Science topics: Theory of ComputationModel Checking
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Model Checking - Science topic
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Questions related to Model Checking
Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) is a famous method for modeling systems and then generating test cases for the purpose of conformance testing. Automatic testing tools help a lot in generating test cases. Is there any tool to generate test cases from EFSM model?
Hi everyone,
I am working on case control genetic data. I have data for SNP with genotypes AA, AG and GG. I want to check the effect of these individual genotypes on the disease outcome, which in my case is diabetes. Now I want to calculate unadjusted and adjusted (for age and gender) Odds ratio in SPSS. I calculated unadjusted Odds ratio by using multinomial regression (is this suitable for my data?). But do not know how to calculate Odds ratio after adjustment for age and geneder.
Secondly, How can I apply dominant, recessive and co-dominant model to check which fits more.
I would be highly obliged if you provide me the flowchart of commands like
Spss--> analyze--> regression--> .........
I am thinking about using the MOLUSCE QGIS plugin to help me create a baseline map for 2030 based on land cover change across previous a given time series. I understand that spatial variables can be input in the modelling process. Most of the papers I have read use DEM or distance from roads when defining spatial variables. My question is, can I input a wider variety, i.e crop suitability index, climate, population. Also, if I do use a greater number of variables does the model check for collinearity? Or should I run a regression analysis separately?
I have data for SNP with genotypes TT, TC and CC. I want to check the effect of these individual genotypes on the disease outcome, which is iron deficiency. How can I apply dominant, recessive and additive binary logistic regression model to check which fits more in SPSS ??
Hello everyone!
I’m trying to perform a model checking over my 4 computed demographic scenarios (SNP data), I already ran the 4 million of scenarios recommended for my data set and this is the first time a I’ve got this warning when I try to perform a model checking:
Something happened during the analysis posterior_prob_4M_scn4 : Program of thread 'posterior_prob_4M_scn4' exited (with return code 1) unsuccessfully.
scenario[rt.scenteste-1].nparam = 10
apres detphistarOK nphistarOK=16
nphistarOK=16 nstat=50
Not enough suitable particles (16)to perform model checking. Stopping computations.
Did anyone have deal with this warning? I’m including the image of my pre evaluation of priors. Thanks in advance

I am currently working on a model checking a systematic literature review. please help in this case.
I have behavioral data (feeding latency) which is the dependent variable. There are 4 populations from which the behavioral data is collected. So population becomes a random effect. I have various environmental parameters like dissolved oxygen, water velocity, temperature, fish diversity index, habitat complexity etc. as the independent variables (continuous). I want to see which of these variables or combination of variables will have significant effect on the behavior.
Dear Researchers
What is a DID model (difference in difference)? I want to apply the DID model to check the impact of the policy change on the exports of the different countries. Please can any one guide how to apply DID model.
Thanks and best regards
S. H. Irshad
Actually i model prestressed concrete beam in ANSYS APDL V19. As i know that it's not possible to apply with GUI as that of old version ANSYS V12. So i given a "inistate" command like this to apply prestrain to link 180,
inistate,set,mat,3 (as mat 3 = properties of prestress strand)
inistate,defi,,,,,,,,,,,,0.001903, is this command is correct.
i given this command once i completed the concrete and steel modelling and then given boundary condition and then i apply theses command to apply prestrain to link 180, as prestress itself is the first load step in ANSYS without any external load.
I consider it as load step 1, after this when i run the model and check the camber due to prestress it wont shows any value in the contour diagram even not deflected upward.
once i applied the commands directly without selecting the prestress steel and then again tried by selecting the prestress steel, in both case it wont considered the prestrain value at all.
Does i need to do few more steps, if yes please mention.
can anyone please kindly suggest a clear procedure (stepwise) for applying prestrain to link 180.
Thank you,
I have been using the "exclude models" check box but there are still many structural sequences in the results. Is there a way to go about the BLAST search which will exclude these sequences? I've been using the nr database because some sequences I need don't show up in Ref Seq, so I'm limited to the nr database.
I did Negative Binomial Regression on Disease A, which is a count data. Due to over-dispersion Poisson regression was unacceptable.I created 4 models to check the effect of different drugs on Disease A.I put time as a continuous variable. Assuming that all assumptions were fulfilled and output is from SPSS. How to interpret the four models and the change in IRR with Time and Drug Variable?
Note: Data is Drugs prescribed in a population and Disease A in a population.

I need some articles in the field of "runtime verification in smart grid"
or field of "model checking in smart grid" .
Can you introduce me ?
I would like to test is a given variable is associated with both the dependent and the independent variables (and therefore a potential confounder) in a repeated-measures design.
My model has a continuous dependent variable and two independent variables: a within-subject factor with 6 levels and a between-subject factor with 2 levels. I also have a continuous independent variable that is statistically associated with my between-subject factor (tested using a 2 sample t-test).
How should I test the association between this continuous variable and the dependent variable?
(1) adding this variable to my original model and check the effect of this extra variable?
(2) fitting a new model with only my within-subject factor and this extra variable (i.e. without the between-subject factor)?
I require three researchers to work with me on this book chapter project. The proposal is already accepted.
Time of writing is one month.
if interested to participate in this publication please reach me out. I will take people with experience in research publication and knowledge of these disruptive innovations.
Book Chapter name:
the specific objectives of this chapter are to:
i. Explore the potential application, opportunities, and challenges posed by blockchain technology on big data, and the Internet of Things.
ii. Propose a model for checking the perceived readiness and perceived ease of use of blockchain, big data and IoT technologies.
iii. Lay an understanding of how disruptive blockchain technologies will be too small and big firms (how to identify that a company or industry is going to be disrupted).
Desired skills and experience
Knowledge about;
- IoT
About Me
I research about
- IoT
Areas of Research
- Data Analytics
- Internet of Things
- Networks & Internet Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence's safety is important for us to build AI world, but feeling some confused about how to verified AI.
- And which differences between model checking , theorem proving in traditional formal method and the methods for Verified AI?
- For traditional cyber-physical system(CPS), which the new problems we should consider when CPS carries with neural network?
I plan to establish an LCMV meningitis model and to check the protective effect of the adoptive transfer of some memory CD8 T-cells.
In the current protocols in immunology, 2001, M von Herrath and J L Whitton stated the use of 1 ml 27G syringes for that, but do I need stereotaxis?
I have built a Gaussian Mixture model to check the likelihood of each point and then identify the outliers by plotting the log likelihood as in the graph attached. In this particular case, the points below -2 can be considered outlier by visualizing how far they exist from the rest of points. The challenge is that I have hundreds of such cases and would like to plot and check manually the outliers. Is there a statistical way to determine the cut-off point (like -2 in this case) so I can write a program to avoid manual work..

I am establishing a Tcell co-cultured 3D human cancer spheroid model. 1 hour after addition of HLA-matched Tcells to spheroids, I see that the Tcells infiltrate the spheroids. I used this model to check if immunotherapy using anti-PD1 inhibitor is a viable option to treat this cancer. On performing cyrotoxicity assay, I found that Tcells alone was killing the cancer cells and the addition of anti-PD1 checkpoint inhibitor actually suppressed the cytotoxicity. I wonder if the Tcells were compatible with the cancer cells even though they were HLA matched. what additional test should be done to confirm that. What could be the other possible reasons for the observed cytotoxicity?
We are using GARCH model for checking the volatility of time series data. How can we check the Economic significance of the model ? Especially the extent to which the independent variable contribute to volatility of the model (ht) in each period.
In the modeling space, various level of abstractions have been introduced to facilitate readability and improve correctness (by minimizing details). For example, a flat transition system may be encoded hierarchically. Although these systems differ structurally, it is expected that they behave similarly.
To certify equivalence of these models, a formal (or mathematically sound) method is required to prove this. While theorem proving may be applicable, though difficult to apply, a fully automated approach (i.e., model checking) should surface to realize our goal.
Are you aware of any model checking approach that can answer the equivalence question by a button press?
Will model checking be a good choice for finding Trojans?
Can this data be generated through any programming language or software?
One of the reviewers of our paper is of the view that: "Counting number of non-deterministic transitions doesn't give you any quantitative information about time or throughput." whereas PRISM has a whole MDP benchmark that deals with (network) performance mostly:
Do you agree/disagree with his comment? Particularly, a good research paper/book for/against this comment will be highly appreciated.
Hello there,
I am working on a flow simulation in a rotary type of HCCI engine. I was using Species model to check the mixing of air-fuel without the reactions. The next step is combustion modeling. I am looking to work with the detailed chemistry of the fuel n-heptane. I found a reduced mechanism for the n-heptame in CHEMKIN format. I dont know how to start with the combustion problem using CHEMKIN mechanism in ANSYS FLUENT.
Please let me know how to start with or please provide me some stepwise tutorials for the combustion which uses CHEMKIN in FLUENT.
Thanks a lot in advance,
I want to develop speed of vehicle using multiple linear regression model. For instance, I have 457 of sampling. I used 300 of sampling for model development and keep 157 sampling to check model accuracy. Based on proposed model, I compute predicted speed. Then which test can I perform to compare predicted and observed speed?
While experimenting with nuXmv and NuSMV model checkers, I observed that input variables contribute no state to the entire state-space of any given model.
The user manuals of these tools clearly mentioned syntactic differences between these kinds of variable. For example, the "IVAR" introduces the input variables paragraph; but "VAR" introduces state variables.
Is there any science behind this behavior of input variables? In particular, how do these model checkers handle input variables and state variables? Any reference on this observation will be appreciated.
I am conducting some experiments with a focus on the number of BDD nodes required for the analysis of a given property on various NuSMV or nuXmv models.
It will be appreciated if anyone can provide a guide on the procedure or recommend resources to assist me in conducting the experiments.
I want to fit my data with the Gompertz curve. So I should find the best free parameters in Gompertz function that leads to low bias and variance. What’s your suggestion?
I want to fit my data (50 samples so that each of them contains 100 data points) with Gompertz curve. After that, I want to check whether the fitting is appropriate. Here, low bias and variance is meant by appropriate fitting. I’m looking for some implementation for this purpose. I found the distfit function in Matlab for fitting, but it doesn’t support Gompertz distribution. So, what is your suggestion?
all share price index, turnover ratio and bank credit have been used for financial development and real gdp growth rate for economic growth.
is it appropriate to use vecm model to check relationship with stock market and economic growth on the above mentioned proxy variables?
By using PAT model checker, we can create a mAskodel and simulate it, so for verifying a CTL specification for model, we should translate this model to SMV code that verify it in NuSMV model checker.
It will of great help if any one can provide me the data sets so that i can use them in my model to check the significance if the work.
I hope with out any hesitation researchers can forward their support.
with Regards
Syed Mohsin Saif
Given a set of minimal T-invariants of a Petri net, is it possible to reduce the state space of the net system?
I have a model in NuSMV and I want to verify that is it giving me the correct result for my input. Generally, we hard code the value in NuSMV.
I am reading logical languages to write safety/ liveness specification for Model Checking. I have read these things in mathematical form and understood also but want to know these differences with real life examples.
UML is a very popular modelling technique and tool. Formal specifications are based on mathematics. Formal verification is done by model checking, proving axioms and by algebraic based methods. How can we integrate formal verification in UML specifications? Is it feasible to make this integration?
I am looking for tool chains (even a model based engineering methodology) to enable formal verification of ERTMS (railway signalling) systems. Something along the lines of how Prover works with Simulink and SCADE, but preferably a Symbolic tool like NuSMV. or other industrially viable tools with some way to have a formal verification.
I would like to know what areas they are applying SMT to and to connect.