Science topic
Moths - Science topic
Moths are insects of the suborder Heterocera of the order LEPIDOPTERA.
Questions related to Moths
Dear Respected Community,
My name is David Cheng, and I am currently working on my PhD dissertation focused on reconstructing the family-level phylogeny of Psychidae (bagworms) at the Department of Entomology, University of Florida.
At present, we have a preliminary analysis that includes 20 psychid species (mostly from the Americas), spanning four subfamilies: Oiketicinae, Psychinae, Narycinae, and Taleporiinae. Given the remarkable diversity of the family, it is essential to increase sampling to establish a comprehensive and robust phylogenetic framework. As part of our efforts, we are also conducting genomic analyses, which require high-quality total genomic DNA. For this reason, fresh or well-preserved specimens are particularly valuable.
I am reaching out to experts and observers in the community to kindly contribute to this project by sending Psychidae specimens from all over the world! We are happy to cover the delivery costs to facilitate this collaboration. Your contributions would be greatly appreciated and would play a vital role in advancing our understanding of Psychidae phylogeny. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions and share this post to anyone who might be interested in.
Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearings from you!
David Cheng
There are a lot of hues and cries for Artificial intelligence means machines would work like human intelligence. But human is intelligent or not it is questionable when will go through algorithms like
Ant Colony optimization
Moth spiral path optimization
Gorilla optimization
Honebee hexagonal structure
Besides these animals' intelligence, most of the research is based on observation of humans i.e. pinhole cameras, glass construction, etc.
For families: Noctuidae ; Pyralidae ; Geometridae ; Euteliidae ; Nolidae ; Lasiocampidae
I intend to study butterflies and moths diversity including their species richness and evenness for their conservation.
I need an identification key for moths of the genus Agrotis.
Specially Helicoverpa armigera and Plutella xylostella
What is the meaning of the origin of the word butterflies? Does it mean minutes, as it is called in Egypt, which differs from moths? Please clarify.?
Being in a rural area of India as a College Teacher, I find a lot of difficulties in making the students to open their mouth to talk in English. Most of the time the students sit sticking their mouth, never opening their moth even to say a proverb or noun in English. Training them for a long time, I find everything in vein by the end of the day. Either they never receive or they forget. I teach them a little bit of very basic grammar rules, especially sentence agreement. Then I tell them some common expressions for day to day life. I general, India has English as a second language. Rural students, whom I care more, show me no development. But, I fail miserably. What is wrong with me or my teaching? Could someone give me a methodology which may be followed to derive a success in the lives of students?
How to determine cut off cq value -qPCR assay in non-predefined mothed? is it related to total number of cycles used? specially in low copy targets.
*Fish have 3 pair of long barbels on the central side of moth.
*Elongated body and whitish cream in colour.
*Fish was captured from river Rajouri, a tributary of Chenab river Jammu and Kashmir.
Rarely found.

My first female M.Sexta mated and laid eggs. After about a week she passed and her partner lived for another 20 days. After those eggs reached maturity I kept 4 females to raise to adulthood. 2 of them started laying infertile eggs and then they immediately lost the ability to fly and hold on to surfaces. One of the passed away yesterday. Why do they die so quickly after laying eggs?
I have four female carolina sphinx moths as pets and one of them was unable to fuse her proboscis after emergence. Is it possible to help her repair her proboscis to enable her to continue to drink?
Does it act as a visual deterrent for predators or serves a purpose in the body's physiological processes?
Some of the horns (as attached below) are also colorful and in some cases they also match the color of the 'lines/patterns' on the body, so could it be that they are luring the potential predator away to this more 'attractive' thing and the subsequent attack would not really harm the caterpillar?
Also, is there any similarity between the Sphingidae caterpillars and the larvae of Trilocha varians (Bombycidae) which also has a horn-like structure in the larval stage ?
Hello everybody, im currently writing my bachelor degree project, and im working with DNA polimorfism on plume moths (Pterophoridae) with two genera, theta, pi, hd, and S, my question is, how can i know where those values, for instance for tetha pi and hd are high or low? which crireria do i have to know? is there teoric fundament that explains a scale between 0-1?
my values for pi are : 0.015 and 0.08
for theta are: 0.015 and 0.029
and hd are : 0.833 and 0.892
i have read a lot of papers and they catalogue those values as low, but dont know with which criteria.
thank you so much for helping.
Common commercial Baciilus thuringiensis insecticides are only capable to control one group of insects (beetles, caterpillars, ...) depending on strain. I got offer to use product based on Bacillus thuringiensis var. Thuringiensis. with declared efficacy against spider mites, beetles and moths. Would this be possible? I'm suspicious of that.
You can find more information about this insecticide here:
The Jamildes alecto continuous chasing and touch its abdomen on the upper and underside wings of the Moth several time when it resting on leaf surface.This continue more than 5 minutes. At last the moth escaped from Cerulean and hide underside of a leaf. What this phenomena? Experts please give answer .
Dear Sir,
A 20-year-old woman presented with recurrent painful left auricular erosive plaque for 6 months with left sided cervical and submandibular lymphadenopathy for 5 moths. Her FNAC of lymph node result was lymphadenitis and IGRA test was positive for M tuberculosis. She denied open biopsy for cosmetic purpose. Can we start Cat-1 anti-tb medicine for her.
I need your valuable opinion.
With regards.
Dr. Md. Mostaque Mahmud, Asst. Professor, Dermatology & Venereology,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Attachment: Picture of the case (with consent of patient)

I have collected apple leaf miner (moth) from Apple crop (Jammu & Kashmir). Which primers are the best for the molecular study of this moth?
Hello everyone,
I am going to rear the European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana in the laboratory to study the biology of this moth and test some pesticides. In this time, I got a number of larvae from grape berries but all larvae dead when I feed them on new grape berries or grape juice. Does anyone know artificial media that I can use to rear this grapevine moth?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Kind regards,
Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella) is considered to be the most troublesome pest infesting stored products. Most control methods are suitable for places like storehouse. My stored rice in kitchen is infected with it, I'm looking for a good and safe way to control this pest
Most of the journals are asking for Bayesian interference in phylogenetic studies. However, performing the same requires high-performance computing which is not available at our place.
The caterpillars of the moths were collected as fruitborers in pepper at a farmer. I reared them till the adults hatched and compared them with pictures and descriptions on the internet. Are these moths Spodoptera frugiperda? The caterpillars have different colors, but I did read that they can vary in color. The same caterpillars were also found inside bittermelon as fruit borers. Does anyone know if S. frugiperda really can be a fruit borer? I only found information that the older caterpillars act as borers in corn.
Compared with the descriptions on the internet, my caterpillars also have a Y-shape on their headcapsule. They also have the four spots at the end of their abdomen.
In the pictures you can see: 4 moths (presumably 2 females and 2 males); some caterpillars of different colors; the pupa; and eggs about to hatch.
Dear Entomologists, I need to pick the swarm brain.
I'm planning to mark moths with fluorescent dust for better observation and recapturing at night. Can anybody provide experience with DNA extraction from insect marked with this kind of dust? Or point me towards suitable publications? I can't seem to find any. There is lots of mosquito marking, but without subsequent DNA extraction.
Thank you, swarm :-)
It was collected in Colombia, the larva sticks the leaves and feeds on coffee plants (Coffea arabica). It measures approximately 1 cm. Probably genus Platynota sp.

Good day. I am working on collecting larvae samples of a saturnid moth (Imbrasia belina), of which i would like to use for DNA barcoding and SNP genotyping. How do i prepare the specimens to avoid contamination from the gut contents? do i have to degut the larvae prior to preserving in absolute ethanol? so as to extract good grade DNA?
Many thanks in advance..
I am interested in the size of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) and would like to know what is the smallest known species of this group of insects. It is probably a Nepticulidae (pigmy moths). The species in my figure below (unidentified) measures about 4 mm with the wings spread, and its dry body weight was 0.3 micrograms (0.03 mg).
We are generally more impressed by the higher figures (the oldest tree, the heaviest vertebrate…) than by the minima. Thus for instance one can read about the largest moths (Thysannia, Attacus: However 'smallness' has interesting biological implications (see the recent book by A. Polilov 'At the Size Limit - Effects of Miniaturization in Insects'). I have seen descriptions of other nepticulids in the same range of size as 'my' species (around 4 mm: Dooren weerd et al.: Perhaps there are slightly smaller European species (some Stigmella spp., e.g.:
So, does anybody know of any moth smaller than 3.5 / 4.0 mm?

The caterpillars of this moth were found in stems of Echinochloa polystachia grass as stem borers. The length of the caterpillars are something about 1.7 cm. I have compared images from the internet for identification and it looks me similar to Diatraea saccharalis. Is this correct?
In the pictures you can see: lateral and dorsal view of the moth; caterpillar; and the pupa
I would like a detailed explanation/photos/video
How to do it in moth?
(I work with Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera frugipreda larvae)
Dear all
In this year, I have joined a research team focusing on how to rear larvae and moth of durian seed bore (Lepidoptera : Noctuoidae), for example : Mudaria luteileprosa Halloway and Canogethes punctiferalis frequently found durian cultivated in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, to be used for conducting a series of quarantine treatments on fresh durian. In initial steps, we need to collect massively those insects. Unfortunately, what we have seemingly efforted still far away to the target. We would highly appreciate if you could share the information about how to obtain those commercial mass-reared of durian seed bore and their artificial diets. Thank you very much before.
Kindly regards
Hendra Adi Prasetia
Dear RG friends,
I am providing a complete H. armigera diet for larvae and maintaining the eggs in the growth chamber as well as in-room conditions. But since three months, eggs laid from the moths are not at all hatching. Could anyone tell the reason?
Thanking you.
Dear experts,
I want to culture Cloth moth (Tineola bisselliella) in India for evaluation repellency of some plant derived-oils against them. I really need help to find its Mother culture, if any research institute or scientist engaged in this study.
Would appreciate if anybody share their experience or approved method of rearing these moth under lab condition.
Greetings to all!
I am humbly asking for some help, in regards to the checking of my moth samples. Though it is of great inconvenience to you all, I will respect your decision nevertheless. However, if you so do choose to give me your insight on my identification. Then, you are all the more willing and I cannot thank you enough for that. Once more, thank you all for your time and consideration!
(P.S. my id table is found down below).
Mark Quimno
I have sequenced the mitochondrial genome of some moths species. I want to annotate and the sequence will submit in the NCBI.
I am looking for sample interview questions for research study about smoking cessation in hospitalized patient
qualitative study data collection will be interview mothed
I am planning to conduct a cage study to determine a critical density of an univoltine casebearer moth in red clover seed crop. This requires to release first instar larvae in the cages with the plants. However, I guess I can't rear them to get a lot of eggs. Can anyone suggest, how should I get the eggs?
Location: Philippines
All my moth samples for identification are on this word file down below. P.S. Thank you so much in advance!
What is the best method to collect Ephestia eggs?
I would like to determine the movement of moths in response to mating disruption pheromone traps.
Pheromone lures (matting disruption) were placed in the center of the treatment plot. High numbers of male moths were caught in the trap in treatment plot as compare to control plot with no pheromone lure. Unfortunately, there was no difference in the fruit damage despite high male moth catches.
I would like to check if males are flying from other control or untreated plots into the treatment plot ? Any trap suggestions?
I am preparing a research article about the complete mitogenome of moth. I want to include the details in my research article.
I have a student who during long time has studied the moths in central Laos. She also document them from larvae to butterfly. She speaks English and is looking for possibilities to make a bachelor and master in the field og environment/biodiversity.
kind regards
Lars Bjork
I have the option to write a Bachelor thesis about a simulation of a test bench for elastic materials in Ansys/Abaqus. To be honest I am an industrial engineer and I have only experiencie with CAD and just a little bit of construction knowledge. But that isn´t much.
It is still intriging to me to try it out, because it sounds very interesting and I feel like I could learn a lot.
I just do fear that I am underestimating the amount of time and dedication this will take to master the thesis in 3 moths. You can see the part of the testbench that I will have to simulate in the attached picture. From what I understood first I will have to model this part of the test bench, than I will have to calculate the mechanical forces, I will have to find out the material characteristics and calculate some thermodynamics.
Do I need knowledge about the behavior of the material? or does Ansys/Abaqus do this part for me?
I know this isn´t much information, but I wanted to ask what do you think about it? Is it risky for me to try to learn and write it down in 3 months?
Thanks a lot!

I need to purchase both moth species for laboratory experiments. Any suggestions? Thanks!
How long can we preserve Spodoptera litura eggs in refrigeration without opting for cryopreservation. What are the conditions to look out for?? Can they be stored indefinitely in refrigeration? Thanks for the reply and patience
Dear All,
Can adult butterfly or moth feed on solid food, such as pollen? It is known that nectar mainly contains sugar but very low level proteins, lipids. If a butterfly only feeds on nectar, how can this meet its nutritional needs. Especially the lipids, butterfly can't synthesis sterol by itself.
What are some applied methods for controlling Zeuzera pyrina, the leopard moth, a key pest of walnut orchards?Gardeners in Iran have recently had many problems with this pest. Current control methods include:
- Spraying with organophosphate synthetic insecticides like Diazinon for the control the first larval stage at the young bud
- Paste formulations for use at new holes (fumigation)
- Imported pheromones
These have been used, but have low effectiveness.
Is there a new pesticide?
As awareness for insect species as valuable organisms is increasing among people measures for their protection are undertaken. In this course, seed mixtures are offered which are said to benefit butterfly and insect life. However, most of these mixtures preferentially contain seeds of non-native flower species which do not serve as food source for caterpillars. Among these flower-species Centaurea cyaneus is often included in the seed mixtures. I would like to know which butterfly or moth species really utilize Centaurea cyaneus as nutritional source for their caterpillars. Documentations and published data are welcome!
Can you suggest me some references, that can be helpful for Morphological Identification of Mouth?
I would like to know if the content of a group of lepidopteran caterpillars could be sequenced trying to identify only the parasitoids they contain (endo- and exo-). Maybe there are some specific primers for hymenopterans that avoid amplifying the lepidopteran tissue? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
It has been found feeding on Eucalyptus leaves in Indonesia.
Family or genus, maybe?
Thank you.

I want to use imageJ to count the number of eggs in Gypsy Moth egg masses, but I am not sure what camera and camera lens I would need in order to do this. I have seen a couple of mosquito papers that do this using a DSLR with a macro lens, but they do not provide any other specifics. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated. Gypsy moth eggs are ~1mm in diameter.
I am maintaining adult male winter moth in captivity for a brief period and do not seem to be able to find any information on whether or not they feed. I can't even establish whether or not they have mouthparts! If anyone could answer this for me, or at least point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful!
Many thanks,
I am working on the identification of sex pheromones of moths, I have collected the pheromone gland extraction using hexane, i have got bio-active compound in GC-MS, but the peak of the compound looks too much contaminated with other materials, i can't read the fragment ions very clearly, and can't make sure which fragment ions belongs to compound and which are from impurities, I have tried average across the peak and and background subtraction, though i can't minimize the impurities, is there any other way of purification, separation to get clear mass spectrum through any software? Your suggestion and answers will be highly appreciated, Thanks
These species of caterpillars were found in large quantities feeding on Amaranthus, spinach, water spinach and sweet potato leaves. I have noticed that they also eat legumes leaves.
I have compared the pictures of the caterpillar and moth with images on the internet and it looks like a Spodoptera eridania. Is this the correct ID?

The caterpillar of this moth was found on Ipomoea aquatica. The length of the caterpillar was something about 4.5 cm. I have compared images from the internet for identification and it looks me similar like Spodoptera ornithogalli. Is this correct?

But not all work related to moths are included in it. What will be the good title for it and is it good to publish it. Please also suggest the journal related to my work
Hi. I'm working in a tropical rainforest and I need to measure the density of trichomes, but due the lack of equipment in the station, I need to preserve the samples during 1 month to then count the trichomes in the lab. Does anyone know a good method to do it?
I am working to associate a leaf mining caterpillar with a species of adult microlepidoptera. Does anyone have suggestions on approaches to DNA extraction for microleps? I have COI-5P primers from BoLD
The caterpillars are leaf folders that feed on the mesophyll of Echinochloa polystachya grass. It looks like the moth belongs to the family Crambidae, because of its 'snout'. Is it probably a Cnaphalocrocis sp.?
Thank you in advance

Dear RG Colleagues,
Is there any new effective solutions (Biological Control) for Thaumetopoea pityocampa ?
Thank you
I have recently started working on a new project where I am studying the life cycle of pine tree lappet moths. I am following the growth of several individuals and taking weekly weights up until the point of pupation. I have previously worked with communities but I have never done any repeated measures on the same individual like this, so I am not sure what is the best approach to look for patterns across individuals. I was thinking of producing graphs showing each individual's weight trend, I also have information on feeding quantity, pupation time and moulting, but I don't know if that can be incorporated to the analyses really.
Any suggestions on how this can be done in R? Or any good papers to start with? Thanks in advance
Also, it would be of great help if you know to which insecticides oriental fruith moth (Cydia molesta) developed resistance?
I wanted to collect adults (moths) of Grapholita molesta using pheromone traps, but those traps have selection only for male adults.
The larvae of this moth specie was found boring seeds of a tree next to my work place.

I test preference and survival rate of one population (moth larvae). I have six varieties of plants (a-f) in six replicates (36 in total) arranged in Latin square block. I applied 5 larvae (1st instar) on each plant (180 larvae applied in total). Plants were isolated from each other by placing them in a mesh sleeve. From the observation my survival data are not normally distributed.
Preference is induced and will be based on the performance (pupa weight, adult weight, eggs laid).
From the visual observation data are not normally distributed.
Do I need to make sure my data is normally distributed (survival across the whole block), e.g. running Shapiro–Wilk test, before considering using ANOVA or use another nonparametric test?
Hi all, I'm looking for a non-toxic UV reflecting white paint or alternative to paint a range of clay model morphs of moths that I will put in the field to record survival statistics. The models may be encountered by native birds so I need to ensure the materials are not toxic. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
I need to a list of organic pesticides that for control of moth larva in stored products. Are there a list of organic pesticides?
Rearing techniques for the varieties of plant associated insect pest especially Diamondback moth.
For a study of the pollinator guild of Silene nutans species complex we would like to rear caterpillars of moths (especially of Hadena) to obtain adults to identify the species, as it seems difficult to identify them at caterpillar stage (or is it possible?) . So I am searching for a protocol and advice for rearing them. Does anyone have any experience on this?
Thank you very much in advance!
I want to study the physiology of the larvae of a moth, and I must cut the cross section of the body of the larvae, and see the fatty granules of the body. Dear researchers, What is the simple way to create a transverse section of the larvae?