Science topic
Nanostructures - Science topic
Materials which have structured components with at least one dimension in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers. These include NANOCOMPOSITES; NANOPARTICLES; NANOTUBES; and NANOWIRES.
Questions related to Nanostructures
My name is Muhammad Mukheed, and I am working on a research proposal regarding abiotic stress mitigation in plants using nanomaterials. This research is an extension of my Master's thesis, where I studied the morphological, physiological, biochemical, and anatomical parameters of plants under heavy metal stress and nanomaterial treatment. For my current proposal, I am expanding the scope to explore the molecular mechanisms involved.
I would appreciate it if anyone with expertise in this field could review my proposal and provide feedback. I will send my propsal via email. Your insights would be invaluable in strengthening the research.
Thank you in advance!
Hello! I am new to AFM and am trying to analyze a DNA origami structure created by my colleagues. I am currently using a FlexAFM in air, dynamic mode, with a Tap150Al-G cantilever to visualize our DNA origami sample, but I'm facing some challenges. The sample is a hexagon made of six equilateral triangles, each with a side length of 40 nm, resulting in an 80 nm diagonal. The protocol I'm following for fixing the sample on mica is as follows: I apply 10 µL of the sample (origami in buffer) to freshly cleaved mica, let it sit for 7 minutes, then wash it with ultrapure water to remove excess salts, and finally let it dry in the air for 10-20 minutes.
However, the images I obtained (attached) are not what I expected. Could I have damaged the origami during the sample preparation process? I’m unsure if it’s relevant to mention, but we used only half of the scaffold to create the hexagon, with the other half potentially appearing in the background.

Effect of decoration on the optical properties of nanostructures?
Optical performance of colloidal nanostructures?
I have synthesized Cu2O nanoparticles & it's size determined from XRD data as 38 nm. I have analysed uv visible absorption spectroscopy, and from uv absorption data I found out bandgap by plotting Tauc's Plot. But the bandgap I got is 2.1 ev. Cu2O has bulk bandgap of 2.2 ev and when it comes to nanomaterial the band increases. But in my case the bandgap of nano Cu2O is even less than the bulk bandgap. What can be reason of this? Where did I go wrong? Please tell.
This question investigates the potential of using specially designed DNA molecules to improve the precision and effectiveness of drug delivery in cancer treatment.
To study anti microbial activity of nanomaterials.
Hello... Is there a concept that stipulates that the increases obtained in the flexural or tensile test results must be higher than the increases obtained in the compressive strength assuming the use of steel fibers in a fixed ratio for geopolymer concrete with the reference mixture and adding a specific nanomaterial to it, or could it be less?
I am working on a drug delivery, I have to study the nano drug carriers, As of now I am reading from research papers. Are there any databases?, so I can cover all the existing nano drug carriers. It will help me to study them effectively.
I need a subject in the fields of nanostructures, ovarian cancer, and paclitaxel
please help me to find a good review article title
Can we use nanomaterial for bacterial coating or enahncing bacterial growth?
Require for Rietveld refinement in XRD.
Hello everyone,
I am currently working with PS-b-P2VP block copolymers dissolved in toluene at a concentration of 5 mg/ml, aiming to create surface coatings with hexagonally packed nanostructures. However, I am facing several challenges and would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions from those with experience in this area.
Here are the specific issues I am encountering:
- Surface Coating on Glass: The toluene solution does not spread evenly across the surface despite thoroughly cleaning the glass substrate. Are there specific cleaning protocols or surface treatments that could improve the wetting properties of the glass?
- Nanostructure Formation: When examining the coated glass with atomic force microscopy (AFM), the nanostructures appear sparse and not fully packed. In contrast, other studies report achieving complete hexagonal packing. What additional factors should I consider to improve the packing density of the nanostructures?
- Drying Process: Currently, I am drying the coated glass substrates in air. Could a more effective drying method enhance the formation and stability of the nanostructures?
Any insights, protocols, or references to relevant literature would be incredibly helpful. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards,
I have also attached TGA and DSC analysis of biosynthesised nanomaterial.

Hello, I'm Sam.
- Background:
I'm a researcher at a nanomaterial company in Taiwan, and recently I've encountered some problems that I'd like to seek help with. The company aims to determine the release of silver ions over time from a nanosilver solution (the solution only contains nanosilver + citrate solution, where citrate is added to prevent aggregation of nanosilver, so it can be largely ignored).
- Preliminary ideas:
The plan is to centrifuge the nanosilver solution, with centrifugation conditions approximately 40,000x for 1 hour or 50,000x for 1 hour, and then take the supernatant for testing (centrifugation conditions have been tested internally in the past, which result in most of the nanosilver precipitating).
- Issues encountered:
- Building on the previous point, assuming the company's centrifugation conditions are correct, my understanding is that due to the lighter weight of ions, the supernatant after centrifugation should only contain silver ions. I'm not sure if this concept is correct ?
- After contacting several testing companies, I received responses stating that they were unable to perform the testing. The reason given was that they typically only test for nanosilver content and do not delve into the silver ion aspect. However, from my research, the antibacterial effects of nanosilver are supposed to come from silver ions. What could be the reason for this discrepancy?
- The company's nanosilver is produced using physical vapor deposition. I'm unsure if this method, compared to mainstream chemical or biological synthesis methods, has any impact on the release of silver ions from nanosilver (assuming particle size, surface potential, and other physicochemical conditions are the same). Are there any studies specifically addressing this, or do you have any information on this topic? (I've searched but haven't found suitable reference materials, so I'm not sure if I'm looking in the right direction).
Any thoughts or suggestions you have on the above questions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

I am new to Nanoformulations. I have done the synthesis of NLC for an antifungal compound using the protocol published in At the end of the process, I got a mixture of milky white solution with solid coagulants. Is this a correct form of how NLC looks? I have also doubts about %w/w calculations. Kindly help me with the calculation
For good photocatalyst band gap should be also in range for light absorption. I want to know relation between bulk and nanostructure bandgap for choosing photocatalyst.
I've observed that meta-lenses, which are constructed using nanostructures, exhibit different appearances at times.
Specifically, in Article 1, the meta-lens appears transparent as seen in the graphical abstract of
Conversely, in Article 2, the meta-lens appears white, as depicted in the graphical abstract of
I've observed similar images in other studies as well, not just the examples mentioned above. I'm curious about the reasons behind this variability in appearance. Why do metalenses sometimes appear white instead of transparent?
Furthermore, I'm interested in whether there are any methods to make metalenses appear more like conventional lenses in their appearance.
I have synthesized a nanoparticle which has piezo electric property and dispersed in the polymer solution to prepare nanofibres through the process of electrospinning. Is there any standard method to measure the piezo electricity of the nanomaterial or nanofibres?.
There are various nanostructures available for graphene such as nanosheets, nanowires, nanoribbons etc. Among them which is known for its best electrical conductivity
Why did nanomaterial diffraction shift to the right from standard ICCD data? give your valuable suggestion.
Please inform me about the value of material constant "a46" for SWCNTs required for use in spintronic devices. Can anybody help me with that ?
Hi everyone I am currently looking for a structural database for nanoparticle / nanomaterial (s). Can someone provide any suggestions.
Thanks in Advance.
I modified the GCE surfaces with a laser and then performed cyclic voltammetry using that modified electrode. I have observed the potential shift in CV peaks compared to that measured with polished GCE.
I hope you're all doing well. I am a PhD student at İstanbul University and I study on thin film fabrication and characterizations.
I observe all XRD peaks of PZT after I annealed the film although there exist some cracks on the surface. However, whenever I coat top electrode, its short circuit to bottom electrode due to cracks. Before annealing, no XRD peaks are observed.
I am stuck in annealing process of PZT since the surface of thin films cracks. I fabricate thin films via RF magnetron sputter and anneal them 1 hour in a furnace between 400 - 650 ℃ with an increase of 50 ℃. Ramping up is 3 or 6 ℃/min, ramping down is 1 ℃/min or I let the furnace to cool down to room temperature naturally (~10 hours). No gas is introduced into furnace.
Could you please help me about annealing process? How do you carry out annealing for PZT? Like in how many hours you reach to 650 ℃ and in how many hours it cools down to room temperature? I can't make PZT film without cracks. I also will try RTA and I need your suggestions for both the furnace and RTA. Thanks in advance.
[The surface of the film is attached = PZT(1.3µm)/Pt(100nm)/Ti(10nm)/SiO2(300nm)/Si(350µm)]

For biomedical applications which nanostructure can give better results? Nanoparticles or nanorods?
I've a nanomaterial dispersion in water. I want to recover the material in solid form. I have used freeze drying method earlier. Now I want to utilise another method? What would be a facile method for drying the sample properly and recovering the nanomaterial powder?
Is it possible that semiconductor nanomaterial composite showing more adsorption (removal of pollutant in the absence of light) than photocatalytic activity (removal of pollutant in the presence of light)? What could be the possible mechanism for that?
& can we compare these two processes?
My area of research is regarding dietary supplementation of nanomaterials to the fingerlings and studying the growth influence of the respective nanomaterial in fingerlings. so I doubt what enzymes should be studied in the enzymatical analysis.
How can we convert a colloidal nanomaterial into powdered form.
As we can define a coupling strength between plasmon and exciton. Can we define a coupling strength between the plasmons of one material and another material?If we know the location of the plasmon peaks in the extinction spectra in terms of the wavelength of both materials, is this type of definition of coupling correct in a hybrid nanostructure?
Synthesis of nanomaterial via hydrothermal method , yield I get after final process very small in quantity. How I increase yield using this method for my research.
please give any suggestion.
Thank you.
I checked salts' effect on methylene blue degradation utilizing protein-copper-based nanomaterial. since it was a literature report that chlorine ion could reduce degradation rate but in my case, it's the opposite that salts significantly enhance the degradation rate. what should be the reason?
I wanted a thesis topic in the field of food grade nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) to work with NMR, XRD and DSC. Can you make suggestions?
is there any effect of hopping when we go bulk to nanomaterial?
What is the exact method to study the photoresponse of nanomaterial?
Is Nanoart collective or individual art?
Congratulations, Dear Friends.
We are conducting research in which we reflect on the authorship of scientific art, namely, the Nanoart genre. Nanoart is the presentation of microscopic images as a cultural and artistic product. Microscope images are usually black and white. They are often coloured to give the image more aesthetic. In our research, we aim to answer the question: Is Nanoart collective or individual art? Who is the author of such a picture: a nanotechnologist (who created the nanostructure) or an artist (who painted it)? The opinions of experts, participants, and just viewers are important to us.
Devote some time on our research. The survey is anonymous and open. We will also appreciate if you will be able to share this survey with your colleagues and friends
Hello everyone. I have measured fluorescence spectra of ATP (adenosine tryphosphate) with carbon nanostructures, namely, calix[4]arene-107. I observed fluorescent quenching of the intensity with increasing concentration of calixarene. But the dependence of I_0/I vs. calix concentration has Г-shape. How to find binding energy from the plot? Maybe someone has encountered smth like that and how to explain the specific shape of the dependence? Thank you.
Is Nanoart collective or individual art?
Congratulations, Dear Friends.
We are conducting research in which we reflect on the authorship of scientific art, namely, the Nanoart genre. Nanoart is the presentation of microscopic images as a cultural and artistic product. Microscope images are usually black and white. They are often coloured to give the image more aesthetic. In our research, we aim to answer the question: Is Nanoart collective or individual art? Who is the author of such a picture: a nanotechnologist (who created the nanostructure) or an artist (who painted it)? The opinions of experts, participants, and just viewers are important to us.
Devote some time on our research. The survey is anonymous and open. We will also appreciate if you will be able to share this survey with your colleagues and friends
The following data is the absorption data f PDMS nanostructures thin film over the glass substrate using uv-vis spectrum.
We all know that the sum of the absorbance, trnasmittance and reflectance is 1. But when we measured the absorption data of polymer thin film, the reflection data can't get properly. So can we calculate the transmision data from absorption data directly neglecting the reflection data?
And is that true the value of 1 (absorption) mean that 90 percent of absorption?
Could you all check my data that can be possible for absorption data of PDMS nanostructure thin film.
I will appreciate for all of your suggestion and advices?

Is there a relationship between the change in zeolite morphology due to synthesis in the presence of a pre-synthesized COF?
The topic of my project is an immunosensor. For that, I dropped casted antibody with nanomaterial on the working electrode, then I kept the electrode at 4 c, but I had to keep that electrode at room temperature when I needed to take readings of CV, DPV, and EIS. So my question is, are antibodies stable at room temperature, then? What am I supposed to do if not? a similar question is also related to antigens. how long antibody and antigens stable at room temperature on the working electrode?
I have developed ZnO thin film in nano rod structure on glass substrate and have calculated the absorption coefficient (α) value from absorbance value. I also have plotted ln(α) vs. photon energy (hv) curve. Now I want to calculate Urbach energy from the curve but I donot know the calculation procedure. Please help me by providing calculation procedure. Here I attach the xls file.
Hello research family...!
I am working on Nanostructured electrode materials for the applications of rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors for my research I need to learn simulation in COMSOL. I am interested in CV, GCD, and EIS plots in the electrochemistry module. Kindly help me to learn and suggest some videos/books/materials that help my research.
Thank you
I prepared nlcs of 5fu by hot homogenization method and tried to determine the entrapment efficiency by indirect method. But the nlc colloidal dispersion does not produce a supernatant on centrifugation. Whether this indicate the dispersion is stable? is there any other method to estimate entrapment efficiency? Can any one suggest on this ?
The system is a nano structured metal chalcogenide
Hello, dears,
Do you have any informations about fully funded scientific conferences on the advanced science of Medical Nano-materials?
I have very nice work on the above-mentioned topic, but as per my search on conference links, they ask for payment in order to register. I am a student and I can't able to offer the amount now.
On another side, I don't want to let money limit me from sharing my scientific finding with the entire science world.
Moreover, can we find the change in binding capacity or chemical activity of functional groups of an organic compound when it is transformed into a nanomaterial?
pXRD measurements of my nanomaterial showed that the peak intensity (minor/no shifting) changed with change in pH. The nanomaterial was dispersed in water and the measurements were performed at pH 6, 8, 10 and 12 (the concentration was same). The measurement conditions were kept identical.
I need a paper that explains the effect of nanostructuring on the improvement of semiconducting oxide gas sensors (such as zinc oxide) along with the reason. Can anyone help me?
I want to simulate far field of EMW for some nanostructure. for that I need to put some command to simulate far field but I do not know how can I put. Please help me regarding this.
spraying processes such as APS ,HVOF
Which one is the best for TBC and why ?
I m trying to resuspend or disperse of protein base nanoflower for my further work.. but my particles were goes settled down by passage of time .. I also use 0.1% glycerol but it also not give me a fruitful result... I want to my nanomaterial remain suspended in i do ?
Dear ResearchGate community,
I am currently working on the development of plasmonic nanostructures for high-sensibility biosensing. I have a project for fabricating nanostructured plasmonic nanoarrays (using metallic nanodisks or nanowires, Au or Ag) by interference laser lithography that ensures reproducible size and periodicity, but I have not studied the impact of different sizes (thickness and radius of the nanostructures) and periodicity (separation between them) conditions on the enhancement of the optical signal response (intensification of the electric field).
In this context, I think simulations would play a key role in assessing and defining the future optimal fabricating conditions for the mentioned nanoarrays. Thus, I am looking for a collaborator with experience in simulating the optical response of plasmonic nanostructures (in ANSYS or COMSOL). An example of the desired structure is shown in the attached figure. The idea is to collaborate in theoretical/experimental research, where I (main researcher) and other established researchers will carry out the experimental work.
Substantial collaboration will be rewarded with the respective co-authoring in any future paper that implies the direct or indirect use of the simulation results.
If you are interested, do not doubt in contacting me to the following e-mail "" to discuss more details about the systems properties and physical conditions.
Kind regards,
Dr. Simón Roa
Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología
Centro Atómico Bariloche

Hi everyone,
I am studying, theoretically, the effect of quantum and dielectric confinement on excitons inside hybrid perovskite nanostructures and I meet in some papers the notion "the effective mass of an exciton". So, I would like to know the difference between that notion and the exciton reduced mass and when we need to use the effective mass of an exciton in our calculations?
I would be thankful for your help
I have faced a problem while the cathodic electrodeposition method was employed to synthesize nanostructured hematite thin films onto the surface of FTO glass slides. The precursor solution was made up of 5.0 mM FeCl3, 5.0 mM NaF, 0.1 M KCl and 1.0 M H2O2. Electrodeposition synthesis was performed using a conventional three-electrode electrochemical cell containing platinum (Pt) rod, Ag/AgCl saturated by 3 M KCl, and FTO substrate as the counter, reference, and working electrodes, respectively. The nanostructured hematite thin films were tried to prepared by cyclic voltammetry process at a potential sweep rate of 0.1 V/s, from -0.5 V to 0 V for 100 cycles. As the most commonly used method, I tried this method several times. But it is not getting properly. I would like to know the purpose of using H2O2 in this method even with distilled water as a solvent.
Some papers stated that they are using self templating method but they use so-called "self sacrificial template", which is quite confusing to me.
Hi dear,
Can anyone help me or recommend me a good journal on interpretation the optical properties of nanomaterial?
Waiting for your reply
With regards
I want to deposit silver nanoparticles on glass substrate by thermal evaporation technique.what values of the parameter (accostic impedence,density,thickness) i should take.
Is it possible that morphology of 1D nanostructure is only visible in Transmission Electron Microscopy but not in Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy at higher magnification values of order 3,00,000? Can anyone give me an insight on this? Thanks in advance
How can dilute a solution containing a nanomaterial such as CdS to get 1uM? What is the procedure or protocol?
We have tried to fabricated nano and micro structures together by using MR-I-8000 resist. However, we havent obtained any good patterns. After that, when we extracted microstrucutes from our design, nearly good resolution patterns were fabricated. In that time, thermal resist was not seen in some of the substrate. Therefore, ı need to some suggestion about thermal and UV Nil.
How important you consider the thermal conductivity affects or contributes to the metal-working lubricants / cutting fluids?
What would be conventional fluids that could be attractive to reinforce with nanostructures to improve their performance?
For example, for a semiconductor material with a band gap of 1 eV, typically it can be activated to create a electron-hole by light with wavalength shortor than 1200 nm. So if the wavelength is too short, for example <300 nm, is it still suitable for activating the material?
Any good free software for simulating the optical response of plasmonic nanostructures?
I wish to add nanomaterial into the clay and wish to gain some surprising change, which help me in the construction industry (i.e. civil engineering).
can nanomaterials react with NMP and because of that no interactions between polymer and nanomaterial?
I have synthesized polymer membrane by phase inversion by adding nanomaterials to it , but the mechanical properties (tensile strength) decreased by further addition of nanomaterials.
After doping a InN nanostructure energy gap reduces and also in Ir spectrum molar extinction coefficient value decrease. What are reasons behind this?
I would like to measure the hysteresis loop of magnetic nanochain along two directions. These chains were prepared by wet chemistry so they were in powder form and randomly-oriented. My question is how to prepare aligned samples for VSM measurements. Thanks!
Why is the liquid containing the nanomaterial sometimes diluted when examining its absorption spectrum? Although a higher concentration contains many particles? Does it cause scattering or darkening or what