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Molecular Dynamics - Science topic

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Questions related to Molecular Dynamics
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
5 answers
I have an rtx 2060 with 2000 cuda cores that can complete a 100ns simulation within 40 hours. Need to know how long will it take in a 1660 card.
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In my only CPU system, 97834 atoms (100ns), it took 43 hours in total.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
Can anyone suggest free and easy-handling AI-assisted software or web servers for protein-ligand molecular docking and molecular dynamics? f
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For Docking, MzDock and LightDock
For Simulations, MDsrv and MDWeb
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
While performing Molecular Dynamics we do a pre-defined set of analysis, which is becoming norm & somehow saturated, therefore, which are some advanced steps we can perform to go ahead that one mile extra from available research viewpoints?
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You can try Supervised Molecular Dynamics (SuMD)
(SuMD enables the investigation of ligand–receptor binding events independently from the starting position, chemical structure of the ligand (small molecules or peptides), and also from its receptor-binding affinity.)
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I've seen a lot of articles, where people calculate free Gibbs energy of system using several methods in some sense undirect methods, but I've never seen it is being calculated using its definition:
Imagine a big MD system at its equilibrium in a box with periodic boundary conditions. Now consider a smaller sub-box with walls transparent for particles (atoms), where are k particles right now. Suppose we know each particle's position *r\_i*, velocity *v\_i*, potential energy *\\pi\_i*, force acting on it *f\_i* and the sub-system's temperature *T*. And, mainly, we know per-atom enthropy *s\_i*. Can then the sub-system's free Gibbs energy be calculated as
U_k=\frac{m}{2}\sum{i=1}{k}v_i^2 + \sum_{i=1}{k}\pi_i
(pV)_k=kT_k-\frac{1}{3}\sum{i=1}^k r_i\cdot f_i
S_k=\sum_{i=1}^k s_i
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Even though it may not look like that to you, the calculations are actually based on the definition.
Now, about your proposed formulae: while in coarse, semiclassical approximation the internal energy could sort of be calculated in the proposed one-particle manner, in reality it is quantum mechanical and you can no longer simply break it down like that.
The entropy is an even bigger fish here: it cannot be divided into "one-particle contributions" like that, it has to be calculated via a partition function or something equivalent according to the quasi ergodic hypothesis (mean value over time = ensemble mean value).
Once you start calculating a partition function (or an equivalent) for the entropy, you get the internal energy "on the fly", so it makes no sense to use coarse approximations here, anyway.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I am using material studio to model hydration of cement molecule. I have added different unit cells of clinker and water molecules in Amorphous Cell Calculations. Performed Forcite Geometry Optimization using Dreidring FF once using SMART algo and another time using only steepest decent followed by congugate gradient . Afterward, did equilibration run using NPT and formation using NVT, both for 500ps. When I run powder reflex it always shows the following pattern. I even carried out simulations upto 2000ps but of no avail.
Then I did equilibration using NVT and formation by NPT, even then the XRD pattern doesn't change. Please tell me what is wrong with my model?
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I am not familiar with your simulations;
but, nevertheless, I have the impression that there might be something wrong with your '2theta' axis...
You have a lot of peaks at the beginning of the pattern.
Perhaps you have a wrong wavelength number in use ('Angstrom' wrongly interchanged with 'nm' or vice versa) or wrong angular scale
Please check that...
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
5 answers
I have been trying to run a protein-ligand simulation. I am trying to get through the energy minimization step of the processes, the program gives me the following:
Fatal error:
There are inconsistent shifts over periodic boundaries in a molecule type
consisting of 32 atoms. The longest distance involved in such interactions is
8.463 nm which is above half the box length. Either you have excessively large
distances between atoms in bonded interactions or your system is exploding
I understand that I should somehow decrease the distance, but I am not sure which file would allow me to do this. I am wondering if maybe the em.mdp file is the problem. I used the sample file on the website:
title = Minimization ; Title of run
; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
integrator = steep ; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent minimization)
emtol = 1000.0 ; Stop minimization when the maximum force < 10.0 kJ/mol
emstep = 0.01 ; Energy step size
nsteps = 50000 ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to perform
; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to calculate the interactions
nstlist = 1 ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces
cutoff-scheme = Verlet
ns_type = grid ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid)
rlist = 1.2 ; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short range forces)
coulombtype = PME ; Treatment of long range electrostatic interactions
rcoulomb = 1.2 ; long range electrostatic cut-off
vdwtype = cutoff
vdw-modifier = force-switch
rvdw-switch = 1.0
rvdw = 1.2 ; long range Van der Waals cut-off
pbc = xyz ; Periodic Boundary Conditions
DispCorr = no
Will someone please advise how I can fix this issue?
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Hello Syeda M Rizvi,
I wish you are doing well. I am dealing with MD Simulation and facing the same problem as you did. I wonder how did you solve this problem?
Thank you so much for your reply.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I am new to LAMMPS and want to calculate the elastic constants of Ar at 60K and 1bar by explicit deformation of 0.01 strain to mimic work done in a research paper, I have written the code the results aren't look good can someone please help me. Link to the article:
My LAMMPS code is attached as file here. Please help me
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  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I would like to perform molecular dynamics analyses using OpenMM. Does anyone have a well-explained tutorial?
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
I want to do this by Gromacs Software
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Thank you for your response
I am still getting fatal error MG301--GDP302 do not have consistent type.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
Could anyone suggested molecular dynamic analysis free software tools name and link?
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Use GROMACS for the same
For plotting graphs n analysis you can use QTgrace.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
I have a system with an i9 14900K, 64GB RAM, and RTX 4060. Is my system able to run molecular dynamic simulations via Desmond?
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if you have more funding, go for RTX 4090.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I hope that my question is not too obvious but I can't find a satisfying answer. I'm studying a very simple box of 8000 Argon atoms in a Lennard-Jones potential. I want to study many different samples to then average over them. I was thinking of using one equilibration of the system (NVT) and then running it for some time, and using this as my second equilibrated system. My question is: how long should I run the equilibration again for them to be decorrelated in time ? I was thinking 50ps, but I would like something optimal. Thank you for your answers.
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Thank you :) I did that, and it helped me!
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I am trying to run MD calculations with an RNA aptamer in Amber. The first step (detachement of hydrogens) occurs fine:
pdb4amber -y -i 7kd1.pdb -o apt-nh.pdb
However, this command gives the message:
"The following residues had alternate locations: U_21"
Than, I go with a command @tleap -f leaprc.RNA.OL3@ which works fine.
Than I print:
rec=loadpdb apt-nh.pdb
which results in:
Created a new atom named: P within residue: .R<G5 1>
Created a new atom named: OP1 within residue: .R<G5 1>
Created a new atom named: OP2 within residue: .R<G5 1>
Created a new atom named: OP3 within residue: .R<G5 1>
total atoms in file: 1914
Leap added 961 missing atoms according to residue templates:
961 H / lone pairs
The file contained 4 atoms not in residue templates
I type:
set default PBRadii mbondi2
Finally, I try to generate a topology file "saveamberparm rec apt.prmtop apt.inpcrd", which results in:
Warning: The unperturbed charge of the unit (-88.000000) is not zero.
FATAL: Atom .R<G5 1>.A<P 33> does not have a type.
FATAL: Atom .R<G5 1>.A<OP1 34> does not have a type.
FATAL: Atom .R<G5 1>.A<OP2 35> does not have a type.
FATAL: Atom .R<G5 1>.A<OP3 36> does not have a type.
Error: Failed to generate parameters
Warning: Parameter file was not saved.
However, when I look through the pdb file I cannot see abnormalities or missing atom types. So what is wrong with my pdb file (attached)?
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What helped me is to manually delete atoms added by Amber from comp.pdb file produced at the following step:
complex=combine {rec lig}
savepdb complex comp.pdb
The issue is now corrected, everything works fine.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
6 answers
I know it depends on a system size, number of particles, time step, force field etc. Nevertheless, I need the exact maximum simulation time ever achieved for my slides.
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Half a hour I experienced before (alomst 1000, molecular weigh), but this number shouldn't be the longest one.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Dear MD users,
If we consider a simulation box consisting of water and other things (polymer or CNT, for example), how can we determine whether the water molecule is in the gas or liquid phase? Is there any specific analysis in molecular dynamics?
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Thank you very much for your answer.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
5 answers
Looking for potential collaborators for molecular dynamics related work for some manuscripts. Authorship and credits will be given, Please let us know
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Hello, Gayatri Madhukar Jejurkar Dr. Gayatri despite trying to reach you through your mail, I am unable to contact you or send any message to you. Please reach me
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
Dear researchers,
I want to calculate the diffusion coefficient and MSD of water in MFI zeolite using molecular dynamics simulation. I chose two different Pristine MFI supercells, similar in number of atoms and number of unit cells but different in dimension (I mean, one of them is a bit larger in one direction but smaller in other directions). The number of unit cells is equal, as is the number of water molecules. Why is the diffusion coefficient different in these systems?
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Thanks for your reply.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
i have a tetramer protein with one calcium ion bound to each monomer. I have started the production run without any restraint at first, however, the ions left their binding site. So i added a restraint during the two equilibration stages but the same thing happened in the production run. So i was thinking about adding restraint on the ions during the production run. Is it correct to do so?
the ions are not present in the active site, but it was determined experimentally that the ions are important for the function of the protein.
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How have you modelled the metal ions bonded with protein for simulation?
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
8 answers
I've done molecular docking experiments with both AutoDock Vina and AutoDock. Now I'm interested in running molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the interactions between the docked ligands and their target proteins. Could you kindly suggest a suitable software for this task?
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Several free software packages are available for Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, each with different features and capabilities.
  • Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Description: GROMACS is one of the most widely used MD packages due to its high performance, especially for simulations of biomolecules. It is open-source and includes a wide range of tools for pre- and post-processing of simulation data.
  • Website: GROMACS
  • Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Description: LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) is highly flexible and scalable, suitable for simulating a wide variety of materials and systems. It supports parallel computing and can handle large-scale systems.
  • Website: LAMMPS
  • Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Description: NAMD is designed for high-performance simulations of large biomolecular systems. It is known for its efficiency in parallel computing environments and is often used in conjunction with the visualization tool VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics).
  • Website: NAMD
4. AMBER (AmberTools)
  • Platform: Linux, macOS
  • Description: AmberTools is a suite of programs for preparing input files, analyzing simulations, and performing various other tasks related to MD. It includes a free version of the sander module for small-scale MD simulations.
  • Website: AMBER
5. OpenMM
  • Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Description: OpenMM is a flexible library for MD simulations that can be used as a stand-alone application or as a library to add MD capabilities to other software. It’s particularly optimized for running on GPUs.
  • Website: OpenMM
6. HOOMD-blue
  • Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows
  • Description: HOOMD-blue is designed for executing particle-based simulations on GPUs. It is efficient for systems with complex interactions and is widely used in soft matter research.
  • Website: HOOMD-blue
7. CP2K
  • Platform: Linux, macOS
  • Description: CP2K is a program to perform molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry, and solid-state physics simulations. It is suitable for a wide range of simulations, including classical MD, ab-initio MD, and hybrid methods.
  • Website: CP2K
These tools cover a broad range of MD applications, from biomolecular simulations to materials science.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
I am using a windows system, what software I should use for hydration shell analysis with molecular dynamics?
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Aashish Bhatt , thank you for your response. I will certainly try this software and method.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I am trying to insert cholesterol inside the DPPC membrane by using gmx insert_molecules -replace. But number of DPPC molecules replaced is much higher than the number of cholesterol inserted? Please suggest me a way to build the system by replacing desired number of DPPC.
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  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
If I want to calculate molecular dynamics (Gromacs), do I first need to optimize the geometry of the molecule? For example, I first draw the molecule in Avogadro, and then what? I guess I can't run the molecular dynamics calculation right away? Then should I do the geometry optimization first with, for example, Orca?
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Thats right ,Its not related to the preparation of the molecule.
its meant for your gromacs MD ,you will use the coordinate of the prepared molecule and add its force field ,angles ..ect
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
I want to study the thermal properties of a mixed system which is constructed by virtual crystal approximation in VASP. When I try to run the ab initio Molecular Dynamics of this system in VASP, I found that there would be either nearly infinite Temperature (kinetic energy as well) or large ERROR output. So I am wondering if the system with VCA could be used to run the AIMD via vasp or any other packages?
Look forward your advice and thanks a lot!
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If you are doing MD simulations, you are already probably using a supercell large enough to allow you to distribute atoms randomly or quasi-randomly over the shared sites, getting a better representation of the disordered system. VCA only makes sense, if it does at all, to force a small-cell calculation for a disordered system. For MD simulations, use an SQS supercell (this places the atoms in a way that mimicks the distribution functions of a truly disordered system). O, if you supercell is very large, just assign random occupations.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
8 answers
I work with peptide-bilayer interactions and I have tried a few strategies to observe the partitioning and folding of peptides, however without good results. If the problem is sampling, Replica Exchange MD has been suggested as a option for improving the sampling, but with precaution of the results. If the problem is time, I have worked with CG to study peptide-bilayer for a few microseconds, but or the FF have problems with helix formation or I should let it running for milliseconds, which is impratical.
Comments in this topic from people who work with these models could be enlightening for me.
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You can include this video and the references therein:
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
Hello every one, I am using Charm-gui for molecular dynamics While i am uploading the protein complex in solution builder "Error parsing HETAT, expected chain ID at column 22, but got '': HETATM 1 C. Please help me to troubleshoot. Thank you
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Once uoy have changed the name of N instaed of HETATM, how did you visualise the simulation part in VMD
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I want to calculate τ-Random Acceleration Molecular Dynamics (τ-RAMD) Simulation using NAMD/VMD software? Kindly provide input parameters that are essential to run these simulation. I will be very grateful.
kind regards.
Afsheen Saba (Ph.D. scholar).
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Thank you for sharing..
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I want to calculate this threshold displacement energies using ab-initio molecular dynamics implemented in vasp . But I don't know to do ? Anyone can teach me?
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Same Question
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
Can i perform molecular dynamics for ligand only in protein-ligand complex ?
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Thank you sir. You are lifesaver. Thank you so much sir.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Dear experts,
I am new to molecular dynamics and can run simulations on small Liquid crystal systems using GAFF in GROMCS. I wanted to use the GAFF-LCFF forcefield ( ) but I have no idea how to proceed.
My main target was to compare experimentally obtained data with simulation to explain the results and the underlying mechanisms.
Can anyone please help me? Even a small hint or link to tutorials/examples will be very helpful.
with regards
Akhileshwar Prasad
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Thank you Edward Francisco Méndez Otálvaro . I will certainly try this.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I am trying to run geometry optimization and MD for Li3Sb strucutre but GFN2-xTB doesn't converge. I tweaked max iterations, fmax, scf accuracy and mixer damping etc. values as much as possible but no success at all. Same parameters work for GFN1-xTB.
I am using TBLite with ASE. Tried BFGS and FIRE optimizers until now.
Using Langevin for MD calculation.
Is it possible to somehow make it work?
You can see the .xyz file attached.
Here are the parameters which work for GFN1-xTB:
--method GFN1-xTB --task opt --structure data/ \ --pbc --cell 13.118 13.118 13.118 --fmax 0.15 --steps 5000 \ --maxstep 0.05 --mixer_damping 1 --scf_accuracy 1 --max_iterations 5000 \ --optimizer FIRE --verbosity 1 \ # --charge 0 --multiplicity 1 \
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I also have had problems with XTB, in my case, for calculations with Ti atoms. The structure would converge for unrealistic bond lenghts that would render the optimization impossible (something already known in the community for early transition metals). I don't know if there are similar problems for Li and Sb, but it might be possible.
I had more success using semi-empirical methods based on the Neglect of diatomic differential overlap (NDDO) for systems were DFT or Post-HF were not options.
Hope it helps.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I have been running steered molecular simulation with NAMD, but in the middle of my simulation it has stopped and i have restarted from specific steps which had stopped. Finally i have two parts of files like dcd, log and etc. Could you help me how can i merge them for forward analyze?
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Try doing with catdcd in namd
catdcd -o eq_all.dcd eq01.dcd eq02.dcd eq03.dcd
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Hello, I have a question about molecular dynamics and I wi be appreciated if you answer me please. I have performed nvt equilibration step on a system consisting of lipid and cyclic peptide nanotube and actually it’s cell membrane embedded peptide nanotube. In some regions of the bilayer, the lipid molecules are close to each other and tangled. What can be the reason? Is something wrong with my work?
Thank you so much in advance, I really appreciate your response and help.
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@Wojciech Kopec Thank you so much. I checked and the system had no prblem.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Hello, I'm quite new here.
I'm just following a tutorial based on the folding Trp Cage Amber tutorial.
When I try to do the minimization with the following code:
pmemd -O -i -o 1min.out -p TC5b.prmtop -c TC5b.inpcrd -r 1min.ncrst -inf 1min.mdinfo
it returns me:
"Error: Error from the parser: syntax error.
Check for typos, misspellings, etc. Try help on the command name and desc on the command arguments"
It seems that there is a syntax error but I can't find out which is it.
Could someone help me? Thank you very much
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I actually just run that command inside tleap before typing quit. That was the error for sure! I solved it some minutes ago. Now it works.
Thank you for your kind response
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I am a beginner in molecular dynamics, it would be of great help if someone could help me in rectifying the problem.I am attaching the input files along with the dump file for reference.
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How did you decide how many ions to pack in a simulation box ?
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
I am running simulations with oxdna using advanced techniques of sampling as Umbrella Sampling.
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Yes and no. There are minor differences which can cause your results to be false. Reducing the grid box would definitely decrease the total volume so that the interactions will increase just like in a more concentrated situation. However, when your ligand and/or receptor (target molecule) goes outside the walls of grid box, it comes back from the other side (Leaving the grid from right, entering from left etc...). So in that sense, you create a new collision probability for the atoms to interact. Let's assume you have a tiny drug that you want to bind to your large protein to inhibit/suppress its activity. In terms of theoretical chemistry, it may not have any chance to attack and residue on the right side of that protein. As you limit the grid-box, some right parts of that protein will enter from the left side and your drug will be able to interact that side as well which is not supposed to happen. So if you want to increase the concentration go ahead and do it. Please do not decrease the grid-box volume to satisfy that need since it will yield wrong outcomes.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
In a coarse grained model, such as DPD (dissipative particle dynamics) or MD(molecular dynamics), how to calculate the entropy and the interaction energy so to calculate the free energy?
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If you don’t do it already I would take care that you calculate the free energy from a bunch of frames that represent different conformations of your structure. This will give you (hopefully) a more realistic estimation. good luck
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I'm designing a covalent inhibitor on an in silico study. Should I use the "pre-reaction" non-covalent ligand-protein complex or covalently bonded one on the Molecular Dynamic simulation input?
I think it's necessary to know how long the ligand stays in the binding site before the colavent-bond-forming reaction occurs. While it is probably a femtoseconds-process that does not need such nanoseconds stability. So it is more beneficial to do MD on the covalent-bonded complex to evaluate how strong its resident time is (and the inhibitory potential). The TS-DFT calculation suggests that the covalent bond may be reversible. However, I am not sure that MD can represent bond-breaking reactions. I still haven't gotten any concrete data on how several studies did it. Please give me your opinion. Thanks
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Thank you so much! Your answer was very helpful for my research.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
That forces are the particular atoms/molecules forces due the effect of another atoms/molecules
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compute f1 poly CH2 force/tally BOR
variable fx equal c_f1[1]
variable fy equal c_f1[2]
variable fz equal c_f1[3]
fix ff poly ave/correlate 1 100 100 c_f1[1] c_f1[2] c_f1[3] type auto file force.dat ave running
I written these lines to extract force but im getting error
ERROR: Unrecognized compute style 'CH2' (src/modify.cpp:1282)
Last command: compute f1 poly CH2 force/tally BOR
where I did mistake Can you please help me out.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
7 answers
I have been trying to calculate thermal conductivity of above mentioned rigid water models at 300K through LAMMPS in Gree-Kubo approach and for all the models, it over predict the results to the unacceptable range (More than 100% over prediction). I see some literature[1] [2] where they get the results within 20-50% over prediction. My results are as follows,
SPC/E - around 1 W/mK
TIP4P - around 1.2 W/mK
TIP4P/2005 - around 1.3 W/mK
Where the experimental value is around 0.61 [2]
My simulation details are as follows,
Units: real
Time_step: 1fs
pair_style: lj/cut/tip4p/long (for TIP4P) and lj/cut/coul/long (for SPC/E)
Long range Coulomb solver: pppm/tip4p (for TIP4P models) and pppm (for SPC/E)
GK Correlation length: 200ns
Angle and Bond lengths were fixed via fix shake.
Does anyone faced the same problem or wish someone can help me out. I have attached my input script ( and the read_data file (data.lmp) containing water molecules.
[1] - DOI: 10.1063/1.4789961
[2] - DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2018.1562123
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Dear@Ahmet Burak Yıldırım,
At the moment, I'm having a similar problem, and I'd like to ask how you ended up solving it, can you give me some advice, if I need to, I can upload my simulation file, I'm not doing water, I'm doing liquid alkanes, and I think there's a similari
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Dear experts,
I am trying to perform a production run of several proteins in a water environment according to several tutorials. After the production, one of the analysis I am interested in is the evaluation of a radial distribution function around each bead of the chain.
I am trying with the module gmx rdf but I am havint some trouble in specifying that the calculation should be done for a specific segment and not the center of mass of the entire chain. Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
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1. Create an index file with the specific segment as a separate group. You can use the make_ndx command for this. If you want to create a group for residues 1 to 20:
$echo -e "r 1-20\nq" | gmx make_ndx -f md.gro -o index.ndx
This command will create a new group with residues 1 to 10 and save the index file as index.ndx.
2. Calculate the RDF using the gmx rdf command and specify the new group as one of the groups for which to calculate the RDF:
$echo -e "Group1\nGroup2" | gmx rdf -s md.tpr -f md.xtc -n index.ndx -o rdf.xvg
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I am new to Desmond simulations and I want to know how can I find the estimated time left for a simulation to be completed? my 2nd query is how to perform B-Factor analysis after performing simulation on Desmond? Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
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I hope someone finds this useful, I have myself been struggling with the same problem. My solution to this is looking at the chemical time and ns/day data, which is constantly updated.
To check this go to MONITOR -> double click running MD job -> check the last entry (status -running).
Double click the last entry for a 100ns default Simulation 100000 chemical time means 100ns this might give a rough idea of percentage job progress.
Going by the ns/day data can give you a rough idea of simulation speed like 11ns/day for 100ns simulation will finish on 10th day of the run applied.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Could someone provide guidance on how to draw the Potential Energy Curves (PECs) for polyatomic molecules? Specifically, I'm interested in the ground states, anionic ground states, and anionic excited states. We have access to GAMESS and MOLPRO facilities. If anyone can assist me, I would greatly appreciate it. Additionally, if there's potential for collaboration on this matter, I'm open to discussing it further.
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Actually, I have worked on PEC and have also generated them. However, the thing is, in polyatomic molecules, we need to consider molecular dynamics. Once we scan a particular bond, the other bonds do not remain the same. So my worry is how we can incorporate this effect to obtain accurate PEC curves...
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
6 answers
Hi experts,
I heard we can use Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) or a combination of other ensembles and techniques like a third-party plugin or script by modifying the source code. Also, maybe the NVT ensemble can serve as a starting point for µVT simulation and then use a technique like semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo or Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo, both of them require significant modifications to the simulation protocol and possibly the source code.
If there is a straightforward method, please tell me.
Best regards,
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i have attached this conversation link to the NAMD Mailing List with some details to make sure whether this method is usable or not.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
How can I change the number of amino acids in pdf files?
I need to change amino acid number for docking, molecular dynamics and... .
I use SWISSMODEL but it's not working good for me.
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As previously suggested, the PDB is a textual file. You can open it and make all the modifications you need. Be careful not to misalign the columns to avoid disrupting subsequent calculations.
If you have Gromacs installed, you can renumber the PDB file using the command: gmx editconf -f file.pdb -resnr starting_number -o output.pdb
Replace file.pdb with the name of your PDB file, starting_number with the desired starting number for residue numbering, and output.pdb with the desired output file name.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
How can I download DESMOND for molecular dynamics analysis from the website: ?
I have already tried filling out the form and so far I can't access the download link or receive any link by email. Has anyone had the same problem?
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I tried filling the form thrice. Still couldn't get the download link. Also can you give more details on which upper part because the option for "already filled the form can't be seen".
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
Hi all, 
I am trying to get static structure factor Sij(k) for a two component ionic liquid system with ions i and j. I could calculate and verify the same for one component system but somehow now getting the correct structure factor for two component system.
Also, am puzzled with various expressions to calculate partial static structure factor in normalized and unnormalized Fourier transform.
I will appreciate if anyone can provide the verified algorithm. I know its too simple and Fourier transform of direct correlation hij(r). I am doing the same but the different structures are looking shifted.
Relevant answer
How do we calculate the structure factor using Travis? Is there any specific way or command to calculate it@Mirella-Simoes-Santos
Thanks in advance.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I would like to get the enthalpy as a function of temperature for BCC lithium at zero pressure.
I have performed a series of NVT simulations with 500 atoms using a Nose-Hoover thermostat at the corresponding equilibrium volumes (found using the volume average of NPT simulations) and calculated the enthalpy as 𝐻=𝑈+𝑝𝑉 which at zero pressure is just the total energy in the simulation. When I compare the result with experimental values from NIST referenced to the enthalpy at 0K, the enthalpy I get is significantly higher.
Things I've thought about:
  1. It is not an offset so it's not like a constant contribution like zero point energy is missing and besides the referencing should fix that.
  2. It is not a constant factor difference either and I think my units are fine.
  3. The pressure is indeed 0 and fluctuates by about 0.005GPa which is tiny i.e. pV term fluctuation is less than 1meV/atom
  4. The simulation is stable, it remains BCC the entire team as seen from Common Neighbor Analysis and the eye test.
My questions are:
  1. Am I thinking about this wrong? Is there some reason why this is not a valid simulation protocol for getting the enthalpy of a solid? Perhaps a classical simulation near 0K is not valid since quantum effects dominate?
  2. Am I missing some term? It would have to be a decreasing function of temperature and any other contribution such as electronic enthalpy (from integrating electronic heat capacity) would make it worse by increasing the enthalpy
  3. Is there a paper where someone has computed the enthalpy as a function of pressure of a solid using MD/DFT, ideally near 0K?
Relevant answer
Just from the nice pic, I think the data different between MD and exp. is fairly closed from my point.
A small tip is that in exp. materials often consist of defects, vacancies, dislocation, grain boundaries and so on but in MD the materials is a perfect crystal in your case.
So I think you can accept this result.
And if you're not satisfied, I would like to propose two aspects which you can do furhter tests.
1. increase the number of atoms in the system. A big system would result in better results( or not).
2. chose a "good" potential. A good potential is critical to the properties of systems. Before you do further production run, a systematical tets of exsists potentials is essential.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
6 answers
[INFO ] Running calculations on normal system...
[INFO ] Beginning GB calculations with /home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/sander
[INFO ] calculating complex contribution...
100%|##########| 101/101 [elapsed: 08:08 remaining: 00:00]
[INFO ] calculating receptor contribution...
100%|##########| 101/101 [elapsed: 08:16 remaining: 00:00]
[INFO ] calculating ligand contribution...
100%|##########| 101/101 [elapsed: 00:02 remaining: 00:00]
[INFO ] Beginning PB calculations with /home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/sander
[INFO ] calculating complex contribution...
0%| | 0/101 [elapsed: 00:00 remaining: ?][ERROR ] CalcError
/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/sander failed with prmtop COM.prmtop!
If you are using sander and PB calculation, check the *.mdout files to get the sander error
Check the gmx_MMPBSA.log file to report the problem.
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/gmx_MMPBSA", line 8, in <module>
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 101, in gmxmmpbsa
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 205, in run_mmpbsa, self.stdout)
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 142, in run, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 625, in run
GMXMMPBSA_ERROR('%s failed with prmtop %s!\n\t' % (self.program, self.prmtop) +
File "/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/GMXMMPBSA/", line 171, in __init__
raise exc('\n\n' + msg + '\n\nCheck the gmx_MMPBSA.log file to report the problem.')
/home/bio/anaconda3/envs/gmxMMPBSA/bin/sander failed with prmtop COM.prmtop!
If you are using sander and PB calculation, check the *.mdout files to get the sander error
Check the gmx_MMPBSA.log file to report the problem.
Error occurred on rank 6.
Exiting. All files have been retained.
Abort(1) on node 6 (rank 6 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 6
Relevant answer
Okay! I'll do this.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
5 answers
I would like to have GPU support for GROMACS, my GPU is Intel Iris Xe Graphics, so I was recommended to use SYCL support. So I would like to ask if anyone knows how to proceed to install SYCL-GROMACS complete building without errors? I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 by the way if it helps to clarify.
Relevant answer
After many attempts I managed to find a solution. Below I leave a step by step guide, in case anyone faces the same problem to install gromacs with Intel GPU support, since there is no detailed tutorial for this.
$ cd ~
sudo apt-get install libnotify4 xdg-utils libxcb-dri3-0 libgbm1 libnss3 libgtk-3-0 libatspi2.0-0 g++
sudo apt -y install ncurses-term
$ cd ~/Downloads
sudo sh ./
$ apt install ocl-icd-libopencl1
$ cd ~/Downloads
mkdir neo
cd neo
sha256sum -c ww35.sum
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
# cd ~/
sudo git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd ~/Downloads
tar xfz gromacs-2023.3.tar.gz
cd gromacs-2023.3
mkdir build
cd build
# STEP 5: COPY THE FILES 'source.cpp' AND 'solucion.cpp' (FROM Exercise_01_Compiling_with_SYCL) AND 'catch2' (FROM single_include) TO THE build DIRECTORY FOR GROMACS INSTALLATION
$ cd ~/syclacademy/External/Catch2/single_include/
cp -r catch2 ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
cd ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
cd ~/syclacademy/Code_Exercises/Exercise_01_Compiling_with_SYCL
cp -r source.cpp ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
cd ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
# STEP 6: EDIT THE FILE 'source.cpp', WHERE IS <catch2/catch.hpp> CHANGE TO "catch2/catch.hpp" AND SAVE
# withou exit the build directory activate the environment of one api using the following comand:
$ source /opt/intel/oneapi/
icpx -fsycl -I ~/syclacademy/External/Catch2/single_include -o a.out source.cpp
# this should create a file called a.out in the build directory
cd ~/
sudo apt install gcc cmake libpomp-dev hwloc libhwloc-dev
cd ~/Downloads/gromacs-2023.3/build
$ sudo su
$ source /opt/intel/oneapi/
$ make -j 8
$ make check
$ make install
1. open the work directory
2. run as root
3. open the intel environment with: $ source /opt/intel/oneapi/
4. activate gromacs with: $ source /opt/gromacs-23/bin/GMXRC
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
When I perform Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics (BOMD) simulations of small organic clusters using the CP2K software in NVE condition, I notice that running multiple simulations from the same initial structure produces remarkably similar trajectories. I'm curious about the underlying reason for this behaviour and would like to know how to introduce velocity randomisation in CP2K. I also attached input file of BOMD simulation.
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  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
I want to analyze the biomedical properties of green synthesized nanoparticles.
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  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Investigating the potential for manipulating the movement of a <111> screw dislocation, typically prone to {110} slip, to instead traverse {112} slip planes by applying specific strains in Molecular Dynamics Analysis.
Relevant answer
I'm assuming bcc?
If you are talking about cumulative slip, then yes the cumulative slip will be {112} if you shear along a {112} plane. If you are talking about the fundamental slip behavior, then no, everything points to bcc screw dislocation slip being fundamental {110} steps with cross-slip to different planes. "True" {112} slip could be thermally activated at higher temperatures, but I'm not sure if it would be distinguishable from {110} zig-zag and the two would be in competition.
Also, with classic MD, be careful of the interatomic potential that you use as most will incorrectly predict the slip nature. You want a potential that predicts a compact (a.k.a. non-polarized) core and a single-humped Peierls barrier.
[1] C.R. Weinberger, B.L. Boyce, C.C. Battaile, Slip planes in bcc transition metals, International Materials Reviews 58(5) (2013) 296-314.
[2] L.M. Hale, J.A. Zimmerman, C.R. Weinberger, Simulations of bcc tantalum screw dislocations: Why classical inter-atomic potentials predict {112} slip, Computational Materials Science 90 (2014) 106-115.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
There are lots of simulation sofwares currently. Give the most one you use and explain the reasons so that others can take a reference if he or she wants to learn.
Relevant answer
VASP, the most popular one with much tutorials but commercial;
MS, has a Castep module with GUI, commerical or non-commerical;
QE, the most functional one, non-commerical;
GPAW, easily to write work-flow with atomic simulation enviroment, non-commerical
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I used a python code to extract Lindemann index from dump files. But the problem is the code works fine with dump files with little amount of data and atoms. When I use large files if shows overflow for python data types. Is there any alternative way to extract Lindemann Index ?
Relevant answer
Pherhaps you can run your code on the super compute where you run LAMMPS. Or you can dump less data in LAMMPS.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
For example, I have quercetine as a ligand and cutinase as protein. If i want to carried out md simulations with different concentration of quercetine, how to do that? I want to do md simulations by 50ng/ul of quercetine. Please help me. I'm using gromacs for simulations
Relevant answer
Citra Hasanah sure, if you want to ask me, you can text me by email. This is my email
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
Hello, I am a beginner in molecular dynamics, and am considering to use Metadynamics to address one of the questions about protein structure in my research. I would appreciate if the RG community could help me in understanding the MTD parameters.
1) Higher gaussian height would enhance the sampling or not? (My understanding: No)
2) Does frequency of deposition of Gaussian effect the sampling? Also, do short intervals mean longer simulation time to explore a given conformational space?
3) In unbiased simulations, we judge convergence by seeing if the RMSD stabilized. How do we judge convergence in metadynamics?
4) My understanding is that higher bias explores more conformational space. Is that right? If yes, what is the advantage of lower bias over higher bias in a well-tempered metadynamics?
5) how to decide the initial Gaussian height?
Would greatly appreciate your response.
Relevant answer
Here are some basic understandings of meta-dynamics simulation
1. The collective variables determination is more important than Gaussian Height.
2. The higher Gaussian Height (H) will decrease simulation duration, i.e., decrease conformational sampling.
3. Decrease in H will increase simulation duration i.e., more detail about conformational sampling and space exploration.
4. The initial Gaussian height can (0.05kcal/mol), to decide the duration of the simulation to reach the equilibrium and after that frequency of the addition Gaussian (T_G) 0.09ps can be tuned as per your computational resources(power) and details want to explore.
5. The convergence can be judged based on free-energy calculations for each frame(g_mmpbsa)/free-energy surface to know about energy minima.
6. Conformational space/equilibrium exploration will be limited by the Wall (25 Å for distance) parameter, it can be tuned for more exploration.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Hello, I'd like to perform quantum molecular dynamics simulation of a system of an electron and a chiral molecule and study the spin polarization. What molecular dynamics code is good for the task?
Relevant answer
Hi Tanvir,
There are several approaches to apply computational modelling and simulation to predict and investigate spin properties (e.g., SOC). I found MD based on LAMMPS or CASTEP are more reliable and, somehow, easy to implement. For your reference, I am listing below some journal articles explaining the procedure to follow (for illustration only, as I am sure that you will find more relevant to your research area):
1. LAMMPS: Li-MinZheng work “Chiral expression from molecular to macroscopic level via pH modulation in terbium coordination polymers”
2. CASTEP: Zhang work, Preprint “ A Theoretical Analysis of the Differential Chemical Reaction Results Caused by Chirality Induction”
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
4 answers
Dear all,
I'm simulating the CO2 adsorption on two graphite sheets using the LAMMPS software and I calculated the density profiles in the pore width. Now I would like to compare the results with some experimental values. In the laboratory I obtained the quantities adsorbed as mmol/grams of adsorbent.
Do any of you know how to calculate the same quantities starting from the density profile of LAMMPS?
Thank you in advance,
Relevant answer
Hi, could you please guide me how did you calculate the density profile in pore width?
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
I need to calculate the molecular dynamics of the interaction of quercetin and isorhamnetin with neuraminidase
Relevant answer
You can use Google Cloud Platform or Amazon Web Services to perform MD simulations online. These platforms provide infrastructure and resources for scientific computing, including molecular dynamics simulations. You can set up your own computational environment and run simulations using software packages like GROMACS or AMBER. Additionally, you can use servers like Galaxy to perform simulations, which you can access by using the following link:
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I wanted to draw diagram" the relative shape asymmetry parameter for inclusion of ligand into the b-CD cavity" with gromacs.
I kindly beseech your counsel and guidance in navigating this endeavor.
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You can always ask your GROMACS-related questions (only) on the GROMACS forum and get an answer directly from gmx experts:
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Hello All
During the gromacs 2023.1 multiple ligand simulation , I have some problems and constraints in the simulation. In the experiments, I used AMBER99sb forcefield.
How to perform multiple ligand simulations
Whether i have to make different topology files for different ligands? because when trying to simulate at the ionization stage to get the ions.tpr file an error occurs as below:
Command line:
gmx grompp -f ions.mdp -c solv.gro -p -o ions.tpr
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry 'title'
Ignoring obsolete mdp entry 'ns_type'
NOTE 1 [file ions.mdp]:
With Verlet lists the optimal nstlist is >= 10, with GPUs >= 20. Note
that with the Verlet scheme, nstlist has no effect on the accuracy of
your simulation.
Setting the LD random seed to 2095054833
Generated 3486 of the 3486 non-bonded parameter combinations
Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
Generated 3486 of the 3486 1-4 parameter combinations
Program: gmx grompp, version 2023.1
Source file: src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/topio.cpp (line 577)
Fatal error:
Syntax error - File entacapone1_GMX.itp, line 3
Last line read:
'[ atomtypes ]'
Invalid order for directive atomtypes
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
please help me to solve this problem, and I will be very grateful to you
Thankyou All
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You can ask always your gromacs -related questions (only) in the GROMACS forum and get your answer directly from gmx experts:
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
5 answers
I want to teach computational chemistry to elementary students and I should explain this difference with basic words.
""DFT 🆚 MD""
Relevant answer
You could tell them that MD concerns itself with simulating how atoms and molecules move, while DFT concerns itself with the energy and properties that electrons determine for fixed atomic positions. Avoid terms like "dynamics", "functional" or "electronic structure". These might be too complicated for elementary school children. Use "motion", "energy" even "forces" instead.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I wanted to calculate Life-Time H-Bond I wanted to calculate the H-Bond Life-Time like this table in this article
I kindly beseech your counsel and guidance in navigating this endeavor.
Relevant answer
You can get that information by running gmx hbond. For lifetime usually you use the Forward rate (just check the original publications on the tool).
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I studied the properties of W-Cu alloys using molecular dynamics simulation,well I didn't find the eam potential of W-Cu alloy, How can I get or fit the potential for my simulation work ?Thank for your answer
Relevant answer
Wenyi Ding Hey, are you still available at the same email ID? I am working with W-Cu alloy for my undergrad thesis, would be great if I could contact you.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Hí, could someone help me? I want to use the GPUs of my graphics card. I use windows 10 and performed molecular dynamics with NAMD2 with Charmm Gui. How can I activate the GPUS. I have this equipment AMD Ryzen 9 7900 12-Core Processor 3.70GH GEFORCE RTX 3060 RAM 32.0GB
Relevant answer
For MD simulations in Gromacs, first enable WSL2 in your Windows
Here are some videos/links to help you with WSL2 setup -
Step 1: install Ubuntu 22.04 according to Microsoft's instructions
Step 2: refer starting from the 4 minute mark in this video:
Step 3: setting up a shared folder - you can access Windows drives by doing 'cd /mnt/c/' for C drive, or 'cd /mnt/d/' for D drive for example. You can also create a link to a desired folder. Refer video:
Reboot WSL2 after installing NVIDIA drivers
Once you have WSL2 setup, install gromacs like you would on an Ubuntu machine -
To utilize GPUs while running your simulations on WSL2, or any machine with GPU, make sure this line is included in your MDP file: energygrps = System
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
What are the advantages of doing this, against doing just the molecular dynamics? what aditional information is the docking giving me, that the molecular dynamicsis not?
Relevant answer
Hi Julián Santiago Ruiz Castellanos,
In addition to Waseem Ahmad Ansari, molecular docking provides the initial prediction of the binding poses of a ligand against the target protein, also giving information on putative binding sites in the protein and significant residues involved in the ligand mode of action.
After this, one can select the best binding pose as input for molecular dynamics simulations for effective results.
Docking and simulations are complementary techniques, together providing a better understanding of the ligand-protein interactions.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
I wanted to draw diagram "Probability distribution of distance of drug from b-CD with gromacs"
I kindly beseech your counsel and guidance in navigating this endeavor.
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  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
Recently I have done SASA ( Solvent Accessible Surface Area) analysis for one of my research. But I have found some high fluctuations in SASA diagram which are actually 5 times higher than the unbound forms. My question is why do we find such fluctuations or spike in SASA diagram?
Relevant answer
We have checked the RMSD, RMSF and Radius of gyration. There were no large scale conformational changes but still got spikes.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
3 answers
I submited the lig_fix.mol2 file to genarate topology into a str file and got this messege error:
"readmol2 warning: non-unique atoms were renamed. Now processing molecule LIG ... attype warning: unknown sulfur type not supported; skipped molecule."
Relevant answer
I had the same issues..... but interestingly cgenff server only support topologies for the following sulphur types..
### Supported S atoms in CGenFF
MASS  -1  SG2D1     32.06000 ! thiocarbonyl S MASS  -1  SG2R50    32.06000 ! THIP, thiophene MASS  -1  SG311     32.06000 ! sulphur, SH, -S- MASS  -1  SG301     32.06000 ! sulfur C-S-S-C type MASS  -1  SG302     32.06000 ! thiolate sulfur (-1) MASS  -1  SG3O1     32.06000 ! sulfate -1 sulfur MASS  -1  SG3O2     32.06000 ! neutral sulfone/sulfonamide sulfur MASS  -1  SG3O3     32.06000 ! neutral sulfoxide sulfur
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
2 answers
Greetings great scholars.
I am new to molecular dynamics simulation. I am studying the solvation dynamics of a terpolymer optimized in four solvents; dmso, ethanol, methanol, and water. I presented the results using the following parameters: total energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, and the temperature
With my current knowledge of solvation dynamics, my aim in the present study was to estimate the stability and adsorption of the solvents. Through this, I am interested in knowing the parameters to consider before establishing the most stable solvent. I'm thinking of concluding using the final total energy. Based on my knowledge, lower total final energy is accounted for higher solvent stability and the other way around. I will be glad if a scholar here explains this better for me.
Thank you all.
Relevant answer
Hi Daniel,
In addition to molecular dynamics, DFT can simulate the solvation dynamics of various polymers, including but not limited to DMSO, ETHANOL, METHANOL, and WATER. Examples of software cover Gaussian 09 and Biovia Material Studio. For molecular dynamics, you may use LAMMPS or BIOVIA Biovia Material Studio; please be advised that Material Studio software includes many modules that cover both quantum mechanics (e.g., DFT, HF). Quantum mechanics can predict potential and kinetic energies, but I am unsure about temperature, while molecular dynamics can provide them all.
Both approaches do have pros and cons, as well as challenges. Molecular dynamics can speed up the computations, but its accuracy is a function of many other parameters, such as the selection of the size of the unit cell representing the reaction and the full understanding of the reaction sequence and kinetics. Whereas simulation based on quantum mechanics is relatively slower, the reaction size can not exceed a hundred atoms at max – recall that molecular dynamics can have hundreds of thousands of atoms.
I did several computational modelling and simulation for ionic liquids and used both quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics to increase calculation repeatability and reproducibility. You can find in the literature many papers explaining the use of each, but I found a hybrid-based approach can predict results close to experimental results.
  • asked a question related to Molecular Dynamics
1 answer
I am preparing to conduct shock simulation for an energetic material in LAMMPS with the help of a classical forcefield. How can I apply shock absorbing boundary condition so that that I can gather information during shock properly?
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