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Movements - Science topic
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Memes have become an important medium for expressing multiple intentions on the internet. Social media has advanced increasingly, making memes a contestation zone, an active hook for delivering information, and an expression of counterradicalism. Memes are a very effective way to take a jab at radicalism in a laid-back or even humorous manner so th...
We consider a minimizing movement scheme of Chambolle-type for the mean curvature flow equation with prescribed contact angle condition in a smooth bounded domain in R d (d ≥ 2). We prove that an approximate solution constructed by the proposed scheme converges to the level-set mean curvature flow with prescribed contact angle provided that the dom...
Urban tunnelling projects pose significant risks to the integrity of nearby structures due to ground movements induced by the excavation process. Embedded walls are commonly employed as a protective measure to mitigate these adverse effects. This paper presents a comprehensive numerical investigation into the effects of embedded walls on tunnelling...
This chapter examines the movement of planning and architectural ideas between places, and it considers how best to understand this long-standing practice. The chapter starts by critically analysing a binary that could help our understanding-the home-grown ideas/imported ideas binary-and it reasons that the binary's weaknesses outweigh its strength...
Incomplete domain switching in ferroic materials under external stimuli occurs frequently and it significantly affects their performance. In this study, we perform phase-field simulations of ferroelastic domain switching in yttria-stabilized zirconia to investigate the kinetics of domain switching. For a wide range of applied loads, the kinetics of...
Macroscopic link-based flow models are efficient for simulating flow propagation in urban road networks. Existing link-based flow models described traffic states of a link with two state variables of link inflow and outflow and assumed homogeneous traffic states within a whole link. Consequently, the turn-level queue length change within the link c...
This Op-Ed recognizes the contributions of the veterans of the Civil Rights Movement in Natchez, Mississippi. It also supports the decision to honor them in the Natchez NAACP Dr. MLK Parade on January 20, 2025. These veterans of the Natchez movement were the people who were arrested in early October 1965 after they marched through the streets of Na...
We propose and experimentally demonstrate an economical optical tweezers probe based on the fusion of several commercial optical fibers. By optimizing the structural parameters of the probe, non-contact active capture and manipulation of single or multiple biological particles were achieved. First, the probe structural parameter range was analyzed...
Popular recent critiques of mainstream feminism attack it for its complicity with a capitalist and racist social order. There is much in this critique that works. On the other hand, the conclusion of this critique often denies the validity and necessity for an independent feminist movement. Treating feminism as an adjunct of the socialist struggle....
This paper presents the development of an automated seed-sowing machine aimed at improving the precision and efficiency of agricultural planting practices. The machine utilizes a microcontroller to control movement and seed dispensing, allowing for programmed, looped operations. Key components include high-torque DC motors, a seed dispenser, and an...
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), established in 1961 during the height of the Cold War, was envisioned as a coalition of states seeking to assert their independence from the ideological camps of the United States and the Soviet Union. Emerging amidst the collapse of colonial systems and the rise of national liberation movements across Asia, Africa,...
We show that sensorimotor behavior can be reliably predicted from single-trial EEG oscillations fluctuating in a coordinated manner across brain regions, frequency bands and movement time epochs. We define high-dimensional oscillatory portraits to capture the interdependence between basic oscillatory elements, quantifying oscillations occurring in...
Understanding the ability of humans to use objects is crucial for AI to improve daily life. Existing studies for learning such ability focus on human-object patterns (e.g., contact, spatial relation, orientation) in static situations, and learning Human-Object Interaction (HOI) patterns over time (i.e., movement of human and object) is relatively l...
The research aimed to examine the prospects of Bangladesh's rural marketplaces and identify the issues these markets are currently dealing with. Both primary and secondary data have been used for the study. Primary data has been collected using Google Forms and analysed to achieve the research goal. The idea of rural marketing is more expansive tha...
Popper's (1983, 2002) philosophy of science has enjoyed something of a renaissance in the wake of the replication crisis, offering a philosophical basis for the ensuing science reform movement. However, adherence to Popper's approach may also be at least partly responsible for the sense of "crisis" that has developed following multiple unexpected r...
Kinesiophobia in PD arises from an interplay of physical, psychological, and social factors, often creating a self-perpetuating cycle of inactivity and disability. Recognizing these factors is critical for healthcare professionals to design personalized rehabilitation programs that address the multifaceted needs of individuals with PD. Intervention...
The central Apennines are notoriously subject to important seismic sequences, such as the 2009 and 2016–2017, L’Aquila, Amatrice-Visso-Norcia (AVN) sequences, respectively. Here, we examine the temporal and spatial variation of the S-wave attenuation in Central Italy over a period from 2011 to 2017, including the AVN sequence. First, we computed th...
Testing and research equipment designed to measure and control parameters is an integral part of the design, manufacture and operation of personal respiratory protection equipment (PRPPE). The requirements of many Russian and international standards include testing of PRPPE with the participation of volunteer testers. These tests are the most compl...
Motor coordination in basketball is the ability to perform movements in a controlled and effective manner, integrating different parts of the body in specific motor actions of the game. The objective of this research work was to analyze the post-intervention motor coordination of a program of offensive technical fundamentals exercises in the discip...
Since April 1989 in Tambov on the basis of the International Nobel Information Center (INIC) periodic Nobel Congresses have been held, the purpose of
which is to unite the efforts of scientists and specialists from various fi elds of activity in the analysis of the phenomenon of Nobel Prizes in the history of world
civilization of the late XIX, X...
Purpose: This article will review the historical underpinnings of informed consent and decisional capacity, current practices, and potential evolving future modifications or elaborations of decision-making practices in clinical settings. Method: Ethical and legal foundations for informed consent for health care are reviewed. Contemporary issues wit...
The effect of the feelings of the design of the car on the outside of the car, as a result of timely investigations of the price of a car in my home, which is the financial decision of the car. Investigate the need to change the feel of the property, which has a profound effect on the value of a nearby property, and it may be possible to feel an im...
The ball-pitching plugging-selection profile control technology represents an effective and low-cost means of adjusting the profile of waterflooding well. The technology primarily utilizes polymer balls to plug the perforations, thereby achieving the effect of fine profile control. This paper aims to elucidate the migration and plugging laws of plu...
The article delves into a little-known role played by historian George Vernadsky, a prominent figure in the Eurasian intellectual movement, in shaping Ukrainian studies in North America both during and following the Second World War. By conducting research in the historian’s personal archives, it examines his extensive intellectual evolution – from...
With the availability of egocentric 3D hand-object interaction datasets, there is increasing interest in developing unified models for hand-object pose estimation and action recognition. However, existing methods still struggle to recognise seen actions on unseen objects due to the limitations in representing object shape and movement using 3D boun...
We conducted two experiments to examine the lexical and sub-lexical processing of Chinese two-character words in reading. We used a co-registration electroencephalogram (EEG) for the first fixation on target words. In Experiment 1, whole-word occurrence frequency and initial constituent character frequency were orthogonally manipulated, while in Ex...
Predicting future price movements has always been one of the major topics in financial research, and there is no better method to predict the future prices of an asset than using its derivatives. In this paper, we propose a model-free lattice model that describes the complete price evolution of the underlying asset and simultaneously re-prices all...
This experimental work demonstrates multipartite quantum correlation in bright frequency combs out of a microresonator integrated on silicon nitride working above its oscillation threshold. Multipartite features, going beyond so far reported two-mode correlation, naturally arise due to a cascade of non-linear optical processes, making a single-colo...
W 2022 r. małżeństwa, należące do kręgów Domowego Kościoła Ruchu Światło-Życie na terenie diecezji gliwickiej, przeżywały 40. rocznicę swojej działalności. W czasie okolicznościowych obchodów, jakie z powodu pandemii zorganizowano dopiero jesienią 2023 r. w pięciu okręgach na terenie diecezji, członkowie ruchu dzielili się doświadczeniami wieloletn...
تظافرت الجهود في تطوير الحركة العلمية في بغداد خلال العصر العباسي وكان دعم الخلفاء العباسيين للعلماء والحركة العلمية واضحاً من خلال الدعم المعنوي والمادي والذي كان له نتائج واضحة من خلال انتشار المكتبات والمدارس وحوانيت الوراقين التي اصبحت تزهو بالكتب الثمينة التي رفدت الحركة العلمية من خلال الترجمة والتأليف والرحلات العلمية حتى أصبحت بغداد مناراً...
Studies using the Approach/Avoidance Task (AAT) paradigm have demonstrated that individuals with heightened levels of spider-fear, as compared to lower levels of spider-fear, are characterised by biased action tendencies, indicated by speeded completion of movements that increase apparent distance between spider-stimuli and themselves (push movemen...
This chapter examines the traditional views on disability (e.g., the charity and medical models), how activists, organizations of persons with disability (OPDs), and international organizations made disability a human rights issue, and discusses the central relevance of the CRPD for humanitarian policy and practice. In short, this chapter discusses...
Path planning is essential for simulating crowd evacuation. However, existing path planning methods encounter challenges, including unbalanced exit utilization, ineffective obstacle avoidance, and low evacuation efficiency. To address these issues, this paper presents a path planning method based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and a Repulsive...
Rahmah El Yunusiah is a significant figure in the development of Islamic education in Indonesia, particularly in advocating for women's access to education. This article examines Rahmah El Yunusiah's ideas, which emphasize the importance of education rooted in Islamic and moral values, as well as the integration of religious and general knowledge....
Through the lens of paradoxical structure of “relevance” and its double movement of “différance”, this paper points out that, although Derrida’s deconstructive translation thoughts does not provide methodological guidance for translation practice, it emphasizes the necessity of employing a risky economy of “conditionally relevant” calculations and...
Мета статті – проаналізувати місце шкільної молоді в ідеологічному протистоянні між українським національно-визвольним рухом і радянською владою на теренах Рівненщини у післявоєнний період. Визначити особливості повсякденного життя юнацтва в умовах функціонування сталінського тоталітарного режиму. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає у комплексному...
We present a robust and efficient algorithm for handling deformable solids coupling with smoothed particle hydrodynamics fluids. We introduce signed distance fields (SDF) and volume maps with variable boundary contributions during runtime and store them on a spatial grid. As the solid deforms, we need to efficiently update the representation of the...
The Age of Passion: The Architecture of Valentine Gunasekara is a compelling documentary that delves into the life and work of Valentine Gunasekara, a pioneer in modernist architecture in Sri Lanka. The film explores his bold, innovative designs that merged global architectural movements with local cultural and environmental contexts. Through inter...
This article discusses the relationship between heresies, urban government, and the fabrication of sanctities in medieval Italy using the case study of the martyr Pietro Parenzo (d. 1199), first podestà of the communal city of Orvieto. Its sources are a passio written by a local canon for the martyr around 1200, some diplomas gathered in the city’s...
Motivated by recent experimental progress in realizing Majorana zero modes (MZMs) using quantum dot systems, we investigate the diabatic errors associated with the movement of those MZMs. The movement is achieved by tuning time-dependent gate potentials applied to individual quantum dots, effectively creating a moving potential wall. To probe the o...
In this study, we investigated gaze-based interaction methods within a virtual reality game with a visual search task with 52 participants. We compared four different interaction techniques: Selection by dwell time or confirmation of selection by head orientation, nodding or smooth pursuit eye movements. We evaluated both subjective and objective p...
Мета статті – комплексний і всебічний аналіз дисидентської акції щодо вшанування пам’яті Тараса Шевченка 22 травня 1972 р. у контексті загального посилення владного тиску на український національний рух. Наукова новизна. На основі раніше засекреченої документації Комітету державної безпеки та Центрального комітету Комуністичної партії України удоск...
This paper presents an evaluation and reduction of energy consumption during railway train movement on a straight track section with reduced freight wagon mass. A theoretical model was developed to simulate energy consumption based on input parameters, including train speed, track gradient, section length, travel time, and train mass. The results i...
The equation of Kepler is used to solve different problems associated with celestial mechanics and the dynamics of the orbit. It is an exact explanation for the movement of any two bodies in space under the effect of gravity. This equation represents the body in space in terms of polar coordinates; thus, it can also specify the time required for th...
Local scouring around a pier group is more complex than the one around a single pier. This study used numerical simulations to investigate the influence of coherent structures and their interactions on the development of scour hole around a pier group. The obtained results are validated with previous experimental findings. The simulations revealed...
Amerika'da taraftarları bulunan bir harekettir. Bir inananın gerçekliğini şekillendirmede konuşulan sözlerin gücünü vurgulayan bir inanç sistemini ifade eder. Bu doktrin, inancın Tanrı'nın vaatlerinin beyanı yoluyla bir kişinin hayatında iyileşme, mali refah ve kişisel başarı gibi olumlu sonuçlar getirebileceğini öğretir.
Local scouring around a pier group is more complex than the one around a single pier. This study used numerical simulations to investigate the influence of coherent structures and their interactions on the development of scour hole around a pier group. The obtained results are validated with previous experimental findings. The simulations revealed...
This article examines the discursive contestation of Alash movement narratives in post-1991 Kazakhstan by studying overlapping and diverse official and non-official narratives. By surveying textual content and conducting interviews with those who carry these narratives, including textbook authors, the article reveals that while both official and un...
Extremism in special education has been an endemic feature for decades but its most recent iteration, the full inclusion movement (FIM), is pushing special education toward a radical ideology in which placement in mainstream schools, rather than providing effective instruction, is becoming the main focus of efforts to meet the needs of students wit...
e situation of the inner mission among the Hungarian reformed in Czechoslovakia
between 1945–1952
One of the key aspects of this study is an examination of the inner mission history of the Reformed Church in Czechoslovakia in the period following the Second World War. We were interested in learning more about the fate of the mission movements th...
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860) lived through an era of great political turmoil, but previous assessments of his political thought have portrayed him as a pessimistic observer with no constructive solutions to offer. By assembling and contextualizing Schopenhauer's dispersed comments on political matters, this book reveals that he developed a disti...
One of the most famous catchphrases to describe the First World War was H.G. Well's ‘war to end all wars’. Once an idealistic slogan, it is now mainly used sardonically as a tragic depiction of what felt at the time to be the longest and bloodiest war of the age. But Wells described what in 1914 seemed a plausible outcome of the war: this was expec...
We consider generalized gradient systems in Banach spaces whose evolutions are generated by the interplay between an energy functional and a dissipation potential. We focus on the case in which the dual dissipation potential is given by a sum of two functionals and show that solutions of the associated gradient-flow evolution equation with combined...
Popper’s (1983, 2002) philosophy of science has enjoyed something of a renaissance in the wake of the replication crisis, offering a philosophical basis for the ensuing science reform movement. However, adherence to Popper’s approach may also be at least partly responsible for the sense of “crisis” that has developed following multiple unexpected r...
sel Dinamizmin Görüntüsü: Jackson Pollock Özet İkinci Dünya Savaşı ardından ileri dönemde Amerika'da değişen sanat ortamı, geçmiş akımların birikimlerini ve etkisini yapısal anlamda içerisinde bulundururken, sanatçılar da kendine özgü bir yeni sanat dilleri geliştirmiş, kompozisyon, teknik ve var olan plastik değerlerin dışına çıkarak somutlaşmış b...
This study uses Explainable Artificial Intelligence techniques to reveal the complex relationship between joint angles and Cartesian coordinates in the context of industrial robotic arms. By using machine learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence algorithms, it is aimed to distinguish the dominant effect of individual joint angles on the x,...
Two mouse cursor tracking experiments investigated lexical prediction. Participants heard predictive sentences (e.g., “What the librarian will read, which is shown here, is the…”) and viewed visual arrays with predictable targets (e.g., book) and phonological competitors (e.g., bull) or unrelated distractors (e.g., goat). Participants tasked with c...
A candidate control method for next-generation standing-type omnidirectional personal mobility vehicles involves the user shifting their center of pressure (COP) to steer the vehicle. However, the characteristics of human COP shifts in the forward-backward, left-right, and oblique directions for mobile vehicle applications are not well understood....
The unfettered authority of sport-governing bodies (SGBs) has given rise to human rights claims and led to the distortion of EU free movement of persons and competition law. Following International Skating Union and European Super League Company , SBGs cannot exercise their right to achieve legitimate sporting aims like integrity and sporting fairn...
Multiple active mining faces and extensive excavations under thick-hard strata in deep coal mines result in frequent strong mine earthquakes, often accompanied by significant surface subsidence deformation. Understanding the specific law of surface movement and the spatiotemporal distribution response to intense mine earthquakes is crucial for effe...
ان استخدام دمى المصارعة في تطوير وتنمية المسكات لدى المصارعين كما وتستخدم في الجوانب التكتيكية ، بحيث يسمح للمدرب ان يعطي ملاحظات حول الاداء وخاصة لدى الفئات العمرية الصغيرة والشباب في رفع اداء المسكات التخصصية لكل وزن ولاعب حيث انها من الاهمية بمكان يسمح بأداء المصارع للمسكات بكل حرية وبعيدا عن الخوف عند مقاومة الزميل حيث يهدف البحث الى تطوير المس...
Sánchez Saornil tenía ya, cuando se aventuró en las lides de Ultra, una amplia trayectoria como poeta modernista, de la que hubo de abjurar para abrazar el nuevo credo vanguardista. Las imágenes de destrucción, de muerte y de suicidio, que pueblan sus poemas en este período —la más significativa quizás sea la de la “luna suicida”—, evidencian que e...
Many animal species are known to show individuality in their acoustic communication. This variation in individual male signatures can be decisive for female choice. Within the damselfishes, Dascyllus species are known for prolific sound production during the realization of movements associated with courtship (i.e., the signal jump) and spawning (ma...
We present a new national data set of historical sundown towns in the United States linked to contemporary spatial information – i.e., the Historical Sundown Towns Linked to US Census Geographies database. Sundown towns are places that once enacted legal or conventional practices meant to restrict the movement or residency of Black people and other...
This FREE audiobook is available from Google Play Books using the following link: .
It is abbreviated and modified. The original full texts with footnotes and illustrations come mostly from Chapter 1 of the book entitled Scouting i...
Background Brain stimulation therapy (BST) has significant potential in treating psychiatric, movement, and cognitive disorders. Given the high prevalence of comorbidities among these disorders, we conducted an umbrella review to comprehensively assess the efficacy of BSTs in treating the core symptoms across these three categories of disorders.
Two approaches to movement selection, if-then rules versus prospective planning, were investigated. Studies have shown that the rule-based approach leads to more efficient movement selection than the plan-based approach, though the resulting movements are the same. This dual-tasking study investigates two hypotheses explaining this discrepancy: The...
Accidents caused by falls among the elderly have become a significant social issue, making fall detection systems increasingly needed. Fall detection systems such as internet of things (IoT) devices must be affordable and compact because they must be installed in various locations around the house, such as bedrooms, living rooms, and bathrooms. In...
Fluidic obstacles, employed as a form of turbulence generator, are often utilized to facilitate flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT). This paper conducts a detailed numerical study focusing on the position (L1) and the delayed injection time. The results indicate that reducing L1 leads to an earlier interaction between...
The paper proposes a finite-difference method for solving a boundary value problem for a hyperbolic equation describing the movement of blood in a blood vessel. The stability conditions of the method are given, and numerical results are presented. The method allows to track the amplitude and frequency of heartbeats in various modes, and a numerical...
Objectives: Aging older adults experience psychological anxiety along with declines in physical function, which decreases the level of active aging and physical activity participation. The purpose of this study was to identify the moderating effect of self-efficacy on active aging to improve the occupational participation of community-dwelling olde...
The proliferation of ideological movements into extremist factions via social media has become a global concern. While radicalization has been studied extensively within the context of specific ideologies, our ability to accurately characterize extremism in more generalizable terms remains underdeveloped. In this paper, we propose a novel method fo...
Avabahuka is one among the Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhis which affects the normal functioning of upper limbs there by affects the normal routine lifestyle of an individual. It is caused mainly by the Vyana Vata vitiation and gets Sthana Samshraya in the Amsa Pradesha. There it does the Shoshana of Shleshaka Kapha, Mamsa, Sira, Snayu leading to Bahuprasp...
This paper concerns to study an exact boundary controllability problem for a system of m$$ m $$ coupled wave equations in domains with moving boundaries. Such systems model the vibrations of m$$ m $$ identical flexible bodies coupled in parallel by means of an elastic layer where their boundaries present a bounded movement. The control is square in...
Predicting accident rates is vital for preventing road accidents and effectively planning safety measures. Our study focuses on forecasting the movement of the accident rates in the Czech Republic and EU countries. Using ETS statistical models for data analysis, our goal is to indicate underlying trends in the volume and gravity of road accidents....
In this program the main approach is to control the mouse cursor movement and click events of the mouse using color detection algorithm, where colors are stick on any part of body. We generally use hand gestures for this method. It mainly focuses on the use of a Web Camera on your computer to develop a virtual human computer interaction device in a...
Does criminalisation have “chilling effects” on activists? If so, which are the criminalisation phases or strategies that discourage activists to act freely and in exercise of their human rights? This article investigates the chilling effects of criminalisation beyond the phases or strategies of police repression, labelling/stigmatisation, and surv...
Aboriginal rings are circular, earth (or rock) features that are preserved at increasingly fewer locations across eastern Australia today. While previous studies indicate these rings are sacred locations of ceremony, little is documented from cultural values and landscape perspectives – particularly in southeastern Australia. This study applies a b...
This study proposes context-aware lighting presets for the office lounge based on user behaviour. We explored five kinds of optimised light scenarios: empty, relaxation, discussion , chatting and party, while matching them with patterns of user behaviours. Firstly, we designed lighting solutions for each context through expert interviews. Using the...
The research focuses on narrating and identifying the diaspora of African dances and their influences on Jazz Dance in a post-colonial perspective, as well as books on the history of Jazz Dance that are often not mentioned, as some erroneous terms are seen. and also the lack of data as to which dance or dances will influence Jazz Dance. In the resu...