Science topics: Systematics (Taxonomy)Morphological Analysis
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Morphological Analysis - Science topic
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Questions related to Morphological Analysis
Hi everyone, does anyone have some tips on how to quantify mitochondria morphology? I tried MINA but I just can't seem to get it right/don't understand how to use it....I would really appreciate some help if possible.
Thank you
Hi there,
Myself and some collaborators were hoping to build a cell segmentation and morphology analysis tool using machine learning. I don't suppose any of you would be willing to share any images of cells from routine cell culture (or from experiments either works). Would obviously acknowledge you in the final publication should you wish to be.
I am currently working on high-throughput drug screens in Zebrafish for which I need to score multiple toxicity parameters (length, edemas, somite organization, jaw deformities, eye size, tail curvature and more morphological features). Is anyone aware of tools allowing the automated analysis of zebrafish images from VAST?
Structural analysis and morphological analysis
I have morphological data to be analyzed which are collected from field trials and the experiment is conducted using augmented design. I used 100 test treatments and 4 check varieties in two different environments. the layout consists of 5 blocks and in each block, there are 24 plots. The test treatments are randomly sown and the 4 checks are repeated in each block.
sample layout attached below
I have genetic distance for several species which needs to be integrated with the morphological data that I have measured. I need to see whether there is a correlation/ trend between the Genetic distances and morphological traits. Thank you.
All the environmentals evolutionary trend of Zoophycos (e.g., Zhang et al. 2015; Monaco et al. 2016) have described this ichnogenus from pelagic deposits in the cenozoic, and this is the most commun environment in all strata worldwide in this era, due to migration of the Zoophycos-tracemakers from shallow marine setting in the paleozoic to the basin in the cenezoic.
What are the main references including book chapter, journal articles etc, which could be useful for urban morphology analysis and modelling?
Cladisitic morphological analysis and analysis based on genetic data give us different phylogenetic trees. I am not acquainted with the various software products used to arrive at a particular/logical tree but very interested in how one can marry the two, if at all possible, to arrive at a more logical/scientific classification. In other words what to take into account and what to discard. I hope my question makes sense to all.
One of my students is doing morphological analysis, she wants to use PCA to find out morphological variation among populations, but the r codes doesn't work properly.
I want to perform morphological analysis of callus cell through staining. But the problem I ma facing is to obtained thin layer of callus cells which allow clear observation. Is there any manual method to obtain thin layer of callus cells?
My research involves the dissection of the local freshwater crab Sundathelphusa philippina in order to identify the presence of the parasite Paragonimus westermani in their metacercaria stage. However I am unsure if P. westermani metacercaria has any morphological characteristics that would differentiate it from the metacercaria of other Paragonimus species, therefore I would like to know if there are other methods of reliably identifying P. westermani metacercaria in my samples. I have read up on some methods such as DNA sequencing using the ITS2 region of the nuclear DNA and the mitochondrial 16S rDNA of the parasite, or doing an immunosorbent assay using parasite antigens. However I am unsure of the reliability of these methods and would like to know what would be considered a reliable method of identification aside from morphological analysis. Thank you.
I collected these brittle stars from live rock which supposedly comes from Indonesia. I would really appreciate some help in the identifying them to the lowest rank possible. The quality of the photos is really bad - sorry! But when I examined them, they all look like the same species. Please ignore the polychaetes. Thank you in advance!
Hello! I try to stain some synaptic proteins (synaptophysin, synapsin, SNAP-25) by immunofluorescence in synapses on mSOD1 mouse diaphragms, but I have faced 2 problems - first, sometimes the background fluorescence is high too much. Second, sometimes specific fluorescence of the proteins absents absolutely.
So I am wondering does anybody have a good, well-working protocol? Could you please share it with me?
WinRHIZO is an image analysis system specifically designed for root measurement in different forms. It can do morphological (length, area, volume...), topological, architectural and color analyses. The WinRHIZO Basic, Reg or Pro program does automatic root morphology analysis and more. It runs on standard desktop or portable computers.WinRHIZO displays the analysis over the image. Does someone here has a software like this?
Any method including morphological analysis.
I have quantified astrocytes with GFAP in a series of westerns. I would like to know if the lower level of GFAP I am seeing is because it is non-reactive due to a healthy environment or non-reactive due to inability to signal an inflammatory response and therefore, pathological. I would not like to do a morphological analysis at this point. I was more looking for a molecular marker.
Thanks in advance!
I want to apply a PCA analysis with missing values for a morphological analysis using bones. Any method with missing at random (MAR) values?
After a treatment I have a morphological change of my cells. What kind of test can I do? Which markers can I control? Thank you for your answer!
hello . I had isolated this microalgae and I want to identify it by its morphology. can anyone guide me how can i do this?
I'm looking for a stain for avian sperm that nicely shows the head, mid piece and tail for morphological analysis
I need to reconstruct the nodal position of some fossil taxa on molecular tree with morphological data about extant species. My data have quite complex structure; categorical are multistate (sometimes contain ambiguities) moreover other are continuous. I want to ask if EPA implemented in RAxML:
1) Will deal with ambiguous states? In other sofrware I have often had a problem when trait encoded as e.g. "1/2" was reconstructed as a separate state.
2) Will deal with continuous data? Do they require categorization? I will have to that arbitrally, because there are no natural categories in some of traits (basing on analyses of their distribution).
Handling out of vocabulary words in morph analysis
I am trying to work on the relationship of morphological traits and sex determination to aid growers of pawpaw to eliminate male pawpaw plants in the crop field.
BEAS-2B cells otherwise grown in the lab maintain epithelial morphology (regular cuboidal shape) however mine have variable patches: some of the BEAS-2B cells are cuboidal others are elongated spindly (most for them are elongated).
When freshly seeded the cells become thin and elongated, and stretch to form contacts with neighbouring cells and look almost dendritic.
I use minimal trypsin volumes with minimum incubation time, neutralized 1:10, the media with serum and P/S are fresh (no cloudy precipitates), the cells are not rough handled and the incubator is used by the rest of the lab without problems.
I centrifuge my cells at -4C, 5 minutes, 1000 RPM when making stocks, can -4C be a temperature that harms my cells?
I was wondering if it makes sense to keep characters that are parsimony-uninformative (autapomorphies) when making a phylogeny analysis using Bayesian inference. Since it is a probabilistic method, it may be informative to keep these characters. Does it make sense?
For year I have been looking some information to help me to understand the signification of this kind of morphology in the liver of a species of Cuban hutia (only is present in Capromys pilorides). See picture attached. In all mammals of the world, only C. pilorides and the Hispaniola hutia (Plagiodontia aedium) have this type of reticulated liver. In both cases the liver have this reticule during all life and is present in embryos states too. The other species of the family have the liver with smooth superficies like other all world mammals.
I had collected some seasonally varied morphs and population data of 3 Satyrid (such as Melanities leda) and 1 Lycanid Butterfly (Chilades pandava) for my undergraduate research project. I classified the specimens into wet (WSF) and dry seasonal form (DSF). However, I failed to compare the specimens of DSF due to lack of any scaling idea. The DSF specimens are varied mostly in the wing's brown to blackish spots than WSF. So, i eager to know any scaling idea to mark out the specimens for comparing those for statistical analysis. I had captured many photos of the varied forms also. So, any idea to compare the photos based on their wing spots will also be congratulated.
can anyone help me with understanding of how to use Lieber's lexical sematics in analysis affixes?
In every text book we find rule based approaches (two level morphology) or lexicon based approaches for morphological analysis of words. I could also imagine that the task can be done by a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that takes a sequence of morphemes as input and has as output a lemma, wordclass and morphological features (like plural, 3rd person, future, etc.). Does anyone now a paper that describes such an approach? I guess, if there is such a paper it might be quite old.
To be clear: I am not interested in POS Tagging, but just in the morphological analysis. I am mostly interested in inflective/fusional indo-european languages, but hints to apporaches for Finnish, Turkish, Japanese or other languages can ofcourse be helpfull aswell!
And by what morphological test or phenotypically media culture can I do that ?
That if I can separated or dislodge plasmids out bacterial cell in any simple technique or with molecular methods.
I'm working in Arabic machine translation and I want to analyse the sentence in order to translate it to the target language. I used MADAMIRA to perform a morphological analysis and I want to perform syntactic analysis, which tools should I use in this stage?
i done a project on diabetic retinopathy through exudate detection by using morphological processing. Anyone would please suggest any methodology for feature extraction and exudate detection.. or please find any transaction paper for the same..
We're currently studying the cytotoxic effects of a plant extract on HCT & HEK cells, and we want to incorporate a morphological analysis of our cells during the pre-introduction and post-introduction of the extract. Could anyone suggest literature or a method of analysis for this?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I need to assess granulosa cell morphology, but I'm not sure which is best staining!
the concept of morphological analysis is central to language studies, how can we use it with respect to the design of new types of products and communications, overcoming the classic approach of structuralism semiotics
Please, does anyone have a suggestion concerning morphological techniques in digital image processing?
Suppose I have an image of the letter R. In this image straight lines are detected by Hough transform, but problems arise in curve detection. So can you tell me how to detect a curve using a Hough transform or chain code (i.e. by detecting neighborhood pixels)?
What are all the morphological differences between Spirulina platensis and Spirulina maxima microscopically?
I visually scored the symptoms of frost stress on leaves (loss of leaf turgidity and loss of leaf color). I would like to estimate AUSP.. I have 189 genotypes and they were evaluated under three different freezing temperatures. The traits were scored after each treatment.
Thanks in advance
I do have the family tree and class and genera based classification.
I have some biochemical, transcriptomic and morphological data about an infection study, where different feeding conditions were used to asses the disease resistance effect. I want to give an overall performance value to each feeding group based on my whole data set. Can anyone suggest how I can do this with some statistical packages, or by any other means?
I have a DNA alignment (representing genera), and a constraint tree (higher taxonomic level) and I want to use both data to generate a phylogeny.
The tree is based on a recent taxonomic classification that draws in morphological and phylogenetic data and is likely to be a much better representation of the taxonomy than my DNA sequences (which includes a lot of missing loci per genus) could ever provide.
There is quite a lot of taxa (~800) and so manually constraining different relationships is difficult (as can be achieved in BEAST and MrBayes).
What programs have other people used to combine DNA alignments with constraint trees to make a phylogeny?
Actually im working on a Fluvial river morphometeric and morphological changes and relation of this change with marginal land use. I prepared river shape files by digitizing Arial photos in 50 years ago until know (5 periods). I should investigate 6 morphological indexes for any section of my case study and the critical area should be detected. The problem that confused me is, how should I divide my river to sections? I have two approaches. 1- dividing the river by separate meander. 2- dividing river by equal distance sections.
I attached my study river for more information.
I have molecular data and morphological data. I want to compare molecular phylogenies with morphological data, but I do not how to make the morphological phylogeny. Can you help? How to work it? And need some software?
I want to process metallurgy patterns to fine morphological characteristics of samples, and I want to use minkowski functionals in 2D or 3D , but I don't have efficient code or program or software ,in order to reach to the point !
For morphological analysis of human leukemic cell line thp1?
Recently, I've been working on the evolutionary relationships of a plant family in Sri Lanka (Zingiberaceae). During my field explorations, I could not collect some of the species that had been described from Sri Lanka (they have possibly gone extinct; no record for more than 100 years). However, I've coded the morphological characters of those species from herbaria. I've the molecular data (DNA seq) only for the collected species, yet I need to get all the species into a single phylogenetic tree. Is this possible?
I am working on nematodes and I had formalin fixed and glycerol dehydrated samples samples along with taxonomy I also want to do phylogeny, but I don't have molecular data. Is it still possible to make a tree on the basis of morphological characters, and should I make it and is it publishable?
I have 2 test images, one of which contains a black circle with a white background and the other image has no circles. I have to take both the images as inputs to my program and detect in which of them a circle is present and then output the image containing the circle with the circular border highlighted.
I have used transmission electron microscopy to observe morphological differences among the epithelial cells of the stomach mucosa and have found a difference in the intercellular spacing between my control and treatment groups. Does anybody have a method for measuring these qualitative differences in a quantitative way? Or maybe have any software program suggestions that might be able to help out with this? Thank you.
Morphological vs pyramid and wavelet family based fusion.
I am actually working on Arabic morphological disambiguation. It is an unsupervised classification task and we find both in the training and the testing sets imprecise attributes. That is, a given attribute may have many possible values generated by a morphological analyzer. These sets do not contain the words. We have only the values of the morphological features (POS, gender, number, etc.) of the two preceding and the two following words and we want to predict the features of the current word.
Can SVM tools be used for training from imprecise data?
How to run it with a data set which does not contain the words (only the features are provided)?
How to specify ambiguous attributes (having many possible values) in the test data set?
I am looking for a large number of asymmetric structure examples in biology.
When I prepare a microscope slide of a fungus with a dye (generally lactophenol, cotton blue or congo red), I use nail polish to preserve the structure on the slide. However, I'd like to learn about techniques that last for longer. I have heard about Glycol methacrylate and a mix of formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer, but I could not find protocols or dependable references.
Weaknesses of both molecular and morphological analyses