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National Identity - Science topic

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Ibrahim Yusupov, a distinguished poet of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan, is renowned for his philosophical poetry, which deeply connects the themes of homeland, human nature, and personal emotions. This article explores the way Yusupov’s works address the emotional and philosophical dimensions of life, with a particular focus on his portrayal of his...
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Con el objetivo de entender mejor la actual situación de los pueblos indígenas en Costa Rica, el artículo revisa cómo los intelectuales costarricenses trataron su presencia en dos instantes clave del proceso de elaboración del discurso nacionalizador en ese país: en 1892, cuando las celebraciones del IV Centenario de la llegada de los españoles a A...
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Este estudo examina as me mórias da Olímpiada dos Imigrantes entre os imigrantes croata iugoslavos em São Paulo, concentrados na Sociedade Amigos da Iugoslávia (SAIUG). Por meio de fontes jornalísticas e entrevistas multigeracionais, o evento, que ocorreu d e meados dos anos 1970 ao início dos anos 1990, emerge como um agente crucial na estruturaçã...
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RESUMO: A pesquisa busca encontrar resposta para o seguinte problema: como explicar a questão da procura por uma identidade nacional, no continente africano? O seu recorte temporal é o período pós-colonial da África. Depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, estando a Europa enfraquecida, as colônias europeias no continente africano irão se mobilizar, visa...
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Montemayor González, Mario Alejandro. Raíces del sistema educativo mexicano: identidad nacional, memoria y alfabetización. En el presente artículo me enfoco en la época de la posrevolución en México, en la que José Vasconcelos, fundador de la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP), inició un conjunto de políticas educativas para afianzar la identida...
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RESUMO: A presente pesquisa teve como problema a ser respondido compreender como se deu a busca por uma identidade nacional pela Itália. O seu recorte temporal se situa no século XIX, especificamente, o período do Risorgimento. Num contexto geral, esta investigação se situou no interior de uma série de trabalhos investigativos que o orientador vem...
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During the War of Resistance against Japan, Chinese female healthcare workers played a crucial role in the medical and health sectors. In her book Intimate Communities, the author examines various aspects of female healthcare workers' mobilization mechanisms, training systems, relief efforts, and allowances during the wartime period. Throughout thi...
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This study examines the national identity crisis in Indonesian education globally. This type of research is literature with a qualitative approach. Data collection by reconstructing data from books, archives, magazines, documents, journals, documentation, newspapers, etc. Using the philosophical hermeneutic analysis approach of Hans-Georg Gadamer t...
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Objective: This research aims to identify distinct perception typologies of national identity among Korean adolescents, focusing on the interplay of ancestral ties, cultural heritage, birthplace, residence, and civic responsibilities. It also examines the role of media portrayals of foreigners in shaping these identity constructs. Theoretical Frame...
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The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in managing single identification number systems, such as Indonesia's National Identity Number, must balance constitutional principles and human rights. AI can enhance administrative efficiency and data security, but it must align with the principle of equality before the law, as stipulated in Arti...
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The article discusses the role of information technologies in shaping visual narratives, commemorating war, and representing national identity. It highlights the use of graphic art and digital media in the context of war, focusing on how visual representations, including posters and online content, help reinforce national identity, preserve histori...
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El pulque es una bebida alcohólica fermentada originaria de México, proviene de la fermentación del aguamiel extraído del Agave salmiana y de otras especies, su explotación se concentra en la región centro de México. En los últimos años, su consumo se ha incrementado debido a una mayor valorización de la identidad nacional y por su carácter natural...
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Dacosta, Arsenio; Pérez Gil, Javier; Andrade Silva, Luis Eduardo (eds.). Las constantes culturales de la arquitectura vernácula. Miradas desde el noroeste ibérico. Gijón: Trea, 2024. ISBN: 978-84-10263-53-6 La arquitectura vernácula ha suscitado interés desde hace más de un siglo. Aunque esta sensibilidad partió y se difundió desde instancias polít...
Conference Paper
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XVI века стала истоком традиционной английской национальной идентичности, но герои некоторых популярных в наши дни британских романов о протестантской реформации отражают более поздние изменения в самосознании нации. Эти романы якобы посвящены прошлому, но они помогают нам понять сегодняшнюю Британию. Традиционный британский герой-это мужчина, как...
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Currently, the unprecedented global changes are accelerating, and innovative government governance has become an important factor for countries to promote social progress and national development. The two-way coupling drive between government governance innovation and national identity complements each other and jointly promotes the development and...
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Annabela Rita [URL:] Doutorada, com Agregação e dois pós-doutoramentos em Literatura, é professora aposentada da Universidade de Lisboa, investigadora integrada do Centro de Estudos Globais (CEG) – Universidade Aberta e colaboradora do CECS - Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do...
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Developing patriotic qualities in students is essential for fostering a strong national identity and civic responsibility, especially in times of social and educational transformation. This article explores effective approaches to improve pedagogical conditions for instilling patriotism in educational settings. It highlights strategies including cu...
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Celem pracy jest rozważenie możliwości rozwiązania kolizji między poczuciem tożsamości narodowej a wolnością artystyczną, dobrami osobistymi o różnym stopniu ugruntowania na płaszczyźnie orzeczniczej i doktrynalnej. Na znaczenie podejmowanej problematyki wpływa fakt, że tematyka dóbr osobistych z perspektywy dobra osobistego w postaci poczucia tożs...
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Montemayor González, Mario Alejandro. Consideraciones sobre los comienzos del magisterio mexicano: análisis desde el pensamiento de Søren Kierkegaard. En este artículo reflexiono acerca del surgimiento del magisterio mexicano y la orientación de su actividad pedagógica. Concretamente, a principios del siglo XX comenzó una cruzada nacional de alfabe...
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Marcado por su constante adaptación, el rock ha acompañado a los jóvenes de todas las generaciones, contribuyendo al vínculo entre tradición e identidad nacional. El estudio se propuso demostrar esta relación en una encuesta aplicada a 410 estudiantes de entre 17 y 24 años (generación Z o centennial) de la Universidad Nacional de Piura, tomando com...
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La investigación profundiza en el análisis del logo de la identidad del Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo, vinculándolo con la escarapela y su impacto en la identidad nacional. Ofrece una perspectiva sobre la historia y cultura del país en relación con el diseño en Comunicación Visual, destacando la relevancia de los símbolos patrios y su conex...
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Resumo: Este artigo examina a obra Catacumbas de Sol ([1979] 2022) do guianense Élie Stephenson, destacando como o poeta constrói e expressa a identidade cultural da Guiana Francesa bem como estabelece diálogos identitários interamericanos em sua poesia. Considerando o contexto sociopolítico e cultural do território, o estudo analisa como Stephenso...
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This article investigates the ways in which Ukrainian independent popular music after February 2022 has contributed to domestic nation-building and international nation-branding. Taking as case studies six artists who have extensively toured abroad with their musical projects, the article traces the evolution of the internal imaginings and external...
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This article discusses a set of approaches to national identity that subverted dominant nationalist discourse in Poland during the rule of Law and Justice (2015–2023). Based on a sonic, lyrical, and visual analysis of three popular music case studies, it explores how the populist-enabled mainstreaming of “turbopatriotism” (Napiórkowski 2019) has be...
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El texto es una reseña del libro de G.A. García Fernández García Fernández (2022), ¿Qué historia enseñar y para qué? Historia, educación y formación ciudadana. Dos estudios de caso: Chile y España (2016-2017). El libro analiza los fundamentos y la evolución histórica de la enseñanza de la Historia en las escuelas desde el siglo XIX hasta 2017 en Ch...
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O artigo analisa como uma animação do Peanuts usa a narrativa dos pais peregrinos no forjar da identidade nacional estadunidense. A pesquisa tem como referencial Mary Anne Junqueira e Leandro Karnal, e enxerga fontes audiovisuais por seu conteúdo e contexto histórico de produção, apontando para cosmovisões dos autores e influências culturais. O epi...
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El autor realiza un análisis histórico-comparativo de las obligaciones con prestación indivisible en el código civil peruano. Para ello se examinan las diversas instituciones que confluyen en este tipo de relación de obligación (cumplimiento, modos extintivos distintos del cumplimiento, incumplimiento, mora, prescripción) y se contrasta con los cód...
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This article focuses on exploring the securitisation of the Malaysian chicken export ban that took effect on 1 June 2022. The effects of the chicken export ban seemingly went beyond the economics of food, and expanded into the realm of national identity, as the de facto national dish of Singapore got compromised. As food and national identity is in...
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This article provides a comprehensive exploration of Citizen Identity Management in Bangladesh, concentrating on grassroots dynamics through the lens of a piloting project. In the context of Bangladesh's ambitious initiatives, such as the Smart National Identification Card programme and the National Identity Registration Act 2023, the paper critica...
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The Income Tax Act 2023 introduces several provisions aimed at simplifying the tax process, ensuring more transparency, and promoting digital transactions within the tax administration system in Bangladesh. Among the significant developments in recent tax regulations is the adoption of the e-Return system by the National Board of Revenue (NBR), whi...
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El 4 de Octubre de 1824 por decreto del Soberano Congreso entraba en vigor la Constitución Federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Este cuerpo normativo veía la luz en un país dolido por las vicisitudes políticas que lo aquejaron desde el inicio de las luchas por su independencia; pero esta constitución también respiró un aire de patriotismo, libe...
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Este artigo teve como objetivo secundário analisar e descrever 91 elementos específicos da toponímia nheengatu do município de Bragança/PA, selecionados da dissertação de mestrado de Araújo (2019), com base em dois enfoques: o primeiro se fundamenta nas novas tendências de criação de palavras, de Gonçalves (2016); o segundo, na Análise do Discurso...
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Resumen A finales de 1943, un comité técnico compuesto por dirigentes de la Unión de Profesores de Chile (UPCH), literatos y artistas, crearon el Silabario Democrático. Puesto en circulación en 1944, el texto surgió con el propósito de formar no solo a una población lectora, sino a trabajadores capaces de luchar organizadamente por sus intereses. E...
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Este libro analiza la diversidad de masculinidades de los hombres gays y maricas en la cultura española desde 1975 hasta la actualidad. Se exploran las múltiples formas en que los hombres gays y maricas encarnan y entienden la virilidad, desde posiciones cómplices con la masculinidad hegemónica hasta las masculinidades alternativas alejadas del com...
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National identity is an important national conscience and plays a key spiritual role in maintaining national unity, stability and promoting the healthy and rapid development of the country. As an essential driver of education, the discipline must assume a major responsibility for national identity education. This study integrates national identity...
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National identity in Korea has undergone significant changes in recent years, reflecting broader shifts in social and political landscapes. Traditionally rooted in ethnocultural and ethnic frameworks, the concept of national identity is increasingly influenced by civic and pluralistic values, reflecting Korea’s growing diversity and globalization....
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This study aims to evaluate the impact of the Ethnographic Museums and Itorero ry’Igihugu on Rwanda’s international standing, guided by Soft Power Theory and Cultural Exchange Theory. Specifically, it examines how these institutions act as conduits for cultural diplomacy and project Rwanda’s unique narrative both locally and globally. Additionally,...
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The modern world was shaped, established, and preserved by nationalism and nations. In this sense, human beings became the key legitimative power for politics through the respective revolutions. Consequently, the state form transformed and integrated into the modern requirements of the Westphalian system. Then, nations became the owners of the mode...
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Este trabajo se enmarca en un proyecto de investigación más amplio sobre los problemas de la construcción de una identidad nacional argentina en/desde el ballet durante las décadas de 1910, 1920 y 1930. En esta oportunidad se pretende hacer foco en el caso de Cuadro campestre, coreografiado por Bronislava Nijinska y estrenado en el Teatro Colón de...
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En el tejido social y económico de Colombia, la gastronomía desempeña un papel fundamental, no solo como una expresión cultural arraigada en la identidad nacional, sino como un sector clave para el desarrollo económico y turístico del país. Sin embargo, en medio de la riqueza culinaria que caracteriza a Colombia, se esconde una realidad preocupante...
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International schools in Qatar have invested resources to establish an educational framework that promotes diversity and intercultural understanding. These schools follow a curriculum that is different from the curriculum set by the Ministry of Education in Qatar. While Qatari families enrol their children in international schools to enhance employ...
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A long history of political power struggles has shaped Iranian national identity. Each successive regime has sought to take control of Iranian political currents to reach its own objectives, and in the process has influenced Iranian identity in important ways. Few political figures in Iranian history have been as significant as Mohammad Mosaddeq in...
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Este artículo estudia la participación de Xela Arias en el Festival da Poesía no Condado organizado por la Sociedade Cultural e Desportiva do Condado de Salvaterra de Miño desde el año 1981, y en el que la poeta colaboró con asiduidad durante esa década. A partir del concepto acto fantasmal (Rubín 2013) se delimitará esta poesía orientada a la acci...
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A imigração e a valorização do património cultural têm sido fenómenos sociais marcantes na sociedade portuguesa. Na última década, Portugal emergiu como destino de migração, enquanto consolidou a sua posição como um destino turístico de destaque. Esta explosão de mobilidade contemporânea trouxe um novo realce de elementos culturais e patrimoniais p...
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Búscase analizar as autorepresentacións da identidade (nacional, de xénero, etc.) nas propostas actuais da música galega, entre o lúdico e o serio, entre o antagonismo e o estereotipo. Na tendencia neotradicional observamos unha autorepresentación desde a heteronomía, coma se a subalternidade, seguindo a Bhabha, se pensase conformándose a través da...
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La obra de José Eustasio Rivera, La Vorágine, ha suscitado diversas reflexiones y ha sido abordada desde múltiples perspectivas dentro de la literatura colombiana. Incluso su autor ha sido tema de debate en el entorno académico por su historia (cf. Peña Gutiérrez, 2024). En cuanto a la obra, Sol Peláez (2015) sostiene que La Vorágine representa una...
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En este artículo nos proponemos hacer una lectura de Tomás Carrasquilla desde el nacionalismo y el regionalismo, con el objetivo de identificar en su pensamiento las ideas sobre la identidad nacional. Nos basaremos en los ensayos de crítica literaria llamados “Homilías”, publicados por Carrasquilla en 1906 en la revista Alpha, en donde, a través de...
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Described in the Chinese Communist Party's orthodox historiography as a dark and repressive period and part of the “century of humiliation,” the Republican era has in recent decades undergone a significant reassessment in the People's Republic of China (PRC). In books, newspaper articles, documentaries and dramas, Republican China has sometimes bee...
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Este artigo constitui um pequeno recorte da tese intitulada “Name nala em diáspora: a presença senegalesa em Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul”, defendida em fevereiro de 2023 no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação na Universidade Católica Dom Bosco. Esta parte é um apanhado teórico produzido ao observar a construção identitária dos colaboradores...
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Religious communities as a center for informal religious education have a long history in Iran. This study is an attempt to compare the religious community members and non−members and the influences it might have on the persons. To do so, a four−part questionnaire which addressed the religious identity, national identity, moral−social values, and p...
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Ojo de Cuauhtli es una torre para avistamiento de aves propuesta para el desarrollo sostenible de La Joya Honda y comunidades aledañas en Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, San Luis Potosí. La Torre cuenta con una altura de 30 m sobre una base de 50 m 2. La torre cuenta con 7 salas de exposición, un serpentario, una bóveda celeste de interacción lúdica,...
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Pakistani national identity formation, his( narratives, and language policy are all explored in this research. The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the factors that influence the continuing discussion over Urdu, Punjabi and English in Pakistan's language policy, including power dynamics i...
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O Que é Patrimônio Histórico" de Carlos Alberto Cerqueira Lemos oferece uma visão abrangente e multidisciplinar sobre a preservação do patrimônio cultural brasileiro. Ao explorar aspectos como a natureza do patrimônio cultural, a importância da preservação, os desafios enfrentados e os marcos legais relevantes, Lemos apresenta uma análise detalhada...
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Introducción: Analizamos las valoraciones históricas en torno a Atahualpa y Cuauhtémoc y los recursos comunicacionales en la construcción de identidad nacional. Identificamos las características de las valoraciones históricas y recursos comunicacionales en ese proceso. Metodología: Cualitativa, diseño no experimental y aplicando los siguientes inst...
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The incorporation of Malaysian character into landscape design via traditional landscape characteristics reflecting the region's identity has been inhibited by designers' lack of initiative in incorporating natural resources. This article investigates the plant traits that create a symbiotic relationship between native plants, notably flowers, and...
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This article analyzes the idea of “Manguurt” in Aitmatov’s works, comparing it to historical events in Central Asia and the world, as well as to similar themes in global literature. Aitmatov’s “Manguurt” concept carries a profound philosophical meaning. By giving a new meaning to this term, Aitmatov highlights the inner cries of the Central Asian p...
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With the advent of digital storytelling, educators now have powerful resources to inspire national identity in the next generation and open new avenues for creative learning in preschool. This paper reports on a case study that explores the impact of digital storytelling (DST) on the promotion of national identity. This study used a qualitative app...
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José María Muguruza es una relevante, aunque poco conocida, figura en el panorama arquitectónico español del siglo pasado. Desde diversas posiciones oficiales, fue clave en la definición de la arquitectura de posguerra en España. Su posición le trajo el encargo oficial para el diseño de un masterplan para Karachi, entonces capital de Pakistán, que...
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Geopolitics are back as a subject of inquiry in international business and have increased the threat of political risk for MNEs and domestic firms globally. However, firms may struggle to assess political risk accurately due to the social identity processes within top management teams that influence information seeking and processing. This article...
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Los primeros años de la regencia de María Cristina de Borbón (1833-1836) fueron escenario de un importante debate en las Cortes. En él, los diputados liberales sancionaron el reconocimiento de las independencias de la América continental. La sanción política y jurídica de las jóvenes repúblicas americanas como Estados soberanos era necesaria para r...
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This essay explored the effect of avant-garde art on the construction of American national identity through country-administered cultural propaganda. The essay first discussed the necessity of building a national identity or image for America during that critical historical time and then demonstrated and exemplified the effectiveness of avant-garde...
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A discussão que ora apresentamos decorre da pesquisa, ainda que um recorte dela, acerca das formas de escrita da língua galega e suas implicações político-linguísticas. O trabalho mostra na primeira seção uma breve contextualização histórica da região, povo e língua, para a posteriori, ir às discussões a respeito da norma linguística e suas implica...
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Background: National identity, the sense of belonging to a nation, significantly influences both unity and division within societies. It can be voluntary, based on shared beliefs, or non- voluntary, tied to ancestry. These aspects affect democracy in distinct ways. Further, national identity encompasses the attitudes and emotions that people hold t...
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Neste artigo, analiso como o futebol foi tratado em artigos publicados em revistas brasileiras de Comunicação de 1980 a 2023. No total, pesquisei 18 periódicos e 112 artigos, buscando conhecer os contextos de produção desses artigos, as características de seus autores e seus temas, abordagens e fontes de informação. Entre outras coisas, os resultad...
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In this paper, we explore the bases of Mexican national identity construction and use an array of conceptions of nationhood to study contemporary attitudes towards foreigners’ sociopolitical rights in Mexico. Rarely is the study of national identity connected with immigration policy preferences in general, and even less so outside advanced countrie...
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This book examines the evolution of contemporary Spanish literature in the aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis, proposing the concept of the postcrisis novel. The term does not suggest the end of the crisis but rather refers to a shift in narrative focus towards the ongoing consequences and social transformations triggered by this pivotal moment....
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This scoping review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the contemporary studies regarding ethnic and national identities written in the Russian language. The study reveals major contexts and patterns of the operationalization of the concepts. The scoping review is based on the framework outlined by Arksey and O’Malley, with qualitative con...
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Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyze the role of physical education in fostering national identity and pride through Jamaica’s success in track and field in Jamaica. Methodology: This study adopted a desk methodology. A desk study research design is commonly known as secondary data collection. This is basically collecting data from existing...
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El presente escrito tiene como objeto el análisis de “los actos escolares”, entre 1880 y 1920 en Argentina, producto de la consolidación del Estado-nación. Dicha situación promovió la institucionalización de la escuela como aparato legitimador de un capital cultural y simbólico, que delineó y planificó la celebración de un conjunto de efemérides pa...
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The article examines the role of legal norms and institutions in the formation of national identity, the influence of memory policy on legislation, cultural heritage and historical memory. Important in the formation of identity in our time is the new perception of historical facts from the point of view of their legal assessment and interpretation....
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This chapter unmasks the reasons for the seeming incompatibility between Australia and the superhero. Drawing on over one hundred interviews with superhero creators and fans the most frequently cited reasons for Australia’s superhero drought will be organized and analyzed under three inter-related headings: National Identity, Cultural Cringe, and M...
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) model in enhancing 21st-century creative thinking competencies on National Identity and Culture. The research used a quasi-experimental method with a nonequivalent control group design. The sample consists of Grade VIII A as the experimental group and Grade VIII B as...
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El problema central es la desconexión entre las estrategias de enseñanza de la cívica en Ecuador y la realidad sociocultural de los estudiantes, dificultando la formación de una identidad nacional inclusiva. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar las experiencias de los docentes sobre las estrategias de enseñanza de la cívica en el aula, para...
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Link of the article: APA Citation: RIDENE, F. (2024, 09 15). Preserving the film archive as national heritage and cultural identity: reality and prospects. (J. Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Éd.) The Jordan Journal of the Arts (JJA), 17 (3), 313-324. d...
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The ruins of Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire (559–330 BCE), are celebrated as a cultural heritage site and national monument in Iran. In 1971, these ruins became the setting for the Celebration of the 2,500th Anniversary of the Founding of the Persian Empire, orchestrated by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The Pahlavi regime aime...
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de consolidação do carnaval no Brasil e sua relação com a construção da Identidade Nacional. Compreendendo a origem da festa a partir das influências das festas pagãs e da Antiguidade e seu vínculo com a religião católica. Com análise bibliográfica e documental o trabalho se debruçou desde as...
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Esta obra irá apresentar ao leitor um estudo sobre o processo de criação e atuação do Programa Nacional de Documentação da Preservação Histórica – Pró-Documento, desenvolvido pela extinta Fundação Nacional Pró-Memória (FNPM) e que, entre os anos de 1984 e 1988, teve como objetivo central a preservação de acervos privados como conjuntos documentais...
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The book A renomeação do Brazil: a construção de uma identidade nacional pela ortografia (“The renaming of Brazil: the construction of a national identity through spelling”) revisits the period of the Proclamation of the Republic and raises questions about the spelling of the name “Brasil” ~ “Brazil”. More than just a question of spelling, the refl...
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Por meio da análise de “Iracema voou”, procuro demonstrar como a canção coloca um ponto de vista crítico ao processo de imigração de brasileiros para os Estados Unidos em contexto de globalização e de crise econômica no país nos anos 1990. Tomo como hipótese que a matéria cantada de Chico Buarque redimensiona as perspectivas de Brasil como nação e...
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Este artigo oferece uma análise abrangente da geohistória brasileira, explorando suas raízes, desde a colonização portuguesa até o cenário contemporâneo. Destaca-se a influência da colonização na construção da identidade nacional, examinando as implicações geohistóricas desse período. A expansão territorial é examinada criticamente, considerando su...
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Entendiendo las dinámicas del mercado global y la necesidad de destacar en un entorno cada vez más competitivo, los países optan por transformarse en un producto de consumo atractivo a través de la marca país. En 2005, durante el Gobierno Álvaro Uribe, se lanzó la campaña Colombia es Pasión, cuyo objetivo consistía en promover una nueva imagen del...
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O México não poder ser entendido sem considerar os interesses dos EUA. Além de compartilhar mais de 3 mil quilômetros de fronteira, esses países compartilham uma longa história de disputas, onde o México, mais intensa e escancaradamente que qualquer outro país latino-americano, sofreu e sofre os impactos das políticas imperialistas gringas: explora...
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre humor e política por meio da sátira do nacionalismo brasileiro. Para tanto, a literatura se debruça sobre duas correntes de estudo sendo a primeira aquela que entende o nacionalismo como uma espécie de comunidade imaginada e a segunda que defende que esse fenômeno é despertado na sociedade de...
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People read human characteristics into the design of social robots, a visual process with socio-cultural implications. One factor may be nationality, a complex social characteristic that is linked to ethnicity, culture, and other factors of identity that can be embedded in the visual design of robots. Guided by social identity theory (SIT), we expl...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: Agustín Pío Barrios (1885-1944) foi um violonista paraguaio que se destacou, ainda em vida, como compositor e intérprete de seu instrumento (violão) e após a sua morte, ficou alguns anos no esquecimento. Entretanto, sua memória ressurgiu por contribuição de autores, pesquisadores e intérpretes, através da disponibilização de edições de part...
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Identity is intimately related to people’s understanding of “who they are,” “what they are,” and what matters to them. This understanding depends on a number of factors. Identity also creates similarities and differences between individuals or groups. In fact, the emergence of identity is the emergence of similarities and differences between onesel...
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This research attempts to trace the roots of Japan's national identity in its political concept, nature, growth and evolution through historiography, and the extent to which it is influenced by internal and external political developments, given the emergence of some intellectual schools that advocated the principle of Japanese ethnic superiority....
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Pese a larga trayectoria de la Educación Patrimonial en Iberoamérica,la didáctica de las manifestaciones inmateriales del patrimonio apenas hasido atendida y son escasas las publicaciones sobre las particularidades de susprocesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Para abordar estas, ha de considerarsepreviamente qué planteamiento didáctico se hace en el cu...
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Resumen Este artículo aplica las teorías críticas de Abdelmalek Sayad sobre la gestión migratoria estatal al análisis del programa VISAR, un proyecto del Estado español dirigido a descendientes de españoles residentes en Argentina. Sayad, destacado por su enfoque sobre cómo los Estados moldean la movilidad humana, proporciona una lente teórica que...
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This paper explores some of the conversations currently taking place within Asian Canadian studies as they relate to coalitional spaces and community building. Specifically, I look at a co-op radio program from Vancouver called Pender Guy which aired in the 1970s. The members of Pender Guy were comprised of artists and activists from the Asian Cana...
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O estudo objetivou desvelar a identidade nacional grega apresentada na Cerimônia de Abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Atenas 2004. Este trabalho originou-se de uma abordagem qualitativa, com base em levantamentos bibliográfico e documental, efetivando assim, um estudo de caso sob a vertente semiótica de Peirce (2017), analisado pela ótica do método “...
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En este artículo de investigación se designa como arte hiperinflacionario el conjunto de obras recientes que tienen como soporte material (y conceptual) el bolívar, la unidad monetaria venezolana, una de las más devaluadas del mundo. Se estudia especialmente la propuesta maricosmopolita de José Rafael Perozo (Maracaibo, 1982), desde la serie (Re)Co...
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The identity and nationalism of mixed-race individuals are frequently questioned. Therefore, this study aims to synthesize the national identity of Bryan Domani, Cinta Laura, and Aurelie Moeremans as mixed-race public figures using the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approach. A descriptive qualitative method was used to interpret this data, wher...
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The spread of Islam in the Malay Archipelago has a significant impact on social change and the development of the Malay language, which is one of the languages spoken in the archipelago at this time. It is a global language that plays a major role in the spread of Islam in Malaysia and the neighboring countries of the archipelago. As for the Arabic...
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Purpose: The sustainable development of Nusantara, Indonesia's new capital city, under Law No. 3 of 2022 requires a robust commitment from the central government, supported by all elements of society. The relocation of the capital from Jakarta to Nusantara brings forth numerous challenges that demand comprehensive mitigation strategies, especially...
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El objetivo de esta investigación es explorar el papel que han jugado los medios audiovisuales de las instituciones estatales en la divulgación de la cultura e identidad nacional costarricense. La cultura es muy susceptible a transformaciones asociadas con factores externos y usualmente se relaciona a los medios audiovisuales con la divulgación de...