Science topics: Natural Science
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Natural Science - Science topic
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Questions related to Natural Science
Compared to other scientific laws, the second law of thermodynamics lacks effective "quantitative" experimental support.
- Energy dissipation, directional, without effective “quantitative experimental output”, cannot effectively support the second law of thermodynamics. See image for details
- The second law of thermodynamics is just an empirical illusion, not a natural science.
- Science follows rules and procedures
Dear colleagues,
I would like to raise this important scientific topic for discussion, which is related to the role of scientific committees in conferences. By raising these questions, I will ask: Is the role of the committee limited to accepting the topic and reviewing the abstract? When sending the final papers, it is limited to the formal review of the research or paper submitted in terms of font type, spacing, etc., and does not review the extent to which the paper adheres to ethics, scientific integrity, and methodology.
After the conference ends and the papers are published in a book that will be considered a review of the conference topic, isn't the committee supposed to review the methodological aspects of the paper and ensure that it
meets the methodological, formal, and ethical standards, especially if the paper submitter is specialized in natural sciences and the conference topic is in social sciences?
Because in the event that the paper submitters do not adhere to ethical standards and scientific integrity and out of a desire to defame and offend someone, and by relying on the issue that the scientific committee of the conference will not scrutinize the methodological aspects and the extent to which the paper adheres to ethical standards and scientific integrity.
I will present to you my personal experience with a paper that is considered a model for exploiting conferences to publish papers that are far from ethical standards and scientific integrity.
Which made these questions come to my mind, which is if the paper submitter to the conference does not adhere to ethical standards and scientific integrity, then who is responsible here? Is it the paper submitter or the scientific committee that published the paper despite its violation of ethical standards and scientific integrity.
Actually, I want your scientific and academic opinion on this issue.
To clarify aspects of the subject, you can see:
1-The paper in which I was defamed and published in a book
2-The response to some of what was mentioned in the paper
3-Conference book in which the paper was published on pages 565-571
电力与能源系统工程是国民经济发展中不可或缺的重要组成部分,也是推动社会与经济发展的关键,它正不断涌现出更多更新的研究热点。由武汉纺织大学主办的2024第四届电力与能源系统前沿国际学术会议(EPES 2024)将于2024年12月14-15日在中国武汉隆重举行。传承前三届的会议精神,EPES 2024旨在为全球的学者、研究人员和专业人士搭建一个交流思想、分享电力与能源系统领域最新研究成果的平台。EPES 2024以关注前沿进展为特点,将呈现主题演讲、专题讨论和互动交流,促进该关键领域的合作与创新。
收录检索:EI Compendex/Scopus/Inspec/CNKI
- Prof. Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, China University of Petroleum (East China), China
- Prof. Shunli Wang, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, IET Fellow, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, China
- Prof. Guohua Zhou, IET Fellow and IEEE Senior Member, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
- Assoc. Prof. Tao Wang, Xihua University, China
- Prof. Fujun Ma, IEEE Senior Member, Hunan University, China
- Assoc. Prof. Ahmad Fakharian, IEEE Senior Member, Islamic Azad University, Iran
- EI会议论文: 所有录用的论文将被EI目录系列Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (Online ISSN: 1742-6596) 出版,见刊后由期刊出版社提交至EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec和DOAJ检索。往届均已稳定EI检索,可放心投稿!
- SCI期刊: 额外征集优秀论文,按 SCI 期刊论文要求审稿并推荐至SCI期刊出版。 SCI 论文请用 word (.doc) 格式投稿,排版暂无严格要求,通过审核后,将给出论文模板。投稿请联系会议秘书。
1. 大会官方语言为英语,必须为全英文稿件,且应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过;
2. 文章篇幅一般在6-15页之间,不少于6页,含公式图表等,超过7页将收取超页费;
3. 作者可通过Turnitin或其他查询系统自费查重,重复率不得超过20%,由文章重复率引起的被拒稿将由作者自行承担责任;
In the history of natural science, the ruling class had the power, but the underdog (the ruled) had the truth. This contradiction pushed science forward. Pre-quantum natural science and even now, had/have no clear ideas about the ontological question of how the universe came to be. Mythology, Theology and Speculations depended on a "First Cause" of creation by God in the finite past. In other words, Metaphysics depending on causality, substituted for science; but this Metaphysics could not even imagine in its wildest dream, the quantum nature of objective reality, before it was discovered – a revolutionary development in natural science like never before! Only G.W.F Hegel through his dialectical philosophy of space-time-matter-motion in a very obscure and highly speculative way anticipated the quantum phenomena of objective reality. Now that the quantum reality is being established through practice from the microcosm to the macrocosm of the Infinite, Eternal and Ever-changing universe; can Metaphysics and the old established order survive much longer?
" The Infinite - As a Hegelian Philosophical Category and Its Implication for Modern Theoretical Natural Science":
The Philosophy of Space-Time: Whence Cometh Matter and Motion? JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, 12(2), 4270–4277.
"Ambartsumian, Arp and the Breeding Galaxies" :
Does anyone know of a module for the JAMOVI software that is capable of generating mean separations using the classic letters based on post hoc results (e.g., Tukey test)?
If, as I believe, such a module does not exist, it would also be useful to develop one since, at least in the natural sciences (Biology, Agricultural, Ecology...), these are widely used.
Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to develop it, but if someone is interested, I would be willing to help :-)
I know one person who is not scientist, write things here in economy makes painting of graphs with hand etc. not academic person and not valuable things producing.
Problem is that he has over 12 000 cytation and over 50 h index, so one explanation is that he works in economy field, to reach in natural science cytation and h index is moest difficult, what you think about this? does it mean that has h index and cytation value only in same field? or is problem of researchgate and here indicated values should not have sens?
Hello! I am pursuing Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from Sambalpur University, India. My thesis topic broadly focuses on physico-chemical analysis of water and soil samples. I eagerly want to incorporate a modeling approach into pre-existing databases for water sample and soil sample parameters. Which type of machine-learning languages will be helpful for me?
Need assistance 5 topics for my research project. But prefer them to be more related to Mathematics and Natural sciences and Health Education for senior primary learners!
\documentclass[legalpaper, 12pt, addpoints]{exam}
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\textbf{COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE\\ DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS\\Mathematics for Natural Sciences(Math1011) \\Final Exam for First Year Regular Students.~~~~Total mark:~~~~40\%~~~~~ \today}
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\parbox{6in}{{\textbf{General Instructions:}\\ The exam consisting of 22 questions having 4 True/ false ,4 short answer,8 multiple choice,and 6 workout items within 4 pages.
\item Before you are starting to do please fill all the above informaton correctly.
\item Write your answer on the ansewrsheet only,and don't mark on the question paper.
\item Students should not to bring any electronic materials(mobiles,laptops.\dots) to exam hall.
\item Cheating in the examination in any form is a serious offense.
\end{itemize} }}}
\parbox{6in}{\textsc{\textbf{Part I.} Write True if the statement is correct or write False if the statement is incorrect on the answersheet space provided(1 pts each) .}}
\question Composition functions are always commutative, meaning \( f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) .\)
%\question The hyperbolic function $\cosh(x) $ is always positive for all real number $x$.
\question The graph of $y=sin(x)$ is an increasing function on $[\frac{3\pi}{4},\frac{5\pi}{4}]$
\question Every one to one functions has an inverse.
\question The simplified form of $\log_{5}^{(\log_{3}243)} =1$
\\\parbox{6in}{\textsc{\textbf{Part II.} Fill in the following blank spaces with approprate the most simplified answer for each questions (1pts for each).}}
\question If \( f(x) = x^2 \) and \( g(x) = \sqrt{x} \), then \( (f \circ g)(4) \)=.
\question The domain of the function $f(x)=\sqrt{4-x^2}$ is=\dots\dots
%\question If $g(x)=2x+1$ and \( (f \circ g)(x) \)=$12x^2-2x-9$,then the function $f(x)$=
\question The value of $tanh(\ln3)$=\dots\dots
\question Suppose $f(x)=9-3^x$ ,then $f^{-1}(x)$=\dots\dots
\\\parbox{6in}{\textsc{\textbf{Part III.} Read the following questions carefully,then choose the correct answer from the suggested options and write only the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided(1.5pts each).}}
\question Consider $f(x)=\log_{5}^{(x+4)}$, ~then which of the following is~\underline{Not true} about the graph of $f(x)$?
\CorrectChoice The y-axis is a vertical asymptote of the graph of $f(x) $
\choice The function increases as the value of x increases.
\choice the domain of $f(x)$ is the set of all real numbers greater than $-4$
\choice The x-intercept of the graph of $f(x)$ is $-3$
\question Which one of the following is \underline{true} about $f(x)=x^3+4x^2+5x+2$.
\choice $x-2$ is a factor of $f(x)$
\CorrectChoice $x+2$ is afactor of $f(x)$
\choice $x-1$ is afactor of $f(x)$
\choice $3x+1$ is afactor of $f(x)$
\question What does it mean for a function to be one-to-one?
\choice Each output value corresponds to exactly one input value
\choice There is no restriction on the number of input-output pairs
\choice The function is not defined for certain values
\CorrectChoice Each input value corresponds to exactly one output value
\question Which of the following expression is true about relation $R$?
\choice Domain$((R^{-1})^{-1})$= Domain$(R^{-1})$
\CorrectChoice Domain$(R)$= Range$(R^{-1})$
\choice Range$(R)$= Range$(R^{-1})$
\choice Domain$(R)$= Domain$(R^{-1})$
\question Which one of the follwing is correct about $f(x)=-3+\log_{2}(x-1)$?
\CorrectChoice x-intercept at $(1,0)$
\choice x=1 is a vertical asymptote
\choice the graph is logarthimc decay
\choice domain is the set of real number
\question Suppose $f=\{(1,2),(3,5),(6,7)\}$ and $g=\{(a,1),(b,3),(c,6),(d,8)\}$, then $f\circ g$=
\choice $\{(1,2),(3,5),(6,7),(d,8)\}$
\choice $\{(a,2),(b,5),(c,7)\} $
\choice $\{(a,1),(b,7),(c,3)\}$
\CorrectChoice $\{(2,a),(5,b),(7,c),(8,d)\}$
\question The solution set of $\log_{2}^{(x+2)}-\log_{2}^{(x-1)}=2$ is$\dots$
\choice $\frac{2}{35}$
\choice $\frac{35}{2}$
\choice $-2$
\CorrectChoice $2$
\question Let $tan\theta=\frac{3}{4}$ and $sin\theta<0$,then the value of $cos\theta$ is\dots
\CorrectChoice $\frac{4}{5}$
\choice $\frac{3}{5}$
\choice $\frac{-4}{5}$
\choice $\frac{-3}{5}$
\parbox{6in}{\textsc{\textbf{Part II.} read the following questions correctly,then show all necessary steps neatly and correctly on the answer sheet provided (20pts ).}}
\question Show that $2cosh^2(x)-cosh(2x)=1$~~~$\dots\dots\dots(2pts ) $
\question Let $h(x)=4^x$,then show that $h(x+2)=16h(x)$.~~$\dots(2pts ) $
\question Find all solutions when extracting the $3rd$ root of the complex number $z = 4i$.~~$\dots\dots\dots(4pts ) $
\question Find the point $p(x_0,y_0)$ that divides the line segment $AB$ joining points $A(2,3)$ and $B(7,-2)$ in the ratio $2:3$.~~$\dots\dots\dots(4pts ) $\\
a. ~Does the point $p(x_0,y_0)$ lie on the line $L:x-5y+15=0$? ~~ \\b.~Find the distance between $p(x_0,y_0)$ and $L:x-5y+15=0$ ~~
\question Let $g:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ defined by $g(x)=\sqrt[3]{x+1}$, then show that $g(x)$ is a one to one correspondence. ~~$\dots(4pts ) $
\question If $f(x)=\frac{3x+4}{x^2-9}$,~then find ~~$\dots\dots\dots(4pts ) $
\item[a] the domian of $f(x)$
\item [b] the x-intercept and y-intercept of $f(x)$
\item [c]all asymptotes of $f(x)$
\item[d] Sketch the graph of $f(x)$.
\section*{Bonus(3\%):Sketch the graph of $f(x)=2-2^{-x}$,then discuss the domain,range,intercepts,and asymptetes clearly and correctlly.}
I have written a book on the philosophy of science. The book is highly innovative, hence the publishers of high reputation are not accepting it. I have two options: The B P International and Natural Science (NS). Which of them is better?
Dear colleagues,
as part of a systematic literature search on the subject of comics in science
lessons, we are looking for articles that have not yet been published.
We would be pleased to receive any contribution that meets the following criteria
and thank you in advance for your support.
We are looking for the following sources:
- (un)published/printed/accepted journal articles
- between January 2013 and December 2023
- full text
- quantitative and/or qualitative data
- Science education (e.g. biology, natural sciences)
Does your article meet the criteria for our systematic literature review? Are you
interested in having your contribution included in our SLR?
Please send your contribution to the following e-mail: tom.jungbluth@ph-
Kind regards
Tom Jungbluth & Martin Schwichow
University of Education Freiburg, Deutschland
Jiangxi Province ChengZhu Environmental Engineering Company Ltd was incorporated in April 2015 in Ganzhou China, with Registration NO.91360700343188092B. The currently registered business scope in business license includes: Environmental Protection Consulting Services, Reseach & Development in Engineering and Technology, Engineering Management Services, Reseach & Development in Natural Sciences, and Enterprise Management Consulting. Our company have been conducting Research & Development in natural sciences, sponsoring four international journals in cooperation with Hong Kong Publishing Company, including: <Journal of Environment and Health Science (ISSN 2413-1628)>;<Journal of Biological Sciences(ISSN2958-4035)>;<Journal of Astronomy and Earth Sciences(ISSN2958-4043)>;<Journal of Quantum Physics and Materials Chemistry(ISSN2958-4027)>. Our company's science website (Hong Kong Domain) receives a monthly average of more than 20000 visitors with different IP addresses which globally cover more than 70 countries and regions mainly from USA, Europe and Asia (Please go to the ‘statistics and academic merits’ web-page for more details), aiming to become a research institute with international reputation in natural sciences. Our company has become a registered membership in Crossref database in USA, and each of the article or book is registered with unique DOI prefix, which can be retrieved in official database and allowed to participate in the academic statistics in citation index. Our company's science website platform based on Block Chain Technology has obtained the National Software Copyright Registration, with registered software name: Chengzhu Environmental Protection Science Popularization Platform V1.0 (Registration NO: 2023SR0297541). Website:
I already published an experimental research paper entitled "Neuroanthropology: Olfactory Recognition of the Self / Non-self by the Ancestral MHC: An EEG Study" in 2012 (doi:10.5539/ijb.v4n4p1). But in the meantime, the genetic sciences have produced a new terminology, which more correct describes the investigated subject-matter.
Because of the term "ethnicity" is a social term and comes from the social sciences and not is not from natural sciences. The genetic differences, i.e. the origin of people, are now referred to as biogeographical ancestry and not as Ethnie. Therefore, it is important to change the appellation in my article.
Therefore, I want to know whether it is possible to revise new current scientific appellations in order to republish my article, even if the content of the experimental research remains the same?
Can someone give an advice how to do it? Besten Dank für Ihre Antwort.
For those who wish to learn!!!! After the first successful Symposium Square Bamboos and the Geometree, we now announce the Second Symposium on 4 and 5 December 2023. It is fully online. The contributions span a wide range of subjects, but the common themes are: 1) Cutting edge research on Form and Shape in Geometry and in the Natural Sciences, and 2) Transcending Boundaries
This year we have another exciting program with lots of geometry, with close connection to biology and physics.
Hi Academics,
Kindly could you clarify the meaning of the term " Researcher"?
The fundamental theorem of calculus is the backbone of natural sciences, thus, given the occasional thin line between the natural and social, how common is the fundamental theorem of calculus in social sciences?
Examples I found:
Ohnemus , Alexander . "Proving the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus through Critical Race Theory." . 1 July 2023. Accessed 9 Aug. 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "Correlations in Game Theory, Category Theory, Linking Calculus with Statistics and Forms (Alexander Ohnemus' Contributions to Mathematics Book 9)." 12 Dec. 2022. Accessed 11 July 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "Linguistic mapping of critical race theory(the evolution of languages and oppression. How Germanic languages came to dominate the world) (Alexander Ohnemus' Contributions to Mathematics Book 20)." 3 Jan. 2023. Accessed 5 July 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus proved by Wagner's Law (Alexander Ohnemus' Contributions to Mathematics Book 8)." 11 Dec. 2022. Accessed 25 June 2023.
Dear Scholars,
Which is the most important for human survival in the present era?
Your valuable comments will be highly appreciated.
The materials science dissertation did not conduct experimental studies. What is the name and how to search on the Internet for this type of dissertation, in which, for example, they simply applied some method or developed some approach, but did not directly experiment, for example, to change the structure, did not create any materials, substances and etc. among the sciences where it is usually required to do this (materials science, chemistry)? Give examples of such dissertations. Thank you!
Urgent reform is needed for all higher education in the world for the interest of the students ! Of course fine-art majors' students may need sometimes even face to face, one to one study with their academicians !
The Universe - Matter, Motion and Music:
The Philosophy of Space-Time: Whence Cometh "Matter" and "Motion"?
"The Infinite - As a Hegelian Philosophical Category and Its Implication for Modern Theoretical Natural Science"
"Ambartsumian, Arp and the Breeding Galaxies":
“… however many millions of suns and earths may arise and pass away, however long it may last before the conditions for organic life develop, however innumerable the organic beings that have to arise and pass away before animals with a brain capable of thought are developed from their midst, and for a short span of time find conditions suitable for life, only to be exterminated later without mercy, we have the certainty that matter remains eternally the same in all its transformations, that none of its attributes can ever be lost, and therefore also, that with the same iron necessity that it will exterminate on the earth its highest creation, the thinking mind, it must somewhere else and at another time again produce it.” F. Engels, “Dialectics of Nature”.
How scientific method in social sciences is different from natural sciences
Almost all scientific students in secondary schools want to learn, understand, experiment natural sciences & mathematics, rather than forced to memorise so many details of unprovable social studies !
"What is indoctrination relation in education philosophy?
The term 'indoctrination' typically means 'to instruct or to teach'. It can be understood as teaching or inculcating a particular set of beliefs, ideas or attitude on an individual or a group, without allowing any possibility of question or challenge against it."
Our answer is YES. This continues an homonimous older project at RG, and adds quantum computing.
The project's conclusion was that consciousness is not defined by any single organ in the human or animal brain, but is ubiquitous. It can be measured by trust, as that which is essential to a channel but cannot be communicated through that channel [1].
This definition is seen in cybersecurity, in two-factor authentication. It is also seen in fish and invertebrates, who can learn to do simple additions and subtractions.
Mathematics seems to offer in numbers, a way for quantum consciousness, available to quantum processing. Not because the brain would have a special organ for consciousness or even quantum consciousness.
But that the properties of numbers, that humans, lower animals, insects, and plants, can use -- include +4 quantum properties.
Thus, we suggest that all nature can do quantum computing. Atoms and molecules included. By the +4 quantum properties of numbers. In particular, it is important for neuroscience, in consciousness and quantum consciousness.
How to optimize this? Importantly, one needs to avoid binary thinking. The role of uncertainty seems necessary to arrive at a firmer conclusion through a very large number of states. This is presented in [2].
This affirms the question, and YES answer.
What is your qualified opinion?
Chapter Trust Points
Anthropology seeks to “think about and understand the unity of man through the diversity of cultures”. It is at the crossroads between the various human and natural sciences, which studies the human being and human groups in all their aspects, both physical (anatomical, biological, morphological, physiological, evolutionary, etc.) and cultural. (social, religious, linguistic, psychological, geographical, etc.). So let's think about the steps of good anthropological research
Greeting from Indonesia!
Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science (abbreviated as J. Multidiscip. Appl. Nat. Sci.) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal for multidisciplinary research activity on natural sciences and their application to daily life. This journal aims to provide a means for sustained discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scopes of the journal which can be examined empirically in the following fields: 1) biological and environmental sciences 2) chemical and material sciences 3) physical science and 4) mathematical science.
We are looking for Editor in Chief Section Physical Science. The main role for this position is give the decision in initial review for all submitted manuscript in physical science. At this time, we only can give the benefit for editor in chief 50% reduction Article Processing Charge (APC) in all issues.
Please feel free to contact me if you interest with this position.
Journal website:
Best regards,
Hanif Amrulloh
Managing Editor
Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science
Along with gender and race, I am using summated scores from the Climate Change Anxiety Scale and the ASES (academic self-efficacy inventory) all as predictor variables. My dependent variable is YES/NO to choosing a Natural Science major.
The age old question about theory - the I have put forward a proposition below (which I dont neccessarily agree with) - hope it generates a lively discussion and I am interested to hear from you on this facinating topic ;)
Dr Anna Kawalek
When we talk about theory in academia, any scholarly body has two main (interconnected) theoretical strands. To understand the core academic positions of any legal (or non-legal) school is to consider both aspects. The first is methodology (comprising primarily of ontological and epistemological assumptions about the law, latterly engaging relevant methods of discovering the law). This is general research philosophy applied more precisely to the subject of law (we might discuss the same paradigms in different fields, for instance, maths, physics, or sociology). This branch considers the mechanics behind making knowledge claims pertaining to whatlaw is (ontology), how we can know law (epistemology), and how these theoretical understandings create channels into relevant methods to construct knowledge. For further information, Stobbs provides an accessible overview of the academic terminology ontology, epistemology, methodology, and methods.[1]His articulation is particularly useful because it demonstrates the link between these key pillars of knowledge acquisition (ontology, epistemology, methods), each layer creating a building block for the next, and together creating rigorous methodology.[2]
The second strand concerns substantive, prescriptive, or content-drive claims about the law or what the law ought to do.[3] The focus is subject matter, content, and causal links that discusses the law, practice, and the courts. Generating substantive knowledge claims rest on a (implicitly or explicitly acknowledged) series of complementary methodological assumptions from the first strand. This makes both strands interconnected. For example, commitment to a subjectivist ontology and sociological epistemology would project a substantive theory of psycho-social variety; it is unlikely (and potentially impossible) for this type of methodology to generate a substantive claim of a natural science genre. In the alternative, an objectivist ontology and empiricist epistemology may generate substantive theory of biomedical variety. This means that every juncture of a methodological process opens up a prism of potential substantive claims, whilst closing off others. Usually, when comparing any two schools, the bigger the adjustment to methodological assumptions (what reality is and how we know it), the greater the difference in substantive claim (seeking to explain and discuss these realities). Taken together, if a methodological underpinning offers a (limited) spectrum of substantive claims, this means that literature ascribing to a similar series of methodological assumptions are likely to provoke similar genres of substantive theory. Alternatively, literature ascribing to different methodologies but examining the same phenomenon will project opposing substantive theories about that given phenomenon because they make very different theoretical commitments about the world.
In law, this point is exemplified by legal realism and formalism, two schools that are typically understood as scholarly opponents. Their ontological and epistemological beliefs mean that the realists and the formalists each respectively construct knowledge of the law and legal processes in a very different way to one-another, mobilising a very different sets of methodological benchmarks. However, at the same time, they examine similar substantive content – namely, the courts, advocacy, and juristic methods,[4] and how political standards influence adjudication.[5] The formalist position takes a normatively-infused political angle; it considers judicial decisions and how judges do and ought to decide cases, seeking to persuade practitioners to justify preferences to objective standards.[6] However, the realists reject ought questions and look at social facts and effects as they manifest in reality.[7] At risk of venturing too far into the terrains of their respective substantive claims, the key point is that they examine similar phenomena using very different methodologies. As a result, despite examining the same “thing”, they derive substantive conclusions on opposite ends of the spectrum. This serves to highlight the significance of methodological assumptions for generating substantive claims.
Are there in fact two stands when we generate theory? Discuss.
[1] Nigel Stobbs, ‘therapeutic jurisprudence as theoretical and applied research’ (chapter 3) in Stobbs, et al. [n 14] [48].
[2] Ibid.
[3] Edward L. Rubin, The Concept of Law and the New Public Law Scholarship, 89 Mich. L. Rev. 792 (1991) Available at:
[4] Karl N Llewellyn, ‘The Normative, the Legal, and the Law-Jobs: The Problem of Juristic Method.’ The Yale Law Journal, vol. 49, no. 8, 1940, pp. 1355–400. JSTOR, Accessed 29 Jun. 2022.
[5] Jeremy Telman, ‘International legal positivism and legal realism’, in Jörg Kammerhofer & Jean D'Aspremont (Eds.) International Legal Positivism in a Post-Modern World (pp. 241-263) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014). doi:10.1017/CBO9781139094245.012
[6] Ibid; Michael Freeman, and Dennis Lloyd of Hampstead. 2001. Lloyd's introduction to jurisprudence (chapter 9). (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2001).
[7] Oliver Jütersonke, ‘Realist Approaches to International Law’ in Anne Orford and Florian Hoffmann The Oxford Handbook of the Theory of International Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016) DOI: 10.1093/law/9780198701958.003.0017
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
Can anyone suggest a mathematical book that helps me to build my own mathematical equations and functions? I want to convert real-life problems(natural sciences) into mathematical formulations.
Note that I have basic knowledge of mathematics.
Thanks in advance,
I would like to know more about your research with the aim of studying the possibility of sharing information, papers, and perhaps in the future, to develop research together.
Deleted research item The research item mentioned here has been deleted
It is rather abstract thinking, but just as the moment we define truth and as a result it reverses, I think we can treat problem solving this way.
We introduce the concept of Proton-Seconds and see it lends itself to a method of solving problems across a large range of disciplines in the Natural Sciences. The underpinnings seem to be in 6-fold symmetry. This lends itself to a Universal Form. We find this presents the Periodic Table of the Elements as a squaring of the circle.
I have personally experience that its relatively tough to publish in a good journal in social science, for example let us suppose in the field of finance, marketing and so on. In comparison i have seen that in natural sciences the publication chances and frequency are higher. What are the possible reasons for this?
Greetings and good day
I would like to know,
Is PCA enough for data analysis?
Which is better for natural science data analysis?
Thank you
We recently conducted a study on inattentional blindness among social and natural sciences students and found sustained sex differences in Inattentional blindness (IB). In the second study where we wanted to use Stereotype threat manipulation models in the experimental part of the study, we did not find any gender differences. Can this be because of differential professional socialization of medical students?
What is the ideal allocation of a citation to each of the authors of a paper or monograph that is cited? Two guiding principles are offered: First, the order in which authors are listed reflects their respective contributions. The first author contributes more than the second who contributes more than the third etc. Second, the sum of credit for a single citation among each of the authors should add up to one. If each author gets full credit for the citation, this could provide incentive for some researchers to add their names to each others' research and thereby raise their respective citation counts. My proposal is that the share of a citation each author receives is twice that of the next author and the sum of credit shares of all authors totals to 1. So if number of authors (n) = 1, 1st (and only) author gets full credit. If n = 2, 1st author gets .67 credit and 2nd author gets .33 credit. Finally if n = 3, 1st author receives .57 credit, 2nd gets .29 credit and third receives .14 credit.
It may be that this proposal works well for some disciplines but not in authors. For example, there could a difference between fields in the humanities where the number of authors on a typical research work is smaller than in engineering and the natural sciences where results from laboratory research are often the fruit of half a dozen or more scientists.
1) What are the differences between Order and Anarchy?
2) Any examples of Anarchy in Universe, Nature and known knowledge?
3) Anarchy also follow some rules?
4) Is Anarchy a part of Order?
5) Is anarchy a change maker?
6) Anarchy in real is an Anarchy?
7) Any other parameters and observations about anarchy?
The special Issue "Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers and the Golden Ratio in Physics and Biology"
is intended to be a repository for this question.
Apart from this opportunity to publish new results, I am much interested to have unsuspected answers about this subject.
If someone conducts a PhD research in natural science such as Physics, Chemistry etc, but meanwhile grows interest on social-science related research such as in anthropology, sociology etc and can provide evidences of relevant self-learnt skills, is he/she likely to get a post-doc position in social science? Can anybody share his/her personal experiences on anything similar?
I need to get a satellite image from a site in the northern part of Iran for remote sensing research usage. I wonder where I can find such data?
A friend suggested these websites, but they didn't cover 1-meter hyperspectral imagery from the expected region: "Open Aerial Map, Google Earth Pro, Airbus."
The final goal is to collect data for ecological services calculation (O2 release Co2, No2, So2 absorbance) of vegetation of the specified region. If you know a better way to doing so, also very helpful.
I am a young researcher studying the depolymerization of plastics. I still do not have great insights about how to identify great research.
I often read highly cited research in elite journals such as Nature or Science. There, I see that many chemical reactions are also reported with very few number of replications (a lot of times, just one!). How is it that this research becomes high impact of it is not sufficiently reproduced for a large number of samples?
Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science (abbreviated as J. Multidiscip. Appl. Nat. Sci.) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal for multidisciplinary research activity on natural sciences and their application on daily life. This journal aims to make significant contributions to applied research and knowledge across the globe through the publication of original, high-quality research articles in the following fields: 1) biology and environmental science 2) chemistry and material sciences 3) physical sciences and 4) mathematical sciences.
We invite the researcher related on our scope to join as section editor based on their interest or as regional handling editor in their region. The role of editor is help us to maintain and improve the Journal’s standards and quality by:
- Support the Journal through the submission of your own manuscripts where appropriate;
- Encourage colleagues and peers to submit high quality manuscripts to the Journal;
- Support in promoting the Journal;
- Attend virtual Editorial Board meetings when possible;
- Be an ambassador for the journal: build, nurture, and grow a community around it;
- Increase awareness of the articles published in the journal in all relevant communities and amongst colleagues;
- Regularly agreeing to review papers when invited by Associate Editors, and handle these promptly to ensure fast turnaround times
- Suggest referees for papers that you are unable to review yourself
Journal website:
I need to know what are international publishers in categories A, B, or C according to the classification of the Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE).
Do you know where you can see it?
For example, I have a chapter in a collective monograph. How can I find out if this monograph satisfies this requirement?
After some years of teaching Structural Geology, I have come to notice that most Geology students and scholars shy away from it. Is it because of its mathematical nature or what. Most geologists really don't fancy Mathematics as such.
Dear Colleagues/Friends,
I’m conducting and informal survey on multidisciplinary research. This stems from a keynote paper I delivered at the international conference on advanced multidisciplinary studies (ICAMR). If you have time, your input is extremely valuable and highly appreciated.
Conference Paper Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies: History, Problems, Solut...
The basic questions I pose:
1. Pros/Benefits/Advantages:
2. Cons/Detriments/Disadvantages:
3. Problems/Roadblocks:
4. Recommendations/Solutions:
5. Examples (should you have time):
Personally, I am a very strong advocate of team-based applied multidisciplinary research across hard (natural) sciences, soft (social) sciences, and humanities. I have been involved with a wide spectrum of international multidisciplinary projects for 30 years. I understand tradeoffs while insisting on fair stakeholder identification, engagement, inclusion, and benefits across the board. I firmly believe that’s the ultimate goal for most of us.
Despite lip service claiming to welcome and promote multidisciplinary research, I find many roadblocks remain unnecessarily common, counter-productive and sometimes insurmountable – especially between stove-piped disciplines and their administrations at multiple scales: for example, 1) among practitioners, 2) within institutions (private, public, government, academic, corporate, think tanks, universities, international organizations, NGOs, grass roots organizations, religious institutions, etc.), 3) among multiple institutions, and 4) among multiple countries and their institutions at the international scale. Some are expected and unavoidable. I get it. It’s part of the necessary aspects of the administrative process, etc. However, there must be solutions for many other common issues and ways that many processes can be streamlined. The intention of this survey is to fix problems and provide a qualitative and quantitative study on the benefits and problems with a summary of recommendations and solutions.
Thank you in advance for your considerations and cooperation.
Yours sincerely and best regards,
All metaphors are false. But, on restricting this discussion to natural sciences, we hope to use a particular metaphor to clarify important areas in physics and often in dispute by researchers -- also in other areas, including those not a natural science.
The metaphor is that, all one can do in natural sciences is to be a "customer service rep" for someone else's product -- nature.
For example, I did not invent it, and works for billions of years, without halting. I am just the front-end of nature's message, the customer service rep. One can always ask questions and consult the manual, the universe, in case of doubts.
Of course, natural scientists are much more. Some view that our task is to find in all the relative data from phenomena (which is all physics is limited to measure), the absolute, the universally valid, the invariant, that is hidden in them, as Max Planck said first.
But the metaphor above can be useful, especially in other areas, including those not a natural science.
Some "disgruntled customers" (DC), familiar to any well-intentioned customer service rep, remain disgruntled, even when explained that it is not a bug, such that the speed of light is constant to all inertial observers in vacuo, it is a feature of the universe. A feature, not a bug.
When a DC understands, the average DC does not say "thank you", it should be a selfless customer service, good for the soul.
There is also a tendency for a DC to all but hide in silence until all his false answers (in nature, which is the arbiter of falsehoods) are diluted. By RG, or hidden in life. Then, he likely goes back and says it is a new feature, the old bug, that he just invented, and is just "spreading around".
Or, a DC can also repeat a fallacious interpretation, say we never measured it otherwise but locally. Natural science can explain that the Earth moves, the Sun moves, across the galaxy, we launch transmitters beyond the Solar system, and we can see and measure electromagnetism, light, billions of years away, across many galaxies. Then, what is a DC to do?
The average DC understands, but there is always the probability that a DC will name another fallacious argument, ad infinitum if life would physically allow, to deny what could be simply explained, it is not a bug, the DC bug -- it is a supposed feature.
It is a good customer service of someone else's product, though, because there is, actually, no DC. The concept of a DC is a mirage, itself a bug.
Everyone counts, DC or not, in the school called life, and even non-cooperation clarifies, inspires selflessness, is cooperation. Everyone cooperates.
Cooperation is a collective effect, producing unexpected efects.
Even those who try their mortal hand and time in life to be contrarian, a DC, just like Humpty-Dumpty, using nursery rhymes as a scholarly principle, trying strategies to get points at RG, get into a cabal to dialogue and create hits in search.
All is a legitimate, defensible, good use of their limited time, in the school of life, even as if, so may seem to them, that there is no future to account for, to earn.
So, a good customer service should handle all cases, sometimes with silence -- The trust that all is fine, there is no disaster in the whole universe, no wars but progress, it is an open-ended universe in harmony with laws we ignore, but feel more and more in the few laws we already know, and find out.
Nature is in no danger by humans. Everything is already solved, we just have to find it.
To help, Nature has many good customer service reps, in what should be done as a selfless customer service, a good task for the soul. And anyone can always ask questions and consult the manual, the universe, in case of doubts.
Follow-up question: If you are an editor, would you outright reject a submission from a postgraduate student?
I am interested in the theories of the environment across disciplines in the human-social sicences and the natural sciences. Can you point me to any comprehensive treatment?
Thank you!
I have always been looking for a higher Impact Factor journals in Social Sciences but found a few with nominal IF. But when it comes to comparison with Natural Sciences journals, there is a big difference in the IF number. Are natural science fields way too superior to Social Sciences?
Topological acoustics are popping up in Nature and Science, is it really useful?
Traditional absorption, transmission and reflection applications are very useful, are they interesting enough? If not, how can we make them interesting again?
Would like to hear more opinions from everyone?
Since almost all sciences got out of philosophy in history and have roots mainly in antique Greek philosophy. It seems very logical to teach at least basic level of philosopy which led to natural sciences . My question is whether some introductory level philosophy can be taught as compulsory or optional in high schools or completely done in university level ?
I worked both, in science and as a developer. As the latter, I often worked in projects that are organised according to Scrum or similar agile management approaches. I really wonder why scientific projects are not organised according to Scrum in general. In many projects in e.g. natural sciences, engineering or related fields software developments are common, like code to analyse data and to visualise it. Usually, scientific developments work in small steps - in fact, perfect for a sprint logic.
Why are scientific projects not management as agile projects more often?
In light of the tremendous scientific development, some scientific uses deviated from its course in the service of humanity.
In your opinion, can human sciences correct this imbalance through escort and close monitoring her?
It could be a Science discipline like Natural Sciences or Maths
It could be a Artistic discipline like Arts and Craft, Social.
it could be a Health Science discipline like Physical Education
It could be a Humanities discipline...
I am searching the pGex or pET plazid of HDAC6, if he is possibly for somebody and would give for me, would be needed for my work.
I would like to test the interaction
between my labor's new protein and HDAC6. If somebody is willing to provide me with this plasmids please send to me at Dr. Tibor Szénási Institute of Enzymology,
Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1117, Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.
Fedex number: 317 080 212
Human behaviour is very complex in nature but it does not mean that it is unpredictable. We need to understand the nature, course and direction of human behaviour and explain its structure, organization, functions and dynamics in a proper scientific orientation.
-About 'homo floresiensis' (see Nature or Science).
Thanks for your answer. Marc
I received an email from Nova press, NY with a request to provide research or review chapter(s) for a book cooperation within the scope of my research interests. I would be interested, if you have i) experience with this kind of publication and ii) where are the benefits in terms of dissemination and/or citations etc.?
As books usually are not made open access, I do only see a benefit for the publisher as they earn money with this. The authors are not paid for their work and have no share on the revenue... so why should I cooperate? Prestige??
Many thanks for your input,
The quantum phenomenon as an aspect of objective reality was a more or less accidental discovery by the turn of the 20th century that no one (philosopher, scientist or thinker) could even anticipate in their wildest imagination. But within its short life span, the quantum phenomena have revolutionized modern natural science and technology. The major part of modern life is dependent on the various aspect of this phenomenon. As a scientific tool it provides the most accurate results ever achieved by man; about the smallest and the largest objects of Nature and Life.
But ironically, if we go by the following quotes from the people who were instrumental in developing and working with this phenomenon; it remains as unfathomable and enigmatic aspect of objective reality as ever before! Why this disconnect? Is it possible to do anything about it?
1. “If it is correct, it signifies the end of physics as a science”. Albert Einstein
2. "If someone says that he can think about quantum physics without becoming dizzy, that shows only that he has not understood anything whatever about it." Niels Bohr
3. “I do not like it, and I am sorry I ever had anything to do with it”. Erwin Schrödinger
4. “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics”. Richard Feynman
5. “If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it”. John Wheeler
6. “Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense”. Roger Penrose
I am a prof. at Istanbul University College of Education Department of Science Education. I had a PhD at University of Iowa and my study subject are nature of science, scientific injury, epistemology and argumentation.
I would like to part of this study. Because, last couple of years middle school students’ demographic information in Turkey dramatically changed because of migration from Syria. This demographic changes is seen in mostly in city of Istanbul and Gaziantep because of increase population of Syrians.
Result of this, number of students in classroom is increased, classroom management become difficult for teachers and application of scientific inquiry sometimes become harder to instruct for them. Because of this most teachers start to use traditional teaching methods.
I believe this situations have a negative effect of students’ views on scientific inquiry.
How political should a University be in recent times? Do you believe that the University is (or can be) a neutral space without politics or do you believe that the University, as an institution of society, maybe even has to be political?
I think this question becomes even more crucial, when we think about different sources of funding for scientific research or specific interest groups, lobbying etc. Or in terms of certain Majors like Gender/Queer Studies, Cutlural Studies, Philosophy but also in sciences like physics or even mathematics.
We also can find this question about the University, about politics and the roles the various faculties can (und shall) play in the work of e.g. Immanuel Kant (Conflict of the Faculties). So maybe this seems to be an 'old' question, but it is still a current issue, too, since it affects our work (and self-concept) as scientists in my opinion.
Article of my authorship from which the evanescent intention and complicated relevance in the frequent occurrence among the Natural Sciences of what we would call "their plans and projects for scientific action", which claim a questionable validity, that definitely they lead them to a forced foot, in the manner of an irresolvable aporia, often describing themselves as "disciplines neutral to social practice" and alien to "a historical time", to which they nevertheless unquestionably belong, and which in addition they give a sense, since the predominance in the thought of a "scientific truth" supported in our time, precisely by History.
Today, there is a huge body of scientific data that can probably solve all the problems of mankind. However, even a group of scientists can not physically analyze this Big Data. In addition, people are subjective in judgment and often do not notice the negative consequences of some innovation...
So scientists inevitably set local goals. Can the Artificial Intelligence setting "absolute" goals for the scientific community?
In the classical period, we find people writing poetry about scientific and philosophical problems and in the eighteenth century, there were many poems about landscape, natural science, e.g., Erasmus Darwin on the generation of plants, but in the nineteenth century, poetry ceased to be written about natural history or crafts or philosophy. What happened?
Is there any available questionnaire about first grade student's motivation?
Anthropologists generally study behaviors that persist in human groups. The invention of print media gave a new area for the preservation and transmission of cultural values.
Literature, specifically, the growth in the 19th C. of the gothic novel introduced a certain kind of female response to danger. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein began the practice of women writing in previously male-only areas of culture such as the natural sciences. Shelley introduces self-reflection regarding the ethos of the actor, Dr. Victor Frankenstein.
Since that time, it has not been uncommon for genre literature to teach as overt lesson or subtext how to behave in the world. Genre literature can operate beneath the radar of dominant cultural norms and strike a different path via various styles of social satire (e.g., H. G. Wells' Eloys and Morlocks in The Time Machine.)
What theory tracks how genre (SF, fantasy, horror) literature trains the young to become adults in their culture?
Or do some genre messages teach alternatives to growing up and an escape from the norms of the socially-constructed, gendered group?
Adolescents in the industrialized world and elsewhere have vast resources in print and electronic texts. They spend large amounts of time reading of playing themed games that use tropes developed in stories.
What are these messages for living and what theories study this role of genre literature?
I'm doing my PhD at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Belém - PA: Brazil. My thesis aims to investigate the practices of schooling of teachers in formation. My research question is: what do students and teachers say in teaching and learning situations in Natural Sciences? I have some doubts about this subject and need guidance from researchers who have already conducted studies with qualitative analysis and discursive psychology in the classroom.