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Monitoring and Evaluation - Science topic

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Questions related to Monitoring and Evaluation
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
2 answers
The center offers various activities from crisis counseling to resume development. I am proposing a qualitative evaluation that uses unstructured interviews to investigate which of the services offered at the center the teens believe helped them obtain employment or make progress in school. Someone is thinking a much better methodology would be to use statistical analyses to see which activities correlate more strongly with the desired outcomes. Which would be the best choice of design?
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How can I monitoring C4D in Refugee Comps?
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
7 answers
Hey everyone,
I am currently writing my Master's dissertation on knowledge retention in the project environment and would appreciate it if you could fill in my questionnaire. I still need 60 respondents. If you have worked in a project environment or still do I could really use your feedback. It won't take more than a few minutes. Thank you!
And for each completed survey I’ll donate €1 to a good cause!
Link to the survey: #KM #PM #Knowledge #Project
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Filled in the questionnaire. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
3 answers
Hi all,
I will be teaching an eval course next semester and am in the process of collecting references for the course. I would love any recommendations for the following:
What is your favorite reference/what you consider a seminal reference (book/article/website...) for -
** Monitoring & Evaluation
** Evaluation Frameworks
** Participatory Action Research
Thank you for your input!
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My favorite reference is Participatory Action Research. Other references are included in the process of conducting Participatory Action Research. Please see
Jacques M. Chevalier, Daniel J. Buckles. Participatory Action Research: Theory and Methods for Engaged Inquiry. Routledge, New york, 2013
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
9 answers
Robert Stake (2005) makes the point that "a case is a noun, a thing, an entity; it is seldom a verb, a participle, a functioning" (p4). I am researching a process (monitoring and evaluation) in different organisations (what Stake may refer to as a function). Can the process of monitoring and evaluation be defined as the 'case' for the purposes of conducting case study research? Or is it more appropriate for me to define the organisational entity (or team within the entity) as the case?
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It is well worth reading this classic nuanced account
Case and Situation Analysis
J. Clyde MitchellF (1983 Research )Article
The current division between those sociologists who prefer to rely on survey techniques and quantitative analysis in the prosecution of their art as against those who prefer to rely on observation and verbal types of analysis has manifested itself over the time in a lively debate in some of the journals about the validity of statistical methods of enquiry on the one hand as against what were called 'case studies'. It is my purpose to establish what these differences are and thereby one hopes to provide guidelines for the use of case studies in social investigation and theory building. The argument that has been advanced here, then, is that case studies of whatever form are a reliable and respectable procedure of social analysis and that much criticism of their reliability and validity has been based on a misconception of the basis upon which the analyst may justifiably extrapolate from an individual case study to the social process in general. My highlighting
and worth looking at
Jason Seawright, Multi-Method Social Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2016
Reflecting the rising popularity of research that combines qualitative and quantitative social science, Multi-Method Social Science provides the first systematic guide to designing multi-method research. It argues that methods can be productively combined using the framework of integrative multi-method research, with one method used to carry out a final causal inference, and methods from other traditions used to test the key assumptions involved in that causal inference. In making this argument, Jason Seawright considers a wide range of statistical tools including regression, matching, and natural experiments. The book also discusses qualitative tools including process tracing, the use of causal process observations, and comparative case study research. Along the way, the text develops over a dozen multi-method designs to test key assumptions about social science causation. Again my highlights.
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
3 answers
......this is say in case of a five year duration project having large number of activities and with an objective of sustainable impact.
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Dear Bidhan,
This is an important question. To gain more insight into the issues around attribution and contribution, you may like to study the following highly cited articles:
- A contribution to current debates in impact evaluation -
- Addressing attribution through contribution analysis: using performance measures sensibly -
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
3 answers
I am working as Monitoring and Evaluation officer. I usually thinking that physicians/ health care provider/ are more focusing on treating the pain with diagnosis and medication. the communication/ spiritual, social and patients view/ perceived treatment is not addressed effectively.
If you have same view or best experience on these view, I am happy if you share me.
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Good question - I may be slightly biased as I was trained as a Psychiatric Nurse... but initially I was a Cardiac Nurse in an ICU..... there were some physicians & nurses who fit the observation you mention... very focused on the "heart" and all its complications... but I was nicely amazed that there were others like myself who were more interested in the person/patient... and who also understood that unless you are able to engage the patient it is very hard to effectively treat the ailment..... so like in many industries there are a variety of personalities with different approaches....
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
1 answer
Content analysis and Narrative analysis can be used at the same time in Monitoring and Evaluation. Discuss this view outlining clear how this can be done???
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Dr. Chikondova,
I have conducted a research on Credibility study of farm information communicated through mass media, where I have applied content analysis and also factor analysis with different credibility parameters. Three papers also I have published on that topic, which are available in my RG ID. I think it may help you.
Content analysis of farm information communicated through selected newspapers.
Content analysis of farm information communicated through selected radio programme.
Credibility study of farm information disseminated through selected newspapers and radio programme: A case study in West Bengal, India.
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
3 answers
Can you provide any examples of public sector and parliamentary reforms monitoring and evaluation systems that have integrated relevant corruption indicators?
What are relevant corruption indicators?
Thank you.
Kind regards
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I am awaiting feedback, Neale.
Mirza Arshad Ali Beg
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
40 answers
In my opinion, Monitoring and Evaluation of Teacher play the predominant important role for the improvement of Education Sector.
We need to determine not only the actual status/ effectiveness of learning but also to support continuous program improvement.
Please share your valuable opinion and experience.
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This will only work if the evaluators are the best teachers from the population being evaluated. However, removing them from the teaching pool to become evaluators will necessarily reduce the overall level of expertise of the pool being evaluated. In addition, since "evaluators" never have policy/decision-making abilities, this approach can only hurt the overall teaching capabilities because recognized shortcomings will never be remediated. Rather, "excellent" will be re-calibrated downwards as a result of the loss of expertise into "evaluators.". By contrast, if the evaluators are failed teachers - the usual situation - they will be unable to recognize true teaching merit, often confusing student affection for a teacher with teacher effectiveness. This kind of system demoralizes and penalizes good teachers, leading them to retire early. The net result is the same in both cases - a net loss of teaching expertise under the guise of "improving teaching." 
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
3 answers
Water quality
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Dear colleague, please find attached reference on article, which was devoted for water quality monitoring and forecasting based on use mathematical model. Best regards!
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
1 answer
It seems there are many program evaluation texts and manuals, but M&E seems to be more idiosyncratic and based on a particular organization (UN, NGO, Private org etc).
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In my program evaluation experience, I find the logic model of program evaluation most appropriate using two modalities: the before and after modality and the with or without modality. Use before and after modality if there is a base line available, if none use with or without..
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
4 answers
I would like to conduct a case study at a human rights organisation in Kenya. This is to assess their M&E system and look at what methods are in use,what challenges they encounter and best practices.
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Hi Lionel Angote,
It is an interesting area. However, your question is not specific enough to give you an exact answer. I hope your requirement is to do an organizational assessment on advocacy. I would like to share IPPF ADVOCACY CAPACITY ASSESSMENT TOOL developed by Chris Stalker on October 4th 2012. Hope this will help. Good Luck. Suchira
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
3 answers
Kindly requesting journal articles or other materials on the above topic
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Dear Alice Abok,
I hope the following references and links are of some help.
Kind regards,
Paul Chaney
Freddy Su Jin, Lee (2013) Hospitality Products and the Consumer Price–Perceived Quality Heuristic: An Empirical Perspective,  Services Marketing Quarterly, Volume 34, Number 3, 1 July 2013, pp. 205-214.
Lugosi, Peter; Lynch, Paul; Morrison, Alison (2009) Critical hospitality management research, The Service Industries Journal, Volume 29, Number 10, 2009, pp. 1465-1478.
Cheung, Catherine; Law, Rob (1998) Hospitality service quality and the role of performance appraisal, Managing Service Quality, Volume 8, Number 6, 1998, pp. 402-406.
Magd, Hesham (2003) Management attitudes and perceptions of older employees in hospitality management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Volume 15, Number 7, 2003, pp. 393-401.
Teare, Richard (1996) Hospitality operations: patterns in management, service improvement and business performance, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Volume 8, Number 7, 1996, pp. 63-74.
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
3 answers
Collection of case studies as a tool for qualitative analysis
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If you could evolve outcome indicators for the programme/project,  and then use these indicators for identifying how many case studies point to changes in which indicators. A case study could point to changes in more than one indicator.  One should do a minimum of 30 case studies, and then do this mapping for statistical significance .  At the end of the exercise one would have an idea of which outcome indicators more respondents report change, and on which no respondents or few ones report change. This can lead to remedial measures.  Unanticipated positive and negatives outcomes may also emerge.  The negatives have to be addressed.  Indicators could be gender, ethnic, regional specific. All the very best- I do think it is a great question  
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
4 answers
There are different ways to monitor and evaluate library services and its management systems but i need a template that captures all library operations and services kinda like an organisation mapping tool.
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
1 answer
Am working on an assignment and want to find out?
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They all fall under the qualitative research domain and emphasize reality and the interpretation of it using observation as the foundation of truth and what is trustworthy
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
9 answers
I am doing a study on monitoring and evaluation system and am trying how the system is designed using a a case study in Kenya. Are there any publications and journals in this area. Kindly share any useful information.
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The assessment tool will depend on your objective but the 12 components framework will good to use considering the system thinking approach principle associated with it.  In addition, the stakeholders engagement which usually lack in most situation is a plus regarding the buy-in of end users.
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
10 answers
We are developing a research project in which the main objective is to assess the different participation dimensions in the projects, in rural areas, regarding the touristic sector. We would like to develop a methodology based on different dimensions of participation and on different process indicators that are going to used for monitoring and evaluation activities. 
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Thank you very much for all these indications. Elena
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
6 answers
I want to know if any methods exists in some countries by which they monitor Non Governmental Organisations such as listing them in terms of which NGO had better impacts like the Stock Exchange does in Financial terms.
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Yes, Impacts of NGOs can be measured by
1. Compare the changes taken place due to intervention with Baseline, if it is community based intervention.
2. NGOs inter -organizational relationship with other Government or NGOs
3. Physical infrastructure facilities developed in operation area vs before their work and after the situation in the areas
4. Sector-wise Stakeholders Organized by NGO
Likewise we can have a framework.
Best are - Before-After comparison; inter-organizational partnership of NGO
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
10 answers
Usually watershed evaluation is done through bio-physical and some socio-economic indicators other than PES. I am interested in how PES can be linked in the monitoring and evaluation of watershed rehabilitation projects.
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We need to remember that it is not PES that determines what ecosystem services might be generated by a watershed, but land use within that watershed. PES is simply one possible instrument we might use to try to affect land use patterns. So we really have two separate questions: PES -> Land use, and Land use -> Services. In general, we know a fair amount about how land uses affect services, even though our knowledge is often not as precise as we would like. So if we understand how PES affects land use, we can have a reasonable understanding of how PES will affect services.
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
2 answers
My project enrolls newborns through a pregnancy and birth surveillance program. Sick neonates are taken to a facility and blood is drawn. This specimen is transported to a laboratory where it is aliquoted and tested for pathogens. The data is then entered into the database. It's a complex study and I know for a fact that there have been very few studies like this. Moreover, most of those studies didn't publish their M&E methods. I am hoping to find articles on M&E activities for similar studies. If not similar, a project with multi-level monitoring and evaluation system may serve my purpose.
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Thanks Mr. Bilal
  • asked a question related to Monitoring and Evaluation
10 answers
Which financial and social performance indicators should be used when assessing the performance of microfinance institutions and why? Conversely, which widely used indicators can be misleading and thus not very appropriate? Who are the most common users of those indicators and for what purposes?
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Widely MFIs can be classified into for-profit and not for profit MFIs which can further be subdivided into different categories depending upon the programmes they operate with. Let us consider them case by case, When we talk about for-profit MFIs, their financial performance indicators can be like; Spread between deposits and loans (rate earned) (though a crude measure), another measure can be as I mentioned above, Average Cost incurred per $1 of loans granted or deposits accepted. We can also calculate for these types of Institutions other profitablity ratios like IRR, Spread/Deposit rate and other similar types of Profitability measures. Likewise we can assess the effectiveness of different programs under 2 different categories (1) Financial effectiveness and (2) Social effectiveness. Financial effectiveness can be assessed through simple financial indicators as mentioned above or other measures as may be fitting the context. And Social effectiveness can be assessed by studying the socio-economic impact (program wise/institution wise) of various programs or institutions as may be required.
Social effectivess can be assessed for the non-profit Institutions in the same way as is done in case of for-profit institutions as discussed above. However very simple Financial indicators are required in case of non-profit instituions. Remember these institutions are meant to further the social purpose rather than being driven by a capitalist driven motive. So in this case the focus remains only on cost-effectiveness rather than profitablity measures.
Yes there can be and there are quite a large number of institutions which is a fusion of the above two categories of MFIs. In this case the performance, both financial and social can be assessed case wise and program-wise rather than on an aggregate basis.
Hope you find this helpful.
Best of Luck