Science topics: NeuroscienceMigrane
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1 Ornis italica, 2 LIPU, 3 MEDRAPTORS (Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network) Contatti:, Dal 15 marzo al 31 maggio 2024 abbiamo effettuato il monitoraggio della migrazione pre-riproduttiva di rapaci diurni, cicogne e gruccioni sul lato calabrese dello Stretto di Messina. Come nei...
Powerlines pose a significant threat to many bird species, impacting their conservation. Current research focuses on developing methods to mitigate bird mortality due to electrocution and collisions with powerlines. In this study, we designed a sound prototype to be installed on infrastructure poles, including powerlines, aiming to reduce their use...
Pengiriman pekerja migran Indonesia ke luar negeri melalui beberapa proses dimulai dari proses rekrutmen pekerja migran, lalu proses penentuan penempatan apabila pekerja migran telah memenuhi persyaratan yang ada, lalu penampungan dan pengiriman ke negara tempat bekerja. Pengiriman pekerja migran Indonesia dilakukan oleh pemerintah melalui Dinas Te...
Government's strategy to improve the welfare of Female PMI Returnees. The research method is mixed in the form of sequential exploration. The data used are primary and secondary data. The results of the study, first, are the need for regional government policies related to improving the welfare of Female PMI Returnees. Second, it is necessary to op...
In an age of rewilding and dramatic declines in biodiversity, we are developing a new way to reintroduce raptors: parental hacking. The principle behind it is similar to that which informs traditional hacking, where the birds are released without contact with adult conspecifics. In parental hacking, our method, the parents feed their own offspring...
Most species of migrating birds use a combination of innate vector-based orientation programs and social information to facilitate accurate navigation during their life. A number of various interspecies hybridisations have been reported in birds. The traits of parents are expressed in hybrids in typical ways which are either intermediate, combined...
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat Internasional merupakan gambaran nyata betapa kita warganegara Indonesia memperhatikan dan menghargai saudara kita sesama warga negara Indonesia di belahan negara lain untuk sama-sama berkembang dan membangun ekonomi yang lebih baik. Berkolaborasi dengan Pertubuhan Masyarakat Indonesia di Pulau Pinang Malaysia atau PERM...
La migración es un fenómeno constante en la historia de la humanidad que busca mejorar la calidad de vida, sin embargo, genera consecuencias significativas. En Ecuador, este fenómeno afecta profundamente a los adultos mayores cuando sus familiares migran, no solo los excluye de la participación social, sino que también vulnera su bienestar emociona...
Aproximadamente la mitad de las aves que anidan en Canadá y Estados Unidos migran al Neotrópico durante la temporada no reproductiva, pasando entre seis y nueve meses en sus zonas de invernada. De manera similar, alrededor de un tercio de la avifauna de México migra hacia el norte, a Canadá y Estados Unidos, durante la temporada de nidificación, qu...
Background: Lyme disease (LD) is a multisystemic infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted by Ixodes ticks, affecting the skin, nervous system, heart and joints. Neuroborreliosis (LNB), a nervous system manifestation of LD, occurs in 10–15% of cases and may present with neurological symptoms at varying stages. Case description: We pr...
Background: Lyme disease (LD) is a multisystemic infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted by Ixodes ticks, affecting the skin, nervous system, heart and joints. Neuroborreliosis (LNB), a nervous system manifestation of LD, occurs in 10–15% of cases and may present with neurological symptoms at varying stages. Case description: We pr...
Background and Purpose
Clinical manifestations of Lyme borreliosis (LB), caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl), include erythema migrans, Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB), carditis, and arthritis. LB is a notifiable disease in Japan with <30 surveillance‐reported LB cases annually, predominately from Hokkaido Prefecture. However, LB, includin...
A tanulmány a magyar mezőgazdaság munkaintenzív ágazataiban jelentkező tartós munkaerőhiány problémáját tárgyalja. A magyarországi folyamatok nem választhatók el a szezonális munka 1980-as években megkezdődött globalizálódásától, ami a munkaerőpiac szegmentálódásával és a migráns idénymunkások alkalmazásának elterjedésével járt. Magyarországon a sz...
El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la migración haitiana a
Santiago de Chile y, en particular, las principales rutas de la migración de
tránsito de este colectivo y los obstáculos que enfrentan una vez llegados a
este país, del cual suelen reemigrar con un nuevo proyecto migratorio hacia
el norte global. La metodología es cualitativa, con tra...
Introduction and purpose: Lyme borreliosis, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex, is the most common vector-borne disease in Europe. Transmitted by Ixodes ticks, its prevalence is increasing due to climate change, expanded tick habitats, and improved diagnostic awareness. Consequently, unified and evidence-based management guidelines a...
To determine the frequency of confirmed Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) cases in adult patients with three different clinical presentations consistent with early LNB.
Data were obtained through routine health care at the UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia from 2005 to 2022, using clinical pathways. The patients were classified into three groups:...
Tujuan umum penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis peran Solidaritas Perempuan Anging Mammiri dalam pemenuhan hak perempuan buruh migran di Sulsel perspektif hukum Islam. Adapun tujuan khususnya yaitu: 1) Untuk mengetahui bentuk pemenuhan hak perempuan buruh migran Solidaritas Perempuan Anging Mammiri di Sulsel. 2) Untuk mengetahui upaya Solidaritas...
The optimism that civilian administration in Nigeria's Fourth Republic would catalyze unparalleled development has gradually waned as Nigerians continue to grapple with precarious economic conditions. A significant proportion of the country’s annual revenue is allocated to servicing domestic and external debts, further diminishing prospects for an...
The Overseas General Election deliberately neglects justice for Indonesian Female Migrant Workers (Perempuan Pekerja Migran Indonesia/PPMI). Structural layers of neglect occur from the formulation of regulations to their implementation. The economic contributions made by PPMI fail to be recognized by the state, as reflected in the fulfillment of th...
The migration of Indonesian migrant workers has brought positive contributions to economic development in both the countries of origin and destination of Indonesian migrant workers. In an effort to provide protection for Indonesian migrant workers, the government has issued Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Worke...
Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) merupakan salah satu pilar utama penyumbang devisa negara dengan kontribusi mencapai lebih dari Rp 158 triliun pada tahun 2020. Namun, di balik kontribusi tersebut, para pekerja migran menghadapi berbagai permasalahan serius, baik sebelum keberangkatan, selama bekerja di luar negeri, hingga pasca kepulangan. Penelitia...
Although since the first Indonesian general election was held in 1955, it has guaranteed political rights, especially the right to vote, for Indonesian citizens who are abroad, but in the development of policies on elections in Indonesia there has been no adequate policy update. Women Indonesian migrant workers who are the face of the majority of I...
Resumen En un mundo globalizado, visibilizar las migraciones y su realidad sociojurídica, sus antecedentes, las particularidades de las personas que migran, sus motivaciones, las circunstancias particulares de determinados grupos o colectivos, etc., es una tarea que desde la academia ha de llevarse a cabo de manera incesante, pues todo esfuerzo es...
Migratory movements are not only made up of subjects who move from one place to another, but part of these routes depend on and are articulated with various types of materiality that are not always considered in research as factors that facilitate or obstruct said trajectories. In this article we pay attention to how migrant objects are a constitut...
The problems experienced by Indonesian female migrant workers both in their own country and in the destination country show how vulnerable they are to violence. Most of them are workers in the informal sector such as domestic and care workers, who are categorized as low-skilled workers. As a result of this categorization, they often experience disc...
The purpose of this study was to determine the types and distribution of birds in the coastal forest of Negeri Mamala, Leihitu District, Central Maluku Regency. The method used to determine the types and distribution of birds is the point count method or count points made in five plots. The results of the study showed that there were 14 species of...
Pemberlakukan Undang-Undang Pemilu No 7 tahun 2017 menyatakan tentang syarat pemilih yang meliputi Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) yang berdomisili di wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia atau di luar negeri. Dengan fokus pada pekerja rumah tangga (PRT) migran, artikel ini berusaha untuk menganalisa partisipasi politik dan keterlibatan PRT migra...
The absence of Indonesian women migrant workers (Perempuan Pekerja Migran Indonesia/PPMI) in parliament reflects the unfulfilled political rights of citizens. With various problems of election violations such as double DPT, overseas election systems that are vulnerable to manipulation through postal and drop box methods indicate the vulnerability o...
Estudiamos la migración pos nupcial de aves a través de los Pirineos en los puertos de montaña de Somport y Portalet durante 2016 y 2017. Se siguieron cuatro especies: (aves planeadoras) abejero europeo Pernis apivorus, milano negro Milvus migrans y aves batiendo alas, aleteadoras o remeras (avión común Delichon urbicum y golondrina común Hirundo r...
Bareilly, situated in the Rohilkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India, boasts a rich avian population that includes several endemic species. This project aims to comprehensively review the endemic species found in Bareilly, shedding light on their ecological significance, distribution patterns, and conservation status.Using a combination of field sur...
Menyelamatkan korban pidana perdagangan orang yang terjadi antarnegara melibatkan banyak aktor. Dalam perspektif liberalis, seharusnya aktor non-negara menjadi peranan dominan, apakah benar demikan? Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan strategi aktor non negara Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI) dalam menyelamatkan korban cyber scam di Myanmar t...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan keuangan paroki di Kevikepan Tomohon melalui penerapan sistem pengelolaan keuangan berbasis digital. Berdasarkan hasil monitoring dan evaluasi yang menunjukkan banyaknya kesalahan pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan di paroki-paroki, penelitian ini mengadopsi pendekatan Participatory Action Rese...
Accurate identification of decreasing trends is a prerequisite for successful conservation, but can be challenging when immigration compensates local declines in abundance. Here, we show that a potential declining trend driven by low vital rates was overridden and converted into a spectacular increase by massive immigration into the population of a...
Este artículo analiza los intentos por explorar otras economías entre neorrurales asentados en el sureste y centro de México, quienes hacen parte del creciente número de urbanos desencantados que migran de la ciudad al campo en busca de un estilo de vida más simple, cercano a la naturaleza, en comunidad, y menos dependiente de las dinámicas del cap...
This research explores the empowerment process for women former migrant workers through community-based education in the Desa Peduli Buruh Migran (DESBUMI) community in Jember Regency, Indonesia. It aims to examine community-based empowerment concepts and strategies to inform policies supporting women former migrant workers. Using a qualitative cas...
Pekerja migran menjadi salah satu solusi penting dalam mengurangi pengangguran, termasuk di Kelurahan Semolowaru, Kota Surabaya. Meski menawarkan peluang ekonomi yang menjanjikan, pekerja migran juga menghadapi berbagai tantangan, seperti penipuan agen tenaga kerja, kekurangan informasi terkait hak, dan risiko eksploitasi di luar negeri. Melalui pr...
Kegiatan pengabdian luar negeri dalam bentuk Psikoedukasi Mencintai Indonesia berupa Pengembangan Karakter dan Moral Pancasila bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman anak-anak pekerja migran di Malaysia mengenai identitas kebangsaan Indonesia dan nilai-nilai moral Pancasila. Anak-anak pekerja migran sering menghadapi berbagai tantangan, seperti kur...
Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan literasi dasar dan karakter Islami anak-anak Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) yang belajar di TPA Prima Kampung Baru, PCIM Malaysia. Program ini menggunakan pendekatan pendampingan terstruktur dengan metode Jibril dan diskusi interaktif untuk mengajarkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis huruf Arab...
Sistem kafala, yang diterapkan di negara-negara Teluk, dirancang untuk mengatur tenaga kerja migran melalui hubungan sponsor. Meski secara normatif bertujuan melindungi pekerja migran, sistem ini sering kali menciptakan eksploitasi, seperti kondisi kerja yang tidak manusiawi, penahanan dokumen pribadi, dan keterbatasan kebebasan pekerja. P...
Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan daya antisipasi Calon Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) Perempuan di Banyuwangi terhadap kerentanan jalur non-resmi dalam bekerja ke luar negeri serta memperkuat mekanisme mitigasi penempatan PMI non-prosedural. PkM ini dilaksanakan bermitra dengan Dinas Tenaga...
La noción de “topología” proveniente de las ciencias duras aporta a la crítica literaria su operatividad para describir la narrativa como un espacio que sitúa lugares de lectura literaria. Los espacios topicalizados se reconocen dibujando una espacialidad creada por la vivencia de los escritores recientes de literatura cubana, en una representación...
Based on BPK regulation No. 6 of 2022 states that the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Center (BP3MI) is a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) under the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI). BP3MI has the task of implementing Indonesian migrant placement services in accordance with statutory provisions as stated in Law No.18 of...
The resources at the Victoria Island project site are integrated and multi-sectoral, requiring a participatory approach model for biological diversity planning and resource control despite the urgent need for development. A reconnaissance survey was conducted for the preliminary identification of environmental sensitivities. The inventory of fauna...
México es el principal destino de los norteamericanos que migran a América Latina y el segundo destino más popular a nivel mundial para los turistas canadienses (OIM, 2022). Este artículo tiene como propósito analizar cómo a partir del desarrollo turístico-residencial como modo de producción preponderante ha influido al cambio social y, por tanto,...
The study aims to analyze the causal factors, the level of threat to national security, and the intelligence strategy in preventive efforts. The research method used is qualitative, with interviews as the primary data and literature review as the secondary data. The results show that kidney organ trafficking and the exploitation of non-procedural I...
Kehidupan manusia sangat bergantung pada pekerjaan karena pekerjaan memungkinkan orang untuk hidup yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan keluarga mereka. Memenuhi hak untuk bekerja adalah tanggung jawab pemerintah. Banyak orang Indonesia memilih untuk bekerja di negara lain sebagai TKI (tenaga kerja Indonesia) karena kurangnya lapangan pekerjaan...
Penelantaran anak merupakan perbuatan yang melanggar hukum pidana karena membiarkan mereka tidak mendapatkan pemenuhan hak-hak perlindungan anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi strategi pencegahan penelantaran anak pekerja migran Indonesia di Jerowaru kabupaten Lombok Timur. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan...
Lyme disease is a multisystem infection that can affect the joints, heart, and nervous system when untreated. While it can present with cranial nerve palsy, dysphagia is rarely reported. This case highlights a rare instance of dysphagia in Lyme disease, typically known for neurological symptoms like facial nerve palsy. Despite the absence of erythe...
Resumen: La salud es influenciada socialmente, sus determinantes son aquellas "circunstancias en que las personas nacen crecen, trabajan, viven y envejecen, incluido el conjunto más amplio de fuerzas y sistemas que influyen sobre las condiciones de la vida cotidiana". Objetivo: caracterizar los determinantes sociales de la situación alimentaria y n...
Infectious diseases pose a persistent global public health challenge, with dermatological symptoms often serving as pivotal indicators of underlying infections. Recognizing and understanding these manifestations are essential for timely diagnosis, management, and prevention.
Skin changes, including rashes, ulcers, and lesions, frequently act as ea...
Una de las particularidades más relevantes compartidas por los menores, que migran solos al alcanzar su destino y que les diferencia de otros migrantes, es su doble condición de menores de edad y extranjeros en situación "irregular". Como menores de edad, se supone que están amparados bajo una legislación específica basada en el interés superior de...
The primary objectives of our research were to analyze Lyme serology results from pediatric patients, identify the clinical reasons for ordering these tests, and assess the clinical relevance of the serology results in the context of Lyme disease.
Our study, conducted at a reference pediatric hospital in a non-endemic region for...
Background: Infectious diseases pose a persistent global public health challenge, with dermatological symptoms often serving as pivotal indicators of underlying infections. Recognizing and understanding these manifestations are essential for timely diagnosis, management, and prevention. Objective: This narrative review explores the intricate interp...
Lyme borreliosis (LB) is more common in the Northern Hemisphere. It is endemic mainly in North America, where the vectors are Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus, and in Eurasia, where the vectors are Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes persulcatus. Both tick-borne diseases and LB are influenced by climate change. Africa and South America are crossed by t...
Program pemberdayaan dan edukasi hukum bagi Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) di Taiwan menyoroti sektor informal, khususnya pekerja rumah tangga dan nelayan. PMI menghadapi tantangan serius seperti diskriminasi hukum, terbatasnya akses informasi, dan kerentanan terhadap kejahatan. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran hukum melalui semin...
A rapidly shrinking and aging population has pushed the Japanese government to relax certain border regulations to let in more foreign workers. JICA predicts that by 2040, Japan will need to double its foreign workforce to more than 6 million. This is also in line with the Japanese government’s policy plan which opens up opportunities for foreign w...
This is the case of chronic chromoblastomycosis (CBM) in a 61-year-old male from the Dominican Republic (DR) with extensive cutaneous eruptions over multiple areas of the body including bilateral lower extremities and the flank extending to the back. A 61-year-old male with a history of morbid obesity, chronic kidney disease stage III, and well-con...
The black kite (Milvus migrans (Boddaert, 1783)) is a species of birds of prey that is poorly studied in the European part of Russia and Eastern Europe. Therefore, in this work we analyze the long-term observations of black kites in the north of Moscow Region, and present the results of an analysis of the species’ phenology and nesting. We discover...
Although lymphopenia has been described in acute Lyme disease (LD), the complete blood count (CBC) has not been comprehensively examined, nor have sex-based analyses been conducted. We analyzed CBC values and identified sex-based trends among patients with early LD by comparing both to controls without a history of LD and to patients’...
Lyme disease (LD) cases in the UK most commonly present within the primary care setting. Despite an upward trend of incidence, little is known regarding general practitioner (GP) experience with diagnosis and treatment.
This study aims to describe baseline primary care clinician Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) in Scotland and...
This service aims to foster creativity and love for the environment in the children of migrant workers at the Kepong Guidance Center, Kuala Lumpur, through the Zero Waste-Based Pancasila Project. Children of migrant workers often face a variety of difficulties, such as lack of access to essential services and difficult economic conditions. This pro...
Introducción: Este artículo aborda la necesidad crítica de la alfabetización financiera para promover la inclusión de las personas mayores en la era digital. A medida que los servicios financieros migran hacia entornos digitales, se hace evidente la importancia de que los adultos mayores adquieran competencias financieras básicas que les permitan p...
Lyme Borreliosis (LB), or Lyme disease, is a growing health concern caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl) bacteria transmitted through tick bites, and untreated cases can lead to severe health complications. Existing serology tests, while valuable, have low sensitivity in early infection stages where diagnosis is vital, interpretation va...
Compared to classic Lyme disease (LD), Baggio–Yoshinari syndrome (BYS) has the following distinctive characteristics: it is transmitted in the Amazon area and Northeast, Central-West, Southeast, and South regions of Brazil by hard ticks, notably Amblyomma cajannense or Rhipicefalus sp. The absence of Ixodes sp. ticks in areas at risk of BYS in Braz...
The non-procedural departure of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) is a serious problem in Indonesia, especially due to the high risk of exploitation and human trafficking faced by migrant workers. Soekarno-Hatta International Airport as the main departure point is a strategic location in an effort to prevent non-procedural migrant workers. Cooperati...
El texto recorre algunos momentos y modos de la des-identificación, esto es, la separación entre un cuerpo viviente y los papeles que lo sujetan a un Estado. Si en la cultura popular de los 1960s latinoamericanos la carencia de documentación podía llegar a experimentarse como un modo utópico de la libertad, las dictaduras del cono sur poco más tard...
Lyme borreliosis (LB), caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl) genospecies transmitted by Ixodes spp. ticks, is a significant public health concern in the Northern Hemisphere. This review highlights the complex interplay between Bbsl infection and host–immune responses, impacting clinical manifestations and long‐term immunity. Early locali...
Herein we report a case of Lyme borreliosis in a pediatric patient, highlighting the diagnostic challenges associated with this condition. An 11-year-old girl was admitted with high fever, headaches, abdominal pain, and a progressing rash. Initial symptoms included small rashes that vanished with antihistamine treatment, but maculopapular rashes la...
Purpose To determine the frequency of confirmed Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) cases in adult patients with three different clinical presentations consistent with early LNB. Methods Data were obtained through routine health care at the UMC Ljubljana, Slovenia from 2005–2022, using clinical pathways. The patients were classified into three groups: i) r...
Breve recuento histórico y una reflexión sobre los hipopótamos del Magdalena Medio colombiano 48(187):397-400, abril-junio de 2024. doi: Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales Opinión Breve recuento histórico y una reflexión sobre los hipopótamos del Magdalena Medio colombia...
This work presents a telemedicine system designed to support the diagnosis of Lyme disease, a common and dangerous illness spread by ticks. The system was designed as a smartphone application and built in close cooperation with doctors specializing in diagnosing and treating Lyme disease. After logging in, a potential patient answers yes/no to a se...
Diagnosing erythema migrans (EM) skin lesion, the most common early symptom of Lyme disease, using deep learning techniques can be effective to prevent long-term complications. Existing works on deep learning based EM recognition only utilizes lesion image due to the lack of a dataset of Lyme disease related images with associated patie...
Kasus perdagangan orang yang melibatkan pekerja migran dari Nusa Tenggara Timur, seperti Meriance Kabu, yang direkrut dengan janji palsu dan ditipu untuk bekerja di Malaysia menggambarkan bentuk eksploitasi dan manipulasi terhadap pekerja migran. Meskipun beberapa pelaku telah dihukum, termasuk Piter Boki dan Teddy Moa, banyak tersangka lain masih...
Remitansi adalah transfer dana penting dari pekerja migran ke keluarga di negara asal, yang memiliki dampak signifikan pada ekonomi global dan kesejahteraan penerima. Namun, ada sejumlah masalah dan risiko yang terkait dengan proses pengiriman, terutama untuk pekerja Indonesia (TKI) di Singapura. Dengan pendekatan penelitian hukum normatif, penelit...
INTRODUCCIÓN. Los debates en cuanto a la atención socioeducativa de los jóvenes que migran solos siguen siendo exiguos. En Cataluña, el modelo de atención e intervención que prima es el educativo de ayuda, fundamentado a nivel teórico en los principios de normalización-responsabilización de las personas implicadas, y traducido a efectos prácticos e...
En este artículo analizamos material producido por el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación argentina y recomendado por el programa Educación, migraciones y movilidad humana de dicho organismo para trabajar en la escuela primaria el tema migraciones. Indagamos cómo se construye discursivamente a las personas que migran —quiénes son, qué característi...
Az Európai Unió menekültügyi rendszerének, vagyis a dublini egyezményben foglaltak hatékony működtetésének technikai hátterét kívánja biztosítani az Eurodac, amely nemcsak a menedékkérők, hanem az irreguláris migránsok és az illegálisan tartózkodók ujjnyomatának összevetésére is szolgál. A szerző elemzi az Eurodac statisztikai adatait mind a három...
Abstrak. Pengalaman sebagai migran seharusnya dapat membantu migran kembali untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik guna mengurangi tekanan ekonomi. Tekanan ekonomi cenderung mendorong warga untuk menjadi migran berulang yang sebagian berstatus ilegal. Sementara itu, Kabupaten Sambas berbatasan darat dengan Sarawak, Malaysia, yang banyak menawa...
Para analizar la migración de N-nitrosaminas desde materiales elastoméricos de caucho, como chupos para biberones, y desde materiales elastoméricos de látex, como guantes y condones, se requieren técnicas de alta sensibilidad que permitan determinar si los materiales migran cantidades de N-nitrosaminas que superen el límite permitido por la regulac...
Necrotizing acral erythema (NAE) is a rare disease associated with hepatitis C and is considered as diagnostic marker. Clinical findings are well-circumscribed hyperpigmented papules and thick adherent scaly plaques symmetrically distributed on the dorsum of the foot. From a clinical perspective, NAE shares similarities with other conditions such a...
La migración ha sido un problema que por muchos años ha estado presente en nuestro país, en el caso del estado de Chiapas donde se muestra más esta situación de como las familias “chiapanecas”, buscan salir de su estado para buscar una mejor calidad de vida, lo que repercute en la educación de sus hijos. En esta investigación se reconocerán los fac...
This research discusses the Early Childhood Care Practices in Madura Family at the Polagan Village, Galis District, Pamekasan Regency. This study aims to investigate the practice of early childhood care in the migrant family in Polagan Village, Galis District, Pamekasan Regency, focusing on the impact of the whereabouts of parents who migrates in t...
This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) seminar in raising community awareness in Putatgede Village. The seminar, which involved socialization and interactive discussions, successfully provided relevant information on migrant worker recruitment procedures, the risk of fraud, and protection for migrant workers....
Lyme disease is the most prevalent tick-borne infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria in North America. Other Borrelia species are predominately the cause of this disease in Eurasia with some distinct and various overlapping manifestations. Consequently, caution must be exercised when comparing the disease and its manifestations and treat...
Lyme disease is a very common infectious disease worldwide. The seventh cranial nerve palsy occurred in 9% of Lyme disease cases and the majority of them present as unilateral facial palsy. We present a rare case of bilateral facial palsy in Lyme disease due to Borrelia burgdorferi infection. A total of eleven cases of Lyme disease with bilateral f...
Kasus tindak pidana perdagangan orang (TPPO) makin hari makin meningkat jumlahnya. Bahkan korbannya tidak hanya warga negara Indonesia saja, melainkan dari negara lain di sekitar Indonesia seperti Asia Tenggara Kasus tindak pidana perdagangan orang yang terjadi saat ini, sama seperti tumpukkan gunung es yang tinggi. Hanya sedikit yang terlihat di a...
Topiramate, a sulfonamide-derived drug, is not only approved as an anticonvulsant but also for migraine prophylaxis. Ocular side effects are rare.
Case presentation
The case of a 25-year-old woman with bilateral topiramate-induced angle-closure attack is presented. Clinical findings included elevated intraocular pressure, reduced anteri...