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Mergers - Science topic

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Questions related to Mergers
  • asked a question related to Mergers
1 answer
It seems that I have two different profiles, due to various spellings of my first names/ initials; each containing a set of different papers and publications. How to join them into one?
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See this instruction how to merge duplicate profiles:
  • asked a question related to Mergers
3 answers
For Example, Company A & B merged with Company C , so during the pre merger period there are 3 company so how to do its pre merger analysis with post merger company?
(either its 1 to 1 or 3 to 1)
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To conduct pre-merger financial performance analysis:
  1. Analyze Financial Statements: Review balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements of both companies.
  2. Evaluate Financial Ratios: Assess profitability, liquidity, and solvency ratios.
  3. Perform Trend Analysis: Examine historical financial performance and growth trends.
  4. Compare Key Metrics: Analyze revenue, earnings, and margins in relation to industry benchmarks.
  5. Assess Synergies and Risks: Identify potential benefits and risks associated with the merger.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
energy sector
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Due to the issue of national energy security, the energy sector is one of the strategic ones. The energy sector has a market structure referred to as an oligopoly, as it is usually dominated by a few large energy companies. The high concentration of capital is conducive to strategic investment decisions, the implementation of large investment projects, and can also be conducive in the process of smoothly implemented green transformation of the power sector. On the other hand, the energy sector should also see the development of innovative startups developing new eco-innovations and green energy technologies, as well as the prosumer sphere of distributed energy development, in which citizens are prosumers generating energy on the basis of small home wind turbines, photovoltaic panels mounted on the roofs of houses, geothermal water intakes, etc. Thus realized, diversification both in terms of different energy sources and the diverse structure of corporations, companies and prosumers increases the scale of energy security. If large, dominant companies in the energy sector acquire, through mergers and acquisitions, other business entities operating in the sector this can increase their investment opportunities. However, it is also important that the level of competition does not significantly decrease through mergers and acquisitions, which could result in an increase in the scale of monopolistic practices by the largest, dominant companies in the sector. Another important issue is who are the key, leading shareholders in the shareholding structure of large energy companies. This issue is particularly relevant when different standards and management practices exist in state-owned companies and in commercially operating business entities in which the leading shareholders are other private companies, investment funds and banks, and whether they are domestically or internationally based. the latter issue may translate into the extent of control by national public energy regulatory institutions to which such strategic sectors of the economy as the energy industry may be subject.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
I invite you to get acquainted with the issues described in the above-mentioned publication and to scientific cooperation in this field.
Warm greetings,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
Means which Balance sheet Standalone Balancesheet and Consolidated Balancesheet?
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Standalone for pre-merger and consolidated for post-merger
  • asked a question related to Mergers
3 answers
Is there a case study about a company merger since 2010?
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I can say yes, there are a lot of studies on merger of Banks especially in the context of developing economy like Nigeria.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
2 answers
I am looking for studies on change management in the merger of the social and health care sector for my thesis. Can someone tell me tips on what kind of searches I could use to find them?
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Change Management is a vast area, and one can find many study areas. One of the seminal works is that of John Kotter, who has done pioneering studies and has proposed an eight step methodology for transormational change. An important tool in change management is the Balanced score Card. This was introduced in 1991, and since then, much literature has accumulated. These two works could be used to make transformations in any field, including healthvare and the social sector.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
5 answers
Some of the metrics I would like to take into account are: shareholder value creation in conjunction with the announcement of acquisitions, long-term stock returns, changes in long-term operating results, changes in analysts' earnings forecasts in conjunction with acquisitions. Thank you in advance for your support!
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You can explore the relationship between your chosen variable in this context through using structural equation modelling (SEM) methodology.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
1 answer
As we know that high energy phenomena like black hole mergers, neutron star mergers can create ripples in the spacetime continuum but what were the modes of GW creation during the initial phase of the universe where this large bodies did not existed. Can the inflation of the universe play a role in creating GWs?
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Hello, Deepanshu Chouhan. I think that, yes, inflation can be one of the sources. Inflation is a hypothetical period of exponential expansion of the universe in its first moments, which could have generated primordial GWs from quantum fluctuations of the metric tensor.
There are several other possible sources:
- Phase transitions, which are processes where the universe undergoes a change of state or symmetry, such as the electroweak or QCD transitions, which could have produced GWs from bubble nucleation, collisions, turbulence or magnetic fields.
- Topological defects such as stable configurations of fields that may form during phase transitions, such as cosmic strings, domain walls or monopoles, which could have emitted GWs from their dynamics or interactions.
- Primordial black holes, for example, hypothetical black holes that may have formed in the early universe from density fluctuations or collapse of topological defects, which could have generated GWs from their mergers or evaporation.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
36 answers
The standard model of cosmology presents a rather dismal picture of the future of the universe with dark energy and accelerated expansion leading to a cold death with no stars. The results of the JWST will be able to show the spectrum of light from the distant galaxies and cosmologists confidently predict that there will only be hydrogen and helium. When the results show that these galaxies are much older than the universe we will have to look for a new model of the evolution of the universe.
The key to understanding the evolution of the universe is to recognise that it is finite with a space boundary. When we think we are looking back to the beginning of time we are really looking out towards the observation horizon. The first galaxy formed around 126 billion years ago and the number of galaxies increases by a factor of 20 every 14 billion years.
In this model of the evolution of the universe the Cosmic Microwave Background is coming from radiating matter held at the event horizon of the universe. This has the effect of ensuring that all the matter formed within the event horizon stays within the event horizon. The expansion rate of the universe is constant. Renewal comes from galaxy mergers and dark matter provides neutrons for star formation.
This is a much more optimistic view of the future of the universe which can continue in a stable state for the indefinite future.
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Suresh Wanayalaege I don’t agree with the model of the proton as three quarks. In the Space Time Wave theory the proton is three wavelengths of a looped wave in the medium of space.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
research project and research papers regarding merger and acquisition in india
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There are many search google scholar
  • asked a question related to Mergers
5 answers
Looking at the long list of failures of acquisitions, I can see that an answer to the driving factors should be from interest. Especially neglected factors such as culture should be at the core of for example due diligence processes. When I look at the results of my research I can see that specific values classify a merger as beeing value-creating or value-destroying. So both from an academic as well as practical point of view this sounds like an important question to answer.
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I will refrain from answering academically as this your literature review will cover in depth. From personal experience in PE, here is my thought.
It used to be the case that PE firm could simply buy at 3-5x and sell at 7x earnings. With this gap having closed, a lot of PE firms had to add real value before selling. However, there is a last arbitrage being still being exploited. The firm size premium. PE firms buy mid-market companies, add a corporate finance executive within the portfolio firm and go an aggressive buy-and -build strategy. The increased size of the firm reduces the risk and discount rate.
I believe this is but one of the reasons for the large scale M&A activity in the market we see today.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
7 answers
Hi, Everyone!
I am developing a model in which the dependent variable (y) is the number of days a company takes to complete an acquisition (or a merger) of another company. Since it can take from 1 to a 1000 or more days according to records, I think the Poisson model would not be suitable, since the number of days are not necesarily small count data . Can I apply the traditional OLS, or wich model do you recomend?
Thank You
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Hi again
ARDL model works best with quarterly and annual data analysis, whereas ARCH models work best with high-frequency data such as hourly, daily, and monthly data analysis.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
1 answer
This presentation of the formation on the solar system depends on the conclusion that the universe is older than 13.8 billion years. The estimated age of the original galaxies which formed the Milky Way galaxy is around 100 billion years.
Typically galaxy mergers take upwards of 20 billion years and the first mergers resulted in star formation. The merger of galaxies with stars which have already formed leads to the formation of binary and multiple star systems and rotating stars. Angular momentum is important in this analysis because the solar system formed from a rotating cloud in which the angular momentum was too great to form a single stable star and too small to result in a binary star system.
The hypothesis is that as the rotating cloud collapsed under gravity, it rotated faster and faster and a body of material (perhaps between a tenth and on hundredth of the mass of the sun) was spun off into space. This rotating mass then followed an elliptical trajectory spinning off the material that formed the planets.
I am looking for support or criticism of this proposal by ResearchGate members. It does depend on the recent evidence from the JWST which suggests that the Big Bang theory is wrong.
I will add links to the presentation in my first comment.
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Here are the links to the video presentation. I am not sure how easy it is to access on RG so I have included links to the presentation on Academia and YouTube.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
3 answers
HECI will work on the basis of 4 vertices; Regulation, Accreditation, Funding and Academic Standards. What is your opinion about its future? Will it be successful? What will happen about NAAC and NBA? Who will be the boss?
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  • asked a question related to Mergers
5 answers
I did 16srRNA sequencing (sangar platform) of PCR amplicons. Did trimming of forward and reverse chromatogram reads and merged them using HVDR Fragment Merger Tool using different parameters. With each parameter, I am getting a different BLAST result. Although the genus bacillus is the same at the species level. But sometimes it shows paralicheniformis, haynesii, piscis, sonorensis, and licheniformis. The Percentage, query coverage, and E value are exactly the same. It seems to be a conserved sequence but how can I proceed to identify it to species level.
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* With each parameter, I am getting a different BLAST result.
>> This is not surprising, if you are changing the parameter, you can get different results. Either do not change any parameter, or keep the parameter same for all your analyses.
* Although the genus bacillus is the same at the species level.
>> This is not the correct way how one should form a sentence like this. Better way would be, all species belong to genus Bacillus.
* he Percentage, query coverage, and E value are exactly the same. It seems to be a conserved sequence but how can I proceed to identify it to species level.
>> For genus like Bacillus, 16S alone simply is not a good marker for the identification at species level. Use Other markers in addition to the 16S gene.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
15 answers
Gibbons and various other people (including myself) claim that there is no higher force value than
c^4/4G = 3.0 * 10^43 N
and no higher power than
c^5/4G = 9.1 * 10^51 W
in any physical system in nature. Research so far has shown that boosts cannot help to exceed the limit, neither do black holes, nor quasars. In all cases explored so far, horizons, in combination with the proper dimension of the bodies involved, prevent exceeding the limits. Recent attempt to construct counter-examples, found on arxiv, have been shown to contain mistakes. The maximum power radiated from the brightest black hole mergers observed so far is about 200 times smaller than the limit. Even the highest electric or magnetic forces are much smaller. The limits also appear to be related to general relativity, so that higher values might be possible in alternative theories of gravity.
What counter-example or paradox comes to mind?
How could one try to achieve a larger force or power value?
Any suggestion is of interest. The question is interesting also for another reason: it resembles the question whether there is no higher speed that c = 3.0 * 10^8 m/s for physical systems.
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The issue
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
Researching about Mergers and Acquisition in digital space
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  • asked a question related to Mergers
14 answers
I am doing a Master's in Project Management. I am looking for a research topic. I have an interest in Mergers and Acquisitions, anything related to Investment Banking.
Kindly guide me in this.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
24 answers
While working with taxonomy of Indian Orchids in past two decades, I have witnessed many merger and splitting of genera mostly as a result of phylogenetic analysis mostly based on molecular evidences. The circumscription of larger genera like Bulbophyllum, Dendrobium etc. with wider morphological variability have been expanded with merger of well established smaller genera; whereas, genera like Eria, Habenaria etc. are being splitted with many combinations. The examples are unlimited, but everywhere the logic is to make the genera monophyletic. The problem in Vandaceous genera are even more inconsistent. The question is on the perception of the authors. When we have taxonomic hierarchy like sub-genus, Section, Sub-section etc. to fit all the heterogeneity, why not use them instead of creating many small, narrower genera or merging smaller ones into bigger genera with wider circumscription.
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Roman Bohdan Hołyński gave the answer in a nutshell. The bad thing about the monophyly requirement is, that by and large it has become a dogma. Any dogmatic approach to a scientific question is in itself suspect.
Be aware of the logical conflict in the monophyly concept that has been pointed out by Roman Bohdan Hołyński (an by others before him). And then, ask yourself, non-dogmatically, what do you wish to achieve. The monophyly concept is relevant for classification, and it is valuable as a method to assess the "value" of any proposed classification. Nomenclature is an entirely different concept, and serves communication. We have grown to accept that the names of organisms must reflect their classification; but when accepting this becomes axiomatic, it reflects negatively on the usefulness of names as information vectors. When we wish to address a taxon that is worth while being recognized, because it is recognizable and we want to communicate about it, it is not primarily relevant that the taxon be monophyletic. Changing names each time a new classification hypothesis is proposed impairs the usefulness of names as information vectors and, in the long term, is contra-productive.
Even when one is reluctant to abandon full congruence between classification and nomenclature, one should bear in mind that translation of the first into the second is not a strait-jacket but leaves options; and it is the duty of responsible biologists to choose the option that is least disruptive with respect to familiar usage, and is most robust under the variation in classifications, or phylogenies, that are likely, if not certain, to occur in the future.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
2 answers
Close binary stars have been reported to produce red nova at times while they are merging.
Some classical observers reported Sirius as a red star, others reported a white star. Now it is definitely white. Popular explanations try to discount the red claims, not entirely satisfactorily.
Sirius B is reported to be one of the largest known white dwarfs. The possibility for a merger of close binaries in historical times might be considered. Then the claims of red colors could have a scientific basis. It leaves the problem of what a binary pair might have been like while in the main sequence.
Was Sirius B a Binary Pair Of White Dwarfs In Classical Times?
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White dwarfs are comprised of electron degenerate matter, and one distinct characteristic of such matter is that the mass of the star varies inversely as the cube-root of its radius, so a more massive star would be smaller, not larger. Good samples of radii and masses of white dwarfs find this relation is a good fit to the theoretical prediction. There is also no evidence for a nebula that might have been produced by either the past evolution of Sirius B, or by any sort of merger. This is attributed to a long time scale for the nebula to disperse, implying short historical-time evolution unlikely.
One reasonable explanation for reported color differences is atmospheric given the star's horizon location from the Northern Hemisphere (see D.C.B. Whittet, 1999, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 310, Issue 2, p 355).
  • asked a question related to Mergers
11 answers
I am currently faced with the challenge to measure integration speed of an acquisition or a merger with secondary data. Usually companies do not communicate once a target has been integrated successfully. They only announce for instance that an M&A deal has been signed (this would be the starting date and easy to find online). However, how can I find out when the company was fully integrated? I am focusing on Dutch M&A deals and it seems that Dutch companies do not communicate about it much apart from when a deal has been signed. Sometimes it is possible to find out when a target ceased to exist but this too is quite difficult. I saw in most papers that surveys were used but due to my time constraint it is a too high risk to send out surveys to Dutch corporate M&A teams due to the high possibility of a low response rate. I also saw in one paper that they have used survival analysis. However, I could not make sense in that paper how they specifically calculated integration speed for each deal. If anyone has an idea or knows a paper that has done that with secondary data, I would appreciate any help.
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There is route how to tackle this problem. You take all public data of merges with known internal data (stock market, profit, ...) and apply complexity measures.
The same will be done for companies without known internal data.
You will try to somehow decode the internal development from just external data using just complexity measure and statistics by comparing the above provided two classes of companies. Alternatively, you can use AI/ML as extension of statistics when it fails.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
3 answers
I want to see whether CSR levels of firms affect merger returns and spreads. I am basing myself on two academic papers: Corporate social responsibility and M&A uncertainty (Arouri, 2019) andv Characteristics of Risk and Return ( Mitchell, 2001). I am struggling to fully understand how to add ESG scores into the model for arbitrage returns. If there is anyone with more experience willing to help I would highly appreciate this!
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I do not think there is a standardised way of performing the task at hand Priyanka Satpathy . Net different firms have their own in-house methodologies. See below, some of the examples:-
  • asked a question related to Mergers
8 answers
I am searching for information on global M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) figure for the dairy industry on an annual basis. It would also be helpful to know what are the FDI inflows and outflows for the Canadian dairy industry on an annual basis (2000 - 2016).
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One of the most comprehensive databases of cross-border mergers and acquisitions is fDi intelligence, available at:
Zephyr database provided by Bureau van Dijk also contains a wealth of information on mergers and acquisitions, although the access to the database is not free. More details are available at:
Finally, Marketline also provides an interesting database on the matter, and even though the subscription is required, there could be waivers for academic use, which are worth looking into. The link to their website is the following:
I hope you will find this information useful.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
5 answers
What kind of issues can appear in mergers related to concepts of knowledge applied in the cultures of the participants in a merger? How these issues have been encountered on the level of organizational development and learning? What kind of support can be offered to the students and personnel during and after the merger processes in the epistemological issues?
It can be argued, that there is no such thing as "neutral knowledge or information" in the context of a merger. Instead, the views of knowledge are based on the histories of institutions as well as on the backgrounds of personnel and students.
Juha Kämäräinen
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The success of mergers and acquisitions are hindered by organization culture, language and tradition. The history of institutions play an important role in shaping expectations and willingness to adept to new operational ways of doing things.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
5 answers
Mergers and Acquisitions have become very common these days..........Various companies are resorting to M&A due to various reasons. Very recently, we witnessed merger between Idea-Vodafone in order to tackle competition posed by Jio in the telecom industry in India.I want to discuss various aspects leading to or disrupting the process of value creation after the M&A. In fact, value creation will happen if the company delivers the right value to the customer. But sometimes, in some cases, it has also been noticed that the new potential market will see no clear benefits of the acquisition.
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The stated merger was completed by 31.08.2018. We can do a short, medium and long term event study to measure the value creation if any. The deal focussed on operational synergies which to an extent was offset by EBITDA erosion. Time has to come to revisit the value creation out of this deal.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
7 answers
Hello all,
I am having troubles finding the list of merged companies in the UK between 2012 and 2018 in the UK. Most of the data I came across relates to acquisition, but for the purpose of a new study, I want to find the list of mergers only.
Thank you!
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Tahar, many a time mergers and acquisitions tend to be treated in one block. Although such a combination not be what you seek, you may find the following UK site of the Office of National Statistics a useful source of data for the intended research purpose:
  • asked a question related to Mergers
16 answers
When the data is about the post merger bank ratios and pre merger bank ratios
How to test the normality
What test can be used to observe any difference in the post merger ratios
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  • asked a question related to Mergers
10 answers
The scenario after merger/acquisition is unique at least for a limited period of time.I want to know about these post merger implications.
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There is a collection of free empirical papers on M&A below. Browse the thematical collections of free papers on corporate governance at our web-site to find more than 30 collections of more than 1200 free papers.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
9 answers
I am working on an internship where I need to identify and help solve issues that may arise during cross-cultural post merger integrations. First step at hand for my team is problem identification, which will then lead to questions about how to solve them. Looking for any guidance around the same! :)
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i guess we can find this kind of book in traditional libraries especially in countries that has ancient civilization as Egypt , Iraq and so on
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
As LIGO has observed a couple of massive stellar BH binary merger events, we guess there may exist unprecedent large number of BHs in the Universe. These BHs may have ionized their environment, with HII regions or positron-electron plasma around them (perhaps also caused by Penrose mechanism). So that we could observe such plasma wave or the excess of positron-electron produced by the BHs.
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A lot of question in one question. The Universe is showing us a complete entity. To make long story short, the Universe did not create with a mechanical event of BB. Best regard Javad
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
There are different formats for genetic data:
  • VCF
  • PLINK (map+ped or bim+bed+fam)
Let we have 100 datasets with 500K SNPs (7-8M after imputation) and 1000 individuals in each dataset. For each dataset it could be its own set of SNPs.
What is the optimal format to store such data? What is the fastest tool to merge them and produce PCA plots?
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Bharati Jadhav
thank you for the answer!
I have to store the phased genotypes so PLINK format doesn't work for me (or there are any extensions?)
VCF is a good format but it takes a lot of time to merge datasets...
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
I want to describe about question.
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A merger is a growth strategy. In a merger, the two companies combined as one to reduce cost and increase profits or generate synergy. The companies restructure to reduce cost, be competitive, align the business with the new vision of the organization, and to get rid of unrelated business units or assets.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
17 answers
Based on my experience, most purchases or mergers of companies do not provide long-term value to the shareholders and customers of the organizations. In fact, there is value destruction and generally the expected synergies are difficult to materialize in terms of competitiveness, especially in the case of companies whose negotiating power in the M & A process is lower. Can you tell me your impressions about it?
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A merger might provide some plants enhanced access to markets outside of the combined service territory, resulting in increased generation from those plants. If increased access to markets results in increased operations, there may be environmental impacts. Enhanced access to markets may arise if the merger results in lower transmission costs, lower marketing costs, or lower overall costs due to efficiencies gained through the merger.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
Hi all,
I am currently writing a master thesis with the focus around handling of the target partner ecosystem in M&A / PMI.
Here I am aiming to show what the strategy and the planned steps are for integrating the target company´s partner ecosystem into the acquirer´s ecosystem.
I am planning on interviewing acquiring organization partner managers, target partner managers and the partners for feedback and will try to draw some conclusions for improvement of the approach. I am in the early phase of this thesis working on literature research.
Q: Do you know if there is any literature on merger integration aspects of software ecosystems? I am struggling to find anything out there.
Kind regards
Jamie Dowie
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Check the following reference Please.. it might's assist you in your question …
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
New materials are revolutionizing sectors as diverse as construction and communications. Advanced manufacturing technologies have altered long-standing patterns of productivity and employment. Improved air and sea transportation has greatly accelerated the worldwide flow of people and goods.
All this has both created and mandated greater interdependence among firms and nations. The rapid rate of innovation and the dynamics of technology flows mean that comparative advantage is short-lived. To maximize returns, arrangements such as transnational mergers and shared production agreements are sought to bring together partners with complementary interests and strengths. This permits both developed and developing countries to harness technology more efficiently, with the expectation of creating higher standards of living for all involved. Our results indicate that global distribution diminishes the chance of completing tasks on time and degrades subsystem design quality. can architectural innovation destroys the usefulness of a firm's firm's architectural knowledge but preserves the usefulness of its knowledge about the product's components?
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A simple answer to your question, but not always, will be it depends of the architectural innovation. In addition to that the role of the firm and its orientation will be another factor that should be taken into the account.
You may have a look on these references.
- Henderson, Rebecca M., and Kim B. Clark. "Architectural innovation: The reconfiguration of existing product technologies and the failure of established firms." Administrative science quarterly (1990): 9-30.
- Stieglitz, Nils, and Klaus Heine. "Innovations and the role of complementarities in a strategic theory of the firm." Strategic management journal 28, no. 1 (2007): 1-15.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
Scientists and conceptual artist have long predicted technology will “invade” the body. It already has, with implants like pacemakers. Others will follow to enhance muscular or neural functions, and probably with AI.
This “merger” will also happen more broadly when AI becomes part of daily life. AI will be tailored to human needs as much as possible, but sometime humans will have to meet AI halfway. AI systems using voice recognition will ask us to articulate clearly.
AI systems rely on “hardware” (whether robots, autonomous cars, etc.), and all such systems will have to be treated within the boundaries in which they can operate. Human will have to learn what these boundaries are.
It will gradually appear to people that AI has a “soul” of its own that humans can learn to appreciate. The first indication came from Japan. The owners of the robotic pet Aibo gave their pets Buddhist burial rites when their Aibo reached the end of its serviceable life.
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Dear Deeraj
Please try to read some of my comments! It could help you. Thanks
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
In the metabolomics study, how do the data collected by positive and negative ions are combined, is there a reference, especially the merger basis of Metabolon?
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The positive ion and negative ion raw data should have different internal/external standards to correct the result. Some MS can run neg and pos together but some MS cannot which means neg ion and pos ion results could be generated from different methods.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
2 answers
I am using a gravity model to study the impact of cultural differences on the total merger volume from country a to country b (in the 2000 till 2016). My dependent variable is the natural log of the total volume from country a to country b in year t. I want to add time fixed and country fixed effect. Also I want to double cluster the target and acquirer nations standard errors. My regression looks as follows;
ln(Total Volume)= a+ B(Cultural distance)+ ln(distance)+ ln(bilateral trade flow)+ other control variables+ time fixed effect+ target country fixed effects+ acquirer country fixed effects
I have made a panelid with the
egen CrossCountry=group(AcquirerNation TargetNation)
I am using stata and I have set my paneldata as follows;
xtset panelid year
I want to double cluster my standard error on the TargetNation and AcquirerNation to account for within country time-serie correlation. I was wondering if someone could help me out with this.
Kind Regards,
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  • asked a question related to Mergers
10 answers
With the advent of molecular phylogenetics the name changes and Plant merger in a given year are almost equalling or even surpassing Plant Discoveries. We are getting comprehensive update of Discoveries with regard to Indian subcontinent through the excellent illustrated publication Plant Discoveries. However it is increasingly becoming difficult to keep track of name changes and merger, essential for taxonomic research, as the Indian authors are now publishing their research in very varied journals some of which do not give open access to the readers. Hence if a list of name changes and merger is appended in the book Plant Discoveries, this will be a real help to the Indian taxonomists.
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Further adding to my answer, in case of difference of opinion regarding merger or new names what is published has to be accepted until someone has a different opinion and publishes. It is more like IPNI publishing all names. In taxonomy opinion differs in a large number of cases
  • asked a question related to Mergers
1 answer
Looking for information on the subsea/MFE industry for a project I am working on. Trying to better understand the supply chain, the major players, and where it's heading along with what drives the customer decision when selecting a vendor via the proposal/tender process. Also interested in alternatives to mass flow excavation.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
3 answers
Can anyone point me to a validated questionnaire I can use to get the team assess their new leadership post a merger event?
I need to request permission to use one for my dissertation which i need to finish in 3 months. Many thanks for your support.
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The Leadership Practices Inventory is a highly respected inventory that has value in measuring leadership roles in any organizational setting. Kouzes and Posner have developed the instrument and it has been utilized in hundreds of studies.
Cam Caldwell
  • asked a question related to Mergers
2 answers
A kilonova is a transient astronomical event that occurs in a compact binary system when two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole merge into each other. Kilonovae are thought to emit short gamma ray bursts and strong electromagnetic radiation due to the radioactive decay of heavy r-process nuclei that are produced and ejected fairly isotropically during the merger process.
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A kilonova is a transient event at the merging of two neutron stars or one neutron star and black hole of close binary system. As result, a new neutron star or black hole may be formed with emission of gravitational waves and wide-band electromagnetic emission (gamma, X, optics, IR, radio). The event GW170817 closely resembles predictions for a kilonova. GW170817 is the first joint detection by the three-detector network of Advanced LIGO and Virgo. Several groups have identified optical counterpart to GW170817 in the galaxy NGC4993 at adistance of about 40 Mpc. 
  • asked a question related to Mergers
5 answers
All three mergers of black holes come with a signature bifurcation, can GTR explain this?
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First this may be an instrumental indication, the frequency at which the perceived bifurcation occurs in the example you give is 120Hz, exactly the second harmonic of the power frequency. I've pointed that out four or five times now.
Second, it may be astrophysical. As the bodies approach merger, the rotational spins and the orbital spin start to interact and that causes them to precess as angular momentum is exchanged. Changes to those spins will alter the polarisation of the waves which affects the received waveform. If you look that the "numerical relativity" computed waveforms, there are clearly effects on the phase and amplitude, including phase reversals. A spectrogram of that will show components at the beat frequencies. Try running a spectrogram of the template and see if it is there too.
To date, the tests done on the observed waveforms don't show any departure from GR but there is still significant noise which may be hiding subtle departures. As the number of events builds and they get the noise down, we may get lucky and see some deviations.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
I was going through articles on M&A. Most of them do event study. We want to undertake long term (3 years before and 3 years after the acquisition) study of acquiring companies pre and post merger. Any suggestions?
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I assume the major issue there would be to separate the merger effects from other factors that influence company performance (for example purely due to changes in business cycle and general environment). A good start would be to check how the risk changes in time.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
6 answers
I am currently looking for a model to implement in post merger integration for my dissertation. My current plan is to use Balanced Scorecard to implement post merger integration strategy.
Can someone please suggest me few post merger integration models?
thanks in anticipation.
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Dear Misba,
The Balanced Scorecard is an instrument that can be applied in different settings. It can be used in merger integration, but also to evaluate, say, the accommodation service of a public hospital. Using the Balanced Scorecard you can evaluate the achievements against targets incorporated into the Balanced Scorecard. Which targets to set and which measures to use is up to your discretion. However, this approach only makes sense if the outcome is related to the entity's overall strategic goals. Please feel free to refer to my research paper on the Balanced Scorecard: "The Balanced Scorecard and Beyond – Applying Theories of Performance Measurement, Employment and Rewards in Management Accounting Education". It was published in  the International Research Journal of Management Sciences 4 (7), pp. 483-491 and thus can be used for referencing.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
24 answers
I am looking for research on External corporate control such as takeover and mergers. How can you have such external control and put pressure on managers to work theoretically well and might be replaced in countries with high concentrated ownership along with lack of investor protection? Latest research trend on Mergers and acquisitions? 
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Dear Ali,
I would like to refer you to the book "Corporate Governance" by Robert A. G. Monks and Nell Minow. The last (5th) edition is from 2011 but it goes into great detail with regard to the market for corporate control and offers lots of real liffe examples.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
11 answers
In recent times, researchers have been motivated to study the impact of mergers on corporate financing. The arguments establishing the relationship between mergers and corporate debt financing are convincing but it may be better to know specific theory or theories that explain the relationship. What theory explains the relationship between mergers and corporate debt financing? Please, identify such theory or theories (if any).
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Perhaps you have in mind the Lewellen theory (1971) described in JF. As soon as two firms with cash-flows not perfectly correlated, are joined in a new entity, the merged firm, the debt borrowing capacity of the new entity is increased.. This is referred to the co-insurance effect of the merger which takes place automatically. Thus if no synergetic gains are considered, the value of equity goes down and the value of debt goes up. This wealth transfer may be balanced if after the merger you raise some more debt, finding again the same default risk as before.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
21 answers
I believe that GW150914, registered by LIGO, appeared as a result of an earthquake in Turkey, which occurred on 09:35:43.8 UTC in the point (40°04'48"N, 28°33'36"E), located at a distance of 9881 km from Hanford, and 9978 km from Livingston, along the great-circle arc.
I do not cast any doubts on the high seismic noise immunity of the system, and the fact of short time change in the arms’ length of the interferometers. However, the physical reason of this effect remains doubtful, - was it a merger of binary black holes somewhere on the other side of the universe, or an impact of the seismic wave at our planet?
As is known, a seismic wave passing through the crust layers having different sound velocity, undergoes dispersion. As a result, the low frequencies are coming to the destination earlier than high frequences.
I consider that the seismic wave front may cause a real short-time fluctuation of the interferometer arm’s length. High-frequency components comprising seismic wave are being filtered out by measuring channel at the frequency range of 35-250 Hz. As a result, a transient pulse is being registered, which had a shape, similar to template of merging binary black holes.
The unknown distribution of the deep Earth's crust layers, as well as their respective sound velocities and propagation paths of the refracted seismic wave, as a result, may cause arrival of seismic wave fronts to Livingston and Hanford corresponding to the actual data obtained by LIGO group.
Are there any chances for the described situation to be plausible?
Kind regards, Ivan.
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For sake of truth here below all the 35 seismic phases at the two stations, from this we learn that it's impossible to get the same waveform at the two stations from the eqk
Building obspy.taup model for './ak135.tvel' ...
Station== LIV
epi_dist== 9998.84211206
deg== 89.9217474555
35 arrivals
P phase arrival at 780.187 seconds
PcP phase arrival at 781.437 seconds
pP phase arrival at 781.860 seconds
sP phase arrival at 782.454 seconds
PP phase arrival at 992.779 seconds
PKiKP phase arrival at 1076.604 seconds
pPKiKP phase arrival at 1078.321 seconds
sPKiKP phase arrival at 1078.906 seconds
SKiKP phase arrival at 1291.676 seconds
SKS phase arrival at 1411.597 seconds
pSKS phase arrival at 1413.839 seconds
sSKS phase arrival at 1414.439 seconds
SKKS phase arrival at 1424.700 seconds
S phase arrival at 1433.304 seconds
pS phase arrival at 1435.442 seconds
sS phase arrival at 1436.071 seconds
ScS phase arrival at 1437.526 seconds
SP phase arrival at 1498.369 seconds
SP phase arrival at 1498.724 seconds
SP phase arrival at 1498.890 seconds
PS phase arrival at 1499.034 seconds
PS phase arrival at 1499.378 seconds
PS phase arrival at 1499.548 seconds
SS phase arrival at 1790.730 seconds
PKIKKIKP phase arrival at 1827.205 seconds
PKKP phase arrival at 1831.562 seconds
SKIKKIKP phase arrival at 2042.325 seconds
PKIKKIKS phase arrival at 2042.909 seconds
SKKP phase arrival at 2050.423 seconds
PKKS phase arrival at 2051.009 seconds
SKIKKIKS phase arrival at 2257.805 seconds
SKKS phase arrival at 2268.962 seconds
PKIKPPKIKP phase arrival at 2321.371 seconds
SKIKSSKIKS phase arrival at 3185.402 seconds
SKSSKS phase arrival at 3189.251 seconds
Station== HAN
epi_dist== 9906.16950748
deg== 89.0883226997
31 arrivals
P phase arrival at 776.298 seconds
PcP phase arrival at 777.749 seconds
pP phase arrival at 777.970 seconds
sP phase arrival at 778.563 seconds
PP phase arrival at 986.120 seconds
PKiKP phase arrival at 1075.219 seconds
pPKiKP phase arrival at 1076.937 seconds
sPKiKP phase arrival at 1077.521 seconds
SKiKP phase arrival at 1290.239 seconds
SKS phase arrival at 1406.712 seconds
pSKS phase arrival at 1408.952 seconds
sSKS phase arrival at 1409.552 seconds
SKKS phase arrival at 1418.464 seconds
S phase arrival at 1425.528 seconds
pS phase arrival at 1427.662 seconds
sS phase arrival at 1428.292 seconds
ScS phase arrival at 1430.615 seconds
SP phase arrival at 1488.526 seconds
PS phase arrival at 1489.191 seconds
SS phase arrival at 1778.644 seconds
PKIKKIKP phase arrival at 1828.658 seconds
PKKP phase arrival at 1833.625 seconds
SKIKKIKP phase arrival at 2043.732 seconds
PKIKKIKS phase arrival at 2044.316 seconds
SKKP phase arrival at 2052.329 seconds
PKKS phase arrival at 2052.915 seconds
SKIKKIKS phase arrival at 2259.173 seconds
SKKS phase arrival at 2270.779 seconds
PKIKPPKIKP phase arrival at 2322.926 seconds
SKIKSSKIKS phase arrival at 3186.855 seconds
SKSSKS phase arrival at 3191.313 seconds
  • asked a question related to Mergers
9 answers
Currently I have found a lot of evidence of shareholder value creation in M&A deals in banking industry, however cannot find the papers on shareholder value creation for M&A in clothing/ apparel/ sporting good or consumer goods industry? Or if this paper doesnt exist, then generally for companies and industries and not for banks? 
Thanks a lot for your help.
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Dear Olga Shegay ·
Please , find the attached file , also related for your subject may be useful and interesting for you , 
Best Regards, 
  • asked a question related to Mergers
9 answers
Currently I am working on research topic of shareholder's value creation in M&A deals for industrial companies. I am analyzing past M&A deals to understand if they were successful or not. The core research is to find out of similarities in those target companies which created positive CAR. The criteria of perfect target for M&A deal should be financial and strategic.  
  • asked a question related to Mergers
3 answers
why do firms choose to exit or continue? How do they choose among different exit options? What theories have been used?
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Hi Francesco,
You may perhaps refer to the Williamson (1988) transaction costs theory. It may be useful to  study how to redefine the perimeter of the firm's activities.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
6 answers
What are the main determinants of the decision in your mind? Do you think that premium 's cost or rapidity of realization  are at stake? Do you know papers on that subject?
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Mergers of equals are difficult to realize, and do not seem to give very good results (Wulf, 2004). But in mergers the general assembly of the target and acquiring firms  must give a positive answer to the merger. This is not the case in the take-over process.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
19 answers
Do you measure these synergies on the stock -market with the run-up of the target company, and the less important move of the acquirer's stock price? do you add some of the mark-up if any? what are on the accounting side the indicators you would  use to estimate synergies?
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To answer to Emanuel, I think that some synergies are easier to achieve than others. For example reducing costs via pooled purchasing or  the closing  of some plants may be often realized. But increasing sales using the the distribution channel of the other firm may be more difficult to put in place. Here i make a difference between "cost synergies" and "revenues synergies".
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Mergers
3 answers
Please can anyone help me with theories or suggest articles that help me understand why most countries used merger (amalgamation) system of banks as a suitable banking sector reforms. I am trying to synthesis the models used by my country’s former Central bank governor (Charles C. Soludo), in the banking reformation.
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To me Paul's answer talk is more related to the changes in environment than the models and theories. Further more BASE Regulations are not the drivers for M & E. The conventional theories of M&E are still applied. You should also look at the economic theories related to the scale and scope.
  • asked a question related to Mergers
4 answers
I am currently gathering some reading materials and literature regarding the network industries for my thesis and I am intending to develop a model that could measure the consumer welfare before and after a merger or acquisition, specifically in the Telecommunications industry.
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TELIGEN is probably the only source of comparable information on prices, but causality is tricky , you cannoy just take a 'before-after approach' and you need to control for confounding factors. See the telecommuncations chapter of Florio M 'Network industries and social welfare' (OUP, 2013)
  • asked a question related to Mergers
6 answers
I'm wondering if there is any research about mergers decided by external stakeholders, such as the government.
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This is an interesting study on strategic management. Merging process also called amalgamation is strategic plan of higher education institutions, stakeholders to restructure the higher education system specifically the public component consisting of state colleges and universities to improve efficiency in the delivery of quality programs, minimize duplication and promote complementation between and among public and private HEIs. Merging process involves governance, financial management and resource allocation, academic program complementation, research development and extension, quality assurance, and infrastructure improvement. Merging process is not limited to public/government state colleges and universities and government institutions. In my experience merging can be done within a college or university to address severe decline in college enrolment and changes in the labor market. Related literature and studies on amalgamation will help in your research study.