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Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis - Science topic
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Questions related to Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis
I am currently investigating the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with a specific focus on two criteria. I'm interested in understanding the feasibility of using AHP for weight calculations in a two-criteria context. According to Saaty's book (1980), the Random Index (RI) is zero for two criteria, potentially leading to inconsistent comparisons.
Are there any specific considerations or modifications that should be taken into account in such scenarios?
Explain the difference about the reference profile of the ELECTRE TRI B and characteristic profile in ELECTRE Tri C.Please recommend any paper/report where the comparison is clearly mentioned.
Dear researcher, how many experts are needed in fuzzy delphi method? Is there such a limitation?
Thank you. Kind regards
The set of optimal solutions obtained in the form of Pareto front includes all equally good trade-off solutions. But I was wondering, whether these solutions are global optima or local optima or mix of both. In other words, does an evolutionary algorithm like NSGA-II guaranties global optimum solutions?
Thank you in anticipation.
One of the most significant steps in solving multi criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems is the normalization of the decision matrix. The consideration for the normalization of the data in a judgment matrix is an essential step as it can influence the ranking list.
Is there any other normalization method for the "nominal-is-better" case besides the normalization that is possible through gray relational analysis (GRA)?
My team and I are in the middle of a prioritization problem that involves 350 alternatives (see figure for context about alternatives) or so. I have used the AHP to support the decision-making process in the past with only 7 or 8 alternatives and it has worked perfectly.
I would like to know if the AHP has a limit on the number of alternatives, because consistency may become a problem as Dr. Saaty's method provides Random consistency Indexes for matrix sizes of up to 10.
I was thinking in distributing the 350 alternatives in groups of 10, according to an attribute or classification criteria, to be able to use the RI chart proposed by Dr. Saaty.
If there are other more adecuate multi-criteria analysis tools, or different approaches to calculate the RI for larger matrices, please let me know.
Greetings and thank you,
Please share a report/paper in which calculation of ELECTRE III OR ELECTRE TRI MCDM are explained.
I am working on the Identification of potential groundwater zones using AHP and MCDA.
The drainage density value ranges from -ve to +ve, whereas the range of waterbodies in LULC is always +ve. so, what is the outcome due to the overlap of these factors while ranking them differently and analyzing them simultaneously since both are waterbodies and cannot be ignored.
Currently, I am studying a project about electric charge station location selection. I can't find a trial version of ArcGIS Pro for Mac and I don't know if ArcGIS online has the capability to conduct an MCDA project. Is there anybody who has an experience with MCDA with ArcGIS online or can you suggest me a free tool for this problem?
How many methods we have for multi-criteria Classification (sorting) problems? Could you please name them?
As I understood we have some methods in the below approaches:
1. Multi-Attribute decision making (ELECTRE-TRI, FlowSort, Promethee IV)
2. Multi-objective decision making
3. Goal programming
4. Linear programming (Integer programming)
5. Supervised methods (UTADIS/Decision tree)
6- Clustering (K-means/K-medoids/2steps/c-means)
Could you please name some more methods which can be applied for multi-criteria classification problems?
Thank you in advance.
I would like to perform a Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis for criteria which do not contain an optimal value but a range of values in which the criteria perform optimally. Most MCDA techniques which I have encountered require one or multiple values to define thresholds for each criteria. In my case, I would like to define a range for which if the value of a criteria is below or above the lower or upper limit respectively of that range, it performs sub-optimally. Has anyone encountered a similar problem or have any suggestions on techniques that could be applied in this situation?
There are number of multiple criteria decision making techniques like TOPSIS,SAW,ELECTRE,AHP and many others.I am using TOPSIS for constructing sustainability index.How i could justify that why i am using TOPSIS not other MCDM techniques.What advantage TOPSIS has over other techniques.
I am looking for a dataset which contains the judgments of the decision-makers for the decision problem, as in the AHP method. The problem can be in any area.
Most datasets are related with classification, regression, and time series problems, such as energy, diseases etc.
Let me know. Thanks in advance.
I want to know which ways are common sensitivity analysis that are performed in MCDM-related studies.
I am especially looking for a freely available index journal in the Asian region to publish GIS _MCDA research paper
Urban Development Authority Sri Lanka prepares urban development plans for declared urban areas in Sri Lanka. Recently, 40 development plans were prepared and different spatial analysis techniques were used during the process.
GIS was the main tool used for the analysis. Multi criteria analysis like Development Pressure, Environmental Sensitivity, Suitability, Optimum Space were mostly used.
It is good sign that spatial analysis and sophisticated planning tools came in to adaptation in the planning process.
With the lessons learned during past development planning processes and prevailing issues of the adaptation sophisticated tools & techniques what are the gaps still remain or occur in spatial analysis techniques in development planning process of Sri Lanka?
I am not able to find anything related to Cellular Automata in IDRISI TerrSet. I have seen articles stating the use of Cellular Automat in form of CA-MARKOV modules in IDRISI Selva. It used to be there in GIS Analysis module. However, I want to know if the same is avaiable in IDRISI TerrSet or not.
i have an issue with AHP and SMART and i am not quite sure whether i understand it corrrectly. The question is, which method does better fit for a decision maker if he considers Green Logistics criteria e.g. CO2 efficiency, use of electricity, use of dangerous material and so on..
Why should a decision maker, in this case, should rather chose AHP than SMART or Even Swaps e.g.? I can't find any deeper thoughts on this so it would be very kind if you could help me with this.
Thank you very much!
In the development of an efficient construction and demolition waste management model, the evaluation of several aspects is necessary. What aspects do you consider relevant in the development of this model?
Hi, now i'm doing a research for choosing the best alternatives of suppliers. I currently planning to use ANP, but the problem is i don't have the performance data of the alternatives as the input. So is there any other Method that not require the performance of the alternatives as the input? or what can i do instead to solve this problem?
For Example, I am performing the analysis by considering 5 and 10 parameters with the help of one the MCDM technique. Which case (5 or 10) gives a more realistic output?
Any suggestions for this situation?
I am looking to evaluate the quality of a land use plan in my country. However I am limited by availability of criteria to use. Do you know of literature I can review or advice on standards used in the planning profession when conducting a plan quality evaluation?
Your response will be much appreciated.
Regards, Malakia
There is a software (ELECTRE 2.0) but it is a demo. It doesn't save the project! Then you have to enter data again and again ... ! It is hard when you have many alternatives and criteria.
In my specific research (energy efficiency potential of envelope constructions) I have applied three different MCDA methods for evaluation of my goal function (Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP),Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and I have got three different results, but that result aren't correlate with each other. For instance, in my case the largest correlation had GRA method with TOPSIS (weights by Entropy method) methods - 0.962. From the other hand the correlation between AHP and GRA is lesser -0.792. But unfortunately, the key contradictory fact is the ranking of the alternative - there are no obvious leader by all of above mentioned techniques...
As for me I haven't idea what I can to deal with to improve the results of research to generalized my conclusion for decision-making process.
I'll be very grateful for any idea or advice related to the problem solution.
I wish to know the difference between the BN and Markov model. In what type of problems one is better than other?
In case of reliability analysis of a power plant, where equipment failures are considered, which model should be used and why?
Thank You!
In AHP, I have come across random consistency index (RI) values as given by Saaty (1987).
Also, Prof. Taha, in his book Operations Research: An introduction has given a formulae for calculating RI.
Which RI should be considered and why?
I am intended to do a risk-benefit analysis of medicines. Comparing 4 different alternatives and planned to include patient benefits and cost as part of the criteria. This study is not being commenced yet.
I always wonder about methodology of entropy weighting.
First step is standardization and normalization
(depends on cost or efficiency type)
Second step is to calculate entropy value(E) and do this thing : 1 - E
I cannot understand why this process is necessary because it makes difference between criteria smaller.
If data is consisted of C1:400 C2:16000 C3:800
This step makes weight approximately like this 0.31, 0.36 0.33 (not accurate)
if I don't subtract entropy value from 1, result is like this 0.1 0.6 0.3 (also not accurate)
The point is if I don't subtract E from 1, result is dramatic.
Otherwise, It makes slight difference between criteria.
However, every paper uses 1-E formula in MCDA.
Can I change the formula to the way that I feel more accurate?
Based on an efficient Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) management it's possible to minimize the irregular deposition of these residues and also to increase their recycling and reuse as material for civil construction. However, there are several aspects that can be used in CDW management. The development of a CDW management model will assist municipalities in adopting actions that bring economic, environmental and social benefits.
Using success cases from some cities makes it possible to understand some aspects that optimized the CDW management in those places. The challenge is to create a model that has broader applicability. In this research, two tools will be used: Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA - AHP) and Geographic Information System (GIS).
At this point, it is necessary to raise (your help is fundamental) the aspects that are relevant in the CDW Management. Thanks for support!
For my thesis, which thematizes a GIS-based industrial site selction in Europe, i am in need of a method to integrate all of the european NUTS 2-regions (253 units). The methods which i had in consideration (PROMETHEE, SMART) seem to usually compare very few scenarios.
Especially the part of rating my criteria is creating trouble because i haven't found a structured method for my issue.
How is the solution reached if some values of alternatives according to the criteria are negative in MCDM methods?
Criterion 1
Alternative (1) ..... 2,102
Alternative (2)...... - 0,991
Alternative (3)..... - 0,077
I understand the idea of Best Worst Method for multi criteria decision making
and i know that there is a solver to get the weights but i need to understand the mathematical equation and know how to solve it with my own self.
Can any one help me?
{|𝑤𝐵 − 𝑎𝐵𝑗𝑤𝑗|} ≤ 𝜉L for all j
{|𝑤𝑗 − 𝑎𝑗𝑊𝑤𝑊|} ≤ 𝜉𝐿 for all j
Σ𝑤𝑗 = 1, 𝑤𝑗 ≥ 0 for all j
of course, TOPSIS is the method of MCDM or MCDA. And MCDM is a sub-discipline of operation research. But my question is, can we use the TOPSIS method for other researches e,g construction.
My name is Maura Hunt and I am a first year PhD student at the University of
I'm interested in user interfaces for interactive goal programming (or
reference point) methods for MCDM or multi-objective optimization, either used
in research or commercial software.
I'll be grateful if you could point me to any publications, webpages or
software with descriptions, screenshots, demos or examples of such interfaces.
Of course, proper citations and acknowledgements will be given.
I"m carrying out research of developing MCDA model for orphan drugs to compare submitted drug with already reimbursed drugs. The main claim is comparability of MCDA results for each drug. In case of different clinical efficacy data (for example trial with different comparator drugs are available (with active intervention and/or standard therapy and/or placebo) is it possible to consider results of several trials with different comparisons? Taking into account criteria of Evidence quality.
I used SAW for Option raking of 11 alternatives. 22 experts data was used. I followed two approaches: 1. Aggregating Individual Judgements (AIJ) and came up with a ranking., 2. Aggregating individual priorities (AIP)-aggregating 22 individual priority vectors.
Ran three scenarios in each case. Pessimistic,based on minimum values, Likely based on Median values, and Optimistic one, based on maximum values.
For pessimistic and optimistic scenarios, the ranking differs a lot.However, for LIKELY scenario the ranking from AIJ and AIP is very close.
Is this a proper way? Any suggestions?
I want to know how should we write values for alternatives when we have quantitative attributes. (In AHP)
As you know when all of attributes are qualitative, we use saaty scale (1 - 9)...
EXAMPLE) we have price as a quantitative attribute ...
alternative 1 = 1000 $
alternative 2 = 5000 $
alternative 3 = 50000 $
How should we fill pairwise comparison matrix (for price)?
A1 A2 A3
A1 1
A2 1
A3 1
Is Entropy Shanon a good technique for weighting in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making?
As you know we use Entropy Shanon for weighting criteria in multi-criteria decision-making.
I think it is not a good technique for weighting in real world because:
It just uses decision matrix data.
If we add some new alternatives, weights change.
If we change period of time weights change.
For example we have 3 criteria: price, speed, safety
In several period of time weights of criteria vary
For example if our period of time is one month"
This month may price get 0.7 (speed=0.2, safety=0.1)
Next month may price get 0.1 (speed=0.6, safety=0.3)
It is against reality! What is your opinion?
Are there any differences between weighted sum model (WSM) method & simple additive weighting (SAW) method in multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)?
When calculating idealized priorities, Saaty (2008) defines that: “To obtain the idealised priorities, normalise by dividing by the largest of the priorities. The idealised priorities are always used for ratings.”
In my case, I am using the AHP for developing an environmental risk indicator. In this sense, the “ideal rating” (1.0) would be the one that presents the lowest risk. Therefore, when applying Saaty’s definition of idealized priorities, the highest risk would obtain the ideal rating of 1.0.
Would it be correct if for obtaining the idealized priorities, I normalise by dividing by the smallest value?
Saaty, T. L. (2008). Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Services Sciences, 1, 83.
Hi everyone,
I am working on a new model integration with VIKOR (Multi Criteria Decision Making). I have obtained normalized weights from another model and have integrated the importance with VIKOR technique.
While doing this, I have obtained some of Sj values above 1. Is it possible that Sj values can be found above 1 in VIKOR?
Thank you for your contributions from now.
Best Regards,
Often a multi-criteria decision analysis method is used in a decision making process to determine the best option (alternative). Without proof, we take for granted that the option is the best choice.
It could be better if there could be a proof.
I would like to hear your opinions on using the software for old Windows versions or using the Diviz package. Which option is better to use (easier, faster and more user friendly)?
For e.g.
I have to select between 3 cars. I have 5 criteria. I have data with respect to 5 criteria for the selected cars. A person with his requisite needs to compare between these cars and need to select best suitable option.
Suppose Car A cost 10, Car B costs 20, Car C cost 30 and person can invest max 22.
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to study and learn how to implement a Multi-Criteria Decision Making strategy in GIS based on a good ISI article published preferably after 2015 or so.
I need its data to be available and accessible so I can repeat the process again for myself to learn it completely.
I don't really know how to find such an article. So I'll be so grateful if you can help me with this.
Sometimes, we want to integrate quantitative and qualitative criteria evaluations in a MADM problem. We consider a personnel selection problem. Age is a certain and quantitative criterion. Leadership is an uncertain and qualitative criterion. We know that AHP and similar methods are used quantitative and qualitative criteria evaluation together. However, If we evaluate these criteria seperately, how can we integrate quantitative and qualitative criteria evaluation?
Could someone explain to me the detailed procedure to perform the VIKOR method. I need help in calculating the weight that is required to perform the VIKOR analysis.
Any references for the same will be of great use.
Thank you in advance!
Hi everybody,
I'm looking for a comprehensive and small example of compromise programming under fuzzy environment for the application of multi-criteria decision analysis. I would like to do this process in Excel-sheet to evaluate different decision alternatives with respect to several decision criteria.
I would be happy if someone gives me clues in the case.
Does anyone know about the difference between Topsis and Vikor method? I know these methods are different in normalized method. Unlike the Vikor method, Topsis examines both distances from negative and positive ideal choices. How can I find that the results of which method is corrected? I used these methods (Topsis and Vikor) for prioritization of my choices.
I have to choose the best alternative from two alternatives with three criterion. However using VIKOR, the R value is coming same for both alternatives (0.25, 0.25) and therefore Q is coming out as not defined. What can be interpreted from this? I am using R package MCDM for analysis.
I have collected data using Likert scale (1-7) and it is not on comparison scale ?
Please suggest how can I use AHP for finding the weights of my indicators ?
Or else should consider other Multi criteria Decision Making method ?
What is the exact procedure to make success and prediction rate curves in ArcGIS for GIS-based MCDA model of gully erosion susceptibility ?
I have made GIS-based MCDA model based on 11 gully erosion predisposing factors (Model values: MIN = 0, MAX = 4,969), and I would like to validate it with existing gullies data (n of gullies = 320), that I have obtained through OBIA approach. The gully validation layer is converted to binary format (gully = 1, no gully = 0).
To my knowledge, some tools such as Visual Promethee, Decision lab and D-Sight are used by enterprise and researchers to implement the aforementioned outranking MCDA method (Promethee2) and visualize results via GIAI. Are they other free tools that support this purpose? And what is from among those tools the simple and best one?
Can a search method that optimizes one criteria and uses other as a tie-breaker be called multi-objective? If yes, is there a subcategory in which it falls? If not, what is it called?
Thank you.
I'm actually looking for a method to choose an optimal group to perform a specific task on the basis of a set of criteria and inter-group criteria. Through the study of the litterature, I started using multi-criteria decision analysis but I wonder if there are some other methodologies that are more suitable for such context.
For the very first time, I am trying to do a basic study on selecting supplier for a certain equipment using AHP method. Could anyone help in identifying what are the steps involved in data collection, how is the process started?
Secondly. the criteria must be literature backed or not?
Thirdly, is it necessary to develop criteria beyond level 1 ?
Note: I am not asking about the actual working of AHP.
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a good technique as far as academic exercise is concerned. However, when we are into real policy making then we need something very concrete to apply. Thus I am more concerned with the problems associated with MCDA.
I want to check the sensitivity of the Ranking produced by Vikor Method, whereas weights have been calculated through AHP. How to perform a sensitivity analysis of this integrated AHP-Vikor methodology? Are there any tools?
I am in the process of developing a proposal which hinges on developing a risk assessment model. I am proposing to use multi criteria decision analysis tools for this especially the AHP by Prof Saaty. However, one of the Professors commented as follows: "The research method suggested looks rather simple and is using a very outdated method".
I note that much as there have been newer versions as alternatives to the AHP ie fuzzy methods and TOPSIS, the AHP appears to remain dominant both in practice and academia. Based on this, i feel the AHP remains a dominant legend in multi criteria decision analysis. Any thoughts for tried and tested alternative methods for me to develop a risk assessment model?
In addition to the Risk of failure, that consist of the probability and the damage consequences, such as repair cost.
If we have a a situation where large number of evaluation criteria (45, multi-level) is used to evaluate six alternatives. Which madm methods are most suitable for such situations
in the case of decision-making process of energy retrofit actions while choosing the best retrofit intervention, which one should be kept under consideration? MODM or MADM?
I'm going to use an utility function in my nonlinear optimization model. (for asset allocation problem)
It can be logarithmic function like : log(cTx) (C transpose X)
Please introduce me some other popular utility functions except log.
Goal programming is a branch of multiobjective optimization, which in turn is a branch of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). This is an optimization program. It can be thought of as an extension or generalization of linear programming to handle multiple, normally conflicting objective measures. Each of these measures is given a goal or target value to be achieved. Unwanted deviations from this set of target values are then minimized in an achievement function. This can be a vector or a weighted sum dependent on the goal programming variant used. As satisfaction of the target is deemed to satisfy the decision maker(s), an underlying satisficing philosophy is assumed. Goal programming is used to perform three types of analysis:
Determine the required resources to achieve a desired set of objectives.
Determine the degree of attainment of the goals with the available resources.
Providing the best satisfying solution under a varying amount of resources and priorities of the goals.
The question specifically refers to this query: Does the DM establish his preferences from the very beginning or at the end of the model processing data, which is, following a top down, intermediate or bottom up approach?
MCDM is without a doubt an activity with a good deal of subjectivity in certain criteria (for instance, those related with uncertainty, such as data on public opinion or working with an estimated demand), but also with reliable and exact data on others (for instance, tested and approved values for equipment performance). In addition, criteria in type, areas, or fields are usually unknown and must be established, as well as limited in number, mostly for practical restrictions imposed by the MCDM model and work load. To complete the scenario, the DM makes subjective appreciations such as determining weights for criteria, establishing acceptance thresholds, determining preferential type of distances, etc.
Consequently, subjectivity is unavoidable.
The question is: Should subjectivity in the mentioned areas exerted at the very beginning of the process, that is affecting actual values (the top down approach), or is it preferable to run the model with the initial reliable data and apply judgment at the end (the bottom up approach)?
I prefer the second because once reliable or approximate data is processed, there is a result expressed as a ranking, which can be examined, tested, and changed by the DM as per his preferences and judgment and know how.
The DM is in condition to apply his common sense, perception and expertise to modify what he considers is not acceptable for whatever reasons, or that could be improved. Assume for instance that selecting equipment the ranking is D>A>B>C. This is a purely mathematical approach, and then the DM can say, “OK the best equipment selected by the model is D, but in my opinion I would reverse the ranking and select equipment A. Why? Because I have worked with equipment A and I know it is reliable, sturdy, and with reasonable maintenance costs, while equipment D incorporates a new technology that I don’t know if it has been sufficiently tested”.
I am looking for implementation of Fuzzy Vikor method either in MATLAB, R or web based implementation. I will be thankful for your kind help
Anyone could explain the core difference among four versions of ELECTRE method, the Multi-criteria decision making method? It seems these four versions are very different.
I would like to use ELECTRE in developing an environmental decision making system. which version would you suggest? and why?
Thank you very much!
Dear sir/madam
I use AHP (Analytic hierarchy process) in MCA to rank 12 alternatives. How can we score 12 alternatives by doing pairwise comparisons? The scale of 1-9 ruled by the method is difficult to be used for scoring 12 alternatives?
In my opinion, rank reversal is one of the most significant shortcomings of MCDM methods. The issue of rank reversals was observed by Belton and Gear in 1983. This phenomenon is observed in many MCDM methods, for e.g. rank reversals have been confirmed to: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), ELimination and Choice Expressing REality (ELECTRE), Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) or Preference Ranking Organization METhod for Enrichment of Evaluations (PROMETHEE).
I think that is needed a method which is fully resistant on rank reversals. Do you know any MCDM method which is resistant on rank reversals?
Belton, V. and A.E. Gear (1983). "On a Short-Coming of Saaty's Method of Analytic Hierarchies". Omega 11, pp. 228–230.