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Micromechanics - Science topic

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Questions related to Micromechanics
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
3 answers
My work is related to nylon braided yarn reinforced epoxy composites but could not find any literature on the topic. Can anyone suggest some articles having micromechanics modeling of the said composite?
Thanks for support in advance.
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You can find here:
Effect of hot water on the mechanical performance of unidirectional carbon fiber-reinforced nylon 6 composites
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
4 answers
I am working on developing a micromechanical FE model for predicting kink-band formation in UD composites. To model matrix plasticity, which model, out of Concrete Damaged Plasticity and Drucker-Prager, is preferred? Any insights particularly on the differences between the two models will be really helpful.
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If you want to calibrate a model with a compression test (epoxy shows different response in tension and compression), just use j2 plasticity, available in ABAQUS. All you need is the evolution of the plastic strain and the yield stress.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
8 answers
I want to learn micromechanics of composites by using the software like "ABAQUS". Would you please suggest me a course/training/other options to learn it? How can I do the numerical analysis of the tensile, compression test, flexural strength test, short beam shear test, etc. ?
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The book "Finite element analysis of composite materials using Abaqus" by Ever J. Barbero serves as a good starting point for micromechanics in Abaqus as it also provides a bunch of examples. Hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
4 answers
Hello everyone!
I'm looking for the most recent developments in analytical, numerical and experimental micromechanical modelling of mechanical and flow response of Jointed Rocks.
I would like this space to be open and free also to suggestions of materials, articles and so on.
Thanks a lot!
Augusto Borges
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What's your project subject? What do you like do?
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
2 answers
Micromechanics tools (eLamX, U20MM,...) usually require the transverse Young's modulus, Possion's ratios as well as the shear modulus of the carbon fiber, but manufacturers rarely provide such data. Are there any reference values for these parameters, which could be used for a preliminary analysis?
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Hi . Please see the attached file
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
3 answers
Hello Sadik,
Firstly thanks a lot for publishing this tool. I found it very useful, easy to implement tool.
Can you write something about differences between this application and Simulia in-house micromechanics plugin (if you familiar with it)?
Thanks again,
Eilam Amir
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Very interesting work, congratulation!
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
3 answers
Hello ladies and gentlemen,
I'm currently making myself familiar with the constraint equations of the 3D RVE. So far, it's clear to me how the faces, edges and vertices need to be linked to each other.
What is unclear is how the external boundary conditions are to be applied. My current understanding is that, since the strain in the RVE is implemented with the constraint equations, one face of the RVE needs to be constrained externally in X-,Y- and Z-direction, so that the displacements can be calculated although I couldnt find a verification of this assumption yet.
Am I assuming correctly or is there another way to apply the correct boundary conditions?
Regards, M.W.
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To answer your question. There is no correct way to apply the boundary condition. Why is that? You have an integral value of the strain. This means that the integral strain at the surface of your RVE must be equal to the global model.
The rest is up to you. If you assume you have a periodic structure in one or more directions, periodic boundary conditions are the way to go. For a composite that is true in-plane. But in the out of plane direction an infinite periodicity is questionable.
If you want to homogenize local effects of the global structure, no periodicity can be assumed.
In that case the simplest way is to see a RVE as a local material test. A good work about RVE boundary conditions and myths about it are found here
The first part is in german and summerize the english articles at the end.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
5 answers
I've obtained it by micromechanical cleavage (the size of the samples are around micrometers) and it's deposited on a substrate. I might measure the conductivity using either four probe method or a SEM?
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Jackelyne Lisset Medina, which method you have used to find out the conductivity of graphene? Can you provide some insight?
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
1 answer
Up to now, many constitutive models were proposed for semi-solid deformation. However, some aspects of the deformation mechanisms are confusing. For example, what is the main breakdown mechanism of the solid skeleton (at relatively high solid fractions)? is it the fracture of the solid bonds or the local dilatancy (as stated experimentally with the in-situ X-ray tomography)? The former one is related to the thixotropic models (e.g. the micromechanical model proposed by Favier and Atkinson), while the latter is related to the granular models. This problem is important to analyse the deformation pattern of semi-solid materials such as the formation of segregation bands, shear banding and plastic deformation of part of solid grains.
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creep being defined as the deformation of a material when it is subjected to stress, could be at the origin of the deformation of the skeleton of a material because it is the cause of the inherent material instability of the simple law of behavior u material
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
4 answers
Normally, representative volume element (RVE) of the composite is independent of geometry. There are several homogenization methods available that defines regular shaped like rectangular, quadrilateral with inclusions of rectangular,circular,ellipsoidal, spherical shapes. Is there any analytical methods defined for irregular shaped RVE?
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The basic assumption of RVE modeling is that the overall geometry is obtained by an infinite repetition of the RVE in all allowed (depending on specific BCs) directions. You need to tile (fill) the 2D (3D) space by infinitely repeating the RVE without gaps.
Thus, the RVE shape does not need to be regular per se, but it must be such that, when repeated infinite times, it fills the space without gaps. The simplest such geometries are the square, the rectangle and the hexagon. More are available, with different degrees of regularity (a term that should be better specified, we are using it with a quite vague meaning), and one has to look into the research on tessellations. It would be interesting to study how different patterns affect the calculated mechanical behavior. However, you cannot use arbitrary "irregular" shapes or even purely random geometries. It is not compatible with the homogenization method's assumptions.
Furthermore, geometries and size of RVE do affect the mechanical homogenized behavior, especially for composites (and any material with structure at multiple scales). The RVE should in theory be independent of geometry, but in practice you need to investigate which configuration is best to model the homogenized material.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
5 answers
In modelling of CFRP, micromechanics needs axial, transverse and shear modulus, and poisson"s ratio. The supplier is unable to provide me with all data except axial modulus. May anybody advise me how I can determine the others by testing?
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Hi Haseeb,
To answer your question, this is a very common issue with CFRP especially when you are trying to use these data as input for your model. The best case scenario is that you manufacture your composite out of the fibers you have and a resin system you know. Then carry out experimental testing to determine the tensile in both axial and transverse directions as well as the in-plane shear. Using the data you obtain from experiments, you can then either use an analytical approach "such as Chamis micromechanics" or FE approach "periodic homogenization" to determine the fiber properties in a reverse way. I know this is a time consuming process but this should get you the most accurate data for your model.
An easier way of doing this, is to find a datasheet from the manufacture with the experimental data for a specific volume fraction. Thus, this will save you the time doing the experiments but it is not always easy to find such datasheets. I am copying a link here for the IM7 carbon fiber datasheet from Hexcel. If you check the second table, you will understand what I mean.
Sorry for the long reply but feel free to contact me at any point if you need more details or guidance on how to implement this procedure.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
3 answers
Dear All
I want to determine the micromechanical properties of the different phases my material (aggregates + paste between aggregates. To do so I want to perform nanoindentation tests.
How should I prepare the samples ?
What are the conditions to execute a nanoindentation test correctly ?
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Hi Bram,
are you sure you need to use nanoindentation !!!
i think it is non applicable, this test was usually performed for specimens with nano size or nanostructured specimens.
for your material (aggregates + paste between aggregates) if traditional hardness test is not suitable, i suggest using micro-hardness test. of course you need to prepare as smooth as possible one.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
4 answers
I am modelling tensile shear test of GFRP Composite with Hashin Damage in ABAQUS. Model with Damage Initiation alone (without Evolution) converges, when NLGEOM is OFF. But with Damage Evolution Criteria, it is not Converging. I tried Damage Stabilisation, but it works only for higher values (0.01) and it gives erratic results. When i turn ON NLGEOM, none of them is converging.
Errors i get are: Too many attempts made for this increment, Time Required is less than Minimum Value.
Warnings are: FORCE equilibrium accepted using the alternate tolerance.
I have Half Symmetric Model (Composite Layup with Conventional Shell) and applied Displacement BC(U1 Specified, Others are Zero) on end of the Plate and have Encastre BC on Pin(Rigid Body) at the Hole. Node to Surface Contact with Small Sliding is used with Pin (Surface) has Master and Plate (Nodes) as Slave.
Step: Initial – 0.01, Minimum – 1e-9
Material Properties: Lamina, E1:35000 N/mm2, E2:2432, Nu12:0.32, G12,G13:1057, G23: 863, Hashin Damage, YLT:1652, YLC:740, YTT:26, YTC:36, SL:31, ST:31, Evolution, LT:1.26 N/mm, LC:0.25, TT:0.0068, TC:0.0135.
I have Fine Mesh around the Hole (as i want to introduce micromechanical Properties in to the model later).
Tried the Model in Dynamic, Implicit (Quasi Static) - Not Working.
Dynamic, Explicit - Model converges with deletion of elements due to Damage. But I read that it is not advisable to use Explicit and dont know how to choose the Optimal value of Mass scaling factor.
Please suggest me, how to deal with these Convergence issues and how to choose the correct value for Damage Stabilisation..
I have attached images for reference.
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In Abaqus Standard/Implicit, this is the first thing you want to do:
In "Step" module go to "Other" in menu, then "General solution control" --> "Edit" --> choose the analysis step (Step-1). In there, switch to the discontinuous analysis, and increase the number of iterations before cut-back (default is I_a=5), see screenshot attached.
Then, you can use viscous regularization in the material definition.
Or/And you can use automatic stabilization scheme in the Step definition.
Hope  this helps.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
7 answers
Will the fracture stress of e.g. oxide-weakened metal GBs be influenced by the size of the test specimen used to extract the fracture stress? 
It appears there is plenty of work about size effects in the context of plasticity but I can't seem to find much work, reporting on the implications on failure stress (or even fracture toughness). Most work reporting on the failure stress (and same counts for fracture toughness) values of metals does not seem to report on size-effects at all. Any thoughts or literature referrals would be highly appreciated. Especially in the context of oxide-embrittled GBs. Many thanks and kind regards.
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Yes, your assumption seems to be logic but the failure mechanism of oxide-weakened metal GBs should be demonstrated through experiments and/or simulations (it would be a good topic for a new project).
In order to support your assumption, you could take into account that generally brittle fracture presents intergranular material failure (only grains boundary fail, without plastic deformation). However, since the grains boundary are not identical / uniform degraded differences may be recorded. On the other hand, fracture character depends on the loading rate, testing temperature and stress concentrator factor..
Macrocosm and the microcosm has different laws ... our role is to discover them.
Good luck !
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
2 answers
I am trying to predict elastic constants for orthotropic textile composites made with plain and twill weave. I am wondering if I can use MESOTEX to predict elastic constants for my laminates, which will be made from dry fabrics through VARTM. In the articles on MESOTEX, authors have mentioned impregnated yarns and their properties.
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You can try SwiftComp, a general purpose multiscale constitutive modeling code. All you need is to provide the mesh to the code. The code can be launched in the cloud at Or used as a plugin for other FEA codes such as anasys or abaqus to power traditional FEA codes with high-fidelity composite modeling capability.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
9 answers
I want to simulate loading of 2D RVE of dual phase steels, by giving individual phases properties, to get homogenised mechanical properties like yield strength,  % elongation etc, using micromechanics based approach. Literature shows people have used two kinds of boundary condition viz. Periodic boundary condition and homogenous boundary condition for this case. My doubt is two folds:1) What is the theoretical difference between these two kinds of boundary conditions? 2)  how to apply these boundary conditions in a finite element framework, along with loading?. Specifically, I am interested to know what are the boundary condition on the 4 corner nodes of RVE, and how to apply loading?
Thanks in advance.
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You can get a good description of RVE analysis and its boundary conditions (homogeneous displacement, homogeneous traction, pbc) from The real pbc is that u_i-\epsilon_{ij}x_j should be equal on the corresponding edges. This type of boundary conditions can be applied using coupled equations constraints. This requires that one creates a mesh with corresponding nodes on periodic edges. For real, complex microstructures, this could be a challenge. For 2D RVE, another issue with RVE analysis is that you can only get in-plane properties. Actually you should need 3D properties even if your macroscopic problem can be approximate as plane strain or plane stress problem. 
A recently developed general-purpose multiscale constitutive modeling code called SwiftComp based on Mechanics of Structure Genome, can be used for micromechanics which is essentially a RVE analysis for dummies. The user does not have to specify the boundary conditions and periodic mesh is not required. All the user has to do is to provide the finite element mesh as input. Another unique feature of SwiftComp is that it can compute complete set of 3D properties from a 2D RVE. All the properties are computed within one analysis and thus it is at least six times more efficient than traditional 3D RVE analysis. The code can be launched freely in the cloud at or used as a plugin for ABAQUS or ANSYS. You are welcome to try it to see the difference from the RVE analysis you are familiar with.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
2 answers
I would like to know what the boundary conditions imposed on edges and corner nodes of a 3D RVE under the periodic boundary conditions should be?
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The BCs are that u_i-\epsilon_{ij}x_j should be equal on the corresponding edges. This type of boundary conditions can be applied using coupled equations constraints. This requires that one creates a mesh with corresponding nodes on periodic edges. For real, complex microstructures, this could be a challenge. 
A recently developed general-purpose multiscale constitutive modeling code called SwiftComp based on Mechanics of Structure Genome, can be used for micromechanics which is essentially a RVE analysis for dummies. The user does not have to specify the boundary conditions and periodic mesh is not required. All the user has to do is to provide the finite element mesh as input. Another unique feature of SwiftComp is that it can compute complete set of 3D properties from a 2D RVE if the material features 2D periodicity such as unidirectional fiber reinforced composites. All the properties are computed within one analysis and thus it is at least six times more efficient than traditional 3D RVE analysis. The code can be launched freely in the cloud at or used as a plugin for ABAQUS or ANSYS. You are welcome to try it to see the difference from the RVE analysis you are familiar with. 
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
3 answers
It contains more than one type of fiber (say graphite and boron) in the matrix (say epoxy).
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Please try SwiftComp at, a general-purpose composite constitutive modeling software. It can deal with any microstructure including this what you have asked and provide material properties for any structural model including 3D solids, beams, plates and shells.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
3 answers
I have already modeled RVE for single fiber lamina and determined its properties but wanna know how to model RVE for more than one fiber specifically in ANSYS APDL.
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If you can model one fiber, you just add another fiber with different material properties. But if you use ANSYS, you need to make sure to add the right boundary conditions to get it right. I will recommend you to read my article on introduction to micromechanics at to get the basic premises of micromechanics.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
2 answers
We have synthesiszed hollow carbon nanotubes but the micromechanical and mesomechanical domain do not use hollow fibres. It could be very economical for torsional and bending applications with lot of weight savings. There is a double interface with the matrix that strengthens the composite. Besides, due to skin effect the AC current flows only through the skin and not the core . Why not a conducting hollow graphitic fibre at least? This could be novel and possessing higher specific properties. Why is this domain not popular though it was meant to be a path traversed through logical evolution?
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I think my question is misunderstood. CNTs are in the nano domain. I am talking abut the microdomain where you have  carbon, kevlar, zylon, glass and others with a dia of 5-15 microns. Why aren't hollow fibres attempted  in the microdomain that would save weight further with two interfaces to give you a better bond strength, torsional rigidity and bending  properties ?. Can any one throw some light on this ? 
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
4 answers
I am trying to model failure of a composite micromechanics model under compression using XFEM. My model works fine under tension, but it seems ABAQUS does not activate enrichment function under compression. Does anyone have encountered the same problem?
Thank you 
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You usually need to define an imperfection(hole, winglet crack, notch...) in your geometry to observe tensile stress fields around which activate the xfem.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
2 answers
Hello everyone,
I routinely use a microvalve in my work and many times while I'm using it I notice a droplet forming at the tip of my microvalve. By this I mean that instead of expelling a small tiny droplet out of the microvalve and onto my surface,  the liquid builds up at the tip of microvalve. After this happens, I have to wipe the tip manually with a Kimwipe, or I have to wait for the droplet to get heavy enough to fall. Doing either of these two things does not guarantee that the droplet buildup won't happen again immediately after either. One thing that does help is increasing the pressure, but I would prefer not to have to increase pressure since sometimes the flow carries sensitive elements, such as cells, which may not respond positively to higher pressures. I imagine that some physical forces are at work between the liquid and the tip of the microvalve, but I don't know how to stop it.The microvalve is from Fritz Gyger. I use liquids ranging from water, ethanol, collagen solutions (non-gelled and dilute), and cell medium. I have seen this occur for all these. I use pressures ranging from 1 to 7 psi. Is there anyone who experiences something similar? Thank you. 
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Hello Sebastian,
I think your problem come from the hydrophiic behavior of the microvalve tip. As Gerd suggest you can try to coat the tip with hydrophobic coating.
We had the same problem but with microliter droplets and with another microvalve. We used to put parafilm on the metalic tip, but it was not that good. Now we have pieces of microfluidic tubing on the tip and it works pretty well.
Hope it helps
Yohan Lecomte
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
31 answers
How can I perform analysis of micromechanical of composites? Which software is appropriate?
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ANSYS and MATLAB are the good softwere for micromechanical of composite.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
5 answers
Would it be possible to manufacture 5-10 mm thick samples with a laminar microstructure comparable to that of nacre or sea shells?
If so, I am interested to perform mechanical tests on such materials if the Vickers hardness is minimal 10 GPa.
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Relating to second part of your question, I think that bending test will be preferable for determination of mechanical characteristics on 5-10 mm thick samples. The sound method of elastic modulus determination of ceramics are suitable too.
All the best.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
7 answers
Hi colleagues, I want to know if XFEM (extended finite element method) can be used for multiple cracks propagation? If yes, could you provide some references to me? Thanks! If it can simulate multiple cracks, how does XFEM treat the crossing cracks in an element?
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The answer is, yes, you can, but with some limitations.  You have to define a separate zone around each crack.  Since that has to be done a priori that restriction might prevent one or all the cracks from growing in particular directions, thereby invalidating the analysis.  In effect, this makes it rather difficult to use XFEM for crack interaction analyses.  You could build your analysis up in steps, and change the model definition as you go along.  I had considered doing that myself, but I have abandoned that line of research for the time being.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
7 answers
Hi All,
I am simulating 3D micromechanics of fiber reinforced composites, in which fiber and matrix are introduced explicitly such as the work of Camanho et al. Llorca et al, Vaughan and McCarthy etc.
From my observation, in most micro-mechanics model, people use cohesive element method to model fiber-matrix debonding. This method is known to have a spurious compliance problem which will cause inaccurate effective properties of undamaged RVE. My question is why people does not use XFEM instead? what makes people avoid of using it? Is there any problem that I dont foresee? (convergence issue maybe?)
Currently I am using abaqus, and In abaqus, both XFEM and CZM are built-in capabilities.
Thanks for your reply.
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X-FEM use expansion series (Williams) for the formulation of the discontinuities. This series doesn't exist in plasticity. If one wants to use non-linear models then X-FEM becomes less obvious to use as there will be a difference between the behavior used the representation of the enriched kinematics is not in line with the real non-linear material. With cohesive elements you have the possibility to set-up your behavior using various laws. Even if they are not physically funded, non-linear problems using X-FEM are also questionable. X-FEM is interesting when you don't have a priori informations on your crack path but it doesn't have this interest for debonding as you already know the crack path possibilities. It is quite complex to implement crack with friction while it is quite obvious with cohesive elements. In fact, it is complex to justify the use of X-FEM for heterogeneous non-linear problems  
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
6 answers
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For starters you can refer the UMAT codes provided in the link. It deals with both Isotropic and Kinematic hardening plasticity models. It also has other models like elasticity and non isothermal cases which are good for starters to understand how UMAT is written.
After giving a run through this models you can attempt to implement the constitutive model specific to your case.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
8 answers
I want to predict the mechanical and thermal properties of polymer nanocomposites using numerical models/analytical/FEA/micromechanics method?
Anyone worked in this field and if so help me in this regard?
i am using HDPE-Copper Nanocomposite and having thermal and mechanical properties obtained from different experimental test.
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Hii Muthiah,
Have a look to the following publications : 
I.H. Tavman Powder Technology 91(1997)63
D. Kumlutas and I.H. Tavman J. of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 19 (2006)440
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
2 answers
I am working on the micro mechanical analysis of fiber composites. I already calculated an effective elastic properties of unidirectional fiber composites by using RVE method. Now I want to predict the failure & damage in micro mechanical fiber composites by using ansys.
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I second the previous answer. You have to choose an appropriate contact model and implement its laws in the Ansys model to lay down the failure criteria. In this case you may predict deformation, recovery as well as failure.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
4 answers
This singular integral equation, whose solution is also given, is basic in a class of problems involving the interface crack under load. In order to give proper credit to former endeavors, please let us follow the present "Q&A" question.
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Internal shear stresses develop on both sides of the interface loaded in tension as the result of a difference in the Poisson's contractions in the media. Attached is an image of this internal shear stress. The value of the crack extension force is significantly modified by this shear stress: see our contribution " Interface crack loaded in tension: introducing an internal shear stress promoted by the Poisson's effect" for details.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
5 answers
While reviewing the development of elasto-plastic models as well as damage theories, it is always stated that 2 types of damage theories exist and are respectively accepted in different applicational fields. Can anyone tell me the difference and their relationship between the micromechanical damage and the phenomenological damage (continuum damage) models?
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Both want to describe the same effect using different methods. The phenomenological damage theory uses the methods of continuum theory on a more global (continuum) level.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
6 answers
How are interfaces in terms of atomic arrangements (on crossing the interface) in crystalline composite materials?
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Interface in polymeric composites can be modeled as zero thickness as well as finite thickness in meso-scale FE models consisting of plies and interfaces. The interface thickness in unidriectional or woven composites usually range fro 10 microns to 20 microns. So in finite thickness interface models, cohesive zone elements of the given thickness can defined for interfaces. Such detail is also given in our paper ' Finite-element modelling of bending of CFRP laminates: Multiple delaminations'.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
4 answers
I am interested to know what is the information (in terms of microstructural parameters), if any, that gets transfered from Hot Forming to final fatigue life of any component, considering the fact that it has undergone various intermediate Heat Treatments operations like Normalizing, Carburizing, Quenching and Tempering between Hot Forming stage and final fatigue testing stage. In other words, how can I bring in the effect of Hot Forming of a Gear blank, on to the fatigue life of final finished gear, from a modelling perspective? I am a bit confused in this regard, as i think the recrysatallised microstructure must be getting effected during various heating and cooling cycles involved in various heat treatment processes and not much of the modellable-information must be getting transferred which can effect its final fatigue life. It would be highly appreciated, if any one can throw more light on this.
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I believe the questioner is more interested in processing of the forging (gear blank) from the microstructure perspective and not in the analysis of the actual fatigue failure of a forging when it has already occurred. From this angle the following information may be useful.
Inclusion (slag inclusion) is a defect commonly observed in castings. In forging the common defects are cold shut (fold), other types of cracks arising out of improper die design or working at low temperature. The main feature of forging is the fibrous structure (elongation of grains), which lends higher strength along the longitudinal direction of the grains. This also results in lower strength transverse to fibers. Proper forging die design requires that the fibers should be oriented along the direction of higher stresses.
In rare cases of large forgings where the cast billet is used for forging the inclusions present in the billet get elongated and are present as fibers. As stated in my previous answer only local heat treatment should be used to preserve the elongated grain structure. Thus any analysis of fatigue strength should invariably take into account the complete processing history of the part without which the analysis will be superfluous only.
  • asked a question related to Micromechanics
15 answers
GNBs are deformation structure which occur during plastic deformation, commonly observed by TEM.
It is suggested to be a low energy dislocation arrangement, as the neighbouring boundaries have opposite misorientations. Furthermore, unlike dipole or multipole formed boundaries, GNBs are relatively mobile.
My question is simple - can anyone explain why neighbouring GNBs are not going to move toward each other and annihilate, and how dislocations will glide across these GNB boundaries?
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Hello Jun Jiang,
the dislocations will annihilate first if they are close enough and "see" each other in terms of their local stress field or, secondly, if an (external) driving force brings them closer to each other.