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Microsoft Office - Science topic
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Kesadaran akan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, menuntut kita untuk selalu mengikuti arah kemajuan teknologi agar bisa beradaptasi dan tidak ketinggalan atas kemajuan teknologi saat ini. Begitu juga untuk generasi muda terutama anak usia sekolah, bisa memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi ini untuk kegiatan pendidikan yang bertujuan agar pr...
Introduction: Injury and illness rates within cycling are a growing concern for riders, medical personnel, and event organisers. This study is the first to document injury and illness rates in professional cyclists throughout one competitive season including training and racing. Methods: A prospective, longitudinal study was conducted with 47 profe...
This study investigates the usage of online academic writing tools and reference management software among postgraduate students in North-west Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was employed, with a sample of 420 doctoral students from four regional universities. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive a...
Aims: To demonstrate the first pandemic wave of COVID-19 in Paraná-Brazil, in terms of frequency and clinical profile of cases compared with possible cases of reinfection. Methodology: Cross-sectional study of general cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection and tracking of reinfection cases based on COVID-19 notification data in the state of Paraná. Data fro...
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan literasi digital guru di Pulau Lengundi melalui pelatihan intensif Microsoft Office. Guru-guru di wilayah ini menghadapi tantangan keterbatasan infrastruktur teknologi dan minimnya pelatihan, yang berdampak pada rendahnya kompetensi digital mereka. Pelatihan ini dilakukan menggunakan p...
Іntroduction. The educational environment comprises a complex set of external factors essential for a successful educational process, fostering conditions for personal growth and development. The study of the educational environment is a priority for higher education institutions globally due to its significant impact on learning outcomes and overa...
Applications of ICT in education have a positive impact on students learning environment. In this context, this paper attempted to understand the use of computers, the
use and awareness of various ICT tools and techniques by university students. A questionnaire was used to collect the data from the Post-Graduate Library and Information Science stud...
Background: Malaria ranks among the most frequently imported tropical diseases in Europe. It is potentially lethal. Many European countries therefore issue recommendations on malaria prevention to protect their travellers. However, the recommendations exhibit significant differences in both scope and content.
Objectives: This thesis intends to com...
Many instructional methods that focus on analytical, skill, and competency development have a single or small set of appropriate answers. Best-answer assignments are popular for large-enrollment classes because of the relative ease with which scoring and feedback can be managed at scale. However, cheating is regularly confirmed at disturbingly high...
The use of digital technology in education is one of the most important trends in the educational process today. This article presents the results of the analysis of the current state of implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of institutions of general secondary education in Ukraine. A survey w...
The purpose of the study: To identify reasons for stress among students studying business studies in Lithuanian and Latvian higher education institutions. Methodology: The study covers two culturally close countries, as students studying business programmes at two higher education institutions in two countries were included. A quantitative research...
Tumors of the oral cavity and oropharynx occupy high positions in terms of prevalence.One of the methods of treatment is surgical, which leads to voluminous postoperativedefects. Therefore, the surgeon always faces the choice of reconstruction to restore orpreserve the functions of the oral cavity organs.The purpose of the study – to evaluate chewi...
Latar Belakang: Perangkat digital mempunyai dampak buruk pada mata bila digunakan secara berlebihan, seperti mata lelah, kering, iritasi dan kelainan refraksi. Kasus penglihatan buram karena kelainan refraksi makin sering dijumpai di klinik mata akhir-akhir ini. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), kelainan refraksi merupakan salah satu penyeba...
Salah satu penyebab utama kemampuan pengolahan data yang buruk pada mahasiswa adalah tantangan saat menggunakan Microsoft Excel, salah satu program yang digunakan untuk pengolahan data. Pada akhir sesi pelatihan, peserta dibekali materi dan keterampilan sehingga memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang materi dan dapat menerapkannya secara praktis...
金相检验是指在金相显微镜下观察、辨认和分析金属材料的微观组织状态和分布情况,借以判定金属材 料质量的一种检验方法。金相检验工作中存在着大量的检测数据,这些数据日积月累迫切需要进行快速处理,因此, 金相检验工作也需要实现数字化、信息化。本文主要介绍Access数据库管理系统在金相检验工作中的应用方法,利用 Microsoft Office的ACCESS数据库软件,通过建立数据表、设置表间关系、设计查询、窗体、报表和宏等,构建一个 半自动化金相检验数据库系统。
lepra (enfermedad de Hansen) es una patología infecciosa desatendida que afecta piel y nervios periféricos, desencadenando neuropatías y complicaciones como deformidades y discapacidades.
determinar características epidemiológicas y clínicas de pacientes con lepra en el Centro de Especialidades Dermatológicas del Ministeri...
Peran tenaga kependidikan dalam institusi pendidikan sangat penting karena tenaga kependidikan membantu mengerjakan urusan administrasi. Kemajuan teknologi, contohnya Microsoft Office 365, menawarkan sarana kepada para tenaga kependidikan untuk menyederhanakan tugas administratif secara efisien. Aplikasi Microsoft Office 365 memiliki fungsionalitas...
In the management of data recording marriage events at the KUA (the Office of Religious Affairs) is still manual and has not utilized information technology to the fullest. The process of inputting, managing and storing data on recording marriage events only utilizes Microsoft Office applications and there is even some data that is written manually...
Background: Endometriosis is a chronic and often painful condition characterized by the growth of tissue similar to the endometrium (the lining inside the uterus) outside the uterus. It primarily affects women of reproductive age and is a leading cause of pelvic pain and infertility. This study aimed to assess the epidemiological profile of women w...
Numerous studies demonstrate the vulnerability of the male reproductive system to various exogenous environmental factors, including agrochemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. Acetamiprid, a widely used chlornicotinyl insecticide of a new generation, was developed as a safer alternative to harmful organophosphates and carbamate...
Pendidikan bertujuan mengembangkan kompetensi dan kesadaran moral siswa, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003. Namun, di SMKN 1 Ciruas, banyak siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak seperti Microsoft Office dan Canva, serta belum memiliki kesadaran yang cukup terhadap isu perundungan dan pelecehan seksual....
Introduction: Hepatitis B is a viral disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). This virus increasingly infects the population each year. The evidence focusing on the validity of a research tool in the South Sudan context is scant. This study examined the validity of the questionnaire for prevalence and risk factors of HBV infection among women...
Information system development is one of the important aspects of supporting modern business operations and strategies. In an increasingly dynamic digital era, the need to produce fast, efficient, and reliable systems encourages organizations to adopt new approaches in information system development. SKB Palembang City still uses ledger media, bull...
Therapy for tuberculosis (TB) involves the application of first-line medicines (FLDs), such as isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RIF), pyrazinamide (PZA), ethambutol (EMB), and streptomycin (SM). Second-line medications (SLDs) are employed if the first-line therapy fails or the bacteria develop resistance to the FLDs. The present research set out to eva...
BACKGROUND: Currently, the few publications on the possibility of diagnosing lung carcinoids by cytological method are not sufficient for evidence-based conclusions. AIM: To appreciate the potentialities of cytological diagnostics of differentiation of typical and atypical lung carcinoids. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included the results of cy...
Background: The prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc (PLID) commonly causes low back pain and radiculopathy, often necessitating surgery when conservative treatments are ineffective. Surgery aims to relieve nerve compression, alleviate pain, and restore function, with outcomes influenced by factors like patient age, disc herniation severity, and su...
Atopic dermatitis is a form of eczema and a chronic inflammatory state of the skin that touches million of people around the world, mainly the pediatric age being influenced by a number of internal or external factors. For the treatment of this pathology in the pediatric group, where the toxicology aspect of the topical pharmaceutical forms is esse...
Background: Sanitation is essential for a society’s well-being and general health. Water, sanitation, and hygiene
standards that are both adequate and safe can prevent numerous infections in the context of the present study, which
was conducted with the aim of spreading knowledge regarding water sanitation, disposal, and treatment in the urban
The transfer of knowledge and the preservation of traditions is passed down from generation to generation. The main objective of this study was to explore people’s knowledge of the gastronomic heritage of the Kisalföld regions through an analysis of the county’s (attendance to, decision-making and willingness to spend on food and beverages) taking...
At the beginning of the 21st century, sustainability is today’s most important issue, but it is achieved only in those areas where there is environmental awareness. Natural heritage is a part of heritage tourism in terms of the grouping of attraction types. The conceptualization of heritage and cultural heritage itself is not uniform in the nationa...
This study aims to determine the level of computer literacy of the barangay officials in Tandaay as the basis for a community extension program. Purposive sampling was used as a sampling technique to determine the respondents. With that, a total of 37 elected and appointed barangay officials comprised the study respondents. This study is a descript...
Undocumented immigrants are one of the main issues faced by many countries, especially developed countries. Globally, various studies have been done related to this issue; however, in Pakistan, researchers are less inclined to investigate this phenomenon through mixed angles. This study aimed to investigate the specific barrier to undocumented Afgh...
A Tecnologia da Informação no cotidiano das rotinas logísticas é grande, sendo ela a responsável por minimizar o trabalho de gestores e colaboradores, facilitando o gerenciamento das atividades, automatizando e promovendo a integração de processos logísticos. Sabendo disso, foram desenvolvidas diversas ferramentas e instrumentos com o objetivo de p...
Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common encounters both in the outpatient department and inpatient department. It is important to know the bacteriological etiology according to urine culture and to know the antibiotic sensitivity. Objective: Our study was carried out to observe the urine culture and sensitivity pattern t...
Генералізований пародонтит – це хронічне запальне та деструктивне захворювання тканин пародонта, що часто розвивається та прогресує на фоні супутньої соматичної патології, зокрема цукрового діабету, а в останні роки загострення захворювань тканин пародонту пов’язують з перенесеною коронавірусною хворобою. Метою дослідження було вивчити гігієнічний...
Artificial intelligence has had a remarkable influence in recent years and has developed many revolutionary solutions in many industries. OpenAI’s ChatGPT is one of the most popular products in this trend. As the largest stockholder of OpenAI, Microsoft has committed itself to integrating artificial intelligence into its primary products, like Micr...
The rapid evolution of digital technologies has profoundly impacted the healthcare sector, making digital competencies essential for health informatics professionals. As healthcare increasingly integrates digital tools, the demand for professionals proficient in these skills has grown significantly. This study explores the digital competencies of f...
span lang="EN-AU">This research aims to make a significant contribution to the understanding of constructivism in the context of education through an in-depth exploration of the use of technology in the learning process and its impact on the psychological well-being of students. The study employs a quantitative approach, utilizing structural equati...
Dalam menghadapi era digitalisasi, kebutuhan dalam peningkatan keterampilan digital ditingkat desa menjadi suatu keharusan. Untuk menjawab tantangan ini, pengabdian pada masyarakat merupakan bentuk upaya dalam pemahaman mendalam terhadap aplikasi Microsoft Office, seperti Word, Excel, dan PowerPoint. Melibatkan tenaga administrasi desa Sukalaba seb...
Koperasi simpan pinjam adalah sebuah lembaga keuangan bukan bank yang memberikan layanan transaksi menyimpan dan meminjam uang kepada anggotanya. Koperasi Kelapa Gemilang dalam pengoperasiannya sudah menggunakan teknologi computer tapi hanya sebatas microsoft office, jadi pengelolaan data dan penyimpanan berkas tidak efisien. Nasabah yang mau menyi...
Pada LPD Banjar Belaluan Singapadu Tengah mekanisme data masih dilakukan secara manual, dimana nasabah tidak dapat melihat rincian tabungan maupun pinjaman yang dimiliki, untuk dapat melihat hal tersebut nasabah harus datang langsung ke LPD sehingga itu menjadi kurang efektif, ketidaklengkapan isi format laporan bulanan ataupun akhir tahun karena m...
O artigo é fruto da pesquisa Municípios Eficazes na Gestão da Aprendizagem, financiada pela FGV, e utiliza as questões relativas à temática da avaliação do questionário contextual do Saeb 2019, aplicado aos secretários municipais de educação. É um estudo de natureza quantitativa, utilizando os microdados disponibilizados pelo Inep, processados em p...
The link between teacher preparedness and the evolving technological advancement within teacher education is crucial in recent times. This study explores the current state of teacher readiness in Colleges of Education (CoE) in Ghana. It focused on integrating technology into the teacher preparation programmes by leveraging teachers' readiness and c...
Annotation. The article presents the results of a prospective analysis of the data obtained by determining the change in the diameter of the great saphenous vein on the lower extremities in patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities who were operated on using non-thermal techniques. The present study highlights two non-thermal techniques...
Despite the efforts made by most African countries in incubating the practice of research data sharing, little is known on the status of the research data sphere in the African landscape. This study was conducted to establish the status of research data and research data repositories (RDRs) in Africa. Specifically, the study intended to identify th...
Resumen Este estudio presenta el diseño de un sílabo por resultados de aprendizaje para la asignatura "NTICs Aplicadas a la Educación", dentro de la carrera de Educación Lengua Extranjera: In-glés. La metodología socioformativa es aplicada a lo largo de 16 semanas, con el fin de promo-ver la competencia del perfil de egreso que consiste en la aplic...
A review of the long history of orthodontic bonding adhesives shows that many evolutional developments have occurred from the first chemically-cured composite resins to the most recently introduced light-cured color-change adhesives. An ideal orthodontic adhesive should have adequate bond strength while maintaining unblemished enamel after debondin...
Infrared thermal imaging (IRT) remotely and contactless maps the temperature on the examined surface, recording the distribution of infrared radiation emitted by each body whose temperature is higher than absolute zero. The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of thermography in the assessment of asymptomatic infection foci in patients w...
The Computer Learning Centers website offers a comprehensive range of IT training and certification programs. It provides resources for individuals looking to enhance their technical skills, including courses on web development, programming, networking, and Microsoft Office. The site is user-friendly, featuring detailed course descriptions, enrollm...
This research departs from the fundamental issue of low self-regulation ability in early childhood, a condition that can have negative implications for long-term academic development. In this context, the study aims to explore the extent to which the implementation of dance learning strategies can increase emotional attachment between mothers and c...
Pendidikan di SMK NU 01 Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal telah beradaptasi dengan cepat terhadap pandemi melalui implementasi pembelajaran online menggunakan E-learning, namun siswa masih menghadapi tantangan dalam menguasai aplikasi perkantoran seperti Microsoft Word, Power Point, dan Excel yang krusial untuk persiapan karier dan kehidupan akademis mereka...
Sample Project Questions Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) adalah panduan komprehensif yang dirancang untuk membantu para calon spesialis Microsoft Office mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian sertifikasi MOS. Buku ini mengintegrasikan berbagai proyek praktis yang mencakup aplikasi Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, dan Excel, memberikan kesempatan bagi pem...
Kegiatan penataan administrasi desa/kelurahan merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dalam pelaksanaan administrasi. Selama ini proses pencatatan dan perubahan data administrasi sudah menggunakan MS Excel, tetapi pelaksanaannya masih secara manual dengan mencari data satu persatu. Dengan jumlah rata-rata penduduk per desa/per kelurahan yang relatif...
Artikel ini membahas pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui pelatihan komputer dasar dan Microsoft Office bagi guru Pendidikan Usia Dini (PAUD). Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan teknologi informasi guru-guru PAUD sehingga mereka dapat lebih efektif dalam mengelola administrasi dan mendukung proses pembelaj...
This paper examines the use of modern information technologies in Bulgarian pre-school and primary education, focusing on teachers' knowledge and use of technologies and the challenges they face. The study is based on an extensive literature review, which highlights the potential of modern information technologies such as programmable devices, virt...
The aim of this study is to explore the main applications of cloud computing in records management and to understand the views of records managers on the use of these applications in Omani institutions. It aims to identify the benefits, potential challenges, and the proposed solutions associated with the implementation of cloud computing in records...
This is a 3 hour live workshop to show the advance use of AI tools in MS office.
Background and objective
Comprehensive health literacy and prevention have been the key methods to reduce the spread of human papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV-associated disease development. Raising awareness among young individuals about the risk factors and the ways to prevent the infection is often the starting point of primary prevention. In light...
Aim. To optimise the curation of patients with a comorbid course of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) to explore pathogenetically-based targets of high cardiovascular risk (CVR) formation. Materials and methods. An open comparative study was conducted with the formation of a cohort of 126 patients with comorb...
The Construction Industry (CI) faces disputes that cause several negative impacts such as project delays and cost overruns. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods are often recommended in resolving disputes due to their time and cost efficiency. However, with the technological advancements of the CI, it is necessary to incorporate Digital Tec...
Background: Tibial plateau fractures are intra-articular fractures usually caused by high energy trauma either a valgus or varus force in combination with axial loading which affect the stability and function of weight bearing knee joint. Understanding the outcomes of surgical treatment for these fractures is crucial for both orthopaedic research a...
Background: An inguinal hernia occurs when tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles near the groin. Open mesh inguinal hernia repair aims to reinforce the abdominal wall with a mesh implant, reducing the risk of recurrence. This study aimed to assess the outcomes and complications of open mesh inguinal hernia repair. Methods: T...
Com o objetivo de atender a uma demanda sobre formação em robótica, programação e informática da comunidade de Antônio Pereira, em Ouro Preto, as instituições UFOP e IFMG construíram, entre 2020 e 2023, o Pereira.Lab!, cuja atuação apresenta-se neste trabalho. O período de isolamento social vivido devido à pandemia da Covid-19 foi utilizado pela eq...
Tujuan dari pelatihan Aplikasi Program Paket Niaga dan Internet di LKP KARYA PRIMA adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Gen Z dalam teknologi digital agar mereka siap untuk bekerja. Kursus komprehensif tentang Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace, platform e-commerce, dan alat pemasaran digital disertakan dalam program ini. Peserta memperoleh ke...
This study explores the evolution in the self-perceived digital and didactic competences of student-teachers completing a course on "Teaching English as a Foreign Language". The main aim of the research was to assess the impact of the integrated practice of these two competences through the completion of specific tasks. The research method chosen w...
O estudo visa descrever a distribuição de casos de dengue, zika e Chikungunya (DZC) no estado de Goiás, no período de 2015 a 2021, correlacionando as prevalências dessas enfermidades com as mudanças climáticas, conforme o movimento da saúde planetária. Foi utilizado dados do Boletim Epidemiológico do estado de Goiás, a pesquisa adota abordagem tran...
BACKGROUND: Diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children and their dynamics and structure are urgent health problems and have important scientific and practical significance. The epidemiological features of the detectability of pathology in different regions are of interest for detailed consideration. AIM: This study aimed to conduct a compar...
Perkembangan teknologi telah banyak membantu pekerjaan manusia. Salah satu yang dapat kita nikmati dari perkembangan teknologi tersebut antara lain Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel dan power point. Microsoft Word, berfungsi sebagai perangkat lunak pengolah kata yang meliputi pembuatan, pengeditan, dan pemformatan dokumen. Mahasiswa dan guru belum be...
This study presented the Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) developed for Bean Here Cafe and KTV in Santa Rosa City, Laguna, aimed at enhancing its technological infrastructure by 2024. As a prominent coffee retailer committed to quality and customer satisfaction, Bean Here Cafe recognized the pivotal role of information systems in achieving...
Education has an important role in improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia. Education is greatly influenced by various factors, such as students, teachers, infrastructure and the environment. As technology develops, the use of technology in education becomes increasingly important. Through a program introducing Microsoft Office (Word,...
This study examined the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools on student learning in senior secondary schools in Sokoto South Local Government Area of Sokoto State, Nigeria. The research was conducted using descriptive survey design; the population of the study comprised 17 Senior Secondary Schools in Sokoto South Local Gov...
This research undertaking aimed to investigate contributions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in the Teaching Performance among the selected colleges as perceived by the faculty of Mindanao State University, Marawi City. This study is anchored on the Triple-E Framework of Liz Kolb which is a practical tool that measures...
Esse trabalho teve por objetivo realizar uma caracterização do perfil social e do tipo de criação adotado pelos produtores de galinhas caipiras do Alto Sertão Sergipano. Um questionário foi elaborado, contendo questões objetivas de múltipla escolha, com o propósito de conhecer o perfil socioeconômico de pequenos produtores bem como o formato de cri...
Sistem informasi siswa merupakan salah satu kebutuhan paling utama di dalam instansi pendidikan. membangun sebuah sistem informasi siswa merupakan langkah yang tepat untuk membantu mengelola data akademik menjadi sebuah informasi yang bermanfaat dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan mudah. Namun ada beberapa sekolah yang belum menerapkannya seperti SMA...
Este artigo apresenta o projeto TecnoLivro, uma abordagem inovadora que integra inteligência artificial (IA) ao Microsoft Office para aprimorar a experiência educacional no curso de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (ADS) durante aulas não presenciais. O TecnoLivro proporciona aos alunos a oportunidade de criar um livro digital colaborativo, ut...
Esse trabalho teve por objetivo realizar uma caracterização do perfil social e do tipo de criação adotado pelos produtores de galinhas caipiras do Alto Sertão Sergipano. Um questionário foi elaborado, contendo questões objetivas de múltipla escolha, com o propósito de conhecer o perfil socioeconômico de pequenos produtores bem como o formato de cri...
Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Potensi (PMBP) yakni sebuah tahapan yang wajib ditempuh bagi seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Insan Budi Utomo dimana mahasiswa akan terjun langsung serta terlibat di masyarakat dalam membantu kebutuhan masyarakat seperti pada bidang ilmu pendidikan, ekonomi kreatif, kesehatan, lingkungan hingga keagamaan. Pende...