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National Identity - Science topic

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Questions related to National Identity
  • asked a question related to National Identity
4 answers
I would like to read up to date works about Political Theory applied to nationalism. Which ones would you consider indispensable? I am already aware of David Miller's entry on Nationalism in the "Oxford Handbook of Political Theory" and Canovan's "Nationhood and Political Theory". Any further suggestions?
Thank you ;)
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To be honest, Margaret Canovan's 1996 book is more balanced and fairminded than much that has been penned about populism in the past 15 years. The tone of recent work about populism by academics placed political theorists borders on the paranoid and hysterical rather than anything that offers a valid understanding of either the phenomenon or the concept.
I strongly recommend Roger Eatwell and Matthew Goodwin's National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy (2018). It is more political science analysis explaining the trends. Take a look at Matthew Goodwin's Values, Voice and Virtue (2023), which goes deeper into the issue of values that shape populist thinking in the UK context.
  • asked a question related to National Identity
4 answers
The present situation in the Ukraine and Russia imposes a threat to evaluation of nationalism as such. From the other side, neo-liberal globalization supporters see deep national feelings as a hindrance to their plans and further development. Can nationalism nowadays without extremism and populism be judged positively and in which aspects?
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Positively - as a type of human consciousness and cultural self-realization.
  • asked a question related to National Identity
9 answers
My question is about the memory policy. After the rehabilitation at Simon Janashia Museum of Georgia (Tbilisi) you won't find anything from medieval Georgian history. Is it normal?
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The round table is a great idea! I'll be happy to participate in it. Thanks a lot for this initiative.
Yes, of course, I've heard about these planned exhibitions.
I've know about that approximately since 2012, but... :)
I'm also planning an interview with Prof. D. Lortkipanidze and other specialists and I hope it will be successful.
Thank you again for your initiative.
sincerely, G.M.
  • asked a question related to National Identity
8 answers
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a good review article, or research paper, on demographic predictors (age, nationality, gender, sexuality, ethnicity etc.) of values. Particularly studies using Schwartz theory of basic human values, or his refined version of the theory. What I would like to know is what predicts the different value types. I do have my own dataset that I am going to test this with, but it would be nice to have something to compare the results to.
Thank you so much for your help,
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Overall, differences in values between groups holding distinct demographic characteristics are quite small (i.e., large between-group similarities). Here are a couple of studies with thousands of participants that might be relevant.
Gender: Schwartz & Rubel (2005)
Country: Fischer & Schwartz (2011) , Schwartz & Bardi (2001)
Education-level, income, religious denominations, age, gender, countries: Hanel et al. (2019) (Study 1 and Supplemental Study)
  • asked a question related to National Identity
15 answers
What is the impact of National Anthems (lyrics and music tonality, measure) upon population?
Does the violence invoked in lyrics have any impact upon population; a positive or negative impact?  
May the National Anthems be responsible for the increased aggressive behavior and violence among populations ?
Does the tonality of melody have any impact? What about the rhythm, does it have any influence?
In the paper “National Anthems and Suicide Rates” by David Lester of The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and John. F. Gunn III of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, published in Psychological Reports, 2011,108,1,43-44. DOI 10.2466/12.PR0.108.1.43-44, ISSN 0033-2941 the summary mentions:
“In a sample of 18 European nations, suicide rates were positively associated with the proportion of low notes in the national anthems and, albeit less strongly, with students' ratings of how gloomy and how sad the anthems sounded, supporting a hypothesis proposed by Rihmer.”
Do you know of any countries that consider to change their National Anthem for any reasons, especially due to the invoked violence and/or the mood it creates?
As it is known in the neurolinguistics (Neurolinguistic Programing), the texts as well as certain sounds have a profound impact upon people's mind.
As an other example, I'll mention the anthems of France, United States of America (USA) and Romania , texts that contain blood, bombs, revenge, (perhaps discrimination as we find in the Romanian anthem).
Can anybody add to this study, reference, studies, and opinions please? All discussions will help a great deal.
Thank you,
Adrian Toader-Williams, PhD
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Please see the NEW article published in the BOOK ... here details
  • asked a question related to National Identity
3 answers
I am applying the EOS-R on the Romanian community in Malta and it would be fantastic to have an element of comparison, a study into stereotypes carried out either in Romania or with Romanians abroad.
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David, Daniel. Psihologia poporului român. Profilul psihologic al românilor într-o monografie cognitiv-experimentală. Ed. Polirom, 2015
  • asked a question related to National Identity
10 answers
I am researching how Indian textbooks are taking shape in today's world, as India is changing and religious right is gaining power and control. How national identity is defined and promoted through education, curriculum and textbooks.
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  • asked a question related to National Identity
6 answers
Dear colleagues! The topic of my research is the "American museums and the formation of national identity in the US, 1877 - 1920". Can you advise me on the matter of searching historic sources concerning the work of American museums in the late 19 - early 20 centuries? As well as those originated in these museums themselves and from the outside. What to start with? Are there any resource guides? I have to admit that I look primarly for electronic versions of documents, books etc but the information about physical library collections and archives will be welcomed, too.
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Dear Artem,
You can also check Anthropology Unmasked by Freed: a two volume history of the anthropology department in the American Museum of Natural History. Good luck with your research!
All the best,
Maarten Couttenier
  • asked a question related to National Identity
42 answers
Music and identity formation 
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Poets are public voices, many people can hear their thoughs that's why they can be strong influence in some crisis moments in a country, however some poets reflect the reality around, so can be influent for further generations; both cases promote massive reflexion. Music is every where, and help people to fell free when they take the music from composers to put in their own interior and build a peaceful reality inside into their own body and mind.
  • asked a question related to National Identity
13 answers
I would greatly appreciate further advice on sources to tap - apart from the BBC! - about the renewed conflict in the disputed Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. My dissertation is focusing on whether the 1992 conflict, where it seems there was Russian involvement, helped shape Azerbaijan's post Soviet national identity, and I wondered if Russia might be involved again now.
My thanks again for all the advice I have already received from you. 
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Savvas that's a great help and thank you.  The point about hard power is well made!
  • asked a question related to National Identity
11 answers
(in English, Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, German) / Many thanks - Dziekuje uprzejmie.
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Dear Juraj,
I strongly recommend one of the latest and most comprehensive works on minorities (especially in socioligusitic and administrative aspect): Tomasz Wicherkiewicz,
Regionalne języki kolateralne Europy – porównawcze studia przypadku z polityki językowej, Poznań 2014 (a comparative study of Polish and other minorities) as well as the website:
  • asked a question related to National Identity
15 answers
Can you recomand any good publication about national minorities in Eastern and Central Europe?
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I primarily recommended in my perception two valuable publication which definitely enlarge your intellectual horizon to tackle the issue.
Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European studies Series editor: Richard Sakwa Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent First published by Routledge 2009
Minority Integration in Central Eastern Europe Between Ethnic Diversity and Equality Edited and introduced by Timofey Agarin and Malte Brosig Amsterdam - New York, NY 2009
Please, find attached files.
With best regards,
Karlo Godoladze
  • asked a question related to National Identity
67 answers
The contemporary European model of nation-state is based on the ideology of one state, one nation and one language, so we can follow many conflicts involving nationalism and multiculturalism. How can we overcome this contradiction and to ensure equal rights for all? After all, multicultural environments, today and in the past (before the European model of nation-state), are a reality.
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My answer may seem to be unusual since I'll approach the subject from a chemist's bird's eyes. In chemistry, we used to classify catalysts into (2) types: (i) Homogeneous (which means that the catalyst exists in the same phase as reactants). (ii) Heterogeneous (which indicates that the catalyst exists in a phase different from the phases of the reactants). This classification went on for years & is still adopted in general introductory courses.
Recently, progress in the field of catalysis increased the types to (4). The two additional types are: (iii) Homogeneously heterogenized catalysts. (iv) Heterogeneously homogenized catalysts.
Now, apply types (iii & iv) to answer the question about co-existence between nationalism and multiculturalism within a national state setting and there ought to be a way out from what appears to be a paradox. Human intelligence can work out a satisfactory resolution which is good for all provided that earnest intentions prevail.  
  • asked a question related to National Identity
3 answers
I am searching for more information about propaganda in Turkey, due to my thesis in which I want to write a short overview about the 'tradition' of propaganda in Turkey and how the situation considdering propaganda is now. Thanks a lot!
  • asked a question related to National Identity
4 answers
My colleagues and I are interested in the localized social media use by foreign students in China and their identification with China as a nation. We are thinking about the mediators, such as social ajustment, social capital. Could you kindly recommend us relevant literature? 
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Michael W. Marek
I like your suggestion for the term "International students"  - very inclusive and friendly.
Thank you for reminding us that we are all 'one people'.
  • asked a question related to National Identity
5 answers
Apart from mere linguistic eloquence, the literature (prose, poetry, fiction and even tabloid serials and story lines of movies) reflects the persona and more importantly, the 'psyche' of a country. The dance, drama and music of the country reflect the beauty of its soul.
This is what we have always believed. But today, the world is multi-cultural. Except for 'national efforts' to preserve the original art and literature of our individual countries, we have adopted certain art forms and literary styles from other countries as our own.
So, do the literature and arts of a country continue to reflect its persona and inherent beauty the way they did in earlier times or have they lost their originality?
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hi srinivasan
demarcation and pigeonholing them is far from justifiable , they tend to merge r, even harmonize and enhance one another, there are no ways to separate beauty of and persona, psyche and persona , these are only hackneyed expression made to make abstract intangible concepts more understandable , aside from this function, they don't seem to be licensed in the postmoderm world of relativist and antifoundationalism .
  • asked a question related to National Identity
16 answers
I am doing a research to measure secondary school student's national identity. I am interested to know whether there is any measurement or study on the subject in other place.
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The International Social Survey Program ran two National Identity related surveys. One of them in 1995, and  another one in 2003. The batteries of questions asked measure both civic and ethnic national identity. It may be worth looking at to see if these measures apply in your context as well. 
A lot of scholarly articles about Europe and Canada have been published based on it. You may want to have a look a look at them as well.
  • asked a question related to National Identity
13 answers
Representation theory? What else? Key words: user generated content, collective identity, self-representation
I am doing my thesis on nationalism in social media. I have ideas on how to conduct my study (methods), but I don't have a concrete study framework yet. What theoretical framework can you suggest? My focus is on the posts of people that they deem as "nationalistic" and how it affects national identity in social media. I'm planning to do content analysis. 
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Depends highly on your specific research questions, I d say. In any case I expect that lit on nationalism is important for this kind of phd i.e. the role of the media in constructing/reproducing the nation i.e. Billig's banal nationalism, Anderson's Imagined communities etc. Sorry I cant advice on lit associating in particular social media and nationalism. But there should be recent publications on sth similar. Maybe search in journals such as 'new media and society'. 
  • asked a question related to National Identity
15 answers
Canada, United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, some Eastern European and African countries give examples of contemporary nationalist separatism and independence. How it can be explained from political science angle when it is told oficially about diminishing roles of national states?
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Creo que los movimientos separatistas o los movimientos de independencia, varían dependiendo del contexto en el que surgen y los motivos de sus orígenes. No obstante, debemos recordar que los estados nación como actualmente se les conoce, no son estados homogéneos, conformados en un periodo histórico de largo plazo o con el consentimiento e interés de todos los grupos involucrados. Los estados nación son producto de la conformación territorial delimitada por grupos de poder en un momento determinado, y que a lo largo de los años, no pudieron acallar, mitigar o integrar a las verdaderas identidades locales. Por ejemplo, en México existen más de 60 grupos originarios, distintos a la población mestiza dominante y se hablan más de 100 lenguas, además, hay muchas regiones en el país con particularidades culturales, económicas e históricas (de origen mestizo o moderno), que bien podrían determinar la conformación de muchos territorios independientes o separados, no obstante, creo que lo que aquí evita mayor efervescencia o un sentido de separación es la construcción sociopolítica, histórica y económica de los pueblos originarios (desde la conquista en los años 1500), la actual baja participación política que incluye el desinterés por una filiación nacional, la desigualdad y me atrevería a decir, el interés de mantener cohesionado un territorio (aunque no sus habitantes), por Estados Unidos y por los grupos fácticos de poder, destacando la delincuencia. Aun así, hay muchas expresiones de separación territorial y social, destacando EZLN, EPR, e incluso las actuales autodefensas que luchan contra la delincuencia...
traducción con google:
I think the separatist movements or independence movements, vary depending on the context in which they arise and the reasons for its origins. However, we must remember that nation states as they are now known, are not homogeneous states, formed a long-term historical period or with the consent and interest of all stakeholders. Nation states are the product of territorial conformation defined by power groups at a given time, and that over the years, could not quell, mitigate or integrate real local identities. For example, in Mexico there are more than 60 indigenous groups, other than the dominant mestizo population and over 100 languages are spoken in addition, there are many regions in the country with particular cultural, economic and historical (or modern mestizo origin), which could well determine the composition of many independent or separate territories, however, I think that here avoids more excitement or a sense of separation is the socio-political, historical and economic construction of indigenous peoples (from the conquest in the 1500s), the current low political participation including the lack of a national affiliation, inequality and dare I say, the interest of maintaining cohesive territory (but not its inhabitants), the United States and the factual power groups, highlighting crime . Still, there are many expressions of territorial and social separation, highlighting EZLN, EPR, and indeed the self-defense fighting crime
  • asked a question related to National Identity
7 answers
Society became a potential power for domestic security, especially related with sense of country belonging.
Indonesia start this education from elementary school till to under graduate school.
What is more efficient?
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In Jordan, Minstry of Education started educated "Civil Education"as part of the curriculum for basic grades (1st to 10th grade". Trying building the values and civic concepts among students related to the country "commitment, loyalty, human rights,..."
Even at University level there is a course "National -Civic- Education", it is a compulsary course for all students.
I think it is still a baby step toward building the commitment and loyaltyg toward their home country.
  • asked a question related to National Identity
8 answers
In the colonial world few countries dictated the way how we thought, taught, and lived our lives. Today, with the advent of communication we say we are a global village. A step further, we even talk of one world, with some discussions even taking on the concept of the Earth as one world. UN and through its agencies (UNSC particularly) we even intervene and 'correct nations and their internal governance'. In this changing atmosphere where universality seems to be gaining acceptance, is the concept of nationalism valid?
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Yes, Lluis, I agree with that view that we are quite far from having it liquidated. We may never reach that point also, but then who knows what the future holds?
By your observation above, you added an interesting dimension to the discussion. For the sake of the discussion I am taking the caption that appears on the UN website: It's your world! Five or six decades ago we did not talk of one world. We talked of peace, prevention of war, sovereignty and freedom. Six decades down the line we talk of one world - our world. We talk more of compliance with international law than domestic law. We criticise countries for not complying with international norms and laws and even intervene into their sovereign space to uphold 'one world' norm, however blusteringly we do it.
Since we appear to be moving, however hesitantly, towards the one world norm, will this notion of nationalism become redundant at some point of time? Or, just because we can not do without our cultural and national identity, further movements towards 'one world' norm will become cause for clashes between national entities?
  • asked a question related to National Identity
6 answers
In a culturally diverse country, what factors make citizens to have a sense of belonging to one nation?
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As a minimum definition, I would suggest the famous speech by Ernest Renan "What is a nation?". Nevertheless, cultural diversity (I would prefer the term plurality or pluralism) always puts into question the idea of a nation and makes belonging a complicated issue. For this complex, Kymlicka would be one theorist offering some solutions. Nevertheless, up-to-now, I did not find a conception of an "open" nation or a diverse nation-state that would convince me...
  • asked a question related to National Identity
9 answers
I'm trying to develop a course for undergraduate students on postcolonial novels narrating the development of the nation. I'm thinking of novels like Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children.
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I don't know if you have it in english, but you can read "El Separatista" (the separatist) by Eduardo López Bago; it relates about the last years of the spanish colony of Cuba. From Spain, you have the "National episodes" by Benito Pérez Galdós; it's 46 novels, some of them translated in english.
  • asked a question related to National Identity
5 answers
it should also refer to the beliefs of Italian Identity and can nicely make a reference to the art object "altare della patria" in Rome
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My advise is to check upon life of Guiseppe Garibaldi, for instance. He was the personification of that time hero, a trully ideal of tangible utopia and also self promoted liberator of the two worlds personage that binded the so mixedup Italy towards (re)union, but also lives in the 'imaginario' of southerbrazilians and uruguaians.