Science topic

Morocco - Science topic

A country located in north Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, with a southern border with Western Sahara, eastern border with Algeria. The capital is Rabat.
Questions related to Morocco
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Chères/Chers chercheurs
Dans le cadre d'une thèse à l’Université Cadi Ayyad, on mène une enquête sur le transfert de connaissances chez les chercheurs marocains en sciences et technologies. Votre participation à ce questionnaire anonyme (quelques minutes seulement) serait précieuse. Merci pour votre précieux temps et votre collaboration.
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Je ne suis malheureusement pas marocaine mais je vais diffuser dans mon réseau!
Bonne journée
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1 answer
A professor with a master’s degree in political science asked me to write a topic about financial policy in Morocco, focusing on fiscal policy in Morocco during the years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024.
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Between 2020 and 2024, Morocco implemented several significant tax policy reforms aimed at enhancing efficiency, equity, and economic resilience. These reforms were introduced in response to both the global pandemic and the need for broader structural improvements in the tax system. Here's an overview of the key developments during this period:
2020: Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
In 2020, Morocco introduced fiscal measures to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The government created the Economic Watch Committee (CVE) to discuss and implement necessary measures to support the economy and society during the crisis. These measures included providing financial relief to businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and implementing tax deferrals and exemptions to help stabilize the economy during this difficult period.
2021: Framework Law on Tax Reform
In 2021, Morocco approved the Framework Law on Tax Reform (Loi cadre n. 69–19), which laid the foundation for overhauling the country's tax system. The law aimed to make the tax system more efficient, equitable, and responsive to Morocco's evolving economic landscape. Key objectives included rationalizing tax expenditures, implementing more progressive taxation of personal income, harmonizing the value-added tax (VAT) system, and exploring the introduction of a carbon tax. These reforms were designed to enhance tax collection, reduce fiscal inequalities, and improve the overall competitiveness of Morocco's economy. Elements of this framework were gradually introduced in the budget laws of the subsequent years.
2022: Corporate Tax Reforms
In 2022, Morocco enacted Finance Law n° 50-22, which introduced a phased reform of corporate income tax rates. The goal was to converge towards unified tax rates by 2026. The new corporate tax rates aimed at simplifying the tax system and encouraging investment. The rates were set as follows: 20% for companies with taxable profits of less than MAD 100 million, 35% for companies with profits exceeding MAD 100 million, and 40% for financial institutions and insurance companies. The reform included a progressive implementation of these rates, which began in 2023 and was expected to be fully implemented by 2026. This reform aimed to incentivize businesses to grow and contribute more fairly to the country's tax base.
2023: Further Tax Reforms
In 2023, Morocco continued its tax reforms with the enactment of the Finance Law 2023. Key measures included a tax incentive for companies committing to invest at least MAD 1.5 million over five years, with a capped tax rate of 20% for such investments. Additionally, the Social Solidarity Contribution (SSC) was renewed for the years 2023 to 2025. The law also introduced gradual reductions in the Withholding Tax (WHT) rate on income from shares and similar revenues, with the target of reaching a 10% rate by 2026. Furthermore, a unified minimum contribution rate of 0.25% was applied to all companies, and a WHT was introduced on fees, commissions, and similar remunerations paid to legal entities or individuals. These measures aimed to improve tax equity, broaden the tax base, and ensure better tax compliance.
2024: VAT Reforms
In 2024, the Finance Act introduced a gradual convergence towards two VAT rates (10% and 20%) over the period from 2024 to 2026. The VAT rates for various goods and services were adjusted accordingly. For example, the VAT on electricity increased from 14% in 2023 to 16% in 2024, with further increases planned in subsequent years. Meanwhile, electricity generated from renewable sources was set to experience a decrease in VAT, from 14% in 2023 to 12% in 2024, with the aim of reaching an exemption by 2026. Other sectors, such as urban transport and services to insurance companies, also saw gradual changes in their VAT rates. These adjustments were designed to streamline the VAT system, promote sustainability, and reduce the tax burden on certain sectors, like renewable energy.
Overall, the tax policy reforms in Morocco from 2020 to 2024 focused on improving fiscal stability, fostering investment, and making the tax system more progressive and equitable, while responding to both economic challenges and environmental goals.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
Introduced by Horton (1932), the drainage density (Dd) is the ratio of total length of all streams to the total area of the basin, expressed in Km/Km2. We can easily calculate the Dd for a watershed but for mapping this parameter it remains complicated, I've read many research articles trying to map the drainage density of a watershed by using the Line Density tool in ArcGIS, but this tool doesn't refer to Horton's definition, because it doesn't take into account the surface area of the watershed, you can only take the length of the segments in the population field and the final result expressed in Km2.
In my research study, I calculated the drainage density of the Adoudou watershed, which is located in central western Morocco in the western Anti-Atlas mountains. I tried to map the drainage density using the Line density tool, but the final result did not represent the reality on the field, I therefore tried to develop a methodology using GIS where I created a grid of the watershed and calculated the drainage density of each individual grid cell using the Horton definition and interpolating the final results to get a final map of the watershed drainage density, the result is very different from the result I obtained using the Line density tool. I still need to discuss the feasibility of using the Line density tool with specialists in this field.
Thank you.
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Hassan Nait-Si You're correct that the Line Density tool in ArcGIS doesn't directly calculate drainage density (Dd) as defined by Horton (1932). The tool only considers the length of segments, not the surface area of the watershed.
Your approach to create a grid, calculate Dd for each cell, and interpolate the results is a good workaround. This method allows you to account for the surface area and accurately represent the drainage density.
To further validate your methodology, consider the following:
1. Cell size: Ensure the grid cell size is appropriate for your analysis. Smaller cells can provide more detailed results but may increase processing time.
2. Data quality: Verify the accuracy of your stream network data and watershed boundary.
3. Interpolation method: Choose an appropriate interpolation technique (e.g., inverse distance weighting, kriging) that suits your data and study area.
4. Comparison: Compare your results with other studies or field observations to confirm the accuracy of your methodology.
5. Consultation: Discuss your approach with experts in GIS, hydrology, and geomorphology to gather feedback and improve your methodology.
Regarding the Line Density tool, it's essential to understand its limitations and potential biases. You may want to:
1. Contact Esri support: Reach out to Esri's technical support to clarify the tool's functionality and limitations.
2. Consult documentation: Review the tool's documentation and research articles to understand its intended use and potential applications.
3. Discuss with experts: Engage with specialists in GIS and hydrology to discuss the tool's suitability for calculating drainage density.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
I'm a 2nd year PhD student from Morocco and I'm working on decision making in business settings, I would love to conduct a comparative study. Feel free to reach out if you are interested.
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interested in your research
  • asked a question related to Morocco
2 answers
greetings and respect
In my recent research, I noticed that some of the historical data of #ISIMIP (tasmax) is significantly lower than actual conditions. For example, historical data such as from 2011 to 2015 on latitude 35 North (Tangier from Morocco, Tehran from Iran, and Bakersfield from America) show a temperature 25 to 35 degrees Celsius lower than the actual state.
Should corrections be made to this data?
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I'm glad to see you and I hope you are well. The topic of elevation that you mentioned is very interesting, but I was surprised when I saw that the maximum temperature of Tehran in spring in the ISIMIP and NASA power databases are -30 and 20 C, respectively.
(of course, NASA power calculates temperature at 2 meters above the ground)
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
teacher training in Physical Education and Sports (EPS) in Morocco.
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To evaluate the external effectiveness of initial teacher training in PE, generally:
- Define Evaluation Criteria:
a. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for effective PE teacher training.
b. Criteria may include teaching methods, subject knowledge, communication skills, and ability to integrate technology.
- Engage Stakeholders:
a. Consult with teachers, students, parents, and educational authorities.
b. Gather feedback on the perceived effectiveness of the training program.
- Observations:
a. Conduct observations of PE classes taught by recently trained teachers.
b. Assess instructional methods, class management, and student engagement.
- Assess Teacher Knowledge:
a. Evaluate teachers' understanding of PE concepts and curriculum.
b. Use standardized tests or assessments to measure subject-specific knowledge.
- Professional Development Opportunities:
a. Explore if teachers have access to ongoing professional development.
b. Assess the impact of continued learning on teaching practices.
- Student Performance:
a. Evaluate students' performance in PE classes.
b. Consider the correlation between teacher training quality and student outcomes.
- Program Resources:
a. Assess the availability and quality of resources provided during the training.
b. Ensure teachers have access to necessary materials and equipment.
- objective assessment :
a. Examine how well the teacher training aligns with national education objectives.
b. Ensure the curriculum meets the needs of Moroccan schools.
- Continuous Feedback Mechanism:
a. Implement a system for continuous feedback from teachers and schools.
b. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments to the training program.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
Hello,my name is Chaimae and my thesis topic is as follow: Management of large distribution logistics in Morocco.
Please tell me what do you think about this subject, wheter it is relevent and original and wether scientific reaserch has sufficiently addressed it. I need youd advices.
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Thank you
  • asked a question related to Morocco
2 answers
This is my thesis topic:Management of logistics in the large distribution sector in Morocco.
And Here is my prob.: To what extent do the operational strategies developed and policies adopted by promoters of large distribution in Morocco allow for competitively managing the logistics chain of large distribution?
And here are the given hypotheses:
• Hypothesis 1: Close collaboration with suppliers could secure supplies, resolve the plethora of supply chains, guarantee merchandise returns, and professionalize logistics personnel.
• Hypothesis 2: Investing in human resources could enhance the distribution chain's supply, storage performance, order preparation, and shipment, fostering staff loyalty and better customer service.
• Hypothesis 3: Inadequate stock positioning in the logistics chain, improper facility localization, and their inflexibility to support a wide range of products and varying volumes might be the cause of the lack of competitiveness among large distribution companies.
• Hypothesis 4: Poor stock management could be the reason behind high logistics costs in large distribution.
• Hypothesis 5: Poor order preparation and shipment conditions might be among the main causes of mismanaging the customer experience.
What do you think? Your comments? Is this a genuine issue? What could I add or remove?"
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thank you so much
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
Clarification of the countries(التوضيح عن الدول)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The United Arab Emirates
The Kingdom of Morocco
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I my self can not answer on behaf of any countries. But, I will say countries lead by nations. For my country Kuwait we are for sure standing with Gaza. Also, we are the first and continuing support by daily flight from Kuwait to Gaza.
hope that can answer your questions.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
2 answers
Is it possible to model earthquakes and their impact on the macroeconomy for Syria, Morocco, and Turkey?
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نعم، يمكن نمذجة الزلازل وتأثيرها على الاقتصاد الكلي للدول مثل سويا والمغرب وتركيا. هناك العديد من الطرق التي يمكن استخدامها لنمذجة تأثير الزلازل على الاقتصاد، ومن بينها:
1. نمذجة التأثير المباشر: تعتمد هذه النماذج على تحليل الأضرار المباشرة التي تلحق بالبنية التحتية الاقتصادية نتيجة للزلازل. قد تشمل هذه الأضرار تدمير المباني والطرق والجسور والمرافق العامة الأخرى.
2. نمذجة التأثير غير المباشر: تركز هذه النماذج على تحليل الآثار الاقتصادية الناجمة عن الزلازل، مثل تأثيرها على الإنتاجية والقطاعات الاقتصادية المختلفة، وتأثيرها على الاستثمارات والتجارة والسياحة.
3. نمذجة التأثير الاقتصادي الشامل: تستخدم هذه النماذج لتحليل التأثير الشامل للزلازل على الاقتصاد الكلي للدولة. تأخذ في الاعتبار عوامل مثل تأثير الزلازل على النمو الاقتصادي، والتوظيف، والإيرادات الحكومية، والدين العام، والتوزيع الدخلي، وغيرها.
يجب أن يتم تنفيذ هذه النماذج باستخدام البيانات المتاحة والمعلومات الصحيحة والمتعلقة بالزلازل السابقة وتأثيرها على الاقتصاد في تلك البلدان. من خلال هذه النماذج، يمكن تقدير التكاليف الاقتصادية للزلازل وتحديد القطاعات الأكثر تأثرًا وتحديد السياسات الاقتصادية اللازمة للتعامل مع هذه التحديات.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
Why was an investigation committee formed with figures in Morocco and Libya due to the collapse of the dams?
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Because it has been subjected to constant neglect, despite the presence of cracks
In 1998, the first cracks were observed in the two Derna dams, which collapsed and caused floods that destroyed parts of the city located in eastern Libya. The two dams were also subject to neglect over the past decades, according to several reports and studies.
During the storm "Daniel" that struck eastern Libya last Sunday, the pressure of water flowing as a result of heavy rain caused the collapse of the first dam, which is the Boumansour Dam with a capacity of 22.5 million cubic meters, located 13 kilometers from Derna, and large quantities of water flowed from it, sweeping the second dam. The country has a capacity of 1.5 million cubic meters, which is located just one kilometer from the coastal city.
The two dams were built by a Yugoslav company in the 1970s, and they usually held back floodwaters in the valley that cuts through the middle of Derna.
In 1998, the first cracks were observed in the two Derna dams, which collapsed and caused floods that destroyed parts of the city located in eastern Libya. The two dams were also subject to neglect over the past decades, according to several reports and studies.
During the storm "Daniel" that struck eastern Libya, the pressure of water flowing as a result of heavy rains caused the collapse of the first dam, which was the Boumansour Dam with a capacity of 22.5 million cubic meters, located 13 kilometers from Derna, and large quantities of water flowed from it, sweeping the second dam, the country's dam, with a capacity of 1.5 million cubic metres. million cubic metres, which is located just one kilometer from the coastal city.
The two dams were built by a Yugoslav company in the 1970s, and they usually held back floodwaters in the valley that cuts through the middle of Derna.
After the first cracks appeared in 1998, the Libyan authorities commissioned an Italian consulting company to assess the damage to the two dams. The company then confirmed the presence of cracks and even recommended building a third dam to protect the city, according to Libyan Attorney General Al-Siddiq Al-Sur.
In 2007, the regime of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi commissioned a Turkish company to carry out repair work in the two dams.
Due to the lack of funds, the company began its work in October 2010, before stopping less than 5 months later, following the 2011 revolution that overthrew Gaddafi.
Since then, each year's budget has been allocated to repair the two dams, but none of the successive governments have begun work.
In a report published in 2021, the Libyan Audit Bureau spoke of the “procrastination” of the relevant ministry in resuming work in Sadi Derna.
In a study conducted in November 2022, Libyan engineer and academic Abdel-Wanis Ashour warned of a disaster threatening Derna if the authorities did not maintain the two dams, and despite the warning, no maintenance work was carried out.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
hello is there any econometrist interested for a joint publication : modelling healthcare expenditures in terms of marco parameters such as GDP, portion of the elderly, ....for morocco or morocco and others countries?
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Imane Sninate If AI can also be used, DM
  • asked a question related to Morocco
4 answers
I am very interested in an internship in your laboratory as an international student this summer
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Thank you so much professor Ashok,
  • asked a question related to Morocco
6 answers
Where can I download 10m resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for Morocco?
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  • asked a question related to Morocco
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Dear esteemed colleagues:
I am in search of a collaborative article about language policy in a context different than Morocco. I examine the impact of central policy on language teaching. I am particularly interested in addressing soft skills, autonomous learning, and project learning policies and how they are implemented in some secondary or higher education English language classrooms.
I am looking forward to hearing your suggestions.
Aziz Moummou
Policy Analyst
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Sure, please email me with your details and interests on
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
I need any type of informations (plan , section...
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Hi, I am based in Malaysia. Therefore, I do not have any information on Dar Jamai Museum in Meknes, Morocco
  • asked a question related to Morocco
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Hi dear colleagues, I actually conducting a study about Qatar World Cup and i target many country (USA, Belgique , France, Tunisia, Morocco KSA and UK).
Do you have any solution to get more response from scientific community around the world?
If you are from one of these country and you are interested by the football or you want to help me to share please comment by the name of your country and i will share with you the link of survey.
Thank you
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Hi Leila, Hope you are doing well
I can respond to your survey and share its link if you want ( concerned contries: Tunisia and France).
  • asked a question related to Morocco
2 answers
I have a pre-project on road traffic forecasting in Morocco and I need Dataset, I found articles but without data.
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thank you so much Arpita Maheriya
  • asked a question related to Morocco
26 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Have a good day; I'm planning to initiate an alliance for nursing research to respond to the research priorities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR). The main goal of this alliance is to come together to identify ways to promote evidence-based practice, collaborate on research projects, and raise awareness of nursing research in the healthcare community. Moreover, to produce excellent international quality research and evidence reviews that will inform national, regional, and international nursing and health practice and policy.
The research team is planning to include the following EMR countries:
Countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
  • Afghanistan
  • Bahrain
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palestine
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Syrian Arab Republic
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen
If you're interested in joining, please send me the following info to
- Country
- Research Interest
- Research Experience
- List of publications
* Eastern MEditerranean ReGion rEsearch (EMERGE)
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East Timor or Timor-Leste past part in the SEARO and Asian Pacific region
  • asked a question related to Morocco
9 answers
Dear researchers,
My name is Abdelkbir Ouisaadane. I'm a doctor  in computer science in of Morocco. I write and publish research articles in noisy Speech Recognition, Signal processing, Artificial Intelligence, Feature Extraction .
I want to work in partnership with researchers in this field to exchange experiences and collaborate .  If someone wants to work in collaboration with us please let us know.
Thank you
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I am interested
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
Hello everyone. I am working on a subject that aims to model the sustainability of public school catering in a region of Morocco. If I may, is there a theoretical model for this? Thank you very much for your reactions.
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I do not believe there is any. Still i suggest projecting existing models on organizational performance and perennity, enrich with a Pestel and Ishikawa criteria for a more enlarged mind mapping, then you can proceed on the purification of the scale of measurement to retain most significant variables
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Morocco
11 answers
Managing soil salinity is a major issue in many regions of the world. For instance, this issue is common in Morocco, forcing farmers to employ acid fertilizers to acidify the nutrient solution, albeit this is not always evident. To aid in their absorption, it is required to deliver a number of nutrients by foliar application (Fe, Cu, Zn).
So, if you know any practical answers to this challenge, please share them.
Thank you
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Dear, Jamaa Zim
The following items can be effective in reducing the salinity of the soil:
1- Washing the target soil 2- Use of organic sulfur 3- Reducing evaporation from the soil surface 3- Cultivation of plants resistant to salinity such as; Beet, corn on the cob, barley, etc 4- Use of proper irrigation system 5- Use of fertilizers such as; Humic acid. and ...
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
Good evening, I am looking for satellite air quality data for Morocco, can you help me identify and download examples of this data. Thank you
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Check out Ambee’s air quality data. It's not strictly satellite data, but they combine data from satellite, on-ground sensors, and also other open sources. Their datasets are pretty accurate and global so you should be able to get them for Morocco as well. If you are interested, get their free trial and you will know if that’s what you’re looking for. Check out here:
  • asked a question related to Morocco
5 answers
I have a comparative study on Morocco and Turkey, and I am looking for references or studies on Turkish political institutions: the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary
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I sent you a set of research papers. I hope you benefit from them. I will send you other researches.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
14 answers
Dear researchers,
Unrelated technical question, for a dissertation of master what would be an interesting topic among the following?
1.Impact of dividend payout on firm’s value: evidence from Casablanca stock exchange.
2.Impact of ownership structure and dividends on firm’s performance: Evidence from Companies Listed on MENA Stock Markets.
3.Dependency of firm’s profitability on corporate governance practices
4.Impact of corporate social responsibility on financial performance.
5.Investigation of financial leverage by financial performance in Morocco’s listed firms.
Any other recommendations would be helpful and most welcomed.
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I would like to suggest one more word in your topic number 4. the impact of corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSR) disclosure on financial performance. Hope it helps.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
6 answers
Hey everyone, can anyone identify this plant? 0m altitude, Safi region, Morocco, march 2022.
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I think Anacyclus radiatus Loisel. is a good guess.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
Hello, is there any resource containing vehicular Traffic data (flow, speed ..) in any street or highway in Morocco?
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Dear Dr. Fouad Agramelal ,
I suggest you to have a look at the following references:
My best regards, Amir Beketov.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
Gender Studies
The situation of Amazigh women in Morocco
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I think searching for gender inequality in media in google may help you to get some information in this regard. Then it will be clear what type of data you have to get through survey.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
Bonjour tout le monde,
Je suis à la recherche d'une revue bibliographique sur la matière (ou carbone) organique du sol au niveau du Maroc.
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Bonjour Bousaria,
Veuillez trouver ce anglais document pour votre examen. J'espere que cela aidera. Je connais un peu francais. Merci Monsieur.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
2 answers
We are looking for a frozen or in ethanol-preserved Cerambyx paludivagus for barcoding
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Dear Derradj,
Thank you very much for your collaboration offer.
Since the last records of C paludivagus that I know date from several decades ago, I had even thought that this species was extinct.
From your address I suposse that the material will be from the mountains near Constantine.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
6 answers
Hope you are doing well,
I am searching for seismic data of Morocco. Is there any way to get them for free.
Best Regards
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You send a request through your University to the Director of the Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CNRST). In this request you specify which seismic data you need and for what purpose.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
37 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Have a good day; I'm planning to conduct a multi-country study on "Stigma Towards Health Care Providers Taking Care of COVID-19 Patients".
for more information, please find the project link on RG
The IRB approval has been secured from the University of Bagdad. The survey is available in both English & Arabic versions.
The research team is planning to include the following EMRO countries:
Countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
  • Afghanistan
  • Bahrain
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Syrian Arab Republic
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen
If you're interested in joining, please send me the following info to
No. of Physicians:
No. of Nurses:
No. of Pharmacists and other HCPs:
Need for IRB approval/exemption:
Best regards
Abdulqadir Nashwan
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It's my pleasure to collaborate in this project....
Fatma, Nursing Department, Oman
  • asked a question related to Morocco
6 answers
Hi Every one!
I'm Phd student from Cadi Ayyad university/Morocco working on Conservation Biology and Ecophysiology. I need to work with XLSTAT for my research. I worked first wih trial version that finished after 1 months!!
Could someone help me?
Thank you!!
Best regards!!
PhD student/ Cadi Ayyad University
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Moez Kachroud
Also I would like download link, please!
  • asked a question related to Morocco
5 answers
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yes of course, it is done, it's very interesting. I wish you good luck
  • asked a question related to Morocco
4 answers
this genus is found in limestones of Paleocene-Eocene age in the carbonate formation of Bekrit-Timahdite, Middle Atlas, Morocco.
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What is the genus and species of benthic foraminifera?
this genus is found in limestones of Paleocene-Eocene age in the carbonate formation of Bekrit-Timahdite, Middle Atlas, Morocco.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
6 answers
I need to know about the availability of satellite images for Morocco, in both Public and private domain
thank you,
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You can use this links for free data
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
Hello everyone, I need data for lending interest rate for Morocco from 1980 to 2019. I searched a lot in IMF, World bank and other database but I didn't find them. Could you please help me ?
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Dear Mohamed,
Good news!
I am afraid I cannot provide any help.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Morocco
7 answers
hi dear researchers
i'm in my first year PHD i'm working on islamic microfinance and its impact on poverty in Morocco
for now, islamic microfinance isn't implemented in Morocco so my study is exploratory.
my question is which model should i use in this case ( the empirical study ) ?
thank you
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Kjartan Skogly Kversøy Microfinance can enhance certain types of small entrepreneurship, it can work for some strata of a society, e.g. craft.
Poverty is a structural problem of a human society; one of its main physical causes is economic rent.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
4 answers
Hello everyone, I am looking for a version of a digital elevation (DEM) model for the part between Fez and Taza city (northern Morocco) with a high resolution quality (at least 12 m), I have searched in almost every place but I always find a version with a resolution of 30 m. I ask you if you can help me in this sense, whatever the conditions for obtaining (free or paying)
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not higher than 12.5 m
  • asked a question related to Morocco
5 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Economic policy in the European Union's Eastern and Southern neighborhood is embedded in the frameworks offered by EU's enlargement and neighborhood policies. Under these frameworks, regional development and policy play a significant role, as is evident in the current introduction of the smart specialization approach to regional innovation policy in the Western Balkans, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, and Tunisia. Further approaches of regional development relevant to EU enlargement and neighborhood countries include the LEADER/CLLD approach, and building capacities in organizations such as regional development agencies according to experiences made in EU member states represents an important complement for the introduction of policy approaches. In this context, the special issue seeks contributions that deal with aspects of regional analysis, policy approaches, and institutional or organizational questions in EU enlargement or neighborhood countries and their regions. 
Dr. Maximilian Benner
Guest Editor
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i will like to contribute
  • asked a question related to Morocco
4 answers
Hello researchers,
I am looking for a person who works in traffic, congestion, ITS, managing traffic... For partnership.
I am PhD student at ENSEM school, morocco.
Actully I'm struggling on making suitable model. And also I have a lack on data.
So if you are interesting to joint contact me.
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Hello, Yarah. yes you can help on urban traffic modeling.
I am stuck, on many steps.
So, if you are ready to have some publications together, please let me know.
keywords: mathematical modeling, shortest path, uniform distribution of traffic.
I had never publish a paper, and I want to do this together
  • asked a question related to Morocco
4 answers
I have a related-research at the higher education level
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Hi, this is such a great opportunity, and noble and full of honor cause that you have. In the year of 2011 I was part of a team that was involved in implementing, training & teaching a curriculum about "Holistic Wellness" in Beijing, China in partnership with China Red Cross. It was called "Sunshine in your heart project", and was taught in high schools and universities, as an elective class. It was successful, and in couple of years local teachers were trained to carry it on forward and spread it at the national level. Recently I adapted the model for coaching football players, as the model can apply to different fields, so I attach it here too, but just be aware that the materials have copyrights and can be used just with approval from Dr.Kathy Uno, also it requires training. Based on the holistic model, we taught lessons in classroom set up as a lecture, class also had practical applications, small group discussions, and mentoring opportunities, and class ended with an essay for grading the students. I can help you connect with Dr.Kathy Uno that was the team leader, if you have interest in it. I am from Romania, lived in China for 9 years, currently I live in Turkey, and I am familiar with cross-cultural environments.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
Can i have some informations, references .... about upwelling currents along the Atlantic coast of Morocco during the Holocene period (especially in the last 2000 years)?
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Thanks for the links. I appreciate it.
Have a nice day.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
I have a PM from @Fatima ezzahra Jabbour (who is tired) in Morocco as follows:
Good morning, sir,
I am a tired agricultural engineer from Morocco, I need your help regarding the use of the MS3000 in soil granulometric analysis, as I am looking for a protocol to be applied to obtain reliable results (values of refractive indices and absorption, rate and duration of agitation, soil pretreatment method, frequency and duration of ultrasound application for dispersion as well as measurement duration and sample quantity...)
Thank you very much for your help
I look forward to your return.
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Hello Fatim
Thank you for your email and also for posting the same question by PM on ResearchGate. Please provide information as to your affiliation and the serial number of the instrument.
There is no such thing as a standard protocol for soils, sediments, or pharmaceuticals, mining or whatever samples. There are many types of soils and/or sediments.
Your biggest issue by at least 2 orders of magnitude is obtaining a representative sample. This is where you need to focus.
Generalities are to be found in these older webinars:
• PST and BDAS - an acronym approach to laser diffraction method development
• (Only viewable in Internet Explorer; recently updated – look at our website for the new posting) Sampling for particle size analysis - estimation of standard error
• Size and shape characterization in soils and sediments
You can contact your local support via:
Malvern Products
HTDS International
Parc d'activites du Moulin de Massy
3 Rue du Saule Trapin, BP 246
Massy Cedex
Tel: Sales: +33 1 64 86 28 28
Tel: Support: +33 1 64 86 28 28
You have the same reply by email.
Good luck and best regards,
  • asked a question related to Morocco
7 answers
I'm new to conducting research and was wondering if anybody could enlighten me on what methodology would best suit my topic.
My thesis is about The influence of public outrage on media coverage of rape cases in Morocco.
On the one hand, I would like to analyze the impact of public outrage on social media, and on the other hand, analyze the impact of public outrage on the press (I've narrowed my sample to two newspapers).
Subsequently, I intended on comparing both points.
I've thought of a quantitative methodology with a correlational approach or a causal-comparative approach. However, statistics regarding any focal point of my research are non-existent.
Therefore, I decided to adopt a qualitative methodology instead, using a simple case study while trying to reformulate my hypothesis since it does not require statistics.
Any advice will be immensely appreciated.
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Hi Hayley,
You will first need to decide how you will measure 'influence' - and 'outrage'.
You can do this both qualitatively and quantitatively.
If you can specify parameters for influence (e.g. a higher proportion of articles) with outrage (was there a protest at the time? Or some measure of public outrage) - then you could see if the two measure correlate.
A qualitative analysis would definitely be useful.
Again - how you define your constructs will determine how you measure this - and you can then build a rich case study around this :)
I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
I am Pr Abderrazak Kaaya professor of ecotoxicology in the faculty of IBN ZOHR university AGADIR (Morocco)
We have found some death fish in khnifiss lagoon (south of morocco)
We want to study the source of this observation
All samples are conserved at -18°C
We ask you if we can collaborate and if you can help us in this study
Thank youvery much
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Hi professor
Many causes of this death:
Laboratory conditions
Concentration of polluant
Type And situation of animal (physiology)
Génétic factor And resistance structure And chemical nature of polluant (pesticide ).
  • asked a question related to Morocco
4 answers
Writers with expertise and good knowledge of the higher education systems in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates are cordially invited to contribute a chapter to a forthcoming book on internationalization of higher education which will be prepared under the General co-Editorship of a leading scholar in the field. Details will be sent to potential writers who express their interest to participate in this project. At this stage sending your names, affiliation, knowledge/experience on the subject and email address will be enough. Please use my email for further queries and contact.Kind regards, nvitation: Can you contribute a book chapter on internationalization of higher education?
Writers with expertise and good knowledge of the higher education systems in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates are cordially invited to contribute a chapter to a forthcoming book on internationalization of higher education in the South which will be prepared under the General co-Editorship of a leading scholar in the field. Details will be sent to potential writers who express their interest to participate in this project. At this stage sending your names, affiliation, knowledge/experience on the subject and email address will be enough. Please use my email for further queries and contact.Kind regards,
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  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
Dear my colleagues.
I am working on research on the use of renewable energies in Morocco. Can you help me get data on the speed of sea movement (tidal speed) in the cities of the Maghreb and specifically near Rabat.
Thank you in advance for help
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  • asked a question related to Morocco
5 answers
I'm conducting a research about the debt sustainability in the case of Morocco. I intend to compare Morocco with other countries.
Can you please share with us the situation of the public debt in your countries: the debt as a percentage of GDP and if possible, the expected level of the debt in the coming years.
Thank you in advance.
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Thank you very much Silvia Zarkova and
Paul Louangrath
for your contributions. I really appreciate.
Please feel free to contact me if you are interested about a joint research on the topic.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
6 answers
Writers with expertise and good knowledge of the higher education systems in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates are cordially invited to contribute a chapter to a forthcoming book on internationalization of higher education which will be prepared under the General co-Editorship of a leading scholar in the field. Details will be sent to potential writers who express their interest to participate in this project. At this stage sending your names, affiliation, knowledge/experience on the subject and email address will be enough. Please use my email for further queries and contact.
Kind regards,
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  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
Hello Hossein;
I'm mining engineer from Morocco, I'm working now in open pit gold mine in West Africa.
I'm interesting to make Investigations or study to apply continuous mining equipment (like Bucket Wheel Excavators and others...) in a Shovel and Truck existing large open cut Phosphate mine. Exemple Phosphate OCP Operations, (Office Chérifien de Phosphate) based in Morocco :
Can I participate in your project about selection optimum haulage methode ?
It will be my first contribution in continuous mining
Thank You
Best regards
Senior mining engineer
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Dear Anouar,
Thank you for your interest in my project.
In my project I have just considered Truck-Shovel and IPCC systems. Bucket wheel excavators are not included in the scope of my proejct. Nevertheless, it would be interesting if you can do such a comparison in your work.
Actually, this project is my Ph.D. thesis and I have to develop it alone. But still we can work in other frames e.g. papers for conferences, articles etc.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Morocco
1 answer
The Third International Conference On Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences ICDS 2019. See details here :
ICDS'19 is technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and the International Neural Network Society (INNS). IEEE CONFERENCE RECORD NUMBER : #47004
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISBN : 978-1-7281-0003-6)
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The Seventh Edition of the International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC’19) - Agadir - Morocco.
The Sixth Edition Website -->
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
Please can you help me to identify this phytoplankton specie that bloom in Beni Ansar Harbor (Nador) - Mediteranean coast of Morocco?
Thank you very much.
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This image is not sufficient quality to determine...
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
I'm actually working on a litterature review in order to identify the good practices of calves fattening in Morocco. In Morocco, the cross-breeding of dairy cattle with breeds raised for the meat was promoted. I want to know if there is some grey litterature available on that topic and where can I find it. Suggestions for any litterature about that topic is very welcome too.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
One of the axes of my doctoral work aims to show the importance of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the occurrence of drought in northern Morocco by the Wavelet Coherence (WTC) method. Using Grinsted Aslak's Matlab scripts (Wavelet Coherence (WTC), I can produce figures that show that the amount of rainfall and the occurrence of drought in northern Morocco is strongly related to the NAO. But, I also want to show that this relationship is not constant over time (years) and in different frequency domain (1, 2, 4, 8..years).
To do this I wonder if there is a possibility of having a Matlab script able to extract and describe the variability of the Squared Wavelet Coherence between Rainfall and NAO according to an average Wavelet Coherence value in the frequency domain and across time.
Grinsted Aslak's Matlab scripts are downloadable from the following link:
Attached are two files containing NAO and precipitation values. In addition to an example of what I did Using Grinsted Aslak's Matlab scripts.
Thank you!
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For people interested in Extracting coherence values, here is a trick:
  • asked a question related to Morocco
26 answers
Figures/structures marks at the top of limestone bed, Palaeocene-Eocene deposits, Morocco
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they look like sponge shallow borings, like Cliona or similar stuff, on a firm- or hard- ground surface.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
7 answers
Dear: Colleagues:
I'm pleased to invite you to participate
a special session about: " Nanotechnology in the Agricultural sector"
as a part of NANOSMAT 2019 conference, it will be hosted in Rabat- Morocco from 02 to 04 May 2019.
Note: For participation without paper, you can use below link:
For the abstract section, you can upload Ms Word file include
Special session V
“ Nanotechnology in the Agricultural sector"
Dr. Waleed Abobatta
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Dear Prof.
Thanks for the inviatation to this conference, but I want to know how can I do to participate?
  • asked a question related to Morocco
2 answers
Pictures for bird researchs in Morocco
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voila un juvénile de l'Aigle de Bonelli طائر يافع لعقاب بونللي
  • asked a question related to Morocco
9 answers
I'm interested in using biochar as an additive to compost in growing tomato, have you ever used tomato and pepper biochar as a recycling method?
Khalid AZIM
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Using chars of different sources become more similar when charred than the difference in the source organic materials. I would think you would have no problem of using those organic materials as chars to supplement your composts. Char and compost can be quite alkaline and you might get a deficiency in micronutrients. To avoid such issues the use of sulfur could supplement the final compost to adjust pH to 6.5 which would be optimal for tomato production.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
7 answers
Hello everyone ! I am a phd student from Morocco, working on hydraulics of wastewater treatment plants. Now I am looking for softwares that can calculate the hydraulic profile of WWTPs. Please I would like to know your suggestions !
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Hello Sara,
I think that you could use SEEP/W of Geoslope package.
I think there is a free trial/student version.
All the best
  • asked a question related to Morocco
8 answers
I am looking for the name of these vegetal species in the city of Beni Mellal in Morocco at the foot of the High Atlas mountains. The pictures 1,2,3,4 are taken in Mohamed V boulevard in the month of May. The pictures 5,6 are from the garden of Aïn Asserdoune.
Thank you.
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Plants are not identified by their vegetative structures like leaves and stems, rather they are identified by their reproductive structures such as flowers and fruits. Reproductive structures are missing from most of the posted plant specimens. Nevertheless, I have attempted to identify some of the plant specimens which are as follows:
C1 & C2: It may be Populus nigra of family Salicaceae
D1 & D2: This plant is Ficus benjamina of family Moraceae
F1 & F2: It looks Melaleuca viminalis (= Callistemon viminalis) of family Myrtaceae
H1 & H2: It seems Ficus retusa of family Moraceae
M1 & M2: This plant looks Eucalyptus camaldulensis of family Myrataceae
X: I am not sure about the identity this plant specimen. I would guess it as Populus angustifolia of family Salicaceae
  • asked a question related to Morocco
5 answers
hello to everyone, I am working on estimating soil loss with the USLE model, but I had a problem how I can affect for each lithological unit of the factor K valeus !! I do not have pedological data !!help.
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Read this article and check the bibliography. It can be useful for you
  • asked a question related to Morocco
16 answers
Seaweeds from atlantic coast of Morocco.
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Dear Nadia
Thank you very much for your feed back.
I used to work with this book but I'm looking for a new version.
  • asked a question related to Morocco
6 answers
Assalam alikoum I need to check for interaction between aggregate non performing loans and macroeco indicators in morocco, should I use VAR or ARDL?
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Thank you Adriano
  • asked a question related to Morocco
4 answers
Project : "Studying vertebrate fossils of the Arabian Peninsula".
Dear Sir,
Please, could I have informations about the Vertebrates groups concerned as well as their geologic age(s)? Much thanks in advance.
For my personal knowledge, I would like to get ideas about the paleontologic origin of 1. Camel and Dromedary 2. Cow 3. Sheep and 4. Goat (Cattle الأنعام )
Prof. Abdelmajid NOUBHANI
CHOUAIB DOUKKALI UNIVERSITY Faculty of Sciences, Geology Department P.O. Box 20, El Jadida - MOROCCO Tel: +212 (0523) 34 30 03  Fax: +212 (0523) 34 21 87 G.SM.: +212 (06) 55 76 03 12
  • asked a question related to Morocco
3 answers
I would like to know if north african goat (in Morroco, Algeria and Tunisia) has resistance aptitudes to certain deseases, specialy zoonosis. Thank you
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at the risk of being accused of oversimplification compared to European breeds ALL indigenous north African goat breeds are, to various fluctuating degrees (related to a disease endemic condition, the goat nutritional status and productivity), resistant=with mild clinical symptoms to common African pathologies: trypanosomosis, CCPP, PPR, FMD, tick-borne diseases, endoparasites etc