Science topic

Necrotic DNA Degradation - Science topic

The random catabolism of DNA accompaning the irreversible damage to tissue which leads to the pathological death of one or more cells.
Questions related to Necrotic DNA Degradation
  • asked a question related to Necrotic DNA Degradation
4 answers
I know that HMGB1 is a chemical species released in the medium by the necrotic cells. Are there other chemical species(TNFa, TGFb, IL-1, Fas-L)? 
Relevant answer
Yes, sort of.
I think you are combining damage release triggers (DAMP ligands) and cytokine/chemokines (DAMP signalling) produced by pathways.  HMGB1, S100, heat shock proteins, advanced glycation end products (AGE), and even uric acid are triggers for DAMP receptors. Many of the DAMP receptors are shared with PAMP signalling. Binding to the receptors causes release of the cytokines/chemokines of the immune system,(e.g. TNFa, TGFb, etc.)
Here is a pretty good paper on it that covers much more than I mentioned. The area is still being worked out. DAMP signalling is not completely understood, but a lot of progress is happening.
When TLR4 gets overstimulated by injury (large radiation burn for instance) it will do the same thing as it does in sepsis.
  • asked a question related to Necrotic DNA Degradation
1 answer
We are studying DNA degradation in drosophila after killing the flies in different conditions.
When you kill an insect, the process that they undergo is necrosis, right? For sure not
How can we prove it? Do you know any research similar to this one?
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dear you said :We are studying DNA degradation in drosophila after killing the flies in different conditions.but do not mention the conditions/ways of killing them
When you kill an insect, the process that they undergo is necrosis, right? For sure not
apoptosis.under a wider definition of apoptosis just after nectrotic trauma apoptosis could be initiated till death unless there is an instant death?
I think after death Instantly immersing into to liquid nitrogen may persevere lot of things, still depend upon your set of circumstances (whether you killing them by a poison, slow death through heat/low temperature , decapitation etc)