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Metacognition - Science topic
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Questions related to Metacognition
For some years now, we have been working with assignments that require our students to evaluate their answers themselves, i.e. they compare their answer with a sample answer.
We have found that many of the students struggle to do the self-assessment. From this we conclude that they have not learned to do this. They lack skills in metacognition and self-directed learning, in our view.
What skills in metacognition and self-directed learning need students to self-assess their asseignments or tasks?
Metacognition is the skill of critically evaluating one's thoughts, beliefs, and knowledge, while actively seeking new insights and understanding. It involves identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing information with composure and logical reasoning, enabling effective cognitive regulation and continual growth.
I'm researching about videogames and their effect on metacognition, actually I intend to develop a game with that specific intention. I'm tinkering with a puzzle game that gives feedback and maybe
So, I'm curious to know if you know about a game, category/genre or even a board-game that stimulates directly or indirectly metacognition or be aware of any of its phases (planning, monitoring, evaluation).
I wish to know your opinion about difference between metacognition in adult vs child
I wish to understand criteria or parameters to differentiate between this cognitive concepts
I am doing a study on the different facets of metacognition and plan to measure metacognitive skills through eye tracking. The reference task is going to be a problem verification task (subjects view math equations and are asked to answer whether the result is correct or not). Given the fact that eye tracking has not been studied extensively on this specific topic, are there any recommendations on which indices to use for each metacognitive skill? I was thinking the following: Prediction: Number and duration of fixations (more=harder) +prediction of solvability Confidence Judgements?
Planning: Number of fixations in relevant AOI's (e.g. the operator)
Evaluation: Number of regressions to and from solution
Monitoring: prolonged fixations or fixation clusters
Any input would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your interest and time!
I have designed a questionnaire to measure the metacognitive skills in mathematical problem solving. I measured the reliability of it using Cronbach's alpha and it was 0.519. Since it is a low value, I examined it thoroughly and found there are negative correlations among questions. And the Alpha if item deleted column has all the values less than 0.40.
Then I thought of doing PCA to see the unidimensionality of the questionnaire. Can you please help me to do PCA in SPSS or any other method to improve the reliability?
I need clear and concise answer about difference between self-regulation and self-regulated learning. Thanks for your help.
How can we operationalize the quality of students‘ Strategy use during reading?
The cognitive and metacognitive strategies were assessed via think aloud.
Dear Mathematicians, educators and researchers in the field of Education Psychology,
Can you tell me topics in Mathematics where Metacognition skills (planning, monitoring and evaluation) are highly used? (In undergraduate study) where I can design a methodology for measuring Metacognition.
Ex:- Geometry, Arithmetic etc.
Dear communities,
I will use a mixed-methods research to conduct my study. Can I use Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) as an instrument of a qualitative design research to explore the ways that metacognitive strategy instruction facilities the receptive skills learning? I have read several articles which all use this questionnaire in their quantitative design.
Dear communities,
I will use a mixed-methods research to conduct my study. Can I use Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) as an instrument of a qualitative design research to explore the ways that metacognitive strategy instruction facilities the receptive skills learning? I have read several articles which all use this questionnaire in their quantitative design.
In my research, I need to identify students with low metacognitive skills (regulation). There are lots of methods. But I need to find a method for digital environment.
Dear researchers, I have MSR (meta cognitive self regulation) learning strategy as independent variable while Students' Score (Students'GPA) is my dependent variable. MSR is on five point Likert scale while for Students'GPA each student put his own GPA on the questionnaire in form of digits like 2 , 2.1, 2.7, 2.3, 3, 3.6, 4 etc.
The students score is in random form.
Each student put his own score whatever he got in the previous semester. Now my question is which kind of correlation should I use? Can I go for the Pearson correlation? How to handle with the Students'GPA variable? The sample size is 300 students which means that I have 300 Students'GPAs. It's a confusing whether I should consider the Students'GPA as ordinal, interval or ratio variable? Which kind of correlation should I go for?
Please, guide.
I would like to conduct e research deciding the correlation between time perception and learning styles (visual, auditory and kinesthetic). My concern is that I can't decide which test to use for time perception. The options are: Metacognitive Questionnaire on Time (MQT) and Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventor (ZPTI). For the first one my concern is that it measures the awareness of time distortion implying that time distortion is certain, in this case while studying.
For the ZPTI my concern is that it consists of 56 statements and I doubt the subject would be patient to answer all of them without rushing, thus affecting the validity of the study.
Which one of the tests would be more suitable to use or can you suggest any other questionnaire on time perception?
Dear researchers, I am writing a thesis on self-regulated learning and Al-Ghazali's views in education. Are there any similarities? What new views on education/Tarbiyah can be applied? please help books or references that support.
Almost all of us are familiar with mental modelling, conceptual modelling, metacognition and formative assessment in education. My idea is how to create, review, evaluate, and reconstruct students' mental or conceptual models using formative assessment, and metacognitive skills?
Metacognition is an important feature of the cognitive approaches to psychopathology. What are the best clinical, neuropsychological measures, from your perspective?
Hi, I'm currently working on some data from an associative-memory study. Participants have to learn associations between stimuli from two different classes (1 and 2). As stimulus from class 1 is presented participants have to select the corresponding stimulus from class 2 (trough sliding). After response selection participants have to rate their confidence (binary, 'low confidence', 'high confidence') concerning their response. After the confidence rating feedback ('true', 'false') and the correct response (the correct matching of S1 and S2) are provided. Participants are instructed to guess during the first block. There are four retrieval sessions (including the first block).
I would like to perform an analysis regarding the metacognitive capabilities of the participants. Therefore I would like to apply a Signal Detection Theory (SDT) approach:
Hits: high confidence correct responses
False alarms: high confidence incorrect responses
Correct rejections: low confidence incorrect responses
Misses: low confidence correct responses
Since meta d' is affected by the first-order performance it is wise to quantify metacognitive efficiency which is the ratio of meta d' and d'. And here is the problem: I can't apply SDT for the first order task (which is the pure memory performance without the confidence ratings). The only score I can get is the recall rate.
I would be very grateful if you could share your ideas on this. Thanks!
I really want to explore sathipathana suta. Should I go for pali language texts or else commentry is enough? Does sathipathana vipassana associated to metacognition, spirituality and self-awareness?
It has become the demand of the time to prepare such global learners who possess a high level of awareness and consciousness. They are equipped with the abilities to well understand their own emotions, thinking pattern, and personality. This is the concept of meta-cognition. This sort of persons are most likely to understand the critical needs of the world to work with multiple problems of humanities. Kindly discuss if there are latest developed such framework for developing among learners meta-cognitive skills and abilities.
ı have diffuculty in contacting other researchers to get necessary permisson.
For eg, I'm looking at learning strategies (cognitive, metacognitive and affective). So I want to compare the mean difference between these three and find out if there is significant difference among them. What type of test should I use? I tried using ANOVA but that's not it.
My focus of the research is to explore the reasons behind students scoring low marks for mixed tenses activities in English. Here, I anticipate giving them a questionnaire asking them the reasons for scoring low marks for this activity: whether translating sentences into L1 is a matter to them, whether the meaning of the tenses look-alike or whether they are unaware of aspects of the tenses, etc.
In this case, do I have to focus on cognitive and metacognitive factors behind using tenses in my research paper?
There are two theories that are quite similar in nature, but different in substance, The theory of Mind and the theory of Mentaliz(S)ation, sorry, Im allergic to American spelling...pls dont kill me now :-) My understanding of them is this "Both of these concepts, mentalization and the theory of mind, describes processes that are metacognitive in their nature . Mentalization mainly concerns the reflection of affective or emotional mental states. In contrast however the, theory of mind focuses on things epistemic in nature such as beliefs, intentions and persuasions. My idea is that these two theories by them self are incomplete but combining elements of both, gives us a clearer understanding. Cognition and affect can't in my view be separated, they are both part of us as human beings and also a part of other animals. What are your thoughts? Am I wrong or right? I can stand criticism so bring it on...
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a prevalent theory that tries to explain students' decision-making processes and performance in dimensions of cognition, metacognition, motivation, and emotion. But how do you understand SRL activities as a SRL expert? Are SRL activities inherently different from other learning activities? What do SRL activities actually mean? Should we conceptualize all learning behaviours as SRL behaviours if we adopt the SRL theory?
Looking for a survey that assesses' health professional students' metacognitive skills and inclinations. I would like to see if a curricular design where students do self-assessments extrinsic to a course grade improves their metacognitive abilities. Any insight sand thoughts on this topic are much appreciated.
Hello everyone,
I am using 4 questionnaires to measure mind-wandering (MWQ, Likert-scale 1-6), mindfulness (MAAS, Likert-scale 1-6), self-control (SCS, Likert-scale 1-5), and metacognition (MCQ, Likert-scale 1-4).
To measure the results for these questionnaires I had to find the mean for the first 3 (MWQ, MAAS, and SCS) and sum the last one (MCQ). I am running a serial mediation analysis (Hayes Model 6) to see if mindfulness and self-control mediates the relationship between mind-wandering and metacognition.
My question is, should I standardise the results of the MCQ since they are summed or will they be ok as they are?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
I just have a sense that we fail to make our students think (in) English, if not and you think yourself you do so; would you show me the way?
I am investigating the impact of Metacognitive Interventions on Metacognitive awareness, self efficacy and academic achievement of higher secondary school students
For this purpose, I need to develop Lesson Plans based on Metacognitive Interventions for 'Education' subject at Intermediate level.
So how can I develop the lesson plan..
Can I compile different Metacognitive Interventions viz. (Self assessment, wrappers, brainstorming and concept mapping as Metacognitive Interventions) with Herbartian Approach of lesson plan or 5E model etc
I have to develop separate lesson plan by taking Metacognitive Interventions ?
How can I develop Lesson plans to be taught to the experimental groups for Experimentation?
Suggest me
I want to know the details of metacognitive strategies are how to enhance the mathematical problem solving? Any one give a good idea.
Hi, I asked a similar question a few months back re: "meta-cognition" in the arts. I am trying to refine that question for myself.
I am curious who/what I should read re: reflection in the arts, specifically drama, concerning individual actors but also group reflection.
I'm particularly interested in how actors/students plan, set goals, evaluate themselves and their groups, and use feedback to rehearse and perform?
Any thoughts are welcome! Thank you!
As a P.T., focused and interested on orthopedics (such as, back, knee, shoulder, etc., pain and dysfunctions), my main concern is: how cognition and the capacity to search and obtain information, and convert it to knowledge, can affect our patients pain and rehabilitation, specially in low income areas?
Thinking about focusing on (regarding future researches):
- Health literacy
- Metacognition
- Information/knowledge sharing
- Group therapy intervention/prevention
Are those topics of interest? If "yes", which groups and researchers should i dig deeper to get the foundations?
Any suggestions are more than welcome
I am after some advice regarding human ethics.
I am planning a learning intervention study with my university students. The intervention will be in metacognition and self regulated learning techniques, which I will have the students practice during the semester. I will be getting those who consent to complete the motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ) at the beginning and end of the semester.
I am writing my ethics application and need to outline how I will manage/reduce issues of possible perceived coercion to participate.
Can anyone offer advice on this?
Can someone contribute to this question? I have observed that many humans increase their monitoring of uncertain things when their own unmanageable stressors increase. But when I look around nature, I do not seem to see any species (or natural phenomena) that exist to "monitor" the actions of other phenomena... This seems a human oddity (the belief that nature needs to be watched over by people). Yet, the physical elements can't really "do" anything they aren't made to do (choose to react incorrectly). Why do we worry they won't do the "right" thing? If I mix so much of this with so much of that, I don't have to wonder if they will react well. Thoughts please?
How does sleep deprivation correlate with a decrease in cognitive tasks and metacognitive processes?
Measurement of metacognition is naturally difficult as it is not an explicit behavior (Akturk & Sahin, 2011) . Nevertheless, it provides guidance to learning strategies and influences critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Quantification of metacognition can serve as a determinants of cognition/cognitive load.
Norms are used for interpretation of students response on metacognitive awareness inventory and for categorizing students on different level of metacognitive awareness. After getting students response on MAI i need norms to interpret result.
This notion or belief, and THAT is all it is, no matter what BIG impacts on thinking it has, and no matter what big effects such beliefs have in creating firm limitations on thinking (not even allowing people to think of certain phenomenon). [ In effect such false closures and thinking (and they are there) is a clear sign that something is wrong. ] This all-innate-at-birth-or-in-infancy notion of THE innate factors -- resulting in no real innate guidance thought to come up later in childhood -- and related beliefs (used as "assumptions") is from philosophy and not from ANY good observation and not related good understanding. 'Learning' explanations are given which have NO clearly related direct evidence at all, yet researchers and theorists are satisfied with what they basically just make up (and then attribute to such "self"-functioning of the organism), e.g. the fictions of 'executive' functions and all the "meta's" (a "man" within "the man") OR wild (unsupported and unsupportable) ideas about 'social learning' AND/OR the fictions of literal-supposed "EMBODIMENT" of 'action' giving us our thought -- such pure garbage being a big part of 'explanations'). [
[ Apparently, for higher learning, logic can just pop-up and pop-out when the time/circumstances are right (when earlier learnings have been well-processed); this is apparently where developmental maturation factors ORIGINATE INTERNALLY (!!???), no matter how not-environmentally based the POP-UP logic seems to be in its origin, i.e. NON-EMBEDDED. It is basically hocus-pocus. ]
Old-time philosophers can't "cut it" nowadays.
Because of these 'garbage' beliefs, we cannot differentiate different [levels of] learning -- this resulting in not defining or understanding learning well at all.
So many things work better and are seen in more understandable ways IFF one can see fundamental qualitative shifts in behavioral [response] patterns occurring (even if the beginnings of such behavior pattern changes are kind of simple and caused by seemingly simple CHANGES in VERY basic behavior patterns -- that works!). I am at the point where I basically do not need to listen much to people that think learnings are all basically the same and completely ubiquitous, operating in an "uninterrupted" way. (And, don't talk to me about "social" and "cultural" factors BECAUSE the individual organism clearly remains the "unit of analysis" and center of ALL true understanding -- if there is no account with the individual, there is NO accounting at all.)
Hey, graduate students: if you buy all the "crap", you are "tools".
[ P.S. Note how "innate action patterns" (or anything meaning that) are not even topics here on researchgate. Come on, people ]
In line with the previous question, I would also like to know if there have been teachers/ researchers in the field of reading comprehension and adolescent literacy who have tried the Critical Elements of Strategies Instruction (CESI) Model as the framework for helping adolescent struggling readers' comprehension and metacognitive awareness. How does CESI Model help teachers and students in their goal to improve reading comprehension for older students like 11th or 12th graders?
I am researching the way to improve the task approach by the acquisition of metacognitive skills. For the measuring I am looking voor a questionnaire and for an observation scale.
There are information that we know that we don't know, and there are info.that we don't know we don't know. So, the second type is what bothers me! Everyday I see/read info.That I didn't know I didn't know, and this essential to some degree..So I was wondering what scientific journals are dedicated to the scientific method, scientific thought, and metacognition so one can approve his technique and don't miss important info.
The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the Learning Patterns, acoording to Vermunt, of university students in their training as teachers to promote their English language teaching taking into account four learning components: Cognitive processing, metacognitive regulation, mental learning models and learning orientations.
A mixed methodology is used in this study whose purpose in it is to achieve through interpretations based on the experiences of the students their lived experiences. The instruments of data collection will be a A) questionnaire Inventory of Learning Strategies (ILS) designed by Vermunt and B) interviews among teachers in training on various aspects of their learning, specifically on their learning activities, strategies, conception of teaching and learning, guidance on the interpretation and appreciation of instructional measures, as well as interviews about their academic and personal performance, and personal experiences.
It is expected, on the one hand, to establish a reference for future research of this type and, on the other hand, that the results may serve to elaborate a body of actions to improve those aspects that merit it in relation to learning patterns.
I am comparring computer-based lab curriculum to a traditional-based with same labs. I am in need of validated instrument(s) to measure domains of learning described in a learner-centered framework. The domains are: Metacognitive & cognitive; Affective & motivational; Developmental & social; Individual-difference factors.
Literature indicated many benefits for using ePortfolios, but when both teachers and students implemented it, several challenges emerged. For example, students’ understanding of technology may affect the ePortfolio process negatively. Furthemore, students perceive technology has an effect on the implementation of ePortfolios because some students’ familiarity with technology may lead to decisions about what is useful or not for them. Such decisions may affect and lower the efficiency and effectiveness of ePortfolios. Other challenges include the lack of self-assessment, reflection, technology, and metacognitive skills in student’s educational background. They may decrease the effectiveness of ePortfolios and bring about being overwhelmed by the course management system, the portal, and the process to create a meaningful ePortfolio
Modern day changes in curricula ask for student-centered approaches in teaching-learning activities, which makes it more demanding for teachers as they have to modify their existing teaching methods to conform with the trends. Metacognitive activities are aimed to prepare students "How to learn?".
I perform a psychophysical experiment and want to measure metacognition in the subjects.
After answering the experiment question, I ask the question "How confident are you in your reply"? And displays a scale with a center marker, with the most to the right representing full confident and the leftmost representing complete confident.
I notice that the scale is confusing and subjects tend to stay on the center when they are not sure. or move slightly to the right of the center when they are pretty unsure.
What Is The Right Way To Test Meta Cognition? Is it on a continuous scale? Discrete? (if so, how many steps?). How many tags titles that indicate what the position of the scale means is recommended to put?
I would also like to receive related articles on the subject.
I am currently working on a lit search linking metacognition with self determination theory in a high school IBDP context. I'm at the point of gathering counter-theories to SDT. Any help would be appreciated.
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I am analyzing whether a new feature (presenting history path) served as a cognitive support in the process of problem-solving, which means that if this new feature can have an influence on people's cognitive load.
So I have asked a 9 point rating scale for three questions in terms of their mental effort, task difficulty and concentration. For the pretest, I had the above three questions, while in order to deeply understand the influence of this new feature, I have added another two questions in terms of the clarity and helpfulness of this feature with a categorical "yes" and "no" answer in the post test. Now I have collected all the data with the variables mental effort, task, concentraion both from the 1st and the 2nd test, and two other variables, clarity and helpfulness in addition.
I have 47 subjects for the pre-test, and only the same 20 subjects for the post test (because the new feature was evolved during the 2nd test, and finnally I had 20 subjects who saw the same new feature).
I want to compare those raw scores from the pretest to the raw scores from the posttest to see if there was a significant difference. And what can I do with the two additional variables in the post test? should I include all the subjects in the pre-test or just 20 subjects the same as the post test?
Which statistical mehtod that I should use for my analysis
Thanks very much for your help.
I am researching in metacognitive reading strategies students of Reading and Writing Workshop( at my university) employ while reading. One of my main problems is to understand the relationship among cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies and reading strategies.
looking for extract definitions
There is some evidence that spatial reasoning improves arithmetic skills in young children.
I would like to do some research on impaired self-awareness and its related topics (error monitoring ; cognitive anosognosia ; self-regulatory processes ; ...). However, litterature about this topic seems mostly related to TBI patients and is lacking in stroke patients (even if evidence -as in USN and anosognosia for hemiplegia - seems to suggest impaired self-awareness in some stroke patients). Does anyone have any clue about such a lack in terms of cognitive processes or cerebral activation ? Thank you.
I would like to have any additional ideas to work on our thesis, it requires us in the field of Science, it must be more on educational. Thank you!
I am looking for ,
1. empirical studies to prove that " by enhancing the metacognitive ability of individuals, their employability can be improved"
2. How to measure the Employability of individuals; just like emotional quotient is there a measure which is universally accepted?
I mean some articles, other sources about metacognitive strategies in linguistic competence.
Which tasks, activities etc. of teaching and learning can be benefited for the development of critical reflective thinking in students?
Is there a self-reported survey that can be used to measure student cognitive engagement in asynchronous online discussions? Or can be easily modified to measure cognitive engagement? Cognitive engagement in my study is defined as metacognition or self-regulation. Thank you!
I am planning my MSc project and I am trying to find a good measure of Metacognition, however most of the tool I find is mental health related. I am hoping that you guys can help me out with some suggestions :) Thank you :)
Is there any tool(s) to measure it in the children in very early stage of nurturing?
The arcuate fasciculus is a fibrous tract in the white matter of the brain that connects the frontal lobes with areas in the Angular Gyrus, and Temporal Lobe. It is assumed to be involved in speech. It may also allow communication between the Meta-Cognitive areas in the prefrontal cortex, and the consciousness center in the Angular Gyrus. If so it might support the Angular Gyrus Model of Consciousness (AGMC).
I suppose the stroop task which is used in metacognition research can be used also for meta-emotion? Any ideas?
I have some questions about Bonferroni correction and was wondering if anyone of you could kindly help me with them as an expert of Statistics. I really appreciate it! I
Here is my situation: I am currently writing my dissertation in which I used a survey to collect data from two groups of participants and used SPSS to analyze the data. In order to answer Research Question Two “How do the competent and less competent university students differ in terms of their degree of metacognitive knowledge about English writing?”, two independent samples T-tests (or independent t-test, for short) were conducted on the two groups of participants (group A and group B). One was an independent T-test performed on the two groups regarding mean scores of the three sub-scales (person, task, and strategy variables), and the other was an independent T-test conducted on the two groups to compare them item by item (there are 50 items in the survey). My questions are as follows: Question 1. Since there are only two groups of participants involved in this study, is it necessary to perform Bonferroni correction to reduce Type I error ? I thought Bonferroni correction is meant for 3 groups or more, according to the video clip below:
Question 2. If an independent T-test is conducted on the two groups to compare the means of the two groups item by item with 50 items in the survey, is that considered one T-test or 50 T-tests? In SPSS, I only needed to run one T-test to compare the means of the two groups item by item for the 50 items.
Thank you so much! Best regards, Mike
I was reading some discussions about Bonferroni correction on the web site below:
I have some questions about Bonferroni correction and was wondering if anyone of you could kindly help me with them as an expert of Statistics. I really appreciate it! I found a succinct summary of Bonferroni correction here:
Here is my situation: I am currently writing my dissertation in which I used a survey to collect data from two groups of participants and used SPSS to analyze the data. In order to answer Research Question Two “How do the competent and less competent university students differ in terms of their degree of metacognitive knowledge about English writing?”, two independent samples T-tests (or independent t-test, for short) were conducted on the two groups of participants (group A and group B). One was an independent T-test performed on the two groups regarding mean scores of the three sub-scales (person, task, and strategy variables), and the other was an independent T-test conducted on the two groups to compare them item by item (there are 50 items in the survey). My questions are as follows: Question 1. Since there are only two groups of participants involved in this study, is it necessary to perform Bonferroni correction to reduce Type I error ? I thought Bonferroni correction is meant for 3 groups or more, according to the video clip below:
Question 2. If an independent T-test is conducted on the two groups to compare the means of the two groups item by item with 50 items in the survey, is that considered one T-test or 50 T-test? In SPSS, I only needed to run one T-test to compare the mean of the two groups item by item for the 50 items.
Thank you so much! Best regards, Mike
Students' self-efficacy beliefs have been a topic of interest in educational research. It is also known that despite training and repeated feedback, sometimes the accuracy of students' confidence judgments about their performance on an objective criterion task such as an exam (i.e. calibration) does not improve and remains stable. I do not categorize students' beliefs about mathematics as their self-efficacy beliefs, since they are not related to students' learning abilities. For instance, students may believe that "success in mathematics is due to natural ability and has nothing to do with effort." Is there any research indicating that these beliefs could be the reason why calibration does not improve?
Studies such as:
Klusmann, V., Evers, A., Schwarzer, R., & Heuser, I. (2011). A brief questionnaire on metacognition: psychometric properties. Mental Health & Aging, 15 (8), 1052-62.
Buckley, T., Norton, M. C., Deberard, M. S., Welsh-Bohmer, K. a, & Tschanz, J. T. (2010). A brief metacognition questionnaire for the elderly: comparison with cognitive performance and informant ratings the Cache County Study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 25 (7), 739-47.
I am trying to derive a formula to express logic or verbal problem solving as a function of relevant knowledge plus experience with the kind of problem plus metacognitive factors in an inverse relationship with "difficult" of the problem. I have a flow diagram about the process and I am interested in formalize it. I think the Rasch Model may be an important inspiration source.
There is a wealth of calibration research done at elementary and middle school level, as well as in university classroom settings. However, I am unable to locate "any" papers of authentic research done in high school classrooms using calibration accuracy training as an instructional intervention to improve learning and performance in mathematics. Some researchers maintain that metacognitive monitoring is domain-specific in nature, so I cannot use the findings in other domains for math and in addition, the developmental aspects of metacognition won't let me generalize across the age range. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I am working on research with students aged 13-14 that analyzes interdisciplinary production of artifacts (music and visual arts) in order to understand what is the quality of thought that these "works of art" express.
I am considering coding video data for metacognition during facilitated learning experiences and group learning activities/problem solving
Assessing the development of the affective domain.
I'm interested in the power of re-authoring stories (often personal narratives) to change behavior or influence action.
I am looking at metacognition in postgraduate/adult learners and how that relates to successful outcomes. I am interested to know of courses, supervision practices, and so forth that anybody has experienced or runs, to support doctoral candidates.
I am looking for papers including description of research tools used to compare memory /comprehension performance.
I am hoping to conduct an experimental research testing the idea of whether the nature of a text's environment (printed text and text on computer screen) can result in any significant differences on what and how we do read, understand, notice as significant, and finally remember. The participants will be all natural speakers of the Greek Language, university students aged 20-22. The main idea is to ask them to read three different texts consecutively: part of a scientific article including mistakes and wrong conclusions, a poem, and a problem/puzzle. All of the three texts have been created for the research. After reading each one of them, participants will be asked to answer a number of questions (questions demanding free recall and questions demanding specific answers as well), followed by a short interview. I have designed my research tool to some point, but I still need to figure out some details before using it. I have found quite an amount of relevant research papers, but none including a detailed description of the research tool/texts used. I would greatly appreciate receiving any relevant articles, papers, or even notices and ideas that could help me.