Science topic
Modernity - Science topic
To analyse the philosophical implication of the modern.
Publications related to Modernity (10,000)
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Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Petani melalui Sistem Ekonomi Berbasis Agroindustri Modern. Bentuk penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, analitis, dan kritis. Oleh karena itu, penulis dapat menguraikan secara komprehensif bagaimana Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Petani melalui Sistem Ekonomi...
Sustainability is a major area of focus in modern tourism. Few studies have explored perceived sustainability from the perspective of tourists or discussed the three aspects of sustainability: the cultural, economic, and environmental aspects. Given the strong connection between tourism and education, contemporary scholars have emphasised the exami...
The Evil Genius: Can We Trust Our Senses?
Teaching Descartes’s Deceiver (often referred to in context with his Meditations, particularly the "Evil Demon" or "Evil Genius" argument) can be a fun challenge, but Zoe makes it simple by connecting it to modern doubts and technology. Here’s how she breaks it down for her students.
Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus is a classic play about a scholar who makes a dangerous pact with the devil in exchange for supernatural powers and knowledge. Zoe explains this in a straightforward way by using modern parallels and real-world examples.
This is a running bibliography of the Modern South Arabian languages. We aim to update it at least every three months or when significant new works are published.
Please do send any additional publications to Janet Watson for inclusion in the bibliography: or A new version has been added on 12th Februar...
Kemampuan berpikir kritis sangat penting bagi mahasiswa di era modern. Namun, metode pembelajaran konvensional yang berpusat pada guru seringkali menghambat pengembangan keterampilan ini. Mahasiswa cenderung pasif dan kurang terlibat aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kolaboratif dapat menjadi solusi yang...
Buku ini menyajikan pemahaman mendalam tentang hubungan antara indeks massa tubuh (BMI) dan tingkat kecanduan rokok elektrik. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Fagerstrom, buku ini menjelaskan cara mengukur tingkat adiksi secara ilmiah, sembari mengeksplorasi bagaimana faktor fisik seperti BMI dapat memengaruhi kebiasaan
merokok seseorang. Penulis mema...
Diplomacy, traditionally defined as the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations, has undergone significant transformations in the 21st century. The interplay between enduring principles and innovative practices has reshaped how states and non-state actors engage on the global stage. This article explores the evolving nature of d...
For millions of adolescents, screen media use interferes with essential aspects of their daily functioning, posing a widespread health concern. Available screeners for problematic use may not be sufficiently relevant to the ways adolescents use modern forms of screen media as many are outdated, focus on a single media use behavior, or are based in...
Buku ini mengupas tuntas pentingnya berpikir kritis dalam konteks pemecahan masalah matematika, sebuah keterampilan yang esensial di era pendidikan modern. Dalam dunia yang semakin kompleks, kemampuan untuk menganalisis, mengevaluasi, dan menyusun solusi secara logis menjadi syarat mutlak, terutama ketika berhadapan dengan tantangan matematika yang...
In the modern digital banking landscape, the bar for user experience (UX) and visual appeal continues to rise. Yet, when we take a critical look at many products in the space, it often seems like financial service designers shipping glorified high-fidelity (hi-fi) wireframes instead of truly refined digital experiences.
Adaptive digital platforms have emerged as critical enablers of business agility in the modern enterprise landscape. This article examines ServiceNow's modular ecosystem as a case study in platform architecture, exploring how its design principles facilitate scalable and customizable enterprise solutions. Through an analysis of ServiceNow's archite...
As global industries continue to evolve, certain service sectors are witnessing exceptional growth, driven by innovation, Industry demand, and strategic advancements. Among these, the space launch services, pipeline and process services, and clinical laboratory services markets are experiencing rapid transformations that are reshaping industries wo...
This study assesses the portfolio concentration of socially responsible investment (SRI) pension funds, which may be subject to a potentially limited asset universe and have a higher concentration and lower performance than conventional funds. Nonetheless, in contrast to previous studies on SRI funds, this study considers the informationadvantage t...
The present paper is devoted to the multi-paradigmal aspects of translation of toponyms in English and Russian. Specifics of the language units under analyses and their translation are characterized in it. The term toponym is used here in its wide meaning. Following I.I. Revzin and V.Yu. Rozentsveyg, the definition of ways of translation was given...
Bu çalışma, Türk kültürüne ait tarihsel ve geleneksel değerleri modern pedagojik yaklaşımlarla birleştirerek, çocukların çok yönlü gelişimlerini desteklemek amacıyla tasarlanmış bir okul öncesi eğitim programını ele almaktadır. Program, çocukların bilişsel, sosyal-duygusal, dil, motor ve öz bakım becerilerini geliştirmeyi hedeflerken, milli ve kült...
A tanulmány a KEGA č. 019TUKE-4/2018 kutatási projek "Bývanie v medzivojnových Košiciach-vily a rodinné domy" keretében jött létre [Lakhatás a háború közti Kassán-villák és családi házak]. Az első világháború számos ponton átrajzolta Európa korábbi gazdasági rendszereit. A harcok évei eleve kizárták a gazdaságélénkítő expók rendezésének a lehetőség...
Giriş Frankfurt Okulu'nun önemli temsilcilerinden Adorno ve Hork-heimer modern dönemde insanları prangalarından kurtardığına inanılan aydınlanmanın, kültür ve toplum üzerindeki değişen etki-sini tanımlayabilmek için kültür endüstrisi kuramını ortaya koymuş-lardır. Kültür endüstrisi en temel haliyle, kültürel ürünlerin bir sanayi malı gibi kitlesel...
Dark energy remains one of the greatest enigmas in modern cosmology. In this paper, we explore an alternative hypothesis wherein dark energy arises from a vector-like field rather than a scalar field. We formulate the dynamical equations governing such a scenario and analyse its implications for cosmic acceleration, stability, and observational sig...
As the data keep pouring in, novel hypotheses are becoming possible regarding the phylogeography of certain J1 sub-branches in the first and second Millennia CE. For example, the phenomenon of Jewish origin J1 samples turning up in modern families of non-Jewish Hispanic descent is now well recognized as a marker for previously unknown Sephardic anc...
შესავალი: ლაზეროთერაპია ინოვაციურ ტექნოლოგიაზე დაფუძვნებული სწრაფად განვითარებადი დარგია. ლაზერის გამოყენება სტომატოლოგიაში განსაკუთრებული პოპულარობით სარგებლობს, რადგან გვთავაზობს ტრადიციული მეთოდებისაგან განსხვავებით უფრო ზუსტ და მინიმალურად ინვაზირებად მკურნალობას. მეთოდოლოგია: განხორციელდება საკითხის თეორიული შესწავლა და გაანალიზდა რელევანტური...
Modern digital technologies are transforming various social processes.With the development of digital infrastructure, a new (networked) environment for the exchange of free data, knowledge and information between users has been formed.
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the impact senior citizens have in the workplace, focusing on their valuable contributions, the challenges they may face, and how well they integrate into modern work environments. Senior employees bring a wealth of experience, mentorship, and reliability, yet they may also encounter di...
Araştırma, baba-çocuk etkileşim dinamiklerini derinlemesine inceleyerek babaların çocuklarıyla kurdukları ilişkilerin sosyal, duygusal ve bilişsel gelişim üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Baba-çocuk ilişkilerinin niteliği; günlük etkileşimler, oynanan oyunlar ve okul etkinliklerine katılım gibi boyutlarda ele alınmıştır. Nitel...
Qawaid ushuliyyah merupakan kaidah-kaidah dasar dalam ilmu ushul fiqh yang sangat penting dalam proses istinbath hukum, terutama dalam konteks hukum Islam yang terus berkembang. Dalam era modern ini, tantangan baru muncul seiring dengan perkembangan sosial, ekonomi, dan teknologi yang memerlukan pendekatan hukum yang adaptif. Oleh karena itu, pemah...
Ausgehend von der Hypothese, dass Goethes ‘Faust’ von den jungen Franzosen der im ersten und zweiten Jahrzehnt des 19. Jahrhunderts geborenen Übersetzer, Schriftsteller, Künstler und Komponisten in die Moderne katapultiert werde, untersucht das Referat am Beispiel von Vertonungen von Berlioz, Gounod und Boito (1) den dromologisch-veloziferische Chr...
There are archival records of women in the Golden Age seeking divorce from their husbands while living in a convent, which may seem unusual today. So I am interested in exploring why a woman in the early modern period would enter a convent and seek a divorce from there. I present identities, different examples and motivations that help to understan...
The presentation is regarding the Modern Concept of Educational Administration.
Buku Hukum Islam hadir sebagai referensi penting bagi siapa saja yang ingin memahami hukum Islam dari berbagai perspektif. Buku ini mengulas secara mendalam mengenai konsep dasar hukum Islam, sumber-sumbernya, serta perannya dalam kehidupan modern.
Melalui pendekatan yang sistematis, buku ini menjelaskan pengertian hukum Islam, fungsinya, dan tujua...
Environment (E), society (S), and governance (G) are the key drivers for corporate sustainability in the modern world. To better implement ESG investment standards and control risks, quantitative methods should be introduced to practice the ESG investment philosophy. This article studies that sustainable development is a development concept put for...
Calvin Klein is renowned for its commitment to modern, minimalist aesthetics and high-quality craftsmanship. The brand's influence in the fashion world is significant, marked by its ability to blend innovative design with timeless elegance. This reputation is not only built on its iconic apparel but also extends to its footwear, which embodies the...
The rising number of insider threats poses a significant challenge to modern organizations, with data breaches often resulting from anomalous access behavior by trusted individuals. Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Modulation (DSPM) techniques offer a promising solution to enhance the detection of insider threats by closely monitoring data ac...
Virtualization has revolutionized modern IT infrastructure by improving efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and resource utilization. This paper explores the benefits of virtualization software, emphasizing enhanced scalability, disaster recovery, and hardware independence. However, despite these advantages, virtualization introduces security concerns,...
The implementation of IoT-based predictive maintenance systems fundamentally transforms modern manufacturing environments through advanced technology integration. By combining stream processing, machine learning algorithms, and real
Worth of Education = Vidya / Avidya Education is not just about acquiring skills; it is about evolving epistemologically. If Avidya (pragmatic knowledge) grows without a proportional increase in Vidya (wisdom), education becomes counterproductive. Mathematical Expression of Educational Worth: Let W be the Worth of Education: W = V / A > 0 For educa...
This editorial highlights the key features and benefits of the GAIMS Gharana System, an innovative and a unique blend of ancient traditions of knowledge and modern mentoring practices.
Distributed Generators (DGs), focusing on the application and comparison of four different loss allocation methods: Pro Rata, Marginal, Z-bus, and branch current decomposition method (BCDM). The primary objective is to calculate and allocate transmission losses among generators and consumers in a radial distribution network, particularly in the pre...
Introduction Surah al-Falaq is surah 113 of the Holy Quran. It is the second last surah of the Holy Book. It is a profound chapter of the Quran, linguistically subline and full of meaning. In this writing, first, a simple translation will be provided followed by linguistic insights into main words. Then, traditional and modern meanings of the surah...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi transformasi mindset guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di MTs Al-Barokah Robotika dengan fokus pada pengembangan profesionalisme. Latar belakang penelitian didasarkan pada kebutuhan mendalamnya pemahaman terhadap permasalahan mindset guru PAI dan urgensi menghadirkan solusi inovatif di tengah dinamika...
Le présent ouvrage aborde les phénomènes linguistiques du chinois en utilisant les théories de la linguistique fonctionnelle comme grille d’analyse. Nous avons étudié les phénomènes discursifs et leur intégration syntaxique, le statut informationnel et la fonction discursive de certaines structures syntaxiques spécifiques, ainsi que l’émergence de...
This presentation illustrates the ideas, initiatives, and viewpoints of global
citizenship education by using education to help restructure the higher education system in a holistic and multidisciplinary way to understand the emotional and intellectual demands of the modern world and find effective ways to meet them. This presentation suggests the...
Pendahuluan Ramadhan tidak sekadar bulan ibadah, tetapi juga momentum untuk merefleksikan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan sosial. Di tengah tantangan global seperti ketimpangan ekonomi, konflik kemanusiaan, dan krisis lingkungan, ajaran Islam menawarkan solusi berbasis keadilan dan solidaritas. Spirit Ramadhan mengajarkan bahwa kesejahteraan buka...
Muhammadiyah, sebagai gerakan Islam yang berkomitmen pada pendidikan, memiliki peran penting dalam mencetak generasi unggul melalui pendekatan holistik yang mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai keislaman dengan sistem pendidikan modern. Artikel ini mengulas kontribusi Muhammadiyah dalam mengembangkan pendidikan berbasis kompetensi, penggunaan teknologi dig...
The views of EMILE G. RACOVITZA proposed in his Essay on biospeleological problems (1907) represent a scientific revolution. The major contribution of RACOVITZA to the development of biospeleology, as modern research, is exemplified through excerpts from his publications dealing with various aspects of taxonomy and systematics of cave fauna. We sho...
With the rapid development of modern detection methods, single-band stealth technology is inadequate in effectively countering multi-band detection systems. Consequently, multi-band compatible stealth technology, which can enhance the survivability of military targets, has gained significant attention. Radar and infrared technologies serve as prima...
This research investigates the temporal evolution of the toroidal plasma current in the Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator under different heating, fueling, and current drive scenarios. The THRIFT code has been modernized and its predictions of the evolution of the toroidal current have been compared against experimentally measured currents in W7-X...
Asbabun Nuzul merujuk pada kejadia-kejadian atau alasan yang menjadi factor utama turunnya satu ayat atau sekumpulan ayat yang ada dalam Al-Quran. Konsep asbabun nuzul tersebut memiliki peranan yang paling penting dalam memahami tafsir Al-Quran, terutama bagi para mufassir di era modern ini. Asbabun Nuzul memberikan konteks sejarah yang esensial da...
This study aims to investigate the relationship between Kharaj, a form of land tax in Islamic economies, and economic development. "Kharaj" has been a significant source of revenue for Islamic states throughout history, but its impact on economic growth and development remains a subject of debate. This research seeks to shed light on the role of "K...
Modern agriculture requires the integration of digital technology to increase productivity, optimize resources and reduce risks, primarily environmental ones. In the context of active digital transformation of the economy, Kyrgyzstan faces the need for building a legal framework for digitalisation of agriculture. This article provides an overview o...
Komunikasi politik merupakan salah satu elemen fundamental
dalam sistem politik modern, memainkan peran kunci dalam
membentuk opini publik, memengaruhi kebijakan, dan menentukan arah
sebuah pemerintahan. Di tengah dinamika politik yang terus
berkembang, baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional, komunikasi politik
telah mengalami transformasi sign...
Penelitian ini mengkaji integrasi pendekatan psikologi modern dan perspektif Islam dalam penanganan Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Melalui studi kepustakaan dengan analisis konten interpretative-comparative, penelitian ini menggali konsep OCD dalam psikologi dan konsep was-was dalam Islam, serta mengidentifikasi titik temu keduanya untuk peng...
The development of technology has allowed modern electronic knitting machines to apply special devices that measure in real time in the process of knitting the length of the thread (ASCON and STIXX). The aim of this paper is to verify the accuracy of the measurements performed by these devices. A comparison is made between the results calculated au...
In the modern software development process, the organization of teams is a key success factor. The concept of team topologies provides a structured model for organizing teams to work together efficiently and respond to business requirements. This approach defines specific team types, modes of interaction, and team APIs to clarify roles, tasks, and...
Enterprise networking is the foundation of modern enterprises, providing seamless communication, security, and scalability. This article discusses its architecture, essential technology, and future trends. Learn how businesses improve networks for performance, security, and digital transformation.
The article considers the issue of using a communicative
approach when learning English. The methodology of teaching foreign languages
is determined by the needs of modern society and the level of development of
linguistic, psychological and pedagogical and related sciences. Communicative
methods of teaching English are important in the formation a...
The article discusses the genesis and radicalization of Russian cultural traditionalism after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the perspective of the problem of human freedom. The meaning of the word “tradition” is build upon the totality of impact on someone’s life on every level (even intimacy: sexuality, gender identity, women’s dignity)....
La présente étude vise à examiner la diversité génétique des palmeraies traditionnelles du Tafilalet, la principale zone de culture du palmier dattier au Maroc. L’étude vise également à déterminer l’impact de la stratégie nationale de développement de la filière palmier dattier sur la préservation et la protection de cette diversité. L’enquête a ét...
The article presents information on the method of creating and implementing innovative solutions in the form of new products, innovative technologies, services, strategies, processes, educational programs and even business models, among others. The method of Design Thinking was characterized as a method of design thinking that supports the developm...
The Pareto solutions in multi-objective non-cooperative games represent a powerful tool for analyzing conflicts where players have multiple, non-aligned objectives. By providing a means of achieving balanced outcomes, Pareto solutions enable the identification of equilibria that are robust across various fields, from economic modeling to engineerin...
This paper discusses and demonstrates how the Western literary movements, especially romanticism, symbolism, and surrealism, have strongly influenced modern Arabic poetry. For this reason, the paper focuses on three major modern Arab poets who represent such influence: Gibran Khalil, Saeed Akl, and Ounsi El-Hajj. The paper used a descriptive method...
To streamline the management of thousands of users and proposals for synchrotron experiments at the Canadian Light Source (CLS), we developed a modern, web‐based user services software system that enables the facility to transition away from manual paper‐based processes. This user‐friendly system offers comprehensive features for managing users, pr...
The world is witnessing rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, making it essential to equip young people with the necessary skills to keep up with the modern job market. This campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of AI and provide young individuals with tools and techniques to maximize their benefits from this field.
Az önkormányzatiság értelmezése kapcsán fel lehet tenni a kérdést, hogy
egyáltalán mikortól beszélhetünk önkormányzatiságról. Modern, polgári
formájának kialakulása Magyarországon erősen kötődik a rendi társadalom
megszűnéséhez. Jogfolytonosság szempontjából is vízválasztóvá válik a rendi
társadalom és jog „felszámolása”. Béli Gábor a jogtörténetbe...
Two-dimensional materials have become a cornerstone of modern materials science, offering unique structural, electronic, optical, and mechanical properties [...]
Tarım alanlarındaki toprak ve bitki özelliklerine göre konumsal ve zamansal farklılıklar dikkate alınarak tohum, gübre ve ilaç gibi girdilerin daha etkin ve çevreye zarar vermeyecek düzeyde ihtiyaca göre kullanımı büyük önem taşır. Arazi çalışmalarında zaman ve iş gücünden tasarruf sağlanması amacıyla toprak parametrelerinin tahmin edilmesinde jeoi...
Serverless computing is defined as the new fashion in cloud computing by providing great leverage on the carrier of serverless infrastructure. Therefore, this paper discusses the advantages of serverless computing and its disadvantages which includes, operation addition, cost-saving and scalability and, drawbacks like, performance concerns, lock to...
Globalization, privatization, and competition have profoundly influenced the evolution of
modern commercial law, reshaping the regulatory frameworks governing global markets. The
dynamic interplay of these economic phenomena has necessitated the adaptation of legal norms
to address the complexities of transnational commerce, privatized industrie...
The article examines the totality of characteristics of youth as a special socio-demographic group. The purpose of the study is to analyze the general patterns of formation of value orientations of young people, as well as those peculiar to Russian youth in modern conditions. The article examines the structure and content of the personal and psycho...
Unsupervised machine learning methods are well suited to searching for anomalies at scale but can struggle with the high-dimensional representation of many modern datasets, hence dimensionality reduction (DR) is often performed first. In this paper we analyse unsupervised anomaly detection (AD) from the perspective of the manifold created in DR. We...
Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) are a fundamental mechanism in artificial intelligence, but finding a solution is an NP-complete problem, requiring the exploration of a vast number of combinations to satisfy all constraints. To address this, extensive research has been conducted, leading to the development of effective techniques and algorit...
The successful application of modern machine learning for time series classification is often hampered by limitations in quality and quantity of available training data. To overcome these limitations, available domain expert knowledge in the form of parametrised mechanistic dynamical models can be used whenever it is available and time series obser...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas strategi peningkatan operasional jasa dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis yang semakin dinamis. Fokus penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi efisiensi dan efektivitas operasional, termasuk penggunaan teknologi, manajemen sumber daya manusia, dan inovasi layanan. Metode yang digunakan adalah...
Quantum technology is central to the operation of modern gravitational-wave detectors and will play crucial role in the success of next-generation observatories, such as the Einstein Telescope. There, quantum squeezed light will be utilized to suppress quantum noise across the entire detection band, a task that demands advancements in several areas...
The book provides a modern, detailed, informative and innovative review of contemporary state-of-art in biogeochemistry, environmental chemistry, chemical ecology. It provides a valuable source of information, factual data, fundamental conceptualizations, bibliography of the main part of the biosphere, including oceans, soil, terrestrial and aquati...
Dinamika pemberlakuan hukum Islam di Indonesia merupakan fenomena yang terus berkembang dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan sistem hukum nasional. Permasalahan utama dalam kajian ini adalah bagaimana hukum Islam diberlakukan dalam sistem hukum Indonesia, tantangan yang dihadapi dalam implementasinya, serta potensi pengembangannya di masa...
Membership inference attacks (MIAs) determine whether certain data instances were used to train a model by exploiting the differences in how the model responds to seen versus unseen instances. This capability makes MIAs important in assessing privacy leakage within modern generative AI systems. However, this paper reveals an oversight in existing M...
The many researches have been analyzing the purchasing concepts and modern terminology. Moreover, it is obvious that there are differences between all companies. No one can follow same strategy, has same financial status and reputation among its customers even by producing product of same specifications and quality. That is why many companies are r...
The purpose of the article is to determine the essential features of the EU legal system, as well as the tendencies of its modern development. The article employs a variety of research methods, including systemic and structural, dialectical, formal and legal, and comparative approaches. This paper uses an approach that looks at the structural parts...
In modern communication systems, having an accurate channel estimator is crucial. However, when there is mobility, it becomes difficult to estimate the channel and the pilot signals, which are used for channel estimation, become insufficient. In this paper, we introduce the use of Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCNs) with data pilot-aided (DPA) c...
We use individual survey data providing detailed information on stress, technology adoption, and work, worker, and employer characteristics, in combination with recent measures of AI and robot exposure, to investigate how new technologies affect worker stress. We find a persistent negative relationship, suggesting that AI and robots could reduce th...
Ontologi kecerdasan buatan (AI) menjadi perhatian penting dalam pengembangan teknologi modern, khususnya dalam sistem pembelajaran mesin. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendekatan ontologis terhadap AI dari sudut pandang iloso i, dengan fokus pada implikasi konsep ini terhadap pemahaman sistem pembelajaran mesin. Penelitian ini menggunaka...
In recent years, significant efforts have been directed toward adapting modern neural network architectures for tabular data. However, despite their larger number of parameters and longer training and inference times, these models often fail to consistently outperform vanilla multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks. Moreover, MLP-based ensemble...
Modern interpretation of surah an-Nas, surah 114, of the Holy Quran (Koran, Qur'an). It explains the significance of the Quranic use of the words Rabb, Malik, Ilah, waswas, jinn, and nas. It includes linguistic insights and modern interpretation.