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الملخص: نقدم في هذه الورقة البحثية صورة حول أصول منهج الدعوة لدى أهل السنة والجماعة وطرقه وأساليبه بين مختلف الأمصار والمذاهب والعلماء من خلف وسلف، وماهي القواعد والأسس التي بُني عليها واستمداده منها، وللوقوف على ذلك لا بد من التعريج على الحديث عن منهج القران ومقاصده، وأهداف الدعوة المحمدية ومراميها والتي تحدد بعد ذلك أصول هذا المنهج الفريد، فماهي أصول منهج أهل السنة في الدعوة الى الله
الكلمات المفتاحية: منهج أهل السنة، أهل السنة والجماعة، دعوة، المسلمين، الاستقامة
Can anyone point me towards studies on Christian missionary activity in the Persian Gulf in the 19th century? I am especially interested in written Arabic literature that was circulated in the effort to convert Muslims and/or written responses in Arabic to those polemics. I am especially interested in an polemic aimed at Muslims called Miftāḥal-Khazā’in wa-Miṣbāḥal-Dafā’in and a Muslim response that carries the title Thamarāt Lubb al-Albāb.
Faith is core in civilization and has been phenomenal, since the civilization began. Global human and species co- living arrangement has been re-shaped, to suitable arrangements to necessity to global change for the commodity, consuming availabilities and for the manageable living conditions. Mass of Migration took place between continents, therefore, human being are living across the globe 🌎,planet indifferent places.
Human instinct, traditionally said to be there is a six sense, what links to spiritually to the higher power, in another word this is appreciation, being thank for fof the abundance, the earth full of natural consumable production and fresh water for survival.
This is understandably where faith is connected to higher power.
Anyway, faith is meant to be for good teaching, for guidance and for enlightenment. Faith is often abused and used in cruelty and power.
Christianity, wider spread Old established faith, had been abused for power, might exercise for too long and too much in Europe marked deep huge scars led to Europeans mindsets to Secularism, to totally anti religious.
Christianity faith set up in the name Christ son of Mary cannot be bad notion.
The current Canterbury news is not only shame it is grossly disgusting. As such, among the Ethic claiming UK the worlds Law and reformation, Modern evolved Justice and value promoting, diverse loving human, this Art bishop of Canterbury resign case over Abuses abuses , disgraceful.
Jews , there in Israel Zionists had bern abusing Palestinians, and now in open injuring helpless people. There in India the RSS Hindu Nationalists abusing power over, weak Muslims. In Africa too many cruel dictation power running like closed doors to the world.
Muslims in some places rose up with cruel power towards good people. Muslims are worse vastly abused by Muslims namely evils.
Come on power abusers, power abuses come fore opens up before the world and eventually face the justice. The Canterbury has come to facing Justice and the rest will be too, soon.
Dr Fatema Miah
I am doing research that can shed light on what held muslims back, during their Golden Age ( 7th to 9th century BCE) from using their scientific insights and mathematical knowledge to develop innovative products. I suspect that it has something to do with the way they understand what "scientific knowledge" means. It appears to be different from what it means (and meant) to Europeans when they first received the same knowledge. (Ironically, they received quite a lot if it from the Arab manuscripts on Math and sciences that entered Europe through Spanish schools). Both received the same knowledge, and understand it equally deeply. Yet Christian Europe ran with it. The muslims simply sat on it. I want to explore the reasons why. Will be happy to connect with anyone who can point me to the right research and literature. Thank you.
I am currently writing my dissertation on the relationship between Muslim religiosity and earnings management and I really want to discuss with experts in the field.
I need to know the most important unverified manuscripts written by Muslim geographers and travelers after the third century AH, corresponding to the ninth century AD.
Can anybody help me outline a correlational research proposal for the teaching and learning of English as a Second Language (ESL) and Arabic as a Second Language (ASL) in Muslim countries? Can he/she also provide examples of both qualitative and quantitative questionnaires that can be used to collect data for my research?
World of people, most and majority playing bad politics with Gaza people, helpless Gaza people are put under the Bombardments, by Hamas, Cruelly been bombarded by cruel Israeli military, and Muslims playing competitions against Israelis, Muslims are adamant to defeat Israelis when Israelis are rigid and sharp on mission against Gaza Muslims. In all this Gaza helpless people are under the attacks and suffering..
Cruels, careless, warmongers, and playful groups from every directions, gazing at Gaza, and and holding Gaza people tightened -down as the dart 🎯 board, and world of people targeted on it, some hitting on it and all watching the aim and results. Allah Allah...
I don't care about I am not being liked. I say it is wrong Gaza people not been moved out. My heart pumps hard, my body shakes. I cannot be for in the game Gaza people made the game play, target point. For peace sake, for safe settlement Gaza people relocation is good move. Gaza isn't Muslims Holy land anyway. They say they fighting Holy war. Holy war for what? Land by seaside?
No one thought about to talk for negotiation land plan.
Do they really think they will force Jews out of there or will kill all the Jews ??? What???
Is Israel is cruel and crook minded, Zionists' Government. There USA standing with fuel worse cruelly fuelling the fire.
Since Israel has been mandated state there, Arab League accepted Israel as an state. To stop the conflict, Muslim nations must have talked about to resolve with land plan, to make boundaries for separate states.
Crushner of USA, want Gaza to make coastal tourists resort, Muslims Holding weak bleeding injured Gaza people, unduly fighting world's super power USA. By force pushing people out of homeland is ethnic cleansing, though through talk, by plan relocation for peace and political negotiation is called the resolution.
Fatema Miah
Stop manmade dangers and team up to face climatic danger.
The Palestine solidarity groups, there are many group in it, think they can make UK and USA to order Palestine a free state.
Palestine solidarity groups, the most, don't care for the Gaza civilians such worse suffering to death, it's a mere number counting for them. Their wish is Free Palestine.
Where is a Palestine to make a free state??
In this political ideology conflict of Israel Palestine, innocent, civilians are being put under bombardments, worse effected suffering are children.
I urge playful beings to be kind and be wise.
Come on Muslims, let the Gaza people to Hijrath, following beloved prophet Mohammed s.a., to the safety fir the rear lives, take them out of there to North to make a joint, one state with Jerusalem to be the Palestine and let them all sing "free free Palestine, Damme Philistini".
For the climate change tipped already, Arab region worse climatic environment. Gaza people, like the Syrians don't do farming much, it is must. Gaza through Jordan to Syria there must be climatic adaptation programmes to be started. Canals, ways digging word must be began to make make water faculty in the region. Urgent.
"There in South East Asia and Far East Asia, in Australia, American and European land crofts lands risked to be submerge, threatening world food. In Arab, dry lands must be made ready to grow crofts.
Author Fatema Miah
The moon is a recurring motif in Islamic art. I often found it in the stories of the "Arabian nights", but also in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish pictorial representations. It is also found on the flag of most Islamic states.
I specify that I am also interested in answers based on subjective perceptions and interpretations, not only references to scholarly works.
The goal is to know the status of the sanctities of the People of the Book, including the sanctities of Muslims, the first of which is the Holy Qur’an, then the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace
Why Prophet Muhammad ordered Muslims to wear white clothes, while the weather in desert is hot and dried?
´Variables. Independent, Religiosity, Knowledge, Attitude, Subjective Norms, Perceived behavioral control, Islamic Banking, Shariah Compliant Investment
´Dependent, Islamic Financial literacy, Islamic Microfinance,
´Mediating Variable. Attitude
To clarify, in order to find out if there is a difference between the one who is recommended to be a Muslim or not?
Assalam Alaikom w rahmato ALLAH
For the purpose of a scientific study entitled:
Post-doctoral scientific research motives of the Muslim researcher?
Please answer this questionnaire and share it.
Thank you
Early Islam refers to the formative period of the Islamic religion, beginning with the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad in the early 7th century and extending to the first few generations of Muslims who succeeded him. This period is of great significance in Islamic history, as it laid the foundation for the development and spread of the religion.
During the early years of Islam, Muhammad received revelations from God, which were later compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Islam. He preached monotheism, social justice, and moral conduct, and his teachings attracted a growing number of followers. Muhammad and his followers faced opposition and persecution from the dominant tribes in Mecca, but they eventually migrated to the city of Medina in 622 CE, known as the Hijra. This event marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
In Medina, Muhammad established a thriving community and continued to spread his message. He also became a political leader, uniting various tribes under the banner of Islam. The early Muslim community faced military conflicts with Meccan forces and other tribes, leading to several significant battles. Eventually, the Muslims achieved military victories and gained control over the Arabian Peninsula.
Following Muhammad's death in 632 CE, the early Muslims faced the challenge of establishing a leadership structure. This led to the appointment of Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, and Ali ibn Abi Talib as the first four caliphs (successors) of Islam. This period, known as the Rashidun Caliphate, is often considered a golden age of Islam, characterized by expansion, codification of religious practices, and the compilation of the Quran.
Early Islam witnessed the development of Islamic jurisprudence, the formation of a strong Muslim community, and the expansion of Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula. It also witnessed the codification of various religious, legal, and ethical principles that continue to form the foundation of Islamic beliefs and practices to this day.
If I am working on dealing with sadness as being stigmatized as "sinful/immoral" culturally in Muslim societies that made a roadblock to the process of sad emotion regulation psychologically, which emotion regulation difficulty is a renowned risk factor across emotional psychopathologies - and I propose solutions from the Qur'an as Muslims' Holy Scripture, is this effort considered as a "bioethic study" although I embarked and am involved from the Islamic Studies field?
I am a PhD Candidate in Islamic History and Muslim Civilization at the University of Tehran. I want to have the experience of peer review. Can you help me? Do you know any journal that can get me a review?
Best wishes,
I am working on a research project with one of the objectives is to investigate factors affecting/influence muslim travellers to stay in halal/muslim-friendly accomodations. With regards to this project, I need the international co-authors/contributors for the above, particularly from the university in Asian countries who has similar research area. People from school of tourism, business or industrial engineering are most welcome. Please feel free to respond if you are interested and I will email you with the detail of my work.
Thank you.
Reading Bruce Chatwin's Songlines where he describes how the songlines work amongst the aborigines of Australia, creating a spiritual network of Australia based on individual totems and their narratives. not only do we, therefore, have religion, but also psychology, geography and its symbolism (I recently read a Muslim writer who claimed the latter for Islam) but a sense of knowledge connected to both individuals and tribes.
Does this reach back in time thereby representing a means of transmitting knowledge over a long distance but also preserving it?
Islamic Psychology is a new field combining Islamic Studies and Psychology in an effort to Islamize the field of Psychology to fit Islamic practicing Muslims' [whatever the sect they affiliated to as the umbrella that covers Islam and Muslims are very vast, wide and colourful diversity] needs. It was founded by the late Prof. Malik Badri Babiker who was based in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) for a very long time away from his home country in Sudan since he first experienced dissonance between being a Muslim practicing Western psychology in his study days more than a half century ago.
Alhamdulillah, it was progressively developing as he would wish to see and more but the journals that the associations that advocate this budding field are new like established in 2018, thus, commonsensically still not indexed in Scopus list yet like those under International Association of Islamic Psychology and International Association of Muslim Psychologists. Even the mother journal of all Islamization efforts that was championed by International Islamic Thoughts (IIIT), which is previously named American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, had to change its name into the American Journal of Islam and Society-AJIS [for no announced reason] also no longer indexed in the Scopus list [also without any apparent reason] although already established since 1984.
Most of the journals tried, had excused for a shortage of suitable/compatible peer-reviewers database who are multidisciplinarily able to see the Arabic language part being translated and the interaction between them in the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, which some researchers in the social sciences specifically in Psychology considered it superstitious reverence to refer everything to it more specifically for those who were convinced with secular stance and lense of worldview in life. Thus, got high tendency of declining submission like it was being marginalized for being 'religious' in the beginning of the founding firmness of the late Prof Malik Badri on the dissonance of the mainstream worldview in practice to give freedom to the Muslims to feel fitting with what is practiced in living and believing.
So, what is our alternatives?
It takes time to reach the established level the Western had reached after the post-colonialism.
لم يحصل أهل الذمة على تلك الامتيازات والحقوق في أي حضارة من الحضارات مثل تلك التي نالوها في ظل الحضارة الإسلامية, فقد أصبحوا وزراء ومستشارين وأطباء للخلفاء وخاصتهم, ومارسوا المهن التي توصف بأنها ثمينة كالصياغة والصرافة وغيرها, ومع كل هذا لم يُجبر أحد منهم على ترك دينه واعتناق الاسلام, وهذا امتثال للآية الكريمة (لا إكراه في الدين), وعليه فإن هذا البحث يأتي ليلقي الضوء على أهل الذمة ودورهم في العمل الإداري وجهودهم في هذا الشأن مع العديد من الخلفاء والأمراء, كما يتطرق البحث لدراسة أعمالهم وحرفهم, ثم ينتقل البحث لرؤية دورهم في العلوم الأدبية والعقلية وإبراز من ظهر منهم من أدباء وشعراء وأطباء, وهذا ما يؤكد اندماجهم في المجتمع.
Non-Muslims at the Umayad time
Non-Muslims had never got their previllages and rights from any civilization like what they had during the Islamic civilization they became ministers, consultants and doctors for the caliphs and senior people, they also practiced the valuable careers such as jewelry and money exchange, However , they were not obliged to become Muslims as Allah say: There shall be no compulsion in {acceptance of} the religion, so this research has come to highlight the Non-Muslims, their role and efforts in administration works with many caliphs and princes, in addition to their jobs and crafts, this research shifts to show their role in literature and mental sciences, and to focus on writer, doctors and poets as an evidence of their fusion in society.
Key words: Non- Muslims, Umayyad, Patriarchs.
Dower goes from the groom to the bride. It is mandatory for Muslim marriages. In Murdock's Ethnographic Atlas, however, nearly all Muslim societies are characterized by bridewealth, which is different, as it goes from groom's kin to bride's kin thereby excluding the bride.
I have been collecting the daily data for the Islamic stock market index in the largest Muslim population. I plan to investigate the performance, volatility, and determinant of the Sharia stock index during several events, such as Covid-19, global financial crisis, etc. Besides, I would like to compare them with the conventional stock index from G-7 countries.
If anyone is interested in this topic, especially those who have experience running the panel regression and volatility test model such as ARCH, GARCH, etc. Please let me know, and we can discuss further.
Best regards,
I am looking for managament tools to increase organization output by colloborating with muslim knowledge workers.
I feel that religion has affect on knowledge workers behavior and but i do not know how and to what extent islam infleunces knowledge worker managament
I have been observing some different behaviors of family care givers while their patient saying fare well or when the physician wants to disclose the diagnosis of a stage 4 cancer. i think the religious background of the family is important here. i have seen some Muslims who can not accept the eventual death of a loved one and the other Muslims who can. what about other religions ? and what factors psychological , spiritual , religious are involved here ?
Hi alls..What say you
This is my thesis title:
The methodologies of study of religion in doing da'wah; the case study of some muslim activitsts in Malaysia
Hi all,
I am searching for brilliant examples of FP papers where qualitative experiment was conducted. I shall be conducting a qualitative research in to the disclosure of CSA in the muslim community and would like to read similar papers as I find reading examples helpful.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Muslim laws relating to marriage -The comparison with reference to Special marriage act 1954 &Indian Christian Marriage Act 1872 how to write a research abstract and content for this topic
Contemporary Muslim scholars deferred in opinion whether Government has the authority to order for closure of the "moques" masjid or not.
is there any legal basis for this closure ?
If focusing on micro-firms, I can relate the first I visited and researched in Bangladesh 1969-71 [back when the area was called East Pakistan. I was with the Ford Foundation and we funded Dr. Aktar Hamid Khan and The Comilla Project. A training/research center for Bengali farmers, including women.
The Project included several studies.
One was to collect milk from the few cows held by most households. The milk was collected and processed into cheese in an elaborate "peasant" system - organized by the extension workers of the Comilla Project.
As households earned cash - like pennies and dimes - they wanted "to bank." The Project set up training for all, including a few "bankers."
Then the money sat and people's savings were small. But some villagers wanted to borrow and asked their villagers. The Project organized credit lending schemes and then addressed repayment plans. The villagers wanted assurances and decided that village organizations would do the lending and the organizations would monitor and recover money they loaned. The villagers were almost always related as Muslims handle marriages and care for each other. Etc. This system was long before the Grameen System became the object of attention and the Nobel Peace Prize. Aktar Hamid Khan should have been the first Bengali Nobel Peace Prize Awardee. But he was not Bengali. He was by birth an "Anglo Paki."
That history - I observed long ago but my impressions last because the people of Bangladesh were honest, hardworking and sadly - with limited means or active economies.
Refugio I. Rochin, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
University of California, Davis and Santa Cruz and Lifetime member of the Giannini Foundation at UC Berkeley
Cell: 831-419-2411
Conference Paper "A Somali girl is Muslim and does not have premarital sex. I...
First of all I couldn't access this article to comment further even though I tried in different ways but failed but finally I wrote of the co-authors and now waiting for her feedback. Going through the very short abstract that the authors displayed I could see one of the major themes extracted from their transcribed collected data was, "(1) perceived barriers to uptake of preventive measures: distrust of the Dutch health care system...". My question is why there is distrust as we can experience in different setting for example recently there were rejection of Polio vaccination campaign in Minnesota Somali community because they were afraid ( or thinking)of getting 'Autism' from Polio vaccination and if I am not mistaken this happened for the first time since Somali migrated to Minn. and it is the most Somali populated cities in whole America. Why there is distrust in such community where there are educated and skilled people in those areas? How an individual and later a whole community can perceive and share similar conception and thoughts against specified immunization or Expanded Program for Immunizaation ( EPI)?Thanks
Dr Abdullahi
I would like to ask if there is an instrument develop to assess Muslim spirituality among sample age from 12-19 ?
Thank you so much.
Dear researcher,
Recently on January 23, 2020, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague ordered Myanmar to take all necessary measures to protect Rohingya Muslims from genocide. Killing has been reported even after that. How do you evaluate this order and the response of the authority of Myanmar to that?
There are some controverses regarding GMO's. On the Halal concept of Islamic Law, if animals are fed GM feed, then the animal products will be halal or not? If anybody know about this and have any research article, then please help me about this issue.
Thanks in advance
I accidently purchased the first edition -- and would like to obtain the added material from the fourth edition without purchasing another book.
Especially in nowadays when Muslims have eid al-adha, it can become in agendas if religious days are seen as ordinary holiday days for vacations.
Could you please share your comments on the issue?
The fertility of Muslims, which was about 10 per cent higher than that of Hindus before independence, is now nearly 30 per cent higher than the Hindu rate, and the difference according to religion is larger than the difference between the forward and depressed Hindu castes and tribes. While the lower level of contraceptive use among Muslims is the most important factor responsible for the fertility differentials, the use of contraceptives has increased faster among the Muslims in recent times. What could be the possible reasons for the residual effect of religion on fertility and caste on fertility and causes for these disparities in social and economic conditions ?
Dear all, I have written the above paper on surfing the internet by UK Muslims. Would you agree to my depiction. If not, in what way would your view differ?
Enemies take advantage of some violent behaviors of some Muslims as a result of their misunderstanding of religion and its principles, and its provisions, and the conditions that prepare for him and appointed him. Islam teaches us to be moderate and moderate, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has developed a clever approach to moderation and purpose. And to contribute to its development and the introduction of adequate lines.
What is the role of the school, the university, the society and the state to create a space for our youth from tranquility, tranquility, dialogue and persuasion.
And how we develop our curricula from our reality, within our standards, not the standards and interests of others.
I am trying to investigate more the role of religion which include Islam on suicide under Malaysia multi-racial context.
Halal certification is becoming more and more important. In the literature, especially research on consumers is intensive. However, it is seen that the researches on the enterprises are limited. Halal certification awareness levels of enterprises with supply mechanisms may have an impact on customers with demand mechanisms. It is useful to specify the relevant factors in this respect.
I have looked at "white racism" research which generally shows up in contexts where there is a majority/minority dynamic. I am looking for racism research particularly directed towards Pakistani community, sometimes including Indians and Bengalis as well. In particular, I want to look at "othering" research focusing on Pakistanis/ browns, and othering by Middle Easterns, Black communities and South East Asians in particular.
Why do we see today that some, not all of the children of other religions, attack the Holy Quran while we see no aggression by Muslims on the divine books of other religions such as the torah and the Bible ... but on the contrary weseethe we watch respect of Muslims and the rejection of the aggression on these books?
If you were a Muslim and found a church in front of you, would you enter it and respect its rituals?Yes or no and why.
If you were a Christian and found a mosque in front of you, would you enter it and respect its rite Yes or no and why.
And the same question to other religions as well.
What will you answer?
Dear respected scholar:
Currently, We are in the process of editing a forthcoming publication entitled “Challenges and Impacts of Religious Endowments on Global Economics and Finance”, to be published by IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research. we would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to submit your work for consideration in this publication.
Please visit:
for more details regarding this publication and to submit your work. You can also find detailed manuscript formatting and submission guidelines at
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact with us. Thank you very much for your consideration of this invitation, and we hope to hear from you by April 15, 2019!
Best wishes,
Buerhan Saiti
Associate Professor of Islamic Banking and Finance, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Turkey
Adel Sarea
Associate Professor of Accounting and Economics - Ahlia University – Kingdom of Bahrain
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Date: 28 January 2019 - 1 December 2019
The Christians believed that Jesus was the Savior.
Muslims believe that one of the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad is called the Mahdi is the savior.
Who is the real Savior or the two will appear together and save the world?
Islam is a religion of tolerance, humanity and peace.
Islam is innocent of the black terrorism that is taking the lives of Muslims today today more than others, and is not due to the law of Islam or the Koran Muslims, but the reasons are due to the policies of great unfair used to dominate and hegemony.
Followers of terrorism belong to the religion of terrorism itself and are far from the religion of Islam religion of love and harmony
They believe in the doctrine of blotshed in all its different sects
And they are killed for the interests of our enemies and the implementation of their goals, the religion of Islam is innocent of the religion of terrorism
Islam, like other celestial religions, urges tolerance and fraternity among human beings for their innumerable differences, because the value of tolerance is of great moral values.
The message of the Prophet Muhammad is not a separate religion independent of the messages of Jesus, Moses, Abraham and Noah, peace be upon them. Rather, it is a final episode in the one chain of divine religion that began with Adam and ended with the Prophet Muhammad.
I would like to point out that this article is not doctrinal but discusses one of the purposes of the Great Religions: Tolerance as a human intellectual issue that serves all human beings and has nothing to do with the religious beliefs and attitudes of the people. It only discusses the importance and necessity of searching for common values among human beings.
I hope that the wise people of every religion, think and guide all over the world to write tirelessly about the values of tolerance and respect for the rights and freedoms of others, because free human thought will one day triumph over the advocates of terrorism.
Now currently doing a research on the relationship between religiosity and mental health. mind to share any literature that answer the question?
Muslim irrigation systems in the medieval time in Ibiza required some water resources. Today these water resources are limited.
I suppose there was a climate change since the 13th century.
Leon Africanus or Hassan al-Wazzan was born in Muslim Grenade, raised up in Fez, in diplomatic mission in the Middle East, detained in Italy as a slave, freed by Pope Leon X, that induced to write and publish "Description of Africa". Even if his book was mentioning the practices from other religions, it was so intelligently written Inquisitors could not find the argumentative way to condemn it formally. So, little by little, Leon's book turned out to be the book for the ones that didn't want to be condemned formally, let's say for the people that felt guilty and for some sin they were feeling guilty. That's how in Mallorca, they burned up Jews and catholic-converted Jews, whose only fault was to possess Leon Africanus's book, up to 19th cent.
Islamophobia appears to be on the rise and the western media is making it worse by portraying negative images of Islam and Muslims at a time when the hottest trouble spots are in Muslim land!
Racial Profiling of Muslims in Abroad: A Reflection of the Issue in UK and USA, Pre and After-Math of 9-11
How the Islamophobia contributed to a new kind of Racial Abuse for Muslims all over the World
Selected writers are Hanif Kureishi, H M Naqvi and Mohosin Hameed
If I were to discuss or conduct a series of lectures on human rights issues relating to Islam, Muslims or Muslim dominated, Asian countries like Malaysia, what are the issues that you would probably want me to talk about?
I have two studies titled “ A Comparative Sports Culture Study between Europeans, North Americans and a Modern Muslim Nation” and “A multidimensional sport attitudes scale for multinational research. If you are interested, I can share them with you.
- There are several groups of youth vigilante - cow protection group , Love-jihad group, Hindu yuva sangh group - these are sort of moral police backed by Hindu govt in India , who are beating, lynching & killing Muslim & Dalit .
- can these be relevent to your work ? If yes , let me know , I am interested to contribute .
Does Muslim ethics make particular statements about social and environmental challenges?
Last week, about 30 members of the self-described "Decent People" movement disrupted performance of a play called "Our Violence and Your Violence" in the theatre in the Czech Republic.
They consider that play as blasphemous and highly unethical as it ridicules the Catholic Church and the final scene even shows Jesus Christ proceeding to enact the rape of a Muslim woman.
I am going to asses the limits of the freedom of expression in this case. Do you know any useful fresh judgement of the European Court of Human Rights or your national courts that have decided similar case and address the issue of the limits of the freedom of expression, right to religious or right to free cultural performance?
You can read here about the case:
If you were to design a course to teach Islamic history, (from outside colonial narratives), within the perspective of Islamic culture, what Islamic thinkers, poets, writers, theorists, and artists would you include and why?
Additionally, should you exclude any controversial sources shared among extremist groups, or should they be included, and subject to rigorous critique by Muslim students?
The issue of halal system has received considerable critical attention both either from academic circle and practitioners in recent years. It is well known that halal no longer applies to exclusively food production and consumption. The halal industry has now evolved from merely halal food products to a holistic halal concept that encompasses the entire value of commercial activities. The global halal marketplace of 1.8 billion Muslims can play an important role in addressing the issue of halal food and food related products (The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 2011). The largest of these markets are located in Southeast Asia and West Asia. However, the lack of a recognized global halal compliance standard and certification process has caused a lack of confidence for consumers, and uncertainty for the business. Because halal logos vary between company and country, there is no assurance that all products used and the value chain are indeed halal.
Pope John XX111 postulated the thesis, "PACEM IN TERRIS". Simply put, "If you want peace. sow justice". My question is is the church living up to its roles and obligations today?". People like late Rev. Fr.Chukwulozie tried during their lifetime to promote inter - religious dialogue especially Muslim - Christian dialogue. I admonish the church to look into matters of gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms that are brought before her. Muslims and Christians are a family. Christians should not judge muslims as people who kill for Allah to make heaven. I was disappointed internally when one of my lecturers last year incited the class against muslims by teaching us that muslims kill in order to make heaven for Allah. I will never forgive him for wrong and hateful teaching. Lets reason together now to make peace reign in Jesus name. Amen.
Research on Muslim community in China
By "grace" I mean, the restoration of the relationship between God and man.
This question is aimed at our Muslim friends online - I want to learn.
Please add to your comments reason and (scriptural or other) sources. A 'yes' or 'no' answer would be helpful, but more detail is better. I am only guessing in my assumption, I might be wrong. Help me learn.
This is in view of the development of a country(countries) based on the respect of human life, solidarity, charity, fraternity, tolerance and coexistence between Muslims and Christians. (Interreligious Dialogue)
A writer had an open invitation to construct counternarratives based on her summary of groups who attended the "Battles of Berkeley"
What I am asking is a similar call for researchers to provide counternarrative extrapolations from these bullet points.
Pick one, or several, or all OR critique this method for its ability to effectively construct counternarratives. If you do critique, however, please provide more fruitful alternatives :)
MAIN MESSAGING FROM RALLIES (so you can make good counter messaging)
- Anti-immigration/supports deportation & ICE
- For Muslim ban
- Anti-abortion and planned parenthood
- Anti-government social safety nets like healthcare & snap
- Mostly Christian
- Passionately hate Obama and Hillary Clinton (still talks about them)
- Love president Donald Trump no matter what he does
- Propaganda pushers of false media
- Blue Lives Matter
- Obsessively against Communism
- Pro-Western Culture, believe everyone should assimilate to their ideal state
- Pro Confederate monument preservation
- Fine with people of color (they really hate being called racist)
- Anti-Black Lives Matter
- Extremely Patriotic
- In favor of traditional Male/Female roles (Patriarchy)
- Fine with LGBT but against trans in the military (because Trump said so)
- Pretty much anything Trump says they support, except white supremacy because again, they hate being called racist
- *source link
Passages such as the following make it sound like the Prophet Muhammad thought the Christian Trinity was comprised of God, Mary, and their offspring Jesus:
God will say: ‘Jesus Son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind: “Worship me and my mother as gods besides God?”’
‘Glory be to you,’ he will answer, ‘I could never have claimed what I have no right to.’ (5.117)
The Creator of the heavens and the earth—how should he have a son, seeing that He has no consort, and He created all things? (6.102)
The fertility rate of the Muslims is highest among the religious faiths.Further, the size of the Muslim population is also impacted by considerable conversion ,and de-conversion,if any. The size and percentage of conversion from other faiths to Islam would give an idea of the causal factors to the growth of the size of Muslim population. Gender-specific data of such conversion would be useful.Further, such data from major countries would help to understand the scenario.
At the time of writing the history of Islam and the Muslim figures in the 19th century, did the European institutions and Orientalists go back to copy the same sources and writings known that time either in France or in other European countries?
Islam and Judaism are unitarian monotheisms, holding that the one God contains a single center of self-consciousness (i.e., person). Christianity is a trinitarian monotheism, holding that the one God contains three centers of self-consciousness (i.e., persons). I'd love to hear Muslim, Jewish, and Christian views on this!
I am looking for information about spread of Islam in Indonesia, it is stated it was in 14th century Muslim Scholars (Ulama) were sent from Turkey to Indonesia.
It is in Kitab Kanzul Hum, it is in library of Turkey. I need confirmation about this kitab by Ibnu Batutah.
Many Institutions in Africa lack skilled experience physicians for endoscopy ,especially enteric endoscopy, WE HAVE so much suspected Ulcer patients in North-East Nigeria ,this may be the same for some Muslim dominated countries,does any one know ,where doctors from poor resource setting can attend cheap hand-on training courses for Endoscopy,enteroscopy and Ultrasound courses?.
Dear all,
Muslims in Burma are like other humans. They are in urgent need of aid. Is this the religious matter or the matter of Humanity? Why powerful authorities are inactive? Where is UNO? Where are the organisations of human protection?
What we people can do for them? Any Suggestion?

I am about to embark on a piece of research where I hope to uncover 'core beliefs' and 'schemata' about God and other transpersonal phenomena among muslim participants. I I think that IPA would be a useful method to use in analysing my qualitative data, and the socratic method (especially the downward arrowing) is a standard technique used in accessing core beliefs. So, my question is: could I use the socratic method as my main interview technique and then use IPA as my data analysis method? Very much appreciate any comments or advice on this.
How should the EU and its allies respond to the needs/demands of polygamous Muslim immigrants?
Answers needed from legal experts, political analysts, sociologists and social field workers, theologians and futurologists who work with statistical predictions.
Dear Sir,
What is the reason behind it that America is disturbing the Muslim world?