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Neuropsychological Assessment - Science topic
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Questions related to Neuropsychological Assessment
I need to device an experiment with the n-Back Pointing task without any hardware complement; e.g., no tablet to execute the reaching movements or computer touch screen to select the presumed correct items. The paradigm should be consistent with an ambulatory setting, as a traditional neuropsychological test.
Thanks in advance.
I'm evaluating a 57 year old male with complaints of memory loss, and family hx of Alzheimer's (father). He produced a rather unusual cognitive profile that has me scratching my head. Any feedback/thoughts that folks are able to provide would be very much appreciated. This is a basic battery, and additional testing is obviously necessary. I will provide testing data in the form of percentile rank:
***I am particularly baffled by the discrepancy between verbal IQ and verbal fluency tests
Full-scale IQ: 73 (premorbid IQ estimate- 34)
Verbal comp. index: 37 (similarities-25, vocab-50, info-37)
Perceptual reasoning index: 73 (block design-91, matrix reasoning-63, visual puzzles-50)
Working memory index: 98 (digits forward-91, digits backward-95, arithmetic-95)
Processing speed: 55 (Symbol search-63, coding-50)
Visual Memory: 55 (visual reproduction I-95, visual reproduction II-9)
Visual Working Memory: 87
Auditory Memory: 10 (logical memory I-25, logical memory II-5, VPA I-16, VPA II-16)
Immediate Memory: 47
Delayed Memory: 5
*** VPA II recognition: 10-16%
Visual scanning-63
Number sequencing-75
Letter sequencing-91
number-letter switching-84
Letter fluency-98
Category fluency-99
Category switching-95
Color Naming-91
Word Reading-84
*** Aphasia screening normal
fine motor assessment-bilateral impairment, but he has carpal tunnel
I'm working on a project that involves looking for the first editions of "Neuropsychological Assessment" by Lezak. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble finding the first and the second editions. Any clue of where to find them? It would be good to have access to the index at least.
Dear all
Since quite a while now we are thinking about the following problem: we have a neuropsychological task in which participants see six figures and have to find the odd-one-out by pressing a corresponding button (there are six buttons, one for each figure). In a sample of healthy participants, we seem to have unreliable reaction times (e.g., 126ms). Thus, we want to exclude participants who did not think about the answer but just pressed any button. We have been searching the literature but did not find a satisfying answer, how to set a cutoff for values that are too low to be reliable. We don't think that the commonly used 2.5-percentile-cutoff is suitable here because that would probably exclude some of the "fast thinkers" as well. In many papers we read, that they excluded every answer lower than 500ms, but they give no reference, why they decided like this. For us, this is not satisfying either. Several times, we came back to the Hick-Hyman law. However, we are not sure how to choose the constants. Can anybody help? What are your opinions on the topic?
Thank you and best regards
For MMSE (Mini Mental State Exam), illiterate people are unable to answer questions requiring them to read and follow instructions, such as the question asking them to follow instructions to close their eyes. Individuals who are paralysed are also unable to complete the tasks of taking the paper in their right hand, folding it in half and putting it on the floor. For such cases, how should we interpret their results? Should those items be excluded entirely (i.e their score is upon 29 instead of 30) and be scaled to be upon 30?
I believe that this method can make different raters scores really similar. I try to rate with this algorithm and in 95% is very clear.
I'm sending my problems.
These three clocks are looking very good on first sight. The clock is round, hands are on correct positions (11:10 was requiring), nearly 10 points.
But on the second sight...
R1 missing numbers (all numbers were requiring)
R4 clock face is missing (it was requiring)
R10 numbers are outside the clock
Could you help me with scoring?
Maybe someone can recommend me some course?

Can anyone recommend a neuropsychological test to assess problem solving, preferably with easy application for dementia? It can be a sub-test of a large battery. Thanks very much in advance.
I would be thankful for any piece of literature introducing short, accessible and uncomputerised psychological tests for executive functioning and visual-motor processing. I am most interested in assessment of spatial and hierarchical planning.
Thank you
I would like to use such a procedure in my thesis to streamline the process of data processing while avoiding data entry errors.
Someone knows a free / less expensive alternative to the Flexicapture software ( for character recognition (OMR type) and data extraction for questionnaires?
I wanted to administer the Block Tapping task forward and backward, but the current version (1997, D. Schellig) does not provide the backward span, and it's not discussed in the manual. I don't want to use the computerized version (the 'Corsi Block Tapping Task', which surprisingly has this option). Does someone know why it's missing here, or know of a similar spatial working memory test that I could use instead (should be comparable to Digit Span task Forward + Backward) ?
Thank you!
I am interested in how subject performance are affected by the spatial frequency of the stimulus in a 2-alternative forced choice orientation discrimination task.
So far, I have found this old paper that is quite relevant in answering to this question <Burr, D. C. & Wijesundra, S.-A. Orientation discrimination depends on spatial frequency. Vision Res. 31, 1449–1452 (1991).> (I have attached one of the main figures). Interestingly, increasing the spatial frequency of the stimulus with respect to an ""optimal"" one, rapidly decreases subjects performance, while they make a pretty good job in discriminating low spatial frequencies..
I would be very grateful if you could suggest me any other relevant paper concerning this issue.
I’ve been looking for Bayesian reasoning (or Probabilistic reasoning) literature in special populations such as Parkinson, FTD or Alzheimer's patients without luck. If anyone knows about a good couple papers to start with, I would be very grateful.
I am looking for a reliable, valid IQ test of spatial relations to visual sequencing. It should look at working memory, vocabulary, perceptual and spatial reasoning. I am comparing performance intelligence quotient (PIQ) and verbal intelligence quotient (VIQ) in order to get a measure of IQDs, like this PIQ>VIQ or VIQ>PIQ. I can't do the WISC, but something similar, that doesn't take more than 30 minutes, would be ideal. Does anyone know of such a test?
I am examining the brain scans of patients with vascular dementia, and would like to grade them depending on severity. I will look at routinely taken scans (mostly CT scans) done by the NHS. I have decided to use the Faseka's scale and age related white matter rating scale.
There will be 3 raters and we would all like to get the same level of training, for inter rater reliability.
Can you please suggest such training programmes, preferably online?
Thank you
temporal lobe, wernicke area, neuropsychological assessment
I usually use NART (the Danish version) to estimate verbal IQ in non-demented PD but as it can be a bit challenging to score I was wondering if vocabulary can be used instead. It is a longitudinal study and hence we expect some of the patients to develop dementia. I have been unable to locate any studies in PD populations directly comparing NART and vocabulary performance. I hope some of you might have some input. Thank you very much.
I am currently writin a literature review on several tools for assessing prospective memory. Would you have the normative data (sample characteristics, reliability, validity, sensitivity, specificity, etc.) of the RBMT-III and the CAMPROMPT (Wilson et al., 2008;2005) ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
This measure is based on the EC301 used to assess number processing in adults. It has been used to study number processing in children in Greece, Brazil, France, Switzerland, and Belgium. I have not found if the measure has been used with English speaking children.
After learning an object array, participants are moved to another room. They are then asked to 'Imagine standing at A, facing B. Point to C' (where A, B and C are objects from the array).
Would it follow that those who have a deficit in perspective taking would struggle to complete this task?
Hi to all. I was recently asked by a psychiatrist to administer a test of intelligence to investigate if a chronic psychiatric patient has deteriorated in terms of his cognitive skills. I know that the French WAIS III has a related formula, but what about WAIS IV? Does it measure deterioration?
I am a bilingual professional working as an assistant psychologist in a memory service. I have found several research articles about administering the Boston Naming Test to bilingual patients, but none about bilingual professionals administering it.
Thanks for your help,
Greetings everyone. I am just trying to figure out how routinely intraoperative neuropsychological and brain mapping protocols are performed at highly specialised neurosurgical units/ centres . Please do feel free to share where were you trained to competently carry out these advance protocols? And what are the usual techniques/ protocols that you perform?
Stimuli consist of dichotic pairs from the set of ba,ga,da,ta,pa,ka. Subject is instructed to report stimulus heard most clearly. Data is tabulated as percent correct responses. Does this mean that an incorrect response would be saying TA when the stimulus pair was e.g. BA,GA. If that is so, does anybody correct for guesses?
What happens if we change the 9-items list to a 10-items list, but keeping the temporal presentation and the core symptoms (sadness and anhedonia) the same? Does this help to capture patients suffering from depression , that were otherwise missed? Does this affect treatment strategies?
Is there a validated german translation of the "vestibular disorder activities of daily living scale" (VADL)? Thank you
I am looking for articles that address the neurobiological effects of verbal and emotional abuse on adults in coercive controlling relationships.
Are there any tests that can be used to predict surgery outcome in baseline assessment? Thanks so much!
I am looking for literature evaluating the current status of adult ADHD assessment in primary care.
In Classical Conditioning one perform a CS1->UCS acquisition, then separately a CS2->UCS acquisition (the UCS must be the same). Let's suppose to neglect the context cue, or let's assume the CS1 consists of both a cue1 and a context1 and the same for CS2 which consists of a different cue2 and a different context2 respect CS1.
Finally follows the extinction of only one of the two, let's say CS2. Does CS1 change respect the CS2-pre-extinction and CS2-post-extinction? There exists literature which details experimentally about this paradigm?
Luca P.
To my knowledge there are no adaptations of screening tests for the Portuguese population that target illiterate elderly. I'm trying to avoid using the MMSE or any of it's adaptations (eg. BAMSE), I'm aware of the existence of some Spanish tests like the Prueba Cognitiva de Leganés or the Eurotest. Any suggestions would be most welcomed.
Good evening...
I am a graduate student embarking on my dissertation and am in search of a performance-based measure for psychosis that can be administered via a computer. I have found information on attention, spatial, and language-based tasks, but am looking for something more specific to psychosis. Any feedback is helpful! Thanks
I would be grateful for some info since I desperatly need it for my thesis. I am investigating strategy use in elderly patients sans neurological or psychiatric diseases/disorders and I would be dead grateful for some tips or journal articles, thesis', conference papers or any of the sort.
Pictures should be as uniform as possible in terms of background, male or female, could be color or black and white. But I need quite a lot of pics - hopefully around 360.
Do you think (among other things) it measures executive functioning?
I was wondering if there was a Persian (Farsi) version of the Montreal mini mental status exam with trial data. I have seen other non-western versions (Korean). Thank you
As i will participate at a study on Epilepsy in Tanzanian children with epilepsy (3-18 years) and intend to perform neuropsychological assessment using standard test batteries. As i do not speak the native language (Kiswahili) i thought about using nonverbal IQ test that cover a wide age-range, wide cognitive range, are nonverbal, measure and discriminate different parameters of intelligence are short and well established.
Does anyone have an experience with cToni, UNIT, Raven, nonverbal Wechsler WNV or others in rural african children?
Literatures are generally equivocal about negative correlation found in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of mTBI patients, especially when the inverse correlations are found at the initial admission DTI and neuropsychological testing. Some associate the negative correlation with cytotoxic edema (thus the increased FA vs poorer neurocognitive performance). How do you justify both positive correlation and negative correlation with poorer cognitive performance at admission?
Considering a subject who only has a 4th grade education level, little literacy, and who recently had a right insulotemporoparietal ictus. I need to evaluate this patient by neuropsychology but don't know a good protocol.
What do people consider to be an adequate turn around time for a report once the testing has been completed? What would you consider to be an egregious amount of time? There does not appear to be any professional policy statements about this.
I'm looking for a neuropsychological assessment focused on everyday language, which includes pragmatic, interpretation, inference and so on. The aim is to apply it in all kinds of injured brains, like aphasia, Alzheimer, TBI etc. Any ideas?
We have collected pre and post cognitive function data using the ADAS-COG, but are struggling to find in-depth guidelines for analysis of data.
For example, how is the number cancellation section scored? Surely it needs to be transferred in to some kind of scaled score, as this item is positively scored and the rest negatively. Do all subscales need transforming to a scaled score so that, for example, word recall (scored out of 10) does not contribute more overall than naming (scored out of 5)?
Patient is a native German, Polish as a second language in her mid-twenties, still using both Polish and German, now presenting problems with discourse, fluency and naming in both languages. Memory and executive functions persevered, mild attentional deficits.
The MMSE is commonly used as an outcome measure for cognitive ability in non-pathological (and pathological populations). Should the MMSE only be limited to be a screening tool in healthy aging studies?