Science topic
Molecular Ecology - Science topic
Molecular ecology is a field of evolutionary biology that is concerned with applying molecular population genetics, molecular phylogenetics, and more recently genomics to traditional ecological questions (e.g., species diagnosis, conservation and assessment of biodiversity, species-area relationships, and many questions in behavioral ecology).
Questions related to Molecular Ecology
To better grasp fundamental evolutionary concepts and models, as well as the past and most recent techniques of sequencing. Ideally freshwater & marine ecosystems are one of the focus.
Thank you for your recommendation!
I'm trying to carry out the Mantel test using Arlequin, has anyone here done it before?
So, we started using silicone sealing mats on our plates for the PCR diagnostics. They seem to fit well and there is no leakage. The problem is, they often tend to pop out during the PCR run, causing all the water to evaporate. We figured that this happens very early, during the initial activation. Any idea why this might happen? Thank you
I have a dataset of 12 nuclear markers. Can I conduct population analysis (AMOVA, Fst) using Arlequin by multilocus sequence nuclear data? How can I prepare the input file?
I've tried several programs (e.g. TreeView, FigTree, MEGA, Archaeopteryx, Mesquite) but they just display node numbers and branch lengths. I'm using the software SYMMETREE to infer diversification rate shifts on particular nodes within a tree. Results refer to "branch numbers" which, according to the manual, can be displayed using MacClade. However, I´m not using a Mac OS platform.
I would like to find a tool (if it exist ...), to predict the porportion of r vs K strategist in samples from a metabarcoding study.
For example, the tool I need (R package or equivalent) could work similarly to functional predictive tools such as Tax4Fun, FAPROTAX or PICRUST, but instead of predicting functions, it investigate ecological strategy such as r vs K as explained by the "r and K selection theory".
Hello People
I am extracting host DNA from fecal samples. However, feces contains lot of microbes and their DNA too gets extracted during DNA extraction procedure.
I want to get rid/minimise the microbial DNA. It is causing a lot of issues in my PCRs (lots of misamplification). Is there an inexpensive method to do so?
Dear colleagues,
Unfortunately, the “Permanent Genetic Resources” of the journal “Molecular Ecology Resources” are not permanent, because the database (http:// no longer exists. The journal editor could not help with that issue, it seems that all the “Permanent Genetic Resources” published in papers of the journal “Molecular Ecology Resources” that have been deposited in this database are lost. This raises questions about the current trend of relying solely on online publications, but that’s a different story.
I am looking for information on the described microsatellites and primers of the species Thais(ella) chocolata from the following publication:
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2010–31 January 2011. Molecular Ecology Resources (2011) 11, 586–589
The microsatellite sequence is published in GenBank, but not the primers.
We have contacted already one of the authors, but we didn’t receive the primer sequences.
My question is, if perhaps someone had retrieved detailed information about the microsats and primers from Thais(ella) chocolata before the database was shut down.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
I am enjoying expanding my molecular tool belt by included SNP markers on a non-model plant species. What I would really like to find out from this group of outstanding scientists is a data analysis package that can handle SNP data. Yes I am aware of a work around for Arlequin, but I would prefer to actually use a program written for SNP data. Suggestions would be helpful.
GenAlEx, Structure, and PolyR have pros and cons (see my Aug 28, 17 answer/update) Danny
I have a dataset of 6 microsats loci from 11 populations of a barnacle. I’d need 100-1000 matrices of pairwise Fst-values, in order to carry out a spatial analysis. Is there any software producing these bootstrapped matrices?
I'm trying to run a scenario with two populations. I think it might have got something to do with the conditions set on the time and Ne parameters, but I'm stuck. Thanks in advance!
N1 N2
0 sample 1
0 sample 2
t1-db varNe 1 N1b
t2 varNe 2 N2
t3-db varNe 2 N2b
t4 merge 1 2
N2>N1b, N2>N1, N1b<=N1, N2b>N2, t4>t2, t4>t3, t4>t1, t3>t2, t2>t1
Something happened during the reftable generation :
Program of thread 'guanacos reference table generation' exited (with return code 1) unsuccessfully.
I will try to save current RNGs' states.
I have saved current RNGs' states into /Users/ana_agapito/Documents/Documentos/ubb/paper MSS/lamaguanicoe2/guanacos_2018_8_3-1/RNG_state_0000.bin
Content of progress file :
I am interested how fast can the cluster membership change. I know it depends on the parental genotypes, but how strong this change could after one or more generations? Im working with Q-values from Structure software on Rousettus aegyptiacus population structure. It would be helpful if anybody could recommend some literature.
I am currently studying hybridization between 2 plant species using dominant genetic markers (ISSR markers), and would like to infer the stages of hybridization (infer with confidence that a certain individual is an F1 hybrid, F2, or backcross). So far the only one I have found is NewHybrids by Anderson and Thompson 2002 ( Does anyone know if there are other softwares that could do a similar job, probably with a different model or inference method?
Is there an application of comparative parallel application of methods used in Ecological PopGen (Ie invasive species).
Can such measures of gene flow, population expansion, AMOVA's, Tajima's D, raggedness etc be applied to Cancer or other diseases. Moving from Ecology into BioMedical Science?
Dear colleagues,
I am interested to see how individual genetic diversity changes in the landscape. My individuals are spread in a large landscape and it doesn't make sense to assign them to populations. There are some ways to calculate individual genetic diversity (see Aparicio et al. in Molecular Ecology (2006) 15, 4659– 4665). Here comes the next problem: my species is tetraploid. Does anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advance,
Here is my question:
I have used several kinds of genetic markers to reconstruct the phylogeographic history of a kind of bats. A geographic relatively isolated population (call it YM population) contained three adjacent phylogeographic clades inference from mtDNA with lowest nucleotide diversity and haplotype diversity in both mtDNA and ncDNA, and firstly isolated from other populations in microsatellite analysis. ncDNA suggested weak geographical pattern of all clades inferred from mtDNA.
I want to figure out the potential origin of YM population, or the possible reasons for low nucleotide diversity and haplotype diversity in both mtDNA and ncDNA. By the way no bottleneck (based on microsatellite) or expansion (based on mtDNA) was detected.
Any suggestion will be appreciated including the question itself.
Does anybody have idea to determine polymorphic bands in a binary matrix (ISSR) and how to calculate the genotypes provided from each locus. I calculated the number of bands which present 0 and 1 in the different isolates and I divided it by the total of bands (I considered the bands that gave 1 for all isolates as monomorphic band) I found 80 % of polymorphism however when I constructed the dendrogramme (BY UPGMA) it show a very similar structure for the majority of isolates with low variability and low valor of boostrap. I can't see the logic of this result. ..Thank you for your help.
Hi everyone,
I would be interested in your opinion about most widely used metrics to assess genetic diversity, particularly when considering markers specific features.
Expected heterozygosity, allelic richness and privates alleles are common in microsatellites-based studies for example. It seems He/Ho and nucleotide diversity are widely used for high-density SNP data, haplotype diversity providing additional information if GBS is used.
However when working with medium density dataset (~100 SNP) without any knowledge about the genome and no sequence data, I feel like classical measures like He or polymorphism rates might be tricky to compare, for example if I want to compare genetic diversity between two geographic regions. I am afraid to be lacking of statistical power, especially when number of individuals in a location is also low;
Would you have any idea/personally recommand a particular approach to this end ? Could you recommand any paper about study of genetic diversity of SNP aside from HTS ?
I thank you very much for your answers and wish you a very nice day :)
Hi all,
I have pooled RAD-seq data (multiple individuals sequenced in a single library prep) and I am interested in haplotype frequencies.
Reads have been mapped to a de novo reference and I have a BAM file for each population.
It seems reasonable to assume that haplotypes frequencies could be called from BAM files in a manner analogous to determining allele frequencies in sequenced pools; e.g. counts of different haplotypes in the sample.
However, I cannot seem to find any good software specifically designed to deal with pooled RAD data. GATK and HaploPool, for example, are extremely limited by ploidy size. Collen Beck's rad_haplotyper ( is nice to use and good for RAD data but assumes individuals as the sequenced unit; at most it would only provide information about which populations are likely fixed for particular haplotypes.
Does anyone have good recommendations?
~ Josh
After the following two articles, I got confused and am trying to figure out whether the method of DNA barcoding gap to identify species is suitable or not. How should i treat this method?
Srivathsan, A., & Meier, R. (2012). On the inappropriate use of Kimura‐2‐parameter (K2P) divergences in the DNA‐barcoding literature. Cladistics, 28(2), 190-194. DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2011.00370.x
Klemen Candek and Matjaz Kuntner. (2015). DNA barcoding gap: reliable species identification over morphological and geographical scales. Molecular Ecology Resources (2015) 15, 268–277. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12304
I am investigating hybrids between two plant species. The parent of one has a strong sulphurous smell, and this is passed onto the hybrids.
We are looking at the morphological and genetic differences, but it would be great to also see the chemical differences.
Can an HPLC analysis be used to quantify the sulphurous compound across samples? (We have an HPLC machine in the department, but I have never used and this would be a new use for it so the technicians are unsure). If yes, any suggestions or pointing to relevant literature or methods descriptions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
Thank you for your help with this.
I'm using Bayenve2 to identify loci under selection across a climate gradient
What you get with bayenve2 is quite a large number of false positives, where the high BF loci can be due to reasons such as a single population having an extreme value and genotype, thus the GxE correlation is created by a single population rather than correlation over a consistent climatic gradient.
It seems potentially that one needs to visualise the data for each putative loci under selection to review whether it is due to a single population or the required allele fluctuations over a climate gradient.
Given that Bayenve2 internally calculates the degree of allelic frequency due to environmental cause, over demographic history, is there anyway to extract and just visually plot the corrected allele frequencies due to environmental affects cross populations to show the potential linear correlation between allele fluctuations and for example temperature?
Currently, I'm trying to make plant phylogeny reconstruction using Bayesian inference and have a need in applying two different evolutionary models for different parts of sequences in one sampling because they have a secondary structure with paired and unpaired regions (ssRNA and dsRNA) which has an influence on nucleotide substitution frequency. I want to take into account such impacts. Is it possible to calculate Bayesian inference for phylogenetic purposes using two different evolutionary models with different parameters for different parts of one sampling of sequences simultaneously?
Thank you in advance.
I wonder whether substitution saturation can influence only the results of phylogeny reconstruction, or whether it can also influence results of DNA-based species delimitation and/or DNA barcoding. Does anyone know? Or what is your opinion? I will appreciate any contribution on the topic.
I would like to try the trypan blue to stain dead organisms. However, I tried to prepare the stock solution of trypan blue at 0.4% with a powder of trypan blue, and PBS, and even if I filtrated the solution, it precipitated. I don't understand why. Does someone have a good protocol to prepare a solution of trypan blue, and who do you use it to stain dead organisms?
I am having trouble finding non-coding cpDNA regions that will provide enough variation and clean reads for for phylogentic analysis. As a result I only have three D4 introns to use. Usually I would have some intergenic spacers or introns from other areas of the chloroplast genome as well.
Is it viable to combine and analyse sequences from the D4 set alone? Or does that result in a high risk for some sort of evolutionary linkage due to their close proximity to one another?
Trying to get Powerstats version 1.2 (Promega Corp.) software, but is is not available. how can I get the software to calculate power of discrimination (PD) and a prior exclusion chance? The STR population genetic statistics can not be calculated with other way.
I am trying to see whether my data from 45 stands of pedunculate oak (Σ=1120 individuals) are structured. Using STRUCTURE and BAPS, I could not get any strong evidence about genetic structure (maybe only some vague hints; see previous question).
After recommendations of you, I carried out a DPCA (discriminant analysis of principal components using the adegenet package in R). The BIC vs. K diagram suggests K=7, although it's suspicious how small differences in BIC among different values of K are. The scatterplot looks nice and suggests subdivision, I think, although overlapping is also present. On the other hand, a bar plot of membership proportion does not reveal any recognizable pattern. All seven clusters are more or less equally represented in each population.
Here is a link with diagrams (membership proportion is shown only in one example population, but others look similarly):
I'm not experienced in this method. Can anyone have a look and tell me her/his opinion whether (1) the method indeed suggests genetic structure, (2) whether also other K values should be used.
By the way, I followed the instructions from the manual to decide about the number of principal components used: 500 for "find.clusters" and 200 for "dapc", "to avoid over fitting".
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hey lab folks, for PCR do you prefer disposable (plastic or metal, one time use like or reusable (usually silicone, washable and autoclavable like type plate sealers? Which would reduce contamination the most? I will be doing microsatellites for the most part.
I have used STRUCTURE and BIMR to describe population structure and migration rates. But, now I want to identify individual migrants within these sampled populations.
Warm Greetings, Fellow Researchers!
I am currently doing research on ocean acidification and its effects on corals in the Philippines. I would like to determine coral colonies resilient to ocean acidification for the purpose of developing appropriate and efficient restoration techniques. I am currently looking into molecular markers that may serve as basis for stress response and in turn resilience, of the coral colonies. I am currently thinking of microsatellite genotyping. Would this be the best approach? Thank you!
What is the nature of inserts between the forward and reverse priming sites? What will be the properties?
If it is , then can anyone mention an example in plants?
Even though we had an expected product size in SSR amplification sometimes more number of bands are visible in agarose gel electrophoresis;How can we avoid this?
I am working on molecular phylogeny in the order level. When I am extracting the sequences from NCBI Genebank, I found there are lot sequences marked as unverified. For concratenation of multiple genes, there are some sequences are missing or unverified in some species. May i take those for my phylogenetic analysis? Are there any problems in those sequences?
If there is no problem, then why those unverified sequences are present in NCBI Genebank??
I am working on conservation genetics of some alpine medicinal plants. I have used some dominant markers and co-dominant markers. I am unable to construct network tree by using Splitstree.
Can anybody please help me to construct the input matrix for "Splitstree" or "Neighbournet" using binary data matrix (1,0).
Which are the best PCR primers for Citochrome Oxidase I gene (COI) specie identification of mammals ? and birds?
Thanks in advance
I am looking for rates to calibrate my analyses, but have not found any so far. Does anyone know of any research done in this area? There appears to be plenty on mtDNA markers, microsatellites and some nuclear genes, but none on neutral nuclear markers. Any help would be much appreciated!
I am trying to get a dendrogram from microsatellite data. I am comparing among individuals, not populations. I got a dendrogram from MEGA, by using a genetic distance matriz generated in GENALEX but i am wondering if si possible to get a dendrogram with boostrap numbers. Thanks in advance!
I found this interesting paper that reports the relative water content (RWC) in the leaves of 13 woody species (between 77 and 91% of water).
But what about the rest of the tree. Of course I am not expecting an absolute answer as this would vary with species, age, season, health etc. But is there any study that has measured water content in whole trees?
Neutral markers provide insight into levels of variation but do not take into account selective environmental pressures of a species and therefore do not provide information in an evolutionary context as would the use of non-neutral markers.
Is there any key significance or insight in using a neutral and non-neutral marker in conjunction for a population genetic study?
Can biochemical tests define microorganisms upto species level? Which manuals/ identification keys are used for identifying bacteria and fungus?
Our lab uses ddRAD (a variant from the family of RAD-seq methods) for simultaneous SNP detection and genotyping. To find homologous loci across multiple individuals, we first cluster reads within an individual, based on some identity threshold (e.g. 90% similarity = same locus), and then do the same among all individuals in order to build a catalog of homologous sites across all individuals, again using some identity threshold. We do this using the program Vsearch (a centroid-clustering algorithm) as implemented by the pipeline pyRAD, but other popular RAD-seq assembling pipelines use a similar methodology (e.g. STACKS).
My question is: How do we determine the "optimum" identity threshold for clustering? The issue is that if we have a threshold which is too strict, we erroneously split loci, but if our threshold is too relaxed we over-merge loci (for example clumping paralogs together).
We have put some thought into this in our lab by looking at the relationship between various descriptors of our dataset and varying clustering thresholds (e.g. within-cluster genetic distance, number of parsimonious informative sites, number of loci failing paralog detection filtering, etc) but I am still having difficulty coming up with a logic for choosing a threshold.
And of course this could also be done by considering the phylogenetic context- e.g. using timescale and mutation rate to predict average genetic distance within a locus, but this involves making a priori assumptions.
NMDS or PCA are usually employed for visualization of a (complex) beta diversity matrix. However, PCA try to maximize variation in several "ORTHOGONAL" axes (they should be independent between them).
When a factor has several groups, PCO (e.g. samples from 17 different environments) is not able to separate into the same number of clusters (even when statistics have a strong effect and high correlation).
Is there a way to visualize those complex data? Residuals? Discriminant Analyses?
Hi everyone. I'm a sensory ecologist and I'm starting to get interested in ultraviolet light (also polarized light). I understand that birds and some insets (e.g. moths and butterflies) can sexually advertise in ultraviolet wavelengths. Still, there are so many diverse taxa of animals that can see UV that it seems like there have to be some more diverse uses for it other than prey identification and sexual advertising. I'm looking to create a bit of library of things that are strong reflectors of UV light and I'd really appreciate any you can contribute as mentions or more detailed references. Thanks so much.
When it's running it looks all good, like I'm going to get good sequence. Then it just puts out this small file that only contains the RAW data and I'm not able to perform base calling on it. I think it is related to the sample name because all the ones that fail have the same beginning in their sample name; "BPI". That said, these sample have worked before no problem, so I am unsure what has changed. I've had trouble with the sample sheets before, they weren't loading properly because of something my computer does to them. Now I just copy paste the sample names into a sheet on another computer. This happens on both our 3130 and 3730. Has anyone else seen this before? Thanks so much for your time!
Here's a link to some examples
In the research paper I am reading, they used ND3 gene and cyt-b gene to be markers for studying bird populations but used COI gene for parasitic insects, so I was wondering what the criteria for choosing the markers are.
I work on an ancient protein family that exists in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes and my interest is in elucidating its deeper branches. When I pull down the data from NCBI I get about 6000 sequences. If I use an algorithm to help me cluster similar proteins (e.g. 80% similar) it gets reduced, and if I do my clustering with 50% similarity I get about 550.
The question is, in your experience, which one would you choose:
- use the smaller dataset (or even smaller) and do the most sophisticated, yet computationally intensive, analyses you can hoping that if there is a signal, these analyses would pick it up and thus the deeper branches get better support.
- use a lot of data and hope that then the intermediate evolutionary steps could be inferred more easily and the deeper branches get more support?
Hi all,
I have no experience with CARD-FISH. But right now I suffered a lot from the autofluorescence of the sponges symbionts, which I tried to target. The autofluorescence was strong and universal. What's worse, the de-fluorescence methods didn't work well. So I am thinking about CARD-FISH.
My samples were collected in June 2013. Some of them were immediately fixed by 4% paraformaldehyde while some of them were fixed by RNA later. All samples were restored under -20/80 centigrade. From my own opinion, none of these samples should be used for CRAD-FISH now.
Any input is welcome.
Cheers! Fang
Can anyone share how to study or anlyze the crossability barriers in wide hybridization crosses please?
Any vegetable crop...thank you
The genus Cebuella in Colombia has been replaced to Callitrix and i have not found the right explanation.
I cannot understand why the taxonomist consider the genus Cebuella in Colombia as Callitrix nowdays... I have been told there is a mollecular evidence somewhere.. i am not sure whether it is Tagliaro et al. 2000.
Many thanks in advance.
The tissue of the non-fleshy corals such as Acroporidae, and Pocilloporidae family contains much skeletons than the tissues. I had been saw my colleagues working on coral histology and they use 7-10% formic acid to decalcify the skeletons to get the tissue to make histological slide, but is it also safe for preserving genetic materials on corals? If it's not safe, how could I harvest large amount of coral tissue for genetic analyses from non-fleshy corals?
When dealing with molecular dating, ones referring to a reference time based on fossil records. How feasible/comparable can these data be applied to study the evolution of a particular genus when we can assessed to some of the widely used genetic markers, e.g., ribosomal DNA (28S or LSU, 18S or SSU), nuclear encoded gene (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), mitochondrial DNA (cox1) and plastid gene (RUBISCO or rbcL)?
Since each of the gene markers evolve independently with different evolutionary rate, would the calibration be optimal based on only one gene tree? Which gene marker is more preferable and what kind of criteria should we follow? Should we combine the gene trees follow by the calibration? Or, concatenate the sequence data of all the available gene markers, generate a tree, only then calibration?
After some difficulties, working around security features, I have managed to download and install the source code. Now I am having difficulty getting it to read my data. I get the error "Cannot open data file "<filename>"
If it is being used by another application, close it first, then press RETURN
Otherwise enter a new name for the data file
Press ctrl+c if you wish to stop the program now:
Has anyone else had this problem? Did you manage to solve it?
Unlike Trachelomonas superba, which is furnished with spines all throughout this one have spines on two sides only.
Thanks in advance.!
Hi all. I'm not an evolutionary expert. I want to test if there is any evolutionary relationship between three enzyme families (two of them are known and the other is the one that I'm interesting in). When I make a quick phylogenetic analysis, the two known families group separately, and main group with one of them. The point is that I think that maybe there's a relation between all of them. How can I test that? I think an outer group should be the best way; but I don't know how to choose the correct one. Any suggestions?
I am working with RAD-sequences and trying to build phylogeny of the genus, but I realized that usual tree-building methods are not made for complex reticulated history. In contrary, such methods like Bayesian clustering in Structure, DAPC in adegenet or Patterson D-statistics do not reconstruct phylogeny and/or can estimate introgression in the the known hybrid zones/hybridizing pairs of taxa.
Hey everyone.
Has anyone read the Mol Ecol paper by Ferretti et al. 2013: Population genomics from pool sequencing? Specifically, has anyone tried to use their calculation of Fst from estimated nucleotide diversity?
For some reason, what ever I do I keep getting an Fst of zero -- even for very simple data with only two populations and very different nucleotide diversities. I have attached the equations, a description of the parameters, and my calculations to this question.
It could be that I have misread something important, or my order of operations in the summations is wrong.
For pooled data, being able to use nucleotide diversity to calculate Fst would be such a huge advantage to any study. Can anyone see what I have done wrong?
Hi everyone. I've been looking for a software in which I can simulate hybrid crosses between potential parental genotypes. I've found that HybridLab software (Molecular Ecology Notes (2006) 6, 971–973 doi: 10.1111/j.1471-8286.2006.01433.x) could be useful. However the link provided by the authors seems to be broken. Does anyone know where should i go to download this software? Is there any other software I could use?
Any help will be appreciated :)
The internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) is amplifying and sequencing beautifully on the stock DNA extraction from my target plant species (member of the Fabaceae).
But none of the chloroplast regions I use amplify. I have used stock, -1 (i.e. 10^-1), -2 and -3 dilutions. Positives from other species amplify - so not a PCR protocol or primer problem.
The only thing I can think of is that there is a large disparity between the chloroplast and nuclear DNA amounts. My feeling is that there should be more chloroplast copies than nuclear, but surely the -3 dilution should be sufficient?
My concern is that there may be too few cpDNA copies relative to the nDNA and that I should be using more stock (I am using a new extraction kit on a new target species).
(Just a note - I have no access to a Nanodrop, and the Qubit is out of operation at present).
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hello every body
I am working in a project involving screening of spiny lobster using 100 microsatellite groped into multiplexes.. During my research, I faced some markers that succeed in some samples but not amplified in others. I am sure it is not due to experimental mistakes since I manage my protocol to be uniform with all samples.. I repeat it several time with same observations. I sequenced the amplified PCR products and Blast it. I found some similarity with part of the mRNA in other species.. I found some literature giving reasons of this phenomena in cross species amplification. But my observation is in the same species from the same geographical area.
I am working on re-designing 96 barcode adapters for RAD-seq (or GBS or genotyping-by-sequencing or ddRAD or whatever you prefer to call it) for our lab. I would think that adapters that would work for a PstI overhang would also work for an NsiI overhang, since the overhang is the same. However, I have noticed that the conventional wisdom is not to recreate the restriction cut site, which is why none of the standard barcode sets for PstI end in a C. By that logic, if I was going to use the barcodes for NsiI I would not want any barcodes to end in an A either. But if I heat-inactivate the NsiI before the ligation step, why does it matter if the ligation re-creates the cut site? Is there a bioinformatics problem, or is it just the wet lab problem of residual restriction enzyme un-doing the ligation?
I am looking for fresh samples of serpulid genus Hydroides fixed in ethanol. I have this unique opportunity to sequence all Hydroides we can get to compile a barcoding database for this important fouling and invasive marine taxon. As an incentive, I can offer a co-authorship (depending on the amount of the material) or can send thee very early version of the "Hydroides of the World" book fully illustrated by original photos.
Does anyone know of any papers that discuss problems associated with a lack of source populations when attempting to correctly quantify introgression with programs such as STRUCTURE, BAPS or Flock? I'm working on a simulation study that suggests that without both source populations admixture levels are falsely low (if run only with one parental) or falsely high (if run with one parental and a different source pop as a "surrogate"). Trying to wrap my head around this, and wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem. Also wondering if anyone has shown STRUCTURE's inability to correctly quantify ancestry in this scenario in the past. Thanks!
What is the interpretation of Mendelbrot model in vegetation data, when I use the function "radfit" in Vegan, part of my data has Mendelbrot model? And I can't find a good article that describes the interpretation of this model.
It can be a naive question, but... If a historical expansion event happens, which is evident in mtDNA sequences, is it possible that expansion might have obscured signals from a past divergence event? If so, should we see this obscuring effect in both nuclear and mtDNA markers to the same extent? Or do demographic changes affect mtDNA more dramatically compared to nuclear DNA because mtDNA has a smaller effective population size? More specifically, is it possible that nuDNA maintains the signal from past divergence event whereas mtDNA loses it after a population expansion event?
Thank you.
I would like to select a molecular marker to compare about 100 strains of Trichoderma harzianum. I think these isolates be too similar, so an appropriate maker need to differentiate them.
I'm working with mtDNA control region in parrots and have been trying to understand exactly how to identify or check sequence data for numts? So far I've found suggestions to check sequence data against others possibly published/genbank, and to use diluted DNA, but I wonder if there are anymore suggestions out there? Many thanks everyone.
I have a dataset of COI sequences and I'd like to obtain Bayesian Skyline Plots (BSPs) with BEAST for my populations. I made 5 replicates runs obtaining 5 .log and 5 .trees files. I used LogCombiner 2.2.0 to obtain single .log and .trees files from the 5 replicates, in order to construct the BSPs with Tracer. LogCombiner was able to construct a combo file for trees, but it did not for .log files. The program stops without producing any file and without giving any error message. Actually it made nothing....! Any suggestion or hint?
Using admixture model as is, we have enough strong signal for some individuals from each locality and weak signal for others. And we want to use admixture-locprior algorithm to test may these individuals belong to known populations, too, or they may originate from additional populations located outside of the all locations in studied area.
Thank you.
A referee asks me to do an haplotype network for concatenated sequences of two gene fragments from coding and non-coding regions (control region and cytochrome b). However, I think that it's better to keep as separate haplotype networks. He argues it can be done in NETWORK 4.6 but I think that to concatenate means the construction of "chimeric" mtDNA haplotypes.
I cloned amplified 16srRNA gene obtained from metagenomic DNA in a TA cloning vector (pdrive Qiagen). Clones were obtained but some of the clones have insert size of about 1kb instead of 1.5kb. Is this result of getting insert size of 1kb possible?
I was thinking of creating a workflow for the analysis on CLC Bio
I'm studying the population genetics of an intestinal nematode (raccoon roundworm) using microsatellites. An analysis using GenePop shows significant LD in 20 out of 28 possible comparisons between loci (!). Is this a reflection of how highly partitioned the worm populations are between hosts, or an indication that the loci are somehow problematic vis-a-vis making population genetic inferences?
More broadly, what does finding (or not finding) LD tell us in the context of a PopGen analysis? Seems like checking for LD is almost a ritual feature in the MM of articles, but I'm unclear on its purpose. As a newcomer to the field, any insights would be welcomed. --Thanks