Science topics: Public HealthMonitoring and Evaluation
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Monitoring and Evaluation - Science topic
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Questions related to Monitoring and Evaluation
The center offers various activities from crisis counseling to resume development. I am proposing a qualitative evaluation that uses unstructured interviews to investigate which of the services offered at the center the teens believe helped them obtain employment or make progress in school. Someone is thinking a much better methodology would be to use statistical analyses to see which activities correlate more strongly with the desired outcomes. Which would be the best choice of design?
Hey everyone,
I am currently writing my Master's dissertation on knowledge retention in the project environment and would appreciate it if you could fill in my questionnaire. I still need 60 respondents. If you have worked in a project environment or still do I could really use your feedback. It won't take more than a few minutes. Thank you!
And for each completed survey I’ll donate €1 to a good cause!
Link to the survey: #KM #PM #Knowledge #Project
Hi all,
I will be teaching an eval course next semester and am in the process of collecting references for the course. I would love any recommendations for the following:
What is your favorite reference/what you consider a seminal reference (book/article/website...) for -
** Monitoring & Evaluation
** Evaluation Frameworks
** Participatory Action Research
Thank you for your input!
Robert Stake (2005) makes the point that "a case is a noun, a thing, an entity; it is seldom a verb, a participle, a functioning" (p4). I am researching a process (monitoring and evaluation) in different organisations (what Stake may refer to as a function). Can the process of monitoring and evaluation be defined as the 'case' for the purposes of conducting case study research? Or is it more appropriate for me to define the organisational entity (or team within the entity) as the case?
......this is say in case of a five year duration project having large number of activities and with an objective of sustainable impact.
I am working as Monitoring and Evaluation officer. I usually thinking that physicians/ health care provider/ are more focusing on treating the pain with diagnosis and medication. the communication/ spiritual, social and patients view/ perceived treatment is not addressed effectively.
If you have same view or best experience on these view, I am happy if you share me.
Content analysis and Narrative analysis can be used at the same time in Monitoring and Evaluation. Discuss this view outlining clear how this can be done???
Can you provide any examples of public sector and parliamentary reforms monitoring and evaluation systems that have integrated relevant corruption indicators?
What are relevant corruption indicators?
Thank you.
Kind regards
In my opinion, Monitoring and Evaluation of Teacher play the predominant important role for the improvement of Education Sector.
We need to determine not only the actual status/ effectiveness of learning but also to support continuous program improvement.
Please share your valuable opinion and experience.
It seems there are many program evaluation texts and manuals, but M&E seems to be more idiosyncratic and based on a particular organization (UN, NGO, Private org etc).
I would like to conduct a case study at a human rights organisation in Kenya. This is to assess their M&E system and look at what methods are in use,what challenges they encounter and best practices.
Kindly requesting journal articles or other materials on the above topic
Collection of case studies as a tool for qualitative analysis
There are different ways to monitor and evaluate library services and its management systems but i need a template that captures all library operations and services kinda like an organisation mapping tool.
Am working on an assignment and want to find out?
I am doing a study on monitoring and evaluation system and am trying how the system is designed using a a case study in Kenya. Are there any publications and journals in this area. Kindly share any useful information.
We are developing a research project in which the main objective is to assess the different participation dimensions in the projects, in rural areas, regarding the touristic sector. We would like to develop a methodology based on different dimensions of participation and on different process indicators that are going to used for monitoring and evaluation activities.
I want to know if any methods exists in some countries by which they monitor Non Governmental Organisations such as listing them in terms of which NGO had better impacts like the Stock Exchange does in Financial terms.
Usually watershed evaluation is done through bio-physical and some socio-economic indicators other than PES. I am interested in how PES can be linked in the monitoring and evaluation of watershed rehabilitation projects.
My project enrolls newborns through a pregnancy and birth surveillance program. Sick neonates are taken to a facility and blood is drawn. This specimen is transported to a laboratory where it is aliquoted and tested for pathogens. The data is then entered into the database. It's a complex study and I know for a fact that there have been very few studies like this. Moreover, most of those studies didn't publish their M&E methods. I am hoping to find articles on M&E activities for similar studies. If not similar, a project with multi-level monitoring and evaluation system may serve my purpose.
Which financial and social performance indicators should be used when assessing the performance of microfinance institutions and why? Conversely, which widely used indicators can be misleading and thus not very appropriate? Who are the most common users of those indicators and for what purposes?