor epistemológico al prólogo en las obras...
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Este artigo, resultado de pesquisa do PIBIC, visa problematizar questões relacionadas ao pós-humanismo a partir do filme Transcendence (2014). O exame de tal questão apresenta uma realidade em que o ciborgue e a sua construção enquanto ser social estão presentes em nosso cotidiano. A abordagem para a realização do presente estudo se edifica no diál...
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In this article, we will address Nietzsche’s interpretation of Heraclitus’ philosophy in his early work. We will elucidate Nietzsche’s reading of the key concepts attributed to the Greek philosopher, emphasizing the importance that Heraclitus assumes in the first phase of Nietzsche’s thought as the primary figure among the so-called “pre-Platonic p...
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El presente artículo analiza la obra Coronada y el toro, de Francisco Nieva, como ejemplo de tragedia dionisíaca, de acuerdo con la propuesta teórica de Nietzsche. En ella, el rito taurino se presenta como hilo conductor de un dionisismo latente que solo puede consumarse en la materialidad escénica. Es por ello por lo que exploramos cómo la plástic...
Conference Paper
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Periódico quadrimestral que encerra como temáticas de estudo Filosofia e Direito, Agon (Ἀγών), Revista de Filosofia da UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul tem grande pertinência para a Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, tendo em vista que procura desenvolver uma per-versão filosófica, ou seja, apresentar uma outra versão da História da Fil...
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Na obra Além de Bem e Mal, Nietzsche defende a impossibilidade de pensar a ideia de livre-arbítrio. Entretanto, o filósofo alemão argumenta, igualmente, a impossibilidade de pensar na ideia oposta, o cativo-arbítrio. Neste cenário, questionamos: como pensar a liberdade na filosofia de Nietzsche? Há possibilidade de admitirmos algum tipo de liberdad...
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La presente reflexión propone indagar el contenido de la imagen óntico que crea el pintor nacional Pablo Zelaya Sierra en su obra plástica Hermanos contra Hermanos. Se parte de esa obra como un ejemplo concreto para demostrar como imperan en la sociedad de Honduras las categorías decadencia política y fisiológica que propone Nietzsche. Pues desde l...
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B a c k g r o u n d . One of the main reasons for Russia's war with Ukraine is the deformation of the mechanisms of perception of the past and social memory. The Russian memorial paradigm is based on a systematic reminder of the traumas caused by different wars, including World War II. Russia's memorial discourse represents only those experiences t...
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“Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom.” (Charlie Parker) “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” (Friedrich Nietzsche) Even in antiquity, people have empirically established that music has a powerful impact on them. The "music-hormones-subconscious" axis refers to the...
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Nihilism, a philosophical approach that objects to the ontological reality of meaningfulness and holism, has diverse interpretations. Following a systematic review method, this study critically examines nihilism from metaphysical viewpoints such as reality, existence, meaning, and value over history and its philosophical trajectory. The exploration...
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War has always been a crucible for human ingenuity and a stage for profound psychological and philosophical exploration. Beyond the strategies of the battlefield, the psychological and philosophical underpinnings of war have shaped how leaders manipulate societies, mobilize soldiers, and justify conflict. This paper explores the contributions of 14...
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In this paper, I analyze Thomas Hardy’s “Neutral Tones” (1876), which has traditionally been interpreted through historical and personal lenses related to the poet’s voice and the nineteenth-century context. Diverging from these perspectives, my semiotic reading focuses on the aesthetics of the language, revealing hidden aspects and deeper layers o...
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El objetivo de este capítulo consiste en descifrar a qué se refirió Benjamin con esa figura y cómo se insertó con ella en una larga discusión sobre la utilidad de la historia como disciplina científica al interior de Alemania. Así, este texto se divide en cuatro partes: en la primera parte se presentan algunas ideas que sirven para acercarse a las...
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Everything we do as humans is provisional. Because of time's eroding power, everything is revisable. There is a reason for the word 'decision' being a part of our language. Not accidentally, the term derives from the Latin for 'cut;' in other words, when we decide something, we make a volitional 'cut' of sorts in the sequence of events, or in the r...
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As he does in most of his books, in Thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzsche is unfolding his dedicated resistance to established social standards and moral tenets, though in some sections therein in somewhat less than a clearly developed thematic progression. Thus, early in Part I of Zarathustra, we come across a speech by the eponymous character, titled...
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This is a work of hard physical philosophy, in which we analyze Dark through the lenses of theoretical physics while offering a novel interpretation of existentialism, using the show's framework as a setup. In this reality, we assert the supremacy of quantum entanglement over time and causality, where Nietzsche's eternal recurrence is realized as a...
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In this essay, I follow the work of Jonas and Yacek in Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Education by contrasting a process of leveling in morality and education with an approach to levelness in teaching and learning as these relate to the educational philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. While Nietzsche would oppose the former due to its implied uniform stan...
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Despite several decades of attempts to interpret and articulate Nietzsche’s political thought, especially its relationship with democracy, there seems to be no convergence in sight. While this might be easily written off as a consequence of that thinker’s tendency for ambiguity and contradiction, I contend that there is in fact a central pillar of...
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Examinaremos aquí una interpretación del pensamiento de Friedrich Nietzsche, a menudo considerado misógino, que sugiere una lectura alternativa en la que se resalta la importancia de la figura de la mujer en su filosofía. Ciertos fragmentos de Nietzsche encuentran relación entre determinado tipo de figura de mujer con su noción de verdad y conocimi...
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El presente ensayo se propone examinar cómo los individuos en contextos de confinamiento carcelario - quienes han contribuido activamente en el desarrollo de esta investigación - pueden no solo experimentar la libertad de manera gradual, sino también producir libertad creadora a través de un proceso dialéctico en relación con su pasado, presente y...
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This essay intends to verify the reception and adaptability of some facets of Friedrich Nietzsche’s (2007, 2011) philosophy in the literature written by Brazilian women, specifically in the works of three late XIXth century novelists: Maria Benedita Bormann (1853-1895), writer of Lésbia (1890) – published under the pseudonym Délia; Emília Freitas (...
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À travers une lecture croisée de la pensée de Nietzsche et de Foucault autour de la question des animaux, nous proposerons une lecture « généalogique » des rapports homme-animaux, où l’espèce apparaîtra comme un enjeu stratégique pour penser une situation de domination. La problématique des pulsions et des instincts servira comme charnière entre la...
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In this article, we will discuss the role of theater in the construction of the new socialist person, as envisioned by Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) in the context of the cultural revolution of the 1920s, following the October 1917 Russian Revolution. In a bibliographical study, we will particularly turn to his writings on art from the period between 19...
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This article proposes a reflection on the potential of philosophy as a form of therapy for hair problems. By exploring the ideas of philosophers such as Plato, Epictetus, Seneca, Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Viktor Frankl, Rubem Alves, and Byung-Chul Han, we seek to understand how philosophical knowledge can contribute...
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In today's structure, where technological developments are making greater breakthroughs day by day, many complex concepts brought about or created by technology are exposed. In particular, it is necessary to mention many concepts that have been newly conceptualised or have been mentioned again. Among these concepts, transhumanism, theorised by Juli...
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Nietzsche’s metaphorical statements often are used to show the vagueness, contradiction, and radicalism of his ideas. The author of the article proves that Nietzsche's metaphorical style is a part of philosophical tools, and it constitutes the philosopher's methodology of knowledge. The main attention is focused on: (1) a set of factors that shaped...