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Publications related to Museum Studies (2,065)
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The Museum in Asia advances an understanding of the flourishing museum landscape in the region by offering a variety of conceptual tools and frameworks through which museum development can be analysed and understood. Informed by the key theoretical tenets of critical museology and heritage studies, this volume seeks to deconstruct the idea of muse...
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Modern trends are aimed at the integration of information and communication technologies into the educational process, in particular, thanks to the active use of mobile devices and relevant applications. Teachers can quickly disseminate information among students, provide them with access to various materials, as well as receive feedback from them,...
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In the frame of the worldwide policies towards inclusion there is a need of changes, systematic strategies and actions at different levels and settings of the society including education and cultural organizations. Museums, culture and arts have a constantly increasing role towards a more cohesive and inclusive society in terms of educational, soci...
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The article presents a narrative multimedia film exhibition on the history of the Eastern Borderlands. Titled “Bliskie Kresy” (“Close Borderlands”), the show is developed at the Osada Kresowa (Borderland Settlement) entertainment-hotel-and-conference centre in Basznia Górna. The article looks at the exhibition project through the museum-studies len...
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Konferensi Asia Afrika merupakan salah satu peristiwa penting dalam sejarah Indonesia. Peristiwa ini didasari atas kesamaan nasib bangsa-bangsa Asia Afrika ditengah persaingan antara Blok Barat dan Blok Timur yang tidak kunjung mereda. Kemudian atas gagasan Ali Sastroamijoyo, Sir Jhon Kotelawala, Muhammad Ali, Jawaharlal Nehru dan U Nu dibuatlah ko...
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In the nascent field of posthuman museum studies, Fiona R. Cameron cuts a singular figure. Since their conceptualisation of the ‘liquid museum’ in Andrea Witcomb and Kylie Message’s 2015 collection Museum Theory (Cameron, 2015), Cameron has been a crucial driver in theorising and applying posthumanism to the multifarious field of museum governance...
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Drawing on our recent collaborative experience in teaching an intermediate-level museum studies course in Fall 2023, this reflective essay aims to demonstrate how faculty and librarians can employ object-centered research to guide students in their exploring and understanding of the extractive practices associated with imperialism and colonialism t...
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How do public museums balance their economic costs with their economic benefits? Political debate often strips nuance from museum management, with the total public spending going into a museum countered by a museum’s direct revenue generation. This paper attempts to complicate those false dichotomies by demonstrating that while free-to-enter public...
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The STP&A Conference is the oldest and one of the most influential academic gatherings in the field of arts management and cultural policy. STP&A participants are drawn from a broad range of disciplines including political science, sociology, economics, law, arts management, arts education, art history, museum studies, cultural studies, education,...
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Taking the Africa Museum’s mineral cabinet as a point of departure, I probe the entanglements of inorganic matter, coloniality, and mining for space travel. Through museum ethnography, and by thinking about minerality as a field that connects intra and extra-terrestrial interests, my research unpacks how colonial logics permeate relationships betwe...
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For the archaeological, museological, and preservationist community, this period has been one of immense challenges. The individual scientific interests of researchers have been overshadowed by a collective concern for the state of cultural heritage and the urgent need to protect sites during a full-scale war. Public and scholarly initiatives aimed...
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Аннотация В настоящей публикации представлено обсуждение статьи И.С. Слепцовой (Кызласовой)и Е.Г. Чесноковой “Вернакулярный музей: к определению понятия”, в которой авторыпредлагают ввести дополнительный термин для описания различных практик низового музеестроительства в современном обществе. Опираясь на употребление термина вернакулярный в различн...
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Nationality: British; Italian Fields: History of art criticism, art collecting and the art market, with an emphasis on 19 th century Britain and Italy; the linguistic analysis and history of art discourse Education: ▪ M.Litt., English Literature, Oxford 1983 (dissertation on the fiction of Walter Pater) ▪ B.A., English Literature, Cambridge 1977 Em...
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Our knowledge of the louse fauna in different parts of the world is often patchy. Few countries have ever had long-term research programs dedicated to surveying of chewing lice, least of all countries outside Europe and North America. As a result, the geographic range of many lice is imperfectly known. Moreover, lice are often identified based on h...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan kearsipan museum dan pariwisata melalui studi kasus Museum Provinsi Medan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif fotografis dengan observasi langsung. Sebagai salah satu situs budaya terpenting di Sumatera Utara, Museum Provinsi Medan berperan penting dalam menari...
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In the 2020 video game Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the player builds the collection of the impressive Animal Crossing Museum (ACM). Exploring the visitor experience of this video game museum’s art wing from the perspective of museum professionals allows for the discovery of inventive ways to deepen connection with museum patrons in the virtual s...
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Since the 20th century, the International Committee for Museum Studies (ICOFOM), the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, the Mongolian Culture and Arts Research Institute, the Musei Udirdah Gazar, the National Museum of Mongolia, and the Universities have been developing museology in our country with available resources. It will be clarified the need to...
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Natural history collections play a vital role in biodiversity conservation, climate monitoring, and public health protection. However, challenges such as the loss of historical collections in museums, the crisis in taxonomic research, and the decline of sampling activities have compromised their integrity. Can digitisation offer solutions to these...
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This book explores ideologies, conflicts and ideas that underpinned art historical writing in Ukraine in the 20th century. Disciplinary beginnings testify both to its deep connection to Krakow, Saint Petersburg and especially Vienna with its school of art history and originality of theoretical thought. Art history started as another imperial proje...
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This study critically explores the evolving role of museums as active agents in the fields of cultural heritage and social justice. Traditionally, museums have been seen as neutral repositories of history and culture. However, a greater awareness of social injustice and the demand for inclusivity have driven some museums to take a more active role...
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This article reflects on the translation of gallery space into a virtually immersive experience in an era of remote access. Curators and scholars such as Mary Nooter Roberts, Susan Vogel, Carol Duncan, Tony Bennet, Stephen Greenblatt, Judith Mastai, and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett have discussed the myriad of ways in which the experience of cultu...
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Museum closure has received little attention within museum studies. Not only is there scant understanding about how museums close, but so far little has been published about which museums have closed in the UK, and much of what has been published lacks detailed analysis. In this article I set out the best available data on museum closure between 19...
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Penelitian ini mengkaji strategi pengembangan inventaris toko souvenir museum dan dampaknya terhadap branding kota St. Petersburg. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 76 museum di St. Petersburg dengan metode observasi untuk mendeskripsikan inventaris toko souvenir mereka. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa meskipun ada kecenderungan positif dalam pengembangan pro...
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This book is a fresh reflection on the study of museum innovation, with special attention paid to the enabling role of collaboration within the process. It sets out to capture the innovation dynamics of museums and explore to what extent and how collaborative arrangement can contribute to different types of innovative activities in the museum secto...
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General Background: Museums play a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage and enhancing public engagement with historical artifacts. Specific Background: Recent advancements in exhibition design and curation have transformed traditional museum practices, enabling more interactive and immersive experiences for visitors. Knowledge Gap: Despite...
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The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake revealed that one of the reasons for the lack of effective and timely action to rescue and restore natural history collections is that the organizational laws and policies are insufficient and inapplicable under extreme circumstances. Laws and policies for collections are primarily concerned with designation and...
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Designing the built environment with an inclusive approach that allows equal access to everyone is necessary for reducing social inequalities. Creating a physical environment that includes all segments of society and activates all senses is crucial in museum spaces. Digital interactions used in museum spaces offer new possibilities and interfaces t...
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Sounds and soundscapes have a profound impact on our daily lives, shaping activities and their memories. Due to its evocative, ephemeral, and intangible nature, sound has the power to evoke the past and enhance the present. Aural experiences can provide transparent accessibility to cultural and artistic heritage through immersive audio augmented re...
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This article explores different institutional approaches to exhibiting and maintaining living, plant-based sculptures, and installation art. By studying the creation and management of artworks by Gilberto Esparza, Michael Wang, Precious Okoyomon, and Daniel Lie, this article considers how cultural institutions can incorporate ethics of more-than-hu...
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This paper presents the history, current situation, and ongoing projects on the collection from the National Museum of Aleppo (Syria), sketching the history of its collection and the changing role of the museums in the past century. When museums face periods of conflict and destruction, not only their primary role to preserve heritage is challenged...
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Generasi Y, lahir antara tahun 1981 hingga 1995, memiliki karakter berwawasan teknologi tinggi karena tumbuh di era teknologi. Fleksibilitas dan impulsivitas Gen Y muncul dari banyaknya alternatif pilihan yang dimiliki. Karakteristik ini tercermin antara lain dalam preferensi rekreasi mereka, yang memprioritaskan pengalaman praktis dan kontribusi a...
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A continuación se presenta una breve reseña del proceso de creación de la Sala del Pueblo Sami en el Museo Nacional de las Culturas del Mundo (MNCM, Ciudad de México), del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH). La finalidad es reflexionar sobre este tipo de experiencias como parte esencial en la formación de estudiantes del posgrado...
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Radya Pustaka Museum is a museum that represents Javanese culture. The collections in the museum are proof of the indigenous knowledge of the people in making cultural products. This research aims to identify Javanese indigenous knowledge based on the Radya Pustaka Museum collections. Therefore, qualitative research was used with a museum study app...
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This book employs a longue durée approach to examine China’s heritage through history. From Imperial to contemporary China, it explores the role of practices and material forms of the past in shaping social transformation through knowledge production and transmission. The art of collecting, reproducing, and reinterpreting the past has been an endu...
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Penelitian ini membahas implementasi arsitektur futuristik, khususnya neo-futurisme, pada bangunan museum dengan studi kasus pada Mercedes-Benz Museum di Stuttgart, Jerman. Latar belakang penelitian menyoroti rendahnya penggunaan dan aplikasi arsitektur futuristik di Indonesia, terutama pada bangunan museum. Subjek penelitian ini adalah arsitektur...
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Introduction Nowadays museums make large use of digital materials (e.g., virtual tours) to attract visitors. Therefore, it is worthwhile investigating which variables affect the engagement with art outside the museum, and whether digital reproductions of artworks are as effective as museum originals in producing a satisfying aesthetic experience....
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Museums are the reflection of past culture and skills. Museum as an institution serves as an archival of tangible sources of past history through displays and exhibiting the objects. It is necessary to know how museum as a space treats the young mind in terms of recollecting the past events through an object displayed. The communication between the...
Conference Paper
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Sounds and soundscapes have a profound impact on our daily lives, shaping activities and their memories. Due to its evocative, ephemeral, and intangible nature, sound has the power to evoke the past and enhance the present. Aural experiences can provide transparent accessibility to cultural and artistic heritage through immersive audio augmented re...
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This paper highlights three community-based initiatives that empowered seniors, racialized immigrant women artists and street artists to share their unique perspectives. From 2021 to 2023, Contemporary Calgary and the University of Calgary collaborated with artists, community partners, and the Downtown West neighbourhood to provide programming in a...
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The full life cycle of undergraduate and postgraduate museum studies programs, from proposal, inception, growth, and change, through to cancellation over a ten year period at Macquarie University are discussed. This focuses on aspects of the program that made them successful with students, if not the institution, through a combination of analysi...
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The purpose of this study was to explore how science and environmentally related museums in Alberta, Canada are digitally engaging with climate change and energy education. This inquiry utilised qualitative discourse analysis to examine the discourses, dynamics and tensions present in digital museum contexts related to climate and energy education...
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The scholarly debate in translation studies and related fields has extensively addressed the definition, scope, and limitations of translation. We contend that museum translation, which encompasses both the traditional “translation proper” as well as the non-verbal and multimodal aspects of translation, is central to this debate. Museum translation...
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Understood as active in the mediation of knowledge and values, museum spaces have become a growing field of investigation in the course of the spatial turn within the museum studies. In this special issue, we focus on the transformation of museum space. To this end, we introduce a specific theoretical framework, the refiguration of spaces, which ai...
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Please join our Montagskolloquium in Spring 2024! In this collaboration between the Deutsches Museum and global dis:connect, Fabienne Will, Roland Wenzlhuemer, and I have organized a rich program at the intersection of Envirotech History, Global History, and Museum Studies. More information ➡️
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Review of Artemis Yagou, ed., Technology, Novelty, and Luxury (=Deutsches Museum Studies 12). Munich: Deutsches Museum, 2022. 118 pp.
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During the last decades, reading promotion practitioners have aimed to expand their activity to new arenas in order to generalise reading habits beyond the usual contexts of the home, schools and libraries. In this vein, museums have gathered attention as especially well-equipped spaces to implement reading promotion programmes due to their educati...
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This paper introduces network science to museum studies. The spatial structure of the museum and the exhibit display largely determine what visitors see and in which order, thereby shaping their visit experience. Despite the importance of spatial properties in museum studies, few scientific tools have been developed to analyze and compare the resul...
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Until 1918, representatives of the Konigliche Museen zu Berlin (Royal Museums of Berlin, now State Museums of Berlin) and Istanbul’s Muze-i Humayun (Imperial Museum, now the Istanbul Archeological Museum) excavated, extracted, and exhibited antiquities as part of their countries’ imperial projects. The material culture of past civilizations was use...
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The contemporary advancement of digital museum studies has emerged as a significant subfield within the broader discipline of museum studies and is poised to have a profound influence on the future trajectory of museology. The Shaanxi History Museum is a provincial museum located in Shaanxi, China. It has the distinction of being the first national...
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Since the 19th century Spaniards had been studying museums with uneven zeal, somehow disconnected from the outburst of theoretical scholarship that was shaping a new academic discipline in other parts of the world after World War II. A period of political transition and growing internationalisation coincided with the tenure of Luis Monreal Tejada a...
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The heritage of prehistory, in the fields of both palaeoanthropology and palaeoarchaeology, constitutes a huge physical and interpretative resource, even though the majority of artefacts have never left museum storage rooms. The current significant development in research into human fossils does lead to considerations about the current ways of exhi...
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Ethnographic collections and museums displaying them are currently facing a crisis of representation which is deeply political. Negotiations mainly take place on a national and institutional level. Yet, in order to deal with conflicts and problems that arise around ethnographic collections in a way that allows for and affirms new relationships bein...
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This study is the first to present an analysis of previously unexplored works that serve as an artistic response to the tragic events in the history of the Chechen people in 1944. Using the works of the graphic cycle by artist R. Yakhihhanov as an example, the study reveals the peculiarities of interpreting ideas and plots to unfold the theme of de...
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The question of objectivity vs. subjectivity in audio description (AD) is still open and unresolved, even more so when considering less researched AD sub-genres, such as museum ADs. While sparse guidelines for describing artworks and cultural artefacts tend to favour neutrality, no clear consensus exists, and the limits of a factual style have alre...
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In the Nordplus Adult development project Increased Learning Through Social Spaces (2018-2022) we collected examples of social interactions at cultural heritage organisations in Scandinavia which contributed to interactivity and learning. In addition, we analysed how cultural heritage organisations actively create social spaces with the intention o...
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It is assumed that multimodal experiences of art (e.g., listening to music while viewing a painting) can improve aesthetic experience as the two modalities can complement each other. In the current museum study, we tested whether the multimodal experience of works of art—where the artwork is inspired by the musical piece—can enhance aesthetic exper...
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Tarumanagara is the oldest kingdom in Java island with its territory along the west coast of Java island. Their socio-cultural was diverse which were created by the people who live in every region of Java. Their legacy is now preserved in the Jakarta History Museum which tell about the Tarumanagara indigenous knowledge. This study aims to identify...
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p> Research aims to identify patterns of interaction in the delivery of information and circulation flow in the Ranggawarsita Semarang museum. Techniques for conveying information from collectibles have a very close correlation with the circulation of space in a museum. The Ranggawarsita Museum, Central Java, was a case study by observing directly...
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Courses on history and social studies are the first that come to one's mind when learning in museums and historical sites are considered. The fact that other disciplines can also benefit immensely from museums for their own course targets are usually ignored. It is mostly the preschool and primary school students that benefit from museums through t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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The Red Tent, which offered shelter to Umberto Nobile and the survivors of the 1928 Arctic expedition following the crash of the airship Italia , acquired a highly symbolic value as soon as it was returned to Italy. Since 1952, the Tent has been kept at the Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, on deposit from the City of Milan: t...
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Using historical thinking for analyzing the teaching and learning of secondary school history, this paper contributes to literature and debates on the pedagogical potential of museums in this endeavor. Despite the existence of museums and expansive literature on their historical significance in various world settings, there has not been much effort...
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The tenth-century AH is considered as the “golden” era of rug weaving in the Safavid epoch due to the Safavids’ ability to bring this art-industry to an outstanding position and to introduce it to the Europeans through some measures. During this historical period, plenty of rugs were collected by Europeans in various ways, and now they are displaye...
Conference Paper
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Call for papers now open for the 7th Annual Conference of The International Art Market Studies Association to be held 11th - 13th July 2024 at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Deadline for submissions: 1st November 2023 Contact Information Associate Professor Christopher R. Marshall Associate Professor of Art History and Museum Studies, the...
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Gishimangeda Cave, near Lake Eyasi in northern Tanzania, exemplifies many challenges inherent in studying poorly documented “legacy collections” in African archaeology. The archaeological assemblage of at least twelve human individuals and associated artifacts was excavated in 1967 for primarily physical anthropological purposes. However, it has be...
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Overview: This 32-page toolkit, written by Dr Carol Ann Dixon, comprises insights and guidance on effective anti-racist educational practice. The content is sourced from the publications and project portfolios of nationally and internationally renowned anti-racism educators, critical race theorists, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) thought l...
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Indigenous Societies on the Island of Santo Domingo as Seen from the Archaeological Collections of Centro León. text and selection of artifacts: Roberto Valcárcel Rojas New book on archaeological collections in the Dominican Republic. Digital resource for archaeological and ethnographic research, heritage conservation and museum studies. It can be...
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This paper aims to analyze the role of natural heritage cataloging when criminal events challenge natural history museums. This study investigates the rhino horn thefts in Italian natural history museums from 2011 to 2015 to provide a comprehensive framework for these robberies while highlighting the weaknesses and strengths to prevent thefts and s...
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This paper aims to analyze the role of natural heritage cataloging when criminal events challenge natural history museums. This study investigates the rhino horn thefts in Italian natural history museums from 2011 to 2015 to provide a comprehensive framework for these robberies while highlighting the weaknesses and strengths to prevent thefts and s...
Conference Paper
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Introduction/Background Observational skill is an essential talent required by health care professionals; however, it is a skill that is learnt but rarely taught in medical schools. Furthermore, image recognition and interpretation are essential in the discipline of pathology for students to understand the abnormal changes in the organs and body...
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Museum studies is an academic and practical field of research that provides new challenges and opportunities to researchers thanks to the extraordinary growth of museums worldwide in the last 20 years (McCarthy and Brown 2022). There is, however, a need for more research on museum economics, including tourism (Silberberg and Lord 2015). The tourism...
Accessibility studies, which have increased recently, have started to raise awareness in cultural areas. Participation of special groups, which are seen as disadvantaged, in social life as a part of society was supported with the prepared practices. Considering the needs that differ according to disability, the most challenging group for museums ha...
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The physical properties associated with lithic raw materials are regularly assumed to be a determining factor that articulates with stone tool morphology. Among those attributes most frequently advanced to account for differences between sites and assemblages are raw material size and mechanical flaking properties. Quantitative analyses of raw mate...
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The aspect of touching museum artifacts has gained increasing prominence in the field of museum studies in recent decades, as museums strive to create more engaging experiences for visitors. With the advent of digital fabrication technologies, museums have embraced the practice of 3D printing and reproducing physical replicas of artifacts. These re...
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The COVID-19 pandemic led to the temporary closure of all museums in the UK, closing buildings and suspending all on-site activities. Museum agencies aim at mitigating and managing these impacts on the sector, in a context of chronic data scarcity. “Museums in the Pandemic” is an interdisciplinary project that utilises content scraped from museums’...
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The museum is not a neutral container, a passive collection of art and artifacts. Rather the museum is itself a historical argument, using objects and their relations to write our collective stories. This essay shows how the museum, as it developed within nineteenth‐century European imperialism, directs meaning both within and beyond literature. Th...
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The exhibition methods of museums influenced by digital technologies from the 20th century to the present are examined in this paper. During the pandemic period, many museums accelerated and improved their virtual museum work. Many museums have established virtual exhibition areas or added up-to-date applications to their existing virtual museums....
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Nationality: British Fields: History of art criticism, art collecting and the art market, with an emphasis on 19 th century Britain and Italy; the linguistic analysis and history of art discourse Education:  M.Litt., English Literature, Oxford 1983 (dissertation on the fiction of Walter Pater)  B.A., English Literature, Cambridge 1977 Employment:...
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The special conditions of the Qajar period have made it possible for Europeans to obtain Iranian carpets more than before. During this period, Europeans interested in Iranian rugs took advantage of the unique opportunities available to them to create, develop, and complete the assets of their rug collections in the best way. Familiarity with the fi...
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Women’s Museums And Their Curatorial Practices in The Light of New Museology Women’s museums, which offer a new perspective in museum studies, constitute a remarkable part of women’s history and representation. Women’s museums, which offer theoretical alternatives to the current understanding of museology, have a rich working concept in the curato...
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The status of colonial objects in European museums touches upon a matrix of legal and historical issues. This article engages with some of them, while referring to the case of a Sri Lankan object in the possession of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (RMA) in the Netherlands: a ceremonial cannon looted by the Dutch from the King of Kandy in 1765. The artic...
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A museum’s relevance must lie in its ability to inspire reflections on the works it contains, fostering and cherishing a plurality of interpretations. The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts has been exploring new avenues of interpretation, rejecting the idea of an exhaustive overview of the arts of the world’s various regions in the manner of the so-call...
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This paper contributes to the discussion around what is new in Museology and Museum Studies. We argue here that the most innovative element in the field is the commitment of Museology to social transformation, from its identification with applied social sciences, with action-research and with the premise that the museologist is a social worker (Rús...
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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Re-interpreting difficult heritage has been at the center of recent public and academic debate, through among others the Confederate monuments' discussion, the Rhodes Must Fall and the Black Lives Matter protest movements, addressing issues of occupying public space and reassessing the colonial, traumatic and difficult past. T...
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Creating Digital Exhibits for Cultural Institutions will show you how to create digital exhibits and experiences for your users that will be informative, accessible and engaging. Illustrated with real-world examples of digital exhibits from a range of GLAMs, the book addresses the many analytical aspects and practical considerations involved in th...
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This article presents three interdisciplinary and community-serving museum projects carried out by the Portuguese Judiciary Police Museum (Museu de Polícia Judiciária – MPJ), two of which are based on original ideas and unprecedented procedures. All three of them are ‘out of the walls’ crime prevention projects for the protection of Portuguese cult...
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Biometric data is vital for species identification, recognition and classification. Museum collections and ringing data sets are important sources of biometric data for birds. We present biometric data for nine selected species from the families Malaconotidae, Platysteridae and Laniidae based on 271 museum specimens and 184 ringing records. The spe...
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The article discusses one of the main projects of the Education Department of the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum (Madrid/ES). Nubla: Laboratorio de Arte, Educación y Videojuegos is a project designed in 2013, which took shape between 2015-2017, and is still active to this day. In this paper, I sought to understand what defines Nubla and how the...
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Design basis of decorative motifs used in Sri Lankan weapon designing in Kandyan period has been studied by this research. This study focused on investigating the strategic usage of decorative motifs to fulfill the designing requirements in the production process of weapons as an applied art product in Kandyan period. Accordingly, the objective of...
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The Catholic Church arrogates a long tradition of protecting and using heritage to complement its evangelisation ministry from the medieval ecclesiastical treasures included in museology proto-history. While these treasures have adopted museographic features, other typologies of ecclesiastical museums have appeared, demanding regulations that could...
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There has been a global push since the 1990s to destigmatize sex workers. Even though there is much art generated for and by sex workers in China, there is no museum dedicated to them, and there is only a limited amount of research on their art. In order to fill this research vacuum, this article explores sex workers’ art museums and Chinese sex wo...
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This article sets out to tackle the question: ‘what can museum anthropology do in the twenty-first century?’ It does so by focusing on the doing in a double-sense: on what museum anthropology can do, as in affecting, impacting and achieving, as well as on museum anthropology’s own doing, as a particular set of knowledge practices brimming with meth...