Science topics: MedicineDermatologyNails
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Nails - Science topic

The thin, horny plates that cover the dorsal surfaces of the distal phalanges of the fingers and toes of primates.
Questions related to Nails
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Estimados compañeros,
En la plataforma aparece una persona con mi nombre Sandra Flores que es Mejicana y que acepta todos mis artículos ¿ qué puedo hacer?
Un saludo,
Sandra Flores
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
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Hola a todos, me pasa lo mismo. Hay un perfil falso que se apropia de mis autorías:
¿Cómo se puede solucionar esto? No encuentro nada para reclamar los artículos
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El trabajo de investigaciòn es un estudio sistematizado de un problema que evidencia el dominio del àrea de su especialidad, y se conciben como ir màs allà del conocimiento, profundizar, indagar, corroborar informaciòn que nos permita seguir desarrollando mejores formas de hacer en enfermerìa; evidenciar , hallar respuestas, orientarse hacia la innovación en las diversas especialidades. Los cuidados paliativos es una especialidad que implica la asistencia de los pacientes y familias en el proceso de final de vida, asumiendo que la persona es un ser multidimensional y que los cuidados enfermeros se orientan hacia la calidad de vida, a la adaptaciòn a la nueva situaciòn de enfermedad avanzada y progresiva, a la necesidad de identificar los niveles de complejidad del cuadro clìnico, a la posiciòn del profesional de enfermerìa que interactùa de forma permanente con otros profesionales del equipo de salud y al aporte que el enfermero brinda a la mejora y desarrollo de buenas pràcticas.
Los cuidados paliativos en lationoamerica es una especialidad relativamente nueva, y con mucho què aprender y mucho por hacer; cuales son las razones por las cuales enfermerìa paliativa no investiga?, cuales son los factores que predisponen a esta carencia de trabajos de investigaciòn en enfermerìa? a què se le atribuye la falta de publicaciòn cientìfica en enfermerìa paliativa?
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Creo que en general a las Enfermeras, están mostrando mayor interés por la Investigación, pero por falta de especialización en el área oncológica no se hace. Por otro lado quienes están en la atención directa, los tiempos para investigación no se consideran en sus tiempos laborales por ser la enfermera un recurso de alto costo para las instituciones.
  • asked a question related to Nails
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I need any research gap where I can work on the topic of slope stability using soil nailing for my thesis
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Dear Sangam,
you can focus on reinforced soil behavior during the failure or smart instrumentation can be interesting for soil nailing.
Best regards,
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Does anyone can help me to find the mean or expected number of infectious viral doses released in the environment during breathing by a infected subjet
I write a spreadsheet for calculating the time trend of the infecting viral dose in a mechanically ventilated environment, according to the number of air changes.
The calculation highlights the importance of the number of air changes/hour.
Sto cercando aiuto per sapere il numero medio o atteso di dosi virali infettanti emesse nell'ambiente durante la respirazione da un soggetto infetto.
Ho scritto un foglio elettronico per il calcolo dell'andamento nel tempo della dose virale infettante dentro un ambiente ventilato meccanicamente, in funzione del numero dei ricambi di aria.
Il calcolo evidenzia l'importanza del numero di ricambi dell'aria per ora.
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Yes, you correctly focus on the crucial importance of the face mask in protecting against infection by the novel COVID-19-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and its many variants, especially the Omicron, which is the most highly contagious of all. In fact, the authorities are recommending that people wear the N95 and other approved face masks because the cloth masks alone do not protect completely from the Omicron variant. The more masks one wears the better is the protection against this Omicron coronavirus variant.
With my best regards.
Stay healthy in this new 2022 year.
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Perhaps surgical techniques have changed and some are allowed but a good proportion are not allowed to weightbear. May I know the reasons or indications to keep a patient non-weightbearing? Noted a previous discussion on load bearing and sharing differences a few years back. Noted for IM Nailing, which is load sharing, patients are allowed to weight-bear early. Noted also that a dynamic hip screw is load bearing but weight bearing is allowed since stability is achieved. Thanks!
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It is a bespoke scenario but we tend to let them weight bear. There are multiple factors to consider. Internal fixation is not a new science. The first half
of the twentieth century has provided us with ample documentation of the results of unstable internal fixation. Surgery has frequently proved to be the worst
form of treatment. It destroyed the soft tissue hinges, interfered with biological factors such as the blood supply and the periosteum, and was never sufficiently strong or stable to permit active mobilization of the limbs with partial loading. Supplemental external plaster fixation was often necessary. The emphasis
was on bone healing and not on soft tissue rehabilitation. Healing became evident when callus appeared. Unfortunately, unstable internal fixation was unpredictable
and uncertain, and it frequently resulted in delayed union, nonunion, or deformity. When union did occur, instead of signifying the end of treatment it merely signaled the beginning of a prolonged phase of rehabilitation designed to regain motion in the soft tissue envelope and in the stiff joints. The ravages
of this prolonged nonfunctional form of treatment were such that open reduction and internal fixation were looked upon as the last resort in the treatment of a fracture.
Neutralization plates or protection plates are used to protect the primary lag screw fixation. They conduct part or all of the forces from one fragment to
the other. In this way they protect the fracture fixation from the forces of bending shear and rotation
In metaphyseal areas the cortex is very thin, and if subjected to load it can fail. Such failures result in deformity and axial overload of the joint. Therefore, internal fixation in metaphyseal areas requires protection with plates that support the underlying cortex. These are referred to as buttress plates. Buttressing
may also be achieved with external fixation.
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A menudo un investigador se basa en los instrumentos exteriores o en el corpus de datos generados por una cultura particular. ¿Es suficiente utilizar los criterios establecidos para reconocer y validar una publicación, conducta, sociedad , cultura o espiritualidad como buena?. Buena, entendiendose como válida, saludable a nivel universal y duradera. El dialogo constructivo es necesario para la consolidación de una realidad, pero ¿ Y si los que conforman este diálogo no tienen en sí mismos la visión correcta?. Ejemplos de ello son los grupos culturales y de investigación que no han mantenido una base etica y espiritual correcta (Eugenesias, Investigacion cruel con animales, periodos historicos violentos, etc.). ¿ Es necesario revisar el propio sistema de valores no como una base de creencias sin como guia de conducta en la praxis diaria?
Often a researcher relies on external instruments or the body of data generated by a particular culture. Is it enough to use the established criteria to recognize and validate a publication, a conduct, society, culture or spirituality as good? Good, understood as valid, healthy on a universal and lasting level. The constructive dialogue is necessary for the consolidation of a reality, but what if those who make up this dialogue do not have the right vision in themselves? Examples of this are cultural and research groups that have not maintained a correct ethical and spiritual basis (Eugenics, Cruel research with animals, violent historical periods, etc.). Is it necessary to review the value system itself not as a basis of beliefs without as a guide to behavior in daily practice?
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1) Hay que aclarar primero si es una cuestión a dilucidar "históricamente" (desde un punto de vista diacrónico) o bien -digamos que por el contrario- a dilucidar "actualmente" (desde un punto de vista sincrónico). Porque como se mezclen ambos puntos de vista puedes llegar a callejones sin salida o a preguntas que provoquen respuestas que lleven al absurdo.
2) Si es diacrónicamente: hay que ver qué puntos de lo social se admitían en cada momento (por ejemplo: el esclavismo, que duró siglos) y cómo se veían influidas las espiritualidades en momentos diferentes respecto de esos puntos (por ejemplo: en el cristianismo, hay respuesta desde los primeros años -siglo I- hasta el final del esclavismo, pero no siempre coherentes entre sí) y si, más allá de esos puntos concretos, se puede 'salvar' (puede ser buena) esa espiritualidad o no.
3) Si es sincrónicamente: una vez alcanzado el conocimiento actual, habiendo conquistado los derechos humanos, en una sociedad globalizada, etc., etc., la respuesta toma otro cariz más global y globalizador, que va de lo concreto y particular (de cada espiritualidad) a lo general y colectivo (en relación unas con otras espiritualidades): de modo que se podría hablar de 'pautas' para distinguir entre lo bueno y lo malo en las diversas espiritualidades.
4) Yo me decantaría por una pregunta de tipo sincrónico, con sus múltiples posibles respuestas (yo daría una al respecto); para, una vez teniendo claro lo que 'hoy' entendemos por bueno o malo (respecto de una espiritualidad), poder analizar -en el plano diacrónico- los diversos momentos por los que la humanidad ha ido atravesando y cómo las diversas espiritualidades han ido respondiendo en cada caso (a veces, de múltiples y contrapuestas maneras).
Con todo, es muy buena pregunta. Porque el mundo futuro será espiritual o no será. Y no soy yo quien lo dice...
Muchas gracias por invitarnos a la reflexión profunda. Hace falta.
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I am going to start research on people conceived through gamete donors and / or surrogacy. The study will be carried out in Spain. Could you recommend a bibliography of studies carried out in other countries or ideas on how to approach the subject? Thanks in advance
En español:
Voy a comenzar una investigación sobre personas concebidas mediante donantes de gametos y/o gestación subrogada. El estudio se realizará en España. ¿Podríais recomendarme bibliografía de estudios realizados en otros países o ideas sobre cómo enfocar el tema? Gracias por anticipado
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Does anyone know how to get a copy of the following article?
"Donor conception: How demographics and disclosure experiences impact donor-conceived adults’ motivations for seeking information about, and contact with, sperm donors. "
April 2021Reproductive Biomedicine Online.
Caitlin Macmillan, Sonia Allan, Melissa Johnstone and Mark Stokes
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Muchas personas equiparan la educación sexual con un permiso para ser activos sexualmente. No es así. La educación sexual representa la oportunidad para aprender, comprender y poner en práctica lo que significa ser un hombre o una mujer en los tiempos que corren. También es una oportunidad para instruirse sobre cómo vivir como adultos de forma segura, responsable y feliz. En otra época, la palabras sexualidad y discapacidad pocas veces se escuchaban juntas en conversaciones "educadas". Se consideraba que no era aceptable hablar sobre sexualidad abiertamente. Y frecuentemente las personas con discapacidad (PcD) permanecían escondidas y tampoco se les mencionaba. Desde ese entonces hemos aprendido mucho sobre los beneficios de conversar sobre la sexualidad y han surgido grandes cambios en torno a cómo percibimos a las PcD. Los padres ya no preguntan, "¿Cómo puedo retrasar el desarrollo de la sexualidad en mi hijo con discapacidad intelectual (DI)?" Ahora más bien preguntan: "¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi hijo con DI a expresarse sexualmente en una forma cónsona con sus capacidades y dentro de los estándares aceptables en nuestra comunidad?" ¡Una pregunta mucho más acertada! Desarrollo Social/Sexual La sexualidad es un aspecto inherente e importante de la personalidad de cada persona y no está ligado a su cociente intelectual. Sin embargo, existen semejanzas y diferencias entre cómo la sexualidad se desarrolla en niños con desarrollo típico
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La sexualidad sigue siendo a día de hoy un tema tabú y del cual debería de haber más información. Hay que saber que existe una amplia gama de maneras de sentir placer en este ámbito y que cualquier persona tiene derecho a conocerlas. En cuanto a las personas con diversidad funcional intelectual se tiene ese prejuicio de que no conozcan el tema del sexo porque no están capacitado para ello. Muchas veces son su propio entorno el que les limita a esta práctica porque sienten que si les hacen conocer esto, les están haciendo algo indebido. El sexo y la sexualidad es una manera de autoconocerse a sí mismo en la que experimentas sensaciones que de otra manera nunca habías conocido. No tiene por que ser sexo con otra persona, sino consigo mismo para comprender como funciona su cuerpo y administras las emociones patentes; siempre de una manera adaptada a la necesidad de cada uno.
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Dear Editor, I want to know how to relate my own works. I can see that 2 publications are on behalf of someone else ( Instead, I am the real author, along with professor Bernal (Álvaro BERNAL Noreña ) of this 2 articles.
Please, help me to solve this.
Best regards
Juan Guillermo Torres
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Dear Juan Guillermo Torres thank you for your interesting technical question. What you can do here on the platform is go to the page showing the research article at
Then click on "Save" next to the blue "Download" button. Then a new pop-up window appears where you can click on "Claim authorship" (see attached screenshot).
Good luck! 👍
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16 answers
Esta parece ser una pregunta sencilla que debería tener una respuesta única y categórica. En teoría, los datos moleculares disponibilizados por otros autores en el GenBank son de LIBRE acceso y de acuerdo a esto, pueden ser utilizados por otros investigadores en nuevos estudios. Algo parecido ocurre con el material biológico (partes de individuos o individuos completos) que es colectado y depositado por un investigador y que posteriormente es utilizado por otros investigadores en nuevos estudios. Este podría ser el raciocinio lógico para cualquier editor que recibe un documento que incluye un análisis filogenético realizado con datos del GenBank. Sin embargo, parece ser que no siempre los editores están de acuerdo con el libre uso de datos moleculares depositados en GenBank. Expongo el siguiente caso:
En primera instancia sometimos para revisión uno de mis artículos a una conocida revista de Biodiversidad Marina. Este trabajo fue el fruto de un extenso proceso de colaboración científica entre colegas del área de la carcinología de varios países que se extendió por más de 4 años, y que incluyó extensos viajes de colecta por toda la costa del Atlántico Sur Occidental junto con la revisión de vastos lotes de organismos depositados en museos dentro y fuera de Brasil.
En sí, en el trabajo propusimos la separación de las poblaciones de un camarón de la costa de Brasil de la gran población de esta misma especie del Atlántico Occidental con la propuesta de una nueva especie para la ciencia más otros detalles taxonómicos. Para darle un fortalecimiento a nuestos datos morfológicos, reanalizamos la información molecular depositada en GenBank por otros autores. Luego de algunos días, un conocido investigador experto en 'squat lobsters' que actuó como editor invitado, nos escribió rechazando el artículo con el argumento de que habíamos cometido una falta ética al utilizar los datos moleculares disponibilizados en GenBank por otro grupo de investigación. Al pedir explicaciones al editor, este defendió la postura del revisor anónimo diciendo que era un problema que nosotros debíamos resolver.
En un segundo intento, el editor de otra revista dentro de Brasil señaló que el análisis molecular era similar al de otro autor y que por lo tanto, el trabajo era rechazado editorialmente. Este editor no se identificó y no permitió ninguna respuesta. Tampoco consideró que la parte molecular de nuestro trabajo apenas representaba el 10% de un trabajo que consideró lotes provenientes de un amplió rango geográfico.
Este relato representa un caso en el que los editores de dos diferentes revistas tienen una idea completamente diferente de lo que debería ser el libre uso de datos moleculares disponibles en GenBank. A todas luces, este parece ser un buen ejemplo de como dos diferentes editores hacen una defensa corporativa del trabajo realizado por investigadores con los cuales mantienen un nexo de amistad. Es decir, en este caso, si los autores de los datos moleculares no fueron capaces de encontrar las diferencias morfológicas que respaldasen sus datos moleculares, nadie más que no sea de su círculo cercano puede publicar el hallazgo de esta nueva especie. La camorra italiana tiene buenos ejemplos dentro de nuestra querida ciencia......
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Patricio Hernáez Tu relato no solo es increíble, si no inadmisible, la naturaleza de GB es precisamente acceso abierto para el uso científico de datos, ello permite la replicabilidad, incluso la curaduría molecular de las mismas seciuencias ya publicadas. Soy autor que hago uso frecuente de NCBI y además editor en dos revistas de biodiversidad, taxonomía y sistemática donde evaluamos artículos constantemente con evidencia molecular generada y obtenida de GB.
Creo que aquí la reflexión de la supuesta falta a la ética no esta precisamente en los autores.
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cuantos betaglucanos de ganoderma lucidum puedo poner en una bebida
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Until now, there is no reports on the production of high beta-glucan mushroom drinks.
But as we know, some drinks may contain up to 70% of beta-glucans from cereal sources.
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Me interesa saber si existen estandares establecidos para el tiempo que se le debe dar a un estudiante para resolver una evaluación tipo objetiva en un entorno virtual
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El avance de las nuevas tecnologías con lleva con mayor necesidad que la educación se brinde en modalidad virtual rompiendo las barreras del tiempo y el espacio, lo cual promueve que la creación de programas virtuales en la USMP cumplan estándares de calidad tal como los ofrecemos en nuestros programas en modalidad presencial, por ello la Universidad San Martín de Porres, previas investigaciones de experiencias y buenas prácticas internacionales, ha diseñado un modelo pedagógico para cursos virtuales considerando dos pilares; la metodología de cursos virtuales y el diseño pedagógico del aula virtual. Partimos del fundamento pedagógico de dos corrientes contemporáneas que lo respaldan, que son el constructivismo y el conectivismo, las cuales nos llevan al logro de un aprendizaje significativo en el entorno virtual. Con esta base hemos podido planificar, organizar y diseñar nuestros programas virtuales, que responden a una evaluación por competencias, basados en estándares internacionales de calidad. Nuestro modelo pedagógico cuenta con una metodología virtual en la cual cada semana considera cuatro días (lunes a jueves) el desarrollo de los foros de debate o temáticos con una retroalimentación permanente; el viernes y sábado está destinado a completar los foros de debate (rezagados); las tareas se programan desarrollar de lunes a sábado, mientras que los sábados además, se programa una retroalimentación semanal a través de foro o videoconferencia; finalmente, los lunes el docente procede a la publicación de notas finales. Se cuenta con una metodología diferenciada para asignaturas de números y tesis, con la finalidad de elevar el porcentaje de estudiantes aprobados en este tipo de cursos, que por su naturaleza son más complejos, y requieren mayor cantidad de comunicación sincrónica. Además, se ha incluido la función de dinamización en el aula virtual en los programas de pregrado y posgrado, obteniendo resultados alentadores reduciendo la cantidad de NSP e incrementando el porcentaje de aprobados.
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Probablemente a todos nos ha pasado que hemos recibido alguna vez una revisión arbitraria de uno de nuestros artículos. Dado que el proceso de revisión es anónimo, esta condición es muchas veces aprovechada de forma negativa para rechazar, acusar y levantar, cuestionamientos en contra de los autores de un trabajo. Siendo estas acusaciones verdaderas o simples calumnias, el levantamiento de cuestiones éticas y morales por parte de un referí no permite ningún tipo de defensa por parte de los autores de un trabajo. Esto ocurre con bastante frecuencia en nuestro ámbito científico en donde investigadores de 'renombre' se aprovechan de su condición de poder y del anonimato para hacer todo tipo de acusaciones sin presentar ninguna evidencia que sustente sus argumentos para rechazar un artículo. En general, cuando este tipo de situaciones ocurre, un editor se coloca del lado del revisor sin siquiera solicitar para el revisor un antecedente de la supuesta falta ética y moral. La pregunta que aquí cabe es, ¿Cuál es el verdadero papel de un árbitro durante el proceso de revisión de un artículo?....Ofrecer una revisión técnica de un documento o hacer de juez moral y ético de un trabajo realizado por otros investigadores.....¿Es correcto en términos éticos, acusar de forma anónima a otros colegas de cometer faltas éticas sin presentar ninguna evidencia ni permitir la defensa de los colegas en frente de las acusaciones?......... ¿Las revistas deben presentar un protocolo para poder tomar un papel mucho más activo en este tipo de situaciones? Opine con total libertad......El miedo a romper este tipo de secreto a voces no nos va a permitir mejorar como colectividad.....
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Es decir Usted no tiene ninguna pubicación asociada a su perfil ni tampoco ningún documento, poster, tesis o lo que sea publicado en researchgate, y yo deberìa creer que Usted creó su perfil especialmente para opinar sobre mi pergunta?......Además de eso, usted menciona en su comentario, cito textual 'Verifique las reglas bajo las cuáles fué revisado su manuscrito', cuando yo nunca mencioné que mi pregunta estaba relacionada con un artículo o documento que yo había enviado para alguna revista....Eso sin dejar de considerar que su postura parece defender precisamente lo que yo estoy debatiendo, "hacer crìticas personales bajo una figura anónima"........Es raro no?
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El aprendizaje entre pares es una práctica educativa en la que los estudiantes interactúan con otros estudiantes para alcanzar objetivos educativos.1​ Ya sea que tenga lugar en un contexto de aprendizaje formal, informal o no formal, en grupos pequeños o en línea, el aprendizaje entre pares manifiesta aspectos de la autoorganización que están ausentes en su mayoría de los modelos pedagógicos de enseñanza y aprendizaje tradicionales.
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Active Learning to teach, learn, and research for PLC.
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Es válido el tema de ver "fototipos" (lo vi en un artículo que reporta nueva distribución de una especie) cuando no se tiene acceso a material de herbario? Se ha seguido la descripción taxonómica de una especie basado en hojas y fruto, pero no hemos podido colectar en flor. No hay material idéntico depositado en herbarios nacionales . Así que se ha proseguido la comparación con imágenes, depositadas en MO, FMNH, NY, de la especie de interés y "virtualmente" también coinciden.
En otras palabras, es aceptado este tipo de comparación ("virtual") si se desea hacer el reporte (distribución) de una especie? Además de la identificación basada en la descripción botánica publicada.
Gracias por sus aportes.
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Yes, if the images are excellent
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Trabajo en una nueva investigación sobre gestión energética en las PYMES
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Hola Estimado Edwin Francisco
Antes que todo te pido una disculpa por no responderte, no había entrado a este sitio en tiempo por cuestión de trabajo.
Te agradezco la información que me das sobre tu cuestionario de evaluación para sistemas eléctricos.
Nosotros efectivamente terminamos a inicios del presente año la primera parte del proyecto de gestión energética en las PYMES.
Sería bueno que si te parece te puedo compartir el mismo.
Sigo a tus órdenes...te comparto mi correo
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Till date over 1600 cases of psoriasis, including 1. Papular psoriasis, 2. Guttate psoriasis, 3. Pustular psoriasis, 4. Nail psoriasis, 5. scalp psoriasis, 6. Plaque psoriasis, 7. Inverse psoriasis, 8. Erythrodermic psoriasis, 9 Psoriatic arthritis, 10. Linear psoriasis and 11. Palmop-plantar psoriasis, were treated with Wrightia tinctoria extract. Taking aetiological factors in mind, the patients were advised to follow healthy life style and taking healthy diet and drinks.. The patients were advised to avoid animal protein, including eggs, meat, beef, chicken, fish and flesh of animal origin. Psoriasis flared up in patients who took animal protein during treatment.
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Cordial saludo. En el marco de la resolución de problemas que incluyen el concepto de probabilidad, se observa una escasa investigación, ¿cuál considera que pueden ser las razones para que esto ocurra? De antemano mil gracias por su aporte!
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Nice Dear Arnulfo Fajardo Valencia
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De que manera podemos evitar el costo humano en el contexto del COVID-19, ha sabiendas que las medidas y lo que en realidad esta pasando en algunas ciudades ya es el desabastecimiento y el desasosiego de la gente que tiene nulo sus ahorros para enfrentar la crisis, y el Estado en su mejor esfuerzo esta cerca del colapso a nivel global.
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In economics, the aim is to establish equilibria between two forces. Every extreme is bad, if we focus strictly on the economic part, there would be a high mortality rate, but if we do not carry out an isolation, the productive capacity of a country breaks down. A proposal for balance would have been (perhaps not the most appropriate) to require companies and individuals by government decree to take vacation days on a mandatory basis, but one of house confinement. Time that allows the government to carry out COVID tests in households (on a sampling basis), delivery of masks and protective suits to the population (or the most vulnerable sectors). When the 15-day period ends, the use of protection for the population is mandatory with very strong sanctions in case of non-compliance, which can be economic, even those of not going anywhere without those protections and rules of social distancing.
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Deseo comprobar si las excretas de los geckos
Hemidactylus frenatus en las casa de un municipio de Honduras son portadores de Salmonella spp.
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Hola Diego,
El procedimiento para el análisis de excretas para cepas de Salmonella luego de la colecta de las heces directamente de la cloaca o del terrario de una diversidad de reptiles es descrita en Corrente et al. (2004).
Te dejo un link con el método. (
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Gentile Professor Balestrino
Purtroppo non potevo venire a Roma il giorno quando a presentato la sua relazione "L'analisi della scrittura nella valutazione postuma del declino cognitive" al convento della CIGME. Se non é ancora pubblicata, sarebbe anche una possibilità di inserirla nel nostro libro? Intanto, non la conosco per detta ragione.
Saluti da Zurigo
Marie Anne Nauer
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Benissimo, a risentirci
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12 answers
Dear all, I need to read some key texts on environmental governance and sustainable development. Does anybody have any suggestions on VERY KEY literature on the topic? I have very little time to prepare so I need something that nails down the core of the debate and issues. Thanks in advance
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Have some sympathy with Marcelo's suggestion, but unlike the 'management' of natural resources - with which it's often confused - governance as applied to the environment spans political, legal and administrative frameworks, multiple socio-cultural contexts, the socio-economic environment, as well as the physical environment, both natural and man-made (e.g. settlements, infrastructure). Or put another way it's often complex - characterised by conflicting ideas for ecision-making (i.e. involving disagreements between decision-makers), and by knowledge gaps and uncertainties (e.g. climate impacts) - so may not be readily amenable either to cause and effect analyses, or cause and effect solutions!
It might then be useful - necessary - to clarify what is understood by 'governance', a concept which has been framed in different and changing ideological terms, ranging from simply 'doing things better' to the broader analytical basis for understanding the multiple political processes and relationships through which state and non-state actors do, and might, engage.
Definitions of the latter ilk include: “The exercise of political, economic and administrative authority in the management of a country’s affairs at all levels. Governance comprises the complex mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, mediate their differences, and exercise their legal rights and obligations.” UNDP (1997) Governance for Sustainable Human Development.
“Governance is a descriptive label that is used to highlight the changing nature of the policy process in recent decades. In particular, it sensitizes us to the ever-increasing variety of terrains and actors involved in the making of public policy. Thus, governance demands that we consider all the actors and locations beyond the [central government] ‘core executive’ involved in the policy making process.” Richards and Smith (2002) Governance and Public Policy in the United Kingdom.
From this analytical perspective, understanding governance will be closely linked to identifying and understanding how decisions are made (and in terms of ‘sound governance’, how this might be improved upon):
- Who is included in decision-making – or should be, and how should they be included?
- In which ‘terrains’ and/or at what levels are they made – or should they be made?
- Who initiates and/or is responsible for the process – or should be?
- Who has decision-making and implementation authority (decision-making entities; individual decision-makers; interactions among decision-makers) – or should have?
- Who and/or what influences the decisions (personal values, attitudes, believes etc; decision support resources e.g. info & knowledge; technological & other options) – or should influence decision?
In addition to decision-making governance is also about the subsequent implementation of those decisions. What are the outcomes of a decision once made; and how do decision-makers and stakeholders live with them?
When considering the management of natural resource in particular, one key focus will inevitably be that of local government and the broader system of what might be called local governance. Many developing countries have undergone or are in the process of decentralisation to improve service delivery and resource management, amongst other things. These processes are frequently only partially formulated and implemented, and reality typically falls well short of aspirations of devolution. Thus the ‘enabling environment’ required to facilitate local government and optimise local governance processes remains very much influenced if not constrained by national level processes (i.e. central decision-making and implications for implementation).
One key pervasive constraint relates to the divide that often characterises policy formulation, whereby the potential beneficiaries of policy change, and even those public servants with responsibilities for policy implementation, may not be consulted during this preliminary phase. Wider criticism relates to the very relevance of policy itself; it has been suggested that many of the earlier Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSs) (linked to debt relief in the naughties) were oriented towards symptoms rather than solutions, and their implementation often diluted or ineffective. This leads to considerations of adaptive policy approaches, to better take account of risk, uncertainties and discontinuities.
Specific definitions of environmental governance include: “The interactions among structures, processes and traditions that determine how power and responsibilities are exercised, how decisions are taken, and how citizens or other stakeholders have their say in the management of natural resources – including biodiversity conservation” (CEESP and WCPA, 2004)
“…environmental governance refers to negotiations between communities and the state in respect of decision-making and/or implementation of environmental management, bearing in mind that environmental management involves the management of all components of the bio-physical environment, both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic).” (IIED, 2006)
With respect to water governance, Cleaver offers the following definition: “the system of actors, resources, arrangements and processes which mediate society’s access to water” (2012).
Sound, good or good-enough governance? The various governance interpretations cited above are all descriptions of decision-making within a political context of multiple stakeholders or actors, at multiple levels, with multiple and diverse perspectives and objectives. As such none of them identifies what sound, good, or not-so-good governance actually looks like. There has been however increasing acknowledgement that poor governance is responsible both for grinding poverty and environmental destruction. Diagnoses of entrenched poverty have long identified weak governance and failed states as the root causes (DFID, 2006). The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) and Global Environment Outlook both made similar diagnoses for environmental degradation and loss. While not using the term governance, the MA asserts that: pressures on ecosystems will increase globally unless human attitudes and actions change; and better conservation policies may be of limited value unless governments, businesses, and communities take natural systems into account in a wide range of other decisions. The MA argues that the productivity of ecosystems is dependent on policy choices on investment, trade, subsidy, taxation, and regulation, amongst other things. Thus, reversing poor governance – or moving towards good governance – is frequently linked to the realisation of equity and poverty reduction goals, and/or environmental conservation aims; and is associated with addressing issues of power and authority in society, and moving existing governance systems in aspirational directions.
For many the concept of ‘good governance’ is linked to a set of core principles based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
- Participation: the degree of involvement by affected stakeholders; - Fairness: the degree to which rules apply equally to everyone in society;
- Decency: the degree to which the formation and stewardship of the rules is undertaken without humiliating or harming people;
- Accountability: the extent to which political actors are responsible to society for what they say and do;
- Transparency: the degree of clarity and openness with which decisions are made;
- Efficiency: the extent to which limited human and financial resources are applied without unnecessary waste, delay or corruption.
Not everyone is happy with the concept of ‘good governance’, which may be seen as alignmed to western democratic and bureaucratic traditions, where congruence between formal and informal institutions, and formalised economies are well established. Writing about Pakistan Jabeen (2007) characterised the governance context there as one of authoritarianism, elitism, familism, paternalism, sectarianism, extremism and feudalism; and suggest the values of good governance stand in conflict with the prevailing norms. Building on the concept of ‘good enough governance’ (Grindle, 2004), she recommended ‘indigenisation’ of the concept of good governance.
With respect to local governance in NRM, some of the literature draws attention to the design principles first collated by Ostrom. These are the existence of:
- Clearly defined boundaries;
- Rules adaptable to local conditions: proportional equivalence between costs and benefits;
- Space for collective choice arrangements;
- Monitoring, particularly by third parties, for enforcement and punishment;
- Sanctions escalating with the severity of the violation;
- Conflict resolution mechanisms;
- The right to organise groups;
- Nested enterprises: arrangements where local knowledge and local institutions prevail, but shaped to accommodate larger and broader interests.
In the context of protected areas (PAs) principles identified with equitable and effective – or ‘good’ – governance include: legitimacy and voice, subsidiarity, fairness, doing no harm, direction (e.g. contextually informed objectives), performance, and accountability (see Borrini-Feyerabend et al.,).
As is probably obvious I've cut and pasted this from earlier work I did for WWF on environmental governance. Interestingly the conservation world, which previously focused on resource management has long been forced to concede that one can't ignore the political aspects of NRM, which inevitably means addressing governance challenges. Recognising the 'complexity' that typically characterises environmental governance is still work in progress. Hope something here is useful?
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I did acid etching on teeth with HCL 15 % .then analyzed with BET to fined porosity size. can anybody help me with an interpretation of BET analysis of bulk teeth? I want to know if I can understand the porosity size in bulk materials by BET? in this case porosity size of on side of the teeth when other sides are covered by nail warnish.
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You mean adsorption/desoprtion analysis, since BET is a equation to find a surface area of nonporous material. Once you plot adsorption/desorption isotherm (generally, nitrogen at -196 degree), you need to classify what kind of pore there is. Then you can match the equations to that porosity to find the size distribution, for example, BJH equation for mesoporous, t-plot or as-plot for micropores. Finding surface area from BET for porous material could give you an inaccurate result.
See more
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las zonas áridas del mundo cubren una gran parte de la superficie terrestre y es importante conocer y entender los mecanismos de las especies que allí viven para poder aplicar ese conocimiento a muchas de las necesidades de la humanidad, por ejemplo como mejorar la agricultura tradicional y obtener un buen rendimiento de las especies cultivables en terrenos áridos.
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Which one is desert Biotechnology again?
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Dominio de conocimiento e investigación donde se fundaron. Conceptos principales Temas y tendencias actuales Herramientas utilizadas para su aplicación. ¿Cómo los aplicaría en su institución o proyecto educativo? Aunque la vasta mayoría de la literatura sobre Analítica de Aprendizaje, en la actualidad, ha comenzado a adoptar definición. La definición y los objetivos de la Analítica de Aprendizaje continúan en debate. Una definición anterior discutida por la comunidad sugirió que la Analítica de Aprendizaje es el uso de datos inteligentes, datos producidos por el alumno y modelos de análisis para descubrir información y conexiones sociales para predecir y asesorar el aprendizaje de las personas. Una visión más holística propone un marco de trabajo genérico de diseño que puede actuar como una guía útil para desarrollar servicios analíticos para el apoyo de la práctica educativa y ayuda al estudiante, para el aseguramiento de la calidad, el desarrollo curricular y para mejorar la eficiencia y efectividad del desempeño docente. Otro enfoque sugerido es una visión general sistemática de la Analítica de Aprendizaje y de sus conceptos clave a través de un modelo de referencia basado en cuatro dimensiones: Datos, entornos, contexto (¿qué?), Partes interesadas (¿quién?), Objetivos (¿por qué?) y métodos (¿cómo?). Aparecen otras definiciones hasta llegar a esta formulada en 2016 que me parece mas completa: describe seis áreas de tecnología emergente que habrán tenido un impacto significativo en la educación superior y la expresión creativa para fines de 2020. Como resultado de esta investigación, se definió la Analítica de Aprendizaje como una aplicación educativa de la analítica web, dirigida a la elaboración de perfiles de alumnos, consistente en un proceso de recopilación y análisis de información detallada de las interacciones individuales de los estudiantes en actividades de aprendizaje en linea
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Thank you, I have read the article that you suggest, of which I send you the introduction and I tell you that you are absolutely right and I ask you to continue exchanging criteria about Online Training.
Historically speaking, a simple definition of Analytics is “the study of analysis.” A more useful, more modern description would suggest “Data Analytics” is an important tool for gaining business insights and providing tailored responses to customers. Data Analytics, sometimes abbreviated to “Analytics,” has become increasingly important for organizations of all sizes. The practice of Data Analytics has gradually evolved and broadened over time,
Gracias, he leido el articulo que me sugiere, del cual le envío la introducción y le digo que tiene toda la razón y le pido continuar intercambiando criterios acerca de la Formación en red.
Históricamente hablando, una definición simple de Analytics es "el estudio del análisis". Una descripción más útil y más moderna sugeriría que "Data Analytics" es una herramienta importante para obtener información comercial y proporcionar respuestas personalizadas a los clientes. El análisis de datos, a veces abreviado como "análisis", se ha vuelto cada vez más importante para organizaciones de todos los tamaños. La práctica de Data Analytics ha evolucionado y ampliado gradualmente con el tiempo,
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He tratado de encontrar una clasificación de canales de corderos de leche y no he podido encontrar nada, quizás por su bajo consumo. Trabajo actualmente con suplementación de ovejas Pelibuey en etapa de lactancia y voy a evaluar la calidad de la carne de sus corderos y me encontré con su trabajo evaluación de corderos en pie y en canal y me surgió esa pregunta.
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Presentaron una en la XVLI AMPA, espero la haya ubicado. Puede serte útil.
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Quiero obtener una idea del desarrollo y contenido de las Humanidades como orientación etica y filosofica en México.
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J Med Philos. 2006 Jun;31(3):213-34.
Between technocracy and democratic legitimation: a proposed compromise position for common morality public bioethics.
Evans JH1.
J Med Philos. 2006 Jun;31(3):251-67.
Bioethics as ideology: conditional and unconditional values.
Koch T1.
Author information
1Department of Geography, Medical, University of British Columbia, 1984 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 2Z1, Canada.
The values of Volunteering pp 111-125 | Cite as
A Humanistic Perspective on the Volunteer-Recipient Relationship
A Mexican study
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estoy realizando una investigación y necesito recolectar información vigente
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You can check if some of the authors are on RG:
Impact of Sleep and Dialysis Mode on Quality of Life in a Mexican Population.
Reynaga-Ornelas L, Baldwin CM, Arcoleo K, Quan SF.
Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2019;18(5):122-134.
Kidney Int Rep. 2018 Sep; 3(5): 1027–1029. Published online 2018 Jul 27.
The Tragedy of Having ESRD in Mexico
Guillermo Garcia-Garcia1,∗ and Jonathan Samuel Chavez-Iñiguez
Rev Invest Clin. 2016 Jul-Aug;68(4):192-200.
Clinical, Dialytic, and Laboratory Factors Associated With Poor Health-Related Quality of Life in Mexican Patients on Hemodialysis.
Dehesa-López E1,2, Correa-Rotter R3, Olvera-Castillo D4, González-Parra C, Baizabal-Olarte R
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1998;13 Suppl 1:65-9.
Review of the concept of quality of life assessment and discussion of the present trend in clinical research.
Apolone G1, Mosconi P.
In Quality We Trust; but Quality of Life or Quality of Care? Chen SS et al. Semin Dial. (2016)
Health-Related Quality of Life in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients: How Often Should We Ask and What Do We Do with the Answer? Chen SS et al. Blood Purif. (2016)
Brief cognitive behavioural intervention for depression and anxiety symptoms improves quality of life in chronic haemodialysis patients. Lerma A et al. Psychol Psychother. (2017)
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Estoy trabajando la formación política para la construcción de una ciudadanía digital. En este contexto, encuentro una tensión entre las tendencias hacia una formación que aboga por el desarrollo de competencias tecnológicas, al margen de una formación política sólida.
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pesar de los límites señalados, escierto que como resultado de la acumulación de rebel-días, en las batallas populares producidas en estos co-mienzos de siglo, se revalorizó la lucha política, no comogerenciamiento empresarial sino como causa colectiva;y se insinuaron distintas maneras de amasar identidad y proyecto, en un esfuerzo solidario que al tiempo que sueña el proyecto, intenta construirlo en las prácticas cotidianas, modificando las relaciones de opresión y dominación. También en esta etapa se multiplicaron las expresiones de sujetos políticos que se organizan para denunciar y enfrentar formas de subordinación o exclusión que no dependen solamente de variables económicas, como son las demandas ligadas al reconocimiento de la identidad cultural; a la visibilizan de diversos campos de las percepciones, pensamientos, sentimientos y experiencias de las mujeres, de sectores de la diversidad y de la disidencia sexual; ala recuperación de las culturas indoamericanas y afro descendientes, y de aquellas espiritualidades populares que desafían la prédica del pensamiento capitalista y patriarcal, el fundamentalismo religioso y la homogeneizan de las subjetividades alrededor de un patrón cultural burgués, machista, racista, hominicaco, xenofobia,colonizador, guerrerista y violento.Algunos debates en los movimientos populares Reconocer las dinámicas que conducen a la segmentación social uno de los obstáculos fundamentales de este tiempo es imprescindible tanto para asumir los enfoques de creación de un bloque popular contra hegemónico, como para debatir el carácter y la metodología de las propuestas de formación política
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Estoy investigando acerca de cuáles son las representaciones sociales, que se tienen de las personas con obesidad.
Agradecería sus aportes con relación a cómo construir preguntas que ayuden a develar las ideas con relación a la obesidad y no a recibir respuestas políticamente correctas.
Ana María
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  • Un artículo publicado en junio de 2008 define de la siguiente manera el conceptode obesidad.“Bajo el concepto de obesidad se conoce un estado en que el peso del individuoafectado excede en más de un 20% al ideal o promedio de lo que lecorrespondería en las mismas circunstancias de edad, talla, sexo y constitucióntipológica. Toda obesidad es ante todo, una sobrecarga para el organismo engeneral, por lo que puede ser causa de numerosas enfermedades.”1Un niño que a la edad de 5 y 6 años, tenga problemas de obesidad, está iniciandouna vida con problemas físicos y posibles enfermedades. Una forma de comenzarayudar a estos niños es involucrarlos a moverse por medio del juego, ya que pormedio de la actividad física podrá realizar movimiento con el fin de tener un gastoenergético y así tener un día a día más activo y más sano.La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en el siguiente catalogo informa.“El régimen alimentario malsano es un factor de riesgo de enfermedades notransmisibles; empieza a actuar en la niñez y va aumentando a lo largo de la vida.Para reducir el riesgo futuro de dichas enfermedades, los niños deberían mantenerun peso saludable y consumir alimentos con poco contenido de grasas saturadas,ácidos grasos de tipo trans, azúcares libres o sal. Los regímenes alimentariosmalsanos están relacionados con sobrepeso y obesidad
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Is it worth to treat a cultured Exophiala dermatitidis on only one single fingernail since it is an opportunistic yeast notoriously resistant to antifungal drugs?
More than a year ago a 49-year-old patient received chemotherapy because of breast cancer. During and after the treatment the distal parts of most nails became yellowish. After a while the change disappeared spontaneously, persisting only on the middle finger of the left hand. Beside Exophiala dermatitidis the culture was also positive for Candida parapsilosis.
The antibiogram showed a resistence of E. dermatitis to itraconazole, and a sensitivity of C. parapsilosis to fluconazole, and a dose dependent sensitivity to itraconazole.
If yes, what would be the best treatment option?
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Dear Dr.Marko,
You mentioned that fingernail culture yielded Exophiala dermatitidis and Candida parapsilosis but you did not mention the result of direct microscopy of affected nail. I , therefore, suggest you to please do the direct microscopy of nail clipping in potassium hydroxide solution to demonstrate the fungal elements. If direct microscopy is positive, you perform the drug sensitivity with Fluconazole, Posaconazole and Voriconazole. If both the fungi are sensitive, it is advisable to treat the patient with any of the broad spectrum antifungal drug. Since your patient is on chemotherapy, it is pertinent to monitor the treatment.In case of any side effects, the treatment should be discontinued and the physician should be consulted.
We have treated with patients of onycomycosis due to Aspergillus flavus, A.fumigatus, and A.niger with topical application of 2% solution of tincture iodine two times daily on the affected nails for 15 to 30 days depending on the severity of cases.
With best wishes,
Prof.Dr.Mahendra Pal
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M'ha arribat el missatge del vostre projecte i justament la narració de contes és una eina molt interessant per l'aprenentatge de l'anglès en edats primerenques i que hem treballat molt amb els alumnes d'Infantil i, al 19-20, treballarem amb els del Doble Grau també. Si us pot interessar, m'agradaria molt participar-hi.
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Alexandra, és una gran idea incloure l'anglès. Però aquest projecte ja s'ha acabat. Ara bé, el podem reformular pel futur i demanar aquest any o quan sigui un PID. En parlem.
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Cerco una scuola o qualcuno che faccia corsi su orticoltura in Italia
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Ciao Roberto,
a Milano c'è un corso di orticoltura organizzato dalla Società Umanitaria.
Puoi inviare una mail al seguente indirizzo:
Per quanto riguarda altre regioni quali il Lazio, è possibile trovare informazioni su Fusolab 2.0
Apparentemente è orticoltura urbana, quindi non so quanto potrebbe essere interessante e per quale scopo.
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Algunas contradicciones provocan un análisis cada vez más urgente, sólido y contextualizado por todos los profesionales de la educación superior...una de ellas que puede provocar un buen debate está relacionada con la evaluación y la motivación y la creatividad.
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¿Cambia la didáctica con la integración de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones? ¿Cambian sus categorías? ¿Cambia solo los medios de enseñanza?
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Hello all,
I am investigating UV/LED-curable coatings. In order to solve the oxygen inhibition problem, I have used both a mercapto-modified polyester acrylate oligomer and an acrylated amine synergist. Regarding photoinitiators, I have used a mixture of ITX and TPO-L since I need fast-curing (about 1 minute).
I have two questions: First, I am getting very fast surface cure, but in the price of depth cure (when the film thickness is about 4 mil or more, curing does not occur in the interface of coating and panel). So, it seems I am overusing oxygen inhibition modifiers. Any recommendations on this? Do I need to eliminate one of them completely from my formulation?
Second, the cured films are easily scratchable with nail! Is it because of inadequate surface curing or low crosslink density? Is it possible that this problem is caused by amine blush? (I have used acrylated amine, as amine synergist, to prevent migration of amine to the surface as much as possible)
Your comments and recommendations would be highly appreciated.
Thank you!
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Irgacure 907 works well on controlling oxygen inhibition.
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es mi necesidad y de varios doctores, realizar estudios de Post doctorado, somos de Ecuador, si alguien pertenece a una universidad o conoce de la existencia de una institución académica, por favor comuníquennos. estamos trabajando en áreas de salud y conflictos y enfermedades sociales, psicológicas.
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I thought the official language of ResearchGate is English. I also thought this forum was not for looking for employment.
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9 answers
Me encuentro realizando una investigación que tiene como objetivo dar respuesta a ¿Cómo la orientación de la empresa hacia el conocimiento e innovación como base de la estrategia contribuye a potenciar el desempeño de la organización?
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Para la validez de la entrevista es también importante que puedan participar varios entrevistadores, por que si es uno solo la subjetividad es mayor.
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98 answers
Se da la controversia de todos, al escuchar colesterol pensamos en algo que afecta nuestro organismo, pero si lo manejamos de una manera mas saludable las cosas pueden cambiar a nuestro favor
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acepto los comentarios emitidos por ustedes estimados investigadores, pero estimado Kevin no mirar del punto negativo al colesterol recuerda que lo necesitamos
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El contexto STEM se especifica porque en estas áreas la matrícula de educación superior de mujeres es menor que de hombres, en Chile.
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El proyecto consiste en una plataforma virtual donde se pueda realizar el proceso de gestion de los documento de investigacion universitarios despues de haber sido aprobados. que caracteristas, funciones procesos debe cubrir el sistema. que consideren ustedes.
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1) Unicidad del repertorio (titulos, numero del documento). El sistema no quiere tener duplicaciones, o versiones 1, 2, etc, solo la ultima.
2) Catalogo accesible
Un objeto que no se puede encontrar, esta perdido para siempre y no es util
3) Memoria del sistema y back-up
Parece evidente, pero si se cambia de sistema de computadores, se tiene que conservar la memoria de todo
4) Indexacion de los documentos
Para encontrar las cosas con busquedas de todos tipos
Espero que eso te sea util
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Con estas interrogantes se pretende complementar la identificación de las principales problemáticas que se tiene para el inicio, el desarrollo y la conclusión de una tesis; que aparentemente pueden ser iguales, pero en el fondo pueden diferir. Las respuestas a estas preguntas, me permitirán agrupar las principales problemáticas para que, una vez identificadas, se propongan sugerencias y recomendaciones para ayudar a concluir este tipo de trabajos
(These questions are intended to complement the identification of the main problems that have to start, develop and conclude a thesis; that apparently can be the same, but in the background they can differ, The answers to these questions will allow me to group the main problems so that, once identified, suggestions and recommendations are proposed to help to conclude this type of work to)
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Dear Adil H.H. Bashir
Thank you very much for your opinion and that is the method to follow; however, in practice we find that many postgraduate students do not conclude their thesis work and leave it truncated. In the first part of my books I highlight the different problems that do not end their work, among many others: dedication to work, inconsistency in the development of their work, lack of advice and many other causes. With these causes of non-termination, I intend to give suggestions to conclude their thesis work regards
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Estimados compañeros:
He tenido conocimiento de este proyecto en Research Gate, y me parece interesante el grupo que lo formais. Ando dándole vueltas a la necesidad de aproximaciones alternativas a los problemas bioéticos que no tengan como fundamento la perspectiva liberal del individuo autónomo, sino que se abran a aspectos relacionales. Por ejemplo, en el tema de la eutanasia esto creo que daría resultados bastante sugerentes.
Ya me diréis algo. Un saludo cordial
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Realmente es muy interesante.
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Busque un ejemplo de aplicación en el Ecuador.
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sirve para integrar los procedimientos de negocios asociados con las operaciones de producción, los aspectos de distribución y los aspectos administrativos de una empresa de bienes o servicios. Los ERP ayudan a crear procesos más eficientes con lo que las empresas se pueden concentrar más en otros esfuerzos, como es el servir a sus clientes y maximizar los beneficios.
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Working on the extraction of heavy metals from hair and nails.
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My suggestion would be dissolve the protein rich matrix in strong acid. Many methods to do so are available in the literature.
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7 answers
There are n- number of research people mostly uses on cohesion less soil for soil nailing. But in field which is not feasible.
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As consultant, I always neglect the shearing resistance in clay layers in calculating (nail / ground anchor) length
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Three grouted soil nails were put in silty soil at an equivalent distance. The soil sample was prepared at OMC. After 7 days later one of the nails being pulled out vertically and measured the MC of soil. After 14 days later the second one being pulled out vertically.It has been found the moisture content reduced and the pull capacity also been reduced from that of 7 days. Is there any relation??? And there was not any curing procedure for cement grouting.
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any other details?
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Estoy simulando una molécula, y me dicen que no es necesario optimizar los puntos K
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Al ser una molécula aislada puedes quedarte solo con el k = 0 de la expansión de Bloch. Por lo tanto, el punto Gama es suficiente.
Asegurate de agregar suficiente espacio vacío para evitar las interacciones con las otras celdas.
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A lo largo de los procesos de dirección, asesoría y acompañamiento de proyectos de investigación basados en metodologías cualitativas, se vienen cometiendo errores que repercuten en la rigurosidad y la calidad de estos estudios:
El error más comúnmente cometido se asocia a seguir lineamientos pertenecientes a la metodología cuantitativa, para orientar problemas eminentemente dados para una aproximación cualitativa.
Entre las fallas observadas tenemos:
1. Utilizar el término variable para dirigirse al problema de estudio
2. Pedir operacionalización de variables.
3. Preguntar por los procedimientos de muestreo con base en la idea de población y muestra.
4. sugerir la aplicación de procedimientos comúnmente utilizados para la creación y validación de instrumentos de medición, para la validación de técnicas cualitativas.
5. Desconocer la naturaleza inductiva y flexible de los enfoques cualitativos(ej. el planteamiento del problema, los propósitos, etc podrán irse modificando a medida que el estudio avance, incluso en las etapas últimas del mismo).
Otro de los problemas presentados y que se asocia con lo mencionado anteriormente es que, en algunas ocasiones quienes asesoran proyectos cualitativos no tienen ni idea de estas metodologías, incluso está sucediendo a nivel de posgrados, conllevando a quien realiza la asesoría a enfocar el estudio desde métodos inadecuados e incluso a cambiar el tema de estudio.
Es fundamental para entender la lógica de la investigación cualitativa, conocer los presupuestos epistemológicos y ontológicos, sobre estos se fundamentan los métodos.
Sigue habiendo un gran desconocimiento acerca de la metodología cualitativa , aun así se le cuestiona , se ponen en tela de juicio sus hallazgos y se reduce a conocimiento no científico.....
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Thanks Kelvin.
Wishes .
  • asked a question related to Nails
1 answer
Se parece al Anadenobolus anillado amarillo y patas negras con amarillo. Hasta ahora no encuentro referencia.
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Hola David,
puedes enviarme la fotografía a
También, tengo una colega en Bogotá, que podría ayudarte con el grupo. Su nombre es Daniela Martínez de la Universidad Nacional (
  • asked a question related to Nails
3 answers
Few patients have recurrent ingrown toe nail problem leading to paronychia.
Despite lifestyle management, oral/topical antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and local hygiene, the problem seems to recur.
What makes matters worse is that despite toe nail removal the problem persists when the nail regrows in a similar fashion.
What are the ways to deal with it for a more permanent solution?
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maintain local hygiene and wear proper shoe
  • asked a question related to Nails
5 answers
Sono una descrittivista della lingua italiana ma , avolte parlo al vento
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Carissimi io preferisco dare una semplice e personale spiegazione al progetto di M. Silberztein, penso (operatore che diventa supp) si riferisca ad un tipo di analisi tra i linguaggi naturali e cioè che include analisi transazionali che va dalle comparazioni sintagmatiche alle manipolazioni ecc. Vedi caso il concetto di S. Vietri che è a pag 14 del libro Lessico-grammatica dell' italiano UTET LIBRERIA . Ripeto e vichiedo scusa è solouna mia tesi aspetto le vostre
  • asked a question related to Nails
3 answers
iwm looking for good protocol for dna extraction from nails clipping.
does anyone can help?
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  • asked a question related to Nails
3 answers
If soil nails are beyond the failure plane. Will they help in stabilization of slope?
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yes why not
  • asked a question related to Nails
1 answer
I need to know first we meet a patient ,what factors and situations help us to choose better type of nail .
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Fracture pattern: comminuted or transverse, spiral or oblique. May want more locking options
Fracture location: Proximal or distal can determine antegrade or retrograde nail, or if specific types of nails are better at proximal or distal fixation
Bone quality: osteopenic, osteoporotic can have effects on nail fixation, or especially size of nail.
  • asked a question related to Nails
22 answers
Every day we are witnesses of problems that decades ago we did not imagine, now we talk about a lot of gender violence, a generation that does not want to do anything, massive use of technology without a beneficial purpose, what do you think, what problems does this modern society have?
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depression due to being self-centered leads to being lonely. people just want to have more and more irrespective of others' needs. altruistic views are not appreciated and kind people regret being kind to others. generally, these factors result in preferring being away from others and depression.
  • asked a question related to Nails
12 answers
Dear network, I am looking for scientific studies on the stock market and its relationship with the growth of a country's economy.
Estimada red, estoy en búsqueda de estudios científicos sobre el mercado de valores y su relación con el crecimiento de la economía de un país.
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Dear Sebastian,
Please feel free to analyse the following paper:
Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Role of Stock Markets
This is a very popular paper from Philip Arestis, Panicos O. Demetriades and Kul B. Luintel, published in the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
At this moment this paper have more than 1100 citations.
  • asked a question related to Nails
2 answers
Es fundamental que los alumnos del grado de educación infantil no se queden en el "ver" sino que consigan dar un paso atrás logrando el "tocar". El aprendizaje y la comprensión tienen una primera puerta de entrada que es el cuerpo. Si los propios alumnos del grado no lo experimentan se quedará todo en una acción inacabada.
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Repeat your question in English if Possible Roberto
  • asked a question related to Nails
6 answers
Wood has remain good structural material. To improve durability and appropriate use of wood, research works are going on wood concrete composites. Use of nails, grooves in wood will help in improving bond between wood and concrete. Bond stress between wood and concrete or mortar depends on surface conditions, moisture content in wood, water cement ratio, coating on wood if any, dowel action of nails if any. Cement mortar of concrete can be used to improve durability or retrofit wooden structures. Therefore the question is how to improve bond between wood and concrete.
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Thank you to all of you for taking interest, recommendation and sharing literature.
  • asked a question related to Nails
4 answers
What is the difference between keratin in nail vs skin?
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Dear Adya , at terminal differentiation, the stratum corneum
cells (squames or corneocytes) have lost their nuclei and
other recognizable organelles, and comprise 65% insoluble
cysteine-rich, disulphide cross-linked, fibrous proteins
or keratins.
The nail plate contains significant amounts of phospholipid,
mainly in the dorsal and intermediate layers, which
contribute to its flexibility. The nail plate is rich in calcium, found as the phosphate
in hydroxyapatite crystals; it is bound to phospholipids
intracellularly. Calcium is present in
a concentration of 0.1% by weight, 10 times greater than its
concentration in hair. It is possible that calcium is not an
intrinsic part of the nail but is incorporated from extrinsic
sources. Calcium does not significantly contribute to the
hardness of the nail.
  • asked a question related to Nails
3 answers
I have a circuit that I want to fabricate. I am searching for a machining/milling services. The material is aluminum. I have sent it to several companies; however, they answer that they can’t fabricate it. The structure is too tiny. It is an array of small bed of nail as it is indicated in the picture. The gap between the nails is about 0.2mm and the base wall thickness is about 0.5mm. Can anyone suggest a company who can fabricate those tiny machining component?
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And you can find a solution through the use of additive technologies. Here you can find some information about the features and parameters that can be achieved with some of these techniques.
  • asked a question related to Nails
2 answers
I am working with a professor on a project to identify the phylogenetic affinity of rat snakes in the area, and we have been told that the DNeasy kit is good way to extract DNA. The samples we have are ethanol-preserved scales, but the official protocol does not address scales. I found an unofficial protocol that states how to use hair, nails, or feathers using this kit, which my research advisor believes will put us on the right track as these are all made of keratin. I have attached the adjusted protocol, but one of the professors who is helping me on this project wanted me to find out how the adjustments from the official protocol is supposed to work at the chemical level. I am having trouble finding any information about this.
Additionally, I am curious to know how many scales would be necessary in order to get a usable amount of DNA. From what I have read, the minimum appears to be about 10mg of a sample, but I would like some confirmation on this.
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Hi Brenna,
I have never worked with snake scales but, a few years ago, I was involved in a study working with feathers. We used the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit from Qiagen that worked pretty well.
All comments from your advisor and all modifications in the user-developed protocol are correct in my opinion. But I want to tell you our considerations for a successful DNA extraction from feathers.
Target material:
Similar to snake scales, our target material were epithelial cells adhering on feather tips.
DNA amount:
You never know how many cells do adhere there. This is an important issue: Unknown amount of starting biological material. In our case, we needed to identify bird individuals that we never saw. (They are protected species living in forests.) That means one feather = one individual. We never used more than one feather because we could not be sure that they would not belong to different individuals. This has nothing to do with the weight of the feather tip!
Quality of DNA:
Second issue is how "old" is the material? Our feathers were collected days, weeks or months after birds lost them. That means that DNA could be damaged to an unknown degree of degradation. In general, the fresher the material the better the DNA quality! Ethanol is a good way to store material protecting DNA from degradation.
In conclusion, we had an unknown amount of epithelial cells containing DNA of an unknown degradation level. Starting from a worst case scenario (= very few epithelial cells and highly degraded DNA), we performed lab work as follows:
1) Avoid cross-specimen contamination: We cut feather tips and put each in single tubes, never using the same scalpel and tweezers for different feathers. That means that after removing a feather tip, we destroyed presumable DNA residues on tools in 1.5% natriumhypochlorid solution during a few minutes, then washed twice in ddH2O. Then re-used tools.
2) Avoid contamination with PCR products: Preparation of feathers and DNA extraction was done in a pre-PCR room completely free of PCR products.
3) Incubation of feather tips in proteinase K (included in the DNAeasy kit) during a night at minimum (ca. 12h) to be sure that all epithelial cells were digested.
4) Then we followed the Qiagen protocol but - if you are using only 1 scale - I suggest to use less elution buffer. We used 2 x 75microL (instead of 2 x 100) to get a higher DNA concentration.
5) Finally, we used highly species-specific primers for PCR to avoid amplification due to cross-species contamination (since we did not know whether other animals touched these feathers or the collector contaminated them etc).
I hope these reflections can help you to perform a suitable protocol for your snake scales. Good luck!
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Nails
7 answers
in intramedullary nailing we need to ream the intramedullary channel that cause to destroyed main vessels. How the body provide blood supply?
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Yes Dr. Ganesh, you are right but I would not neglect the role of intraosseous blood supply, incl endosteal one. The theory and practice of the different types of pseudarthrosis confirm such considerations.
  • asked a question related to Nails
6 answers
I realli need an exact answer about quality and geometrical shape of screws and angle that we use for nailing.
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Screws used in an interlocking nail are controlling length and rotation; have to be placed in "stable" bone and have to be fully threaded as they need to be removed in the future. The angle is predetermined by the nail hole except in the cases the dynamic hole is used, which due to the oval shape may allow some freedom of placement, although any alteration of the direction is made by accident. Such misdirection may alter the potential result the surgeon tried to achieve by using the dynamic hole.
  • asked a question related to Nails
5 answers
I really need some sources to describe this obviously .
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Here are the things that we need to know in design:
characteristics of the proximal and distal ends of these devices
Intramedullary nail systems at the proximal, middle, and distal regions need to have their strength and flexural rigidity (stiffness) evaluated
Test strength and stiffness between the middle and the proximal or distal aspects of rods.
Strength and rigidity which increases with rod diameter
Static strength
Mechanical properties (bending rigidity)
You need to know the characteristics of strength and rigidity for the particular devices available and how these might impact fracture healing.
  • asked a question related to Nails
4 answers
If a liquid with the viscosity of nail polish is dripped from different gauge pipets, is the volume of one drop the same from each?
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I would add a bit to the Prof. Mirgorod 's answer: when calculating drop weight, it is important to not forget about the drop instability correction: when the drop separates from the bulk liquid in pipet, some part of it may return to pipet. You can check the appropriate section in Adamson-Gast textbook (ISBN 0-471-14873-3), pp.19-21. It contains nice figure with separating drops, and some references for the correction factors. Note that these corrections can be quite large.
  • asked a question related to Nails
2 answers
One peculiar characteristic of the Turin Shroud is that the fingers and nails are much longer than is normal. It appears that this abnormal length can be explained by using a source of radiation coming directly out of the Body of TS Man. Are there any other rational reasons based on physics that might explain this peculiarity?
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Hi Munish
Do you want to explain what you are thinking?
kind regards Tony
  • asked a question related to Nails
4 answers
Please add the link of the source too.
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This depends slightly on a series of factors, such as the SoC of the battery and the electrolyte, as the short circuit activates some exothermic reactions between the electrodes and the electrolyte. 
However, the main gases you will find during thermal runaway in LFP cells are CO2, which is the dominant one obviously, followed by H2, CO, CH4 (as also stated by Prem Badoo), C2H4 and C2H6.
There are some excellent papers out there that give you this answer. I recommend the attached article (see Table 2), but you can find more. 
  • asked a question related to Nails
3 answers
We are looking for a zinc extraction method from the nail
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I read an article about your question that it's aim was determining heavy metals such as zinc in human hair, fingernail and toenail samples. This study for digestion of nail samples uses this method :
The dried nail samples (1g) were place in a furnace and
ashes at 550 ℃ for 4 hours. The ashes were digested with 10
ml of 6 : 1 mixture of concentrated nitric and perchloric acid
kept overnight at room temperature to prevent excessive
foaming and subsequently the samples were heated at
160–180 ℃ until the mixture become water clear and
reduces to 1 ml. Each sample solution was then diluted with
0.1 N nitric acid and made to a volume of 50 ml with distilled water.
  • asked a question related to Nails
4 answers
Has anyone published anything in relation to the measurement of stomatal density/aperture directly from the surface of the leaf whilst still on the plant?
I can only find nail polish method. New microscopes and digital imaging techniques may be a new method?
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Stomatal density varies between monocots and dicots, between plant species, and between the underside and top side of the leaves on a plant.There are a number of ways to measure stomatal density, and the different techniques are explored here. One popular method has been to use clear nail varnish to make an impression of the epidermis. Other methods include using Germolene New Skin and using a water-based varnish from DIY shops. In this 3 minute video, Prof Alistair Hetherington  introduces 'The Mystery of the Evolution of Stomata'
A comparison of three methods for determining the stomatal density of pine needles ,J Exp Bot (2001) 52 (355): 369-373., DOI:
Abstract : Alternative methods were compared for determining the stomatal density of needles from two pine species. Densities estimated from air‐dried, whole needles using a binocular dissecting scope were compared to densities estimated from vacuum‐dried, intact needles using a scanning electron microscope and expanded peels (or macerated cuticles) using a compound light microscope. Differences among methods were expected from two sources: (1) expansion and shrinkage as a function of water content, and (2) differences in geometry of the measured surface. Estimates from the dissecting scope were similar to those from scanning electron microscopy (t=0.509, n=21, P=0.62), presumably because both used dried, but otherwise intact whole needles. Light microscopy estimates, however, were lower than dissecting scope estimates (t=−2.307, n=13, P=0.04). After adjusting for expansion due to hydration and changes in needle geometry, differences disappeared (t=−1.205, n=13, P=0.25). These results are an important consideration for researchers reconstructing palaeo‐atmospheric conditions and assessing plant response to environmental change.
Digital image processing for measurement of stomatal aperture (Plant and Cell Physiology 25: 1379–1388. – DOI: –
Abstract;We developed a new digital image processing technique for exactly measuring the degree of stomatal opening, that is, the ratio of the width to the maximum length of a stomatal pore, and the pore area. We applied this technique to evaluate responses to SO2 of neighboring stomata in a small region of an intact attached leaf, with the following results: 
The pore region could be exactly extracted even when the original digital image was of poor quality. The standard errors in the evaluation of the pore area, the pore length, and the pore width were 10 μm2, 0.3 μm and 0.3 μm, respectively.
A wide variety of responses to SO2 was found among neighboring stomata in a small region of an attached leaf. The differences were especially remarkable before water-soaking and wilting. When these began, k1 showed a local maximum value, and then all the stomatabegan to close. These results suggest that stomatal responses of intact growing plants to air pollutants should be examined from the standpoint of not only the average movement of many stomata but also the movement of each stoma and that the interrelationship among movements of neighboring stomata should be investigated to clarify the mechanism of stomatal responses to air pollutants.
  • asked a question related to Nails
2 answers
I'm planning on doing in-vivo measurements on human finger nails via sessile drop method and calculating the surface free energy via OWRK method. So I can't use diiodomethane which is usually used, something non-toxic would be great, or at least something that's more or less harmless. Thanks!
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Use ethylene glycol, glycerol and ethanol. Then solve the equation through regression analysis as in Zhuang et al Langmuir, 2009, 25 (10), pp 5437–5441. (Eq. 8 in this paper)
  • asked a question related to Nails
1 answer
Hi, everyone
Rencently I need to collect Standard Raman Spectra Data to test the measured quality/precision of my optical system, especially for the case of Human skin/nail (Laser: 785 nm wavelength). I am not really sure about the range of the Raman Peaks, although I already readed some articles. Can anyone suggest some typical or widely-accepted published works for reference?
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If you're trying to assess the quality/precision of your equipment, as you say, the more appropriate sample to use is an atactic polystyrene standard (often used by pharmaceutical companies to "calibrate" their infrared spectrometers for regulatory purposes, but also good for Raman).  Renishaw's webpage (publically viewable) happens to have a spectrum available, although if you search "polystyrene raman" you'll find several publications that would have the peak frequency information.
Although human skin and fingernails are not standards and really not great for calibration, you might still want to know for the purpose of interpreting your data.  There are papers on Raman spectroscopy on human skin and fingernail (links attached).
Also, I believe keratins will feature prominently (and there may be experts in this forum who know better).  There was a paper a while back on Raman vibrations of bird feather keratins, so that might be a place to start (attached as link, below), so that you might have a cleaner spectrum to examine.
  • asked a question related to Nails
9 answers
So far, I have only worked with dental bioapatite of both fossil and modern mammals but it's the first time I will include tissues such as hair an nails (of modern mammals as well). I have read several papers but could'nt find any with a detailed protocol. Some of them described an ultrasonication step prior to a wiping/soaking in either alcohol/acetone/methanol-cloroform or even all of them together. However I couldn't find details on concentration of the reactive/time, etc. Thank you very much!
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Hair and nail should be repeatedly "washed" (rinsed) first with a mixture of chloroform:methanol 2:1 to remove traces of adhering organic material such as sebaceus gland secretion. This rinse should be followed by repeated rinses with deionized (distilled) water. Depending on the condition of nails it might be necessary to first remove surface dirt by ultrasonication or buffing with emeral paper.
On no account should acetone be used as "cleaning" solvent.  Acetone is a very reactive compound (it even reacts with itself to form diacetone alcohol) and can thus introduce additional carbon to samples resulting in artefact d13C values being measured.
Once samples have been rinsed with DI water they should be dried over night in a drying oven at 40°C. To deal with sample inherent heterogeneity, samples need to be homogenized prior to stable isotope analysis.  Ideally this should be done in a freezer mill.  Homogenized samples should be vacuum dried in a desiccator in the presence of Sicapent (self-indicating, non-caking P4O10 sold be Merck).
For publications on the subject of stable isotope analysis of hair/nail incl. sample preparation methods see O’Connell TC, Hedges REM, Healey MA, Simpson AHRW. J. Archaeol. Sci. 2001; 28: 1247. DOI: 10.1006/jasc.2001.0698; Fraser I , Meier-Augenstein W, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2007; 21: 3279. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.3209; Meier-Augenstein W, Chartrand MMG, Kemp HF, St-Jean G, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2011, 25, 3331. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.5235.
  • asked a question related to Nails
3 answers
I want to extract some specific proteins from bio samples that means hair, skin nail etc., please give me exact procedure/methods or related books/articles for reference.,
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