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Network Simulation - Science topic

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Questions related to Network Simulation
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
5 answers
I'm currently searching for widely used simulation tools for IoT research. As we know, the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is a complex and multidisciplinary concept. It is important to develop applications that meet its requirements. Integrating IoT technology can be complex, so simulation is necessary to evaluate the system's components and ensure they meet design requirements.
Can anyone guide me on how to discover the most appropriate tools for modeling and testing IoT research? Additionally, where can I access materials to educate myself about these tools?
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NS-3: A discrete-event network simulator widely used for research and development in IoT networking and protocols.
OMNeT++: An extensible, modular, component-based C++ simulation library and framework for building network simulators.
Cooja: A Contiki OS network simulator specifically designed for low-power wireless IoT devices and sensor networks.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
9 answers
Hi all,
I am working with NetSim which is an end-to-end, full-stack, packet-level network simulator and emulator to simulate 5G networks, and want to integrate Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) for my research.
My understanding of NetSim is reasonably good, and I am now looking to apply RL within this framework so as to learn optimal policies.
I have previously worked on a basic DQN model for Power Control and Rate Adaptation in Cellular Networks. I also tried to use RL to find the optimal serving capacity for a data batch arrival problem.
I have two questions:
(i) Any suggestions for RL projects for 5G using NetSim?
(ii) Where in the NetSim code should I start integrating RL algorithms?
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1. Suggestions for projects involving DRL in NetSim:
  • Scheduling/Resource Allocation
  • Traffic Prediction and Management
  • Network Slicing
  • Handover Optimization
  • Interference Management
  • Network Attacks and Countermeasures
2. A brief set of steps to integrate RL Algorithms with NetSim:
  • Identifying the states, actions, and reward functions.
  • Identify the integration points.
  • Writing the Deep RL algorithm using TensorFlow Keras or PyTorch.
  • Using the built-in NetSim-Python interface to pass states and rewards from NetSim, and to obtain the actions from the Python RL program.
  • If the Python Deep RL algorithm is too slow, then consider rewriting it natively in C and linking it to NetSim.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
2 answers
I have done considerable research and understand the general workings of an LTE network, but my question is: how does a cellular network such as Verizon, Sprint, etc. function? Examining my local area using AntennaSearch, I discovered that there are 57 towers. If I have a Verizon UE/handset (no Femtocell), I should only be able to connect to the EPC via an eNodeB/tower controlled by Verizon, right? Or could I use any of the 57 towers in my area? From the result on AntennaSearch, none of the listed towers were explicitly controlled by Verizon so I'm assuming that they control towers/eNodeBs under other names.
I would appreciate it if anyone can point me in the right direction with this question. I am moving on to simulating an actual network. Once I know what towers/eNodeBs make up a particular network, it becomes an easy task to generate the topology in ns3. Thanks.
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Femtocell BS used for indoor and need internet connection. If UE within its coverage area, UE will connect with femto BS.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
1 answer
function [Y,Xf,Af] = myNeuralNetworkFunction(X,~,~)
%MYNEURALNETWORKFUNCTION neural network simulation function.
% Auto-generated by MATLAB, 01-Apr-2023 00:29:40.
% [Y] = myNeuralNetworkFunction(X,~,~) takes these arguments:
% X = 1xTS cell, 1 inputs over TS timesteps
% Each X{1,ts} = 4xQ matrix, input #1 at timestep ts.
% and returns:
% Y = 1xTS cell of 1 outputs over TS timesteps.
% Each Y{1,ts} = 3xQ matrix, output #1 at timestep ts.
% where Q is number of samples (or series) and TS is the number of timesteps.
% Input 1
x1_step1.xoffset = [40;20;40;10];
x1_step1.gain = [0.0666666666666667;0.05;0.05;0.1];
x1_step1.ymin = -1;
% Layer 1
b1 = [-2.6491297155389195161;1.760336089106702584;1.6398067063960171108;0.9177075806031128602;-1.4761983536611926748;0.275159870040095067;-1.4879060682820477446;1.9696257706183293301;2.1817650132807728802;3.2407541052221184863];
IW1_1 = [2.9107116995306858698 0.020045809688666926807 -0.7213288732558067462 -0.35355014987443855734;-0.78415290885139299348 2.1620717371802546936 1.9986262152483760257 0.73394638161677838717;-0.60332577542935628134 0.36919294585372963713 0.56789908295376712033 1.8886814261468365395;-0.41372698158378440336 2.07991713220274832 1.8392164942687596607 -0.4149439342002693154;1.8251305698269497668 -1.8100060978190763983 2.1253806758662587839 -0.20297346905145868812;0.72769678044808427941 -0.42294970520998020902 2.5696556898352245213 1.5025226478733253455;-0.54990739957004919347 -1.7497697640971152655 -0.8273354757144428806 0.39315970363298796686;-0.30945750294905238764 -1.8019228954213091232 -2.5111243875575213202 0.079001418949672830294;-1.0691388657257299144 -0.2208636798185789063 1.2120058130665820606 -1.8443207419376965728;2.0156371100772290106 -0.48638781398035080272 -1.0416631454405287371 -1.3136601408706976013];
% Layer 2
b2 = [0.054184247339965789514;-0.28156322626833285572;0.38465049209181595424];
LW2_1 = [0.4627288718431851744 0.41902162291665384641 0.45104963674116588246 -0.18001103631971338004 0.0096271504669345545069 -0.015977183622564644638 0.21048187961321102035 0.21569590240416905425 0.14039680976530213852 -0.1345008801790371078;0.49153199309846229426 0.56057695095383930362 0.020144865726856753252 -0.33262306066701291529 -0.21806490196903238754 0.39032319271931259497 -0.31495042266468115111 0.23252227186432056216 0.056638683994068461658 -0.50313305668003216464;-0.67602621676039309495 -1.5188191954465772859 0.36008657058699833353 1.1291743399777320889 -0.48788206787418042509 0.35182774397824312373 0.56106769711464088424 -0.36218101294025317749 -0.50495893464108454474 0.85467807305577270238];
% Output 1
y1_step1.ymin = -1;
y1_step1.gain = [0.00171526586620926;0.00823045267489712;0.0263157894736842];
y1_step1.xoffset = [890;67;5];
% ===== SIMULATION ========
% Format Input Arguments
isCellX = iscell(X);
if ~isCellX
X = {X};
% Dimensions
TS = size(X,2); % timesteps
if ~isempty(X)
Q = size(X{1},2); % samples/series
Q = 0;
% Allocate Outputs
Y = cell(1,TS);
% Time loop
for ts=1:TS
% Input 1
Xp1 = mapminmax_apply(X{1,ts},x1_step1);
% Layer 1
a1 = tansig_apply(repmat(b1,1,Q) + IW1_1*Xp1);
% Layer 2
a2 = repmat(b2,1,Q) + LW2_1*a1;
% Output 1
Y{1,ts} = mapminmax_reverse(a2,y1_step1);
% Final Delay States
Xf = cell(1,0);
Af = cell(2,0);
% Format Output Arguments
if ~isCellX
Y = cell2mat(Y);
% ===== MODULE FUNCTIONS ========
% Map Minimum and Maximum Input Processing Function
function y = mapminmax_apply(x,settings)
y = bsxfun(@minus,x,settings.xoffset);
y = bsxfun(@times,y,settings.gain);
y = bsxfun(@plus,y,settings.ymin);
% Sigmoid Symmetric Transfer Function
function a = tansig_apply(n,~)
a = 2 ./ (1 + exp(-2*n)) - 1;
% Map Minimum and Maximum Output Reverse-Processing Function
function x = mapminmax_reverse(y,settings)
x = bsxfun(@minus,y,settings.ymin);
x = bsxfun(@rdivide,x,settings.gain);
x = bsxfun(@plus,x,settings.xoffset);
Relevant answer
First, you need to define an objective or fitness metric that will be optimized by the algorithm. One common method is using mean squared error (MSE) as the fitness metric, which measures the average squared difference between the predicted output and the true output for a given input.
Example of how to calculate the MSE fitness metric for the given model:
function fitness = ann_fitness(params)
% Extract model parameters
x1_step1 = struct('xoffset', params(1:4), 'gain', params(5:8), 'ymin', -1);
b1 = params(9:18)';
IW1_1 = reshape(params(19:54), 10, 4);
b2 = params(55:57)';
LW2_1 = reshape(params(58:87), 3, 10);
y1_step1 = struct('ymin', -1, 'gain', [0.00171526586620926;0.00823045267489712;0.0263157894736842], 'xoffset', [0;0;0]);
% Evaluate fitness on training data
load('mydata.mat'); % Replace with your own training data
Y_pred = zeros(size(Y));
for i = 1:size(X, 2)
[~, ~, Y_pred(:,i)] = myNeuralNetworkFunction(X(:,i), x1_step1, IW1_1, b1, LW2_1, b2, y1_step1);
fitness = mean((Y_pred - Y).^2, 'all');
The params input to the ann_fitness function is a vector of all the ANN parameters to be optimized by the genetic algorithm. These parameters are extracted and used to make predictions on the training data. The resulting predictions are compared to the true outputs using MSE, and the average MSE across all samples is returned as the fitness value.
Note that this implementation assumes that the training data is stored in a file called mydata.mat. You will need to replace this with your own training data filename or source code.
Hope this helps. Feel free to follow up with additional questions.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
Digital wave algorithms can be used to perform electrical network simulation in time domain. The response of a circuit simulated by means of the DW equivalent can be used as "exact"  solution to compare the response coming from a Nodal Analysis solver like Spice.
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If you are interested I can add you to the Skype chat Wave Digital methods Brainstorming
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
1 answer
Hi researchers,
I am working on a BAN network consisting of 10 nodes and a one Sink using Castalia simulator, I am evaluating the performance after a simulation by working on the change of transmission power level to find the PLR (Packet Loss Rate).
Now, I want to know if there is a correlation (relation) between the node position in the BAN network and the PLR (Packet Loss Rate)?
I want to know if there is a proportional relationship between the transmission power and the distance between the nodes and the Sink. The same thing i want to know if there is a relation between the transmission Power and the distance between the Sink and the nodes.
Can you help me with a paper that presents these parameters and that presents a similar study?
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  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
5 answers
I am working on 5G network simulations using a network simulator currently. I am running simulations on a system with good hardware configuration. However, simulations are taking a long time to complete. I want to make simulations faster. Any suggestions will be very helpful.
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General guidelines:
1. Run simulations in high capacity systems
2. Turn off all logs/traces
3. Turn off animation
Beyond this you may need to do tool specific optimization.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
2 answers
I want that my omnet simulation model can create a socket and send it to a real application that is on listen. Is there any solution for this?
Many thanks.
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You can use the new version of TCPSocket in this link :
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
I have created a new packet header in NS2 which contains two fields.Is there any way to check to see if the packet header fields contains the value I have given through tcl.
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How to add value in packet header in VANET using NS2 wireless
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
Dear All.
I am working in LAA WiFi coexistence scenario. For my work, I need to calculate the Latency/Delay in a different way.
From my understanding, the way current solution is calculating the delay is that it is monitoring the time between the packet was first transmitted and last seen from the receiver's perspective. It is done in the FlowMonitor class where you calculate all the delay into delaysum and calculate the average delay.
Now, what I want to do is that, for every received packets, I want to set a timer when the packet is being generated and add with the individual delay values and calculate the avg delay. Now, as I am talking about the LAA-WiFi coexistence, I cannot make a solution that only works for Wi-Fi. So I have to solve this problem from the base, I mean, the Packet class.
Did anyone work in this problem before? Need some expert suggestions. And Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.
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  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
I've built a multi-valued logic model containing 64 nodes. Do someone here know a tool able to run 1,000 initial states for this simulation in synchronous update?
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This is what those big HPC systems ( are designed to do: hundreds or thousands of multi-core nodes connected by InfiniBand, capable of memory to memory transfers of halo or ghost cells on the edges of sub-grids, executing in global timesteps and occasionally checkpointing the grid for fault-tolerance and recovery. Dynamic mesh grids are required for the most complex problems (probably not for yours.) The top ten HPC systems are described here:'s,the%20project%20began%20in%201993.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
10 answers
hello. Could anyone suggest a software (in open access if possible) capable to simulate and identify electric network problems in interconnecting building systems. Thanks in advance.
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Dr.Muhammad Irshad
I think you did not understand the intent of the researcher who asked the question well.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
1 answer
Hi there RG community, I get back with a new couple of questions, I'm trying to implement a probabilistic routing protocol in NS2/NS3, but there is no much literature on it. Is there someone do that before now? If so, How can I proceed? I'm opening to exchange on that. Thx!
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Good question
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
I have invented a new routing protocol, and I want someone who is experts in networking-routing, network simulation, and programming.
Doing a simulation on existent technology is not that hard, but implementing new protocol and integrate it with the simulation tool is a bit hard. For example, in SIMNET, you can implement existent technology and there is a work space to develop your new technology and run both technologies with different scenarios to have the analysis aspects needed.
Of course, I will pay who will do this project.
Once the new protocol developed, I want to compare it with MPLS, Segment routing, ... etc.
If you are interested and have the time, please contact me at:
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Good question
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
4 answers
In Mobile Ad Hoc Network I had a security issue, that is already identified by IDS.
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There are projects available in covering IDS
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
10 answers
I wanted to simulate a handover algorithm for ad hoc networks, I want to know what are freely available supporting tools for academic research?
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CupCarbon IoT 5.0 is a good option for your case ...
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
5 answers
When I run large simulations with 100s of devices it takes several hours for the simulation to complete. So if I need to run like 20 - 30 different parameter settings then it would take me several weeks to complete. How can I reduce the time taken for simulating large networks? Thank you
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اريد المعرفة
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
11 answers
What is the best VANET simulator? Yes, there many simulators that simulate VANETs, but I do not know which one is better. The one that can reflects reliable and trusted and Packet Delivery Ratioresults. I work in routing in vanet and I want to know which one is better i couldnt install ns2 well please help me.
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NS2 or NS3 is very suitable. You can integrate with SUMO as well.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
8 answers
Addition of Codes in the OMNET++
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How to add application layer protocols to Omnet++
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
10 answers
I'm working on WSN. I want to do clustering and aggregation, and I want to optimize the results. Does OMNeT++ support this? 
Since I'm a beginner with this tool, can anyone provide any ideas on how to learn about this tool? Where can we add our code?
Relevant answer
how to install omnett++ ?
Follow these few steps:
Download the desired version.
Open the OMNeT++ folder.
Open the mingwenv file
Tab any key to continue /2
Type "./configure" and hit the enter key
Type "make" and hit the enter key
Type "omnetpp" and hit the enter key
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
8 answers
I want to simulate my modified AODV protocol to prevent a blackhole attack in ns2 ?
Can anyone to help me? I'm starting to learn ns2 ?
Relevant answer
There are many resources to assist how to implement your protocol on NS2.
Please check below link
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
16 answers
I need to know whether the COOJA simulator is efficient to simulate the security algorithms of Wireless Sensor Networks?
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Contiki is much handy and very easy to solve many problem related to the iot and wsn
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
I have 4 hosts connected to a switch. I want host 1 to ping host 4. There is no such module as switch in NS3. How can I enable this?
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Its old thread, anyway this code works for me:
#include "ns3/core-module.h" #include "ns3/network-module.h" #include "ns3/csma-module.h" #include "ns3/internet-module.h" #include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h" #include "ns3/applications-module.h" #include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h" #include "ns3/bridge-helper.h"
// Default Network Topology // // //        n0     n1 //        |      | //       ---------- //       | Switch | //       ---------- //        |      | //        n2     n3
using namespace ns3; NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("SecondScriptExample"); int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool verbose = true; uint32_t nodeNum = 4;   CommandLine cmd; cmd.AddValue ("nodeNum", "Number of nodes/devices", nodeNum); cmd.AddValue ("verbose", "Tell echo applications to log if true", verbose); cmd.Parse (argc,argv); if (verbose)     { LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoClientApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO); LogComponentEnable ("UdpEchoServerApplication", LOG_LEVEL_INFO);     }   nodeNum = nodeNum == 0 ? 4 : nodeNum;   NodeContainer hostNodeContainer; hostNodeContainer.Create(nodeNum);   NodeContainer switchNodeContainer; switchNodeContainer.Create (1); // one switch   CsmaHelper csma; csma.SetChannelAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps")); csma.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", TimeValue (MicroSeconds(100)));   // Create the csma links, from each terminal to the switch   NetDeviceContainer hostDevices;   NetDeviceContainer switchDevices; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++) {     NetDeviceContainer link = csma.Install(NodeContainer(hostNodeContainer.Get (i), switchNodeContainer)); hostDevices.Add(link.Get (0)); switchDevices.Add(link.Get (1));   }   InternetStackHelper stack; stack.Install(hostNodeContainer); stack.Install(switchNodeContainer);   Ipv4AddressHelper address; address.SetBase ("", "");   Ipv4InterfaceContainer hostInterfaces;   hostInterfaces = address.Assign (hostDevices);   // Ipv4InterfaceContainer switchInterfaces;   // switchInterfaces = address.Assign (switchDevices);    // ======================================================================    // Install bridging code on each switch    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------    BridgeHelper bridge; bridge.Install(switchNodeContainer.Get(0), switchDevices);   UdpEchoServerHelper echoServer(9);   ApplicationContainer serverApps = echoServer.Install(hostNodeContainer.Get(nodeNum-1)); serverApps.Start (Seconds (1.0)); serverApps.Stop (Seconds (10.0));   UdpEchoClientHelper echoClient (hostInterfaces.GetAddress(nodeNum-1), 9); echoClient.SetAttribute("MaxPackets", UintegerValue(1)); echoClient.SetAttribute("Interval", TimeValue (Seconds(1.0))); echoClient.SetAttribute("PacketSize", UintegerValue(1024));   ApplicationContainer clientApps = echoClient.Install (hostNodeContainer.Get(0)); clientApps.Start (Seconds (2.0)); clientApps.Stop (Seconds (10.0)); Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables (); csma.EnablePcap ("example1", hostDevices.Get (0), true); Simulator::Run (); Simulator::Destroy (); return 0; }
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
10 answers
Analyze the working of token bucket traffic shaper on 5th generation mobile networks and the performance of fuzzy predictor for dynamic token generation rate in 5th generation mobile networks.
Relevant answer
I would go with MATLAB for 5G link level simulation, or NetSim if you want to do 5G system level simulation
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
1 answer
Tcpreplay use to replay network traffic
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Hello, Could you find some solution? I am with the same problem.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
I'm considering the use of social network simulation to evaluate different theories that effect information diffusion as a subset of transactive memory systems (these systems are used as a meta-dictionary - telling people (Individuals, groups, organizations, etc) where to find expertise...They also have a role in decision making when a "pattern" is detected a relatively quick decision is made...
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>> ... telling people (Individuals, groups, organizations, etc) where to find expertise
Seems like an easy technological solution, but it is a much harder sociological solution! Strangers don't help strangers for various reasons, including their bosses or lack of sufficient context, or ... etc. We have worked with many organizations looking to share knowledge/expertise. It is a long process (most of it non-IT) and the best place to start is with an "as-is" map of who-goes-to-whom for info/knowledge/expertise.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
7 answers
I need to perform network simulation between wireless sensor network for my research work. Kindly suggest me which simulator is best and open source
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There are many simulation tools (open source) that can simulate WSN such as: NS-2, NS-3, Omnet, etc.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
4 answers
I am working with SDN to manage flows in a network. I wanted to experiment/know if there is a way I can simulate different radios(Bluetooth,Wifi,Zigbee) which work in the same ISM band to better manage the whole environment. Any help is appreciated. Also best wishes for the new year
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Dear Kaustubh,
I think the best way to manage the wireless communication in the ISM band is to use the techniques of the cognitive radio systems. So one has a radio which can sense communicate with control center and get a decision and a connection information from the center. There is the compressive sensing techniques to reduce the sensing signal load.
You can find many many papers when you make a literature survey.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
I need help if anyone have any idea about IoT simulator recommend me
Relevant answer
I would definitely recommend NetSim. More information on
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
I want to connect an optical network simulated in OMNET++ to an SDN controller of MININET and also wants to control my network with that controller. Can anyone suggest me how can I connect these?
Thank you in advance.
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Hi Srija, to the best of my knowledge, OMNeT++ is a simulator and Mininet is an emulator (I've used both), so I don't think connecting Mininet with OMNeT++ is feasible.
I believe the best option would be implementing a controller in OMNeT++ (probably you will be able to find some implementations online already), but please note it will be a simulated controller (i.e. modelled). If that's ok for you, then go ahead. But if you need to use a real controller for some reason, then you'll probably need Mininet and you'll probably have to migrate your work in OMNeT++ to the switches in Mininet (either OVS, ofsoftswitch, etc.).
I hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
4 answers
NS2 = TCL + C++ + PERL + AWK .
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NS2 = TCL + C++ + PERL + AWK + 1 year leaning - Technical_support
NS3 = Python + C++ + PERL + Xgraph + 1 year leaning - Technical_support - Backward_compatibilty_with_NS2
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
5 answers
Hi everyone,
I invented a new networking protocol. It makes the traffic very fast from source to destination. the idea is that the protocol makes the packets forwarded at routers without searching the routing table. So, I changed the structure of the frame by adding some control feilds.
To simulate the above idea, I have to change the structure of the farme and change the function of the router for forwarding packets.
Which Netwrok simulation toolls is easy and do the job for me?
.... etc.?
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Thanks Mr. Dia, and Mr.Tayal.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
2 answers
I want to simulate an LTE-Advanced network using MATLAB. I need to implement my own Handover optimization algorithm. Can anyone help me with code examples or steps to follow?
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Dear Sir
I am checking today matlab code of LTE simulation if I found it accepted I will forward it to you.
Also, if you checked another one please let me know or send it.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
9 answers
I have a requirement wherein I need to switch between multiple forward error correction (FEC) schemes at MAC layer depending on the changing wireless network conditions. Can someone please suggest which of the following network simulators is suitable for implementing this: NS3, OMNET++, OPNET?
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It is possible, the only problem is the time necessary for the simulation if the number of nodes is high and you want to simulate with detail the different layers.
You can check this toolbox
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
Can some one please explain what is "simulation time" ? How is it related to real time (Wall clock) ? And how do I get current time in NetSim ?
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Netsim Standard is a proprietary/commercial software which can be bought by your university/institute. You can write to them at for further product information. Visit for more information.
I highly recommend NetSim for research compared to other simulators like NS-2, as it so far the best network simulation and emulation software where you can design, run and analyse the results/animation. NetSim works on latest technologies like IoT, WSN, MANET, Cognitive Radio etc.
My friend had a huge difficult using NS-2 for his undergraduate research, when he had to work on 802.15.4 networks and NS-2 is not so compatible for 802.15.4 networks. Most importantly NetSim saves time, yet with most precise results.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
4 answers
I got limited resources about IPv6 only network & hosts creation and testing over MININET. i want to test routing operation over IPv6 only network with Openflow.
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You can't use NS-3 since it doesnt support SDN
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
I am doing research involving implementation of a security framework which can analyse 6LoWPAN (Network Layer in Internet of Things) and CoAP (Application Layer in Internet of things) for security weaknesses.
I have been able to find names of a few software like OMNET++, NS3, NS2 for network simulation, but I have no idea on how to simulate attacks on them. I also have Nessi2 which can simulate agent based security analysis, but I am not sure if I will be able to implement IOT layer security testing framework on it.
Any heads up on where to start and what to do next will be very helpful.
Relevant answer
You could also try NetSim - it has support for COAP protocol along with specialized frameworks for setting up attacks in IOT networks. You could look at for more information
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
I made an equation using a Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using MATLAB NN Toolbox for two input and one output.
While the test output (0.863) close to the experimental value (0.8646), the output from the equation shows completely different.
For your information, i was using the following equation format .
Output, Y = LW (x) +b2
The hyperbolic tangent function x = exp(a)-exp(-a)/(exp(a)+exp(-a) ) where a = ∑{(IW∗Input)+b1}.
any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance.
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The normalization of inputs and outputs at the phase of the training process are conducted automatically by the software (MATLAB). In my opinion you must conduct the normalization of inputs and the de-normalization (i.e. the reverse transformation) of the outputs manually if you want to simulate the network in a correct way.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
Please anyone help me for selection of network simulator for routing in VANET which is related to Java.
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I recommended open source simulation for your work :
1. OMNET++.
combine to gather. where VANET should done by using IEEE 802.11p protocol.(It exiting in veins)
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
2 answers
I am not getting proper secure VM scheduling and provisioning algorithms like simple cost-aware or energy-efficient scheduling algorithms.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
8 answers
I am looking for some open source, user friendly, network simulation software. Something that students can configure different nodes with appropriate configuration information and observe how packets traverse the network visually. Ideally, such software would also allow the designs to be exported as an image and/or edited in Visio. Is anyone aware of such software?
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Based on what you have described, NetSim is the most suitable simulator as it is preferred by students who intend to use NetSim for lab experimentation and teaching. As well as, it is a good network emulation tool used for network design & planning, defense applications and network R & D.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
4 answers
I am working on my MSc project titled "A Unified Trust Management Framework for IoT". One of my tasks is to provide results of network simulation of the trust management in WSN. Which network simulator ( free) would be best to approach this aim? In the later stage I would like to implement machine learning algorithms like LDA or DT.
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Thank you for help. Anyway.. still it is far away from the answer which I expected. Although I have read more than few papers, still looking for any EXISTING TM Framework for IoT for OMNet++ to see how it works in practice.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
Hi everyone, hope you are doing well. Please guide me, I want to set my network like this: that sink node on receiving a packet start sending packets back on the same route but when it receives a packet from other route then sink node starts stop its prior transmission and start transmission again on new route.
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Yes you can just fix MAXTTL limit in omnet.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
8 answers
What network simulators support SDN along with Group Tables? I would like to use the group table feature that allows packet replication and forwarding to multiple outgoing ports (for multicasting).
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You can go with ONOS for controller placement and Mininet/Mininet-WiFi for deployment of physical devices. I think ONOS is the most suitable controller OS available (open source as well). If you need group tables, you may opt for OpenFlow 1.4 or 1.5. They support group tables. Mininet/Mininet-WiFi uses OpenFlow 1.0 by default. So, you need to specify the version of the OpenFlow. Detailed installation of ONOS can be found here: Detailed installation for mininet can be found here: Mininet-WiFi can be found here:
Thanks and Regards,
Samaresh Bera
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
4 answers
I have simulated a reconfigurable reflection element using varactor in CST, and  lumped network element was used in the model. When I use diode, as C varies, the reflection phase don't change. When use RLC serial, as C varies, the reflection phase varies.
  1.  what is the differences between diode and RLC serial of lumped network element in CST?
  2. Which should I use when simulating reconfigurable reflection element?
Many thanks:)
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hello sir,
can u please tell how to add lumped network composed of resistr and capacitor in a antenna design??
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
I have created ns2 simulation for AODV flooding with 70 nodes in it. I would like to create table for node no. 56. Table should include source ip of incoming packet and hop count of it. How can I achieve this?
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I hope this site will help you understand how to deal with Routing Tables. It helped me.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
2 answers
I want to convert the tracefiles of RandomWayPoint in BonnMotion to be included in ONE simulator. I have downloaded the script for converting it. But how should I convert the tracefiles using this script and how should I use them in my simulation.
It will be really helpful if somebody can guide me.
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  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
2 answers
I am trying to simulate handover authentication in an lte network. I know of tools such as AVISPA however I am looking for a tool like Omnet++ because Omnet++ simu_LTE only simulates the data plane of an LTE network
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
2 answers
I want to create a 2x4 grid in ns2 in which sensor nodes are deployed uniformly in each grid. Now the only function of sensor nodes sense data and communicate it to data mules(mobile nodes) To ensure equal node on every mobile node, the sensor nodes are uniformly placed. I am using 8 mobile nodes(one node in each grid) and 100 sensing nodes. So far I have completed my grid and introduce mobile nodes in it as well. Now what i need to do is to attach the mobile nodes with sensor nodes so that when a sensor nodes comes in radius of mobile node, it sends data to it. Just tell me how can i attach mobile agent(data mules) with sensor node. I am not asking for any code, just tell me any document which can help me in this matter. Thanks
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
During the compiling process in matlab
when I typed this command (mcc -W cpplib:test -T link:lib test.m) in the command window of matlab, it work
But, when I put it in a script, I got this error 
mcc -W cpplib:test -T link:lib test.m
Error using mcc
Test checkout of feature 'Compiler' failed.
what is the solution of this problem?
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
I proposed caching algorithm for the web content and I want to simulate it using NS2. how can I start?
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
I wish to train a neural network with four input neurones and two output neurones. Two output neurones corresponding to average surface roughness and maximum forming angle resulting from the forming process. surface roughness is in the range of 2-8 micron while max. forming angle varies from 76-85 degrees.  How should  I train the network in Matlab? Is it similar like 4-n-1 that instead of 1 output neurone, I should select two neurones in the output layer?
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The procedure of training the network is similar.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
7 answers
I have started to work on SDWSN
I have simulated a wireless sensor network in omnet++, now I want to
connect this network to SDN controller and control my network with SDN
controller than run in mininet.
But I don't know How can I connect controller and network that simulated in omnet++.
please guide me.
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You can use SDN emulator Mininet.
For controller, you can use either Pox, OpenDaylight,
Recently, Mininet integrated WIFI API to simulate SDN in wireless environment. You can read from here.
Mininet is very popular and it is widely used. You may find a lot of people working on this platform, the community is big. So, any problem during the implementation can be discussed with the other people working on the same platform.  I hope this answer is helpful to you.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
7 answers
I am looking for simulator or hardware that I can model the 2.4GHz channel with 802.11 802.15 and Bluetooth and analyse the interference. 
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I would recommend NetSim. They have some excellent models for pathoss, shadowing, fading as well as inter channel interference. I know that models are available at 2.4Ghz and 5 GHz bands.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
7 answers
I'm starting to work on a project about  rfid networks and I'm looking for the best way to simulate it.  I've just read about softwares as Omnet++ and NS, but I still have some doubts.
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OMNET is easy to start.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
i follow steps in  ""  site to execute zmac on ns2.26, but i apply these steps on ns2.35.
when i execute DRAND using the command:
ns simple-wireless.tcl <numNodes> <scenario.tcl>
there is an error " bash: syntax error near unexpected token '<'
and when i execute " "ns simple-wireless.tcl"
also there is an error as num. of nodes is zero
what is the "scenario.tcl" and how can i generate it?
i don't know what can i do?
please can any one  help me?
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i understand how i can generate scenario.tcl,
there is an error message:
assertion "speed != 0.0" faild: file "", line 595, function: void Node: RandomSpeede<>
Aborted <core dumped>
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
Please, I get this error while trying to run a tcl script generated by
mannasim .
ns ns-mannasim mannasim-rede-plana.tcl
[code omitted because of length]
: invalid command name "DataGenerator/TemperatureDataGenerator"
while executing
"DataGenerator/TemperatureDataGenerator set sensing_interval_ 0.0"
i am using ns2.35 patched mannasim !!!!! please helpp
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First, you should be specified the correct directory at which mannasim library install.then run the Tcl script.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
Does existing package supports all the above technologies at a time in the same program. Should we install any package in additional to the existing libraries?
Kindly suggest me any relevant material or website with this information. Thank you.
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Do you want to find out how the technologies influence each other by their transmissions? In that case I am not sure if ns2 offers the functionality you seek. For coexistence the effects on the physical layer are very important, for example Bluetooth uses frequency hopping, while ZigBee uses a single frequency. In this case it is possible that both send at the same time and both packets arrive at their receivers despite a "collision"! ns2 simulations mostly deal with very simple models for the physical layer, and you might get results from the simulation that have no connection to reality. To get an impression of the results, you can look at my publication for ZigBee-to-ZigBee collisions attached.
Hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
13 answers
Once exploring the BookSim, I got somewhere result power analysis, but I didn't exactly understand how we can calculate power in BookSim, as I want to see which topology under which parameters uses mininum power.
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yogendra ! would you like help me that how we can get throughput and latency for mesh topology in graph form ..
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
5 answers
I modified the location aided routing (LAR1) protocol which is the built-in protocol in Qualnet 6.1. Specifically, i made changes in the request zone of LAR1. The function in which i made changes is named "Lar1CalculateReqZone" . However, for a fixed simulation scenario, there is no change in the network layer results between original and modified code. i have also uploaded the cpp files of both original and modified code. I kindly request you to let me know the problem. Also, please let me know if we have any open free qualnet forums to discuss coding issues. Thanks in Advance.
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 You must recompile QualNet after modifing the source code if you want your modified code take effect. Then you can debug your code line by line if the result is not what you
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
1 answer
The whole idea of the project is to implement an alert system which is triggered when an ambulance is travelling along a route to the hospital. All the cars in the route are notified about the approaching ambulance and they give way to it. We just need to alert all the vehicles in the route. The giving way part is left for the driver of the car to follow
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Through RFID or BAN integrated distant sensor network device over wireless antena in your car
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
4 answers
i need some channel specific information like channel attenuation, received signal strength, signal delay ,
can any help in this regard
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thanks for your answers
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
please ur suggestions
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thank you Fouad. and Musaddiq.. I found INET more powerful in routing protocol of wsn
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
How to set the value for noise in ns2? I need to set the noise value foe ieee_802-15-4. or where we can find the default value for this parameter?
Thanks in advance..
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Dear Sir,
Thank you for sharing link. In this PDF on page 22 instructs to Modify ns-2.35/mac/ What is to be modified in this file??
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
dear you, i need parameters for my simulation D2D in cognitive network , where i can find it?
idle spectrum : W =
the bandwidth used by SUj : Bj=
 the power of noise :σ=
the cost of unit power: π=
the value of unit datarate : λ=
SUj’s transmit power :Pj =
PUj’s transmit power :Pi=
SUj’s channel gain :Gj=
PUj’s channel gain :Gi=
the undesired interference link of PUi :Gij=
the undesired interference link of SU : Gji =
constrain the interference caused by D2D communication :
just a note that there are 25 SU and 25 PU so ,which parameter will be fixe and which will be changeful?
thanks in advance
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thanks you very much for your response, I program an algorithm in matlab and all this parameters are inputs except the powers transmission which are simulation dependent ,
i must give a logical parameters ,so if someone have just an Approximate example for this parameters , i will be very thankful
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
8 answers
I am looking for a free software that can be used for coding and getting simulation results of analyzing complex networks. The software should have existed functions of calculating different network measures such as shortest paths, geodesic paths, betweeness centrality and other centralities ( Katz, eigenvector, closeness...etc) dynamically. 
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If you need faster libraries, you can have a look at igraph and graph-tool.
The advantage of igraph is that it is compatible with python, c++ and R; graph-tool is my favourite library but it is only compatible with python.
Eventually, if you need to look at "big data" graph, there are distributed libraries that exist, such as Hadoop and Spark (but this is really specific).
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
The distribution simulators like Open DSS,GridLab-D,CYMDIST are available for analysis of distribution network and also some MATLAB based platforms like MATPOWER and PSAT are there in which analysis of a network can be performed.So I want to know which of these software/platforms can be used to perform distribution automation strategies like network reconfiguration ?
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Hi Ishan,
If you already have the experience of using OpenDSS or if you want to do other analysis in addition to reconfiguration, I suggest OpenDSS. Since Open DSS has many other program routines useful for distribution network analysis. 
Or if you want to develop adavanced routines yourself, Matpower is good. Since Matpower has excellent data structure which can be extended to any other analysis. 
Hope this helps....
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
7 answers
Excluding the fact that GloMoSim is free and QualNet is licensed, can anybody knows which is the best simulator among GoMoSlim and QualNet?  Somebody told me that QualNet has more provisions than GoMoSlim. Is it true?
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Thanks Dr. Rakesh. Qualnet is available in our department.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
dear all, i'm a newbie in ns2, and i got assigment to implement OLSR + PGB in ns2, my problem is i don't know how to get signal strength neighboar. i need "signal strength" to split into 3 area (in, PGB, out) then i can chose MPR in PGB area only. can you help me sir, please regrad
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thanks for your solution, i will try to learn ns3 first
if i move to ns3, can you help me to make may new protocol sir?
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
5 answers
I've trained neural network using LM backpropagation on matlab. When i test (simulate) the network several times using new input data, the test result OUTRANGE the target data.
My target data, range between 0.1 to 0.3 but the simulation result sometimes show value greater than 0.3. Is it common?
I only use 18 data pair since I couldn't find more data 
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Dear Mr. Gede
the problem is all about the lack of input data, you should have at least 100pair of data to train your network in offline mode, even for online mode you need huge amount of data. But still you can optimize tour neural network model results using iptimization techniques such a Genetic Algorithms or RPLNN and etc.
dr. Aydin azizi
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
14 answers
Hi, everyone. I don't know anything about simulation. I want to start my research on WBAN. For this stimulating the MAC protocols and Routing algorithms which simulator is best. please provide existing simulations for mac protocol in w.s.n
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Dear Balam 
                  IF you are familiar with OMNET++ then there is a module "Castalia" which integrates with OMENT++ and provide support in terms of protocols for WBAN plus there are example scenarios of BAN . You may look at my following paper (full text available on RG ) where we have use Castalia.
1) A Novel QoS Algorithm for Health Care Applications of Body Area Sensor Networks
2) RPRP: Routing Protocol to ensure the reliability in health care systems.
Dr Adnan Nadeem
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
8 answers
Simulation of Zigbee network using OPNET.
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Dear Reema Ahmad,
Thank you so much. I watched the video. That was a very simple network. I need to simulate a more complex network as well as more analysis and results. 
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
Network simulation is a one of the most major evaluation methodologies in the area of computer networks. What are the main Network simulators that been used in the field of communication systems?
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Global Mobile Information System Simulator (GloMoSim) is a network protocol simulation software that simulates wireless and wired network systems
QualNet   — A graphical scenario design and visualization tool. In Design mode, you can set up terrain, network connections, subnets, mobility patterns of wireless users, and other functional parameters of network nodes.   In Visualize mode, you can perform in-depth visualization and analysis of a network scenario designed in Design mode
Ns-2 Network simulations for ns-2 are composed of C++ code, which is used to model the behavior of the simulation nodes, and oTcl scripts that control the simulation and specify further aspects, for instance the network topology.  
 Ns-3 like its predecessor, ns-3 relies on C++ for the implementation of the simulation models. However, ns-3 no longer uses oTcl scripts to control the simulation, thus abandoning the problems which were introduced by the combination of C++ and oTcl in ns-2. Instead, network simulations in ns-3 can be implemented in pure C++, while parts of the simulation optionally can be realized using Python as well. Moreover, ns-3 integrates architectural concepts and code.
OMNeT++: In contrast to ns-2 and ns-3, OMNeT++ is not a network simulator by definition, but a general purpose discrete eventbased simulation framework. Yet it is mostly applied to the domain of network simulation, given the fact that with its INET package it provides a comprehensive collection of Internet protocol models.
Castalia is a Wireless Sensor Network simulator for early-phase algorithm/protocol testing built at the Networks and Pervasive Computing program of National ICT Australia. It supports realistic channel and radio models, a key element for accurate early-phase WSN simulation.
COOJA, a simulator for the Contiki sensor node operating system. COOJA allows for simultaneous simulation at the network level, the operating system level, and the machine code instruction set level.  
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
Any particular model that can be downloaded?
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Please, I am now trying to implement (WSN clustering + SDN) with 802.15.4,, but I am not sure if omnet++ is the suitable tool ,, or ns2 is better??
does I need to use castalia with omnet!!! or I can use it without castalia??
Note:: I need to implement my own work without Zigbee to make some improvements in routing side.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
4 answers
I have to make a network with fuzzy and k means algorithm.
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ohhk sir send me.. is my id
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
6 answers
I am building an algorithm to scheduel sensor nodes to sleep/wake in the WSNs, the research work target the application layer of the WSNs protocl stack .Any simulation tools or materials to start my research work? I would build from a simple enviroment esclating to much complex algorithms?
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Dear Issam,
If the sleep/wake algorithm is a message-passing protocol, and you want to take into account the effect of the protocol stack (along with other parameters), I suggest ns2, you could start by defining your protocol at the application layer:
class YOURPROTOCOL: public Agent {
// here define your protocol: generate and respond to different messages
// at least define the two following methods
virtual void recv(Packet *p, Handler *);
virtual int command(int argc, const char *const * argv);
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
7 answers
awk and xgraph still not working
- with respect to xgragh, (i install ns-allinone- 2.35 which containing xgraph12.1) but bash: xgraph not found
- also awk still unclear with me
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No idea about Windows. But, if you are planning to write research papers, I strongly recommend to switch to gnuplot.
  • asked a question related to Network Simulation
3 answers
How we can create multiple group of nodes in same simulation area and also anyone can provide code in NS - 2 for Reference point group mobility model?
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you can take help on "setdest" command to make your own movement as mobility model.