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Questions related to Microwave Engineering
in the case 2 Dielectric Resonator (DRs) are located at a certain distance from each other
The study object is a flat diode.
In the Particle Tracking solver, in the emission model settings (Edit Particle Area Source – Tracking emission model – Emission Settings) for Space Charge Limited Emission, Thermionic Emission, there is a Kinetic Settings tab (Fig. 1).
1) If temperature is selected as the kinetic characteristic (for Uniform distribution - Kinetic type: Temperature, for Maxwell distribution - Temperature), then what value should be set, the cathode temperature?
2) Velocity is selected as the kinetic characteristic (for Uniform distribution - Kinetic type: Velocity). The dependence of the emission current on the velocity I(v) is obtained. The emission current decreased with increasing speed (Fig. 2).
Energy is chosen as the kinetic characteristic (for Uniform distribution - Kinetic type: Energy). The dependence of the emission current on the energy I(U) is obtained. The emission current increased with increasing energy (Fig. 3).
How to understand the opposite behavior of the dependencies under consideration if energy and velocity are directly related: U= mv^2/(2*e)?
3) In the Thermionic Emission model settings, the temperature appears in both General and Kinetic Settings (Fig. 4). The temperature value in both General and Kinetic Settings should be the same?
I want to design a riblet hybrid coupler (Short Slot Hybrid Coupler) in X-band.
1- What should be the length of the couple region, the distance between the two common walls?
2- What techniques can I use for phase shift?
If you know an article or book in this field, please introduce it
quadrature coupler supports wide bandwidth or not in antenna?
Hello everyone
Recently, I've been working on constructing the waveform for the simple PCB interconnect by means of existing algorithm, which means I don't want to use the commercial software.
To be simple, I suppose the topology is just TX + transmission line + RX (See Fig. 1)
At the beginning, I just wanted to quickly estimate the waveform with ideally initial waveform (See Fig. 2)
Unfortunately, I had no idea to estimate the TX output impedance and RX input impedance.
Eventually, I thought I had to build the waveform by means of interpreting the IBIS models.
There are [Pullup], [Pulldown], [POWER Clamp], [GND Clamp],... in the IBIS.
However, I don't know how to use them to construct the waveform and get the internal impedance.
My question : How to do that with the IBIS information?
(Suppose the IBIS is 4.2 version)
Thanks for your kind reading.
Recently, I'd like to collect some formulas for some specific transmission line structures in PCB (single-ended stripline, single-ended microstrip line, etc)
I found that there is no formula related to the impedance of the microstrip line with solder mask (the region above the solder mask treated as the vacuum or the air)
Is there any suggestion to find that?
Thank your reading
I wana simulate a FSS unit cell using ADS tool. I designed it using CST, HFSS. I wana verify the results using ADS. I'm just started ADS, help me regarding this.
I want to use "File Based" for the input port by using DAC in ADS Simulator, and I read a lot about that but every time I encountered many problems during the ADS simulation and the simulation does not complete, if someone can explain in details how can I use DAC to make the input impedance is variable "as in CST Microwave Studio" not 50 Ohm, I will be grateful
I am using FAU type zeolite Y (commercial names:CBV100 and CBV780, Si/Al:2.5 and 40, nominal cation: Na) and I am looking for the thermal conductivity and the specific heat as a function of temperature.
I have found a paper [Int J Thermophys (2013) 34:1197–1213 (DOI:10.1007/s10765-013-1467-2)] which has nearly the whole framework of zeolite but it has just one value, 1.09W/(mK).
What about specific heat value? I have been using the of 13X zeolite 840J(kgK). I found one paper about that (DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2010/0022-2026) but I am confused a little bit which function that i have to use.
Hi, i am trying to perform SAR analysis in CST but the problem is after simulation in the post-processing section the SAR tool is not activated. Therefore i cannot get the results. Do you have any idea why? I put the picture below.
Any suggestion would be so helpful. Thanks in advance.
Dear Researcher,
Please, Can you suggest me some SCOPUS/SCI indexed journals unpaid/paid in Electromagnetic Compatibility, Radio Frequency, Antenna and Microwave Engineering with 1-3 months of review time? Thank you in advanced!
Kindly, suggest me some SCI/SCOPUS indexed journals paid/unpaid in RF and Microwave Engineering with 1-2 months of review time.
I have designed a resonator in HFSS (the hfss file is attached). The resonator is supposed to be fed by a 50 ohm impedance matching transmission line. How can I do that?
The resonator is fabricated on a dielectric substrate. Top of that substrate there are 4 layers, SiN2 layer, Titanium layer, Copper layer and Gold layer respectively. Below the substrate there is a ground metal (gold used by me).
In other words,on what condition number of metallic holes to be placed along the length of the SIW ANTENNA
For a project I'm working on, I require an X band varactor, with a junction capacitance of the order of 0.1pF.
I am struggling to find a varactor (surface mounted, SC-79 packaging) with that low a junction capacitance, the best I have found so far is the SMV1430 by skyworks which has a junction cap. of 1.11pF.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello all,
I am trying to measure "Noise Figure (NF)" value of the LNA (IC of MAX2678) by using VNA (without Noise Source, and with perfect 50-ohm test systems) and I am following the steps in given "Vector Network Analyzer Application Note " as attached in the following link or in the attachment:
However, even though I am adjusting the LNA input power so that LNA does not enter compression (saturation) and besides, I am calibrating my VNA in the frequency range that meets with my LNA's operating frequency range, in the end, I am observing "negative Noise Figure" from the LNA measurements.
In theory, it is impossible to see negative NF. So; is there anyone who has experienced such a situation before? Or why I am observing "negative noise figure " from my LNA measurement with VNA (without Noise source)?
Best regards,
Thank you in advance.
While performing harmonic balance (HB) simulation by using oscport in ADS, an unwanted oscillation is detected prior to my desired frequency of oscillation. ADS detects the first one and gives HB simulation results of the unwanted oscillation, and no result is found for the actual oscillation. Although the active component is properly matched for enough gain and unstability at the desired frequency, this problem occurs while performing HB simulation. I am expecting some suggestions on this issue.
Please someone suggest any possible position for Post-Doctoral Fellow for the field of Antenna & Microwave Engineering in any University or R&D Lab.
send the some IEEE papers for radio frequency and microwave design using interactive simulation using java applet program.
Seeking a book publisher in the field of Microwave Engineering, with zero publication fee
By superposition, two identical waves (same frequency, phase, and magnitude E) give a wave of magnitude 2E. But before superposition, the total power is 0.5E^2+0.5E^2=E^2; after superposition, the power is 0.5*(2E)^2=2E^2. So energy is not conserved, what is wrong here?
I want to plot the permeability of an SRR using CST "Template based post-processing > Mix template results " based on S11 and S21 as shown in the formula below:
mu = (2 * c (1 - v2)) / 2 * pi * f * d * i (1 + v2).
all parameters are known except f (which is the frequency varying from 0.5 to 3 Ghz).
Is their any variable that represent it in CST? how can we calculate the permeability then ?
Can I model the Brain in COMSOL using the different dielectric values available?
Using this software can I also anlayze the Electromagnetic field distribution due to the scattering of the microwaves due to different dielectric media in the brain model?
Can help me to find best topics on microwave engineering for 20Min board presentation
I am trying to design a rectangular waveguide (WR12) power divider/combiner to split/combine my signal and at the same time maintain a good isolation between the two fan-out legs.
In my simulation, I have tried a simple T junction with a septum in the middle, it works well as a fan-out and combiner but the isolation is poor.
Does anyone know any design tricks so I can achieve a good isolation while maintaining a good power dividing insertion loss? I can't use isolator structure in my design since my signal will go both way.
RF transparent materials are materials where RF fields can penetrate with no heating happen. So far, I know some like Teflon, PPL, PVC, and ABS. They are made of plastics and have almost 0 dielectric loss factor. Anybody can suggest and give opinion about this.
What is your idea on protein denaturation after microwave or radio frequency heating?
i've noticed that majority of engineers are focusing on the technical side of development of telecom equipment either in mobile communication or any other sub-field , compared to computer networking ,engineers do their best to develop new security solutions !
i don't understand why there's always this lack of interest in security field in telecom !!
I am trying to implement microstrip reflectarray antenna in HFSS, basic one.
Read a lot of papers but no one seems to be exactly talking about the simulation process. Some papers mention the use of an horn antenna (placed in far field) as transmitter but that would make the calculations very time-consuming.
I tried the incident wave excitation but then what type of analysis needs to be used with it, frequency sweep gives an error. Also how to observe the reflected wave radiation pattern ?
Another approach which I came across in papers is using a unit cell waveguide approach wherein one simulates an element of the array, but apart from its geometry ( perfect E boundary top and bottom, perfect H boundary sides) again I don't know how to excite it and it turn simulate it Also this approach I believe is applicable for simulating an infinitely large array, which I would try later
Any help would be appreciable, Please..........
Mode chart is available for Rectangular, Circular and annular ring shaped microstrip antenna. Does anybody have the mode chart for sectoral microstrip antenna/sectoral dielectric resonator antenna?
I am trying to simulate a coupled differential micrsostrip transmission line in CST to obtain the differential impedance. I used two (full plane) waveguide ports to obtain the even mode model, the port mode results I got only contained the wave impedance.
In an attempt to obtain the odd mode, I sliced the model into two halves, as shown in the figure, and used 4 waveguide ports. The s-parameters obtained and the field current did not follow the expectation, as I was getting current at the dielectric (Rogers RO3003). Is there a way I can obtain a line impedance for the structure? I tried the same procedure with a single microstrip and I only obtained the wave impedance.
Hi all,
I simulated an open ended probe (coaxial cable) monopole antenna in CST mws. It works (good return loss, Input impedance 50).
However, in HFSS, I designed the same dimension of structure with a radiation box which has edges size = lamda0/4.
A 50 ohms (Z0) input impedance is found, return loss is very poor (-3 dB).
I need a help to resolve the problem in HFSS
I want to plot the time domain reflections for bi-static antenna configuration using S21 in MATLAB, what is the development procedure?
I am trying to design a rectangular dielectric resonator antenna so how can i physically calculate the resonance frequency,length and width.also guide me how to set the parameters length,width and thickness for the substrate,ground and feed.
While simulating SIW filter I am getting a graph of reference impedance vs frequency as shown in the figure.
I am not able to identify what is the cause of this peak in the impedance and why is this varying with the frequency. Also, what does it signifies?
One thing that I observed is that while changing the dimensions of the waveguide port, the peak of the impedance graph is shifting.
I will be helpful if you can explain this.
We have a device Prolabo, Model Maxidigest MX350 microwave assisted atomiser but unfortunatelly don't know how to run. Because it is microwave, we would like to have a manuel for our safety.
I appriciate your if anyone whou could provide the manuel, if hard copy to scan,
Thanks a lot.
Dear Colleagues,
How to calculate microstrip antenna for 2 resonant frequencies, which are far located from each other. Approximately in 3.5 times. I found information only about microstrip antenna with enhanced bandwidth and for near located resonant frequencies.
The shape of antenna radiator is doesn't matter.
Thank you in advance!
I am curious about everybody's take on the state-of-the-art on design and classification of metamaterials. Suppose I wish to identify a metamaterial with a specific permittivity and permeability. Is there a cookbook procedure to identify/design that metamaterial? Is there a way to classify various metamaterials that would aid in such a design effort? What are the fundamental limits? I think I am asking for a periodic table of metamaterials.
I am trying to stub tuning with the following program: JJSmithInstall212. This program however shows a difference in comparison to the stub matching solutions by pozar :
Chapter 5. I would like to know the cause(s) of this difference
Can any one help me find the equivalent circuit and how to calculate the resonnace frequency of a CSRR (not SRR) ?
Let us assume that, a Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna has been designed in CST or in HFSS. For, frequency reconfigurable purpose, two PIN Diode Switches have been used in the patch. Now to excite or bias those switches individually, how can we design it's biasing circuit in the antenna ? What is the design methodology for the same ? When we will fabricate the antenna, how can we place the physical biasing circuit in that fabricated antenna ?
Hello beautiful minds
I have to analyse a simple microwave structure using the Boundary Integral-Resonant Mode Expansion (BI-RME) where I have to calculate the coefficients Aij, Bij, Cij and Kp in order to calculate the admittance matrix. Well, for Aij and Bij it's a simple formula, however, for Cij and Kp I should solve Helmholtz's equation in a 2D domain (Laplacian (U (x, y)) + Kp ^ 2 U (x, y) = 0), so after several attempts, I can find neither Cij nor Kp. I was wondering if someone might be able to give me a help by answering my questions below:
1- the analytical formula of eigenfunction U(x,y) depends on two natural constants (m,n)?
2- How many eigenvalues I should take in consideration to get best results?
I'll appreciate if you add some detail exemplification.
thanks for any help you can provide.
Referring to the papers,it was told only about the width of siw. Other dimension values are not justified for the specified frequency.Can u just refer a material or book or paper through which i can get an idea of design aspects of siw antenna
Referring to the papers,it was told only about the width of siw. Other dimension values are not justified for the specified frequency.Can u just refer a material or book or paper through which i can get an idea of designing siw antenna for a specified frequency
I am designing a rectifier at microwave frequencies. But I don't know the exact procedure to calculate Impedance of diode used in it. I also want to know that how to decide the microstrip line length and width between different lumped components.How to calculate load value.
I am getting error using in lumped port assignment in microstrip line feeding. I am trying to simulate the following paper
Hi, How can I calculate aperture efficiency for reflectarray antennas by using CST software, Thanks?
I have designed a patch antenna at 2.45 GHz in CST and now the same antenna is specifications are placed in HFSS but the antenna is not working at 2.45GHz but at 2.4 GHz.what could be the issue. Moreover i have designed the phase shifters and then fed the antenna array in CST but the same geometry is not matched in HFSS.
The first step in designing a device based on the gap waveguide technology is designing the periodic structure. This is based on the dispersion diagram. By selecting the values of an EBG structure dimensions a stopband from X to Y GHz will be achieved.
How can I prove that using CST? i.e. how can I get the dispersion diagram for an EBG periodic structure to show the stopband region for my structure dimensions?
Note: I have created two parallel plates, on the bottom one, a texture of bed of periodic square nails is provided. I have found in some tutorials the I need to use Eigenmode, but I could not get the expected result. What is wrong you think?
I am trying to use Givens Rotation and trying to zero a specific element in the matrix. But I can not do it correctly. Can anyone please tell me the steps with any example?
Reference is to the attached paper "Advanced coupling matrix synthesis techniques for microwave filters"R. J. Cameron,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Year: 2003, Volume: 51, Issue: 1 pg 6.
I want to compare theoretical resonance frequency and measured resonance frequency of annular slot antenna.
I would like to reflect EM waves (power density will be a few W per m2) at room temperature. The H field of the reflected wave should be inverted (shifted by 180 degrees), so the reflection has to be based mainly on magnetic dipoles, not on electric dipoles nor on conductivity; i. e. the relative permeability of the mirror should be considerably larger than its relative permittivity. There will be only a weak DC bias H field or none at all; the material will certainly not be saturated. S11 in the range from 0 dB to -3 dB would be great, but I guess something about -10 dB is more realistic.
Ferrite tiles would be fine but the datasheets usually assume that the purpose is absorption not reflection; so return loss is given for the case that the tiles are backed by a conducting sheet. Therefore the given return loss is partly caused by the superposition of the waves reflected from the ferrite and from the metal.
Do you know of a commercially available material well suited as a magnetic mirror in the frequency band mentioned above? I would greatly appreciate any hints, and, additionally, links to distributors!
I would like to know if the equation of taper space (edges) of reflector, which is defined by ratio f/D , is an estimation of Side lobe level of the aperture D of the reflector?
Dear all, would you please help me to sort this out?
I am trying to calculate the impedance of a cavity, from the simulated S_21 parameters using frequency domain solver in CST. I have extracted real and imaginary parts of the S21 parameters of the cavity and the reference pipe and use standard log formula, Hahn Pedersen (HP) formula as well as improved log formula. But, the impedance plot does not look good as I am getting negative real part of the impedance (see the attached files).
Would you please help me how to calculate impedance appropriately?
I do know that I can use Wake fields solver and calculate the impedance using Fourier transform of wake spectrum but I would like to get similar results from these simulated S-parameters so that I would get the confidence of calculating impedance from these parameters as well. Thank you.
For my thesis, i need to measure Schottky diode input impedance. As i read from papers, diode impedance changes by incident power and frequency. I set up a testbench in AWR and did some simulation. I reallly dont know that my measurements are correct. First of i i changed the diode parameters according to HSMS-2820 ' datasheet then put some parasitics elements around diode for accurate modeling (comes from packaging) i made harmonic balance simulation without bias tee as shown in the attachments. Does everything looks ok ?
Load impedance = 500 ohm
Input power = 10dbm
Diode = HSMS 2820
for excitation of antenna and rings are on substrate
I am using the discrete port and the port is 50 ohm so I am getting losses.
i have designed a transcranial pulsed current stimulation(tpcs) and wanted to simulate it with CST software ,but i do not know how to simulate the "electrodes " that is going to attach to the head and also the pulsed current that will pass through it.
can anyone please help me?
Please guide how to optimize the width(Wsiw between two rows of viases) in Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) in HFSS Software?
i searching the most of IEEE papers of circular and annular ring papers, only use coaxial feeding technique only why
i am fabricating Aperture coupled patch antenna on substrate (having dielectric constant 12) so how to design the lengh and width of the feed line.
Why antenna efficiency in HFSS is a function of theta?
@ [Results/create far fields report/Rectangular plot/antenna parameters/radiation efficiency]
Equivalent circuit model of printed microstrip line fed annular slot antenna is required.
Currently i'm working in Microstrip patch antenna, How can i simulate Reflection coefficient (S11) in HFSS simulation tool...
using frequency domain solver in CST microwave studio
i know this in HFSS software. but it doesn't work for CST software.
i simulate a bow tie antenna but i cant see the same results as main paper. i think its excitation is wrong. would any one help me?
i attach the main paper with its simulation
I am doing my research in RFID tag design.Now I want to know how to make an
equivalent circuit model of the designed tag. Also I want to know, how to export equivalent circuit from CST simulation software
it is hard to reduce the active reflection coefficience in phased array.
is there any good ways to avoid the high active reflection coefficience?
Besides, The reflection coefficience is good.