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Museum Education - Science topic
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Questions related to Museum Education
Maybe I should start my own museum for all my unique ideas. I could be the curator and professor.
I am exploring if teacher students usually design field trips during their upper formation. Field trips or outdoor education can be excursions, visits to museums, aquariums, botanical gardens, etc...
I spent the past few months interning as an independent researcher at the Field Museum in Chicago. Here, I spent my time observing the design procedure that leads up to the creation of a context-focused exhibition. The term culminated with a paper at the end on the nature of objects in such exhibitions. I'm currently looking for places which can help me review, edit, and publish this work. Any direction would be helpful!
There are many essays and blogs supporting the idea that art education and involvement of children would generate a wide variaty of benefits for them. And , intuitively, this outcome is obvious. Nevertheless, I have not found academic studies documenting this phenomenon. Do you know any?
Thank you!
Limited physical spaces in many institutions, and limited time for interested people made me think to ask how to construct an online or electronic museum. The outline? distribution of frames and antiques? is there any specific ideas for Home Economics museums? can people access and pay a ticket online? how to disseminate and advertise for such museum?
Best regards
Bibliography needed for a research project relating the Performing Arts and museums
I'm researching in museology, visitor studies that work with older adults or with museum programs for these visitors.
Do you have any experience with big history/ universal history exhibitions as well as courses for high school classes, especially:
- comparison of natural and cultural processes which work at different time scales (from years to billions of years)
- look at historical events (e.g. political turnovers, economical crises) from different points of view, i.e. study of written reports vs natural archives/ scientific data
- evolution as a (meta)concept that includes biological evolution, but also evolution of the universe, planetary evolution, abiogenesis, cultural evolution, evolution of mind
- answer to the question whether and to what degree history is determined by changes in environmental conditions (e.g. climatic forcing)
- transition from humans as minor constituents of land ecosystems to humans as ecosystem modellers and from early artefacts to written language
BTW: Is "big history" already out of fashion due to certain weak points (i.e. re-introduction of anthropocentrism and historicism into scientific discourse)?
M Leuven (Belgium) is planning a new pseudo-permanent presentation of its collections. We are thinking of a 5-year research project in order to use our presentations as a lab to measure the interaction between public and visual works of art (old masters! What are the possibilities and pitfalls? What can be interesting (see: with practical museological results) research topics?
I am looking at alternative forms of interaction within a children's museum to look at overall engagement and retention.
Science museums are increasingly adopting social media and social networks for different purposes What are the possibilities and opportunities of employing social media in science museums? What is the role of social media? I would also appreciate if you provide resources related to this topic.
I am interested in research about community outreach programs as part of science museums. Any books, papers, articles that highlight such initiatives and assess their impact are appreciated.