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Natural Product Drug Discovery - Science topic
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Questions related to Natural Product Drug Discovery
Do you know of any plants or active substances which can be used for wound healing?
When walnuts is good for reducing LDL and total cholestrol levels in blood,I think we can boil folium layer in kernel of Walnuts in water and use it as a usefull Liquid.
I have tried olive oil as a vehicle but the extract is not also soluble. In fact the extract dissolves in ethanol but crystallizes out on addition of water
Most of the researchers working on protease inhibitory assay, they cited the Oyedepo etal, 1995, but I couldn't get the original paper. I followed their protocol, replicated 11 times, but unable to get the readings as absorbance was read very high. Even the Aspirin and Diclofenac sodium at the dose of 10-100 microgram/100 microlitre as well as 1-100 microgram/ml could not give the reading . I am wondering why I can not get the readings even on standard drug following their reported protocol. Does Trypsin (0.06 mg) have any specific concentration in their protocol ?
Oyedepo OO, Femurewa AJ (1995). Anti-protease and membrane
stabilizing activities of extracts of Fagra zanthoxiloides, Olax
subscorpioides and Tetrapleura tetraptera. Int. J. Pharmacog., 33: 65-69.
Please provide any info on the protocol of this paper and suggest another protocol for protease inhibitory assay if possible.
where i will get the data base /bank plants having chemopreventive, anticancer, antiproliferative or anti tumor activity. Apart from this is there any lead compound or chemical structure base data base regarding aforsaid activity from vegitation sources?
My thesis's subject is determination of flavonoids; catechin and quercetin from sea buckthorn leaves with HPLC-DAD. I have extracted the leaves with ethyl acetate 5x12,5ml, and I have now extract about 40ml. I think next step before determination with HPLC is acid hydrolysis, because flavonoids have glucosides and I gues those should dorp out of measurement.
But I have a problem, how should I do the acid hydrolysis? Should I use 4M HCl or weaker, about 2-6M, and should I use reflux 2h at temperature 40C with stirring?
For now I have tried to do this acid hydrolysis like this: 9,5ml ethyl acetate extract + 0,5ml 4M HCl and heated for 5min in waterbath 75°C. The end concentration of sample is 0,6M (I mean extract + HCl). I have found this advice from here page on 47-48
But this doesn't work so well. Am I doing something wrong? I haven't found any good or spefisic advice. So would you guys help me?
Dear colleagues, currently I run an academic project dealing with rational discovery of novel antagonists of one of the GPCRs. I performed a hierarchical virtual screening of few libraries (some comprising natural compounds, others - synthetic), and selected few dozens for the evaluation in a cell-based system. In the tests, some compounds showed promising results, and now I am wondering how can I check the newness/patentability of their molecular scaffolds. Have no idea where to start. Are there any specific services for these? Or maybe you can suggest some helpful literature on this topic?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Ethnic medicinal knowledge is precious for the advancement of Drug Discovery, however, there are several challenges in this field like others. What could be the possible opportunities in more practical ways for the economically underdeveloped society from this precious knowledge and how modern scientific tools can be utilised for its optimum utilisation?
I would like to explore the PKS, NRPS and relevant gene diversity in the metagenomic actinobacterial DNA of the mangrove sediment samples to understand the secondary metabolite production pattern. Can some one recommend / provide a simple and efficient protocol to amplify, clone and sequence the PKS, NRPS and relevant gene in the metagenomic DNA pool; specific to actinobacteria?
Can we use Soxhlet for extracting the secondary metabolites from the Actinobacteria fermented broth? Soxhlet is generally being used for dry/solid materials. If we adopt this to actinobacteria does it work?
or the regular solvent extraction is sufficient? Recommend me some rapid and efficient method to maximize the yield of total metabolites.
Dear all, I have a problem to synthesize the imidazole from isatin and aldehyde using NH4OAc in AcOH. I try several time and the product is not form. Can any buddy help me to figure out the problem.? Thank you in advance.
I am seeking authentic literature (published paper, book etc.) to find out the use of animals against kidney stones. Please share any authentic information if you have in this regard.
what is the role of plant extracts for the green synthesis of nanoparticles?
Oral+ demal+inhalation routes simultaneously
Can someone help me with with molecular dockings, am working on antidiabetes properties of some plants in vivo?
A joint call for research project proposals between Portugal and Algerian scientists / researchers is now available, and invite all local scientists / researchers wishing to participate, to submit their proposals.
The coordination of the program’s activities and its piloting is placed under the responsibility of two focal points: Thematic Agency of Research in Sciences and Technology for the Algerian part and Foundation for Science and Technology for the Portuguese part.
I'm interested to develop a mutual project in the domainof oncology.
I have isolated a saponin that is soluble in D2O (~20 mg) but not other solvents. However, no resonances are obtained in two different 400 MHz NMR machines. I only got the solvent resonance! Do I need to change or adjust some parameters in the acquisition setup?
Currently, I am developing a short project to know more about natural products molecules and chemical space of these molecules in order to identify potential drug substances used as research tools for chemoinformatic analysis and systemac review/meta-analysis. Thank you in advance!
I am engineering polyketide synthase III to generate unnatural (novel) Polyketides products. I would like to test its cytotoxicity. Is there any PKS-III novel product use for cytotoxicity assay (or any other bio-assay)?
Dear All,
We have tried some essential oil in some of our solid dosage forms as a natural ingredient. But on analysis, content of essential oil is decreasing significantly.
We have adsorbed essential oil onto Sio2 then added to the compression mix to formulate tablets.
Open for Suggestions please?
Thanks for your time.
How do i determine cytotoxic effect of an extracted compound against human cancer lines?
I would like to do a study in vitro to evaluate any antioxidant activities to protect cells but I do not know if there is any study for the dilution for these extracts in order then to study them, or if anyone did a similar sttudy can suggest to me any protocol..the extracts are : oil obtained after SF-CO2, Aceton, Methanol and water in order.
Thanks a lot
Have Done UV, FTIR, HPLC (Qualitative without any standard), LC-Q-TOF-MS, 1H NMR. But dont know how to interpret anything. Is these analysis are enough to find out the compounds with their structures? If not, Kindly suggest me what analysis and all should I do? Its ethanolic extract soluble in methanol and chloroform.
Curcuma amada represents a major source of valuable drugs, pigments and phytochemicals, the major chemical components of Amada include phenolic acids, volatile oils, starch, curcuminoids and terpenoids. I am searching for the pure compound Amadaldehyde for UV vis study. Could anyone help and give me suggestions regarding availability of Standard Amadaldehyde.
I am working on centella asiatica and I want to know what ascension means especially in Malaysian strains.
The bacterial strain I was working on showed activity. I ran out of crude so I cultured a new batch and this one showed no activity. I'm hoping there was no human error involved. Any ideas on what may have caused this?
I need some procedures how to get alkaloid from plant extraction (rich alcaloid extraction), especially tetrandrine alcaloid.
I extracted fungal extract (extra cellular ) with ethyl acetate . I want to do some bioassays for this.Now I want to check cytotoxic effect of this extract. which assay will be effective for crude extract? how is brine shrimp lethality assay? I need to dissolve extract in new solvent or ethyl acetate is ok?
I am investigating the hepatoprotective effect of some medicinal plant on chronic carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury. I observed that although some of the medicinal plants increased the antioxidant enzyme (SOD, CAT and GSH) level in rats co-exposed to CCl4 and the extracts while they also increased lipid peroxidation and markers of hepatic injury such as ALT and AST.Has anyone experienced something similar? If yes, what are the likely reasons why this happened?
I want to see the insulin secreting action of the crude plants extract over cell line as well as consumption of glucose by the cell lines.
for example: DDMP or β-D-glucopyranose which can refer to Ginsenoside Rd or Ginsenoside F2 (two plant saponin)
oleanolic acid has Different types such as oleanolic acid glucuronic, oleanolic acid glycosides and free oleanolic acid. How can measure different types of acid? And how can we distinguish them?
Please help me to find research papers published recently taked in consideration plants family Agavaceae and their anticancer activity.
we want to use it for soft gel encapsulation.
I have 10 MDR isolates (five each of gram positive and gram negative bacteria) including metallo beta lactamase producer isolated from clinical samples and I want to test antimicrobial effect of plant extract against these organism. So could anybody suggest me in using ATCC culture that can be used as standard.
( I have ATCC culture that can be used for media testing but need name of ATCC that should be used in testing antimicrobial compounds against MDR organisms)
Would you please express your valuable comments about this study in order to improve our project. We are going to investigate the effects of some Iran's medicinal plants and its phytochemical compounds on cell cytotoxicity and discovering new anticancer drugs.
In traditional methods we can see some plant latex in drugs.
For in vivo tests on mice, the test compound is insoluble in water, although it is soluble in DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) which has reported toxic effects and side-effects. It has been advised to use 0.25% CMC (carboxymethylcellulose), 20% peg (polyethylene glycol) or tween 80, 50% propylene glycol and 30 % deionised water.
But how much qty of each of the above given solvents should be taken and
are there any other preferable non-toxic solvents?
I am working with four different species of plant to find their anti-ulcerant activity. i have found one species is very potent. Now I need to identify the chemical group that might be causing this activity. But I have only two weeks to submit this paper. Please somebody show me a short way.
I prepared crude saponins using the following protocol: heat 5g of plant extract in 30 ml of 20% methanol in 4 hrs in a water bath to reduce volume to 15 mls. I added 20 mls diethyl ether to separate organic portion from the aqueous. The organic portion was discarded. I added 15ml butanol to the methanolic fraction to obtain 30ml methanol/n-butanol fraction. The latter was washed with 50 ml 5% Nacl solution and the the aqueous fraction discarded. The methanol/n-butanol fraction obtained was washed for the second time with another 50ml of 5% Nacl and there was no separation into methanol/n-butanol fraction and aqueous fraction. I therefore evaporated both mixture of methanol/n-butanol fraction and aqueous solution to dryness to obtain a crystalline soapy extract. Is my protocol right? What have done wrong here? somebody help me!
I have put 16000 ligands on Discovery Studio for virtual Screening.
While rotary evaporating plant extract(80% Ethanol) my sample boils. I am very worried that this boiling can affect the properties of my extract? I reduce the pressure very slowly but the problem occurs i would be more than grateful if anyone could help me regarding this issue
The sources of drug discoveries has been a synthetic chemical pools and the natural resources including microbes, proteins, plants and animals. The worms especially the intestinal helminths has been neglected and I am wondering if anyone has any experience in this area including isolation, characterisation and biological activies-protocols and findings would be appreciated?
D-limonene is in many essential oils and has many biological function. In many cases D-limonene conent in the essential oil correlates with biological functions. For drug development, it is important to ensure high content of D-limonene in an essential oil.
I am isolating compounds from plant. i have got 2 types of crystals,one is needle like and another cubic in shape in a vial. now from here how can i separate them? any technique??
Please assist I am working in this area
I am doing reducing power assay of plant extracts. but after centrifuge of 3000 rpm as per suggested by all protocols that take upper part of layer,
but i am not getting any layer formation in this case.
If any body has done this experiment please give me your suggestion.
Anti cancer study in wistar rats after chemically inducing tumour with DMBA.
I was planning for an anti cancer study of my plant extracts with hydro ethanolic solvent(1:1), but i couldnt find any reference with mixed solvents. All the studies were those of pure solvents. Is there any technical error or something with this type of study?
Pinus gerardiana is plant which contains very delicious seeds locally called Chilgoza/ Shangthi/Rhe in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh INDIA. The price of this seed is very high (600 to 1000 rupees per Kg ). I want to know that is there any medicinal property this plant contains ?
I am searching for that protocol that clearly distinguish those plant extracts having beta lactamase inhibitory component not just having antibiotic property. I have performed iodometric assay and now I am looking for agar cup assay for confirmation of positive ones.
I am doing project based on the study of antimicrobial properties of different plant extracts (leaves and bark) in different solvent like ethanol,aqueous,petroleum ether and chloroform : methanol.I had Lyophilized my aqueous plant extract but they are in somewhat sticky form and rest of the extract had been dried using water bath.There is a problem regarding addition of DMSO amount (mg/ml) which need to be added for the preservation.There is also variation in weight of of different dried extract.Can anyone tell me about the amount and concentration of DMSO (mg/ml) for the preservation.
In aromatic plants' literature both these terms have been used to express the recovery of essential oil (as a percentage) from fresh or dry biomass of aromatic plants. In field experiments agronomists, soil scientists and plant breeders have expressed the essential oil yield (kg or lit per hectare or acre) by multiplying the biomass yield/ha or ac with essential oil content and density/specific gravity of the oil. Any suggestions or remarks?
kindly provide the detail methods used for the isolation of essential oil from fresh and dried plant tissue.
We have some isolated compounds from a medicinal plant.
Extraction by means of pressing, heating, solving in solvents etc, which one has best efficiency?
some essential oils such as Levisticum spp. and eryngium spp. are heavy and we gathered them in the bottom of clevenger apparatus. what are other plants
Esteemed Colleagues:
I have been working in the field of natural product chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry during the past several years. I welcome extended collaborations with experts in screening/assessing biological/pharmaceutical efficacy of natural products and synthetic chemical entities (mainly heterocycles) isolated/synthesized in my Lab against different diseases areas like cancer, microbial infections, malarial, neurodegradative diseases, etc. Besides, I am also keen to work with those working with in silico drug designs and deeply involved in theoretical aspects of molecules (such as molecular dynamics, mechanistic pathways, and molecular docking). I do welcome any suggestions/comments/inquires/proposal from my esteemed colleagues. Best wishes & regards, Goutam (Prof. Dr. Goutam Brahmachari, India)
Sometimes we have some unsuitable material in biomass of plants. Such as pyrolizidine(alkaloid) in Borage family
I mean human and also veterinary drugs or food additives containing phytocompounds (plant-derived substances), which are available at the market, and are used against pathogenic bacteria infecting the gut.
Any info about these constituents in a plant extract? what is their activity: antioxidant, antimicrobial etc....?
2,4-Di-tert-butylphenyl benzoate
With an emphasis on the impact of low temperature on sugars and carbohydrates.
How to be determination of bioactive compounds in aromatic plants ?
I am looking for antioxidants activity in some essential oils.If some one can answer my questions ,it would be grate help for us.
Please only share the published facts (reviews and chapters etc.)
I´m working with hexane:ethyl acetate (7:3) and I have two yellow bands Rf 0,8 and Rf 0,5 but I need a standard.
Is it important to find out a novel marker, whether it be a phytochemical or a biological, from a herb while working on it? Or the concept of bioactive fraction is more precise in the present context.
In most of the cases, people isolate previously isolated markers from the plant and again report them as confirmation of previous findings. Is it not better to work on some new ideas like fractions rather than markers and relying on them?
As of now, which is more acceptable in scientific community considering the problems that accrue during isolation studies?
I am looking for a AChE enzyme inhibitory assay protocol, to be performed in a 96 well micro plate. The AChE enzyme source I'm using is electric eel. If someone knows of a detailed assay protocol with the enzyme concentration please let me know.
Other properties are esteric property and hydrogen bond.
I'm seeking published articles which declare marine resources as an anti-urolithiatic agents.
I want to discover few compounds which can act as inhibitors for a particular protease enzyme. Because random hit and trial assays take a lot of time/money and effort, I want to virtually screen for future inhibitory drug candidates from/among herbal components.
I don't have any knowledge of bioinformatics, but can someone suggest free online software as well as a basic procedure (tutorial) by sharing file/ppt/lecturer?
I am trying to dock my ligand with some protein that involve in the transportation of cholesterol. But the question is do I need to remove the phospholipid and cholesterol ester in order to dock it?
There is a publication on some ligands mentioning that it acts by displacing the phospholipid and makes cholesterol ester change its conformation. However, I am unsure as to whether this can be proven by molecular modelling since the publication is using crystallography when proving this.
I want to use Soxhlet method for the extraction of different extracts from plant material. but I don't know how long the Soxhlet extraction Should be run for complete extraction of secondary metabolites. I read different paper related to this topic, but different researcher run soxhlet for different periods of time. So, how i can come to know, for how long Soxhlet should be run in order to have complete extraction of compounds from plant material?
One may say it depends on your compound of interest but, in general, which one would be a better choice all together in terms of labour, yield loss, possibility of multi solvent usage?
For example, I am afraid of column chromatography during, overnight auto collection of fractions. What if the auto collector got struck and lose everything? On the other hand, I am afraid of SPE cartridges with possibilities of multi solvent system. What is your opinion?