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Mineral Economics - Science topic
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Questions related to Mineral Economics
I wanted to determine the mineral depositional type at the area marked with green (Maran, Pahang - Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia). The regional geology study shows the mineral deposition of this area is mainly in metasediment. There are 2 mines nearby the study area which are the RED and the PURPLE. I wonder is it possible to determine the mineral depositional type of my study area based on the nearby deposition type?
RED - Skarn type deposits copper mine (Au is very less)
PURPLE - VHMS type deposits gold mine
ORANGE - Normal fault (NW - SE trend) associate with serial of synclines (NE - SW trend)

The effects of fluorine on the cycling of calcium, magnesium, and potassium in pine plantations of Eastern North Carolina.
Author: Wheeler, Garland Laurin, 1941-
Published: Raleigh, N. C., 1972.
Description: 67 ¾. illus. 29 cm.
Format: Theses and Dissertations
Is there any information about the average stripping ratio of open pit mines around the world?
The dramatic tumble in the prices of metals found the industry vulnerable to react. Capex were downsized and operations suffered from slim down plans. Exports, investment, employments and salaries adjusted to the new levels. However, the discussion about the factors behind this fall deserves a further and deep analysis. Please, help me to compile data, papers and articles on this issue.
I would like to check with relevant literature and/or econometric works how the consumption of minerals has been estimated and whether the industry takes its decisions driven by them. Any suggestion will be highly welcomed.
Little info:
-These grains have been tested in the SEM with the EDAX attachment and the data reads as the following (on average):
20 - 25 wt. % Na, 20 wt. % Zn, 20 wt. % S, 5 wt. % Au
The rest of the total 100% is oxygen and carbon with trace elements filling up the rest.
This is an incredibly high amount of gold and I'm pretty sure that it is some kind of ZnS sphalerite, but the amount of Na is seriously throwing me off.
-p.s. the grains I'm talking about are the lighter grays with inclusions of some metal I'm unsure of.
Gypsum being mineral in nature and mined from limited area in India, its availability n future will no longer be the same as it was in the past. Therefore there is an urgent need to find out an alternative to mineral gypsum and standardize the agro-techniques for its use on sodic soils.Your comments and suggestions on this are invited.
Department of Mining at Tallinn University of Technology is preparing proposals for Horizon 2020 calls and is ready to be partner also in other mining related proposals.
Department of Mining prepares applications for following calls:
SC5-11d-2015 - EC link: Topic: New sustainable exploration technologies and geomodels
Department of Mining is looking forward to be partner in following or related calls:
SC5-13c-2015 - EC link: Topic: Innovation friendly minerals policy framework
SC5-13e-2015 - EC link: Topic: Raw materials intelligence capacity
SC5-13f-2015 - EC link: Topic: Strategic international dialogues and cooperation with raw materials producing countries and industry
EO-2-2015 - EC link: Topic: Stimulating wider research use of Copernicus Sentinel Data
Department of Mining prepares applications for following calls under Central Baltic and Baltic Sea Programme:
CB - More exports by the Central Baltic companies to new markets and other Mining related priorities
BSR - Efficient management of natural resources and other Mining related priorities
It is too difficult to do surface mining statistics of the one county but at country level I think it is more easy (many data?). Please, help me, I am blocked in my research.
I'd like to know if there is a software to estimate the grade of an element by means of petrographic microscope avoiding tedious and time-consuming modal analysis.
Why do people hate mining when mining is the way to source mineral resources for improving our modern civilization? How should mining be done for a better situation?
The prices of rare earth element has dropped during last year, I cant find the data of its variation during last year specifically after crazy increase after China's limitations in exports since 2007. I'm seeking for reasons of this drop too.