Science topic
Metabolism - Science topic
The chemical reactions in living organisms by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated.
Publications related to Metabolism (10,000)
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Prebiotics, such as inulin and mannan-oligosaccharides, have demonstrated promising outcomes. Prebiotics are non-digestible feed elements that are metabolized by intestinal microbiota members and promote the host’s health. Prebiotics are primarily used to modulate the gut microbiota in a way that benefits the host animal, offering benefits to the i...
Os hormônios tireoidianos, tiroxina e triiodotironina, atuam regulando o metabolismo basal do indivíduo. É comum entre atletas o uso abusivo de hormônios tireoidianos para promoção de hipertrofia muscular, visando um melhor desempenho na prática de exercício físico e melhora da aparência corporal. Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o uso abusivo...
Abstrak Mikroalga Chlorella vulgaris memiliki potensi yang sangat besar sebagai bahan baku pembuatan biodiesel. Hal ini karena Chlorella vulgaris memiliki kandungan lipid yang dapat mencapai 53% dari berat kering apabila dioptimalkan dengan manipulasi kondisi stress seperti kelaparan nitrogen dan peningkatan salinitas selama tahap kultivasi. Tulisa...
Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck is a well-known fruit in Cambodia as Pursat orange, consumed as juice. It contains vitamin C as a nutrient necessary for the body's numerous metabolic processes however, vitamin C is temperature-sensitive and can be degraded over a long period in unsuitable storage conditions. This study aims to determine the vitamin C c...
Plants are a valuable source of specialized metabolites that provide a plethora of therapeutic applications. They are natural defenses that plants use to adapt and respond to their changing environment. Decoding their biosynthetic pathways and understanding how specialized plant metabolites (SPMs) respond to biotic or abiotic stress will provide vi...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pembelajaran olahraga terhadap kesehatan mental dan fisik siswa sekolah dasar. Sumber-sumber pada artikel ini mencakup basis data akademik seperti Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar, jurnal online, buku, dan publikasi lainnya yang mendukung kajian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini secara khusus menunjuk...
Introducción: La osteodistrofia renal, una de las complicaciones de la hemodiálisis, provoca fracturas patológicas, ya que, al afectar el metabolismo del calcio, estimula la reabsorción ósea y conduce a la osteoporosis. Sin embargo, no se han reportado fracturas femorales diafisarias bilaterales atraumáticas, equivalentes a fracturas femorales atíp...
Children with growth hormone (GH) deficiency often exhibit unique patterns in glucose and insulin metabolism, which could potentially deteriorate upon receiving GH therapy. This therapeutic intervention, while crucial for promoting normal growth, may inadvertently influence the intricate balance of glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. We re...
LncRNAs are long non-coding RNAs that are widely recognized as crucial regulators of gene expression and metabolic control, involved in numerous dormancy-related processes. Aestivation is a common hypometabolism strategy of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) in response to high-temperature conditions and is typically characterized by the degrada...
Alterações fisiológicas com o avançar da idade, devido ao comprometimento da função renal e hepática, afetam o metabolismo e a eliminação de fármacos, aumentando o risco de efeitos adversos. A prevalência crescente de doenças crônicas entre os idosos contribui para o consumo elevado de medicamentos com destaque para o uso de benzodiazepínicos no tr...
The effects of zinc (Zn) on the physiology of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) were investigated in a pot experiment with increasing Zn contents in the horticultural substrate (0, 75, 150, and 300 mg Zn kg−1). Interactions among nutrients in the substrate solution affected plant vitality, biomass yield, and nutrient content in plants. The water-solub...
Introdução: A tireoide, conhecida desde a antiguidade por suas associações com o metabolismo e o temperamento, tem sido objeto de estudo por séculos. Com o avanço da medicina, a compreensão dos mecanismos que regulam a função tireoidiana se tornou cada vez mais precisa. No entanto, muitas questões ainda precisam ser exploradas, como a relação entre...
Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit yang sering di jumpai di masyarakat khususnya pada orang tua yang memiliki usialanjut, diabetes mellitus merupakn penyakit yang di sebabkan oleh gangguan metabolisme tubuh antara lain karbohidratprotein dan lemak tipe diabetes mellitus terbagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu tipe satu dan tipe dua, penelitian ini bertuj...
In this research, we investigated the physiological modifications, flavonoid metabolism, and antioxidant systems of two buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) cultivars, Pintian and Suqiao, during germination. The results demonstrated an initial increase followed by a subsequent decline in the flavonoid content of the buckwheat sprouts throughout...
Bei kritisch Kranken besteht ein hohes Risko für unerwünschte Arzneimittelinteraktionen. Pharmakodynamische Interaktionen können Organtoxizität verstärken. Pharmakokinetische Interaktionen gründen meist auf einer Hemmung oder Induktion von Enzymen des Arzneimittelmetabolismus wie Cytochrom-P-450-Isoenzymen und Transporterproteinen w...
Natural forms of vitamin E include four tocopherols and four tocotrienols (α, β, γ, and δ), which are essential as lipophilic antioxidants. Among these eight isoforms, α-tocopherol (αT), the predominant form of vitamin E found in tissues, has traditionally received the most attention in disease prevention research due to its robust antioxidant acti...
The gut microbiota, as a critical regulator of host metabolism, is significantly influenced by dietary patterns. This study explores the effects of different diets on gut microbiota and their relationship with metabolism and related diseases. First, the composition of gut microbiota and its role in metabolism are reviewed. Next, the impacts of high...
The literature on creatine biomarkers in various bodily fluids remains limited. The purpose of this review is to explore the available data regarding the presence of molecules considered biomarkers of creatine metabolism—namely creatine, guanidinoacetate, and creatinine—across different bodily fluids and matrices. In addition to providing reference...
Island infrastructure material stock (MS) analysis reveals resource flow and accumulation, providing policymakers with insights for managing resources and planning. This study comprehensively analyzed the MS of infrastructure on Miao Island using a bottom-up approach and multi-source data. Key findings include the following: In 2020, the total in-u...
Key words: Poultry manure, trace elements, sheep) (Sleutelwoorde : Hoendermis, spoore lemente, skape) OPSOMMING: RETIINSIE VAN SPOORI]LL,MIlNTF IN DIF, LEWERS VAN SKAPE OP RANTSOENE WAT HOENDERMIS BLVAT Gedroogde batteryhoendermis (DHM) is teen 4 peile van toevoeging (0,0, I1,6, 23,5 en 35,4/, respektiewelik) in afrondingsrantsoene vir skape gebrui...
Introdução: A judicialização da saúde tem aumentado muito nos últimos anos tornando um problema que aflige gestores de todo território nacional, envolve aspectos sociais, políticos, jurídicos, éticos e sanitários. Objetivo: Caracterizar as ações judiciais com solicitação de medicamentos em Mato Grosso do Sul. Métodos: A pesquisa foi um estudo trans...
Introdução: Apesar da criação de vários programas e estratégias, nem sempre a assistência farmacêutica implementada pelo poder público atende às necessidades do paciente, possibilitando sua reivindicação por via judicial. O município de Rio Largo vem sendo obrigado a cumprir mandados judiciais para fornecimento de medicamentos desde 2007. Objetivos...
Introdução: Trabalhos relacionados a temática dos idosos tem demonstrado a relevância do tema (SILVA et al., 2009). Práticas de risco no uso de medicamentos entre idosos, somada a não adesão ao tratamento farmacológico, às reações adversas e etc, contribuem para a morbidade e mortalidade relacionada ao uso de medicamentos nessa população (SANTOS et...
Significant advancements in cardiovascular and metabolic disease research have been made with the CREB3 protein family. Studies have revealed that members of this family are crucial in the development of these diseases, contributing to the regulation of lipid metabolism, inflammation, and vascular function. These studies provide useful information... Obtén el mejor precio para Fitex! ¡Obtén el mejor precio para Fitex! ¡Obtén el mejor precio para Fitex! ¡Obtén el mejor precio para Fitex! ¿Qué es Fitex? Fitex es un suplemento de pérdida de peso... Fitex es un suplemento dietético especialmente formulado para favorecer la pérdida de peso y mejorar la salud en general. Este producto combina ingredientes naturales conocidos por sus propiedade... Obtén el mejor precio Obtén el mejor precio Obtén el mejor precio ¿Qué es Fitex? Fitex es un complemento alimenticio natural diseñado para aumentar el metabolismo, incrementar la energía y ayudar... Obtener el mejor precio de Fitex ⬅ ➡ Obtener el mejor precio de Fitex ⬅ ➡ Obtener el mejor precio de Fitex ⬅ ➡ Obtener el mejor precio de Fitex ⬅ ¿Qué es Fitex y Chitosán? Fitex Fitex es un suple... Obtén el mejor precio Obtén el mejor precio Obtén el mejor precio ¿Qué es Fitex? Fitex es un suplemento alimenticio natural diseñado para optimizar el metabolismo, aumentar los niveles de energía... Obtén el mejor precio de Fitex aquí! ¡Obtén el mejor precio de Fitex aquí! ¡Obtén el mejor precio de Fitex aquí! ¡Obtén el mejor precio de Fitex aquí! ¿Qué es Fitex? Fitex es un suplemento alimen... Obtén el mejor precio para Fitex Obtén el mejor precio para Fitex Obtén el mejor precio para Fitex Obtén el mejor precio para Fitex ¿Qué son Fitex y Matcha Slim? Fitex es un suplemento natural en...
👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 Consulte el artículo completo 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 Leanix und GlucoSlim sind zwei Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zur Unterstützung der
Gewichtsabnahme, die sich in ihren Ansätzen und Wirkweisen unterscheiden. Leanix bietet
Gummibärchen, die natürliche Inhaltsstoffe wie Apfeles...
Fitex: Il Supplemento Naturale per Migliorare il Benessere Generale
Cos'è Fitex? Fitex è un integratore alimentare naturale pensato per supportare il benessere generale e favorire la perdita di peso in modo naturale. È ideale per chi desidera affrontare problemi comuni come il sovrappeso, l'affaticamento e l'infiammazione. Completamente privo di O...
Background: The global outbreak of COVID-19 has raised concerns about its potential impact on the management of chronic health conditions, particularly diabetes. Objectives: This cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the effect of COVID-19 on blood sugar control and lipid profiles in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Methods: This cross-sec...
Mitochondria are dynamic organelles integral to metabolic processes, coordination of essential biological pathways, and oncogenesis and tumor progression. Recent studies have revealed that mitochondria can be transferred between cells via multiple mechanisms, implicating their involvement in the pathogenesis and progression of ovarian cancer. This...
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Introdução: O sobrepeso e a obesidade, descritos como o depósito excessivo de gordura em diferentes graus, são frequentemente associados a complicações como doenças crônicas e mortalidade. Os altos índices globais dessas condições evidenciam a urgência por novas abordagens terapêuticas. Resultados Ao analisar critérios como pressão arterial, perfil...
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Fitex – Ihr Begleiter für gesteigerten Stoffwechsel und natürlichen Gewichtsverlust
Was ist Fitex?
Fitex ist ein innovatives Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das darauf abzielt, den Stoffwechsel zu aktivieren, die Fettverbrennung zu fördern und das allgemeine Energielevel zu steigern. Die sorgfältig entwickelte Formel besteht aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoff...
Wprowadzenie: Tryptofan (Trp), odkryty w 1901 roku przez Sir Fredericka Gowlanda Hopkinsa, jest jednym z ośmiu niezbędnych aminokwasów, które muszą być dostarczane z dietą. WHO zaleca dzienne spożycie Trp na poziomie 4 mg/kg masy ciała. Występuje w produktach bogatych w białko, takich jak mięso, ryby, jaja, nabiał, orzechy, nasiona i soja. Trp wspo...
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a cornerstone in treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) and is usually combined with leucovorin (LV) to enhance the antitumour effect by increase thymidylate synthase (TS) inhibition, the key target enzyme for 5-FU. Arfolitixorin (Arfo) is an active form of the reduced folate, [6 R]-5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (...
The microbiota plays a significant role in the tumor microenvironment, and its impact on tumor development and treatment outcome cannot be overlooked. Thus, it is essential to comprehend the interactions between the microbiota and the tumor microenvironment.
Recent Findings
With the advent of next‐generation sequencing, microbiota resea...
Objective: Renal volume measurements are useful for differentiating between upper and lower urinary tract infections and for monitoring unilateral kidney disease by comparison with the other. The goal of the current study is to evaluate the relationship between renal volumes and BMI in the local population. Normal renal volume varies with BMI. Clin...
Buku ini membahas secara komprehensif tentang berbagai aspek metabolisme dan proses biokimia yang terjadi dalam tubuh manusia. Terdiri dari 14 bab, buku ini memberikan penjelasan mengenai prinsip dasar metabolisme, termasuk katabolisme dan anabolisme yang menjadi fondasi untuk memahami proses energi dalam tubuh (Bab 1). Bab 2 hingga Bab 9 menjelask...
In 2023, the World Economic Forum reported the existence of high-severity global risks in both the short and long term, including climate change, natural disasters and biodiversity loss. In response, Clive L. Spash, a scholar specializing in ecosocial issues, has proposed a paradigm shift that considers the interconnection between ecological, econo...
Biological lifeforms can heal, grow, adapt, and reproduce -- abilities essential for sustained survival and development. In contrast, robots today are primarily monolithic machines with limited ability to self-repair, physically develop, or incorporate material from their environments. A key challenge to such physical adaptation has been that while...
Editorial DOI: Cuidar de la salud durante la infancia y adolescencia es el objetivo principal de la Odontopediatría, teniendo siempre como principio una visión integral del individuo. Esta meta tiene un apoyo importante en la difusión del conocimiento, que sea de fácil acceso para las familias y para los niño...
La anemia es un trastorno sumamente prevalente. La anemia preoperatoria se asocia a mayor mortalidad, más complicaciones, mayor estancia hospitalaria y mayores costos en salud. La transfusión de glóbulos rojos (TGR) no mejora estos resultados. La Organización Mundial de la Salud recomienda implementar medidas de Patient Blood Manageme...
Four new peltogynoid monomers (3, 7, 10, 11) and a new peltogynoid dimer (9) were isolated from the heartwood of Peltogyne mexiacana, along with six known compounds (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8). Among the known compounds, the absolute configurations of two flavanones (5, 6) were determined. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined using NMR a...
The article presents the results of scientific and production experiment in feeding the feed additive "Fayberton" to broiler chickens of the Ross-308 cross. The conducted scientific and production experiment has shown positive results on the weight indicators of broiler chickens of the Ross-308 cross, while in both the experimental and control grou...
This Special Issue of Metabolites, entitled “Lipid Abundance and Metabolism Aberrations in Skin Diseases” broadly discusses the issue of lipids that are engaged in pathogenesis, as well as in the clinical course and treatment of dermatoses [...]
Background: The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) plays a crucial role in immune and metabolic processes. The large molecular diversity of ligands capable of activating AhR makes it impossible to determine the structural features useful for the design of new potent modulators. Thus, in the field of drug discovery, the intricate nature of AhR activati...
Introdução: O laser, amplificação da luz por emissão estimulada de radiação, surgiu da abreviação de Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation que em português brasileiro significa Luz Amplificada pela Emissão Estimulada de Radiação. O laser tem particularidades, como a quantidade de energia e comprimentos de onda que são adequadas pa...
Age-related auditory decline manifests across the animal kingdom, from humans and mice to zebrafish and insects. Sex differences in auditory decline are established for humans, but there is now evidence in mice and even zebrafish. Here, we found sex differences in auditory decline in an insect, the Desert Locust and investigated its biological basi...
Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the female population and is a significant cause of global cancer deaths in this group. Obesity increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer and has a negative impact on prognosis. Metabolic alterations are an important part of the process of cancer migration; invasion and proliferation, with li...
Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients such as vitamins C and A, minerals, electrolytes, and dietary fiber [...]
Boron (B) is one of the most important micronutrients for plants which play vital role in various metabolic process. Boron deficiency in rice has been widely reported in many rice growing regions of the world including Bangladesh. Therefore, a field experiment was carried out at the Agronomy Field Laboratory of Bangladesh Agricultural University, B...
El estudio de tamaños y masas corporales a través de la alometría es uno de los aspectos más llamativos, pero, paradójicamente, poco investigados en la paleontología. El lograr generar dichas estimaciones no solo representan el poder determinar el tamaño de un organismo fósil, sino que también nos permite realizar inferencias paleobiológicas como l...
In general, metabolism in living organisms can be defined as
the result of biochemical processes that either produce or consume
energy. Core metabolism involves nutrients like carbohydrates,
fatty acids, and amino acids, and can be categorized into
three major classes such as anabolism, catabolism, and waste disposal.
Anabolism is a sequence of bio...
Antecedentes: La Warfarina es un anticoagulante que se presenta en dos formas, S-warfarina y R-warfarina, siendo la primera cinco veces más potente y responsable de su efecto anticoagulante. Variantes genéticas en el gen CYP2C9, como CYP2C9*2 y CYP2C9*3, pueden reducir la eficacia de la enzima que metaboliza la S-warfarina, lo que lleva a que las p...
Die allgemeine medizinische Erfahrung deutet darauf hin, dass längere Zeiträume zwischen den aufeinanderfolgenden Impfungen Nebenwirkungen vermeiden. Vermutlich verursachen kumulative aufeinanderfolgende Injektionen Nebenwirkungen: Der Stoffwechsel hat den Körper zum Zeitpunkt der nächsten Injektion noch nicht von einer vorherigen Injektion entgift...
Os ritmos circadianos, mecanismos biológicos que regulam o ciclo de 24 horas das atividades fisiológicas, têm sido amplamente investigados por sua relação com diversos aspectos da saúde humana. Recentemente, sua conexão com a obesidade e o metabolismo ganhou destaque, especialmente no contexto de padrões irregulares de alimentação. Este artigo revi...
In response to the core issue of how urban land planning can promote the level of sustainability, this paper takes the perspective of urban land change and draws on the requirements of the metabolic model in sociology. It takes the indicators of urban land planning and allocation as the core of regulation and constructs a theoretical model for urba...
La deficiencia de vitamina D se ha relacionado con afecciones crónicas como resistencia a la insulina (RI) y síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP). El objetivo de estudio fue determinar los efectos de la suplementación con vitamina D en mujeres de edad fértil con SOP y RI. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en la que se incluyeron estudios en ingl...
A acne, cientificamente conhecida como acne vulgar, é uma condição inflamatória crônica da unidade pilossebácea, extremamente comum, com um acometimento global estimado em aproximadamente 80% da população em alguma fase da vida, é sumariamente uma afecção simples, mas que interfere diretamente na qualidade de vida e autoestima dos pacientes que a p...
Although caffeine (CAF) supplementation has been shown to improve exercise performance, its dose-dependent effect on CAF metabolism has not been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 3, 6 and 9 mg of CAF/kgBM on changes of CAF and paraxanthine (PRX) in the serum and saliva at four time-points.
Introdução: O diabetes melittus é um distúrbio metabólico complexo, descrito por hiperglicemia crônica. Uma produção diminuída de insulina. No diabetes há modificação no metabolismo dos lipídios e proteínas. Há dois tipos principais de diabetes, tipo 1 e tipo 2, com vários tipos secundários menos comuns. A doença periodontal, é uma das doenças infl...
Na conformação anatômica e fisiológica, existem quatro pares de glândulas salivares maiores (parótida, zigótica, mandibular e sublingual) e outras menores, espalhadas por toda a submucosa oral. A mucocele de glândula salivar é uma alteração benigna que consiste na obstrução do ducto de Wharton, ocasionada pelo acúmulo de saliva no tecido epitelial...
El Ácido Alfa-Lipoico (ALA): Aplicaciones Terapéuticas, Eficacia y Seguridad en Diversas Patologías
El ácido alfa-lipoico (ALA) es un compuesto antioxidante ampliamente estudiado por sus propiedades terapéuticas en el tratamiento de condiciones metabólicas, neuropáticas y cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, el perfil de seguridad y la dosis óp...
As an important gaseous pollutant, SO2 derivatives generally exist and significantly threaten the environment and organism health. Meanwhile, polarity is a disease-related indicator in the organism's microenvironment, where an unregulated variation may disturb the physiological metabolisms. Hence, a superior FRET-based fluorescent sensor (TLA) is p...
Transformer models, originally successful in natural language processing, are now being applied to chemical and biological studies, excelling in areas such as molecular property prediction, material science, and drug discovery. BERT, a Transformer-based model, has become foundational in cheminformatics, particularly for QSAR (Quantitative Structure...
• The efficacy of weekly somatrogon injections was no different from that of daily somatropin injections to treat children who don’t make enough growth hormone to grow adequately.
○ Efficacy refers to how well a drug works in a clinical trial.
○ Children treated with weekly somatrogon had an increased growth rate, similar to that of children treate...
Diabetes melitus (DM) adalah gangguan metabolisme yang ditandai dengan kadar gula darah tinggi akibat penurunan produksi atau sensitivitas insulin. Federasi Diabetes Internasional memprediksi peningkatan kasus diabetes mencapai 678 juta pada tahun 2030 dan 700 juta pada tahun 2045. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi pasien DM Tipe 1 d...
A few trace elements are absolutely essential for the human metabolism, despite their low levels in the organism [...]
First introduced in 2021, MetOrigin has quickly established itself as a powerful web server to distinguish microbial metabolites and identify the bacteria responsible for specific metabolic processes. Building on the growing understanding of the interplay between the microbiome and metabolome, and in response to user feedback, MetOrigin has undergo...