Science topic
Muscle Damage - Science topic
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Questions related to Muscle Damage
Can anyone suggest a good marker for muscle damage, in addition to creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, for evaluations of acute resistance training sessions?
I am writing a scientific project, and I want to include some biochemical markers rather than CK and LDH to identify possible skeletal muscle damage after resistance training session with different overloads.
Dear all,
I encountered some problems when using the ABAQUS CDP model. Could you please give me some suggestions?
I did a monotonic uniaxial test using a single 3D solid element (C3D8R) and the CDP model. As shown in the picture attached, if tension damage is defined the maximum principle stress vs maximum principle strain relation shows strain hardening compared to the input data, while the stress and strain curve matches the input value if tension damage was not introduced. This is kind of strange as material damage should not have an effect on the stress and strain relation under monotonic loading.
Moreover, when the plane stress element (CPS4R) is used, the stress and strain relation is identical for cases with and without damage as it should.
I have also attached the input files for both the 3D and 2D models. I will be grateful if you could give me some advice.
I'm trying to identify muscle reinnervation after a nerve injury. For that I want do inject some traccer on the muscle to identify which nerve is reponsible for the reinnervation. Which is the bast traccer, can BDA or DiI work in a short period of time?
Hi all,
If anyone is aware of a study that has selected magnitude-based inferences as their statistical analysis, but used it to assess two independent groups across various time points?
An example of this would be the comparison of two recovery strategies following a muscle damaging protocol (pre, post, 24-h, 48-h, etc).
Thanks in advance.
can someone explain about of effect of this both training model on muscle activation and muscle damage? moreover what effect they have on the muscle hypertrophy?
Skeletal muscle damaged by injury or by degenerative diseases is able to regenerate new muscle fibers?
I have been trying to find articles regarding the use of phototherapy in muscle injury in vivo. All I can find are studies that have worked with exercise-induced muscle damage and in vitro studies. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Cardiotoxin from Naja mossambica mossambica is commonly injected into skeletal muscle to induce experimental muscle. It appears that this product was sold exclusively by Sigma-Aldrich. The product has unfortunately been discontinued. I would be grateful for advice on suitable alternatives to induce experimental muscle damage in rodent models. Thank you!
I need papers which deal with the topic muscle fatigue and CoM displacements. I would like to know what are the principal effects of muscle fatigue in the CoM displacements. However, I need of the most recent papers about this.
also info on musculo-tendinous tears versus tendon-bone insertion versus muscular tears
It will be performed on the lower limb and using eccentric exercise. We were wondering whether 50 max repetitions at 120 degrees per second would actually cause enough damage?
We are looking for a way to assess "muscle damage" without an invasive method. Since muscle damaging protocols lead to increased biomarkers (e.g. CK, CRP,...), we need a method to proof that the impact of our exercise protocol induces a real local muscle damage, without taking blood samples.
I wish to do a study pertaining to lateral epicondyle and whether a vibration dampener ( a small button placed on Tennis Rackets that reduces residual string vibration from ball impact) can be used as a preventative measure against this condition. I want to have something I am able to measure quantitatively on a sample size of about 30 or so individuals.
I am looking for an exercise type enable focusing a high tension to vastus medialis muscle only (or on vastus lateralis if that appears easier to realize) in order to induce muscle damage mainly on this quadriceps head. Do you know some exercise characteristics (e.g. hip angle, specific knee range of motion, leg rotation) to get that? Thanks
I am interested in research that explains the causes of DOMS. Specifically is it the muscle damage that causes the pain or is it the associated inflammation and ROS's that cause the pain? Thanks
I wanted to know if there are any flexibility tests I should be looking at to specifically identity if weight-bearing activities (carrying a heavy backpack all day) relates to muscle stiffness, such as lumbar and hamstring muscles.
My current project is looking at blood flow restriction, and we are weighing up the options of using official kaatsu bands or the use of a medical tourniquet.
Tetranectin has been suggested to play a role in tissue remodeling, due to its ability to stimulate plasminogen activation and its expression in developing tissues such as developing bone and muscle. I would like to study its role in muscle damage due to exercise, and if there is some relationship between them.
I am looking into the use of ice and compression garments; both are thought to reduce exercise induced muscle damage, and inflammation post exercise. I am interested in literature that explains or shows how/whether reducing this inflammation is positive or negative to recovery and adaptation to exercise. Thanks for your help.
We want to determine the efficacy of various post exercise treatments to improve recovery.
Do you know reliable α-actin antibody for Western blot to investigate skeletal muscle damage?
Ultra-structural damage including plasma membrane impairments and damage to the sarcoplasmic reticulum have been observed following unaccustomed eccentric exercise (Warren et al., 1993 Friden et al., 1993., etc). My question is, is there any possibility that omega-3 fatty acids may play a role in maintaining plasma membrane integrity and the subsequent reduction in membrane permeability and Ca2+ concentration?
How might this relationship become affected with muscle damage? Need relevant studies to support.