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Network Protocols - Science topic
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Questions related to Network Protocols
会议征稿:2024年计算机与信息安全国际会议 (WCCIS 2024)
Call for papers: Organized by Universiti Malaya, 2024 World Conference of Computer and Information Security(WCCIS 2024) will be held on 20-22 September 2024 in Malaysia.
Conference website(English):
大会地点:吉隆坡,马来西亚 | 中国郑州 双会场
收录类型:EI Compendex、Scopus
由马来亚大学主办,2024年计算机与信息安全国际会议 (WCCIS 2024) 将于2024年9月20-22日召开。会议将设置中国/马来西亚双会场。中国会场将在郑州举行;马来西亚会场将在吉隆坡召开。会议旨在为从事计算机与信息安全的专家学者、工程技术人员、技术研发人员提供一个共享科研成果和前沿技术,了解学术发展趋势,拓宽研究思路,加强学术研究和探讨,促进学术成果产业化合作的平台。
本会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核之后,最终所录用的论文将由全球知名的科技出版社380220803174252410.png斯普林格旗下的Springer-LNICST(Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering), ISSN: 1867-822X 出版,出版后提交至EI Compendex,Scopus检索。
4、听众参会(无投稿):出席并参加这次会议, 并可全程旁听会议所有展示与报告。
If you can provide references if possible, that will be a great help.
Recommended research fields:
Applying Machine Learning methods to Network Protocols field in many areas like IoT, Sensor Networks, Network Security aspects, Traffic Predictions...
Also, he is ready to participate in present related research and in a teamwork environment to publish scientific articles.
I want to apply a privacy-preserving algorithm in MQTT for IoT devices. Which tool do you suggest to simulate this algorithm? I want to measure the performance on the IoT battery device? Actually, I found many ways such as Matlab, Netsim, MIMIC MQTT, python, and Contiki cooja, but I'm not sure which simulation software is best suited for this? Could you give me a suggestion about the best environment?
Due to the depletion of the global IPv4 address pool, some new Internet clients will not be able to get IPv4 adresses, but only IPv6 addresses. However the majority of the internet still uses IPv4 addresses. The IPv6 only clients should be able to communicate with the IPv4 only servers. For this problem, the combination of the DNS64 (RFC 6147) and NAT64 (RFC 6146) is a good solution.
We test different free software (also called open source) DNS64 and NAT implementations. As for DNS64, we tested BIND and TOTD.
(For our results, see: Gabor Lencse, Sandor Repas, "Performance Analysis and Comparison of Different DNS64 Implementations for Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD," aina, pp.877-884, 2013 IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2013)
Besides these, we know also the PowerDNS and Unbound.
Can someone suggest other free software for DNS64 implementations?
Had anyone tested their performance and/or stability?
I need to know the new the network techniques that provide fast video or image transmission
Greetings everyone!
I am a research student working on mobile ad hoc cloud computing. My research area is resource allocation in heterogeneous network-based mobile ad hoc cloud. I have been searching for an authentic simulator to perform my simulation results of the proposed allocation scheme. Kindly suggest me any simulator that can fulfil the requirements of task scheduling algorithms and networking protocols and environment.
I'm currently studying fuzzing for my research. Most research papers I've found propose blackbox fuzzer for network protocols. Can whitebox fuzzers be implemented for network protocols? Is Symbolic execution a good idea for testing network protocols, specifically IoT protocols? Or are greybox fuzzers a better alternative to test IoT protocols?
Thanks in advance!
In general as well as specific to automotive and avionics domain, for the efficient and secured system use case:
- Motion control precision plays a vital role in getting a precise and repeatable system to avoid e.g. collision on the road, and critical scenarios in avionics system in the air.
- Speed at nanometer level resolution can help in identifying the objects correctly that guides function enabler through a process to activate the right function.
In a complex embedded system, controlling latency and jittering has become very much relevant to address above use case scenarios 1 and 2.
There is huge ongoing industrial bubbles and adaptation also is going on with Ethernet along with Flexray, CAN and LIN.
But keeping multiple network protocols and increasing number of ECUs in mind, Ethernet as it is doesn't look sufficient to consider in system design to address the above mentioned use cases 1 & 2 in long term.
In connected and autonomous vehicle context, one of the solution is TSN to control near to convincing level of latency, at the same time many researcher bubbling about 5G for connected and smart vehicles as well.
Here the question: is TSN +5G can address the above 2 use cases?
Experts logical PoVs are expected.
Hi everyone,
I invented a new networking protocol. It makes the traffic very fast from source to destination. the idea is that the protocol makes the packets forwarded at routers without searching the routing table. So, I changed the structure of the frame by adding some control feilds.
To simulate the above idea, I have to change the structure of the farme and change the function of the router for forwarding packets.
Which Netwrok simulation toolls is easy and do the job for me?
.... etc.?
Suppose Info-Tech is a company having large scale computer network consisting of more than 100 routers in operation. The company has hired you as a network administrator to maintain and troubleshoot its network. In this network, adding and removing hosts is normal and number of hosts is expected to grow in future. In view of this, the network needs fast convergence with the help of suitable dynamic routing protocol.
As a network administrator, in your opinion, which dynamic routing protocol from the following will be most appropriate for this organization’s network? Justify with any two solid reasons.
1. Distance Vector Routing Protocol?
2. Link State Routing Protocol
I studied different articles, yet not understànd that the attacks launched by researcher are imagniary or practical ( using a software tool/ programme to identify it)
For simulating various networking protocols, which network simulator would be best for Flying Ad-Hoc Network?
I perform some basic simulation on ns2 but now I want to execute certain basic protocols in NS-3. like LEACH , AVOD .etc.
Suggest me any simple code or way to do experiment of simple wireless network protocol.
I'm trying to view packet details in wireshark as AFATDS sends messages to VBS3.
A new concept about the way to connect to VPNs, without pre-defined VPN tunnel or servers, no topology and data transfer through the cloud?
Heterogeneity of devices, techniques or protocols makes networks difficult to manage, thus increasing its complexity.
One of the key design principles of RPL protocol is minimizing the routing
control overhead and signaling data as a mechanism to reduce energy consumption and even enhance the reliability of the protocol. To this end, RPL has adopted Trickle algorithm to govern to govern control messages for network creation and maintenance in LLNs
are there any other routing protocols that use timer as trickle?
integration of cloud computing for Smart city
i work on deployment of AUVs to achieve coverage in UWSN
i need each AUV get position information of its neighbor to make decide for next move. I do not need routing protocol, just normally one node
broadcast packet and neigboring nodes receive that packet.
i didn't know how the node can send message that contains its position information to all of its neighbor?
I am planning to apply some identification method in the IOT using the existing network protocol IPv6. I am looking for a simulator that supports IPv6 programming, a database linking and representing the IOT network.
Hi all,
802.11g provides the different data rate of 1,2,6,9,12,18,24,36,48 and 54 Mbps. Each of the different data rate has a different data modulation scheme in physical layer.
My question is that, is there any way to figure our the possible size of the transmitted data packets after modulation. For example, if I generate a UDP packet of size 1250 bytes and try to transfer it at these different data rates, what should be the approximately possible packet size after modulation or while transmitting.
If there is any reference is provided then that also would be much helpful.
Thanks in advance.
i want to find the maximum limit of DSR routing protocol single node energy
This question related to SDN and it is based on the fact the I wanna control the flux of my network using a Ryu controller, but to do so I have to know what are the nodes in the network. I know something about link layer discovery protocol, but it is not clear. I really appreciate your help.Thanks
I have 2 IEEE 802.11e network scenarios and i need to know the difference between them. One is a network where we assume stations transmit only one traffic type, say 4 stations and one transmits video, another transmits voice, another data, like that and the second scenario is where each station transmits all 3 or 4 traffic types. Question is:
1. How is throughput analysed/affected in 2nd scenario considering each STA has multiple EDCAF.
2. How do i analyse transmission probability on the channel?
Qualnet is an advance version of well known GloSim simulator used for simulating many wireless network protocols. I googled and searched extensively for a free version but couldn't find one. Can anyone provide me with a link from where I can download it.
I am working on Network Processors. I need the IPs of the processing elements or microengines. I am unable to get them. How should I go about.
Let us suppose there are 2 nodes A & B. A has 10 packets, how these packets will transmit from A to B using any logic without using any network/packet simulator.
Please can any one help me to start this combination.
Hello does anyone know how to check a wireless body area network protocol through simulation, any software for that?
I have used Wireshark to capture packet transfer during a video conference over an Ethernet network, I expected to see some RTP or RTSP protocol. However, none was apparent on my captured data.
I want to know if DHCP Snooping can be enabled on all types of switches or some specific hardware configuration is required..
How to determine the weight of a link in wireless mesh network and the criteria behind ??
In my research I focused the multilateral data exchange to the clinical framework, but I'm sure there are many other areas that can benefit from this collaboration and multilateral agreements. May you propose any other? Could this be applied in your field?
I need a tutorial to make changes in NS2 source code for supporting multichannel communication.
I have noticed that many good journal/conference papers (including some research books) have some non-smooth curve plotting, such as for packet delivery ratio (PDR), End-to-End (E2E) communication delays and packets reachability (RE).
In many cases, some sudden jerks in achieved values are noticed. The overall curve would show a meaningful result, such as fall of PDR with increase in network density, but it would also have few values in between going out of the fall trend. E.g. PDR for nodes = 400 would be higher for PDR for nodes = 350.
On the other hand, I have also noticed that many papers have reasonably smooth curves for the above mentioned metrics. What are factors that play a role in these non-smooth outputs? I personally could think of the randomness introduced in each simulation runs as being the major factor.
I want to simulate a network whose clusters will work on different frequencies.
Can someone explain the advantages of using FBMC (Filter Bank Multicarrier) over OFDMA?
In distributed computing, are master/slave model any different from master/worker models, or they are the same?
We have an ad-hoc network that packets follow with certain protocol by mobile nodes. Here the nodes are vehicles and network is VANET. Any vehicle has a unique id such as a MAC address in computer networks. Any packet has a unique sender which is determined by the sender id or perhaps for protection pseudo id. I want to know is it possible for anyone to be able to change the packet id easily and without additional hardware installed on the vehicle and sent it again?
I work in ns-2.34 so wireless sensor network protocols is not install directly when I install ns2. I need file installation of wireless sensor network. Where i can get it from?